33 U17U~ OMI*DA HDR&ZD5 il "a ls fysaCAVAD ima UEtAL. vhenenver ach secuily vws effereut for pub- thé.m un 112 wlt.estmmhà" the mU, brsie im oproreuleuts, lb.! vouid borrow rnmoy Go.., iny r.,- olpl aund pused bb th. Bousefor anini lb. F.gliah umarket, ou the smme Diatri ef Aioe"uly, frthe relifp 1 VReiiogoe men si sthoy procured it for thonmlves mand taninsgi eiou, emabing haepemetîveit, tale vhich voua d notîbe at a groatet rale oaini ta mî sud heMd, in coip«Sare suceeioni, land for Ia terestt han frorn 31ta Siper cent. Ibis îogohh- Did ( Churchlot sud baral grourglu etha ai ht or vith tb. favorable rte ai Exchange prova reesiM i lts couoctrrncoilhe Liegislative vould i ut oMaîiMt ut l nboris the toant ou Pro'i Cosai It la, 1I understandt hé »me ID mch securty, oi a mach larger suin, thon 20,W< principlo sMdlsubsnce, sa.th Bil frsl in- vas reujuireet for cayaigibis abject m ineo- Burli ur.duced on Ibism sbJect by Mmý. idweI1 foo't; hum proposai however extended only te Mlett Senior ju 1 . khepamdtheAi dlY. ligu sinot.«~,M0, ahpreeut. It hautbeous af ti Ms it b hserai tifes ince;but the aiitiCil osleecteet by soume Hou. Gentlemen tisaI 1he sist itn bave uniiormvngaietil nereey pewouîd fanu t i difficuit la pay the tva Anal modification a0t1 fr, ,mli b peen hllingsaudi pence anuiually for one days cd, t! yermeenlbyea i rt senmt il deRol andt- ibr; il dhowver, béen propascut aone haut r ed by stikiug out Presbyteriatis & Romanlien bsB sthtb.hoeiti.nti Cahles fit éb.religions dénominationsl Staule lab aiiioud hé commtil for linma- ti opecifieut in th dI;asafevt, it snoms, uoy; the saine objection vas then made, as oxpei couented la inclade PresbYterians, but te th difficullythe people voulut experienco prort omiting Cotholic, for ane resonoi vhicb inu pyiuj ail lu money; but tisere vas a said1 1 ar not informeut. Periape il vas tbaugbl greatdaUlrence, iu calliuig upon themi to ufli that the provisions li the Ccnstitutional commute for one day only, and hoe vas of give' Adc i favoiar of Roman Catholica art sa- Opinion liaI if duriniag tbe yoii tuen they m'adl iLient. voe. sellinui their Ïpiei, this payment they Sucbl repeateut rejactions ilbth Bill by tbe vas keptinl view, but 11111e difficulty, i ay, Got Concîl dascouragout mauy ai tsMofnde. Vile vould lbe experienceet in resgerving nusenaîtliSprii thaaghl it voulut neyer su.ceed; but otiers a saistigre shillings andt six ponce, taipa ptsrsevereut in brinlng it forvard, year aller Mro . wor.mtetatlecosdr-2 par, anduthle public mauafemtly approveut iof OitO'. enatesi, Iht h arcouis.i-20 i, and calied fur ils adoption. &fter six eu. t i mptopertla oi pocb;ar it.a i years oppoition, it ih now adopljeu; sud lie- !hich had already maie good roade, vithin geti =iu aven tlalbe applauded by ane roeaaus aon bounds, ta maire road@r for others- visio reoappoeuta t. lhe people in naro setlenenti, voulut in Notl The hislory ai Ibis moanstean d several alniY cames fiuit it axtremeli difficult ta psy litre otheri, shevs the progi?55and incresing the 2a. Gs. annually; hoe shauld o~c ah lie s elreugth ai public opin, vhicb graduaitl aicasure guneal, or ta any ~ rIbspi. vorks ils vey mb e éConcl, althongilb.theGare District, vas la have ts fulshste vay, that branch ai lb. Provin.cial Législature ?of5tny mauies liaI uigbt. etaiseut for lie gui appeafe ta bie, lu général, mauy yearm b. i Mpr. ain o the Rondo. tHýe the public sentiment, lu respect ta anprave- Mr ,oeacnsde itnattobe hi mentsinlui ur institutions muid heros far the ta the genarAl priniple ai tii. mosute, b.e- Batt canvenience andt satisfactiouinif te peiplo. Causa ane District bappenout ta bave ado'an- d,%Vo Tii. final succttsuof ai ismuc desireut billtogesin soitmand situation, whicb onbed t ai B is a triumph ai priadiple over préjudice.rithaut much difficuity or ex1aouse ta intube tanu: Il should encourage th. people, li every good ruaids, hich ochers Wcro net nmafoteboli County, ta eleact RepremertatiVOi. roe iii nalo as te pones; the mode propascutlhe cotn- teint perseveringlV anîd indepetîdeitly support sidereel as perfectîy practicabbe, and if sumte- Le1 their inîtcsfimuid roies, rolicli ate differ- thiuig vas nul nov deute for ianrevieug the in t eut fon, amdinl many poinuts cantary ta Hîghvays, il would bo a refleition on the nov theovieve of the ministrial Party,qnuder the legislatiire; the meamuire was imlportant, a nuroni ptmietihip ofithe Bdruornet mui ad Reverenut the country experted thatsane ge neial gaa 70,0 lea drof the Cotincil, asisted hy bie officialI'sIre voojîsibe adopteut andt carrieut ato effecl val fredadpple head ai the migasteria- rithrut lao il n.anid lirtieunte puliofaIttheinl.Mu. Frry haut laa doubt that tie mecde pro.-000 A FREEHOLDER. po)sed migbt ho pacticab le, for thoe nw ho Pue Ernest Towon, Match 20, 1828. iveu li Tovus, ou the main Rasi, tcitu the hoe (rotier; but ils imudshilm voulut le felt by vot ____________________________ litagboe aro liresi in lhe literior, whose motiey bac 1BO INoAx 1A LZA . ould b. reqttired front them, net tu <aube in1 _______ ___-tbeiu' ovn radg, but té bac expendeut on uch the Fromthsie U E Loo.eaist. as vert a distancefigeai theai; the cauitry1 ye. TAuraday, t Mai w. as nov, caud requireet ait their labor, muid tuil .duerstburgla Market Bâ"-nd Reading, moesta, hut IlyIbis proposition une days le r la comnmittee. vsuui1igt cnini abor ;v a 1ieb.taken f iemeach setler ttu e it Mr. Bidgewas nili paotnu l et r twovashillings muid six pence, lu stiu pavots already given ta Magistrales in make a commnon Rondssi; lieb.tbought vas wt other Tawus, anut shoulut therefareo ppose not eqital; il vas net fait; it vas laxutig tho cou the Bihllu its present shape. pour, muid fàvoring the riei, anîd this vas the the Mr'. Gardas viaheet that this measre nOobjdect aimuet af the ieastires, proposeet by the shaulel nt b. cousidereut an a mater aifa- the Huti,.muid learnee Gentleman whin uit . v lice; il vas ouly farthle establishment ai a initteut the pueserit oneO ta the Hanse; ithoea.i maraket on the saine toumas haut been gran- eur shoulut b. carried le ho m Iod move pld, ted ta otiier Tovuis, muid against vlaich hoe te have the Midland District excep..te8 from ter hait net hetirul ai ny coaiplaitet. its provisions, andt shoulet propose tiat il bhothb Mr. ~Us I~ln deirus tst M. biýt ta repai ils stavndas by pyitig for ex- pla là ..., 1_ tp ~ sa" L iii.~tti voulutbol li; al Towm uhhriti<ein the bland sais tiaenal,-burîlicuaId t e peo p e oChai i .mi u Towon Cnutail, voteut aginst the. Bill. lho ahaulet abject ton, ta leying ont so larige les Mr. ardon explained, hmt tie Bill gave a sum as 25,0001 lu anc year, because lie ati ioaddiianal.Ilveta tho Magistuatos la thought il voulut b. iquaudered,atkd iîîsleadhIl levy Towun taxes., il auiy applied la the e of os- erle htih ha ncua e tablahaient af a mnarket,ain camphiatace viti ment shoulut be giverk ta Road liocieties,wbho ti thie vicies of thtii people ai 1ha Town aifi oua d du more good; ho vauld plèce a tun Amherstbulgh, asd an the. sainie cantionsa~, share of the muiney tue, in the bauds of Stage fai m% ail tier marets in Taons ibrougliaut cantractet&, on thbiu gavuig good securty, no the Province, *éte establisiheut by LAv. muet allu thoNS ta expend the oaiy,'*hoti' let Aftet came further discususion, on motion thore vote no Rondt Societies. s0 ai Mi. Wikbnson, the. committee rose, lu- Mr. Seauiak puoposee t<ho establiimefit mh stuncting the chairman ta mare, hoai.et the ai Turupikes andutotal gales,' aI a distance ai pr Bill ta a select Cornuite, ta amenut it li Overy 20 milées; ho did ual îhink il fait ta th suci a mannes, that tie authority for estab- take <ho hack-wooadints labar, tacanrich it lishir.r andt regîlmtiuag a Maket. siaulutlha thune~ living an tii. main Romuts; ha voulet R vesteet in a Tovn Counil, la b.e chosen au-. have toi gales erecteu dthide dues paiet by th mpuillIlb the people ai the Tovn, nstem't hone,Wroaudrivcd lhe benefit froua usuel- th ofithe MagiotrAte& 1 iing[ouia uipika Romt.D The motion vwu carried in the Hau ut*ad Mt. c wvas upposed tatahe genermi qi the Bill, teferaudtet a select couauittae, for measure an lb. graunsi, thâl xl amounleu ta 0J, thtpl54ffen..Reor an unuequal taxatuon; il woulut ta from bis c Port iafpe Rr i.Rpr by the (the Niagarae) District five thotasanet days ai elert cnmmit.-Read firit lame, muet or- vouk; th18 vas tue aiucb; ho woAd et ote- deru"' fit second :u iding. gislate partially but vaubut take caoe a ieas JW'terl,,eLndBi (forreiefofoil>àn. ErbovuiDistrict; ho voulut puefer liaIeamch Il anuthler)-rnd 2ud litne, ordereu ttobc District shoulut taise, muid oxpenu t is own pi engresseut mud réai a thurd tirne, taxes. n MVonda., March 10. The .Atteruu Gent. nid that li the course r Tii. %mendment iade Il thIe Leglisotive of debite,a Hou. Member haut charged hlm I Cauncit, ta tbe Bill fir the Relief of Religt i- vllubrning forroard measurtesauteitded cý ausi Societitsq, Ilheinrsu a second limte; on ta oppress the pour, mund tavrthle ich; il 0 latien a- vas ne douht a very easy malter foi liaIt t Mi. Ro!ph; a canfeirenco vas requesteut Hait. Gentleman, c- suie other Hou. Gent. e on the sobject oi lb. sïiel amendracuta QOr-te attibute mci miotives ta bis conucî ora deresi Wr that ai an! other pron; ho voulut r#k tise Tobacco WatHanse Bdil-oand Tobacc Hein. Meniber fron Louaili Adetanglon fi luapation BW-Mm. Wilkinson ai the select hy viom tliischarge hIutbeen oboidlylit comrntte e awh'am vas referred tbtese tir made" teamicro au instance wrobe s ma- n Billg; tic formuer iotrodacedby bignsoîf, anid tires coulu t i y degrie oaiguetice b. at-I-l the latter by Mr. Gardon, repotteut that the tacheut ta hlm; a nacasura couideree th b commaittec, haut arieedtote adopt the W.,.- utmoust aImportance lu lthe country haut beena hooosa D1, in 1-refèrencs. The report being introducauIlbiehuansd haut becomo a Lawo;6 recive- h alludeu tah the Assmment Lav. and lib. Mr. Wilkimis mi, salt i ivs et bit lu- vaid ssk that UB n. Gent. *heîier Ibis vas -tention ta poeu the Bill Iirough Ibis Session anE instance ai the motives hie haut ttribuledl -lia voualuthovaver neuve the printing ai tabli. With respect ta hbeobjections made SI, liaI the porion& rba oe inteucaed in Itheb.Hon. Mombet rain mWeaivortb (Mr.c the maeir, uigbt haro ti, ta teflect apon itauillîn) tespecl£tii. eRosls in the Gare1 lits povsero.us.District, b. toulalu ny may that ithe Roadi Mr. mrrie tbougbt thal bath hbis, liaulut in hit District toquireet any repaire tiaï;I le rineut tht oetyiutrgatio aiu bcHon. Gant. bad antita maan* thei, nd. li b. toue sggsle b 'be. elmieetAttly. lo aGoea i*, nkauthal it voulutlb. ,t ta taise mona. frorn bis coànatituents, aIe ronds in othet Parts ai the Province- (ask Mr. M.) socb sectional joalousies 'il vien aicabersfrointmli parts ot the rice votedu m 55Uaintinug ta ueatly CL4, firlii Oitttrudtion ai a Harbor il lingtoàBmlu that District. -The Bon. nbey, itou Weutrorth ought thorsiore, ho Roadp are goo inubas Ditrict, loas- in mendia; theai vicia hey asucal. 'ts Hons. Gent. (Capt. Matuboros) stat- tat the peopleilsa the Bathurst District no clairt u nappropriation oai aoy heit rads, »s îb.y lay near lhe Markets Loroor Canada, sud as tho Gavetumneal undeet large mussaifmono! fui the iua- ornsent oftbeirNmvigaioul. Mi. Mou is ho veas stutisheil ta hora such argo- ]t firsHou. Gent. afler <ho des-riplien n by tb. Alt'y Gen. of the stato of tb. se in that part ai the Prnvince, muid if yeoaiautin summerwhuen Ibe boariaci i. rais Perth, rohat must they b. lu th. ng muid 'aIl; îiiey voie in Massy Places >aatrie at ail seasons, muid although the rk in pingires. on tic Canal are vithin or 30 Miles of tie test population, siach e nature of tie country, tial it in alto- uer impossible ta convey auy bandaif pro- ins for the mupply ai tic vorbinens.- bhing vas ta b. icuaiet linthe Province eit, atidjetal ml formner accusions tuliotu applied ta Ibis Bouse for aid t, tondet sable moine aiflthe vorst plaîces, he vas aI- ys met with tho îepby, thiat, if aid romu ,eula one Distict, it inuet lic gaven toaaIl, a9ked if this wast jual, vien îiey hearl difficulties undor vhich the people in thuue.t labîîred. Teoîne vote aften ton me on lie roaut ta Buoçkville roitb a couple ]arrela et Peausib, rben anature miie dis- %e dictateel, that tie convoyasuce should te the ottowa, instead theicSt. Law- ice. Anotier reasooL hoemuid vhy the gpsbature ahoulet assist in makiuig roadi that District, vas, thal tiecocuntry vas wa, sud utnover etijoyed the autrantagel ferreu n thone parts ofithe Province.- "00. iiaving heen expendeet an tie higi- ,, befure that District vas ina cîatouceý d as there vas nov a populatiuofcil 9 ujuls, coutiributiag as iaalj11t th oijîttiti revenue as mtost aifbte Lstricts confidenly hopeu thtat theur daim .Id not go ununticeut, especially as tic: aucroevr pot theo coulitrY toany expenct Logislatimi;, as lie people at the heau ol eLake Ontîario bath donc, baviig in1 aril presenteu tthie h'aose,tbaree petitios ly. With respect la the plan propoase raise the lban, lic certainly thougit, tha was the lematl hurtheiàunme aifatay 75 igested, audt ta ex pect uuch imsproreenin ithouit puttisuglte peoplo te Poissc littie in ivenience, vas out1oaithe quaestion, io Le fiuasticial affaire of lie Province forbi, Le slugitesb expetation frotithec inuis-i a@, theref ire, the diahy oi the lieuse, t t the meamure lu the iuation of tihe pec l; lie thought, if the commutation ver tuLcut ta ls. fid. Ihat tii. inhabîlanlsi ie back Townships voulut b. murlibell4 scou, fur nolvithslanding tie opinionc on.getemaen, great utieaulty vais fett Liq;Y eflS eloxmw lu rmamfig7 tuaeuSM Dt suinin cash; itidoocl tbe oîl y corsuls tion tubici coul u sstify a plan ai tl itd, vas tue aperation et the vilet bauda essaient mot, rohich vili aI the saine tir hroro large suins aifroney mb t ieser note Townsips; muid Liat 1h. reutcionj àvro aithe pou'rei classe aiSetîlers migi oi ditainumh the viole anaounst te ho ce 'cleel, hae oulutpropose lîmat vealtbY Pe mnvi who amunyday. roork la peufor acuale catamaule for 2, 3, 4, or 5 ilmys, rnortiau t t eir Assesssents.-Underà te circwanstancm ai tie Countrâ, ho îhîîug ýadvisabi. ta adopt th. pirinciple Ofti Lesalutians, muid in <loin; sa bge trust amI the bouse voulut grant suach a suai he nopaaii li te Ramet, lu tiieBaîbui District, as tbear deplarabte conditioni qultee; rouets tito' rohicis it vas imsposi! Ér Carrnages ta poaisnud rober. the Mail earrieut by a mark ou foot, bettuee Pei net Rictuondt. Mm. Wilsion voulut appiy a portion ofit îauey luevery part of tlis Puerince, and bis opinion the plan ai Romut soc lotiesv preferuble ta tie one suggeslesl ; bbc si nmmcd vauld cerîainly b. mufficiesil mare a gnoit Road irous one enduofai Provinuce la the allier, but b. voulu ta caie 10 legislate for is avu part ai conntrv as veli as athoni; il voulet beL ter Io ta ahioro thepeopis la pay for b.i rexempt, froua mu latta tr .aiuingm, rolich VA ut no service elîher lu King or Couati Mi. Rolph thoagit that the moaaey sic' urst h.e raiscl, muet thon may hotu iltwu be esporadeut>in devisithlb. roysa miens taxation shoulillie aroiil, bacs the debt ai th. Province vam already gro a.e menîlonau this li inodai, liat due à sdratian abomalutlaie place under lie i oU ciicuaisances ai the country; m&ho we vii laboiing utader a gtqerai shate oe toi rsait te a general systean ai 1 =lona objec"te theii mode prtapm bec.use il vaa x on aIU, an thons v eau, a.svoella oas ré WoaCannai -Pli? kuetuthai li himaOvuDistrict (Londosn) people fousit it sIficialttoa y bein ci uary taies; heo oljecteil taei astlo, becat took mvay thoe Mousues ai ana part ai ce, fruam the Canada CampaII cd ha knew nat, but would = = te10 find out by moving an aâdfefà on la b.m-' ject. Anather source, vus the amount re-9 ceived for licences ta eut cromen timbet; tihes«h helievod ptoducod a considerable1 ue, sud would ils a goadi source ta improve1 tbe roads, as thie proceeds were froin aur awn soil, maid being drawn fromt the people shanld lie expended in th. country. The next saurceswatt froua ferriest;mand aise froun ctown lands »oId ine. the land granting systeus had coaed. These difierent.sources would force a aufficient revenue for the ab- ject in- viemr, vithout re4iiiring taxation, snd hoe lid no doubt that bis Majesty in bis liherality vauld aibame thaïe manies te he expended fer the gainerai impravemeaat af the country; if thcy voe floet sufficient h. would thon consient ta provide for any ne- cessety balance by taxation; mand the fiut tax lie shauld propo", wauld lho an incarne tax an thone who received large salaries: hoe would propese aise ta tax clu. mand open jcarrnages. and waggans wîtb steel and waod- en sprangs thon vîth the resioureos lha hid ateady ,entiotaod vould taise a sufficient soin for the repair of Raads; muid if any balance shauld emlii hafouuid wanting, lhe wauld then consent teaua addition of 10 por cent front each District, on the Assesments now collected; ail togother vould certainiy give enough ta b. expended on the. High- wavs, U A pt.M aithauswvassurpsise d uet the.pro- rposaI mmd- y the learned gentleman ta tax ping agionu-hev veto not asticleofa luxuri but of1 caonnence, La the peopleofl 1he c4mutry ; hoe remeanbered that a otimilau àproposai vas onc.e made in En lan.d, and at- rtempted te ha carîied inta effeet but lied nbeau evaded hy disponsung vith the Springs, eand usi; Cushions insetd-tbe tax wau thon imposeaion tbe Cushions ued in Wag- aons, muid this tue vas evaded, by the vomer ,fer viome canvonience themo Wagons were e 1 genetaily usaid quilting their petticoats,that [tbey mighl ride easy; the proposition sur- * prised laits, more than any hieunad hourd in % thia bause', and more particularly as il osai -front bis Hon. anid learncd coileague. 1- The Attorney <icor said that it was hiq .1desire te ameertainwfth r thelb. ouse vould :adopt the moastrehe had proposed, e. r e lie proceedod with the netessary detkkileatid Sthe Jabot that muet unavaidably lie boabow- ta d in preparing a Bill for caruyang il intoe l y, fee, if il hogld ho apptredi of. The plan ,,whiclàbâti begn ptapasedl as a substitut. by >f theb Hon. and learned Gentleman (Mu. 8B Rolph, i cauld net bêo xpected ta offect an~ Is thingthis year,eveui if the application whic. ýd b" suggested sbooîd lie auccemifulmand ni ,t this lho thaught that Hon. and loarnedent. et muist himmoîf b. avare. As tu the munies tg ftin theb Canada Company, they were nlot ai n-our dispnsai; tliey wero mready aptapiial- or ed, aud farmed part oa i teCreui lenuVI d Wiîh respecttlu sales of Cîovn Tnaaber, they .itlihdalitt oalisod a greater aura than 500tand te the amount vas aire'dy dsvoted le Ithe in- 0.. puovement af the Navigation of the Ottau reRiver, and in the constucton ai the mai '!e nificeul bridge over tht River; the am'orun et received frein Ferries was 100 îridiug teabI ai conidered af any caumquence, aud no sur in Plias b.d arisen fîom thaI source. Asiti il- Ccown L*ns, it could nottlbe expected thb , he sale of those, which et ail avants vas ex gis tr.amely limited, coutld ho considered as be s- ing ia uidisposai, insnead ai Ihat ai Il neCm ntbe rn»prnperly îhey vote. *ce The. public debt af the Province havit, in been alluded 1e, Le voeld lake tim appt lit tubitY of requasting Bou. Gertelareert uj the public accoants-thoy would thare fit et. that durigog the tmat yeat about ane sixt r.n p'rt of il, had bacon paid off, mund with ru. in pect ta the pliment measute e hobughti 311 uufaii ta catiîdor il as a l-ix, or as adding1 'ht any respect te the puliie debt of the Pr( ladj Mr. Bidwcll would net consent ta sui tu port the mode propomeil by the Attorue lut General, until ho was satisfied, that naout oe r sourctes couti ie b.gaI etfor the ienproig ýb ment ai the roads. Tho Canada Campan J, a conidereda» a perfect aberte 57mb ith muid vouaid thereforte erdeavouatel ascertai how the manies veceived ironls tbem vil the expondee-he woulet gel Ibis infommatic 4 in 'Il aIl events, mand if il shculd then b. four wa that no other moans cotld lie deviseet,1 mm voulut vote for the proeut measure vi Sta tmre modficaios-the lufomiton bosg the ver, sb<iuld firet be obtaineet. ýake Mt. ilassiftorsvouilît suggssl as au mdq the tianal resourco, the. inlteet receiveut by t bet- Province frons <but »ank Stock k ladt tai dng an th. Batnk ai Upper Canada. As tet rate remariai fthe.Houm Gentleman frein L y. ail, 1, . Morris) lha voold reply thatt uid Buriugton Canal voulut net lb a burtbi g 10 t tho country, asil v oulet ev.ntmalby p and bath the intereit andi principal oaithei, l'm loaned on publie credit, for il» coustructie et; . r La4feti nquured vhateray Bc io- demnknew vilhatbecome. .itlb.en pre id Qu(akers, Monouists, and Tumiq auld essaliption ficou Mililla duty; ho thoui , ftesheuld lbe expended onuthe Ioads.. EGf Yi r uu 74r--y ied thU t tey nette «d ,ead b iét te» Vrh tho eer = =. in vicli uey ti qb. 1&Î; tOtis mmnaiW»but trifing, am the lUimmafgewthe7U'Ufl ot rsgltyensc ver. belfàflot 11110110110d -n n<Idw.g M i gaiés getlar.keala _et DoRrIme;tI consiîdered the Most preferabie or,,~ the imiLed te i*Mpr#vemcnt f t. if heCottee shold conr>r' ij, olution proposed by the Mort.,r an, MNember (Mr. Rolph), he should il ider it necemssy ta pursue the uIeasurt . further. rMr. RolpA.-If the the Wi,,., wuîh bien and agite to ask f,,r Il tion which hi.. Resoloiton ebn ' j' would thon ho prepared 10 d evinatal, le the HighWays. Mr. BiduatUl preferred the.Alr,~C, eral'usaeasu e, raller tba% be 'w L Lb ('« smeuthing shold certaouoly be dore fr lý roads, and if na other funds could be f he w ould m ale use of this; at the ge 11,n h e w ould flot agree 10 expe i o Àrr suit in onte year; labor wig, airadv 5 in mSTIy parts of he cOtItity),ad lie et, would b. la taie the prie ut it Ch lil, mers; he.would not tiierefore exptr j ~ moderato smm an one ve,,ar,anln.,j that a gradation shotild be vbheryj' commutation; ail who tesided ili11)e d ia te r v ic in ity o f th e r o st I ot be i o t ýt who were ratted fer ,sixeta)- labor'rv shauld commute fur the hle aln! e,5 Ï *proportion as they were fiiitierfre, tý * The information asked for by de R,;0 * ion of Mr. Rolph, need flot stop tile P,, grees of this aneasure; both taigib( e rro. *ceeded with at the saine limne, bt e,, fonally losing the one suggestd hy tht t. f arney General, ha would watt for a, L f wer ta the addtems pîopoed by the laii. rtion now bofare the cnmittee. * Mi. MeLean wilh smre modification,~, tprovedof hemeasure proposed by .hrL1,, ed Atty. Gen., the information whjth the!e. *solution ptopotied obtaining, migh, be a,. cd for, but the funds to which Il'ud,. afotming part of the crown revenuie, tret ecold b. no expectation of geurrrg Woity, ýt from, uch a source, fr the îoeproee, f -the Ro;,.da. n M r. P étenion co rld noa m ient fa the A e oproposed f or improving the Ruads, ai t. ed lpon the people to py mone; hecc> ssidorod it as uinfair, and agninst thie itern, d1 of the country; in rnany parts of dt a ln- ýe Vince lit was difficult te taite a sinigle hîl. il ling iu money, the peoplo in bis D)îrit, r- found it no easy malter tb pivtheirordinsry f- taxes, and more timte would te lepent in go. si ing to, markeet ta raite this additional two ,y shillings and six pence, than would bere* r.quired for the performance nf thed-avu late Swhich vas proposed ta lie commuted for; be foît the same objection la payit;g il, WOOCi, )f for exemption froai miltia trainings,and le t. taxes of any kind he was oppoerd. Aile » feit desiinus howeyer that sooeethingsboult it he donc for the improvement o'f thet radi, t_ he hoped that soute plan would yet be du ~.vimed nr se, important and object. yMr. Rolp&'at esolation fer sn ddresu; mi dthe subjeet of payasontil made, and tab n- made, bythe Canauda Compay; sale c a Ctnwa Lands; Crown Timber; and Ferru g.was put and carried. nt Mr. Wilson proposed an additionalUte go lotion for aun oddroe, on the subject of 1Nl r- ltta fines; fruai whal ReginrentA and tse to naines of the peinons paying such finl,to jat the laitt hirteen years. After soin. 'ir ax lion Ibis Resolution being put, wasalatm v.. ieil. ho he committte thon rose, and repotted te 1esplutiotîs; foireceiving the Report Yu îg 12-Nave IL r- Tho Iebolutions being then everalIypt1 ,t by the, Speaker front th. Chair; te 10 md firs1 af the @pries ptopomod h y the Attrel Lth General were Cmrried, and thoure cf 1?e"'iu es Rolph snd Wilson, foriaddroues en the ial' it jacta allnded ta, lbut. in Mr. Bidwet mavod an addies il, fiEl o.~ cellency the Lieutenant Governor, fr Rb. ports of Common Sehools and from Tribed i- District Scbools in the Provtnce.-C.uTiet Ly Capt. Mathew's notke-bil for th e W' l- toi ecccian of Grand Jolie#. AdjnuriDel re- At aut Toed.t y Match 2,l~ em'i At fourocloek titis. day, Hit Excelleof! in1 the Lieutenant Governor being getted Il e the Titroue in tii. Legislalivd ConDc an Chamber, andi the Bosuse ýif Amsebtrr Ind present, bis Excellency was 1lratid Il ho prorogue the priment Session of 'iim , eh with the fallowing Hwgor.UsSPEECH. EmwwGraimm "IIf the Ligàliait sdi- ýCu=, and the G.ulsanm of tAs Homeoua..! ,sel~ ke The pcried of your session bas irigbt' the extended ta its usual length, there art 80 #an ma e of great mand gefeal mtmt te th peope ar this Province, whih1 ben hoped might bave been proented tO e e p the result of your labors. yn baY mm Raving recommsnded ta atcyu ion. mo<Si, tat MMrne ffictual provision~ for tia Ion. improqemat ofaI oadu sb.mld enP yO hm attenition, md eing aware, fru~its b ke taa. pseae to ame, thal gemaut fr P0 qj moting otherivaluable abjects wgld te posedd le your cansideralman, 1 halsDole Ir &I, foséd the-prorgation af theoeihu sof i b.hteed by » cure i10011W % in »totu nmy power to do tante doa ftd .ea.lust on futar ie inl tbe pliain is Mareti, whib 11," conncte wIt th vefate of tWtc e ttlne rnsatetint em0l'a wonu.gneu4sà *tat ho b.bail I u..e*, tubs«i sa =18'fv- Sits duty, inmbmtihîg whba bIi *wMdthe Iuiabit~fUP îth ' mtlo b,th Iuny ConSau P.ta i.P grte e us AI'lleted S. Fe iter ai Foe Péermioni P mRis ECos Icy ai Fr, Satepad a' T'h.the perfeet bur ai Groaco. en entire o ph., ih fuit em e ve u4 behsliof th test.sn vhleh hL persouIll eteigs ofta #oer of thb. ham aho a 1tiuitt 1»9lst preIl testerd pupers lia. brl* ed in]F ofvr iatieu i the 441M tvoire 1>4 au; Ofl