Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 1 Apr 1828, p. 3

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WE IIm O*W*»A mAZ3. rouai bli loa tuia ltlae 1 or h 1 C he Ifaren l0liea e l~es rdl il, iU' lt, pend n fil n le - meaerit rat-. laor a SOe, analit1 bhe Scoola, thibut befatyt te hd bythe t. Wit for ana. thy le Resota.. fodifcaîiôaa, àp teleTrial. W igt bcak- » rVenue, there Segstiîag mi)atey, sute te nid, n< Batey; lbe toi- Dnot the i aterests of lite PrO- a sangle sil- nbis Ditrict, y uheînordînary De speati n go- addiiaanal îwo a vaaîld be re- the daiys labo:ý uted for; ha it a la cey, inirigs, and t1 d. Asiab thingîhouli aifte raada Id yet bcd ,ataditoh1 Sy; Sale ;andi Ferri lonal Reti ta ad t~ ,Ones, f %-otted t dr; thte ta 4O Attattît bo aileta on ttc lui non, fat Ri =n Truste m.-Carnieg faot te be .tjourned. 25, 1828. Exceîleaa gseated t vd caauaa lb>'bein ite are so, 1 tres, 1 ltid ta DM , when 7e Wou for t ages for P "ud hep gareti dmePOaP "Monl t ýw7 iI te #mIoott f dae, c nada, nmapprbeii5nfl W5te îb.lrruadli t el e "psradW b. e t e slimoaty, vithauit alu l.ru 1 tote, su thepropr oject ofsil p ma st paol th e Of thoîr officiai bwmB.. orany peesonal , ai est, ud h taer bjeete aaail t tela derlaire aon's..t uu.vs e iih thu, aof andi pros- oe» ga esrbdWu sud~y ,biba v a ia ni 1 anit.a =d «farriciitatua daim- teins,, boauso ile C.mttoo rli hnel b. hoemploya in le a olous and nun- antiof mutes farfeltet ulot Ib"s&el hadti olbeau snoeersaontoam,-as teappiy laas ffiddappllcaion,to obj.ctsof evidentand iluelas" b. in ta rderor le. gsillafote attend a"sth ,Omuleded ulility. 4. An sa te moike valid thé. acte of Raad teostiiy. Sncb athendances eing a pormonial IC S Sarveorà, aud taeimalit tet prvW andti s n ffica acf, vas net a ptopica j1OforNtheTRACTS. 5subjech-fbisha.offcia3 hieeion, but lhe op ______________________ ._An net for ii.e lief ai ReligilausSocle- oaDAY TÂTER FEOM LONDON lm gur.i n .suoseP.prate mbjet oia, muonm ira. the w. have Ibis monng roconivodthii Ii 6. An &et ta soeur. theivl! andi polical Committe.. Anti if tiers had haeeasnta dis Courier oifithe .vening aifte l9th ai rigits ai cerain inhabiisants of Ibis Pro- ai carbs., au the Part aiflte bouse, il Fekqusy, b>' the shîp Bsaw, via Batttis. ne-Aondoon tMe 111h Marck. vault bave made tac diffweuco, lirespect Sc ýIlWtheii. ole four pages aiflthealicet, 7. Aunset for enabling WS. W. Baldwin, te the questionu ai right, or the, legal oblige-'h ~~oied bythe dobate which tiok place Esq. ha catryjuta oeffstet the ill ai the lieofaiheb.sumnotasti individuala h abte . th, Monte, ai Coannons, on the evsniatg lits Quettan St. GWorg. the umittons, Dmt bis Exeellesacy reinsed, s' îeltaiFbpriletatirn8Anmlgranting a su i fmotey far en- bis permission, lieauso hoetiid net knov the obi tave ben repablished 1ibis cil>', graving a map oi the Rideau Caal. malIers ai which the. Petitioar complained, i w 0, the coaIlof Lord I4Normanby, for informa ,9. An set te provitie for lt.e construction oai Wna 2ta tte causesoftai llte breaking aUp *apran& ta mill dam.. or what vers tiie facto lu regard ta viticl " of the Mifisry.th omte sbdt nrogete The on'>' article relative la ithe affaire be-1 10. An c for the. relief ai Daniel Erb and i otmttvseit llraaett tween the Allies andthie Porte, ilatlb. * j otbers--Re.rmdJd s Aigsùlcutwisof vitiluse, fhane aualnfg la inusif the owlgwhiiut.Co.anensay, f ies1la 18ieMaje.ty'a plsa. jmirlsdction ai determining, feorths Coin- 1'T tf roe iiaporthlce. Il isesînactedt ointhi 11 An set la enable Wm. Obiomahoe- mntes, haî questions thley should put tu1 N,,enburgh paper of Foi. 11, ttacelivod i trt Sabarbot eat lte 16 mile cneek, in witnesses examineti befare thens. This as-, Lalduaion te morinc of the 9t:- 1 Trafalgar. sumptiîne aposer, scthik as ail dvised S Proite h Danube, Feb, 5-lt la affirmid j12. An acc providing for tho erechion of anunstfalJ tlaaî by te atditaoal convention, sîgaîced Liglil Hanseara the Fime Duck.-an jusfibe t L ondOfl on te 21st ai Decemben, beiveen 2£1000 are approprialeti for that purpose. le suppontîrag thc uthorit>' of the. bouse hi th three Paonsr, a itirtiter deicay nf irv 13. Pedlar's, Havkers, &. Licences andi oi Auucatbl>', as au ledependent braneh ai ta 50,rc is granieti ta the Porte, la affect, du-I daties contiuatian Bill. the Legielature, a largo majorty ai thc tin tb urme, ithe pacaficaioneaf Greece, 1î4. Wild Land Asseassent Amedaient bouse, lenttis case, periormeti a painital, baul,_1 othe basis of the Coravention o f the 'th ai Law -Thtis aci enables persans tapy as il appeane t atheu, mosi essential and 1,1y. 'rite legitiora of the Nethenitaat Ilair taxes ta th. Treaarer of the Dia- iprtv ayt hmevs hi ucs Cnatinlpe is mentianeti as lte orgati trict ira vbieii hey reside exteetis ttcaheiv iayt itusleie ucs jhr,,Ih %i h tbhim tielay 19s ta hie itimated lime for seliing laedscne yoar, anti pro- maors, andi contitulegts. CI o the Porte. Nzlow, as it na>'lbe takon for v ades tat tiie accusmuatmion midi nat ex- Biufo>,.thé ,-e odgmSiee. g1,ned ltat Ibis terni oi two menthe s t ceeti 50 pet cent. 'ltf il, reckancd fa2 te lime whenî the corn- 15. An atl ta makre god certain inooles ad- Wtoreas, Religions bcauities of varions; ,a';catlaan 15 madie at Consarahraple, il 15 vaneed by tie Lieutenat Govennor a- denominations af Christians finoti diffleulty rAlalaf tat the imeportant quiestion yill te- greeabil tith addness ai the. Hous lait in sectaing ths title oi lanti reqiite farthet niait ,aWe ded tili the monlt oi Aprîl, e- gsin site ai a Charet, Meeting boume, or Chapel, ia. tapposinz tuat te iarte shoutlti again 16. An aci farthec relief of Caplain Matti- a, Burng Grounti, for anat of a torporate ,efaa.e uLs aseatt te proposais cf lte titres e VMapaemîy ta taire adi holdth le sane ina pet- Alied Pavent. 17. An act for settling lie différencel e- petualsuccemin,aradwhiereas iti expetiient a The instructihons sent ta M. de Ribeau- tween te Contractonr andi the Barlington taoprovide sine aie anti adeqaza relief ine- 1ire la stop for te preaeni eiter a. Malta Canal Commissioners.aincit cases. Be I it e. Tial viteiever amy arCfi, as Weil as caort Guillemiool's te- 18. An aci ta continue. the ïmvs imposing religious colagregation or society cai Preit>' a tinttuC,)nu, appear to ha. amaaedalivCOt- dties tilles , terians, Lurteratas, Calvinists, Methodiste, 'J rantea wlh titis iîew atteunpt. ta renier a- 19. .,n aci ta contine duties an sales el Congregationalisbo' Indepsaidents, Aitabaip- 1aî1qhet a lpa aaraaniecessary. Some tamin.dis, Quakers, Menoniots, Tankers or Mao-f r)tieSayPi Auction. àne ben rvians,eatill have an Occasio te take a con- melta ibaPorte i:, senti Deputies tieti 20. Ar acaidathoriing theGovernment ta voyance ofilaad furauayofte uses aforesaiti, ta toi kindnfCn ess.witia lite Ambasai artow 90,00<11. in Eiaglanti, ta pay the lu thaîl andi may lbe laviul ionrte ta ap- ti daaC of thc otheT r tr. Nathing futhe. ir Provincial dolaI, point Trustees ta whaam andt ieirsuccessors ' bas vet traiaupireti epecting the eh inge i 21. Kingstona Batik Bil. toble appoinrd ie sucb manner as shallilbe t lhe Ruoiin Cabinet, wîîîci actainots. truté22 Suppl>' Bill. specified inlethe de tielb landi requisite forj S. Ptrntarg, i,,patle n ias prbî.ble. .~ail on any ai tte purpoues aforesaiti oa>' be c Pirig papens cof Feb. 17, hltiroceceir- lit aur oeil ms shalpublimi a liii ai thec conveyed, asud mcli trushees and tIliue u- a ed ëi Laradan. The ialiawirag patiage il;Blls piaiseti by the Houme ai Asacinll>, andi cessers in perpetual1 succession, b>' the name f extîr-acd frni a i peech ofi te French Mii- .expreiet inle mach tiect, smial lbecapable of biterofiForaizai Affira, li thm Ctzmber of.* rejealeti or dinentein t he Lcgislative taking,tholdinig, andi paasassîng sncb landi,a peri,lti Fridiv the 15th of Febru a-y:-- Iouncil-Alsa a liat aofttc BUis vitich anti of cq>amelcing anti naintaieing an>' Hia, Extelency bavinz utpliiiied rhe po. originatet iili taie Legisative Cauicil, anti actiun or 'crions ain Iav or eqtuty for the. Icy of Franciae, viit resipect ta Greece, lte veresent davu for lts cocuarrnce aiflte pratectinir theneof antioai hein rigiti thereto.4 Pesunstla, Algiers andth ie South American Asembi>'. Aiti bell tt. Tht t <li smiaîl nCii6e elti Statm fsid - in trust, far the ptirposes afaresaiti, more IThe three C -burts are ating in thc most tin ire acres of land, for an>' one congre- prfi-at barman>' with respect ta tiàe taffairs CONTEMPT. galion. of Graece. Titeir ununarimit>', fountd on The came ai Col. Colli anti Col. Givens, Ant i e il &c. Thtasch Trustees. hal i eralre entiuîrnrity of via-w, mnd prnrca- inapnimoaîet b>' arder of tb. Houas ai Amoum- vitin Ivelve montheamfter tb. executia'n cf pes,is furtiter sîrengteneti 6 v rn>'hing bly, ion a canuempu ai ubeir suthonil', li- mach leeti, cause lthe sarne ta bs rsgistercti whirt au noble tiisinlereat.-diîoss anti a ira- valves aai iciplc oi gnes: importance. The ln lhe ofce ai tb. negister ai theC touitiy, tete love of peace etn lispire them in ii, onain. vbich the land U. blf tmif it gecerns ente'prmze. righu0oftce Hoasso tu appoint a Conmitece Andti6e itlire. ThoaI sîl ceiyncees matie Il lit ni>', perhapi, lis permnitteti me te bear ýwtt autanit> ta enti for pensons anti papers befone (the passing ai titis Act, for ail, or an>' lrtim'arav bers e tte noble aqssurance's imatmitteti, fur il cannai lie tenioci. lîlsai the purposes afonesii, siml e goond anti wiicb I bave hai thie happinat u nereaiavc tnt a mnesCeremonion.5.tivilege, but a prac- vaii ira Iaw, n like manner as if te ame Perianallv irom n te nata t te yauaîg Sor- hclat meil îiî t a i bcen maide mter the pas.ing ofthbis Act, er-izm ofia great Empire, ttc vorrt>' iter- 1tcladesnilrgt i U tteanti suljecl lu lhe provisiaras oi thas Act, itor aofte vi«daîmof Alexand'en, anti vio Legislaatitvs duties aifte Amabl> counîti provideti mci canvyanes@hal have benu lau ilso a igit ta necknon ntle fidelt! nfi aut, teni.aany cases, ho peniormeti. The ab-~ aiready registeteti, cor shail lie trreafter te- lis Allieç in lte engagemnent% aiviici binai lagatiun ta 06ey tc aummonsofsuncit s coin-1gisteretiaa% faresaiti, viti te vromonti ail, anti guarantee the equilibriuan ai Eu-:antîco is equahi>' uuquetonablc anti eCe- at r tlte passing of this Act. ope. - 1sar>'.Andti letssma inthe uty f h Te oloig asltintae. nai "t,,ati hive jasî bhearti the loyail protesta-,la sue u t ~~iolve eauarsvt iaîo the Ministers of Great Bitai:at oseanoc-n1e aclea o al- ina musly atiopted the bHouas.oaiAmebly thet 6rm intention reaniteailedton aotn tte cd valunutarîty. Dsbedience in a uch a case; ai Nova Scotia an the lti February bots. ph art iubhiaîghuoexcrtsobscraara sles drctctceaoinilis-'itnt i t . Resoisoe, That it a inte opinion ai titis lieTtcty bib h ba sabaetaeal con-Hiuse. lueia cases ai Sir Francas Bundett Houtte ltat licernies for lb. celebnitioaa ai pltes the' raaranteea-ofia suaceas wblcb h Aitt !tiIl hope ta b' talait u obt:ain vitiotoul ar- ag.aitust î as Speaker and Colemnan as Marniage ailirulti be granîti by ths Jutiges iilg recaunie (1araný." aSungeant at arins aifte Britisht Housof ai Courts ai Probale in the Province, anti Cuminoais, il vas solennl>' decideti by thesi. ie b.dinecledta lth1e parties, idt laI STIL~L LNTER FROM EUROPE. Cor1 a ags eciltitt oa athe 'maruagececremony sianîtdieb.psnformed Cour ofKin'& enc tha th Ho» bve y an>' ortiaineti or mttidriniter lvham Siaaic he fna.giaîg arwas ira type, we bave auîiioriîy Lo commit fat contempt, and liaI lite parties thinlu proper té select ion Ibis ta,,'a)te BolaDilv Ativentisen ai yeaer.at, rattainacexties ina Priaa b.Speaker's warrant,uader a Rsolton purlaote. Ppen tnth re 20t1a ai Fehraaary, receiveti b>' Oitbe Hous, ià s legal Justification for 2. ResoIatd, That it is th. opinion ai Ibis tiat bnig Rti'.e, fnam ~~Havre. breakiaagtse Hanse anti arreslîng. ant im- arn osia rvsanuali6 ai The R ' i-)rdinance thi batrapubliai-lfor rombiralng, iicroc>' congregatiomi e-I a Fanc caublabig sstaatnnt aun i nsoemng the bodiy ai a porian guuît>' ofaamcb IoaiChristie»farmed anti establishet ini "bi elin rirqlaete. ablinda-r t aipei 1h. iconteaupt. JPra-vince, pawer andi autioril>' ta punchas, of tapiteo, for nqîMathe~ preaidetacy o h!le tte case ai Col. Coila andi Col. Gies», holti anti eniç,y lande for a cturcit or place ltin"a ti tte lind farces. Tio licn-the allegeti grouratiof theirefusai tiented! of wonmip, turial place, and farthtecsupport itlf aite Secretary of War, titree %larshals, tcof nilta it oaaniolg thelisMinititer anti pnregation ; anti-t 1h-laie afRaguaanti count Molitor, andti lilaose etietgassert anti enfance il, o ranesmiet a tons eitera y v aicais pnie- lweîve near memnbers. te urender tiatclaie of il, ntou i hn lite odqy.ntt ioo tjyt yacre .The Cgazette de l"anco gires the îîîîow- rsrtios nlbta rr iitfraiRbti>'. htitlsteoino f#i IDmat tiene.sts aifte carative strenguîpoelHnetri' o sspeeii o .RmIs, hti al.oiinatl I Parties an the Cii -mber af Deputies. le i future louses ai Asacibly. The graund Houas, tita reginlers Of mmtrages, hirthes, tightî tç9)n th- raght ide t-as counteti 1 ai refusai vas titlCol. Coullinîvas Atijatant anti deahs,sould lb.kepl b>' tie sid Court ra of 13)manbrs iProhale, for .rery Comail>'etrDistrict 86 ta 0 9 - m li ecre The tight centre Uenal of the Militia, andi Coi. Gis e b.vierein uci Court# are eslablisuiee. t 99ta.7 The enr 686. Tite let acting heof te I indlien flepartment, antid_______ e 1t 5 h hlen'imiter nifinen- litià a t.h(Gvro, uponteir appli- Ror.-Tbo folloviug pacliculars oi s brs ougbt ua be 430, butilitera about 80 te en--*u datîble electionta, tva tire bscn madte peers, cation ta bina as Major Generai, lier bis pet- dot, vihu ai place ou ithe l7u i Match, oni has dieti. anti near 40) vone abeent. mission, refuseti ta pennitmi ta ob.y ltse are copied irontlte Osadian- Courant. ErracofaWe.racei,.d by the RRMne dnted samutsof tie Cammattce. B> ltais refus- £stract oais isfterfrousBhW, Murm e1. IlIlHavre, F'cb. W0, 1u28. ing, Hila Excelloamcy menreti a ight un bis " Yestendal being St. Patrick# day, il vwu aThe GrandSultian tas insaeti a proclama- pr arfm niteey tÏxmtlte eertt i l duohabours in BIyTown; liai,ia itihelih.reflisesta selanovletige port es rofueatg etsa eutno theai Ibm ite lors io b o tc aal ahnrdpc.dence ni Greece., ant ileupon fiestano agtesmnn ftedrovet of iraus 1le 2W0 ssch, with lissisers ÉÏ i% ua ibects, civil anti reliliouelste defentihauof iAuascbi>'. If ibis dlaim s sauldiliallspaii,~.Isatlêa an r- b .~~~-rCuty-SgUaed eetbutd tcAumll' r i xr ai Iir.ittav ai eu lcb. anbuibmi l Tlu Party in the United States, la favor rf eieetng their ilMiliiary Chiellale,» caseraI Jackson, ta tbe Prsidsucy, appun a exuît le what îhey affect ta tbink au ex- mef ai ailar palicy, the appointmaet of ase Duke af Wellington, a 4o;Military 'hîeftaie,» ta the head of the Briish Ad- aleislratioa. TV ij SeCAMBOA? NtIAGARiA, Captain rahaii%(sier, arrived froua Prscott an Sun- lay morfing, and yesterday proceoded on air voyage ta, York. Yesterday asoa, 5choonter arriveti ira. (vs helievo) Bar- ngton 3ay, laden witit Flour, i&e. for P!escutt. _______ Oc>- A copy of the Kingion Bank Act rili appear l i teoeil Hormîi. MARRIED, On Tbursdaythe 28th Pub., bytii.ev. Thums Camapbell, Mir. James Jones ta Miss lune Me. Masters, vaungeNt daughter aifPMr. lamei, McMasteaa, ail of the. Township oi Oaa Màe;onday the Srd Marci, by the Rev. rames rowlv, Mr. Corneliaus O'Sullivan ta LEleatnor O'Liran, both of!the Marmors 1- rn Worka.-Cogs. THE KING'ITO.Ç FZIAIE HIGH SCROOL W A-, A.opened yesterdav an a part ai ahe VYitu-,e occu pied by %aIr. Arnold, Front Street, uaader lthe direction of the Misses Rt. clffe. Kingston, April 1. 1 828. L'o te. Free and In lepentlent E.- lectaîrs<Of the COUDty ouf Nor- thuinberland. r raiemenl H:aita ýa-en carnesllv soliclted l hymanis at aDY Mise n. spectable fientiu to off r m'a -If ais a Caniaat the u-ît Gencral E ,ction; I hava iii an ttarvb anducral to .oane forw 4rd and ask your suffrages on that ,'CCmtion. In thus presa.nting mie self a$ a Candidat for your favor anda confidence. do not sup -amat-, Gentlemen, tiat citer a consciousna -s .f superior mn rit, or se- Ifiia motivez urge mv to conte for warît, but as 1 fa-cl a varm andi ,evoted attactanant talthe cause ai Patria. :1cm. anti havae a h'artféit interest tn this >rospanity of titis Provinice, tandi more tape- .iailty that titis Cou-bty sitouid prosper 1 In bhis County have 1 liveti since a cbilti. an. litre dle 1 expecit toaipenti the remaieder tif Inv davs, anati oda &Il1i r.in ta prainte th. it, resta ai my atiopteti coiantrv. Anti, (i:ntlt-me-n, pe-rm ut l iraform «you. ltar 1 -at àplealged te) nu partacular part>', elhher Illigious or political t boit 1wiuh ta b. a 'ar, mucus supporte-r ai the Bratishi Cosstitu mi andtihie nigits ana l ibetrs it Satfea-. :en thte Pý opîr. My prancipîrs wall Coi ail i'w me ta gn aGout thea country asraime olh er candiidates bave dosa. andl art sMall doing 1'1 ask vour vtres with a pitiful countenan- ail( hollow promises, as tit.v have atttanps a, olr mai enalaavour ta vin yoa elith! I itop,, Gentl. m.-c. tilat vomi' gnood sans -11 dula lpreciate lthe levaluanla- pniail, 3~ andi a iglits % tatap'ss s, aoal as ir, e an- lalagare, t - rat lla'otiallint gave them ai, -, titasa-, wio waauid bar basa - aougli ta, ta -'i.vour to Ipur, base therai.titcer by paiti nater>', or d-apirahle fat rery' 1 have tht, honraur to b et (,rrtieniet ta, Vaièr mat aiîlird, sineere, andi V- r,'humbl' s, rvaaît. J. A. KF.BLER. C',.b,19,; M -e*-. argmi. NOTICE* th tat haif of lot N ,.Ni , first Con .§.,on Township 44f Maryshargh fift ci Acre-s of which i unt'er f- ner andi fit for culi m ~atini, ,on th, Pr. iss are go. Dwvel/ing bunse, Stable «c. A D-ilà v an au pi te rg pkèr C ofl t Maair)g an 24 liaura tw Barmlb uf Wisak,. Fhý *boya Valuatblr Proprrty wig 1w let for -ïnv term whach mav be agrerd opon-.Ottd as; poiswr.scl ni the following adv4etNge-ý>a ri'ver failla g spring of pure Wvatet. d, ;iv, r ing lin the IJstiikery by aqas. dur.t Log at a higar of riglîteenfret from the lowt r fLamr. ;a mauch water as ia r quirimi, alan a Pump connertd witb the R.1i Shore. if rfquirad for M asing-the wood for ad Distallery 't m ohtainad antl oi ExcaIIent quai.y ai the Lot, in lets titan 1-2 a mil. -And is asitu itrd su cloSe ta the Wat. r edge, tuai coma in n Vessis rsc rectiv, * dinclisîge freit. The Stone mîlis in thi Bay of Quitaty, bt îng sttuated within bal a mile of the said Premis Grindiag cati ai ais be obtaanrd at littie ex 1-e.ptr*ffl deuireus o r0 outracI wiiI ap.i Ply to v lr P 'tri 'or in HalnwiIl. 14ATTIÎBW PATpilR,1ON. V.i'atlrt -fH P l . 1M r hb£ 18 W A*àî COM,&ItbON BUSINIESS.- Flac uabcriber vaî-puctfuili ionhs tie pao. lac, that lie hastaka a ;aicae aofchat largt StiiOU5tb t i dWti.rf, in titis Ter», re- cciitly accupied by M-um .MtCuîchon & crSa'a i, here be Int-ula Io Carry ne tii. above buiersuad wil b. ready sathteso pcing af the navigitlceta rdcel,'. ed for waral Goode. Prodit. 8ce. 4c tqany Poon tui Ihr Canadas. lie, wjlt always have inlh vUiploy sea woetiiybhasts, ulvigaaby car Wu andi esperleeceti bomn,, and bis char ges for transport wellIsle sa, S thase .ao %aY aimilar erabtishmet la iii.PrOvleve. lii mbsrubr win Mamaly rery attra. due %O the "dl s igof property " atmay u entruatedtito scare.,agvee*bly tai Kiomms l" 14*h .iemlU. john Muet ay. Esqufe,o,$*bgua, A.Moier Wawm d Ie4âwey. veU tt ecumtaded,*aku1sftmpiq. Ieut, a1 hen TeUs..abl etewm b"rdely by *Ibsbi rér, T. i »IQtT £10 Reward. LSoonomt for Coituterfeitt!!!$ %thl, 121h Mart, 1828. O tbeii 211. lest. tire. sua, icanus prsas wefe apprel eell u illage, for 'ttemptiaig te te eu r ot il n the. Litica Saik. A package Cantainalag 159> laillars vas founti on the prrmae of Williaa D ttîreik, iaho vitb is i.brother James Da-tterick. sud a persan nanted Gilbert Mufor-lovas rommltd ta Kingtm tu- Ona rht ir my tituber, at Langworth'a108, Win. Detterck madie bis etcape. takiMa wit hiiiaapistai brlongang ta so the u Cuaistalms The saiti Wm Datterick, lu abzmtl5 fret9machms li heigitt. rallier stoot, of a flord complexion and suppasetto bc ,iboat 25 years of age. Hati an aitiithe. of bas escapr, a white bat, ishite fUatiMa % aiorîs jacket andt blur Clati pantaloots.- Tiar pistai lie toua i uh hlm. ia large toraglit pt..tol mach a% are commely ued bv tii. Cavairy ofibtiis Provicea. Thé foilowing la ;i duicripiion cfth ills 61!found on bits pcrsan. Th;rroe 10 dollar nntes ant, Bank of Uticat. Inter A, payable ta R. Bren, datsrd ist JuIy, 1819. They are Weil executed, ltar is hoer eter a diffeece an thc piaper. and inj the Vigna tte, thea tait of the Dter ia (imitteti. Also four à dollar hbis, lette A, ai lte la cry h.ak. payabla- tu %Sm oith, or t>,arrr, at ah. Ontario R4fik. State of New York. dated Jaa.ais. 1816. These balla are Sa Weili ex.cateti, that several tcclct» jaxeges wcrt' ai a lousu ay whether ttsey ere cocaîta frit or net. Titane la no daubt nowe ver uf tht, buis bring spailas, from thle i-it cunbsatiaaaes 5boat manianed, andi there as reasum toaspet that thiarr i. a qalantity St sacrettinjetitis neigiborloi. lite D.'îrerlcks aai, unlar examinia-ion. thast rntey gait tW Bille oat the Rideau Caanal. and that they liai oàtainrd a premtians un similar bills ai St. Caithuarievai. L iç prohable lhey wrrc acting in concarrI with a gang ofi vil- hans, stattoned inledafferrut parts uf titis Province. Any pr'rson or persolas, who will appre-' h, cd thesaaad Wm. Dettarick, an., lotige hlmt ln the custodv nofatay peace offa-. r iii 'hi. Proavince. so thai lie may te brouglat re %h.te iall rec-ia'e a reward o n i E POUND.% and aIl reasonable a-xpcnces paîd. ftc publir. are cautiatard (o bc on théiar guard. GEORGE HAMIJ. P.- A. B. HAWKE. 1 P. 'the Editorsoni the Kisgton ('hronicle andi Herald, wili rvd'ge. by gi.ing tic above an insertion in their îap. .And ti ler Etl'ors of papers on thiai Prvincte perhape woala confer a favour an its inliahitants, if tliey woulal gave the above onc insertion in, th-ir pape r,. T HE suli'a ribers wilI giare the hagheta Cuaih Prare fer frnm ONE to TWO I1UNDRED BARRE! S of iOTbluAEL AUHU. C. U' 1. SIOWE. K;ngton, M-rrh 2TtC. 182. MUIRDRUM. N OTIC E a.o.l, Ia)a. K, vL tuail Pprsma d. sarnu '4fng;4gtng tit rCmaanngLoes ina ther Villag. of Muirdrum, Raid ont un Lots Nos. 18, 19, and 20, i je irventit Conces- 'a;on, ni Vauaghan, th&t te prir et preseet je 40 dail ira-to be paid in the followanig mau- n. r:- Five dollars cash dotai n, aînd Notes for five dollars, at six montis. andl tee dollars Ot twelve monthsa atèr date for thce rm4inaler. Purchascra are required to erect a houme an the Lot, aud cause it ta 6e inhahited withiai iwelve maeths from the date ofi pur- citas-and whaîa-y.r part of the Lot the. homme la buiit on, it must1 W square with the Street. W. WINIrER WIG HT. SHEIiFF'S $ALK, Maianti Ditrict, OiN Saturday the *h To W t. S ~day of Juiytu=»~t oui be solti àt tUit:Courtl flouse in the uw of Kingston, lte followaiilg Lands, as belug. ing te John W. F'-rguson, aeazed by virtuel ni a urit ai Ezecution IWftd ont aOfils Majesty's Court af Kkes Bencla, te armedi- rcteti as the. sait of Peter McGili, vis : Lots number thariea sand fourrerain a the Milluary Reserve in the. Townuci Kwq»ton wlbhathe butdngsrected thero. land.'or any pant thereof by lhrtgag. or otherwase are requlred te make the mmu krnwn te me, en or beore thedayof.aoe -Sale te cornueS e t t 'rlockt, aus JOHN NACLEAN. Kligstona. April lo.,lm ea .1 CZUÏÎ ON* NE gâpulreiso h oieru s etaUthte gv" 67 rthe latsc ariv ral*>ta ca L-ster Phelpt, a Pediar at clocha, benriei date the. 2Stit, 261, astifth of sept. 182T1 me for thircy dollarspayable twetve liontbe aller date. two foi utea dilat, orntpuy-- "l m, mouhs, *ese«ber mettre sontlms ater date ; eue Wa àhirty dqàu% a ya ble twrelve uspihi mier ete, The. maid Ste laavJaig beés gaves lai am Iegai i"trant. (Sgned) J.oeEPII omUTAER »ELYAT OUMT TEIS PETCR .WooVcOC'L IPKIdR M. sbyrtlt-ira 88 Kbhqte5 Match 17, U Cas pkifw t m>meJ».k, hÎ j 166 ý 0, 1 à lýl

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