- s-.-- -k- ~. -~,---~ i y 1 ?UK CANADA HDUA ZD: aT 8 rRPILEN MILES, For publiahsa. in Mae 7Touaqcf K~mirnlouU C. To ha eniied thie KINGSTON GAZETTE AND REL IGIOUS .1DVOCJTE. -0- Us-gai aGou-n:Nt-aa iTE]LING." IT hiam vec been custmasa.abtishe commence- ment af a nev publicaion. ta gaveaua ondinea ai ils intendeti chtracter. This tie shall endeavous-rti o in a vas-y bs-iefmanner. The v&nt of a pesiodicul p.sblicetion. tievoteti pincipaiiy te îhe cause oM Religion, l is imPro vrisuca, baslong been felt by the fmenis ofM on; asuiadliy vben it is consides-at, that tmof a tlie ust intertmting avents vh;ch as-a trans pising aetishe present tise in aur couantr-y, ara mat generally knaya unîil receivati thraugis tha medium offas-eign ous-nis As tiserearase already a nmbmhr of respectable political journ- al. in Uppes- Canada, tIvof ai cI are publias cd in the lavis af Kingston. the vas-loua depart- manta of tht Kingimum Gazette iand Rdixiaeua d- icisa wil 6efillei sith bhotu and Blig aou@ essayes. -Masonas-y intelligence, at home anti abrost -impmoveanents in the Arts anti Scien- ces-pieces upan Necuture--ar«di a vekly Sus iniary ai luet mm u itresting pasisa;events of-h int îes, bath Foreigns andi Domeasec. In maktag seiections, fromt the malt inter- cs:ng Reliions publications vhichs va &hall receive (rotise Motherconnîtry andtheIs neigis- baîuring States, or easshere. itvilhactise contant entltavous- af tIhe EMilr ta praserve ils enfumaus entiîely front sectarian dffrences;- keepimg them open te aIt sucS vel vitten communacaions as are calculatedte t promette bbe matresas ofiReliion. andi atvance the cause ai virtie %nitmoraity %ceneraUy. In m-îlngchoice ai aur Motta. ike many ai aur cotemporaniea. tva bave li recous-se te an ancient volume, buti ta plain ansd simple mear.- in. wecocve ta> haintelligible ta oves-yaise. Ir clearly pointsaout the course va are ta pur-- mie wi regard tes inculcating a due respect ta- vars-d those whli are placet in authority. both civI sud iecclesuastical, anti submissiaa ta the 41pavers thai c," as being -1 artiaincti ai Goti". for a-e are lairht in tise Scrtures, that "tht icrs-ofthe Loi-a la the begi-asing ai wisdom," -that thse - Kiiàg"' shauld bche1Saînnureti as su- psemin andi ce are firmiy pes-sadeti. tisatcv- es-v ckrffliem 's .1 Uca fitthiami subject. Ours profeuitnasa oi Ioyalty twill net 6e louti, but may be depeniet istpon. in âlioai-, being awas-e Ihat tle tsndertaking as an arduous une, anti thar except tise Lord coriluct the plan omis-best concerted eafluri. viii be vai n. looking les Hsm for direction,. il vilî be the Contant entitavotir ai the Editor ta rentier the- Kngitoes Gazette tand R-lrgwesu .I'lcate i mediumns tlsmtgh vi-cli usefl sudîtiinterasiug iafrînat ion shall be commamicateil te ils patrons anI the- public, anti he therciore sollicite, andi co-4afiaieisiycpecta a shameoaithais- patronage. -Genatlemen ai pieay amad science are tespect- tully invitedte 1 ennicb its'coiumns ci t teir lucubiatiuîns. CO.W>17'Jt-X)vs Tit Engstsn Gaizeanmd Rcljgiouo ..d-wae viii lie prniteti werm-kh, on s sheet ai Super Ravai paper oi gooti quatiily, anti Canadien manufacture o air anev type ai unshl aise;j cantaining e*ght pages, Qtiarl, (chich i iisen- ders il Very Ilu'nventent foi' 1usd nX.) antibchafa- formiedte 0 uhaciers ai F-fIren àhhtligs per antassmn. f pt-ml lisnativancet os- S.eeWeet& Suit- ling-a and Ne ies.if paatl vithuisxmanthe. ofcta a ipotage> Paymen'. citisin anc an:ith sites- receivtng thse fireI number. viii b. cnaideret iun adtance.-AlI a-&mars ta ha set- tlid ta -et uhe close ai the yesr. & id 'se Pge andi Table o 'ntents viii ha Pr ni. smudfos-vas-etietasubscs-ibes-s, at the close, of each voluîme. Ail letters andi cotsmunicaions disectte t the Editor must bic paS8 paltl. Amvetisemes i al Uc ibankfially recielad, anti ingertemiutath1e cutamary pruces. l'hc finit nttmber will ha imueti as soon as sufihcient encouragemntsî given, ai vhich tha publiecwill have due notice. Kingston. Januas-y, 182& (:ls~ubscri ptians raceiveti ut tise office off the 1ippes- Usaaaies-aid. POSTSCRIPT. Kungç.taua, 4î h Mas-ch. 1828. Ta tise allen reî>eîtrd crnqirv, vhm-mvii i bise Kis4'sIon Gazelle anid )eligiýouaidvcale makte n i> peanantce? tht Elutor begs lrave te a *amý, Ibaithe- fis-tel number vii bc publish rde sonoîat-r the openisg tof the navigation; the open windter sand bad state ut the noatis, rnnctring il almost impossible mi procu rts ecrisarv aateriais aI ami cartier pt riati. Mmnsers anal Preachi-ni, travelling or lo cal, i ny ilenomination, are aathonized ani requ.steti ta act as agents. To any such, andt taîothes- authoriz ilagents, procuring an, t orvaneiing ta us ets responaible annu i sabscnlbers, isti aidutg es in tise collections. 4-c. we viii mted the clevthi copy. This paper viii ha pubhett on Thasrsday anonrivigs, suit eveny exenlion vi bc hadae te liav-e il forarsdedtu t agents anti subci- bersaas »lle eijîmmse andi as eas-iy as pas- sibIs-. 'Grtitlernesholding aubsription hla are rurnpectiuhly requestedte torth ia ame, or a hst ofaI s inbeMtomtht Editos-. hythe 10:1 ai April scat. Editois of ppwe-iliste tirepr-ovinacesart respsrîiuolly reqssestd ta give the atiove ana Je WATKINS B EUS leave la inforus bus friands a"t t ma>ubiogaerlltst ha is nov taei6ving mai dilyex act urr "pply oM Handware, <ud"7lry,&c au o W" whi e bas imporbeti diret fs-anathe si«t bonus in Dirminglaam, sNsu SaReu amonta W"uelarc m faova> vis. Jli Toma of EugUan md Sardes &on,. 4 1>1*1. of Eoop ansund as Do Im Dine C r,aiCa e X. . L a.and L C. W. rTu, Amvils V*Kes, doubla sMd Osieblt hua Nails, cnt amad Wroughta ail unes, Pains,,Pet. ty ait 1.Gsiàtme spikes ava. à gen- emussrtmom dibowains' tMierse Umasavae. Ma vauiamy rd W" o --.Umm -miMs* w ch a &i iPose o At va"vaud e& las>fbs ahsu ps-otiaes, or *»tprveerdî ILW. To the Free andE Iusfrenut Elecetora of the owa oflCingao. Gesflenam, 1 au maved by the salicitatianm af many af rny malt respectable rimnd.sand felaow townbmtn. taoffMr myseif as a C;indidate for your suffrages at the ensuing grattai Electin. It isna consciousnemm. gentlemen1 ai superiorqualific-ation that causes me to assent to their vishas, in aimning at sa distin guisheti an bonne as that of twing your Re- prementative in Parliamernt--but if 1 bring ta the cause of public duty a judgment un- hiased andi a heart unsulicti. perhsps the feeling vhich prompts Mny desire ai servîng yoîm mai gain yaur respect anti approbationi. 1 arn proual, gentlemen, as I doubt not nany ai you arte, ta rank myself a descen- tant ai a Loyalit snd a Seotchnan-and I inust be frac taomay.if 1Iknow my own heart. that thr inheritatnre ai uncorrupteti attach-i mîent tonthe cause ai patriotism. et leaut. is1 mine. I wil add, vith feeliengs vhich galberi %varmth from the avowai, that every assaci atti=of ni iast passion or interest, is inter- -wwnt-d wut the progrems amat pramprity ai !his Province. Herre vas 1 born-here diti I rý ceive tho rudiments ai every moral and polit ical principle vhidh a subje-ct of Bitain as prouti ta vaunt-here have I ernbarkedfiun a profession whici embraces aIl the pros- psects I have af future comfort or fame- and here I hope ta close my life vils the1 !ire eminent gratification oi having servtd lnv G xi anti sarvet my country. I am tnat pletigei. gentlemen, ta any par. tirular set ai opinions-I profrsno polities but these; 10keep ibe British Constitution unrnpaired. the privileges ai British subjectu nnvaded, andi Britishs pre-eminence anti1 Bri-mb* honaur permanent and untarniaiheti. However stissibie of the amraliness of miy prittensions ta public canai leratian andi favor, I viii pleati the admittetinue, thar no man can be known without a trial-the testimony ai experienca alone can render hast any decision upan public ptincipIes, or individual talvnts. Ta that I shali be fret ta boy, vhrn lime haî evinc.d vhether I have a heart ta vash yaur welfare, andi a mind of caparîty ta promote il. I have the honor to bc, Gentlrmen, Your mit abligeti, sincere, And faithful humbit Servant, D BETHUNE. Kîngstan. 14th Feb. 1828. t STEÂM BO&T INN,' Braock Street, Rear of tAc Marke#, T HE subscriber returnm him sinere thbanks ta bas friands andi cuscomers for thrir past favours, anti heg leave to take 1 hia apportunity ai itftwtitig them, that bis ,)remises have iately undergtaoa a thorougli repair, andi that lit lias madie a complete- adtdition ta his Yard, ai Stablesanad Sheda, Ta accommodata Travellers ; and hle hopes Uv his strict attention ta business, ta merit a shane ai public pitnnFag-.. THOMAS BAN FORD. Kingston, 2d Frb' uarv, 1828. TO FARMERS. 8. WATEN W ILL pay a liberai price in cash, for a few 1 hausand busheis ai merchamtabia IVHEAT AND RYE cluring the aintrstaion. aio, tht highmst market price given for Porke Flour, Omis, Peas %nti ail kinis of country produce on accoeuas or n merchaathise et cash prica. January 10f, 1828. PORT HOPE WV&IL .M1aUI?.ÎCTORY. T BROWN begsIclave ta infatua hlm 0. friends andth 1e public. that hae bas commenccd matnufacturing NAILS aifevé" lescription, of a uperior qualiiy, wbich he wii ssIi for cash or appravet bis, aslois 1as tht-y otn ha oblame t ny manufactory n the 1U. States. Port Hop-, julv 3, 1826. LANDS IN (JPPER CANADA or SaMit. ACEVit.--Lot. ?le 2OOO 15,16 Ir, 18, and 19, iu tise etea Concesiom; INe. 14 ad 15in thse 5tk Concession; and tise sutIers hall of Lot Ne. 19 vitis the Lots No. LtMd tM ini the Tîh Concession of the Towvnship of Pittsbwngh. in the Coant) of Frontenc, Mlidland District, UpperCanaa. Thaes Lots are vas-y valuable, *au the Kingston river suns thrsugis tie,, ad as thse ,u- jecteil Canal (roui Richmond tht.. Pa-lb muet pas.ii ise m aie directon,' &CRDKY-.AtN. , lis e M0 S Councesion in thse Town- ship af Corucali. iu thse Conty of star- mont, Haters District; and M00Acres, Lot 2t, 4â Concessi.in tiseTownolip1 of' Mannes-sCoonty of Durham. 1)imlsio of Newcastle. The choie being elt the best quality. ceN ente-ml9beatimg sudl. lent Fine.r, adapteil te every ag"lutu. rai pus-pose, andl promigtbeoeve valuable yu the emapeliof uthe Pluse lu agetat"ofor lise iu<w.vomeut ofet u comunaabimm.Audy te ANGyJS ACDOINLL. Bath, Peb.1I7, 1828. CRIIAN CA.BLR5, &w. chlor)a com m uppiy kepi us 1usld (iu JURN WATINS andin iMontre,] andi Quehue b -WILLIAM RI21DN. iuly 30, 1827. NE~W To commcnce lui Decemutr, 1827, altT WEKEN 1e~ es Kingtou andi Yomk on Monclays anW ,rhuimdayaat 12 a'riock. nnom prrcisdly, antd as-rive on WeilnestI5" andl Saturdava. A. M. STAGE R3ANU TEKOUGE, S1O Intermediatr distancess, abrer peutce half peny prr mile. 30 ibs. baggage allowed rmcli pas. enger; extra baggtg. 200 ibs. t quâli to a parenger. Ail batggagr Set the risque of th. .wner. STAGE BOOKS krl>t nt AND AT TUE MANSION HOUSE HOTEL, UnIsTON. Extras furnished t rt ither of the abave places for any part of the Country. The Proprietors af this lin-, flatter the.t selves that thry will ba able t0 give satisfac- tion to sucb as umay fleddispostd ta patronis.. theoe. H. NORTI[N. 4 Co. Kiquifon. J. OGDEN, Yurk. Nnvemtx-r £1s,1827. rpE Suo)seritbr dffii n for &aie a quamtity i. ai Square Oak antd Pine alan tmre Stav. s now iying un the Shorts or in the adjominjg waters of C.1âi'aIaQUi CREEIC k the shors timcmexttendli.gto Hcrebmet'b Poat-Parchsed ironi Reh-.trd G. ('lute. GEO. F. CORBETT. Kingston, 15th Nov. 1827. 'f0 LETI' And immediate poasemion giv'en. the Stone Houat in front street, Il.v.occupIl d hy Mr. Bastable, aima, a Brick H ose, Farm. minti gardt n. ituate abnut two mil--s tram town, the property oi Mr. S. .R irtiet. Apply at the Heralal 0111'r. King.ton. N ov. 10, PIY!. NOTICE. T HE subseriber beilig anxous te clame lis Lbusminess vîtbout amny delav, again Noti fies ai thama indebtedto ithm ta seutle thrir Ac.caumyîeon or before the ut %arch net- after that period. ail thome remaining unset ileti will be pot imb thehbads of a Lawyer for collection. The remaintier of hie Stork vii, from this day, ba solti for Cash or Pradure. at vrrt re- ducrd prices. SAMUEL SHAW. .Janua ry s, 1827. tf SHEIIIFF's SALE. Midland District, jNTmasdy. the issh To Wit. daS y af April ns wiii ba sold at the. Court Hue, in thetotwn of KLngston. the following Lands, as brlong ing ta Simon E. Pruyne. atizeal byvîrr e i an Execution issurd 6u ofaislm ajesty' Court tof King'm Benrh. ta me directed, ai the suit tf Thomas Markisnd, via East Hall af Lot number Two, wet of th Rock in the township af Marymburgh, lu th, County ai Prince Edw ard. Ail par»i having claimsa on the above land, or any part thereol, by rnort.tage or othervise, are required tu make the smrn known to me, on or belote the day ofsale -Sale to commente at 12 ocioek, noon JOHN MACLEAN, serif. .A Kùmgalon. lstP J'aMM7 y1828. DEsPECTFLTLLY informe the Public tE~hat ha bas recosmanced the buiaSu ai la tihe Brick Hamama adjaining Miss Reeti'b store, Market street, where ha viii krep con sita!Y ndanau a mortment of the mami ibsmimable MuEt, TmpptsGlevam, kW. &r-. sh ii i ha sli on the saab reasonable tc ram. Ha viii recelve ordters fon making PUYRS of sur dmsription, andt ta liitver shapt mal ha requWs-d. (Pm a clored on the BhUrteat .NWJee.) Kingon. oir gw th. 182?. Esubaerbehing dsaîy appoinatd tors nait l it Witai Testa- ment af the lbte JOHN OSlEIIOUT, ai teT*etbcIs MHafoveli. raques: anlpar- sonsZeubt t thembàate ta mile issue- diata papuant.; &antimtboslvig demanxis Agaluatt t ald Butfte, tobriug bleu for- yard clIent delay. PETR D . eCoNGR, tiecu KM 1WSTINSON, 1 tom. HaUuweil, Fabruary 8,18Ur. INFORMATION WANTBI). A OU S ye pasm ince lait May. De".s-y tbie Bor* oMrelaati, a m« nmti Robert Auderooo. AbouIet Tva ypeasa mmcc, hi Iriandsrecuivoti a je r mbis, ibMniblem, t l e lad marreat, foroMe~ eair, vitS gmme Merebamut " la the lu-, das Tftti-npper Caqmai; d=ec Wb"a tis, n o nam tfrmein bl.u" relv- e& wu . B deam mi&"M., b*b al= la in*s t X dDia- Ose tla sw«u Y lnbits chiMneoramp or lb 18 acaba e, bbey etiuwrte ta hlm, Wdflie, ltiKlt..m~c .C art *dKS=U. C anti Lover cmad aid tbrVe tlStaiideaa sare qussîrd <tepie ablit lu. an lmetié fflft late tw mmaéi?.amtet. C- I:U mOur'. a quity et Jus..DENN T'F. a I T 'BE Subacriber informi bbe publie, tIret Se ba$ on hand. ani aIrs for male 1ouw, the- iollowing. tagellite witb other artcits ton nurnerous ta detail: Ols L. F. Madava JM'in e, ten years in Canad a, fine aid Port, ai a su - perior quaiIy. L. P. Tentriflé. Cargo do. S"ianPortsud othar Winem, COUN1AO BRANDY Holianti Gin, Jamaica Spirits, Team ai dit fartait qualities Loui andl Muscovado Coffre, Chocolat,. * vus a g-ner-i assort 'sent ai GROCERIES, STATIONARY, Wrapping Piquer, &c. 20 Cwt. excellent Cod Fish. Alma, Check,striped Cottons, factor> Cotton', Laom Shirtings. Brown Hioliancl. Sheedigs fifvariaus kimîts, sait Cloth, Flannels, 4-c. &c, One cas- London BEAVEÀR HATS; an asontmrttaof Kbam¶bnwar, GI.ts arr. Pamntm anti Oi, Hardware: amangtt hichi itre 5 Tons Sweiles anti Engilfiat, ,quare and round IRON, Bliter Steel,santi 25 Kegs vrougbt anti eut N-ais. 1. MILICHAP. Kingston, tit I&Jnuary. 1828 Cas EZTDKEUOOST AND BEUS to açqtamnt bis fnme-nds and the in B iabtants ut Upper Canada, that Se hia& removedt t thAt Bick Billentg, recent- ly orcupicd by MR. SHAW, Hardawarte Merchant, corner ai King andi Brock sîretrts, ud that Se lias lateîy recived direct (rom London an.; Liverpixii, a gent rai and eue aiva asortmf mt ai .vhich he can vitI confidencm- necommenel as being perfettiy GENUINE vitb fin( Salad il, Sàuces, Oirckies, Spices, Mustard, &cc. 4c. oais supprl*'r q.îality. Also, »=T - of every diacription, Paints ai ail eatours arountt in ail, Spi. Turpentine hattieti andi raw Linmeed 0O1, 4-c. &c. whlch Se viii diispome ai vM ly b for cash or praduce. N. B. A fmv tiozen ci fine Lnndon Brown *tout mil Superioe Fyal Wino low far ash. Kinrtao, A'ig. 13th. 1V 7. t VALUABLE TAVERILM ST1AND F/OR SAeLE. T Esubacriber nov oIt-ns to atîl his rayera stand. aituateti in thé centre of the picasant anti interesting village ai B A T Ili, atnt if taken while ini humour, ha viii dis- .fre oi it at a very reduceti price. The Pr'~ mims saret- OOWeili known ta need isl ribing. The conditions ai payment viii b, 1nade easy, snd au unquestiouabla titie ,çIVCU. A. P. FORWARD. Bath, MOh May, 1827. tf FIRE Iakadl .avigatiou Iaauraie. JOHN 0. PARKEU, EVngaon, U. C. Asa" vIS U Insurance Company, C/r yr4 Couaadiws 0 FFERSIo effcb lnauranoe on hehali of 'J aiti Company on Dwelling-Houses, S1tore. Wr- Homas Factories anti Built ngs mi generai, Merdhandise, Houmeholti Furniture. Vemmels Building or lin part, anti tSmir cargoas, andi every cdescription af par- maia Praperty, against Lons or Damage b&y1!ire, Am onSTEAx-BoATs andi every ather des. criion of vessels vils thair cargoes agaiut Lm..or Doe .by InlanE XV«i- Tlm tesmm ord are as favommnable as thame of ay ller Comîpany. sud ail claims for h lai 11b.ibarsly adjuaeti anti prompt. W7PuILLIM W. ELLSWORTH, THOMAS C. PERKINS, DIRECTO BS. WiliMMW.zuhwoRmb emy Hudson, salomon Porter, j odeviei Tern.y. Jeram"al ro,., I etvrd W&tkauom, aNiai kkW. Chaýpi., IChattes 8. -Phelpa lames IlHBoom«. pretieziai sang. NOTICE. A LL Votes anti Aceoaustdue thse m £X=tr cu nannse<ded on the lysA d«? et April oal, vWn ithout fus-le- notiee. be piacetili the bauds ai su Attorney Wus. J. PAIMPELD. NOTiC s herew ygivtu, that:I as Do. wlfit a e rampoumble for, nor vii 1 dmt ucount, aor debt or d"bt «ety cru-m'm inaine or otbervlae, vitbaut pOeeMmta ar. aimy" - 10W M1.TIUR ,ra MARMORA IRON WOIR8 Thee sale '!fi4rit- J AA ~hb." pun-ed until jitu-ther UT the Warcs of the- estabih 1 r uflliued for' sale ai 25ï. tCsSe 111 heavv Castingsannd Pot A'h Rt-I ai 27-S. 6hl. Per Cvi fin 'uçr K, .aliv. nid at Ksi gstoma, au. i 'î,,F- andi Pot Asb, uili br-t akesn il, c tise carrent prace iniihkt tk , .. cuunt oi 5 per cent neadt for C %,. Among the tulvantaget, ahich ltlir anti Dealers, il, the Articles,ùIi I'mom giving a prefertnce tuthi are tise folioving. Finit, The W'ares are fullu c f a better qutj. ty, ibm.é those got Pise whtrte SecondIv, They art- off, rtd for sa~,itip:t at ieast 25 per ce-nst un(er tt-e rnt, iîâ the asir kinti ni GOODS cal, ir:i, îî aI Kingatan from Montsm ing in t nsisla-ratiim, the rik tf Trhintits-, Frnm theverv sip, r ul*; the Metal from %which the wsae,ju factured, andi frorn t expr ai~,. reatly bail by many wuha is.,.- , ý loo fOr a lengti ofai ime-Tht u-, i viarranted in aaying-tha t tev;te %,Lý means san hable tai crack a' 'ui orthtseWare O a rilma'r mma îb knovn ta the prople of sisIl>rohm,.. Lastly. The -rert i% ing pa% fltet ia ah, pro. duce ai the Cauntry siulu î tmî:r an stivantage (when conilbîn,-d wslhei otte ci-cnmstancra ahinv, rnttllerate) 11 suffiritnt ini îsynîance ta Biit r -; tf,ý(r s nrt>ferenre' for thr-consiimpi Pn <ap ,iaciai manuiaeiuri-of aisupr-mor qtai:lî1 o camparfativrlv int pl iet-- Tht, Stbsa-s-iis-r itht- asme tif peter jin&fell I E04itt 'I NEPRESENT P ROPRIETOII, visa in perim-ctieag tht-esthlsltx-î,t.e it came imtobis banda, liais xp,,,ded aq -ums of mnsissn msh Iikhl4 rlearly sewn itiIl tt-r tise Patnintiin of dt Merchaiti, anti otiesa af this Province, to gave ail stpport and Counttnunce ta sgreat and praisemmsrthy-.s tindestaking. The support requt-med mpv1 :, a pref. s-mce ain their titrchia-ts Ct timarc- factures of MARMORA,.% histi are ièrticle% oaf daily ntc,-asiiv aadi Caunwmionnhc*t zo<ol anti chmap-instearthoaisrtndisg n the Unitedl States andi Lover Canada for article of a similai- descsiprion.camparati-sly of i- fenioir quaiity, aud highrr ptmes. A. >1ANAHA!N. Mi-,mos-a Irois Morkm, 5 h Nose-nîher, 1827 NOTICE. T pr'cts for Porksand Fkour,en fcash,oui delivery at thmir est-ahî,mhnitent at jûots1i Fais, South Crosby, on thc lR dtau canal, as undeirmntionetvs. mn bIe Hog, wctight irons Ise to 200 ib-.. 2111, Pork in lte Hog, weight trorua2(;tu 00t làb. 22f6. 101 PLOUK in thse barnel. (fiit) 2 if3. for flour in tht barrai, (midldlitmg) la». fur fleur ina tii#bag, pe ct.106.MAC KAY & REI)PATR. Joneas Falls. Rieau Camtiia, Derrnaetr 27th. 1827. FOR SALe, L OT No. Pt 4thconcessio ofRastard, vith in5mlsoftisavillage oi Beverly, maS net far- from the line ai the Rideau Cana.- Appiy at the Ilerali office. Kingston, July S, 18 j7. NOT¶IÇE. AlilNotes an.j Aiccounb .4 Uwaebhave bita due to Mr. Jerry Whiîthead two vemrl aid upoards, viii bc place l in thbdad ci ai Attornaey for couçuion, unies&. imeiscltl btfledl. IL C. THRNISON, 4ent Kingalon. nec. 1Ws 1827. TRE NEW MONTItEÂL GAZETEs Au. Caaau,. Lrrxaàasv, poilitIcaL A» Ratio- alcti Rais.as. (-A Xcw Wukig )JVeanaper, swdfrsai ils f- jeit of tii.4 .,litreai Krli) le. pnintedin Quarto ont large sieet cf g9W paper. vitis a heautifial nev type.Wah rit ber costaiutîs32 l coueiy prntcdcolmas sE .> tractefrom new Books, magaines, l i WIth# mom intcrestimg neye froua aU p1m Sd th, wui aauluy to ssas htiih. ,tate hic ave tise happinasito iesid tho Rave Goue nent aitis carslva The New Gaoutte iw publislmeti aery Nê' evealng. The prica te Subscribero te tht 5U* nid. taOn. par aummna, exclusive aid iPOO-P anito tbocwho do net taka e t erl 15 exe"sve aifPostage. Thse 3d number ai the New Gazette IiPab lisbed on Monday las. Sab hoavcv-ll, V* ta bave tbe paper rustise beginnini. 117b 5m illd by au adry application il the Oie'- 87 18. Theativentages of the New 6(i»e' sasJourmal atIer fiarbinding or fertAfOdt6 in les t taint muat ba abriams tuOvely #O Tisas. ia tisacantr-y vIa bale b5' ee dia paper, canidoausby callaaag o0 &D dth agents ta tht Rerslior 1New Gaeatte- MWMHIBALI FILRGUS014 Psinter &ntiPaulie Montral, August4,182. U*ANANOqUA FLO1JU4 BUPERFIE.M4D iii< FÜR SALE9 BY J. WArK~ FOR SALE, OT No.i1. laLW 9àConcr5im, d-gàggu n sudLot po. toip Ofai tle'T D Ishmte.AWpy at the IterSialdamer FOR 18l8 toi SA ra i Es Orner. 810*