ifis-' III s~ ~tI .1 Cuti A &04ti 1 v1th mater ~'cL Pateul.. at. Fayal btet ud ' I the projmm iada*fni. the G Af, IU t Teuu t loiai vd cuia valu li . epU bGfae.~ bs4b.~u 19ml810. ~. Y5BL N-N ~*ms U~u - Te lU iUd0) SUai IL as MS ~ Ibuhalu -1 'CltlTi@w, abs f .IyoelglmaL puts t m4iqy biaet ttale is , om ai ah me or tl ou mli et et 1h. Os tuben eoehL mi la h -tiel, M bu samleu 1157 ami mla lo* cous m1191taefy M',p0u 4Luiiu aua iwV~mlou J- 5<tebepaj '-I imi0?O San May.m4adm2 t. ,DIIthe firbl oj TU ALctrjpp, ' ~ PiICOI SVtry Satr- xmCOtt for dis hig fer Tur% h. ail#a et bi £ft 'lok touchinj At Wevle iu gat ien, a 'tew ,ilpla a1dBr.ukfl,and miii -at rl nue .. wnuu i " d y-ti r uo fr gUamve~y YCtO igaftr fo r~i &gelt. ta-kcing et Brock 'a Raid Yonm,8* Trk. a.Tc O Lesoe4IaGM r an- - PVCSCOte é.* ....... >e- tarom eeftida te oraiîtbere ixha aiyâ OS# lie of. plastîcoahes (tondal exceBtêdck 2 V.KhatnatchYo6. au-A S flPSa z.S Fl ni Cpi Gdtsil, jro IL Fr m til fueot t Mr eie te King. 'o, VOS Uefor ilkaey o iYt4 e:yere, Me a n' t& PrmeitU 0.Mrih AISO, tir su9. ta, ITEheàdhéaMrrgýth III.. i li hesix aMeS Kr-eave th -L uiwrn or .Da t int evry Mon-j %n edà mtnItg, m"à arrive ina the ai. f« snonLet Kimpaem forPrecett vr Md W ed» s.ay mfriimotai aS t~~ 4 1 airt We-Kkgaz'e veaY Thouday moric ai S 6»4lacui, toppil* At Gaflaraque unr ~eliv1lte seumai. S Th*e Dasi usais thre St 1ICwOCIen o OaldMNIesIN kthetlY afbudang the public' las, "mae, and -ereditin. Paage h- tt ac'". mmedistely aller tk,- t gýoeS i vi l wWbe rffu<Da asignal (i 1h4.e. s mta rail ai the Ca ta.î' Of %e dlYtheir fare;*these w au du act t l >*I-lbb à« Céed s t a lb P a engem, sand 'V b"gd aecu~rlgY. All bm9aeâ Io b. 4MS sMbft olftvîbhaie Dngt. ' Mt4h" td a o uelb petam oard ho!le tcI md &.B bUII au*ed, aimaioecimniiw 'I* wbom iéY Sre ment, wltb the. articles imiere* e l.bath. wiibBilhut 1,1 fLdo-t et -tiir mebÉi puti lauthe LeterBox t tbp Cdm*wlamo , ce. -si Pot fiutbit or pasge, apply ta tic Mx hube. Uiudair, blés. iy ip, wvrai louve. uem* flisK Iton eey di1- lKtsa on cssreresch.. airyStacets ma 0et* iat ioo 4, uelt, Spo - Iv m~~Mdils ~ ut ; sM. î 1c 'frw Ni.0 tLei e 4ý« ;b k*ea~agaIli. utut~~pltJo ur