Ps.-bbï k a . J=ahlg Ja the eisS t" fr va. etebogaiusul mttwàR t ?hare1. acnvhle Cthorehça atbrm 4 0seat bu<ub" eron hta I.vamsci snbs Wm, a tisino au 1 .t ebes~haqsm <*dout va Asumbupa0 itOrurm4 IuêIIp pacada fr. 0famluith.g~nI.'ies h jav Mytacter, 1< eudy aa a<aàmp0ftts autel7 amesfor tataaMds leim Temtt emtg aram he i111<j. ffarlb lTas 1 hiirgo lie pcpubtioua 0f1=2ksad"u1matawmlj Once uwwe-Iuspaki obl. 4 a,!Àcw ~*Peiwu aitf, m- " ..7 a limeus dlii ue, w,.or. Usie muarn mamai, PaRU oeé as ae ai ira*, r i p,à O)AsilsPoil : b lapy ébmf"ov oa"li C C~ehcIaqe *ehavaly goelu, .aâhssaeas rearycav.4 3sp-a bue.i ae s 51 o r bm.L i e Use al suchbherxee t sultie liicituien; au t ausqs, liéoes bu fir wm ieu me h*eddme i*w0fdeuç roi c~eih aar 1mbIw- pos-emusc ipo ig, id you twiiid eauab dtp4se it wa hedsemr9».ttleaty mtés à maswal ita. y ob i, MW *ebtiiCsbt bdo y #hm tsuwmidmu eye ea tboidamreuhIc "eabalf at Lia. owsct vcochata =»O tala eadocictas "ai jhiacpluae oftbe haburicbilond"etii*cecs'b to atuvertti<ha epopau of t'u~os aid pi aas ae bu Do acissd we unr,dwc.mé.(»10c0,) b" 14hcduaresble t jl a tepmcane clade mgngammtl. a.a ficlrbuts i bave vclaatraiy becma ii. veisecti mou eysta.i«Matllly o dc tlbe euetie, t ei.oy aiman eg Lover CaO4à e be <"hanoice ijîbi tiesade <f t Cisarinle dut qis. 'ta, I1dieU qwlckyyproe aba,tbsur avduaae lDonemobe Irumt dté <han yens.ý h inl's s ufat etc abatu aiaiselia ta Dh$,esaeni aaetcornvera i, wmIo vert wflthicir »4koq in tRinaqr r! ta .asee cs-4m 4wh iage pa iCoho erutI, oe erthe ~m.a"c,.be enly bei*o iun<it a.fsyi ob. ur. G'a aatw aeragBo t.rytugvn eataon hsadngtý« rorseo uchrcucvsci s m 11k 1k Ibao e bt hawh và b tâiie Sidng a b!4ems. ortenar en PMs .wr -- -- yw - " .a. rif m "ammib Î u" mi" ybidt m mnosl brie sa" tu ame aiem àà l heu obi~e M*bpIWas i isU YM alqyt.v le g y.. imyU IBf 04 Mk a"li be s lse .ehet, ié en *othe 90. et. u 80 1nhoSw=h illudmigM 7cm bylbssa -tgalmOfi dib" loia te qey nm aaebabae uc -g,.ti>mr. ebe e, wb be âwwo&~Tou életna e" ena "M~ ds «dlécl ito*e, &n,tutadvué PiSTm t eeuO s m <i tueaty4ve jeai smmn '1¶ais mark a mise hitft" hyad iem tw q ~ ~ ~ ~ a atelm lugïs e boséa~o islbBekesWedulb <uw idsi <iréa u r. te ep" L liu ps.M eMle e'd uesid àà Fsuth*a ,tma ~~~fsl ~ ~ ad qur a e~ u7'héts euseàe m'M, . tgoW .*uysi.e k l.b<h.80kaug »"beau 'aem Ms-Mi oSW% mom cou" le hséen the iéi téa deim cmil tabeap.plys w iu*ché wotana tb*mb bla havuimIfes. q0thsW-" aba bmietae b<di.l. ciéwe ail epen t vItsulqparaieu et iléciat.a gru te ausvpaa, utamiappant lasl P= m meeM sasosotlon psstoL u hm ia*m.Ma atugga bit*e pntbu- cccl vatr.b past <bat k vSu ai. putbua.bvtI. Tiseceus 0ftisido. euaato t sedbknea<isla nla bat mmamaisb bris, sd uusun lieabtrutpotisepumM tbut fe tumaihaeotiireumu.f 1.4 sa <eyemtlulé ieIwS *.niylIde-iat earimmne ewu hase d~g iw iat nm a ali Ipealigmt" tu ofm i%* m the LimaBe. *, *m .a meuté d i " VPsitdw "c;dhm aî Mqbl f poUklic u b@en dia,, td M lbs.V" mei cempg.din mmmm df, fa butcf p&ase bie uSue U damm Ni«e. %vita tusda" ha..a vun up es t. Usai, Wb. boveiva.b, lieau oi parmenet. a chipé tamSevabx m emoDeq, thlqia. Kïuigaslawivd, va i.~ ~ ~~~d a*t.Sealtavluot sem uxcis ai toi;uii fa , sude 40e mi e-elit cisaçe au $,* u onthi aswd blM m m*ap i,,Ste*.dokm 5tBta 1bmtmy »w"po tdsciodre iuiié bisn, e IstciaiaUauM ut u. on MdI Ibemeoau r-W. tglm aie a . tavelti ;F tb M- wml lie-f ad the Î& thsNt-si4ds,.Op.aiisg li"àswy o pem fac lst . a pubrnce fa c~ay. lad mi* asaiy laMOU Iwo hs sbbiw cf.hei ~Mn"lsgmdna ênsieu»my e eo tba b W izsuot.,A u laieth *8__» Imeam iat àmoteas inu bia.O MOU,<bat th sueunt te %U, Met lm, s1a1 odat Am=em amatet u 4w-O. Iý déometiam a t d e.; diua.Z i dot * B Itm~t.scarq.ur heeCa,- "4 r tiorathe LiaihClu.Fe .9 id ds6-wagtint bi tner se or-W tCY5boeIwh- PuIr, a rkmto nht c 10 e ht maa~n gnent. flit COMBMMCATIOIts. * TUE PUBLIC SC'10S No. 5. Mr. Editor :-I trust 1 have show th.tthebu ant ofauffcieni encouu,,, at@teof our Pbie <ol' hI 0 Tane1sudM that Io matre ther ge L respectability, *abl.e as ors,-..1,0 ad *0.laaguago of mu Lieutenant(; Ot f uy." Tisaua ofi~, 'j i a hrdiag to t os, tueh.utidee i ii =ohafee out Publie or Ga' a acooS, pagr remiseration tila m hthertob.ona BIowad; for it nerd hW Sly be Brgued tient a man of asy iterar distinctin or emiacece in the 14,h 'Counr WIIYvuds1m bh. 'nducW abande. MIs àprospects aud coof, k t aïhorge. trsite emoIument Bfforded ma the geaaaliy of ch. Distrctuhn Tihlun, es Bt premeast coasit,, MIUt aW CSflot, *exc*pt it ,. Mtas of tshe Irger Toures, afforil an ceaîe.perbapa @mmrtiban £200 BR thi,Il t be borne lu te B VWYscT 1ceuI d dp0pular t4ý t; for ch.amantI of tes, nau * vthow maq .evawe d esaon 'bat Mu sa ye l-tt £30 j annum as i*Pqiv"elat0BiIWOMiteifolr the W le01e1«OfatrèeloecfitabIe Gansa 441100aL TlItlu aUtip.ud whî,h,à b*Mit *W&,4bet "a décem4 0.lUac ftt mina respecî< » egiorod euih Uiely the po. Mr Lx 0( popoluag auy thing bauý A a plevieo. fer thé docdine or lite. ,d If thero,*, we C.a just n<>w e marol reqctabTuche..B...bk, * t#arop. go 40 . dare, 1 coneia, At posemet ouIof abs question-it na uMch aMeau r"aosMy ha l"cld j «»d« cha .iîi outrangement. i76 i hn thon Sither the ceum ta =nomur reqWfr inatructors cfi'm. eu lacim as;viieter,ta flhe profr la sMM crediably. , eoghtsema oa, M" acsduoolsego eed u Is era 'A Ihqscies of dismgoishedlauaýlj 49-1sar. 1%0 h. sfrative, air, i igbiv.pq amay admittedtn&z Ian hipy toobserve, acoed apoea oeaif Niso r CollWag e Yrk.- matehis nIo à oôils doàluât m two àh Las he. r <pma~ias<p. j *ià lImportan. ecm ëIg' bus~. i cordial co1ee.tion and I pe.rMsuppctlauysuggesio *wBNII.of a1. avatagesah aie, boo aim19, b. *Eôrdcd ateil. lacune snet. If jgaseiujns oce ,usweate uir c , akhhe. wwwhlsm.a. ms.. h e u g.eally muS.., caddwlwê gqtou 1W à a e a( ah.*a,-Diatriçi*5s80oail vutomaida thew tcco- '**d wa-wWm o he putysems- ie m1wthe ilk arue leealil WM iom*Iu i hoses i