q.. 'c .-r,..~,-, 'q 14ti A 4p~ssi wluS us jeu ciii -1 Wà . a -d s Ire .àwà e 4 là5* Un. 1MiJg.s10 . -4. ' 1 mnudmMW,. 0 6.45 ad 108Wbn l 4' 1k.M. $ *«Aw se ê. 5 GI - 1 '4 M.te&dh th. 0? Cf bée, sêUU.~ Mt4. 4' t U W FOI* ha MiWai ffl beii n PM k loe&.cs ,ÇqO 672. f dom efti.Mgoqg 0U83105. s.-d who edI.a.I16m, Dow Iegitte apsQM Dhal4& tte Ae Aowmacons hbat. 4ýUéu*Ieiad alternd »o e ,,c ci. émildeboter hM r.un. mitis pu kgasWil itbe MV. U.tl. ar e lhi CIcoveafoot. be Arcbdea,, ~ iw*4mimg vrlasu Ubth tàiBuoe 4Ombetra7cd Du msyat',~ "blls C Ogqeetimnt. 1jhe *fh"W non-detpt .mi làet hupkg of thoa wit't r. ubseia I.uIgts hs Pr 1-be l 11, cbd be it . libuegh i 2e )teaW a gstî mé%4s*b lm fs. àI lkI4e oet4m a= lUic t e th of48e'.aoàsieii;t ehue Lms 1hpyn4 mbbis lé, t emm t* 4seut of the Society erpst"gboisilfor.hgq part, fleacahtustc iu? * t'lm i a.o or. lut boweve fayotaisica t t hade«c liatdeaU« ay luil t "u e ttDn.t 00 M m otto Mr. Bnon. PI'4iNTRUTIt. Itwm b Poe aB fte cich 05V ââffl dte hv i trd laem$ui h ~ Thisl usqr h2laedividlsgie4 t Iloiy quer Sii.Whcught a ubt m * oes ilcammB diobaci se lvisgt dm 1 sim,ýmsIie I, t iicaibweat chs Provkm l *iiu aig tu tiOvermy and isdetsrum*i4-"a'- e~ c~peu. . imotromments; Iw. weme nV«s eqbha*Ittlathicsr.cr mmue, ces $q üaueuit, se eamy. W. vers adylafccasd &M w w 4uuh d Ud ove ut.. ucquitoïd t te mdea" ; 'OepdW acr- fise,todma4 eu eS.- & 14-m 'aa Dm mssd pperty W** hso4 iajc.;z W . lge Ti smg it eu., ( IsIxýe. e Pont ~PmmuSs -d 0t1 le po3squst Ely cfug p c c yca " e jb u ee é o 9tb a k o me0 l l m , f to u *W pccoeete tihdesj Quusi. . d à.i momme. -Masu d 'a m e 4uakrt. Is~~altec vIdl mser, sud ec« 'agora Ww'uunsh. le*@ Pae. s. yrsty à.ssf . mpm * $ d rueacle--à m méms M** 9 *hai st e go u crhr, ud tit **d*sqMe«tiW,412 1IN. cegbt te h ~ ti4aii~60&o1 let md rewcsbs a tWc c.~a t ti psy forupspm.ist Put iis*lhsesssvrpu. - d.uit lyhspê 15v *Wsse fths .ot rd 'éër- 'l ovêtSi ithe buai è~cdSw~sts>, somt. bsrvcpss wob .o . er .tM~*5 c ce~~i~1 us MeruipoWycdatbdr ýby UppVCerh4aecv- wtçc. àshwdâom tineuts-w ~t1~ Y. U - t '4 il/ âI I oumma= mw v uw e Imm ml -0-I 1 - - . a àl 1 31 ai1 »I ý pom mkewd a 1 .1 .1 . il . 1 . si . i . al,