'fi' s 4 --z. mltndi~ofoeIv 1> ra-e a 'iil au -* Wu" of 6,pu tm m in o 10 $4ilàil :1 cousis,.. e Dus Mgo uet ba0selbond et Im e il. bl~p&4agaità. .., m w Oi*Qom os Qou,, <atm *1 Prsa Jqo#d.1Ss Ciwm bOmbe medeteqwlooutl. putimo* e. m s udê~aeust.d ~p le s' -tiâl- bavnsd4~~peuitli i ..i.4$m Ua' taa~sss.qe.a0 hneme re..'sto heabs. oica l*»l.chie tohgfWle . - swmsusy ecaao iFr d.mmmd"o tii 15ut.bu be .m w.m mibotumt.ea o»4is. WsM@doefom as MO ilb Mai auob4*11_ tb-cs of tbTho SSIALDus*b ar15 btti cebobus ldO.flwqht~* oh.GrndJur . tMty<64 I DL. ____ )f LAW$ vo lii vsab$* 'nomibe kieh#ebà Sî »Vn à.14 Wtbisimo dtsd utis te ih ob*l I"b"mm 0 num. b a TWU ostateu rcu1duomm9on.6Pe- _j ý , ,- , . ".,30MLiCE aujIl 5.Bu aui f» oiiP voutU5 tb omt .ivé ,mm dibvmus ped.~o" b 0kawl . q.apumoc. ah sIaiolyda . o of n -b.poy- m*m, eug b o u p eatso*ila i. amadm« pro.osatiet oo MV4lt*51M ehwouhrfld nev u~tb j t W4tomcLfaPtâme so do*owitt tepn *0 4t es ta. wbb b. r saot». .qs ofl W tbt Siboa .hsanda d.c.t tomo4 but mIwemraboutoi ampocr èvo.pmat alibi rm om.uohma b * sau a hmhb lath.g.s 5 .i u = W.ubo eml -,A ea pu1 >oeoodags;;i hObmoisOsa 55d0ao" btoi at if- . Maouap u w.O u bpu 0d .n a 1mw a1-9«as m c" but hm.ae O i. ctes W lbu pemf-ugeui omey o s oe 001010-du.ts M0im spabib ehIbiohm igmsBtM. r* " 4".f àmadliotif Vias fpsa ;lt~~4ibm B t i oum~aIty "seai 0 upIhe nuepe ofien et a~asmlm bo4m stm d Lia..mtmipas If e. i0lu àb quie.ms etlc Ures bt m tb étmd,~eSabfera wboi5 5e ueim Mpb udpbm adê e Ufl5O.Ea, q eipu h.. kWi owers, 4bço< MY1ii5*aadgnMx tri f.. m i 4m ,sudqui t istl ot i.ul, unm foc uwb e .jadi*servic*Ah :w~msehe q*ouldhav Stb.t des OId i<*»OPP have do bc, y, ta WOUU -. Oblentpme. ubqtbset.v ue Ptala dbtu.~tyvoèA.igt.1.s6l ha q iiUI~ii ift"ne" o d dAAasoi ci é. 09oI-smWo~us et. m e.s, . . ei>..u- apd4om«iugoeisw àoaE~J bai mtem#lBue NwC hmA O. s.usBt Um tilu OSb _w1uwats (o574. de"ou$ v. t Ilf bupi. . '..,1 MM bi M é,w t Be - t hth*,hd t a a& nUeboI et tu mud*»Ibug.&t, poMu Ry hàyuty aiM la t 5eh.. Antum dui.u te qle opu ute e chira-0 beM*utBe fi" BB*qu*tSbi &,th,1 -4 b -bwa. b -8sud i s ight We as my lime bweui à remuehedm h. m..evaivdm5le be tte" oodmit mcb. ý fiet lin m M meSuueu., eeepthe M.. qqp.mis»E Bte au 0 - t afltGe«,ý Owen pII , m ii tM 0Mt. ,.U . $Pm nleu eabhMa msusête téDIetic%', a" zi* ierenhs.by o usaa,,,% Bey me . daue .dmimy i dm ibe et Mch.eb"MMa bh. 1Ts e oeo t. s4 "Encooatodbyyour ExcefleyTs Omu, rajgeeut pIoaq> etthe publie semniaq 01 th.s àk$%$ âdt&Ms d"muctoedby th tu reprt en uotteal dinct c h o lmofwm. o .t of *ac Yogi « Inm bth enftthnae r xItMdârS b*u 0( kducation, ad * of<tbe public sdoi B swau uter a" bD y pathegisais.C f a bed bo-50115000k p.img Wamc rlhw aloe Ia mfdcuc amltIObhl uhy of two hundeed1~,~~ u1.uau begibwObesiir -hm, bowitduawn Bim Kimtm, aid * mtothêaMwo< Oh ecolt Tb*Thrmew ii.ophuma A,*Ma Bia memhsdal W*bod magar lib ad,îmbbia 6oewtai t vould oes"l !tbom -= le rdmeudi. B Dow y aeu.atyaIw lte Tultimu, a Oum tî la frowl a umit"bhccMpsýMMuosfor t y- mWr. IfMY cc" *m"m& r- e A lâ«» a>âbSSlàm h.publie lsa&for lthealary et the head maser; it Imaclatly snswurud by th.edu"«!m lIai i- ould folow in the. acsiuttdesifo Tu. e dion. aud th dhédu Of Mentcaotht >- vouMlb.thuagivomt.Uideducautio cle q' dailàen of perom i 0< i.e u Mce le iuabàffl i *populos viciaity <Of ih 8,a. S séOinKvin "oreaiby no nunsîu. w midorblo. ii orne cImaical am dou. Ma- 0 thefutical Toa<het, mitabi, proitidfor, ka th TroUte.. comdw thattho e "co old Fe abohcl mfthrPui e = M' . the cm0mpl et<r.mtato«witag a 9- ' TbeT1«%e» ýegrt tetat. u.lx no «=ý =lcpatriéai d very t.- L7 nevoent pmc.iudi..orthe sobmtes, in Om- il 0 -, MêêMZ éi ef*&l" "0. tqi çel, 1bo lahem.. flethe bdUeB boe*k*mt <OIe ptle mdi..amlf v. ro uWw 50* w mwvo<B egu.. h t« "tme,~.ut** glebiew orabsins. = =£ lh 0* Ow"t a eve du e.f be C »PM7. dst uMI lhmg mp. wmç fàràBpyê~w msumcils sei.iBueme,~eu <e :j etEiebpoifeIqell dtt.o ho bBI. eey~màd.Bechuyw ,wi O. liii Biles a nomuh.ih maeud MW r adpi , -uîto zm -.qf medyAU ~f i thon vessly o. oh. N - s- - 4.~ 57' ISSf OF eDM m 1TO m m -m Mx FO iaw um ioe mctAm I pnaar4 OeAvM. a ai I ~ l .,l ai 41 fi,' mosali ,»«e à InS"g eoy _ eo PM& =#oe 7 .Tt