Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 24 Mar 1830, p. 1

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45AIPêD .1 t Pte ma bflaiitry f experl. r. Mray 4, Preep. m an de. sgs cf nd 11gh cir Chil. e Of <er oily &.. e.su 4. 0Ov 5,00 SviA! bc pin ai. rd m tes- euto" to Clerk. Eaut ., ikw ms fr3 ha 8-8. b-~ mps' d im Asdubmd 'd.bsb at ,in' a aiuthkm; as Ib b Vqm v qu ASId em" y imtbumtei5Sl A eia*m Iu m e e ot r, TasE anme a. vrulc V. .ugaa.D the ether EuoYnv A~*rm aij b IL ise oueh e mke - of ther <ia he*eusa nges Mlmavltatute th. sutior cf the eint t troduce eu 1c, tli ey f the mauiy ind, vatiy.aiUngte, hi làdy, ste avciad thitbem=iluw ".1 a rn eia. es pet an. for finhlugubt oai. Nov, ir, ta end ta. dispt-..pu-so ke meOb. :e&:b.fod to dthe duty et R. CoWkei l1,1< the ,j Grér uàtk omLia S Of i a TIra Keiy, i P oGalr a nO« hasaod th staton0aZru.mebl orswm wlits BUieA Raptý; (11"L'ihor.lge Y"F au hie owniroquenht)end eu poos bo attend. immluiimollec Ia~cUmm and geucr5ai baatter, empileibrlae em <f ta due mme oafe t he iipt ePrt*- Ioed et- rS A lu h h"mV tm- u.Seoi i bas«er ILtlierilublak et t. e eeaqiyf lU attend thuspesn, au mouer inaYoeps V cU« a se.h vsinag tue nieoM usr Aedueien oulilbu md ithue prmptly and r eetfiY etteled te. cuij eta. lE NoIqLIATOR. te ttis Feb. Ztb, 1lm. ieicrt. Poil TiZ u7pIERCAVNADA RucAàs.,, liAtho Mau liExcellencv dis leuteonani(I orne Aud e oçItdeshielate Speechb tub. Provibclal1 i, Leglatue viii di. Mlovlgpagrm [ ipm ch bon elummey b . oxp cie, hy omt- Ratan, by bsowu metvity aispisflni ki. Uader this Guberuatlol a thele f1ra asue vbli b ey "Osh peol Cosie. - I"in hein respeetivoDié~trlb " _ « sca- 'sfr eIlorali fa éurlom ha6w ! "w s be the. suppresusineft liaiproliag ié ac Iii9crucW4Atipe5IOf"pt Md puductivoesmeef hlmi m meu~ SU vefls et mpoumâua< Mid ,td %lt mSweub * Pulieuttendlu li m frfo mmd islarl4 ucea pièce of mrè. $Pb*i, mesth.mm tppobablemm gi(l indeci <h.0oet swnél em et mcpe- 4* the oasunme or int," tàaprme1% ollc cous , là,1u01 a deletter and spirit eofII t hirxrtoene. S ruam THIC UPPECARA ÎMUUAW. 1 ha"e rt vwib M"cl.miliSil*di in lite PcilhUDAu tmp, pirit a 11,8116,te Mcim asi e lu om »&oeemab Md It lemasthé ani kte piet mhslt smmbo.im, iehsCM e 41 land lots, Adt ib It bo pnet am ba- l. fMftusé v.I& di.m ebolce am> Jeit~ ~ ~~e Mo.e- qtmah bighe MlcrFON T"s »DAM MX. aaoet solease bM On tb. muin 0 ay lediug i 6ong <b. Tevusbp .1fDeiugton, di. sam c £115; aMiJobs BO&* *bdaMi lmie.ubp On tbae ilvyISdnGOI ami <bat AnqE lobri s ami aS Wil", oq. b. C.Mpluoecna boso&UbMw; a t paaiom.aAyeall- 'ebulon beum.qid, thies Ca M 0" a mmaiam 9.b. ou onp *8wa eienlé1Wui plcee i. Wnam. i C &ya M the&ou 6- à. 0-- 1 t r4ii~sqqea On the gret biual ime r mi neuve di Commie of Ncstbmbeda md dDu- bam, wad rmulai bev ediToubp famiIsuCavas Me-M M" M limllâsudMoly md i-u a" of w1 le., Mmd it am.iwag. DIs.Solià MymIM MW- 1' on. theehemuA. au sud mmm e C temu Labuos, h e maon.fa0, »O-mi. rMla" LOWMB CANADA. lae ~Wa ouffls E.Wm uShI m m» iw. lavamSeheG limjsat dam- t mi WaI m o o pe g"ster -of &. Tbmteey a".boasimbi ns nlésebjse<%ami baim %m b h7 idtbed m . - e W .b i -mal mmom -.ff - tf, tbdv les 19, hbtbue ou ismb iéeim0~lNeIde -~ si di.G.sq.s~ Iô iU.u or epet- m . in l. .vMar ~ . b la mestaitmât e aalmsnu ue-uyin 1- Us -. e te»-% eIsusit ie a SUsa :je ebtusba. u um auldms z ryo.*uklt» mO. «Ma m-. lé ll Chde 1- .f tA. Clq 1màuk.e Ia 'qa" - f h*8mut el is mm vm al" aes mi 3 soi bukaitng.m iam.mm b tbt màé alm aelLul vStbve n.cax hamye muppam bt ma<..voalc 7 t. sUi- ofçb beiabsmtel.opSels Legiduse te w auav lb. emet. 1-ce qun"utatbchuast tedéiçrvad, et ,,0 au "à"e h w .iiy a imd,<b mm- tbm à vliue ils a * t I, bat-f ami usuicirem aibbef« &Msa pamy 1emé.b.1vs* St o.m aura Go uir muet îmIbrp d MestI ,.n *0 Gt& hent' au~ foamui uàeal#ssyldnà ti» l ft m ions. m« iY hàd; butmué P"hotsddriakl.gbugit mttis Ieond ba 1M toMspl ti*qu pe- W&b TI»i -, - >sRmaipOw wbu M MMM01eeMdeu«selut.iItse «,S bleeabsuue f bs«U-diégaeb O ugbeimeatoi* bkWIum md JuIMPM wu ndio..,bqlw. M à oubeoflel- la 1C *bolbi te ilTmm, bal" 'i ~ -' hetbl ~ w ctéu thek m~ 1re bo alimel fb be th o te'bge bd"mepéIs moçre kA: be mot bavebel. ,- f lial uhi mot hut mIât iidry dumu-tep iebdsei . AfW ra <lame, <t ft o aiglg ep"y vat fl;-t«eau eau.lt. Mr nturue wu softetud. Ittag1 Bm vbme .veebyelii omtI vlb. am 14qu"r- rerat baul me e .Àme% euadlvep lIkma a i . Thedat et lest- be» o de".I <brava wuaVfou <b. vdisai p4os slmg, mii etartedqup l luaalj a 100v" dumstil - budrahw eIse bu>i ulel-bwaieii.door., My tleberd tbe sUr, »muincaurhivwe for-Iwu. d- patlng Serly. 1lbem.ed 'mat7 té bu dheftriei, my lvole$ Wu. trmuboled hb. opoke té me bnddqciwgagy bastm me o w eteu om pae i 1 ceui aie . repltg-bàmsd 1"M01 nuqj mre-tientwuma blauti betiseas i bls Ring»ta uilms vb.mli.uuiMjMlIE cu dl sAn »heCm Unm <biplace ettogse> htB"ngb1ailbat boeveramai y. I bikt t <bt I bai e.mfq@IiU id oI.- w ti c U.d it, tie wiIee in e* .utd a lu a 1v sthe uap, * mhs~ 1h., l vas met &" 1 s ~ U~I us lira Iboai ~ h pus eon, 1 o« l.~s eu i 7~ZeM teligmehamo MpqldIau<iei.buA vill hueplae oiudelded het~ ë texsdr d brâ"«. Asmpblotba o be ti esluleeOU i tek StatCýe d« ivrtaeceutl> k àcr Wènr% CW ae aU Qý Otdmi!w. ýebise Agi d04& lb teM4 i. il thé " bimpxw y. ow«,W1Ma w, te isba mLede Mtl Wh fmit* .m i f u * vi&Ibaven etdq w &XOOU pay etthe oaim , ibe unie neeo&V b ides"id& Csmto~bicoo l; te.Tilb i. itIe the ad m m iu t,,e >f- 1EA 1 ema loiet -<mu"nos bl"S l'med"Ai Umm!s M;"lléy a p-aphfmim moï nWsyulw ivei.Eftfvtti 5(w 8 a i telu m u ýe unigbt vas mnuet, ic du.,da a greâtdemi tovaîde- mciea, dumb, nedyintib. abil Jir black- vi 'Ack rmenqi eeemmu "lasn t, mom~d, as! 1 A cerain dalmes o<ergy in tbëeduu- avred vitb a taadofthblisoec.aary tobigbbeeld. wblimy rup- Mus «.«V pshffli b. veNt baha7.dt &ÏOa hut for shouM «in a ail di.orpanm. t osuipetbebieb,Mdtbmt et j g nbec o eloir, thb bom of aibuhMe a a paie, gAI.- s&ddbsodutin <be. cosequence. yW la before ne. «ci»thi<bl sam..M, in a Messur, candie, admui uvâ, md s. uuirl igou c i. ci,- 1U teck ut cubtio s il d.Ir the cimcloh" section flous in the Vilembi Jeucl.and in the o Wemesd-it's mofeebbdý wSminesêc.an5aIiiot niiSi. qbaue..evaru<tyuute s, dicatin; iuupaire4i eh ba fe A beaiti, li e Cain beatiuu- *ld o e.mby intullectuel opera- 1 ruw 'itis. 0&*"es gu cdii troui cfr, or bel mu- a» éa o ntg bthesi, le tli oee rgs Mm hW& t beod ep ii rmuit up a" ti> tbl OCt, efor Iatiu , ai iVaut lMIOIitmae?~ b ulw ln.eta UpSbe c Inng.ao lit. pg, mt b p. eç bl om ' b>'e t là i smy. =tai 1~ m5ut unr e lat aMe c aleu t vbUc hh the varions parts aU lb. e anae 0 < eauosd; and thei. Marvel s, netthat Iburé a en much daast, but <bat t<bein s;i s.. 4. "Neuf La anc.... .faur* s1raW bav»W of (Wdqm&ai«P« a pelaiemuiopk flaSMUa* Maf Pif.l, themdi eugy ofithe. umadandthe »d il u t ei.d ifà eaverting ali- Fl@ncduluâilrrsdncesàta uhfîlu,ftmctoibe. 'raUt Une log petfra" bl ut rfoetlit vouAi usowo o m baipdky oib e bi henm vith - ~ . tonS gflin m aml, cr of tbo Wd'by Jobsl 1.hm» om .ps &euat=o. Uide theuuinenea( e<tan a w -ibêbelyeree. ai in a cuulte i ,th mass43 tie ha * en, vIbeai-the i object.N dimdtavt uiUlo IuMld nhMid Ui clim«t., vouli thsy mcl, pro- 9COUMnt gtbably, havé ere ine9,pV '5uii ýcuisqnenc, Tii.y may hatueimnelimate Vierabu- tiUi*lY, f« mmn lteMutnt cbard vur ont manif h1 usam ban cars, sud they May h.udbil leue- *II tain CODuut"tÎoceu i "r.but jutas tatude, volAedo ebit ~m- Ou"tiwly vitii bil a ituil me> a i tut therema Mlk cacla.,bsdg poftoica rssid tv irfore, obShdplai ooba= dinu M~ali por- ~-ma ~gq <urater- cnasli»Y comblai witb kt wol!aJ» ds v ec 9»v hnttemI ademUid I ba i x Mg,> uan e U rg a d*e LI"Y imat tonen e,- » pdi:xf ai dm.s HAGS Fm ANNEI.mm luae - b.be~le *trhe<bpen of Captain i. o1ucb croei.*eu*uàumtalquod. i iiuueSdood 7,ahM0l e l estrmaspo- W.t 0"60 pm I8I »Atva wil mpâinofueaud aem 1* humore <ban 50 year 0ap am .u bave néauly outilvid a V%_- 40 s vl.îy o 0 eis$aama"mUimanns. Wboqm g a va uduu tt, <bi usted in the. âalll r, v. vn" ofpi,= mn«wi, doemesaith V trt = , iuilenta la tie .uty, ~ ~ cnlime~ipaled hali ,eAth.a muin ai 41dm « ~ mn asut r ceni*- (btiEna deFi ~e Fe:; MW,; CON 4t -M iew gugu St aà mot. si aaps- 0kUwe, amdl1 6-m.- n nasalq - cepew u~e ~4I ~u~7n flA~-. IOI~ .umplnUs. liai sui Nb PMUwtom mail. -m b f-i us MIOFN -OM i i~ m oPUAiffOM ! wceww I - ut i tA I i ai . I la t boe #Bm !Î-_U_ r ' - i . 31 -T - rf mi di lem Fli L. 1 -dw 'l; il ppowpw ---- --- - ý- e!Mil mm Il - -qqqwlm"lw q -l .1- w 8 - 21

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