Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 24 Mar 1830, p. 2

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civil vais ApinaM *4 alfou me na 194 lu rlea' GihmEs V= oc Wlege AiueuaeQ a aptatof tivaw,'Otanvil eo nuihoem,' Iqp.Ilc' abc.Fuxvatiy. la cenb b artesaile, tout a arg v .aa iwm chair, witb a eubi.en a@ÏwftI.bo châia- irey .t~ vlsa o~Iiaof n is.rot a 141., idé, vusv»PM 0 bu en parti- osaownmImi;ý eh Tr chairs, sMd huoatveud uh . Ofbiliauceois-4hs mes a cta et Obepberde, vhh B"i. steak, deu. ed nm lcourt mit, sUd lo UpI-betem sd parutiaonC".as the.jsd# w4m ois.)o otheraini foumitae fasmeu, phisu e lute., Tbefomales, likavias, ve*sdra a. abphdeues, db aslah ud rok, a&l rbeblsdl igb haad dgm aensd Sawing «itanmen aMWthek hhammarie oW no inr«; the. luznry of the limes bavg e bli là, bézéàte quit thetouer, ites . pendants en tht. peat s momIe, of aime peolesaen. Tht. veuoeolk mbsuil. la Jht. voeu l», reMi te tumble4ov. gr il Patly upholal M a m .,n luU, aller 4 fm eul4ass, têt. bloklth*, -awit 4- o aourius lret4w h Yeua,.-The leuogbae relaoitive te, tht.vi., q antr 5tg a ypsps. b. mg lbthe t) i-aee N~usy as n udmadm J l:;Z, tbm et Wow tht.e o. in Ibo bond sa aomm c a .moe bau uuad ib longmfusfac iIlbs bead S emet& demaret"asuasly sUirg sqiig, Uff obirg uucveod theY =ppeaed vary Inactive, but aot torp a.or~ m .; eandm tteped ta ballethn oslvtospia in tht. Mad, ljes. 11 e oatai& pote o onideqbt*l.n-tet. .un do» u ifth o&*ht afu slb Paffliy wésfo= LY mfua e.aneplacael thaitt. vwatof .the. sun U§ .dlrsugb it, sam prsvsatad thtll iiOg 6tht.e acta of the frosi. lualag 4lches. lgmealo iiondudi * the witt, 1 baveut' sa .iuy butti1ht.bots.of pouda.luwbcbu, lau totdtheyarocmuuou. -Ar.wseeto inuir hou ibm tat th a p i ga, àua 9ht. Wvalle ila teedNib re t.1"; sud, astbey watt. tbh lnimetioued capable of uoviug, tthatthey de flot hyber fiat.o bhoeetorpid dunag tbe intr,, but that tbsy Taie a et«,,or authelr hiding place.? bve naver obosred tieus in dftches orpoots outil cnoertbsirpa*v"ig lie, vit. ater % few wvu days in Feluna ry or Maroh, vben the. "mcroahiog fa cou- tiéo t'.aderaied tt.-croof opriig Milprovoca ie fpot'te boys; aller vbtch ithe.a-- bryo bo eu ~es aublaé spotsinsaslarge (// maan fgebtiaeu mater. Ma*gazàue of z.. Itas Y:st-We ar utouée hau vo contomplts tht.e E.* ", hbave boss efected vithin tdya1 s ln 1w o dd v o tai c f Our youthfid day. kýWherdhe b gay, the beauilul, the.hap di e. ire once sporteal in thé uoauOfiyut an.dsprightllnu off eujioyust! ty in'-re here; ce knew d Wu;6i Ye 1.b WC sciled weuh thra doe lIIue4 mny Str.'arn eu P=hplaru n ale *; bu iSeeare tht.y no?,Ab! l bave clfrre uts: thet. vblrtia 1 et 9alro h.ni rapidly onvard, aad" i~ r now saahrng upon een 'b'ivdesoyelm sea! Tht.e su otour cbgilhood, tbu fado away, andl S'ion, not a veatigoof ibm i, lefi ai a tolcen that tbvy bave siat.,- 1 smali supendous irh.eli u aver ollnf n. Ton yeari mort.> aud cher.vii e.bd Olur present itonde our precapt coampes- im, will they atif ie h hel No; thàt il improhable, the. grave, perluapa viin have avaloveal tie.; or tbey nsay ha aaatteru fr avay; Strangars and i a arte l baa. Ten yearsansd the. aspect cf thanu t7omany. aýry mav, Wii bu chaa.oa,.-Thse pl!, eussieilmser, that rie honda over bi houpiesandmrhmgddtmmuricA a"Imai wretchoumt rer ins ebl lomia the begsr whou liedrives.fimu Liadour Win lbave gbetotheig hm i Teu Yomsa Md tt." a~Pot- Md aieaaishaveîr w a aitre b a luber'oouiimao, a o opakw i ber eye iii (%lt o@t at laghterLisut ohm tops a o fl atageI btalndu onym1 t« " dii .01 beingvill indoolie ebiUdthehrg fapeluaate mihua buiger sli obisé;ber bu * ' o - peit dset bavetadodkethe nmarant, loaep! Ton if %sedyYiih,.- ualite- Win have=a .. Là "bsfi- nala bnt" the WtisaI Vii aàgouis rane.. lihe Ath" ine iibitt't.f eut MWlumlbope& VUIY LATE FROL BUROPE Thaalrip RalIlea p. Bunker a jved at eve4nfÏro. Lveirpool. vS. eh mW o -the4th -,Itiý 8he thuribiep iL dvicea tttuos a h thasi s rceived thé otty~ie.y v ia Bos- Euh au tauu iMadiel vh.1s tMe ita i., 9oE ,wuaou at Wibé dI. ha leU t Ta aidt W-idarau. lou~a " T r a o U l b . --df -.s- . m- tu- TIPI 1U'P1~Z CÂ1~ÂI~ U8~ALIL Ti leitheoam d, ardomhuttarIMsIw asryAdI eal gami orQ(aj w MvLunrirhaft Zt t Nwa.., cîricý gys- d Ut aomm ut lthe laet pamutm ibriop offleilh.s Covetry,it aigdtaoho uaaeel Mki' Hawby Who in b th 0' .r4",wat Mr. Wuftloy.' Mr. la mw»a COd Bic uuu.thé u cfCcadit mato.Scury. âAsother pubis b*b aber foa MM or Mr. lmq thsemmudn 100ni ve miultes lofr.Iuoffbie tua ho. beuW e ora aparticelar »4 001 a,Îl *ov -Aitia uui Imd 00,uipOhe-U dw . l kau1tÀ Lordimstllty abs -ayi eamutm"" h Miby ltasita rew e e Anila& sCaai,. unibeai ir&imi hela#bmdtatu. ba'.lerepîtatai e Ls0, 4q Pe-ii oibt ila off naalul daiU*MBe. AU~lse~tejatleou 4"s t Athe ofÂu.Te>tu.i cf uu!t . _w veinb eto ca is.t chs B bau ancmc b A ita eabe b oatr burë" ti ué.thelcpnrche wini be lexl brieea<hu ara amofu thr. lb. racpàtabot Lodoon laoaf. Osahuneni1 or qc an= bIeLasd etintet m ' oetaowet-e. hl e d g 4m-q> in lu v, otpaug e the opesuuo h I t Wtaitvl.witl m aIt, o luista- U e , b. Md thie.A" *cgiyvft< comsanit bieh Vu.Ap r a the page dtas Mt-aAmVS. Stosine. t aIet Gvem, a- ain eleion e u it M «ha > Who Wiauvl'te w hm ,emuuy su -lb Au Amirai, baaesudesm Oa bis w..Bt. ue, hie. se da la s,'<Iam 'at.iuvn ug the uba.mlb nt zuaw*a vr.iud th. ae tees O~idy nîce.atb"- m' hIiJd«D.kllu, 20. Th - r in te 48bkomm -ivbm : =-dm=bs-1 Spa Pauanu la. bont Ubouas pst.dflavim ttuohema. bol a(tbensphadcla te teasued Pleau ofesa aeilv mymm ces. a bCi it, depwtacuit off rot u andS Ibsi vua dia hlao, <ueaiy h 00. lut un M Mla Madrid, be %e c'la iw u l tre pavu lt.. ruqir -t.7Ii for th' MPtfrea B ýte p vaia ava Tnt Neaso 11fr.tl PreSX hu Aet tbo docueme ~am u t b iulogvebs t o e e e t l a com. ela, t ci! Intersi ou cpuy, ah liailr' lb mmsdop 17 te vituuisÉ @Iand liai a th lb svurelut1 swesensiupeinée CI. uVIL 1, the ufmwwidm ofe lb qaso Bhe Provint. le pedient te ducia tbm «IF aih i *me eetffl aie mts i botpa th- l., bd hat thmCi d am rpu wate filb ne ebAmmitea;but g ~ miaululnse*apedb~htramcoutahlty bt. u muzu Midaeyviflboid jote t. Ihem at amas Thlvd:-lat it fa expont eadol!To. per invluthes,thattboez- iew- y<rmkihal hhyéti omle o-enioutht. cou- t e"v. iWOntiofl fthe. lut Sem" O- Y. bave beau lll a ho tt5k ~UOdOriueîemdalat, buthaul- avabouuMçildt.te-bpurpoos for ehich B»Sale Shwicthegrh la didiout sparMâleaofi uon«vlctlof aIlbo seit ei fibres, of 6v inmuod rG<eft.ao f thet. u ot ai. m n u ousquos Hab Eeslleucthe. Aduinistrater of the ba.ttittm dried(rmthe 1Cum1111,011% a1l.ta t h. Puafie. leIatm* élià; coeau f astat, taeo*btauanimpe lcs~~*, lbtheImpaW Aca, have boau morea;O83 t là le betandahtsiet.. calatosud CortittUISlkaitem of "_0! svli-tht yeatn tthelbpmeea- ferth. rt.a, ba t. salarls««tt r-Tht. festivals of the' dvî'a 06 th Fr-", u sabM.be gievaces ëam li' Ct;varatin ntise presot USt.ePAKin Mis o! Jauuy. laiea or 2UiM.tdiw ý?( WbW-]131, aJety a ubjechi la rel ho lbbua ellseiebrated in la rly maklug et t e astua Holise have liiza- TMie uuamti tuates in lie preseuteal to a c ua nee Nimber.ltw ual, O "1le er ~ccti.ue ttenion hhiaioc nofh*te.1101 a pil teicm - 1iiij ruug m lu.sitl aigsaiui ulative pride, and a Mmf haa" th. Bugisty in iAnal aait provison aders.0f Pud le vi ma- o. W ' tu eluq' SaL- e yt ait n etrlbauest dRis MajutyleGavent ra-tieand eouh Ihfe in lt Ieady peepareý- TheAsaeuidy . Nva Sc"tiabave cals.- job% PruimdE> a allus of tk ster-'f kiclusaund i anesil r bupw. of MI. t Md.sul- id loba siubr4dp, Waq. Agent of tht. - -ho vasiring in îhoe seoainN b iaouvnluLne.£IO hv usa->1. omhroi *jsr f the A4mua- by the unrestrainea ex W»iof th lb ottovy, san&piprt 4jo beIlIt pp *t vspeo Sacbnered ande .Y aibe aMY a-0 PuOelidas bellb. Bair ai Catomein Lot,- 1 have # s< tpromieut tolac haidre t? refrain frouadeclai à aml*qte iij 4 abts U t5l iaettu,pmeoibuthe lectl& M i o<-6.arrveoa ~deep feil gratification Igdm~ieui lbdu.d *bc mulwpiJmof 1Conquis. Aida or, e.e tieias, eiire u celebraion of the da, rqe o ronl. the Sat.Addreu t&e bP»eMdM for inteoatigon aaioe itétmit b o gbo, beart of every traue A cmet do la Boùrdeuml% b.d boWie«qmSb te us n teBesa g*j, ock about îîxty per riesa, collet Etuguot,, u"4oisy.-1 iretrat te eoM. l, Oit uwwt*supingWellington Hotel, ta t Vaiiee. ubas ipud % 4'u golo iHtfx ea stepnur qd4bo gtertainasent ai tise Pr .!ýi,1liscamaon profisi s cowmsttue» of 'ane t t.bolleve tBatneting vronld al b. douuItitre e t - - di =L, nyliai luii 113 . K. blhlalar euhrespect te geseuul hothet- praotitud t i ciel aumtet th eesua Wst ailmle ttaje,uatiîrt$emutiwauevr.tOe dm ummd tWi 4Wtbraisc ar Cm.-popttd vt P010bulbei, <tpe'aum, it sabd frot tBritha" NotAs ricasnbtus bavet.uom«t.liîthat reasiuvboe stercol. anal theianxieq il dNatui os- ..tethon quatarpnmsa e i astiane. e ealach f.t.t ai home, tait ao ,M ~ .umtta*, ;tinuuwlhit a iustriticanof nea rci 30fu i ~ Was» kw happy te urd iai' ,t.o-o.M jai oa and the W ilibul i laat lu, M.liavn MPaosl -am haIl datuhtel;lug~in n am-a t.. wus au "ue*uaffit*lieianliuffined, b mdate ta and ual fot (ail te, do ilmo en"dity5théAplcotVa011116111;lbumevfbéî hILNsatakenpaeaiding,h ain'stang . 55 OS et.tock uucaree-o ibr ti. wlmlactfrsthe. Ils ' blambn' <ahi, animation, of ahe ais Psthco5000(Prince Edward Ilaad) on t it it 51, Ihaa it u> glasht avrnied hie ~l,300à0~lC h. rtuar-aviés umttwwu a ppelntud tuaiit "t mode for lbePivn- Hucco i.C et 4enemi %e1) M e em iti 4Wai, te«Mbave lucreiaed,anl t ila the. Repreeutatives fI s cei.l it t' ea>ind e - ~ta bt.baod villa beumficlai efets. .tenir snd thetovu aI' aiIbsé aof b r g i tateemnje mQeu;epsdga'- d saemahmtéaa~se - t- The. Chairésud 'Vicey l0b.le Ubbilut . m ellelieera grauted Uii.Legun- by tii. H. Ge theevauda asryiumgon tht. vomie au' Darumi. Byidi, hiî eshigt l.latrafo.-t. Legiiatas t!e-aid u tho 1e Sbosmae ecanal, have enalèd tbat Doisglame, part 4 fhe e 1 a, p tbretig actuasy- ivot rtai e, ~t.h it lb lurt COupaY tu illciossetiteir exeons oduriug 79th Rogt. vert.inlu ai f lb remch Yua-r i £Ibbet ir. esc emrovo *lubt a"»meud miumikevue heen a The fol!otwig ver. Capialiesy.a, puvisatb'bc.t Il Ichtipenter mesa teiud"£WolflmMaoty'sqGosemeut as they vere parti g scal 401 tnoh e lt;s dlea a1timt.LtarMNeou5so4 alaum RlaTwseco f sud partilvolaiaiteors Athié .As"o-ati ,The atteulloaotho nimaitti .1o all £i000 l ad in OUOf 0 erticasm de bore ta lot. The.day vo ce b.re rn the ufl bouea fax wuafértiet caledtc-lbahject by iev- aaPlis i s uptiant -eork; sud tht.eveycae oh re at, 1. itie ad ra aricea l. nvmam~et, sd i ap-COMmp.y>s m tel Louam, arctively branceocf h.. cauntr - peau pobable Bfattb.fumur mmu vcted eng a .ponîgprivae. mbuaerptiaua ulag. -lb. of Que -- iart. in yB ov tt.L~5-frh a.Juupt. awhleh lhey have 2usd. Tbhe oryîi îJ.eth ioofl>o4tugaiàlai m etarb hee. ûm MM222fctanuceeg. md toeChritian fail ofn utt ib 24, aatitabe laa 4ai»4ib a>e eillacilation talpro- Culrges, Atideunt 1 of, ew-ivmwek-bu ited£109 fe a ýu!,th, t otb. Province, in a fotowed-4 dirge. -a".c éi5t t at the Ligt Hoe aeoiSt. Pani, on condition thal t Mt.oen,>i ordial aurd myaid :bd. Tbe ring, GC izil h.. requaatsd Load ~~~~~Co anada, Nova Scttand Princes Edard W in wbmaue sbavce ~ .t uiimG..e A te .couaséfiof ,it &, land contribeiluth. propattioü. memtiien- vie; ta attain chich 1 recaomouij harumo- 4th. Duke ai Ciii. of makiug an atuack eu Far- a ethia ppr. yinYu-edaas si"ex- Ifrtni owPt"tdome fcedult letappelea dtasdisageeemeaînt isaraa dtiostantaro leuio tatfh.LdMiis le entitete- c.ShWdInhI t heen tlb Afusby anal th. Legimiatire amDsaitçnisadr trhoueraùMtion cii or d Hilrs, reigue on flou M'uIiuvini Conneil ofNiev-.Bruuaicii onut lb mject saU.ýluai at.- « fm iL. anN iSaut Ilcpd6u lds f ibo Wight te affiz conditionu a Mormey id ovni.htA udlofySussex ad dteraused comud-billme. Hisaaosesel uaCuais-wuinah. #64ieîghCo seranse voittidtese a di- Savon or eugbl tiubor sipi came itetaSt. a"aer lie sent ftalilumn al e oo n avct fhec Tét h ofbusurer. alS uus obi, (X->»l) lb.theet ending D2M FoN- 'bora; s=d J0ualKlbsrta. b.viisg ttend- bains af Irish parnple utelbsurpe. iua yeuyo.ly pertoe larrival, Itisod accordiu.th*llaiamulotheeaduio- shall handl down his sutoollb, higb prices cf tituber aietome iuiere oaltaSens. Emy anal JOhumaoanat ri-Garicar. lLaNo -Illa atmedba~ ed t ilia esveu e b.inaillgeuce tisey bthomr.eaaa vithaut an opo-P Nit. ciblîteauëry. .LZn yMest- f ce, svmanGetBtasQuc Geralto lu lb leubesoff avry cmiireuÎreafl laTd-Shv Apeu SttOs rât' ail &otboua-e- nynai lu t Theeimmmui10 - lic~as e adetat.d h Tt.MuCd«;ZnalTerin ferMinamet.- lmtea'eov lug.t- thel WWmmhy. e y0s7- ha-gtln-ava~ e Sc laiofs t.hllsbae menwotwpmua b.heunatien t b l. tohadui wy etSore and iet t 4bS touaian d PAtrict lUrit uihs 4l be4dimmee, c lle 6.Repora t l-b uadGeattebt- al whtCueow* e aataatite4ay*tu o.jygêimâ mi of rdl àrt4noOfthl iBe. Provindial overbut e m du*I imestiii, spuv hU~ l S M oa-., ;Me reàeefruteiabsof douiietsiertlabuedl.aco 7TVoqIllet vei ti&e% ld"iuddtxifai the irJhnC la8codlm la u-itlliuiutatie. . hallie e l.iupniusa-nitite Dh dsamm. t tIti pron Col t loti ba roduced t teose pet publie li tai hhlevastht.e h".f lb. Ad-. Eaa- lîaetfjsD.iieet o t , l in nCa w debtou of tme batiks iii ti wtr,-i, bl. '.siu tpajrli u i-MlsCVeu dinauMmwk iiyputqepon.o aatrhonlvlia pst cent. may leuemaipei'mmt.ly trrtatig - =l eai$~ ~,, e.e..Prf~.CoaLou am b hmi*11bave te Crowu O1fct.r, in Whou a budsllatlb prou- a tea ae naa~M.c.u .Giil îsl ra a*'ètltaa voc cutes off o&bcm . b. t.aafîttano ent ses o oeahi- 0,,f, b a>u&& s ietltisa Of conrso~bf snet usooUMnas -eroce at Mo*Utrmaé%ý.. 09,8.Caute t li. lattes, Vih i ie llNueb- c erduparti.ire min rtelectiolalne, MW dd . ameo yCeleer t O ivCon-elsell th beoa ehameveotht., ls eofetibseamat filet elgh b e.deut- tctf-------------------- on tIqe b. $cuca - - au~ig off mach publiceatentlun. Tht e -"e Amoogtdbiatbs*e. BUsl.y la o, Gsugci.-We ondes- a~~~~cntudbaves, haows, beau baramad for -itbtmmaù. ti:t. fr.ca the augunmea bquctugthym. sacMe ioysriam- lnd bo provnce toMwepiCeehr le agal4ut ls= sic ai lra re e huISz jPUI t e MY beavy ezpeamea port ofinbiels oulalty bient lb a i ef d pe the .Crova OdIcer proe.uting- Aeisou o,Sard boo4 tè uii f AnSaleal bis «"e.e. .barauing of . *":Ma t.. W. aest, b faeslIislie lbeparti% and tleb rmltlug and net " colî- o.ad-- - -saat h1 oyMag àa tiiof ie b O"ai! ejicr' coudutovirdstbu peo.ple of th -Ote autit c , %i.cur c. Tt bis not tipre via P!u'at, lt pati. have betaut- icqtîîted Ki"iaded -t ipjli -413 U' ioi o! i c ory bu Colet ai Cps il b lai db. cotie uutsychosec tele inl Ztéemd4 ? Taoeur to mwtetlllbSflàta tomib'teW bminiter, or te rtire meeubed y a necoutayt mtmsamd pamuy .ts ars-~ -~ i mmi -, Bs agildi iavetlaoe.tiieir f»ormatu1eof beh da**tu, ri.. m.i"Pue appel- asaavutt.e ilc 5~t aeuwiliderod tulfavomaibete i.lty. OILOt1qIAL. .- W bth ctieatéte 5 i nb ewée.. 8-~ Ird .goon Wî uî ~NJA i be vte o eaetion of leuba. L U"Tee-t --That bo. e asiu u*"* _94 e-4 wi à!r*0 tsi~~~~o",f obi.FtiasUtutd c W of te Civil Governae uta!W. udevt U bthlb ilita bil tasaï ' - )ide <e. 7-w. 1ou9gçqeqpaieit et dias attenay.pailà W uo1sud a Omf>cles ftsrii.u. h hM ai" WW -*-ýW a rv-ww U*"sic., ra gin ««s lare Ba h.Ih-p~bouooael opuat h*inl bkcage ~lo Mqnis?..po C. uuaa l let iltea.multeastow *sl ui i»bd otdl eEt ihiIilep-P- umr cie., te"Uvd*kthuesai. I viiliensP'vte r kuciu p,~ Eepe S aymefdae.k-lt7mb~h lbft ls pmtb .ir or," I W taei mmi ilt5I Ptmi e gl tl aaâ!»ato1i~at 2Ladhteal-o idws.,,M as- -no Uetist sd5* 7& -.ssm ck bah!si&" 14 *aiuTe m t.r bammi, uam «"Lâse b tpmire* Omo rois !tqW lirén isee t fhê7usoiad t. ftmèse g'et fe lut s Mle, Ipiuoiot. taamé, e MM Ili~N ;*the p*seb" euweg mi * limer lell Jim megesaa oiisiRsBeimyb 111~ Uàbé * - - li vtt P M G ýi r ,m i & CI ltu fb _f àlbu fou in60> OfUb UwdW 41/57itm Imf wwOF o mmflm um10Mc nomPU km Pto ruevmomm10m ucao. AMIO10hMc Augora& AwA .Jj.I... Ij~sI I 'I 'I 4I 1 li o David & urimmbo ýL- E?<I 577. eA ,ho btave the h,,,,. bkO-emia- Uaa,îi,,ý 1.ot mrd"r.aa t., le Of New-Yorki rdepaimt in thr,, ,CKS DAY. rTutelar Sain-, cf ZdSu ahave eý~ einced un hênret "" 1a high Sensc Of pr pi. Penau aie.bave b'-a- periodical Oîie âbie feelin.g%, We l. CgenerrUS SeîetIrcrr. eprepuion afeliil, 1 rNclaraîed, Were raag, thât ün .. ,W,, ncerd more sifleere ar.j O,) tbanon the rec,, I&y mo cherished in t Hibernian. At ril ieaons Bat dowral t,( tousanUwptuous an e:. Prvinace ever fnj. sin, and admirale &'e lta arrangemaent%; rL, îhich every Ort. ", y man ifestel ta mir a, îc tago riny 'Je. rin'ry skill in the,, a, andl af abila;ya nd ady and Fauter, t inem vere of the. be' Io te horrest tbiýg, nue, to boan; ll;1j he geniai and reptor,,,ý isheart.Tu e - hurch ai Eaeglaari, -r the Coity q Ic fKingstona, ere re preaidenr, 'vert ajv raEq and DL)oe: e 1el.1e1t ialid o! ;h-. tendance. ýe thoE Principal Tùasr, icIl froua the Cha:, celebrate, Irish mn ii rate li ta, the rt!rtL.ý iry-dir-si. PotraicÀ of St. Patickle plar,t. b n breland, t'harcht. 8 nud comnuon Scbro:, leorga 4th, Gad bhi, lento andtthe a- id tb. Ariny-Biiif, ex sud Royal Famile- Muell, M. P. the. anhin., *ilIty-mav Severi mi! ebe tht. mairrlntî the~ cîr itaca, aud werth t; ta Gloria. aof Angoesf, tht. frier., of Nrvacs, d col. eo fvor oflbe nip del 1&q. the ElOqUer: t-r o BragA. 7 01 te ilNastrioui dead. ka anal tise Forty Shi) mopt, 'andl province cf Qi Song. i0sarne, andl Ptltperty àeý-lAirgu auler. n ivoLia Naval de- a>- Maimrap Say lada. ser, Aasutaint Adjutatt 4 beirt-umper sqîare oî Ames icWallae Me& ris, le.asd Thit, * s trcuig se adausar. snudii lueids of trait. lcteae-8,prigfSilda.. U4,tut. pidc and orna. 7, Wsi.genis àithe rd's adomiïation-io oire Emq may bis Harp> nuieu elralaopprmion Thougb lait, not lent "teeo, ther nty solice of ÙW*' état> te fLd. *ë Ofveing the fol!owing =r taon for thet. a- talen style by Meur' à" MMMers fair? ws ws be; pqo. à* d ae; 0 marminga hvg. 11 hun e pzysuld iifl umi , thea ail do- rè,.sI *lendds-be PautaDay, lm3. by ur =bI<udMloeu, to .Poa~t" asaint & te e ni* MUMWM Il =0110 = 19u 1Gioli vit era may rcime anal air ceo ciher elalor may caps; and amacae i 1 i for lbo - atm of the cry Diiii he Diatri reity auth euten off9 h. Pose. b lse mot s Tea WAiUM we.V vi.5yited- bI. iolsa b auit v.iuh- puy buasm jetG. bmtb rel meufle&

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