h 7 ft ttt tt twhe. MM of Siiott ofc' un heonest i> leni tic! ohibuî0 weiuW , ta .o noccci In oste i.and wu do a t th, piul An *et i oser afforded a adirubdis. an9omnts; th etoneiiwas e std ta mate Ma0ilmly de. cf abîdityan *~ 'Ur, the, Ionelhiga il udrapîuro,> laheV. M r. Enlnd, ani ~otilty of Fro». oni, 'eeuest, McY screibly :8(1 and Do,ît, Mimion of Col. ni Band cf th, ce.. incipal Toast,, rom the Chair, e, Irish men ilà ta the retifu. -Si. Patrick, arickha plant. sand, Churche, union Schoot0 i., Geai bei, C£ mps s' d Hi.1ma- ,T O p keim d the C Oa a I s Sirloba Claanépcpit r~pCEmupt sd tisoitorPm- LdycobomS, sMd t g lar aiuppS 1 cae VOLyCTEES TOAOTA. Cl- B Ptheice -Thélandvl jti. Nth1vc BvDavid L Fauie y Eq-Thu Ctt < rneEd'sad. 19 ; A Deawotn tAq.-TbaChWe Jstioe ciUppar ada. 1 tBNyDotor MomottayMab ]RomHi R'sdd» pri CEswlaaadSbam-1 ock so geta.- 14.Ny hfr- JhS . Heermne.-Tlao i jîertpct eu MaerGeaurai d Britishi u iy Mr. nei,&. MoMaboo-.The Fait D;4*tms a("ho Emsad ie..ý 16. Ns 1Mr. HBu Te amycf the flAdy stPi kM, liu severai cther Tmost'ert. gitan, audap- propisît Sngi aimg on thi. occas"c, andq 1,j ommipedStci armony pVea"l. The mpiey u.Parated 'sllifel=nsof relat-d IaLc fren a sceie so.s ip~t IlaAoweil ac 9i 80 Tas W mRu.oemsduy th.wuterisWusm ý=u Uit umHsIy i.s i Api. On TuiS&Y moeniu we ra visited by à trsueudmsss scstorm, Md tii 0~DD5 t.h.Utut5tOd TkL. t.ba- bof. parUsly t ri u bt mat uffktly -cte ,doit vitis. Lut 61 'se .atcsd thsdi"*"VdtTsalsk Sprig d.t Tcwsdip of ltsliweII, Wblt Hsputtb-x ... t5it pmeto t,,h mJuh. Ajoàt tockCu- fgy tas buisess .- àths tcwufsmuact"tha TtiiT.-Lssi aisht tho Amule t l lth ifiganaders plyd b mail dmued Comdy of àpnd Me Plos«ts, wi theh.afin pas.. utb Warlod 1 415<e Ode, btb ofwhkI4els 'eaui ifesu.d wa t 71- Dito.( Sed.*veiuThDLiU, atat.00 th b~ i. ath. P. a. aUsq ot. Hitl, COn ofi GAOL LEIMTSACT. 1the N.vy- 11,TEREA$ it lu tipedienita assigu Y e tain harged Linilta otht e vur- irruy-Briiiqi ai (&ois withmn ibis Province, inii'bch flditots msy have the gpester benili cf es- >Pl Fs.nily.- orie and air, 'sitiaut snjuciig lbe Shar- 4i, or other Offices in 'shos cmicdy tht P. the. unuicd. Dtbtor May lie, teasny actionls, aila'sfor sn say savori Mil- sirp; and aiter, tarandeoo effcaant Sr enumunte thît meaary the receaiesa toe b caniedi r uni Wsorth t oýýhaif of Creditori agaunet su y Debtor ar bitors availing thumltea of the provie- mes, the friend ins of this Aci: r eu. Reilst, 4'c. That h oai ssand my b. lae- ki, uni ca. fi for the justices lu Gonseral Quaters es_ f Ernancipa a'ins o e otPe*r. semblait, in ssci and trery District cf tuas Prcvince.-adieu lian bue Eloqutrait th Distract cf Niagsra, &ni lbuy arc e BRagh. herbi authorizei and ruquirsi, et de faut lusrious dead. Semis, of thu Ganeral Quaiar Semian cf rosas. tt Pace hald after ithe pffltt o dis Axt, la Forty Shil t isigu mudmatk as Limi tae t tepec- Curale#'ate- ro Gia klus aci'Digrt i t e.Pussince. ttier thans te District cf Nlugass, net ame1 4province of !bansiilita Acres ci groai, contfgiout, 'ne mid Gali, and titrait rer ibmablitb- id pcospariîy lent cf luth limite, it @ihllsud nsaylbe ai da-kr 'àwtil for any Dehior or Dabica, ocnJ»éd klNvad!- rtc ie bucanfinei in mcahGacla, Italbeand i scy lade. . emîamn at'any part et pare 'sathun socb Li xit Adjulaut lits, withcul subjacting lhe Shriff, or oih- hoprSiNtm y Offirer inw 'hosecastody sucb Dablor os Dbtous.maylb., to any actioenor suit fer. taGarrlaca, of .ny escapfrImmsncb Gaoi Limita. Pftni- j7iaebld. 'Ad Ioneer, That II shall cotieha iosmbat nid Tiasie, .pen such Sharuf, or other Offcar, ,o aile.1 #s adamant, any Debîci or Debtori the ut ami bunrefi ion-ExiI À s mci Limite uies. sucb Debtor or Pet-it ,a shal frniai gcad idtaaery @uscu.1 tsjaewrath- y that ha, uh, or tiey, aial ntiai apy1 a of[Ge trait. înt, during bis, bar, or tliu cofiaemui, niqSbljtk. p or reoire beonad suh asiabisiae 4 Liss- led ou rna- ;t. Precidudia.sarh"s, Tiai durirgouci leut lai thea lue au any debtar in eltecetiici sball bave1 îiin-moulg 'e liberty cf smci Limite as sforeaaid, saccb ýebor shall o< ie beauiiled ta reccie faontmi uy bis Hsrfp, the Piaintiffinii theactiion, any 'suekiy4 abboniu mitntenaîncehy raison cf uny tataita fori iàebInefit of Insolvent Daltors.9 lina-CsAla Andi hlereas, Trou dhe ptcsiair local i!tioen -if the Gaol cf lie District cfXIia- it, net Alst ;ara, wing tote igrsatar idistancu liurci nly nsecf row the Towan, it i exfpedient ual lite ame b; Me Ladliis. -sged as Limita thaerelo siouli lie motoe hefolowi li'tettsive Ihan tc.them-BdtjwMwSmwWcc for dhe octe- teutto uiiiy aforesraii Tiat t1m-laestuses1 le by Meus. 'the nid District cf Ïkiagan., shall sud -v, in anner sud faimu emidmgn as fý,toii eLesai Gai, sutoxtenst cf grad1 Lot --eding twatysiiuAcrs. .- UÎ!frghr eaessdr.-Tisi f a- ny Dbtor or Debtees, vile hyao- i0!n any GaI vithin liii Province: ezro May biaegisurinnty te ustithe ~.eeef.beitfortiemeelvers, ta tb behe- - ttlsuch Litnitssabi i Ujidr5's «*et t tro or out of the muiLni g'- :ôuami '"y! bc awful for itheShéif eti« ce 11 si, trot , wiSe cuse4ea> Dllaor tut, Lýtlrs May go 'sitidraws, i suiflti and etcvrroei tht pisuer, or Ferseti au pot- t>S givitegsUrbch eaity, qr edharf tisa; toi un or sumoscf man.y as u"ehDeltaor - ~ ~ i4ttûinia have beau ceuiamOsefr ina nb tue!l or liuits, toetabar'iisilleuabcs.laAb, sied, '.21ages a emat bav.sesotinly rssenti ., u1cli Debteor ])"oteuwiii aim lista '>m anid out of b.emuid LImils Alnd le t fuWW 1 jgIiiils i, auli Wise. :'fîre-id, Thsi lie Sslloeitfe ýep3ring, shail hbe"Ind te5u5wgUove di ev.iiai Seritv tu tht Plsinllf f'rop di rhum au ~ zd thiî the Sharfniieuzosa e ulim1h la M vnilsihi Ion anthe aSiffb. W iai u- mîlefwiuio, 'Omt of such Debtor orabirla.. l5tip-bobg Andbe iVsLfur meul BWiah cioesidTht tjaci sia" mt ejoia,,ut eCoitrtued laeextesi, tle5=y~St pesost.ceniefor isba, 'ietime lbu in csoifr a -te 'lT-said, Thatap muss.mt S 'ettieslie~ h, shu,.ar tiyduàb Or>mngoftuelaaas a wio u 01;ms lml fanit Penonf h lmh1 b s a- 1 luity hae Q fersa aou u :the Limite cf tieGa.d- ou is era"ansd sucit O eboed uOerk sibe ortL o "I whUo ik asti eh. or L.y istibaiiflv i- M hngn bm cani. coulained oM- nd. a e ecostineelte extend, tae uet me* lbieaf 8*DyDistrict han ttuihi< ici uecurlly h in . a jIr M usif m&ch tPnrJO M Wsot enjoyed the Li" t a mch Dntl .And be j *f i... aaaddIV me mmerty resOU. <ha:wbeisetet sy porsan aor MMRns ahoinuluexecuticpo a aCpi kI gadtifacienduin, ai tb. sait cf s.ny Credi- to r Ceilot., and sisAl haie oitaiiid tutu,. under tht prosisions of? lii Act, ta rsida upon the iuit-i ,f the Oael'siare bu' ffial base been cnifined, Itabal sand al W laieful for mach Credier aosCradjiora in Ma eut an, olior ayons. of Ezucuthou,,pot itbafiang eibpersesarennpainsal sate bes chargedise uion us sf*We id. Providsd akoip, ibai hie, bur, ot uait Heasld Forniuae.sut otze.ding valve pasi na teh in u uiet, ta- other mt wti.Tools udImpIemuatS cqfý rra" M" uby maCh pua orperious inu»yu1 rad oS Handicrit, shall net hb. hablei. ty o sncb sequeost Exacetion seit oosuéd Mt. ai afouesmi. .ldu g fute, euctdoy 61. udAr4it inosouli.Tbet ih shaand sud iy;b. aufél rr OUInMc sesi tç-o or eredktas.nsluit &wund, te tendtr man talahe Iowr- sysicrieu tloany maclaDehioraor Dsbtort io pU n etii.Limite cf any GtaI nfont- i i ii.mutiner es ai nir ha tender- lite.sny lnsolvent Dabior chargadinsu tua iltion. Aid ain casa sueb Debior or Dehi- kr saatueuse or negel tea nswur asi ulterrogutories for thteuacu cf twsty days leri abier a capy thertof mli.! libaebuen *leivered to a h bDabtor or Debtoru, ha, he, or they #hall ne longer hu entitlai ta ho henelit cf onch Limits, but iii,!! ha r,. snniitted ta the Gai! of the District vitre e, thea;otley @hall be consuned. A*m fit 6 foller .ocdd igthe ohrft 9femid, Thut if sny permc or parioes bn, epc,> any anser or Asmwerg. ta aeth torrogaunrlas, sweto falsely, ha, th. or ey shah bs hable tle&H te.peine a»d p.- taiies cf 'silful and corupt peinry. Asilbe fit ffutlir enacaEy thi.e uthcrg figt dTisa .,ot'sithmtding anytbiug ontainad ini this Act, every persan nc. lu xeiation for deht, enjoyi>g thse privlsc fthe prenataGai Limits in any =t& fti Province, shall continue ta snoui' eh limite, betweau the Lime. hlch shah spieé aitar tht passig ,'this Act, snd lb. tblishmuui t elarged Limnite'uadir the rauiisn.botin contalîîd, am shall fer- tr, in likea mannar, continne ta enjoy sncb Mits us heretofore establighect, subjeaIo l sosestl piiiona i ib tio Atcctaained, ntiI sncb new suarity §bhan!hb.givon hy tii parson renpectively, asu .111 ha suffient tfrr th is Act, ta afferd ie perty-tha buena- c f the Limita hereby s.uttsrized. N OTCEiier e gtn, that Tenders w.'ill be . rcvtt dis Off"c, tth e 241h Apral nexi, iran, #uy parson or per- sans vihliug te seutl ti.-ptoperty salU kna's as i opton Tsnntry, ane"i- img Up'sa>iu oCt actasun a quartraflani, nmcviie pperty of Goverumant, abatte adjainin7 tia toemaiof inptancomplmig a substantiel brick D'sermIf -omo <'ut- ryin Shopséamm- t. := 25 c*%q 'SQ del henfn-acoer,1 ant excellant gardait, a toutanit inn of vi- ter ilirougi thes peiai.laid ont snd adapt- ei to au extesive sçale of businss lu the Tannury aud Curryiug lino. The above property'sill halai feu tue lot May neat for a teuni of sevan year, suljeut ta lie rosmnet by Govarnmst dur- ing any parlof lia subid lrm shoal it. raquirad for tihe public service upon givn iweve niondie notice- sud i1 amy b. ranlod atier 'sitlithia i'ng-bwoew'hicha w sepaiste finu the. Tanuuuy premsesi or misnlutsen»b.eiud, or l itdl b. letfi .n ing, bfersala tie gmoonism he ated, or lix s' otit eapi for 'suai it amy bematald ."r,,liM oteh guhie hi bu tiai., for il fera Tannuy,! For str n. r i en yt the or- Dance offme, 'uht Henry, or aldhe Royal Engintoroffice, Kingnustu. flerrai lbe paidairy ta lie Orduante Storekeep ae, thdi station, in British iliver. mi Dames or tva aos 'silling th biamno se- curiiy fbu tha duemper.forancaof buheodl- tionsof the hasewill be raquiedlchabeiu- serlai in te tender. 011ce of Ordince, Kingitas, Match 2"l1m9 WJ~iz t OnLtDÂIRAD lu6e M BAT]3, sal Fea d muIeîmr6vs, Île aruiîsrdsee*.a Bath, os the suiubebrg~i Mardi l7th,1830. 4w. WANTED i Kingston, Matah 24A, M30 WBLLAJshI ANAL LOAI<. Raceusr &à- els c, York, U. C. *à1..ch19. L'm agialatqm , plamru.i îTeignU âMi ' * leo s Of Twenty-ive TlaM iN'nuds, antiidud, " Au Asti ta geat .7furibeLmoau, I. i Welland ÇVas.!Company,-and taeugaqlat their furtbor opeatio,-los:au ibe cradit cf t4t Goterument eofUppur Ouaa, by de- bouturas reduuiahle ilu-7, 9,sad Il yemr,~ lu ttrfta equal p&Yuanm: No"tice arlygîes, that SELE2 TENDE"S for thamid Lom, or any part the"of 'ili ha recei*od et uy office unli tub Biday of Ma nox, mating lhe lowSo ratife aan ofdoo tohie Restol- ý.rGeneruIv UPeCsade, ndemsd, --Tou- T4aiender .111 be ruceivad for a lumasm LiMa enty-11to Pounda JOHN IIENRY DUNN, B. M. Recuaver Ganeral. M S LW. BKNSQU Ruspadfuflnsu ell Wil Oen ocaolona tt fi&« cf April ili St Jnhn'a HaIl. fiahapus h un unrt- mitting attention te haer pupils. te menit a share of Publie ptronsgp-The felloviug branches 'sili b. corruy tang,j R. eaing, Geo!rpy ltr aioiin li n sodated hluanoi. tiaiug 2W Actes cf, excelt Land, tbis tend 's mitumauol cg**Croansd No.Wjâ COuuan4sàaprivilage of tii.watmr of astd Crel t bt mo iu dusiraidu situation for the Maction of miUa....Applicatjen -o ha made te 1Mr John Ric.hmood who lises ad- joiningl or te tha peopriatur ut Adalphin. town. JONATRAN ALLAN. Maueh 12th, 18M0. Li?ÏDi F6 4 -LE, No» 25in 1tb Con. Burgess, Ac2N %outbilsi4 O tb do tirposa, M0 Lot No. 23 6th do Marmots, 200 Euat 1 29 5th de do 100 for terme apply to IL CL. Thouson, Ebq cf Kingston, or té ibe Propo*oh JOHN W. fWE G &0JL- panr ff J'ygomamet Wil- 80n vi t." ofStas e Umis IWfl Ateref, ta om""ut ti dsnbsu him, (di. muid imsesWilstEqju w sa; coluect debu là hit favon«r Ipono, tberobesha , heqmà gsm témi Jams reute attend at ieseulabhusigo»lnnti ilg ef Halloweil, ou nrd"y the lIth dey af I'annsry li., where tiie oubucribers ;*1 meut thons for the. purpeso ettlng tbefr strai domandomo ars can a edseehjr tbé r im 0" »&-fer thst psqm.nt ta the sulsbu . ANDR[.11W4,r WILLIAM U ALL MONbM JU3RINGON Ralow atd lYuay 80 -11,51 -füb» uiber l, uisuat t* S0. .IM *Insade Wpublié faitew illirtu ihelr arden, liai li a tlchesfuMmef b sib SalI ha wx nthl e basom sé 'sud mcml asioiie style, ma n G. U* »eioniobletme. lhob.havé maie aowaup. ments to reeiterg the bclalest Lobdi stade accerdin% te hie laie Bugul"ilem, Tb.y 'sAl msluys base on bord sumoret- mont af TrIoSCIM isutabie e t e above pepoasos.. x y 4,R .n N. IL-Ail or"ders ddrmodteM. Met- di & Co.,St P1aul 84-4 mutt,,Moet, ml ha puPaicieUiY auiundodte. J.M UILIT&". Or PAETNEEOEP. T Coi Cprtnuip hueitfome exlt hsetom Madign &*Ivlgsu expire anù aZli t wiernzi udi usutMal consent liay bave agruailia aZ th"e tae ih*ti -Y b. indebIdi'sl proosentIbeit acmtea eu or hafore liblu dayaJy of nuaxi ; and ikewiso, lie.é'sb =bein biemte1- e wii bo eap ged te bave racors.ta mosa hée OOMIi vJIii i tyid. ~O. &~L - ---w> aind PECToRAL POWI)EM an s pom by James Mllo., & Coa a .fireau an on- tenso e sebu la ospeu, prtai diii-~ suis. te hao q» tismon Imtlobl. roman. dis mer yot dlscvsed, fer the cure of Coghs, C016send tI eruafsctiuae of the bint snd hongslmadiug te Ceompti.iim diosasb ave axp.riÏu" *0 ehappyof- lacis cf this .ail Sm,msd muay ai l higieut reipctab* bm »i.'.tiouiarily tir- en certificatei, sof a 'sici 'ui aem- pany oaci BoUtle, tbut .«HI oatwsy oSor MMn prjud« icad ttheim m ai xtudlwm ry sud unenpectud cures bae boam psrlmu- adby the cmof daismedicmiu lns o long etanding, i lei ohal edicua. haid praduoed no favffruil. efface%, and 'sbir ti t mcikilifl physacians bai gisec dieu op ni hepelema.Tt îsanet pretoudul that iiéy are au InufuMible cure iu ail euse, ;ýito&f ahsaorincurable, thora sre bu cu fCongia or aeun ssied Vue edptiasi.but .ay bu suiiwedatiguily Cuse cf ibis Huling bslsau.mahol Baoule contait.shot t 0m, 'suai prves tueas ta be a ciaap medici. omiis uboit sirmtes. Te James. maae, BlsN la lie spriqç ai 181% M1r. Blessa. urvia a main tory iniget clrcnmtace, u Who bad labouedfor ;: oceasUy 111 more tan a year 'swu.loleOtly esaluai ii rout~ c4gb>, fienul nbsW un~ tblfiwor url ulsbur,atii, mi camsaly, ibid. Hlcome wu'sam »meand ci nt, lii s ea t àboomu mach eacluisie ies gluyandtI bis «Me iloft im te tiai degemo li1 ai w'ua .,ho ly unusie le labcur. CsspauloUatiuox bas atuatica, aà<fri aofmine end my«Si1 praured e i.onebbille of Andersons cougiDôpby lb. une of'sbicb, luabout three eeutha(e My .oilhmnl) iso'sie far restera as tebehabale te perforai bis nom- al labeur. GAIUS STEBINS. «Moldale, Feb. 19,1820. 1 Robert Kidney ofRochsuter,.Meurae Caaniy. N. Y. do bureby csrtify Ibm. for a long tama I 'smcrodaiced lsy aiuâmetion ofthbeiungSattndtd ultipain in $blom t, '>idkiulty cf hreaiiing, 4w t tmy ic u dospeired cf aud giseosap as incurable by a council ofisa Plhysiciasx% bailb y the advice cf Dect. G. Hitchcock, of Roahoste, 'sa isducesI tc mie trial of youw Aniérsn', Cough Dtcps4 uni by using on. boUda wuai remiorod la cerlaci hWétb. 1I ute&*- 1m. fer. racommood sU lieue affilctei 'sitb aà duiilar camplaint, tla niaie oni e le s reniady, as I am prfecl, stisffled la Itlas-1 Roc muir, ach 11, 1s. VAV1MON. T.very purchasar Who volues beambu al hae paticuhar. snd se. liaithe bot"las'ui tannpod in lb. gnnuartnxaus's couGÉ nacye, prupared by j. OIELLEN, ansud i1 lise directions aïe signai ZA'5 itLLEN-g Bi aasejind axainmebefore yOa pbýurclss ué tue.ame twspudqi k= ias u mria POIL #ALS aET E. E~SIE5& SNSsudC. NaTR EBT585.aa's8D Aortha. eh mlm,».ma0 Vmcatisnl Mcday.tha lb mn l; n». thU). ht cd lie Usss.m i»ld ai Oxfflbi he iaVice Cancmo mw à"di.t ebutor, i lu oy lk«. Tlée Laeem&L . aRris, D. D.-Lat. Fello's or clus Ham, Cawàsabig. Thue Reusd. T. PiIEM B. OfQme' 1157ClAl, m*eiTgER INa Rs'rd. C. M.hii~.AC ei brokeall, Ceea Mrluie. & sEcoNaD LASuIC,&Ai. HASTAR ý'»eRttd. W.Bouutc,U, A-OfQsoou8 Collage, OI&Mui M&CBEmuIICA&L DWA3!MNM. TIM.9Itsd.C. Dd, .A-FdsfCa- liWs'CollageCainirligduni te -Magimatical Minier ai lmubotiCalege. r I~acA--MLJ. P. De La Haye. liri fa tMastr oves ev.«y d.pertnt, lDe 0&0 uiabave the paotin irodacins 0"mhci iléaicas h slem ( en CducaitoU evluunorrr th le rpsénstcmile 'lUs cane aifinstrution ta ha purse 'su!! CGmme ~CImmI.fabulsia ~lim bcA Mdg *91Trn"9 awd Psipils 'ý ealwdt. couine ibir attentio taa psriof le ssteai lai 'shiciil ambuace. hi May b. obmoved iowever Wia b"hui sPpivaremaiatine alcg hoDb parail teuer tl i Uudrtysut&» osuomi lows m»a b. .tam e'ss roed- wilA be porfucly dqmahibslfor Mercantil purauiMsan Ostleruomctalutle Collego ee m di ia athe iacmaadvaatage cf ha- sllss i aova mmre Imodialobjeai. Duimg 'ihibe.bisargtitiséoption if th*e lParof. A prpumS scholwib.hoattacha îCollte.in combWos cocro- ç=PWisn.uûdur the lnspooticis of lie 'Ise s e f mmc Pplfristto 'ibai s. (icllegoTtu subi ai theexpoemuetf hIaopi. PO lig vil b.w tosip luh. etr.the csud l.Ibostpitioisu'wiII ha tandays at Chi- mas. qi, 'sui n Ghe Munurekai . Iauuo 'sWih bo *wd ta tis BamIse rît bihZa * salai a*unyondi. o W .tb bt lii botI lie adralgem s y aiehyapeis GEORtGIIL 1%ÂrILAND, y" u etS B bine éatss I canu -il - I I . 'i . I . 'i I ai E 41 id la '.1 .5 ut I. as a, a rt ( 1 - SI . 1 the iiineaîetulhuaet * xet a- habitant s osild y*% b. ùBfiiet le one nia oil Umo f ilsaadsaoubtt'WL* A RuisI'AMLE ami) biotPrml>MT Newoipptttbraugh whlcb te eemny ta the surrousilieg Districts a jsm Mes of Ils relaite lIortunes Tain»!,l this d.c, ad tb* eluyt ford a- eulghteae poople thepo~ atm.- Msdi s d naitiiig thoir uxs Pea" loai lieté poti si nw f ii 0. joureIo.ua Wh.sl of»W, i s *M 1 h u e s U . - be i rtb a p u bli a ma s000uOiflt Muaiber e ab scbMsbul ave appearéd taeosMdisos*0 eaimrtuhiugtme weehly, li e ViDaege ef Cbouý,& &M f tha abus .crip. ,a»-bdïgte, be by Isd.pndem Mmd Liboasilcm. A&ST*FINIT,£AND Tu£ LI.. Attscd,~~asd edacation, to the asuuniy tsun obt Iber., sie.nms of titi = = RWs p.ulPui, we l!*,s of t ,norli butts ms d ticaÎ= di TaïcsmNeàm!1iz OMetitu"d t. e ae uiseoe lia~ ~ ~ d gh>4t io tlyaicipetes 'slon- surie . oebuiat supportef the Pftaviscu. lu aaomoe tb new P4« uS atM&d elu, udes AS lbot t shIltâares t mcre tban super Tb@. Tern, is, 'slI bo lis me10 Ibotu liBers lini Pot so. . ar w e~ ofhsie. Paogif. eoui dwlA"w Msd s d c.-A t iauim G. ne aUen cas"otaîiby h se e.1 lua claleso, the I.rneaiteurge morn eluim te tbe purtiular attoeion cf 1b. Noealea euannlty, fros .icul. 0tame cf bis baving beau h iii.là aite e. ducm a PulntIg Pr.. s ita tbolbiulct*r, bat hb" is Ibm dqu ogs f tc bx o cadeseshlsg*m'lx bdolsoi ueeatI apparenti te reulor il Judapodiem fa snb *ogne*"a ud, 'sSi groat repct, b. reuffats ne. Pes »ubmd u"* &it et, laiD». IHATTUETON. toboum uti, 94,18a0 in g4ueralsiai utbbeau ptor em is id misai~~~~~~~~ toh ets omsyaeuiu yr. UteoflMUilsad, sud'Moii u t O. 014 Homfed, 'sbores bm» s poW aV«? Extensivo sud gomea Auolmat f DB 900DO, sud sa capiue"ma oet oarmtm oente m ECEY.'sbmwImifls cali gsiaMpuIed 'si aticluse.requicite fisr bmuse cf bom implat, sudsuval e~. àcduceprimes ta siat thpy.hg"averbe soId in Kitu. stu*te~a tel'aErfor 11MOpuIreqesu u.pnflthat bc boae milv"dDi:e blé uoomenmà%@ usho la thus plae, sd hptoam martbibu el", te sur l gme fwthe e. . iwu& hwg, a": rbsoeU. Kiagieb »t Muet, 18 b 9, - 1 1 . I.: ýl ti il al -ti