Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 31 Mar 1830, p. 2

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S., *~,es ed tham rres.., but ali i is béés d.tibsgadou bli h.7 ecex th* te tisujet, muevik. reuovmai-X I r *16t quoe. m s oexposa tii. cut bliust. maVte wu le, om thefas ftibrn*giaIib. teulbbuslfc pslhd ib. ho -oeh Vau #à, e - e. ou the Min MdWib. euh von e . ei Hoadwd, sa us sta- sud od e .be prussalsinsthebs muia Y hOtBUs aédjOlmési us..de.r 12 Ton CANADA$ ARD TuUNRUTE TEE i,&rs. M.ROuuuose-lbaie a queutAs. On Ok eb the m ie 40IL aà feromm A&» f pnt oumami' trot hâ Ià imbae e ia Sir. img né sareply m v Umm *0 s msi- coem . bis o n l *"dIs r U r" à St tua uaiau pcsua wiewo *aam df 1 , ntr ma. Pae£,-My mlwev tth l.onora- nam .bu.boass redved ficus thel bmiaue clte sUmitistatua on liaI mb-. esd haehscammiàc&6is seU..- ~be aWieaatiof cigiMajety's Oc vermment. NOT ictes orm5il lx1WTuEBouts coNUO om FekTanet easaoou183 Lord J. Rusaz.-Bm thoeual4.ib chia.la eai..amdBi lmI'istouasd premer.lsives tepari.u. *ruis of Bz.asu-To nov. f Couaite.te lgsime Ca casa th. People Wam trsa tiInChe H aSrioig telte. pc h. .smillât m o rtahiag lorarti ns.quosiie aoat rtowe e aPuily"f npastuilom Mr. GaEnsa-EAiI teamsbis Ca Sm lbuta of UvingaW Uikand miWa] Couase irkTit'semby agreaeut th. amsbes of hamnd gitilutisr ruspe pasisas. Mrt. Lausa.aa-Ell te ripul thIei sud beugl cessa t"tt.Act 10OGe,1 ltp pelIbit Ca-actlug et my mmv pis - t$aiamatoou Ilsa e. lwauz.v,-lal! te dulara ldibragbet Ometli.ais M& - i.auav-EII te dauba aMd a ltms et *iem aiJau sokl ~te lb sl" boltter sl amis« arsiir u artaaaumlval"a. »F'.,ssaa'- s atrduasmu vieb a'Viele lutu.alleti"Wosi ýmý. arsuà &ole iCesjferlie. bsj. Lord Nma.Ul aithlb %eiie f tCabitb et the chilbrsutor à1i. Ew*av'-.4eletCermulete qu0 nt beott o d et abs of 1 .(Par* tbeKingaBé, e Pprtpo <muetaluing visalitie, t amoi la a " aicisptltusudon tho pem*asomal petiesuos v"e tice*la THSE LAW INWTTUTON. Tis a mabera of Cilis titetlom andt frieuadsusisbrateoaleaerdaraions mentof bekmw olinfe ud 6apo ceetsabta5umt Of hIe-miew dinnet et TreumaUsbT&vUrs peteis, lu a lam landa md I eat tesat, amia.141 ofcaol insasam. lst abjetlebta inciemes rapectbl tomef apew%îop5 ani Pam lies gnel cnimea and aBuat, inasssbeea ils wbbviiissu t le prop te provide a builhdlmgtesusl of à ope uti als» ooaIe. &a', "ami n vidi daie*or s*mMd=a taiaa Lit C*RoIsioua5 itta vauspapea, &amia Publiations; On m 5te-i05fat clodo olisera.la vi is lta e « a sci blsa. isl.dJel is pefsIa couplais 1etelet w<hou l .ana ofiL àa lubqome, lml adue b etabu"aof bv arm a. teraplale.Te. s wavbildig le I Cisasr"y !am atsainuaBoleosi fro .Fae ts laIs.bt lamb lkpotico. 'rit ti upasoftl timahaiaI £,M ~.Te. çmylias. Mt about si-dlcksaaysg Wï.Tooza lin s N.G tuslosatlaMs. oqirws uppe w. U.te~hil, . u*e ai aie o . pteefUan a etbaiaI~uibasa rask plumi et l isn;«tooer iL W bol wmbaiM Me.iblU U u Salmi siieXlioi sta s.e apoe*w . ta t a «s'.aiogur, Mi " TD r p'WEN I RAD 1 Uc. NEW BRUNYSWICK. y or LEONLATURESOr 3»W JETuawcg. 1 A meu ms fRi$s onoth. pmaidst an th enim Ugiare h M" cd, n vquliag te. mmaediafsten"ucetcfdem gmiï toa he CassaiSCha""bur, l. basa sut4k« rpot - dtath addsRiaa geis oumu, h bi ' 7«helious cf Aambly have maise miabl. provisomoq f« . p0yast of the loutinOhrSevcs AMi ' ide àà lbes»y fo otbw er @vîes os tise f"ond f abs Province wua- nt. Îl «Thoy have thi e ât soafUmSa, that * aul thse gVes Wh"stsbave ba. W"a eta Luyour Rosaisdiapon, viiibo =îl9&afy 'lA éâ jueioglppllei, am to have &aIlk Ir h«buscal eaot inteatisi by lb. RUm in x th.- r Bou'~ts'e of Asaably &W s. - da ad of ~nalisaRvu. hoeis ae uet *»muanaysd= awr povuiass, - votaIt bave ihommraed 0s clleulioea, sai veali h ave gume elsti.M.ufwesbal*d: a" t hq dely "mamUbth"eumaUbus t4 baseécteCo- .TheA*me- w,. by have movCe ito humtiat= rHo- noivl! i i sion ast. WM visa, ly, whih b dnguht 7or e mes Ad- din $Mu tua o avait the. *vil& vWb"ii mut ( aMipe stphe Couury by *s lamd iWs va- »wit4 . v. leh e e. Honesbohai -no te.Com.mo.sc( No-Brm*--- Othm j». 4Iasbw Md S#3mtoof Mo sHOMm e -ofwestmae. bi. ansa u stence end ] OUCiIJ~et Roaa-4teeAs "M- suah co Gaailsaa q LA Ïiem G Wumai s, u blote.> éé-r dýfmm jM 1 M - f 1n.oi J W E VAWAJ~A.~ Mutebwapoutwaneuib vu bwot ~~P55be *0 uUa atssdmm r. la - mwwamth wm-e lu QaU *f ~Ë 911W ý ; - . ýl 1 - Tý 1- ý 7wwýý' ý 1 - - , - .5 4157 Iwm cwg onoomm a"Mom Knx mm mae ma paammON aUO= AMY 10 RWC AUCK&OMWA. i1 s i , i . 1i oe 1 il al 'T . 5 . kii vuli atrua uun e.i va an- flmmte des& at My e v mb emiie-1 man, Lod-, vlbi ina i fdeigrum 1 kg nigb<, put à persi bs y.cs It som ~ m e a m a a t a i a s Ir M » i i . s s , u 1 Ur ss apfo f the vus lmnhdiamevu roveod lyîng on hm j 1mb, tU-I Oa 4snasanag an atroami hon te vombtia iavas am eextineL.-1 &gaj&W amSsvua iniàediatsly seut4 We a" in Isa very ie uMinutes litresgen- tlemever.la sibamdaace; but the so&uw havimg bau dividi, aMd »luth~e bcm ssrguil mItEvas nuavailarg,, and baronre 501 odmlcit. eLotdsisip vas a crpe.la- fasusto f*eadistre"ssg oarr*ws* wuv~ hMslj', Mi ah 0to the Cudte ttWinar-I Ris Majot7's &se"Dog, w. aa r. m OIt leszr.sl vuded au beicg tse pain -1 fui lstellsgmc.-Mavutg Càrmsid. We but vuot siera t a pvery Preva- lent rumou, tisaI the lady of ILg"morad1 bolcigahli ntmtiost desm~ou- MIiau !Calic» samp "àe hi bu Istey s laquent stemoMat e .Cicst- We" m i bard, tCat lbe dicovesyof tissa ludlsaeiocad beasu attesddvils airesmamumesbiek rmdars it 1oxnseii ly rouhl aat seParties vp>Jd, inlu ustil mrnai bubrau behlonaisthe pubi bytsspoisoslmpraorteflav. W. naw Iaru, ovevt iaitiers s a pmnla- lilIy f lse iSaeaaeing arramgaoinlus nmermoreti& ta, o tisa <aiesa of tise m testi am inahisaMtise dangis- tsa f 1h. lady ame te nal undsr h. r gusidisp Itinsýt f air ta premus Cal tise nablae(othor suaIbave bean utiaj duet of the suitiser. W. give tise Ifol- ing paagsaph oaudio aubjîfe the isCou Joiim4 la paper wviicis umes to bu val! soq"siesi ith .uch aubjectsL-.-" We re- jasast laer tIse the isuanstc dMwesaius- hv..uan oBs cof lths Royal Houmol in hs tusfclcly adusa-l- ~aiiseLor G . lac <to- aunlais tacanunie isw<baT. isi imlilerato on. ubovoudtaIro vo bar-J mlV-w ltste dWstietios. W. ams gsti- fidb ferestAit Iis dlicate &air, vbisaanierstapi hO have leen lie cause if uch tnssaim.ta allustionsPersan- baye ealsa aei ho i ti lieprkidgamuenâsasta mustiuloirate. oiuu ty lte valinof fisa 09 la vicilise p- oi at l of a char iim rau M am tisAs %ialifimelo., vbobo ecquarsi. New coansi law.-4i. Tise votimg ut lb. saver RWIu hzlibeangons dirou havancis a" mfi tgeut es belase ilovai, vtrs oe quelt seoa to ha#~yisar l ýwtwdwt D:gtLlgrieva usas ta le jedrîsaed, unie hai Minster. vil! seknow of tise Asmesnily ta coaalecb thse public Revenue, liseI riberai lu ils voles. Amont jectesiamo thoo cof tihe Pl QuaterSesion ofQue Thm vers snd Gaspe; a voreMMo m thi ChI mbjecl ai vasunaninsoas. Itappear saune pliorprovision ur the of tIsaI departsment viii so ronie, luit tise perniesous i productive cf great abusesm. Mr. Ceîvxcssb fo tise Caýuaty 0Gape.' au extrace <ras bis praulsi «Genteaen-Tlia Au.. gunvautemidihesent of yî veona thaue m unds a mon, voat are agai rftallesl oIvaur elective !5'nemmusl sa tisse Repdtative hsi adetrma 7m r a h a qnaiaali eStisegéusdI preesiitisa zeuuu fp amily iospIly mlc i .cedoo aat Wl a coedilg a(batSession, ly ta the plis atle of juatii for a hoe, 4ait the Bar of and for Ii a eorm-exasiz vic» edpoaatiot ai beau mate explain auni vindies vas refusti. Yosaitsabcs il a.untis iimputeal tom aiunbly au miscomistt,1hby lo ba soam tatiaven if, am. mot sontable te the A jurWsictiou ani right taIg theroof Ihvllty iusvowau, ing myself ta 4yüoflyi>amsa mhoaretiss cons tatiot cnduct of yoasi Repreaur vhosejadguant 1Ihaît viA Mr. DercyNMuner fi lic mt fteUpper Pr in tovu on Saturday, and bablite Datof tise Amen] ing sctlng. Mr. Bes'zy'a iug Qnehlee, i. ho aolicit ad ry aid for Cie Wslland Cism The Goveramnt t linsp ly uteaa, baivsu e be bau boolabos by lb. S. Tov Be oapues, inuet uit osuaaaaile rates.. lihs mcv TowBoast, cf ai the moisI of osie of lias bd Rnissa, (the. NsrifisAu laabsi &bout lb. lutM ' Io =in Jsaly. 111.<aie ru b avesIl-sud 12 kmo iegtlauIy perforai te. tripa ho 14 houm.. A meeting of the Genliel lest Profeasusawu h.hd ilu on Tlssuda> but. Dr. Hio sommeiller, hamg preveulodus . . a, viaUMS ing . puisi iepue-s thaàahio expedient liai e Ibi.fsate ba] ThatsaCcumittles0<savi cf visonta u ma, uusi ds aip n ais an 2 o1clouk. Tams vairs tisonvotai sàein w u iieibath tisa Profeasonar e quauntallylt cretaiy vawu" disseSib Rinoase.eregret oallie.m positauio ilicib ave provo Saa.-Itlavlhiresgret Il IL ~ sacont fthsntig iy 2iiteount blative ce te neaasty or making tI pemient, beti se te. em Misions "ud the amStn c Snell voulist havaesp beait o u n akolsedgm Deil th.Ue Liglail Trourinforumant ii Mt 0 arvtiens, visa laamai on bln o <amdioens Jsieaetpressait col Neuerbsvlng, fer a aon "aii. osiie, 1 coudiria ati:bava theatu 'oz c kboviesigansd imitegriey, r My opinion mata tise prop ving nets,wvhthli Lg ,IAMM i9tt Marcis. Ca Pels Oe f tht. e le*a pt 1C eu et Ms ara as b0 gât, aWàramt wu y im thiu ssu r fates. Imbl Rouie Noir on Roette vb 0u bamiwu s ie buAu" odisg vuceld ud frosy, but muem ue mangent. tii. d"at=FI a a psut- pM t te Sm Irai.Mes " balminemu .ofuprmuç,big bl im s a iuetVh e gaalvem1 liir the t.aqloprowp elance uoapproueas iniscl y i.rapi womk white eabreià of the weummdsd d .-u in mi C. lsppsraca t bamovans Our ciliasas uaited ponta- bit @Maai1 Bmm ummmsytodsefceao ofdiasmtad,hytiielr< iss reou le a sot* Jrirai. astlty andi azistios, resuosimany a poor ni Wini folov tise <.1ev koa as wey grave. Hou e e.it XIMOaTOic, vapre;SXsAY, MAaaCKaI,1mu. Ulaevaqa., elle, bnt, bandags andbiasât- 0111 etafr.I forsisbd for the me.af lie vOOD- ml ilens 0ofCiae TM.haar riai k&m hghad.which brnga datas ý:Isi, m i egae sen evon conteouing Ca agii, agitor mte, ft l e Tbsey.ebissum tea s.aatee fr !;acmi lbuttise responsbility of nomis- rai sajuM, ai- usien viiiUtBis a*,'s Oeb etstheopeuag aidi apg andprotutag muets as taey hava bue»nthe speumDownoriperaita, ttoir wuiia .keebofalà.obais, 1lmtruumal la uaving. Wa ta0 partiu- BU ijcebutl thme vblsbte c in.. SsiiBoumaucthie aUdras..insue lpassesin nsLîclsg tise activity of aur wL g audocided msuerheute. la tis CoUSOtheuadas, uphselaiutt.ocasion, al of vi. m- O mmi viich re- <atie by a .ajasity oiE%, lIei uiofhî ivismediaxtey ropirs tte e&pot, lier ceaaedk r di ctsaflumco eapd ta C théd oppositionsad bai thoyvcad as lieut labours umil the vnnnded bail recelv- lsige tihe right daai enaids, tié s.aisrvoaaMitieon vsad odevery attention and cnsufort vhich Chir iU tidtise W"scof0bava boatremâ ,'lsMoreal& ra i js-rtuatign requirsi. uai louesal bualen. y auag5s, -"muniagus or aieid ogrgati. wà t ic ; ie omslat-vto sst sis IC,.aibu m oai C»A»c.a.-TiaeiaantdLovec Casa- ci fadnscf ts .il .oaZaasêtaa'raaSu a. .di- ateasisi emSio oie.menasd osedays, un] bec, Mdoutagal, tut»agssonta s i w ig aienamn w cr. igt va te eProroeuait ou Fcafut .Auogter tit k fev word. ouly w" &oasu& eltvia la*s ad ut tac lrw pM.Mi et .aiuY, apuo dAuty Moanid wt id their re>eeliàdpu siaessigne gm*ng- mas ingng baepousdbaveaus Viated <asa odisgesi, 4,c. sud ti sM rbbsds adm.ard s dwvius atiesre dei. as ... j about ae Monandosipanade fecrl. &a pu aid *eu- a. ami =slrtoslais teCi. e ir tvg bol1, i u tff. l defCaIO _____ muer or Iter lbu tie sessls, Ibm esedies wviceasy miztce- h vIiiMbe mm t ha" Mr. Csaarir Sas ser- Ofme aNnonce exercile s- *,* te ci0(ths couuyteresquse. Amage«dhiasavaca e aicbmai f Oaum. Os Ciemu- by ged Cae oagd etis-ebs v.say acastnt Mr. m ard eSA=ase, ea0fM.Cheitis's rxpvJalca vs lidh fliéeWow- ta Bonci, a" m omSir J jIakitbLord mNsoie &R. Wilso , mgartiela lun tas AsadiaRecorer ( <a fur silIces Se, F. Bardau, sud airerai stesee. t i veey ivos,, ci ie 2» rebrmay. e th" tisse imtisnunauobave veiy f<wiv ia, e- 5qsslik i e.C"its-Udeerer Cote- a anvicas ev vOn lis the .b...dais.premaerla r km t. sie ond hama ietupavesunen - -dm.8 har~set sle follcvig is om- p .4.. s Mtgh aM.Caie.u a- <soppo srt s on bunii*loas" by scaof M.r. ge l iaai, 0 as i tige m e ( siSro uluCeuiaeue *,".. iss ,bu at.ime hast yose-cia the -er kar §msuet- Test Aet, ïsrestoratio ofa wadatbsthilsr- sdmiumaof ctia mihsai, en ow eetrasteil bysemeal au =i lt a.- emy, sMd tic remzof ci es.Gothie eemeti s We iada lierties liCteasmilaityli alet &oh.e sa.madtbeontha er, rndsi. thi ta the axereiso "-l-de-» alis ee-.duîan, Mr. Cirints sabld b sgiiahW thewm txpeàd-Tia stelosinlatic elgit of ie sube.- ti suai ~ ~ &S 1»1,4fr ~imt T5Âoa.-051 tise BMisof Ferusy tise .B&M,'s quutaaesiie is on es.0*0rSo, 'k1 ydty~Estiquesiowu br*MWfarwrd in thionne bu agi ov er ribaetabi sba dvoesllngp- W res. ier c o,f ,by ILard ElisaborouSaIsudlanathe Cosie.bfl tc ra Cc , ibis riat. iur. Ciisie'. assnis at galio y e.O'a byM. Peel. Ator. speecfrh < of.t e5iisci i ha eut r.i es'* at er gislem iopr b th Au gguicuca s adcesommeile«as vusuaoited te *Wpiengest of ore1Lsglatsrc làvaSa...t rare ~ ~ ~ _y »À~Cupay u i thn st.istv..sGrW ainsjssais 1<fertmdsemssg ais Gomnracnlachiet ta enotroulaue $a of miS.e fos mjugliesi ait5ataea mse-th rs whi7 etots by Me. Ped Ïse-Me. Eana& Me. Ast.u, Marqouuis nt ieudesdsse lai hbone. We trust )f Cie Ausssbly ciCiassi.,,Me. tassklaoa, gis Ciaeclor te tet ti t hmm maun sanns andooflav ibSertyt1vueS ýn th, vitmaes Exeisaîse, Lard MiieS, ir C. Buttait, Sir a. Vivi- imuse" osr ueshbrs usoitatinggy te ameoth heir go a ak . misef. 1WavsCo, àMe. R. Gant, Sir M forhp, *cd rasutsit Mr. Bsnr-wretd bave as deci- Lm rlairM* Iera , duSa M.H ,.Mr.8, iS1' r-oxpeelo h" uh. enrads an Mr. Obsuae W informai, eiaae Rie, Lord 0. CaveadauS, Me. Peregese Cossasy, -_ _______ me by the Ai- Me.PavIet Thosse, aucdl*t.. BWortl.Y. Mach saniulsar ad4im aiiu a eboe«citent la a. Do meanda"ust TsLover Casasa gaisat ahé Attorney Cloeais for i, P ttsey vers so, 1 Tat ErnOsi, IIsiti. , iul conaia plt-isn aOpfpoiao Ui d ieais, eooarYeet" i' kiÏenably, vhommefor th.e etinsai £850,OO 0fthia publie ,d.ît. .5 eceomaeaio ai tiaConasitta. ai Cie impai th' take coglalzauce AMY itheCiS epgsagtn ira is tin lg i le1noue Of Cauteleuse on CtuiaAffare. Tveofiet id deny, snbiit- taka PIaCS, bY thiaesslctio ft cii e s it, 5 bu sie rmas su vr.e so avîY aged te bava sa Muy Constiuent&a -là rtginisait, &e. bons e.fto y i S.g sMa"sitàaieAttorney C.os- ual luirai f tj-,oiraSet the Meetings fr the iserug sff Socal lan182P ri êtatigreSad by W* bava esieveil tbeLou u softhdais Pus of ttasDefondas vu pros.ptly acqited, asid d Ifirgyam,. ofJmasry, vihaS mtelstichelowing article. Cie Attorney Gtocoodaeuetexapoggci. Tisa third 9 Itngl abu" W f p tahetnvuin<orei. alieg ao«sbdais tese Pac br~~~~~~o thelulseaabs C .saiaCompany, Scld yasuday a iaEetalaMuso.Asa osarssticP navince, -amî i s Leu=O Tsvcns--Tbat tieaiss i ftbii Commet DofUeastus. aqW fte i h.ct sud obstrecilcae vus introduceib5es t 1 usCout ciDieetora, fur thieroy daet ociiosbut m osa s u u osai iy cda îaee- sil u aCit'fstepoft, Wa ermt e i.sat iste "siualait sud imer.th taee-Comp»eadhr aeedys beos-h-re à visiî- p-cietoe5 &a endi ubfes h.o- eais poadssdrv<si P th ai ý1at Ipc=ia-tg th Bonn of UMU Ciaoisthalihaalois-o itiilalpeuma-ty,mdudaxiossdesa int. DirJistepremeteot Ce Hus tAaml,<o sliits0 al.-ib. Sient wlota disCompany, suzuatly cca Meeda eail, pmiauminvstCigaion Wlot t. &cWui the Cosit ai Dirutrs Io cond tihegut «4« a emdmet ch. eAtteoy Goumrs. The Potitis. vu art cf uSsse, 4e. ta e" jgeÏkl *Kou dastia oljetsd of e C in. rd ta a aieseuelets, vWrho sdldaa «t f$&MIýe*Psgy. Tbthis Cem CSi, bamcsbuet igeoos pm eere nb Can Mentrete o.sCessa aiheu,s sdaisr m" fProasediag thazata ai aeU cztsis. dPmIW e- 1 4woq "us in Upper Cauis, us matousta ressard abogie p.ss-i. ______ qui pn-oetIess t- alla isd ied ai otli«e - =usa.. a ti uases t ii io Ilebut*ibase forCumaarser.-l'h. CuaoyBDimllS vuboes bn o ms. 101c, s ' _____emxblss'sy o ever Cana" a i a nfld udcous- tut bots suCm ' nilbaidiIsCaooeah.its que0y RcaV -.Plarm, 4. - 10 aillegt silie> wil e Ba.." ' lssase..Me. labium,$ gquionaa tlais, ln aïseProvince et mintir e55!1 g55Sss. Mr. P@@1s agrglalge sWoaI bia ?Wb sig, Md lTt. Chisli Os hMoctred naesukibonse.sav- am ta Chas eti C"sdad'.thorsix yen,. . maisc6 , DnATO or ILeav nGA.ê.-5u a pecedigia-s-s A miudmtaldlug ievecea Lth. asvC. downvaidin .wvIh igan<d sa acecaothé "b d hfLord OGrava,, sidtj m he A.smbly cofSNew Brmstesaac rocsully via comitisi sulidoilaFeWbdssyli. St look p vla eS je istarelbis Minur Os. prsiat mm o heMo-posai lOse su article publisied ilatOs Court sssalta Presqutbe O cisbuefot,,sdays. 1 vumi- 'thea outsed- v». "Os <asumos suraet. Tic ius. oKO eel pinug ,a Rve.,naMnibattiCa Pasalestof thceais Inmsata»*- queesars et give la Cia auvapopar. T Aile& te enor "In th. 21ma sof tae lm ais an "-ats 'u omunimaousy vsl0 Ceuua ditiamal lgit on FI, Au arrasst"alaaasbave gouoabmd respec Dr. Morrin hav- trnly omilaaetsoly aiir. t appaers tba the in thebiSI fore arsCaslsoaiOrmusssios, , gt " thi ohorvton.stehis bai lem. aiseeet.va é555k eta o m Propse tagivo aca i lté c reocivd>-- reit cf sie hIde gouip, of wiet Lord *iSM- ur.The CoWddMog*tSdMachdlh ta Taif busei- Graves blassieaa petloty onvimoeul; ai- ecaaai a ci sfllS& vith la baem- baui by Mocdical rangements,. however, bai lesta u"nade.e-». MoRei.,Orui ooiatM." ki«ad lceprevesit hure rss.arku. W* belleva is la raptsy$otheCia a.,tlisPeaS Exudu "Y$-sai- ,enrâegnt, veRoyal gisnuuValuntarily iiacntlneud " Wces giamihaddtlcstbu aChsW..M wis, Mal. m il h.o apflv. ha is visitsu mcitau iohelief of Lord Grava s Mof ciPWumla er <t abusComy, I..ssk> w Opoittbèç, itami bleu f.y, wvi a ilan ben der greét ihovgremi tsgbiseresaeasomgabOmugfl rd4 A Le $lote inaaaul, ai etaemCax niet1p for soveral veaUisAu nlu- Wh"lenva tie, in e lut %senis rous is Cois-je indicions ari naà public Print, vebelievo aviséAmmis."ti id ia th.e toa- tii.Court Jounaal, inisupposai 10bavres- Ijalo, in ta éCamisl ilsometi Tbsrday laiI WibzIa lupao- = edbis Lordait i Wasbilltlos, fLro n evafinitabseowàq pgw*%.y-a t.. Objec ethe Ssursliy, bis seivanat testifie eire l."5thetaass cetDl"-.r Àci oPssisflcami te. Coromir' jury, hi. Lardubip vu lugondiOr hm" su otheCia cmsltru su abso a ints anais Stg.gimit-4 doua OeMvdbq UU. lu.' e.- îlasndndid i og unrae w ..aý amu"bmbuin.C Dr n Chat day titi publicatonaluid e.sa p'T' a*iy9 bu ier fclm*. u. àilua Poaea Mdi vasprolsbly rougi by Lord' ouswu ms. osuso tumi. Os Mebavh isatoalO -ehl G AvU bftris roanm; fot os th. nestda âZZaaaua O eidaaisa Bataythe suicide te lsltoodaaT p f ~wu 5wM t aut, aller'Ltha Usaolnae cesmlhadiasiuatichOsý a sablg ab js'au-u.vo'ai r ivtrs c As. emia laIeteh is lady. A youmger nMbe ratt. Més utit igut a "wu ii a age i baie 1 pprelve, in Of Cie family veut abusa te Haspion nOauetbtill uiirsa .the Oumseil wam i au incormeet and te announcete. dreaafol lualigeasetada a speuwal surdda my division tesan xph.. u. l 'is tjeuaugOs heivoidail gasas opeeaith. effie pioduceel on th. vido « nfrrmu OUla.W" he Ca u aodaImansamev J", 'nmilassetmgamndbea <bilirasa lu leyondcacriptlos. 'ne ,mî- vw« asmisaa in la oa.g élthe&èinaiI h. udes lds-im ber ouly consolatons" mys ahi i llesoutb P...a .umE"cf il"". W*sCs sorf tl eg-lait lettet viicch ereteivaifros .«r o Wal-ad rettebi à,me.meqse" milwm a af tiesa lariat. baud "(Cbal vo bave just mentt ons ud M &,,à asaUhlibl pst.Ws ed Wlai te w îtis ho violsvh.n le estesmplatiled Ca 0 bd Reporter of tIserashs mQl,)"vastle mtSou eder ami affée-,Iewlairti6@fo". 6air abot tb lhi iplwa r Costaud!. tilonate smia liai over recoileal roi bla, jearsytOh EuogsllavprbaaiatU tu me May, 'ntiat bhojsbli"ahà sit geste exculCatoer"LA_ TO TUE MOU. TEs couma uOe o r ce in Caé Cow"i1 iyntlue.fullese arcignf, mnd tista.on.i AusustLy IlU 15 ICAL pIaxLgA- le"ltue" le ah.rity cf laibuabe"s. làerdGravesimEu- Aàg«XBL*D. mr smt, tarud vas melalsof bis laelys e immiOa & eiiiou fla adriguiutcso h ave sxpoumailimauismee li.Cbocgisttiselapimiu f asegistc itster iss il Týresy deciareitoui s'est osabue ebammtr. ter t odgi l « fiu uflisace in lbiri Lod G. vu tis amusof Adieraravas, tes.tc sarbtaver mammy lbu vioelad lie vas of th& Ei gatit iatuj Z 1- b5shl àwth lety of Jusgstien olm te. gloisous6Mueof JseÇ, sMd wu 'fssty- piiuiioas5baTv aumo it ta vote, la= . mai dta te p. grapforbbIUim5i.mL . C- tazzieyCahessgiseua evulu hue Se- on hai memsebls day ; h.aUnwu i "*à" Ctbi itatadlY usorised in la eus' CUTHIIRT. 7« sd .l iyoaugasew es Ires. cuftw «tsi a aSerM, r resoaa,' 41 = = Wu mid udoo oe*&go « ue» day of motin gien t Po orpenssa ty, tuat a Gags.- àA qMW. et tpqor iM b ssy j -- . be 00yCamei Oa aim Mobiaré" in iheils Fon lsgaaIifrc sia &» vlleSwbasdoj tisaiuieslr daY, <n e. papuga. of Taviu, m G1ieuAsusiewasMstitpr&jVas- eobratigng tise tatuiga I ftie l'teuseaai o. Md ou TMWuiy yoe-b*My p- - kuBosuad uidsacfor ertise Cathg S~rtaali ainifs amis of su 07vmuda.î$& 0 xbl e os.thallesallums., I 1as. &RouIxLEDtsaiuz-Ii bu gamrleW nPamislu'usumglemi ssa saisifi mia te sur lotIte. vlaman e~uaof1 a the mtup ianf llégAlil tagt- s lualsci auaa esé boust regai nC atsr m LWat viiels leapectai et eth*scasli.Efe Ibo oecov uh. W =lao1u , M, ama-ho n *un ommtty baveo te. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ b" lema -eeuHle Mdsiqsr ta »Sud 0" atml liet.tTt.- il milcf l"sun rM e t el aspasitev Sint in- e.bvls410wie viia m bmsd. agià bpi- » nen PWOOV% his e h e luttaer * N 578. gessig theiu deP regree, Chata-Y clés, c tao remonstamt issalires honld <ver bt Suses! it adiuable to trasfor to this hp Pl ptiouOftEBriihb n iepublic ex .y f one Re4lo&us body ovt anothar, cý i1<555es auming a higiier degret of Le tv, tlan their Christiana bretaren of angti Yor petitione msant deny, Chat did tL Cathslic party cousin pasuive epectators v, Se stsplays lu question. no disturbances,: te piace would probably arise thertiron. But Oie consideration ta tmot ins this insance laatueosoglrt ta do Whoe posed tula rcations, a uch as what they are N,, 1elq iao, wluen %initer the urrfluenct itatied feelings, or excited pasions aan thuenfore scacely ta bc expected, ýtui unail tering open of those wourds ,,ýý Lim and situation outbt forever te a, .aasd,-can hersuafterle attended wjrî, î inbappy result, thon t!sose vhics yerr:. tionerg &S christirans have ever deplore 'hile as protestants they have deprecait' the causes which produced item.' rpect ta the other party, your petlrerce, de col look ipon the. snr.claîevous tendenm- rftbe msemblaçvs cai5Plained of as Irisent,. by thae non-participatifflé of the ureat eflrgL aed and infinential indiriduals af thre pr Leat conunsty. That they are camp,, ed generally of cinigrants of thre app0.rit description, la a fact whicii leada roarpe oniriu ta expect leu diacretion and moïj mtiQh at thissubanda.And. notwithstayrdir thé;uangelne hop-i entertained by petitiur en, that the final seutlement of the great p ical querition whicb a long bail agitatec se native cousntry Of both parties, Wcýuld bave banaltarsd hy a a isnultaneous celui- tien of religions feuda bore; or that trimc rooSi bave redsSastthe promoerâ cf tbe, ta ioslgsificance, !et jour petitianers haî, lare, with grenat regret, that lnpang ar &ttally still taking, toaugment tbeir rua., ber snd inczeaurtiisir strength, a cireurs- ,ance wbich causera jour Petitioeuithe lu Co hoaltate lu snbmitting thre mattrt% thn consideratsua Sf our IHonarable Houçc yon, petlhlonari i Ido ot presunre ta lu. gent ta jour Honoabhle flouoe any particu. ja manu. for its adoption in the prerses Weil avare abat your Honorable lieuse. mors competent than tboy, tu devire, a ute" adequate and corsatitutional rernedY for thre grievances complainred of. They aie rît igaoant that the liv bas alreade erde the Magustuial office vîta authoriy, whirb at firat a lit migitmses sufficieni for tis sa il e 2fo other canasscf apprehended riot. nut Ch.seutas a pecullar one; and expt rese. has proved ta your petitioaes, thre aifficnlty, if Pot the smpossilrility of thi :uardinag againut overyCircurratance wirrh May laad ta a genea disturbance of thre pascal or every peluonal rencontre airicr aay oventuato lun tumultuous condfliand proana. i oeddlng of burman blaod. Il jr therefore an omargoncy. which jour Pet. tiner sort reuprctfully consuder wonie tho application of Legisiative anteferece, and hii.y therefore meut hsasbly ptsy thira jour Honorable Houasensay devise sc tne. Moey ra iinyow w iedom jura may tîrsair fit lAd your petitinnezs as in duty honni sdi everfl ' Yy (Sagsaed) 3. acAULAT, 3. P.& Chairmn *T. bMARELANO, iJ. t. A. PaauNGLi, J. 5P. H. SUiTE, j. P. JA.SAusassau, i. P. JAS. MACIPARLANE, J-.P J. MARK-,3. P. Sl. Yatwoorn, 3. P. H. MCGREGOR, 3. P. R. RiczHuinsoe, J. P. on thebst lth i e ngoïug jetwso vas rend, mi <fM o a o SdCOdu, tm 'idu Of Mus Tbaaas, liLoas. Ment'. Febergl, sd Daltu aria swbsqmmaly repsetel a D99.orf vieS t W inv a lam s. - oRANGE 5005817 BILL. w H EREAS divers ïSobibtants noflira Province are in thse habit of asiat iag toptse, Mast aumlo&ieumielves mis ISaciatios c«il" «Ct- m e " Ilani Sb muoiated and formisdode alinuincent a, math arma, hadg«* amsiierty distinctios- lAibernas, tumsSocleles a- of a pait. leau ami iina <aracter, a»d bave aiea doeytta ilam e a "iisOf Otie.Oef Ri hfjsyasbjeseWhoi.do mot poameis nma. pshltlci §amit$ or religions Waitt Aid wisrsa, th. aftiucatY vhlcb iki ,olweem dies amidiEA steparties hath fié- = etiproduced violence asid loodâha- snt..cofihls 'aSubjecu hm beau tbrb reuiylsanhiwhrsnr ït bathe c.. msmry ta predosiaix! tu. eC insanceof te caïdprocimaiti- 'Be le tisarofers enacai lie-at if gy peruise ta liser nomuer of ta or mare, bc, ing poebes or jaiofoaaiua.l mnisa "ya Orango S inaty lu ti.Povince, sai1, affisr dub. jo oam "ofAdtA , ment togethff, alaidl harm, tdgosaidtp.ty distinctil wati inpabla proeassion, or maktes soiact tir publié. 4lsplay, lu aaubraticn, coMse- méation,air observanceufauy fost,nMe, ci r4Mxsstepaf assbSgitim ma aformid, wsei paoasporosstsn Colbvion then eof, by luilemsme4 Ialrnaies,ahalul e.adjd 'ascii ~ ~ a iitsis t ae huf for tCut s5*!WI.ancla idicessèntor informtion - i o - lslie tvaay4bied ia a H aus 5weqoial, vobamaMWta a5F0 suissha ge & l Iteabdraserhpâge smaine iqb"m a.se te ais "-giis --offe BrI~OdBs-bUI alia Mal-y oa Mosr, a &%MW $Ummies,.lauaU i auOsb 51 h5aa, la ta Moueo. 11 wba*abSlU 14awia.i - uoshssbu~~ ~ ~ an*5 Nlq ACT 1 LAW-oc rfovinco, muoout luto entau p .1 acmmd l 1.1 ý£l ý .1 il et al éý,'1 . saMciam OhS,ýw P" mm T-

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