Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 31 Mar 1830, p. 3

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tirer ha'. te Ibis ihap. Puiblice x. aneth-, or tIbaIL id h SPetatorsO f therefrom. li nstante> auy re Ma,;0 iefuece c f oshen; and i, ted, ' at te "er toisave Ddd ievuSle,, b"cisY.U ilr. evor diplore, ave deprocattu tbees. Witî Ycur Petiîaners aunons tondeur,, ed ofias esfned Mbifont OllighIS tMaisof the. Pr, lbey are COMp,~ cf tbe Opposit, bai, Our pt, titon ma 'Jî not i ihni n dbyptio ftote greatP0- onghacil gitatd ti partis,15uSd o; Or that Sige tûmohri of tie petiticersa"e e, tist»ainirssart gnt îtimir nue- ongtb, i cirrutc. Petitioner thIe ting tic malter t, Honaorable Houle-. tI pteueete mxg. Oue &Dymnicu- Oion le pemue, onorable Hcuteil y, tsitvi a ime, 1ia tmedy for lie et Tey are tnt ài aldy Vended 1 autboîity, stiaci 3 mficient for thii 4a areheudediotni liar Oe; and eupi "or ptitionirs,, te .poiibili yo! tiseir crccmslauc whicb disturbance of aie Ik renconxre whici ltuout couflici, and imans iood. It ix 1vbich your Peti- 1y conidier virile dative aterferei t bumbin pimy tact aay dev. ucirte.- syou may :histafit. 1 n duty bassiali haurmac sAn, 1. P. OAL J.?. P 9J. P. 00, 3. P. REGOR, 3. P. ARDSON, J. P. on wus rosi, aid igl, md Daki if wieh lhetw Y BILL. babitatet of titi hbititof muociat- tbeamelves lait liniaiprocimiet, y diattuctsona- tiesnram apolt. r, and bave a ta- a cf o<bers of lus do Dot pouvec lhe or u.ligieoisf ty wbleh preails t parti, imta Ire- inai loedilied- to proside uiat al pracamott- &.-Tt'at if sai? tvo or mors, lic gltobe ucumbom 0 is Province, sal, ci, meeat togetber, d ailprty aistiionsb s, ou Mai.ea"Y oth- lobrailon, eommelà- ofaasyfews,ritbiT a sus foreMIaltubl iiîon lieseof, by r and shal l wavful f« tlb Coult eatnlformation ln am aes cenvir- ma, a " ta a ld e- mi; au hi tb iham«MlY te i5F- ihmai fl steri- themoisimmem, -sed- olm M siO*Ieue -aaàde.m VOL. lU.]TUB UPPER CANADA HERALD. 3<> 7S. w. ry O L s .~~., tTOima d.".aaiC«mmua. Upp]M CANADA COLLEOIL PROSPECTUS. emo-rL -- ba- Koutil the -r sudEtTABLISJIED AT YOItE T issouae*h*atîatlarofsmrpdu,tbaîl e ,.agéauathe- 11,111% &Aphl next. (mm »Y incema or pet- t"atANDF.RSON'S COUCNH DROPS V'SlTC)R.,IDsrito.weI. hhnev ýwjwnmemt M sS- U Md ECTORL IOWEM asprtpfred -àtInher respect, bau Dot sa pquioa 5iâ tbPZo d 1fisa mm wu net tigePETORALPOWDRS asprmp-ed1 Li5IutwI* G eowr,fur the fiiea being. neo pe &sA orgr ,,4gpduIIIidUIÀ* rmq »w ées- noemw a% mày cgeas- by James Moe, & Co. bave tram maum«-. the__internaince ut Upper Linada ,opgg Md Le a.si mée Kmequi"iul ing utl rdaS aamrni aqi.àtuo<hmdterim e for lùyremeput, prov.d tbem- Tiokewl pnrlirteapoc- ~,,guy*~ aSI'Y~ e*- e l 0 . proporty md oeamemat, ltuat. selesgoli e bet f t at valuable rems- iCBo uloena.e ts-ata ~the gyinte llecturoel.n*, us ero r 7hBYISJmdlft-ksMIWKi, BHIALfl NDONCLL. adjonltfg th twc mj~oP4 ----- dis ccr let dîscoverred, fur the cure ocl.ood,,hetlthhtbiaaanti lecta)al li de fi t in-n r-ni oo ugamIryC0IMM;,dotiée ouc hy fth ie lat obloui meins of its advancem.rnt; vit. *, abbu smm. shuemui. TUDA, Oh Aei, ' < = rSnhOP Stib% 8 _à MM, gEt7 bragtant lons trading ta Consomptiotn& CNEAR," ALER, ANDrough w Ic o vEyEto 0"j rIrmi. s ilamm TisaI»a.Yul euti by o.adfuclin oats, 25 of<whiella au arrervu, vi Tomas ba ave ezperîenced the happy si- noer~onjobreetrJl rcrAL R~lDmRi li dN lelad yTta e rînIAL he îarroundaîîg Districts i juit idea of ika --.mma okSPMUboammtsudrâlnt lon r1ls Sore a uanity of terthrughtheproamieshW ut af ala t repect blay aveallntagly io-iaLarandui. H rris D.ft- ateteltiv CIPALair bris, cmpta se-Ca eta . b ea xenieoal ( mieti 12asiies og fwie ilacm bries, Mas tOt mitetimaveSOSie if e. ert fcti oso he i co- FeUow of<ClaauHHal..Cambridge- To supply tht. deifecî, andtI tereby toi- ba-lansCliosbz. -" ~Tanmmry ad Carrying fim finaly oach Borle, thatvai mtigfy eve., un- cLAScAL IEPAKTMENT. fard » ienligbteaied people the power nf as- ime- mg-Hal, wo MM dstin luel la *0 ieb-H - W114The above property uil.loelt fron the. peeudicoil mind tut tihe malt xbuaodmna- vie E-PaIiCIPAL, mrtsidg and maintamnnat iiir truc positon «,,smd "y emd igla 1 & « -" y- W. gîte.lot May neit fo a tenu. f Oris «yMIaxry sd mai Uo ettedcures bave bee ar eraiz- The..v'd. T. Philips, 1D. D.-OfQueen's in the moral and politicul cord, as ah.et'-ý :;,,4uni abce-«- iM dEh-mt AL-rO CLOU£ COUOIIENT. mda lie .rusmimd by Goverismt dur- ab h the. us. ofthii Medicine. i asms of Collage, Cambridge. jWct 0< the persan wh ltî îw,for lte flit ,tiI <~'40 dot. Bucelbu, Vi.raspt. ang any part of the " ternui ud itlib long standing, le whlch other adie ioilrc rsns ienl lf h ule ~~~~~40 doz. Horsaaiie, Sumamer requi"ilfor the publie service uP013,girl'.aorab.efois idhtRT CLASSiaCAL MASTER, lInme, rnetsh héseif beoriIe pulic.ro etR r,,dCm Ma.iapro,.ocm,,no las acorujace euhthé, pe ïaaeOhrbiro traa5lhm.ti5f'i'U5 4B e îdv WINES. tvulve menthesnotic; id it maybeenn tbe, ont shilifel physicin-a& ' i. Taai.C MthuM.4-fe-poses, as son as aiaifficj.nt n Haner etf bt ,,~~~~,i2 Boxéses1im uiea -isc..-Glas, elti« ierutIttihe doreghus hcs h.u.~ ~ î lot nrt HlUmbig.scrjîpers %hall have appe*red ti sactionathe 3 Tom EEglimb Iton, sespisralcon the Tmnn empruiesOr t lalbarcsus, nfalible cmreiaiallme, szcoRD CLAISICA-L MAiTEa, udraaglimeekyî,Ieîl Wiîb l ter anjle.-&Ie ta commence vitat asmay lb. requeiior il vrill be but of sucha as arm incurable, thora are but Thse Rev'd. W. Boulton, B. A.-OfQueenm of Cobourg, a Paper of te sbove deîcrip- ~,,~ VsiY _______ cchdmy atoaoctock.-Coitions libo.ai. lei orr làemiz,,fu m l.goiui 5faut caeaof Cougba or avec oated Con- Colege, Oxford. tion--aming ta b. tndy Independcrtaî sad mTTEI U TEAORTX. - ARORD. M'DONELL, A. #BR. vel Calclatad, oet W nulociier Pwlam esaptioni but mal bu elioîmal ~by timaly MÂrlEATICAL DEPAIRTUE4T Respectab1c-.îALX: PREL PROX THF AN- ITATE O TU gRU vMTE. Knmomfo Mri 13.lr hicbil mal bn aitablis bould DO l- nu of Ibis Healing loukoum. LBaDanseIt e Red. C. Dade, M. A.-FelloWofaCa- JNOSITY OFPARTI 8SrtITAND THE La- Beigsai 011 vib bun acl.gibleoestlb. made for t for a Tarnery. Boutle contains about 70doom, wbich provos b'CleGabrde dltt CENTIOUSR}.îS OP PE[ISCIAL AN14AD. tg 36 80 16 ADDITIOI4AL MARIKET REGIJLATiONS. Forfige-tia B.ar p.yati."-Ib t.bachpscii.comcigIa< iîlMaeatvRO. 12, 3 0 U t n rdrd y heMgitrgn amn 0o: coit ery, or ai thseRoyal tisait virtues. EiarhClb,.Atceb it n dctot h 3, 46 46rdielbytb .atass eer office, Kingston. The rent tle b.New. CinlMeî.solg. Ittacetybrhsdeacî,t b I , me N inSoin, t t isa mie bth utyo ue yt h rnne t»ep aibdsHdgaa IN. y.uWUtig*fAaT Bit ITAIN, il will lever ~---m. Tesus ..s, ,,o,,o. . rCmc.-war. J.. .D. La Haye. bu histujy tg ujortâcsai .tis oans me, Wm the Clerk oftbe Market te open tue Mot- or, athis saglon eBritias ailie-. Tlslai the flaîmneqof 1818, Mr. Elftzer Barris, r.U&, riMr. G. A. Barber: cnl~dr-tiete bc 44te four "mmet umonthi,.May,jie, isly urit for i du perrmac f thse condi- vit. bail laboureat for me occaionilly for Drawimugmasr--Mr. lDrury. miaîomong of liti.o rld t'he crandnadle -. 7 4 - 7 na Aegumt, ah 5 oceloci .ae"ymarig iosimb bsiu b eurilt .veidgntcrualnesd im&onJ 'dial. ofng erldThisen ii il- se 86 42 tiers of the 1-Dmieg lbieMonîbs mettatlienin-emorehi. thanlastaw vavleetly eizeti vals the chsanter cf THIENEWCASTLE PI- 4» of Mac, Aptse ptmmb.# and Octobor, Bti *Office of Ordnance. tau aibdryonogfrequemlons acualated t'yi Ts unia iIhv temnils-OERdbeui o.ueuvc 2 13048 7 ennui, (Souainyse. .» ot- Ki.ngston, Matci 24th 1» thig for d ryyb fqatlnbouais.onporiastenadence of thse Sciool, irîi the au- and dociilodly Englisi; an avowal, whic~ sm4a' iegtue Menthe, imeuary, oe.;__________________ ay isegfr ealybifmnboritiltie, totyfamto ovrcer aeprohaî Iis roecorcniihntyirtiaptm ulaxi go S lie U ad Dacember, lb be aketmavta b mou comMeiony, bioil. Ha. cougb wu 80 lievl iuosehave tue powter of itroucitigi are iltise geneil support cf thae Province. 20 s 4 49 8 Oalsaiai8 emck n aemoUin, So-auvrreançti incessant, that ho soon bocame nobm iaiterationa is tise system fli0eduatirtttInIraarrangement, the.praa.Paper lis inteal- 42,« ZopenaLipaIA8 e'cloz b ob. fornorgm (Sun-iciated, hic oyat j~u f b 27, da4 0 lys exceped.-Ti. Market Housastelbie UACIOLtINo mcamitcael l y.glassy, andlbis , neceumary, rom hiown ohÀ0edaanearly as possible, te remile Itirtof se, te 47 âge cbosad aIemaieaitbien ta tvae eg.ele that bu wu Or romtite representauion cf the te , uiraiedAi NewhYorkhcise th -30,e m a s 8 49 Itin orileroil Ibatflic.corner of oanl Oz, 810E» ST ACI MoutonLr&IIEUT, wol nibeanlbudCouasonln tetopth tioboil i. ofew Yorlr ldgo ____________________ Cow, or Hotus oued running aetarg1le1708. bis situation, a frienil cf mine ind'mylf Thecooune of instructionte b lc PUrtied steil knnwn and justly admireil, that mny ai- i~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~h 10FPtLCWO,£~1502 5ITown of Kingston, contrae <b. vu CAPITAL.-TIVO MILLONS STERLING. PrOcered lituOneonttile cf Anderan'avill c rstue gClansira, Matlicantics, îatioaa on thei respective meias voulil hc .pARL CIT, 89.HE OIM 07Tposer!mai teTonvetnMn. a- gnt ate b pomayfr b= itSiO ai eaga aer ae SIEAet lsi bi CmsyfrCouilleDrops, by the use cf whicb, le about FI«igisCoposition anal Hiilory; Writing more thoansupertluous. euhfoUat aylbMoflméIi, tihe Canadas are autuorissil to negoti- be ek t eyatnamn)bvs 0 Aihei;GorSlay atitiFrenschi far remtoredboas toreabland.puyerferousa ofusai-i lingepais iit et emlw acnieTise Terris, slIl ltethe xmni.as tbe chier for maCh Offnce. ate Policier of Lif. Inemaance t. thse mtent mf ab soue o ab bt efraiS TEbis n-Sad tho iratn oart lies tla iper.*in1he Province- Ou.PoundZpr ci Sir: Having nalcei in alos ataherof Coairmeil le Spetial Stations 29tu Mat'chf £5,000 sterlin g asgle jFào maalFb 1,I.f u' o i an, erchauire of postage, anad paya o die montreal Heralil, autextroct finiouthe18M. ALLAN McLEAN. Life Amsurance baving bau long gince HliaeFi.1912.aovlo theexclîdmc 0 ny 0 eloi e yecrly sa drnce.-A astipulation thîtAt it , SYor péaoer-4Membe cfh it m o"us.nuiCierk of tue poace, ..cnmicelailuty t'y tuea atar part of tue 1 Robert Kidney, of Rochester, Monroe whicis it enibaces- 7oetsil li I i, ,,,plaeas MmroteHo fpoplationof Grat Britain, and ha" je- at y, N Y.dmme rebyletict at'yifertona IPuplie bsromainsaI lIevCete 1111 lieotborisothe perinaneacy cf tise estliiSL- ,ilie engageat ln a discussin, relative ta UTILIT'Y AND IIEAUTY. isunnecmuiY te entarg on ils mirantagom ofîhe caigo, att.nded vils pain bibo hbreai, ba rcceaitue higist Écran,, v bd pro- 1menclusnotheuiby ic iccurgeil. te absentes TUE, you tibot-iltd pcb f reooe c rtoyM u aat ntrteUnvriy;aohr indlge n language admiting oft er- PUHE Agricultuirimsxcf Uppe, C.",taîot'i3i enm.u 'ayc bitiag a. bP""'10vl aeib ne ia nveati autc, a oclsotii Wîite mibftes îîg nfeeec-."OuaMegstroe reeued haa a oportaaiiy o benç mmeti-TheFASle Asociatioi, tbrough tbis A- leapaircil of andl glrmaiup u incurmblo by a sebuse ney Ray ho olerwime airectati, claitnt. tise stuartenonf iD51 caspinc-«'On~ e ai t=,He t ly supplia vtu taityplanîei mm 5fe"ofrst u ebktesofaaiacouarcdlcf 8v. Physicins, but by the aivice val bliperfectly qualithoat for Mercantile Newcastle coiailsnaty, rom tIte circlut- Ï75 go intprtre a toastin lise com1y of Hae aoll aDvPnedwgeoftpampticipatTe"ntenadb prageof D partiG.ation inoth prof of coe.tGrHivasockaof t6 atterewonierseits et n eareiColeegen the cc cf bionce o bis bavnnlIten thesfitt gointro- .rs. Be #tgN ci*il mo-sjuiiciosem Io pea Olai NGLIS B BAWTHORN Q0371 fi8h of an establisbed lLoodon Office, viioauiiltucesilta maite.trial 0 ofutirAndiemon', Course wvu h ho aidituosial avanlage or bha- dureta Printing Preon witbiratheir Distiet, ,hg mmmitaoaocreJaor.,-you are mairequur_ for Living Fonccs, whicls te tise xtent cf businesiAsasextensiaiatvirattb.ox Cougb Diopo,analb7 uslig éte boîtle vasving alled ctsiole stock oi know-bthtrs l ed~~~~~~~~~~~ ted 9atciei*adro iil mtmc Mt huaibr ot asihmE- . acq a - drb u letusste advantages oflte Êopomed edttiiill eand he uctof ma lia ift me bave Wilie amiontontofUn- pectatiofl toot tumyvilllb. ceeidrabli. retcred ta oerfect bigaltu. 1 vouldtholira--Re W evlah al mo greatiy asaast biam an undmtakanç are>i theanmelves ou ciently ,£the kW n-the . No cisaugeilforMadmaillimmPeub.moeili-te ofore recommeaselmi tuose afflicteil iti a ttainng him own more inuMteiatc object. apparent, lurehler lit andepenalert cf mny îo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lct maie sud -Batns n e ovb a.a <uml~Policy Stasa; nl reytba-ndaua ce lintonai asoftseuie Dvagvi btugs a b.opinni'ui mggsioromainshgoa eseth suit,, b ouiisadpubUlly accuseil cf a of six Dolas aThotusisi, ilmivmt I maiesoeexagbmdc ftcige eteniey, aI:n m perfmce imtha tisanm- the Parent& rman 6cajiàshment net, v iei I b. ma teda- eain ai gusceroyawnce to anaa scanemy lb.obtlanoil ty lettor, or t'y yod MYlifo. ROBERT KIDNEY. ' A propamtOrY Scheeol vili b. att2cheal 7?e Pzxbic obedient and<IIusable Ser,-t plishmflteen e, wl if, n asarngy stupc- u. lao enbaricnvnte t r . eygu.. £eema apaplication to Meus. Thomas Rocheser, Mardi 11, 18%. te te Coilegead conductoil on a cortes- CburMR 1). CH ATTERTOX. ti. cfu thae iiunisian àutreoinglysuet-Mr.snon, uappoin, buMr.eetuho as b. nuotCo., tue Agents ailQuebuc; te D. C. CAUTION. radinln,fsunder lte inspectioai of the oo ug M a418M0. ed yu âv. u «à on o Pttbugh bs getWh eu c aperCo.Montres], or tat onodeeugn.. AWOPCUNEPM rancia.. aithy clumny, w yeorself tae bthe. coOimuiiteil vit ou tua aiteretnrâla- ed etKinuon, of vie. Proapectusea vitb Ev..7 purchaser villa values isealh smuet Thoeduu« of euch Pupil for instruction I Psfrlngof tieCTUS. hedee Tuag of a certanie ou di rodemif pocéaler joCts b, application le Mr. Benjainl h astte, t- &. Mynie b. ttneil gratin. taisparticular. andlae tiat tise boutlesire yil b.ogtishe Cellege Tva Potinds pt lieu ionafra nth iibee this ote finie, in Ibis, andlovery otherplae,vwhicis ton, Stete Siset, Kingston. B. SMITH. stanpe in jsthe glas. AwD#ieD:5es ColoriaQuarter; an"let tisepreparatorY Sîil'Oaîe .mineaio c el Neîbitanlsefly fmor ,te haî ieen blesadb, hisdoicile. Kngston, Match lmISs. imgtou, 2«tb Match, 1880. Dite?#, prepareil by J. MMLLEN, and tisat PouDdnilveShullingu perQuarter;t. iaat, ialueRWkl wpprcsmyotia A Magstraleo ma Collyee OH agsn. JKESayvf lz oi m el OI IGu A. the directions ars mgneal ZA'm MELLEN- ai Ibmexpiration if mach quarter.-Tre co.dloioxmaîucsr4luli. Beilvile, 241 "~'~ 8a0.d board on tue 20b mt. mvltanut Bd car«fl ad examsinebefore yac puicbass, vilais. eome charge fur ens. Fuel, e n itrc !Yncofe ti iuia an~ jmt aue t povcaton Ibsry eAIM m .sesthora are vo £pudieur klnds in insritt. leneout Establishmsent Books vil liepro- cearvealafficient encouragement ta remoave AX ACT TO EITNND TEE PaLOvE0làOPimofoc ll ay pos, or aopo usesbtaor g e AMflA. ShMH, bbop er avoWto . L Ea ORSALE Trdela iSvos.0 u Ppl.ain, ert laag tbh blq tt ttis laceEoyi THE LAW OP 5ET-eFF-AUD Te Pas aemuig i0 onMY ecoitiit, a1in oil 97 zonabis finonds aal helb. ulielioe ITSISNS iag.HETTs auagnonc ts kr0ts c Cl-entoragth onahalqa te mnoskinyas- VENT CINNEczssàaRABD VEAZZOOa DOdebteof b is rac ftan" ise lais 1bu ndoutaien tlbaboe.Etblmal.nKluige-on. w ., ib.vemtDain ltihe Dietors -andalonentic ifCtàltiàcin tmiser ofderlmia as LA W-mo ITU. ABRAu&-m CRAMER. eeornys$luimebbAoropettien b Me -TiieIes, Wv in &Wli m aulate ils ann:-BOthas a l mtîm*bttfShisrbi Tevsimip 0<- Chie ,oeseUcimc.: IoTIO 0 PENUERI*9iemuS msa" receivo aili duo terTction. ihTlHaisE nPOTaiOETL. GA WBF.EA8thoProiale fe s. tOng Ib Of20hu»t100. à iletlyb.potm aint. Teaveorsmay 71HE Copitniuship beretofauze e'itin The Vacatiomn. vibe amy. at Christ- THPOTOPT1LGiPH Y!FRA M tulDhe roisonfo etiegr, NO 2 th IE. a. u reatd oraingO mas usursycefst T Wem nMailigan fa Lirinmon, ablii.teSmr ro h st epitdi h urofre n ifmoIeb opMboteNT[eadacommodation, on th. mieu esasmois 'eTnnies, li tbe Tovnshilp cf kngoli n% s,Rdsix,,sfwA. s.te he onefrpteinlii s eb pWeale ieQato<uaa îhtliy Ui asaireeeatae i illam., METIG c x. erhaumadou-temo JKinsmtn, Match la, ISa. expir- ontue ist Septemaber soit ; rond a. sbo o'H .-A iraeci' aoug itttolb. extendel, gasas ta aor a enconcernea, viii tabe place et tbe N. EL-A leur raspenble bomuderasclan muttual conisent theY br r. bâl 9111 iilu a riim oinbu- Uo da .ach hers A eiasdrni o ndù,tpayabe a si ul Defnefant ta recevir the balance due ta Court House au Themay tue lotApril a i « na t b. tboego ouemthaey b lai nbtedili Mm i lie arrvalgeapsnts intendea tliotis pritcipum. It vill be the object f i ctBint. b. breoat c. coasmeifoi ngccoc toln o h roeo eprobant thelu -ceeut on ou bafore the lit for tlimmpremmt of tue District Scbools the Editor la give lb.eebit intelfegunce y actio ite b sra foer dalfc. That ini - lckonfrtu as. 0 e~a.REMOVAL. dey of Iuly noîl ; anallikovime, those WhocannotEt presot lie ried into eflisct; but cfoery millet relative taBritisInternat, esMijesty Cosurt ef Kiings Beachs, orbenmg ulte iliet Coin. e0v in cr.maua iIdAldWILSON med ecapoctfl- cosy be isdetlita tiemwil plescmnalif à il lqidratimall, sonof 0tlar mort abc! ho vii meis menut esorctions ta pro- nyf Hui Mjloy 1District CeunIs is tliAs A OUSE: io r lot , --Ir=" ab, 'V 1Inform s bfilene aand cgaeos uultuedmsnma, oerwisctb.glwll ol oounisiog S= ioi lieappite te .- mot. tue presptsity of tbis Province, andl suioee, tleieressdait autving giron noe. Eniquit.ef MM. MborsuAutioaiees. ing«osep t lebuasemvoaltemdee. ld logte bave recours. ta .au- ÉOY wOuld ibitionmrailthe Ciege. Tise number o- espécially natisaf i bîi mmeiiate section of ce of et-off or plemileiltxé. maniccoding Kingmon, Ma tMis,, 183. stand ltis.hecerner fiatmerly oceupled ty Mr. vtii te avoil. locteil annualiy Mill depena ontise prefi- the Empire. * o Liw, shaih on trialof mi actien, prove Georgeilivaral.anal tnevu as tb. OlilPATRICK MADIGAN. ciency of the. Candidates. Modificationsa of Thsis b.in glstismmy te eslablistaa a sues due te hum, or if bo biesiui as Exe- IWELLAlq CANAL LOAN. glugesa, heveho t'as penealà ve yJOHN LIVINGOTON. theisymlenof thinstitutionmayble indlis- Noespapu ilthe DiotnlsfNovw the uuor ceimiisratortate .Tutor or Recis..Oamaters Oie, Blstemi lnslAolut. R'Kingaon, 22 Feisrmay, 183. nperte", but il la liopeil tt'u dvantages ta Edito, cnintl aeticipai.m tuxot dlsc.a- Intetai frem in.hePlainti« or if tue Plain- Foi-k UC V Mai- ch, 13m. iqo»a, sied are"ycomplet. andl seect le esive lhc.apmneanetiY xisg =-Up-ogigent vhieb tise Importance of tise un- tif u. a Exeutot or Adesinlsteator 0"rom RELelditreviez vmhi.ia.d0 by .snetmdtent c EIJKEYv.rfm&uiles rosmit for a tenu cffli a saa p-, C mPdilo Semieary. ac dIbeiertalcing demanti, sudalvicisho éaiaier te Testatou or Intestats, grenitr Ibm salIL muAct faamod llu im gs o% n l athé upplimd i via mearticle rfquisit L m ards, (a fangs) siuatd in tubaa yet f iz w=albri n xesieedaor amrt Pliitiffissapreveal duetabien, aet bis Tes- Haym e mua ai nes, .by Lotmibis. lai.fer t.noofboieeis.eang, and ai veryte- qnaine ondes f jast Kin on e uc tm ayê li bWDm naletevOeNdaÀote t.ment tatar, or intestat@ froai èch D.fenant, or ofiTvety-file Thomsina Porans, etIitl, d<be rioces hoi vbat thy have user beaun of 200 actes itu bains, atabl e hds, mendtennis, viB ieb <.11 sd duly appreciateil Port HopM Match 1, 18M. bia Testitor or lIùs Intestats, il m&halal W'« AD An<o pontgmatittrbee LoInLBe lt.he lilaleKingston. a commodious dwelling -eusno Ithrotad tughout the Pronisc. niy bc iawfcl fera.. Jury t.a dr a rme- Welland Cana ICoupon,, anil ta regulai. fHe taitus appartenir ore ain a ie mi ommio at0 tb.foiethe~ EREH AKLN, NTC~1 hoobru e e diet for tise Duendant t io.n.mait of lth beir <otie, operatien," on Ibe credk cf sinewtlanks -te a very lhbealPublic, fox lut of May soit. gt<y MOus BaerdiofEât"mefiu. mna agaieitbe Ftte cflali duffernci of thoir respective daimns peveil bGovensent of Upper Coanada, b, ide- thoee tonaegsiedasupport It b hobas tu- Tiieabov orme. b.ing vel howe by York, Upper Cmadia, iGardien, Esq. lat$ efflliet, are requestoil asa aforeaid, Andl fie eursomcS eods bntsredeoiable as 7, 9, anil Il yeu, ceirai sinon bis oomsomeul la busines lie namaof Hickery Gravo Ibe &prOiYr 2 ee, olf -pr ttomdl %tetis li d taetrUpJuaigmentfermabama, besides an turue"malatm sot: tlais place, msid biptoe.utettem tthoMajor Kleuin. Thora m & bout am-,er. jne, 89 outaietandhem de ubten~d ail-tu hi ox sIchargesaal t. bave excumaoma Noticenam ber. gir.b, <bat SEALED Win. dothie umoa tu t. emvoa continuation ueaily prepareai fotr ie tpe, bm5ile5 S MDLAU IM TSA t»OPLANDS. amjusteta na ieinpilte aet threîcie. TENDERS feu t Fenid Lo, et sey part of thieIa cpimg ttat lbey wul cmili&Msa ces lei dovei 1 fiî-grain 0sealtfa hem1UDOaereby gvo notice tIfir1shall at- totleaesbitlbeu. Andi le ifwM nfAreadedui19 9ts .ubtrfty hewpf iiib vecoieai sa l on cemati examine foruae.sssvus. Orclaral.Ai te<bOptpictort»teft gelad- I cedana e-for aie sactporiloncfttuse JOSEPHI J)CiLAND aoriid, That insany Action viliasls t=elà ai' of May mBoitmtatg lin Isueit TI clampsu§ies Goe&ili lieb.fornd jettb.&oSne Builin ithout adieusior- [maisms readvuoM l * bTresater of Ac 'ting »Cor. Jonsaictioe vbhich *biahérisaltr ie .con- rate 0< ittOrel,andsd' , reased t. thelecriblaui ta my ln Canul. - Imeol t for bis noie n - lie tln s il < tululch, Md nconin th tu l.vrats fluerlOta Ianu180. mrîdeil in nlCourt of Reetaq Mle til aOrGenerelUprcuCansada, endoms., -TeI- KIngston, Fobem" '20,183. . oiloaeanal part of 1-met recIred ocf Crk ofa.m Peuas-my b. u -& give J idgmentginst tbePIabat i form et:N.tender wl viii Rfr lmlm1o SIi-TUmnai pemt alele i atoduedu.. MEONSfIlIt () « e UrIbr i oAEs, 1 un not exceiuing tise limite oflnitelrlý- dama Seventy.fire Ponnil. i.* iF' leohm ulutd Uminu lliNoms but persons of eeepotablecbaaetWt*et g .b,«endlabbe 'hed et Yern u b. armeci alton- diction, as they miy juilgi frocs ibeavoit-7JOrN RENRT DUNN, erg lllsgo if thelvillo b.im het t iabalance anem .h ilm te H . M. BReevGerberi. m he - pulie Ermneov, liti Feb'y, 183. - lotit inné, et Norton', in8m; lu sirie- lmC t avROi b de e Irfendant, ana lmachsDefssem él bts- Bot* b. jsubserieb; 1: b.ing smviihlle4. of <11o'clocb,,A. M.1: :po h otilea-t a uectio torfoo ANTED i, a raela hs mv, tg a et rsu lis0 teumeeU Mi VR SALE-.Lots No. 80 ami nal th1e .Kiagito-the 1h ui121h Jlain er en ior lchohsru-£4ipet *awpu. il tit isnie mannor as dahobh lie bo.e u Yck.M%7la SitiOib lb. UiimStâge& lmiOBI17le m ; < ffAt encemin of Murrîay miie o- on e < -i ousaiiioe f 1,lhis PSe-5 o Plnaintl in the cmaildkthvsilge Shs-Iaoepu ed anal No *" a itaIt. gl buthé aiVillag el ayPub. iasaglO2MActes 0coel lesit Md WANFoàlbe TiiS sch our ubll~~ fid tt4iteel. elb Uctuouie.f«"sum acereat'y I-.ml and le situated on Cl Eeà th4e rn~,vs.e .141h *80e, î1O8aIn- D Letiyt ntiea rane, a tubconîaice.1abus"m WX. WILSO ,SIJO.U <betealVillage, ffto«heacommandoa aprivilège of lie vauloirt met teridp««avy' aoU, l inS,atetlbons ofIl o E = 0 .imuo 5 ars rhtsc or lalmt goe~ lemn, Match 24h, !@W. cedi t lsésrontsl.the ao bsagl.C lbeing aMet dedirble dsilsai -lea oç m u.uii ea eelbs ~t iepart of lie blell fW ~PUBLIC NOTICE Who oIriais( y mfr 'adee o Mr ef Rmis Who liclete i . M et.the at-t of lon 0'- H'rlas , Il aueor&M.ount,vwenuiaont C" T u satcibees boing dulu' ,lla.ui m m maefWie oflu ) ti.velema jm e- rnbuR toâvs t. ~ Mis hIm .0 ' l 1Pt*Ibv Ia 4atgo i thei Juiuaicien cf ourla Coet, if' Tub 17pete f Alhosey ire. zamm Wivii1 . dsa.eV<0 -MIJiner eleutoilt tAlepe-ii~~P nchG'V ll, .,i 'Oivard on tue pmuftuse Plasi« gE < hturie ulaee .LVN Ô Â~ALI. lbele ie1: siîolune11, eiéWii .iuuisc 5s, Attenaes te *W*tho- e- **SU moselilliuiJtb 50 . 5~~1<,î. 50*teéaueMii piau <Yt,1l, Yom'h,811 aCO h, &a subi ( bil jambe.Wik-En ?) sa mien NimLANDS FOR SALE. ile* .I lok uMrel m m o as l bis mfavveur. ANI UNPt1OTA-it. t NOTICE i rb grnb'««Of luebn h -do"NM 01IùI al mmPalesouîISICi o.2Mi l Ct e bu potm1d.* Excellaecyt<b Lieut. Gevoasot U Jai. Wleon ae.req«M eeêsi -hretaitgaud bas m. ebanald lai t ihmtieIntutls la , e, iff ouicil; thal une. Jlbi etn rt ee 139u uhn mIoillala 0< IJ ud alMeu CÂNLEX South j 13 if14 9Oh doe aipa ¶5v s im td~a*1 beilit teseatBeaabss Efafim ileirî, di maie gondise, e"hOu ho*67" t pno".vl, eonsmlueaay ilie 1mbdr d Z1 moi ii due BwRA P 'of ie <bLot Ne. 2Otu lb Mdo mie, » mIRuymi Mumr'sIna a hive, athe East bafofLit IINtuer lSu lm" botg, vhem ti<b mibuelbm svil tetian W, b" àbu son f« u g laht- Ead 1 2 artd:o u tona *lllhah amiu fi eq.apt..will IithsauvonhnaCencossion of t<b TOW omi m for uetiose popae el tl<bum mois prime, t'y viioblo 0*e oý% - . b.epoil toà*telM»7br-ge oMss Fýdorkkcisbi a lb.ai al eA em smée ae<is bu dons b, . rcimatlie b laKugista ta vl-jm 'yluebmug .to. %,»Wk t ILment.-',1, - I. Dorw, ithinm Mx miontasIme.miteual- <« pr p% u e iefrbanlsfor tithbmh u p i.. u*Mm à,for idy cy 0 For tesapply te IL C. Tuomea, 'Wbtail'cso4.Tsp one i1$ JONSALe -* 1 go".sieImdis uù' tai.ye.pesb e teems* u e beI -- ahiotWauba4tmamtpm lmb e, ibe m ua edwt <mmcritmaolie, sajelo Aelblmv,1CMMilsJU. YoeulU Mi et30 Grfamcnei co la UésJ Boal J*0 maeeyâR. t5<, Retuetma abila m" tt 'aga eg tBATbvn 10mie lmpth sp i<b11iOd Fîr t.OUticil; thOt.unie.n<bnReaut EIli.oèaO4 *Ir: et bruitaip Nouriciter Ivu nlb lsdo cmiu ~ ioiutruGumestelà" t U*tom I lummb lIteJMs. à" MU. is.Pu, h m.vàleiebu tu 1q*AI *t' ITopn, deeelcféF , derbsh ismir Cuoapatfvnmuyeaomalle'55foodelMYiolis mi br u, M-l "0 tai fine b theb.maai a iet b t t ii ef*.gç euta-bv WUSb-.a" apg tima&gm &th e rHr 1 ,cc.tay o.. ~1 1-f~ I i I mwOFnusol -I 5yt 4

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