PJsthe an Aih .In o. qeiere, pl PrAitsa in t enc aCiiemt,, s eper..e' lay' the At. hit of t bI io de.ý la ibirch. g o th, '5'tOfMay mc P2,50 - e. S. 20gf o Il ,d 50 le 4,00chl 5,00 5,00 mst, vit! be reging MI. er<ieek, q the sui. foUowing e solvanta. the other basi, the ci oy fou"-. X Ium UR loi 0 1a l boss- hute Aid la,. laesiot «l Aid Lm d oo bhw tip FOR TUIC WP CI AXA»A MU8R&L. TO CALVULÂtTOR. sir-YOMooe Ovatim n t f .U.'C. liffad c(thh*7th nil.cqs wfWhand 1h" day,sWn1think itii»*jutu tY014. &W o the cana w ta&vW.iu.g0 dea x pem rny à dd oici, ar.. evhe-v"S U lMu..xtaa.oufab - îtasac, that yo% Who an..itijh armmoes o. nh4d x mp~ionunicilmior*&ai5lâ. maun of tbe ~ <~~s 1 emceve te h a lq" lhat yoma mu th e , ca .blhani mcia o4eahas . «e atoEc, le 70 1 eme ho trve t10le th*b 6"i'é iiy e. i the. ot t' vwili b li te tW nremuogali. Ttkhm y e.r 'ou rdozete ies. alh. Oinc Dimiaof <h ru tbe muait ia ads ho mkSsed rot 6 ejn bey ohUh aici e bgniimug s ae @pu i te st i-i«%eam af«oi as UUw dmiep,- ,je ~ESD4V, ÂPI~II4 ~, iSSO. ~Y~U~ h~sm< ar ça -ê itt 64 du .t. slCb.th odwgi l Wpusi( eiMd ou Ouim mau mots~ rd a.t if Il Oaioe NOI Rptw 'V'.. $à.if UiYu, w m ta MM top.iSfMr. 4t& w bt " l eithesalom c(69,»$,.4» m 8lbOmOM eaym, alte= Iiua..0 .dt.a alt C*54t~Ag uaasfrt1WnéeiOBtUly)bogiue le Me~C. F-7.eaue. iioi nipA uom bo bou. i X.hse uebo"t.Iguasjd ondi-i tvuIUViW e70 am1s4ahI Dag ,tif Ah.6 bsiageqk $&AUlas.eriu- jnao1"tgsab. U ute luailaAhi 6memm( abmumiAadot- Aata.adohaalt aii id. fu ie mi.Lt' 004 tmlc" 00 à EVPI5OLANAJA OL. Xr urval, ivi ao mse.hi 1, .1.1sl. ~II5uVuj,,k. lt. w < Fl5r.iPt siodbsasom ~ amuai. m<r h e qz.t mtome ofadi . .7us s. ~sta. Asie maaa usa -but mi. Bt lieto a dii.,. la7e- wMu Fewtc t» le humd ftocmachu" #I.m~ e--Hgmnbaog 'if.a Mb. aabdttl&a1aEa .07Nab 26th0 1SL LaO16 Mrli. Ediîos,--Shmc ii umm theia West ladia Trwde ta the Ualiue M -O mat uuiemh»,ha. 1.u u.0ahi h' Wb"t i abeol,. * bIad.is a«MW m uA-7 -Ir otbeuP nt u .lw.euIi 06P hly aMW tho Paa1Wâ w " .'w i ow As à4bshdoi ra mfb-«"Pue; à»bà êm OWaà Ct U«M kZbu5W ýa* màk màlk du*, W se tho MME mua a"A tbeis.-Dut i"id k nu ".a the -mipmt, nd.sasaquasu 0 open tAuirpivot... pemmtM-4o60 O.dBtUe pomi lia tuity of t bo but uiOi-* "oa aleui% asl "sesm ot-BU tat sisw. e e1 produce i mtaI tii. quesion a ma w, aa p>r4oui odu fn er, botï we eau ga.-Tha Amidanamuo e o W. Bath pfli.. maut h. govarnea I otate of th. amaristhe qmatily us ctis h&malleU, mi ilaAIbe obip tipis. Th.e eatuheWb*IZa o84 tii. W. hudiot - avotbsr -qumut alm My," ahi OU «Msi«u te desa in yeyx amit, sud 1 muet ha wsaa ho cms oblatuo, orsa o a.ai lii. miol, wauals tie pwuae ing. Boit 1. argusihby aosmoth"M Amuiumaogaa odb*tra bde,,tbpy Ad t iemariato*bd vmgianicauq b.ompefltoed le t a&Mi ter, 1 voulu ae the turmoket Yanketxr.ecls"e-WaU out bu Colombe. of dmieW. lu" sgir. vW a-0 bilant p ca, .by siAig tema à%sut,<oyco. hmio ur pai.I losaCc1 W aMta toidla4 ii taedwentutess wtlAei mipré dad foedmmutb.e &O "W bu -a Mu M. Màm. à -- a,1 1 a - m r m et Immte<ai- vay ailuiisOff Auialeas ola, a , u ' ~Zl!*f I uwyProdua% bongla i aM à i1W ..an4iwbo iau a*mu-Lut ia '. Indu.ia4 -lbu ~ & OPMo %0 u a Am« uat .u 0<1k - GUtL~!latFi oro F lp~ ~ ~~wt ducaou1fItI om, of i.i=.u' £~uapoit z tia ' m p a ji ,, iot is u t * B ute r u u i ave m mlpolis la fm . 0Ont tisa aW' n mal~ soi aletu» .itétth the#A & àoru. teh'..- tmaoeof "wAie ipu a AmsWan *o va hyr aanoofjealeb Dlof mibts Oti. OI! Sd~ wksf eh esmueisiél 1 gallo,<h Wceft a îMi w thiloud 0<ihcuoà off ~ Mo B.d lh.y« My*ro Iiifet,oli - C, uaaîalu~ ~aa.Im. auR~m a U5'Pepl.iu gmuo"eepr n Js-Demdrag 5<1.W us1. at-fathanet h.Viius l a~n- *hi, poroouio.- lga*tbét-Uhel yomus:s * 'LuO ~79* I L'LU, lamtit mal Ahl d9ties a Ugo les tai, i oh edos ld hu i sr hwma l e PU . ~ 17Ah5S amuse«. seel g m In al~'5Om -asatn mm smm u l0 m r,«W i. n bi sW e7i bdy à&d au àw W1aiul . 1 , . bîsbapv Ovesb lai UM u g1 oé, said à" u. 501 aoulsp iau. .f SAs eW.If *1 bv tas-ga b. aWoamac . .uwIp*ia Pia« ha t~~OL ~~K~ ___________________________ What dem,, as fara.d crea<res 1 i os-M t L *bat ami* localisas.T te ow ýe ee' ha ~ J Sdo ."*"a-Weg' -a-- cojne ohsfr ~ ~ ~ =1 1havau au~LUU gsisa IoI opt Ome de fftaiatva opef ur .e m o ~d.Hl aloi s.q, -t =Md te* et ".7 ato fi die ~~aii h iskai îpm us irnova t. Id whminsih4d~' w~uiust's4Wslt,,~0b. h 5. -9 bh.saMa~,us. - hflt t- hama n ouaa'v at ia mdhw tiDo cted Brethimu Id iing a manne,,ta% ,thse nce i m mthin Ah. mmdu krepithe, uj tperation 1 thus defimaSiy 9 yast bier»s.tha ldaidvmnq. from the i=oo. itAmu Of Sum'.oo <., '~* i. e.... - ',* r r -' mm .i . i - -ff.-¶1%aa]-Aà Nom i- - - -, , 1 - %, > il ý ý 1 ý lu GlýAM, wroxue il 1 a& 1 . si . 1 7--IT 'Il] -âj