Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 7 Apr 1830, p. 2

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~NfPP* ~AwÀ3& ~I1~RAW. Oorlbwb4s mi le te> 'ý frzaosa iv 1WA.Me e ont te imtti il& bo lt. Ma for lm.ua *lL bu, wn"efl te la lahife $..eL e.Red, muth h a lsrý"ifrla tellbcenv.yd seseqlb. làthpbord es o l,ï.ie Wu, the »W. prîedemdeouveh Iréla lle oit eao Bémb .xpeeft.d for n tIM. irsr$l es il e ta a nr a , bap totirewauter- uaIe teaerw séle b wasaptsi tetom-. 'teweul wih lditbyIdus route mibo eSaected in imîf tire pmsent tibs, wie vnolb. an important sdntage te boho AIrlCAWFn pn s. -lé*mb. bie ppor. tnsay <amys la n nbis Roceseh <Lip- =*Wgj« mewàim eindép hlgiadmlt., »ftht. «M iiceou" a" la boa*la .psty alcv.l me a.nl bI.llh-grlevei "h tonm lu r.v, and ,Qd m.t et 1Ib. Incital ove,..,mcdwtoit m e 44siem aetbt.ktbeak. ber âêotýw ebemtireb meWs; sasip.lmating te Ibb eu, tbtvY dmirsi mmy spirits, by *miuetilýt tlavdi lb. sberu o limf W«14boij bearâm ea its boscoste my isiWm hme la à»., lbonb owhsev*'e i Ébave v vaniored., vher slav fai*e, 1 hala la. verlably lourd a echaud e:t lderusm i te.mbllag pity te vient.la the bramato am Mafkl..moemap»tl-vrslvtose thmt é. lu b s c etdi$ Thn~<bee i lb. unai kttetlebati.a off ils bokhdme, mm ellr vbe ulg via7. mnattit, a ythet mi mor.offla aU MM i twlt . lye b .fllw mg jeewu b*4entmab ls b. 1111hl elovms * of sims thoby leatle,' Ohu, vhh'l he o« MrPisd mdthé ptedcalmtai vas botina ostb*gm mmb.e o t »M yi eie b.a vedalu -aloig m ah,.onsent.oiseT be.ami upbu*- met ue »tlh ersee loup.5jrs cIaMk tadWho tmel. vblé va tililiin1 tbe elar teloatdeesendP- kst hi N*4SJUJJIWJCK. lb Su Md bu"" Wmb" .poue- ym.ikmte bdu it e frs. M o wb" tàW G lmaaqde.gmod tea a h Mm oly, nam olyesec.* ena. itbr A"0% wolâeftie~oelt »&Wy atifimta 1 a e 1 dmmai -~~~l âe imc A egI.m speidy mmd lap pyeenelmlea, f et U479w thr. reason tbe itimubcf ubeu vameal morismeala o rallin liniphet a@ lari7 s ped..aie, 6. th* HOeon ld ourget abat i un- vemeim edatla fra a cRevemma M14i wbicb tbey eeiisdsdau miUiUe pro- wonimmvsIl dapaite tire efreuestences ~.<~eeald inet »M w ith tire cp- pselehlsn 6eybd for mai expecteofe1 Aalwoâ M un.etitbamtieir og«t be go v.the Pneu-d lm uitai lie o no" Wh"em Jtowr Reie~ may rely N4» uecomolder . -bmRgIve te amy grasa fr blie ofâmpouly 5kau"-1v4Md~e. an&ia b. rn la rtiu vte ai lis mIl bicnm, tbo làegelme, lm d tbey o6hodéoloetiy I twd tea proe04sudh-peycmaoidu iii.EgobWla Te wulbbistIlNer !'phstv oly. M». 4»m4 aw sgMIs*< lia Homas01a J ai Poev ..A46et bo i.preent 2e. c*ùoImý oubpsmt sbetlo. ac.eyln lb e bos f younlvrmmd conatu- seeaiumaaiicipated dakolty. And I reap ju isbol i s, Ofer Yeux grstfy- auusme ,ptteiyte eupply vimne- mleuve w lyalng ali e iota Pro- cal off jeur detertaiuatien ta 1 " foo md Seu eligWîh Me Otisr of . egatr 'pubIdIetmr te a bappyeouelsie.- * lWdoy,1W M Mrck. EUs MsjéUst's Counti. bytGMt er of Vhs , ifReod, 11» RSu fte tin M&Cons i reued t lMe. Spae, éowthte- a "@ A Moume <.as He ntie oeldc cequinig ofia i mlte aiendUW! fftiel î relatr ofrucli Cirob. g po li.recsattu *dobnc retie i kMn.Soce, rpuehlstebdad. »W .tm" té yeuImmdes1y hW of bisln t lpissaI Seseld.n, pieu- jeied viii iliee N es, attention ta tiy m '09w uisesnt Ujsena. m wW to bai oaI-111l ba , ro 9oes t1mevp.Igtý a jur Renoro b- Itm .our Wsaleto re."eY butb to Mepo r avas;aves Iis m- matl dire saisIbw or P11-t Uo~m tien isaui l maec ollovd- «~Mr psibe amionsfm.ejtie oue bejm atisateanco libieks s lit ilcMy 14t e.my v1rMeil ckaovldi- . brÇ~- hI-sian dcluM ap .Y oewsi t e tc.ca6atl Md îvwuiebwnt um t he IMqtael ý*dtte tic f«f.d prl.mm *A8 smpct* Ibo.t tir ico yen v sl, nom .6e n- 4UZ- oe&W. mi ut Roemd tw JUsi. osenhePrAly pro u .sd eth le omit Tnuemy ia jncne ot; el m Gnd mab ccocihgi FMrormg4uir!tii. frsl Tussmay te m.xt ton bine lo b. hokila. LOWER CANADA. PROROGlATION Or Tu£ LEGI8LTURE. Idshidir Cusa prllyA i Murai, rm. Tirs day, at hm eo'locmk, iis Excellear ey air JamamKmpt, K. C. B., adminustra- lt of6hoversmet , .dovni a ue t@t10 egiilveCeonilClmner, and, baislgmth e TYeao . eGmelma Ilsier of th.elaci R0i,, vas tetacou- u ! e pa "ase l ýL. uebl, b r eibm « ra n s ssnutT us" ,r.,-r- l. T amenihthe a o.06% inagmuhl asit refais. le ecd"ftdCrimiini Juis-l 2. To *id the MoteselNatud lIliter & aTe 8 *0 M1hGeo. 3, and tams- outa" tie bouuanies of the Diatrict cf 4. T*xopo.iauaobcf te Act27, tise &. Te aeaIwo"nt eaaselid"tuilv f eot- mag a laige ovu tti.. IMis At Tire- e.Te laoaouelo b* QaeheeFriesai7 7. iomcta ilaflMotesL. L& TeMW= te imIcmd SI. la- U. T.eosiam6Atwir mite- tt ofgmi udoin sCiumciru.andi c Sua- 1Ir~ mei r _.- liffl. eýý7 -CI - 21Pffl W-F, - £ W -L Goalomac iIor e eCoeaail, -ÀDow foamtioof.lrmr the 6 Magubw.auarer te lawslu vwi Ihave ,pamtgiron lRit mesty'. as are sampeCtu Wh" ini v engae May ocue ammediatemtteiton. "Tr Ub*alty cf the aP î1lsim the adivma"cofemttedacalopt M ity of navoptiom, for thirapu»Oamt 6.e çmt interinaicormanicties or t le5a Isas sForisiy me lb. S gleetsai Plu, mua àonme," eijn maie« »R joua hava bain plaulte plmac trsg,*9 miJ, to the varices porposas"vthé a Anedt& podwolo."â a am tf. ey r:J, tt.1 aiTraie Resforhe popose<foom.ià xpoe<ofan~nAm licvsto g"o--aMu empla*d in. lft 1 SwinMthe1u,J l=.a*. sr 2L. To regujate the -conacoff LSo 13. To eXceage lb. th e rcousm1 stemie te ân U Te =tb. e Act fer Comalm. rti.Pn, 2& lO 4" domKs o PbMsfora 27. Tçeempea. Fovernlosuts IL Te purelasem a dredgmng vems thL To pe.;ide tfer the iuprose ea lb éto fmontreal. 36. To grant powers ta lbe Lachino Ca. $1. To ore or purche .a Ciatm-Boàim eQuebes. *6 Tosasai 6eMlG.o.4.m*hern tic t- 1 f Lh l-h on.ucmthe stlLawrene M6 Toesilow9. N. L. Dumonttelubeot aToWIbrldge overtis. Vavme&m--Pm St. Téest" a Marketaet st.Hpa 15. Toclov 3.Porbous te boildainidg ore, tihe River Jusc t a Ste. Rose M Teoprevent the un .. gofth 37. Téomanesd dcontintue dm Villa"u Police Act. 1S. Ira ootributste tee.saction of i Liofflbmsse on hoislard cf t PaulI tg a Te monage tise Agroulomna Ssw ,4& TeoaméendtL2NblhGao 4,10teome 4a. o * eah =M. ,eomsodmtioq U8 Te pievide fer tire supportof ladi geint sick à" ifoendingm. 4&. Te explore firher certain partscf th 44. Toe D nd dcotinue t1111198 i Cbarter cf lb. Montreal EBank. 45. Tonid inthse reeiiof abridge ove the Chaudiere (diat. off Quebec.) 40.* To mamie geai tire surpluse expenff lu. for .aploring tb. St. Maurice. 47. To provide fuatirer for thir Titisr larseat Quebsc. 49. To indemnify thre ritraor te appor toen lthe revenue te Upper Canada. 49. To rdSuse expecSes on the Cour Ilouse, Quebec, mmd te complet r epi 50. T continrue the M tlrGo4, b r»V late thbmsalaries Mid errnobuoa of tlirei fiers cf tle. Iclnd Cmîstoms 51. Torerducetlre current rate ojs The Honora e Mr.Ppineau, Speakerc thre A.mblY liren o&fred onr lie partc Commos thefollow * Money billez 5L. To provide folrIm civil expaditur cf the. Province fur tire jean lm. 53. Teodsfray certain arrem sf the cdr expeums .off the Province. 61. To proe dfor the. Militia lSbE Olf dé, To apgrpuacertain su.., for aM P omusre= the 96 Gaie. olé tsp ic Edocation, mmd fwrtir e .puvide fEn 1 trctof jULa ÙFor viriis isExcellency -p-bie Majus ty%.umetbankadhialmtJlrtcomisoos. Tire foieing lii'woin see*d.ith signi"ctio f ie msjety!s ecmaa To vaote tire smtsof Mombmet th Assmm"ly taing o&ee. To reiroecertain Relliosia Cogrtp Torelieve perons of the Jevh Failla. To incorperate the Minister and Trustai of St. Ardrev's Ch"nl, Queboc. Blis Exeellency vws lien plememi te d livr tire follovlng Speech : Gentlemen cftire Legislative Concil, Gentleen cf tire Houe cf Asemblyf «I"lismng lb. pissent me"sonoà provincial Parllsmenî, 1ifeelit due loyu lepeenbustacknovledgrnetafo discrge àiyorbIgà"tle c"s.s Gentlemen cf tire OBo f Auembly; . 1 tbéak yon in bis uety's au for th. supplies vhioq ba ive gmntei aetc th. somoealdy apprepniatedb r la for oemyZthex«pensSate e6V ;==M or lb. AdMmfiato Jn.tice--buot itbecomms liy ihity, et ti mme imse lu expresMy regret, tWal i gmaisM mm te f ui amonat nequrera the ublc sence andfertire pajuem certain arrrms of "salMA doler eha m- bneded, by IHie M joty. Ka omad,in lb. Fiauis vhrwuvas mted l nos. Cua- Md a!t- ber tuas-e a inespsrssil.otfu imus- ~5l. ~u bumb lie~ip esive Toeuafer lia mme, ntllnoce 0M i lie sek *,K lal tha, if thï6essalmle n noniesiMl0chares, the applica- mme ffhe, -,wimthlass umlsGo= 6 1- uqmb1 :10 Weialyreeced-thai nea- saibehi *&enVOWall ie heabies et ail M diiial e* he mtinstance en- = 2 5O5Tt Phmat iu p tilei to saieM&bof«r Moe tiai20 sisbae, m it uhtgmn ireuà" dfl b. take tâpbylif** me = t e ai evoueasibe d- psve ibeis5 er$iers. iliosat ne- e* isimt eusat e s e utbai mrta tutilSs-~sie meirer-asa~a ssla 01. a U*selvsl listsmfpMaEatt, EqeaireJe se~ seiaus d i a hmo d, Md . bi Mal. maesalacabtisaCommittee.. uhm las~ e. Rssovi, Ias é 0 bâes b. eevd»Y1s as4 « y» »0 of fer pommenruddn boatveen h PoieTe * ame 'i ot irpmeo w" u bu h . Uat lmemaid Kigutonmmlithe lOtirAprilI i.t m kaltbaias inuesilsaa hlliseremm. lb for vo.rusidlgs.parte<Upper.Cana- 1'.. à. MoUlII urIalie vermWoea aelu amaItai coc. T.if teapplication ex- vii lseigse àlas. #aes s304sver. i ILIt o0- aMdi 6 dh," »sere5avei ftBroutvely, Ctu5tlw h otsduiiite lqee ia l M. -te 1"dmprevided iy 6.46 Ieslilon,natialmi slaltu. Te a usee. pscltesy 1sd- Id sialiliho sffilid; »Anthut sach of thre tiare.s, . a veyme er asplimeOSqe iiaue m arS aropm allmIer the lait men-tceavi â a *Oo.r 12, ra mibaeed in ibis Province 1 uýa .ya noamisasol ahis tioed tai 1, s-,aram abuspiteyasrftrai r- ndir thenmamgesetof a Board of Direct-. Omosq»O4UNeeI GsI abssaiu ocs u, lie haroser lectei loy the.Stock- Vlhl s SShU ImVdeeuh simour *s baser mias. as pale es lis IL g. béidei.. nai. Tub es m a & (V et car nto-estcUsesf iauolvod, That the ris st. b. unaier- wisse elaquiaM baa- aeusse ai est'mdaninbg ho vrittu b peCiamayeball sot extend Ite -1; iaavu*eaiseaolcm et eu- 1 oiQubc abs Province, cor ho- 5 de z"Osrva< a «assesait evins- e s andiil ch DetroinlaVpeCa fIna, a" " a" auaMlri es * y. sanda amithesUniieStaktua iitieagre ie."uWiomuas*glemeassa fr passie a gaer"sktu b. tabou in cune btc 1rmlammme eiiIs i ad55Byml tf »n M. asexceed the sucfr£116WCar-_ lul* i- = erd, iratlbe Compamny mr abab.bteaesoi pmi vsi emheee 4~ gocd, te the insurud, ail OMoetibuliom sloge- ba emts mOaia~i i-i y Meoci average, ma"iambcepartiel avuen Uktia5VmlsI. tui casf e euth.eaum "UYlanmrel in sg Pr rcent ai npvsrd, sapoera "irpackage EfRI»As, Sura aas-!The hpealqqas me ias or boat gba inicurei bae-eethOe ImpactaiPsulisur, " a oues, astiu d- Re"ovd,-imWtasfsirsof lie Compa- insporiseea"tisa ou « wib rawata b. us lai Dy "s as b. snaaged loy a Board cf Direct- btuThetDrtl, mtaa1,hsa i hoO to luc ff neveu SiarehodensPro- massa aaeista ste ste tasa vina gutialjp pin oa f lmied tissab iares each, toev PMofetdmire iadaim rpisst scmuçthele h ecisafor this rait ler, sensean as 250Cenliiy'aMaeopaly. A deiwwatsm raibea su shrssaihave bseataken ud aler-f--LàiepmtI Misu «tatanis ab Mpsas rer waris, on thaefinit Msiay cf montirofi qataoumnIlljepmelese Mmrcaarauall.Fv e eDirectors ne~t m,, s~ il Ieaatshall b. ie tin Montremi, mcd tbnem rtefm"t » "sàt4qwh sha" b. a quoanscomptent lo tier. nrsac- asmaalany aqupi ie eeegsathe dti ai lion off bsins"..Oppemenia O lt1do" moeynieeiisýosà Remoini, lThle Directors shailchosonce nobgW@""miet thl e omieuadsapte&At or oui cf ibeir mnucher a President, t.a servea*ll< le"i81 Lasisua licuet Vsimey. during the year for wviicis 6.ey shil have let. TiraI the traie cf Gréât »ilsate rt beaue elected, and t. replace bia n mm of 6 Eau leanmd Chinais of granit imnpur- ir. demlb or absence (romtlie Province, îthance-lu Iisamntrt ,mu serding mnt ex- ç- the Board "sIahhave power lu appoint smcahten i»mistike oproduets cf Brituira of Agents, OfficesMcd Servants asunay ho idaly, sud snpplymn te Our populationr requirei for the duem managenseenlaf lb. bu- m j Baricles O f mcm O5mPtlOs r cf ta- sineasu, fix Ibeir eamslorns, manthe rates eme&Wune in cufamucturo irai ex- of boumses, orno6.r mands on the. Comnpany, ae asl believe tbat it is cepaito f bing i Of mmi nforce sncb Bye LAws aud R =a mrandis furtiier exlended, bots fnîlatire vial;t taiuens m hobsanmi.oned by thie - populaton cfilda aiChina, mand froslie lir holders ai any Geneimi Meeting duly con- verj rapid imarease ef lb. trnd in. itbas vened. been parllmily opemeelts privaI. taders. vi Resolved,, That lire of lie Dimectoas, cf 2d. That until lb. year 1814 ditse baiIe viron tho Preident fr the timie bingslr"I betwoon Great britainandmâ" ecoinlie g.. qe crie. &hrall ie.demnatnd Trusteos; amdcdentloft lb.Cape of Gaoi Hope vas moop nt saraI h ie duty cf the Dinecosufreon lized by the Ew Ilaarnpaay; tiaI a- tie tastie tos maie invoartmintonlf the ince lbat tinte privata crclantis have Capiital Stock anrd cIer foands ac.ungto beeu sllowed to traie leomiekutta, Madmis, jag *0icompany, ina ane ]?itblpubli.c Bombiay mari Perag, ani ta O6. fu< àd* ian. cof lbescadTrusteue-mny <f imapor;blIa .Es m tIvo f MIi., vilstlb. dvie and consent passy aimnrtmiuauanabsintanoepaly1 s- Ofth6e j«Oiycf theo Direclo, chIl have of t6. traie go Clamsa and the pmaveofpre- pover t. ka Lere mc or amy part t6.reci, vsaring au Emrglisima an rmiing iii In- bli te rmetmcli onlingencio. munmy arise in dia, or trading or ihoidng hulànt~ 1 n Î: * poectocf the bosimus; amdi n ee, cS f It oountry. off ar "sait ak1w esg I-sintutd mu 1 d. TiraI ani., themonopoly cftbo EW 9 bhe lie Voapenj eev#eIoreol ,ma"ieon "yj lanCoom the6.traie bise adetesia clon. cf Trudons, shall b. dooma val. ga decline beveen th. yeans 1794 ad SResoleed, Tirithé. Directrsshail de-W181, lhe exporte froin Gres±2iriias In -1 clareanual dividendeOf se maucin Of thedia andl Chamnt avigs;rets <f theoffiiai eu profils realiaed ddonc;the yop, mu thr value cft 1649, attire former periaI,1 may domadviisemle, but in no caeemmii mad only et the113. ai .Ittor pol-i1 it exceed six per cent. on lie Capital paid 6.1 as s mu,thtmtrai us ar a- e- in, and.therplus, ifamr,shall bO heuas a liàlly tlrrownope at tire tant renoisval of<te1 contingent tund, unail the expiration <f th el muInda Compcnm % ueli ri tre a ul c iey shallab ais .baoi .pnlinreueraaely miihimlie a- mseUp niideir0 ionthe finst Monadayof d feer 86e liioécîl te Mmcyemly, Ésst and lrue accoat>sehov- M I thons off 1814 havîa beru,1 ro te exact situation of .Co % 119.,li elmevaaSAI,8. the lion ff185 5,29,5 b.e Resolvel, TraItirhe amKreient sai b. 4li. 'nrat sncsbhavinah. ini.e man- Reo.Or"' ThaI1Mr. Aul Wà n Ad rminable reculétacf thre SRa iniacospany'm mm, bMn. Milcheol Smith, XM Po d"', mari ,adsad tosgnla in MEr. Bovasn,. oddod teuteib m ttsa te. pm Iopoas of6.theWirn alredy mmrnai, vliinstructions ta cause ir~a n6.si-sju etd e slv the Aricles<f Association te b. prépared, 'g tiraI 6. a1 lls,,.aolaraot on-q of ad ttihIe mme lb.empoee o aonbe e ml M WM ir,. tirue ousmr iusigenects for orpnrnn rjgm:u1»&-- xte', aux helia. iby e excafpaara b. m h- Cm " q- ' lb Mgv a gnst l»mI lc t ei for - o&«eIm 1teshtt Ils4éh JOUN FLEeMING. voinei, ira of - fuemwfry. OllUl staleu -J t:aoEM. '. s art, ~ ~ Aow - t na bortantelai lmise ami Mdr TelvakissmiiahlaiéTlma~"oetsssmvs etsso bth pM" eemom6eem isitti à T irs LsvaaeaeDETosBas, <e"aLInml. .ut ing; W hythaIMelb. »Mcvma vliei os.. uilaite amsiemi biai, Go t d tesat. des ets 1"» Aielsluisi maildsgtbaela ~t. tasTonLmSt Tuascs, for aisa0sa aosa i , m Ité a'thN. es »VftM u.p »o- amet aem w P-6u04.*WisLatesetaIéy tSil AstloYlié sasisdW"y huetsau~ii.as ~ _ _ t. ms v@ u asoet*@nsâil~~leLem6 ofMtOCs - ÎE pblhiw eAt iriOa«Mdut amihé _ .vG d*tnfq I s'i te qlseULIavuj a Vi/ 5i* I o s I 'I I ai - i aIIoeI îj cf ai ~I ai pi ai Icormw oS eoeom w m10 MM mme Il E fS ruPmIUUNm mu=. mY 1 Io M WàarOu mmWA [NO 7 P"f Rif1, -i . 1 . SI . i J'l. . 1 ý 1 m il SI al 41 à V -il r- 18T MIN r MtýOm ", 0, qlý , W0941. . ý4-eý , . qmý - ; +o ., ' m i4, , - . 04 , '"+4 , ý .0 sacce *a Uh Apct. shs.psmfs Tacoiy ofM.:, 6094 witim afterpiscS; adcesWeday the 4t IR s-Wqtese 0(thse axeb sTi rVad bm gew of& ancpu se.psem wir VO-5fl epai austat i 5Ua W FUm. VAUCT HALL. Sa voey novel au amusement ain thia Pte. slce ua aFancy NUl, wbichbhas neves mth. sotte Weun ttemptedi luKingston cand anly *m eat York, doerfvesî souraethzng more than a mm e notice, boahfiremtire dafficulîy at. tending sucb au undortahing and the StinL. loue it affords te Inade and talent. We Wei, arnavoiably absent& buti have obtamned the followang corr ec cunmt*front a friend, oi the .leîdid atone eit the Hon. Cap. Bymaga bospitablo macaron lst Tburay Evenin. The bailland drawing room were fitted rap with tbe fSage off &U nations in a very taste. for! manDer and mach bad a splendid tlrront at the opper and. The. conservatry and parlours wore Wonnninated for re- (inuinuants and carda, acd the supperroern tbrown open afin nsidcigbt to disrrlay ; rrch iréat of aIl ithe delicacie. ofthlie seasse, Thre Hon. MmEsByng, in thre Ceat attire of a Swrm Peasamnt, asssta by the Captait, dresued as'aScilorofa KurgotonSteau. Boat F"civd tii.Comnly as tii.7 mccc ived et thes dsawin roem deor, ulsre De. Taylor, R.,!N ïstiir Ciement Cottereli *rnourced thre v;. s1166s, whe, bmvlng paid their respects, rý. *aurcd te thre Tbrone on which l r l. Dong1. lasa in a sperfr Couart dress waa scaîed, bat. icg at ber fent ou the. sops of the Tirrone lovely ponp cof int.etaing children, and prettenting a coup dSoil Wortby of the per. cilcf Sir ThomuasLwrence. Col. Douglaur in thre splendid oanilormn of Aid de Camp ta Him Mmjesty the. King, supported brit Lady mout appropriately, bis decorations and Or. dora barmooizoug beautifiolly with bler riýý aud.valomble cotume. To mdd $9 the splendeur of the entertair ment, Vaptain Faddy, R. A. in thre thear:. cal robes of Henry IV. mttmnded by bis sou as John of Lancaster, and Masters Byng and Briscoe, occupicd the tbrone in thre Bail. rasu. About 160 persans ver. presecîed, aoc certamnly ionch a Cosmopolitan econe Wei ai *orded wheth ie whole comnparry lad amn- bled as could h. coneWed, Turkrs, Jcm, Africans, -Coraire, Lorde,, Ladies, Kinp Quneens, Princes, Princesss, Flower Girlo Conjurors, Gypsies, Fox Huntors, rrdim, Squaws, ail footing it mwsy te the excellent mi" oftbe 79th Highlanders, as il a gene- 1ai jubile. bsd taken place and al] manikirit Wur becorne evoru brothers. There usere but fsw suppéie charmcers, owing bteh obertnesicifibe netIcý. bit thoao vmreverve eo*d.. a bui a re a iiiClootie alias OuNS iàmeset dImml ssingulsr, the Iri- eafr odng eellent remuns fur so clman acjulnacea . r Levr e of the coin- OU1 bisU@teakc Nejety la .DU tii.digaity ef beoneaudiail. Dr- Sauq»sems Mr.âowali > Ukr.Greges ie,. tirowball hom the ouc)- tyof Dandy wfgers worm excellent le ke t ap ir, bail ith reaot spirit andl et fect. ldr. Crtabbe,79eb, was folloveo th. Camp, Nawwem and Ceuant Fatbea, te, thi.le bais interruption offt atulomlle *Mdfaney bu% her. in theutrorcys- Srit eficnut A Glpsy memnes xcled oi. v aettetion. sied sltougb solt muWa va, Îl sovil isl se petu MsluendisS- èW. the wviie.ev.nlrg meewkbstmiq WU ithe eà.ko by Tow Major Cbttl" igJumosboît s Sa& W@,4ceu Dot bave Iu'oesnbbIînsvetau t e o be enta V*rli jt. lie Klng Q»«, and Km ne 4yMr. Yrvoo&,Mr. Cruttemdu .»UCois, 0%4- Esoryemaeappoe- .4 - tIukprnybaof< &t.Psnlqin a quais nMo'fDl hros m6"i ld tii.0fortunes I 1aM whiemî"ltqe.lo$ote book e! ~civaOlly et0ldl ho h.evote *wqb 1et té, mg et Dssae, wlws nad "esd pen Mes. cwball tc t cru et Ja in a r dieu.. urssp hê&by:C. Amdeusen., FUI.of dm .Indian Is PubwWseWb dtastuda ar dance and Mais ah re *behw.laer reted eel ,Mre.g.iç. Soet Mr.ý oflut. i ~6eb ~tatsd hei.wbele ~gUe~l~silaX4 ratita those Whe Jet: epaemen of ebmeng 2Ibo'stiàeft 6. «itws No. 5, lit Fn 4iwpày i i ffl sm4f sin beaevie litcît', *-ý« t m ictnis smdepf 1, 4 .~ ofbt usen d 1 increm tbe moductive inàmtm cf thoix 7_1 ai !, il 1 MJIL--

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