Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 7 Apr 1830, p. 3

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DJ. TuiJVua - -.75 lw on a esquIsse Dupclappamiaiual t. mamsthicVeil, A" seri us vers Pm TIM haids.aut <m ,ba. vasa the"i.m mm. Smpasu, Umm. E iiy, Nim WÎWMalau mo, mmi A. Coami i. - ~pesw lardai mtaa4y ta 4 lbma om vIeil p .deesa, il cf tie *iofJn r uni M ~ v. pi.adiit we. re , êaysa' be of thb &ancienr<U .lnIa A.an a Téuek -e s utu e Mmaaiaa, ýMA'neàNeni tbi.ralga 1 luey VI. sir Wthku in Comnplt e»Meur 67 f. 0«"db.l the Prophet of lit PutaMi s*ei I)u*. of SWaOlh. Pr. Collae ý ardoy nei Gentlemen wlaq were ig Tbei * harmters chu.chieil thot f Nem andhiaedomauwhaUhh«ebefoe d ed MWftO iUih iiprovodpaetieelaeyà df M. Ward IL A. es Pniaca Henry. Bueeas Faneisc, in Hanle. Dr.1 imou, Od. Mdicesi Dspa ta,as Bu Mr. Commra, nRd of No.th.mI. *. madada anu e n.4Chos. iome, but ltehe 0* ptanulior the e ne.dra difssud the mo« lea and ua mal vauliait of 3r. 1D. Taylor, ILR. N.a r t lie,*th bis son, mastnE uo&Mr. Broie79th W» s an a let Greelr aftie M. Ranin anm Ra very D , euRoiUnion Mr. tNcDomald 71ha Rlhad c Aad Mr. NeKmal tnOpains 11e du. But Mr. MM nid I&U Phc mn affnded àInS uit ~am nom oi. 0b Béeeee Mnd2h. 'y spindor of a S"o uic team ýsaleva e. lstt ~~AI3J5O, At C.~iéu,s . epa rbilb Dy .P.U~.iaa~U #uNmmOIo m mat.iSq.i ,aboman e UwPMa CANADA COLLEGE. JU~t448aaeuss,~.ug _AP!l nzlPro am - t pe- tt A~ERON~îl~M VTABLaaED AT ToAr. te l* ax Il 1Or le- lét.P iD l - rling 1 is MM PuuP' Olt eand PEt' jIAL PW» Blaasrpa. ~~! ~ ~ uum MWB M the M iMM - by Jarnausilele%,& Ce. . ii. ranx iua. oraia Ir tint teîng. Of l 'Ra n 1me5 sOf siaaaatua"hdtnasBeef r j u , proved tdieu- ià Ptégaty t Gonasê U -It. e e ébu -eO 01lias MMatvalcable ame.fUClgsil aitr te apaudi.. ltaWusmd .,, detuiiig or lwnaKaInWompromg taaver yet discevre.4, loir t *jicureCof asVaoeio,cmon day, lthe 4tl ta u. iir11, olt ndTLt fietasto t eeu poiliai Oxford by tiieVice r ~ ~ o ib WOu du<~ it an oulgbs, t Copli tif naaEnslmn 1 éadatc b " kast lie - . . IL-&% UItIOVR wTL rOîam& bave sxparemnoed the happy cicfCafle"w "M eliat.elaas, an Julî hat. J. . =* . alau t grdes,naap ruaiBra- feet of "Ihijug ama mny of b PitiNCIPAL,1 ~s i afterdarunghpmWw*sIsamsotMadaut- pe n espectabjîaty baye voluienary iv-The Revercuud J.B.Haris D. D.-Late Bd tean exlauave alset blulmes. ia ma elcertificats%,saone of whanb Wilnaccus_- Fallow of Ch" eHall, Camnbridge. uyls.h .Tanney and C.auyMg Nlm eu olitait willsaitayelb i- CLASSCAL DO'ArTmET. 1 The abu. ~~ ~.~ve prapaaty vilIbd U frnte prb, dmndta h oueu«ib ak <I fls lu 1 *j.ct nmu . oels' i n aedsn ha Rev'd. T. Pi 1>o . D.-Of Que=*' M iit h.sala!toabéald it bu Jawk o~.icebdCollege, Cambridge. i*apav9 Ylpan i. ln twni hc tr eic""a wàa-edfo tepublie service upen givi o.èrduculdnDOfavoutîble affect, anad uht. PIRST CLASRUC41 MAUTER, P re ouéafd ot c l s e foio p yscan a mil glien The Ret d. C. %dattiaaw, M . A.- Of Peau. rlih.s.' abm" . o the W«division llier witb l"a.dweMlng-bonsi uhichin as bet uap shopeleas. ILu lanet pluetndd hidi Hall, Cambridge. fit gsd. a N ,alS ..'sprt sasl.Tiylra *,es hit bPyToreau îîifaliîble cure an Beaun, SECOND CLASSICAL MASTER, 0--t-d ta"m""D, ut' 'à- = J, 1". - p.re Or .4 R h btOfInhseare inlcurable, tbeon.&M ibut TeRv.W oloB .O uel Do'. Of Ilwe «m dviio M 0 ta 't f- 9deuang f- Wh" hrli il tuer casaecf Coagiasor aveunased lCon- College, Oxford. ST la Won =IattdOrturOnY OteiP:sÎumpio utmy u eled bya imey ATEMATICAL D:PAUET. theW' a ». ibl ofw b mae fr s fo&Tamq. Boue cntansabout 70dmue, wbelpr.eaThe Rev'd. C. Badle, M. A.-Fellew cf Ca-1 IF m I.40% diiino ted e- Ofuh MI Oatebd hnst caceap medicine comeaiderlng iusColage C ambridge, and labo By oIn. rjeder, offce, ingson. he o ab.c Elizabeth Collegé. ru RELLOWS, duarterly tale tQ rdiaanéS lekeeu-Te 3n« Melaca, liada,..N. iY. F IM.J P eL ae Soc y te Commtî.e. et, aIi " saal, in Britishadvr M I te aioi81,t lze Haris, E 1isà, bUgM.Q.A abr abo ut Daie usofihs Contracte a bc lie rn iamiouetvo re e ns illlig té bea» se- aMlai hanignt 188, r.ElmarHeaudi Juucr-r J . De a Iela li ma -.u lethya susullabsd dayenw b.oCtity ue Perforaice of the conda-Who L:d labouteal for me oecaioniiiy fou est g Du i li, . £lWiq *u sbimg th. dlMeenljobsuandl tio» of the loue vuit h.urequired lob.hi- mène Ibm a year, wu iinuly aelxed vill r.mbMa-i .udti Pewaa SP ntices et dlerect Pubie istlaes. »Orted i lb.hetender. an affeetion cf the lange, acompanued by a cta.d 0". tfOtaliine. tiglit dry coaagb, frequ.nly ..in.leta iea.The P--'oPal ibave the 5eaeral su- C PUBLIC NOTICE. Kingstan, Mardi 241h,O181. ~amy tblng for nearly hatin heur, and lien, laerinteuldhnce of the tieboal, W104lthIe au- a] L ~PrRECoualulno ffo roirenn -mért eommonily, léId. Rhs cougb wua thority cf a Mister aven every deparnt. ii eMun. rialn, t t e d ing rom u. a Wba. 1IR JPE ,s.vere. andincessant, tatlibtsawon buen H tI iahéve b.apnerc eruucanglà d%_tarie. ta tleNapune MRUa uli mout ai ihe ieA s"N AsrmToiqor ac ems ltu d hi eys gam, adi lamI i.mid sttloas i'a $s '0aieueto MPU. =Tmm Wleagenn 4t of MaalmleLONDEt- tremgti left im stéaliaitdeee. that havw a »» * e OU"~a SiSono asi7th 1 i ,13 STAnLImnan *T AVr or ?ABLIAVENT, wbolly umleîo labour. Compimionatng lw , herpelntto fte a ë*l rab"D'l&og. W out bis situation, a frlatid oft mine ad mywef Moturs. lu,10 vies &Pos arel oMUSitesvCAPITAL....WO UMILis sTEjUINO.procureil for hi. aieeboule of Anderson% wTho couina otheÇinautiont b. paraied l Brle Bridge bail, by M1,. R . ltatkeneur vouDrap, wteu o hch naotB =psto n andua, tuenism rtl ILe-IL UrI,,toNo.liA THAents tte sbove Comepanuyfol yg rps u.o iaca a bot*iuaandistriWnaa ore alt plitiseof làkIf.lnma theetetfarrestored as tac4bleI.ta perforra bis ua-non. aelt cam valdOe B 4«of 5terling on a single té. aellabour. GAIUS STEBBINS. toralqun t pr f h sgmlaid es op5 W"eib oe lnig nv ssand avLea 1 Assuranceabavlig heutlong mince Hillidale, F.b. 19, lm2. aas f10 tutrde 1tu.thevalote.oFf iialttBstbhe biteCrMt aN Y oheeycetf h o les .osrebvvr htuU Munt s ent..Eebi "- e ommeredîaary by lh@ pout.n pari of 1 IRée ti dney. of!e cetvMO-roe hWiil embruaes. ien«.ybenmd aoael a i Colnis, ulonig teie Imassrinrdueed by an afection amPl vlio reme tthei d.CaUne Iiib Br : lais O 0FlusNo. -T u'nty-ive o u t rlà, s mn»COa ta u10 large on u =alvmtge ofthlelongsattend dd a Palmpa in i a ebreem, bu eadeth e higlet fkm , Win ll iepr- du of ta.l ta.lésociety l, gnermi. - sut fbroidilg, &c. tiat MY il!,W-spareil ta enter the Univerit; anllier, Fr.. Ne. 3-1-Twty4e ou thwaut7 â 1 1T0 . Ea Aoclaticui, thrémg i» usA- despird ofand givan upune icurable hy a ubéae vieva may b. atherwise directel, ci lI atTu. ple, lu auligt direction îlh tho . R ours tte idinuabltanta of Canada couftil of fivePbyicimnsuit bybtlea avica vill h.perfectly qualifiea for Mercentlje YN li*amplhe Dow made il. , a u te headvnteof a participation inauthpro cf Doctl. G. Hitbcli, oit Rocheaster,wu.purmits ataucaller perlod lithe Collae aba ruin.Z re*amve tl ias.litsetau itbiiusbd LononeaOffce, awose îlid*-dte maie trial of your Audenaena cour iae vltheb. mdi"acidvantsge of lha- dl MFea sPart mariai Ne. 4. btueun Ur. buWais a.extensive àn te usrnant the ex- Cutugb Drops, anal by uùsng ont lbolew us. acur consderable stck ut knutw- b Rob Adi#s and Me. péviey- Uev.tut. « lectaion bliat tbey vili b.c cuisiderall. iestored te. fetb.stb. 1I uald lier.- ld ai ms getl glthaini "dot slglýti R* etTauapdilsaea iglitdi. Noecharge fox admamon beyond thé Proforare ccOemend $aiLhote. mfiierilwith mataini; bis évamimmuedite abject, ai rid". eogl ien e6Mb.oltak.i, uitb Laue Wu- mimes a" P'llcy Stmmp; anal ev.,y inter- amilar ceuPlaiut, te mako mn Of tho e M Dmavng in b.oaugaithelb.opbion aof M n-ae eau 6oaffoot Bvide andl ue 2Ai outiton rCsapcing Ilhe mo e ectlng In- riunidy, as Jam spwefctly satinfisilthatILu ai- lthe P=nelter IB , 1 lisurance. amy ho otaipid hi let orb y ved iufe. ROBERT KIDNEY. A p kpntcey fichool vit hbc attachail PrmNe. 4, se e.Vamk.,ig per»onal application e lago loua orisr aril, 182. taei. thé geand caaducted on n cotes- OB auEl gor les"odof urapilie. SoB leu C.,te Agentsa at Qlebc te DC. CAUT101. poumIg plàa, tindet the inspectiofathtii toaet X.. 6-Fihtlsof etGravewuag.....Napier, Esq. Ment"aa, or té tbn uudhralp.. AM ÂROP CouNEý-RpzrIT& infcipil. xcal- 12alreus vii.,and a ilite dut alIKingston, oetBrillantPftqactuus vath bEr"porchau.r uhé values bealuli sat The due of ecLPu il forinstruction i »o ho pareitie ulair. a" grassec tilb. Lte ulet are wtt b. ai th.lpa MColotle*o urdIt h à$i e-=yb bhd n uge 0Pounsp Cr- _ wwwIaiS.th e Watarceueaê-M. sMITR1. 'tampealinuth. glau AnDEEIOM'S COtIGE mmd t e aithe peepaintoiy SdsClaI e 14.7,a Ne Norma*%a-...1liy eesxly Kino,, 2»h Mach, 1leu. nacra, prepareià. MELLEx, andalt Deuol va Ung perQ»*Êartèh._ aii ana9li"6.railj n-the b.directions are Bgaltd AIS Ne£LLES!- autb.th ealictm'ocf aidquaner.- &;; a c Ciief"o WmetseeeuMd. the tumid o. K INWS HA»1 De or« and examine hetore yon porrea,, vili alt ié mmhacirge for Pena, Fulet,. .In se. S ame Mr e. u.auno.Fien or XZ mAI, M OI.iler, *alivre alusions kiide in Brmitet. lan«eh Estblimmnt BocShvii bc Pro- ce ~~~~~ 1vnyoi WPi.IGaOI.~ A8.SIR réa UBALZ; Birvidealai the expease ofdie Ptipila. a noir Ut. 30 Fes t n iseudani e a" N 4tho ZLSLIE,&SONS, mand C. REATH, The. unaageunet d.or affaXirao! ltheCol- a ~~~~~~~~b eemabî npldCeuej~ i.certak b thve Eu" m mssKingston. lkg. vit b. vosnthé u tie rcori analte -Frr aoPort mariai Ne. 10, mutlb W.u o.« 5p ntcihli .uluslU _Tiesteoi, wv ilal tso r te ian»- B Mde h lbq big, Wmoset Me.Bad. Wjideci5a5tS vhchi ee. PSUOTUT9W 'ARab I ~ ~ ~ ~ r sii ~ ~uint- ,ieesl~yivalm "U Copertmaeihphretéfote existlns cne Vacatinal,al obalo N.. l 1 alle. w é b.a[_ueuaier.m .N..ltroeiMadigmn & Livingstob, as 2.Vehm iIb a hsaCplt GiavUgi. sua aawm.dibno lb se11aascmhleTaj althe T,0... ,et xi wtan iimat, six vueasiluinthe. Bume, feuesthéb. r a @ t I l W a at e a u orddia& OMd"Ta i- t r u .K a e , M r a S s . e p t o a d . l t S p e m u r n x ; s d b m i i i. o f A u " g u t h eie nm d o c l m p e m b e r , O No 1 ii.ntM.wiWIO~, teWe dofte l uN. B.-a" fus ' a# bwasa a atuicnen iyhaeanodtsI i lh a feurooéaioa Hllili,-AIIliashe lrrer.lEt-t. aglnt rodeomutuelp ce aaltb -ycbsmailad.t nUl qe Watoecouru.s feet vride. RUMOVAL. 'rth.;alv ceu heaer ul IlkviOfthéisritiosahoole ~th ~ ~o;8~nei t.boiiauia@,lu, ~t- UTLJ»WILSON meut msueefaimau.mebtoal omtbmvil plssi c&IDl 4s21TkinI-fv. rode of Grveli Vî afiab rsismieim, iitesmcnrietay viiici. ohha-ingaud Win Ve;% SNo. 14, n»at dia Widçqv '-From ianentraliai bbuainmov.l6)mesbis e.ii gait. bavo ecor téein& diey uoul =î eth oti mcmb er e-st a A . tol401.50 gals f G#avelln4gaitlotie m&msrly occupiaby Mr.iih tavi. lcColan llagn e. e nunia d-u AU dia abov'Cèntrueti Iîl mil i o ari .GW n iuliva" imeaasn *b.Olal PATRICK MADIGAN. l tchelmmmanyui dcpMutou ifias» pr-n 04th lb lo.demsin a 4-doal aUhaiati--isi- iu-' uhasa b. baiosbu eda vJOHN LIVINGSTON. cistem f .eCmnatea. . nMayinll.e o slid Siens, anal c9vsrelith icàP itI 00D& adum e« cmpieand miset n teile fla l dmlgit 1 or geoidsutait Gdwa~ l*bi,(Oâimîmmm ovI.bs,. faaiter Pf om ora o f §va yeuan d op- fixing 10e- lise. I Th Tqm»*Oheeuut heoS1 A« I aqJL kuI.vrtdll a mfarn) ituéalil îib 1By.f7lbela mIe ~ ~ ~ ~ ý amigheittee StaS dbW" Mny article raqolib arl, àdvse.iibnIma etsieo 19* udlb*d- fis teh.Clà bwmnibw Ib solda, om>S, aad acPY om- uineDncileos feiaaig hmnon r4 o t arme, i .fotuddiy pecti thnone, - t vin .. a"uSp* lbp obidait tht h lie me- TiofMaomh!sfera .lgolt iw% ndterme. ilàppebCad a iOspru stor Ibtaj iuonbceiseMlMT abl c<e ai .. somettLon.s e. ire boulmnte ria ____________ <~ ~ ~ au* of ivCireevii ~ e buu ~ v lutina rui d osessin nan orbalide Dhriatiheoie iihe . hol hpat ville ad icieobsrem le CieLai As iepeprasor m isferlltto M .1 . & 'yfo Me »B o of»à ami Patroage mi ueport detro bal hm, on vit kC.a. *MO »em d" o h cetr 1elêe sa e t t Wamt s! buPsinesstmm l aual.t . km f Mt is 0 Grae tuh iiMWiII l ab istiteu.snil buei LOI M ysdi<l pamtuimot gt n, Fo4»dW u mmtbm t h. iraTa ' ot #a buat reu 4l Csee!tb.a. s a b jus 'cas_ ilàde is Inn l eoleru aa, Tua y ferpnCaio, as"cuha-a 7lentismtifyb ru aoL AUaMouein [ osé dm r---.1nu m off" an- Ilb viliqu " wâl ef u Neaii. ieses f u t lakdiculset- Liivm eau.u b h « f til "beoàm lappp, e eueb iteIL orihea0 vu'tl tum111 hé tritundhlpof IIurg-nm je Otheanal mij IU ab» jéwl m »M ot o tbePOM utM 1etng twyM, IE ie ao n Oueli'Y, 1830y Jeliae 163o, te at neinnMy lai e Bru" emai o il » liai la w in tutN -cCoe-resamn. P 1~Ocai .M PIt.. lya an bii 1wh.t Iey 183D.lbsnIe uft eune Ael, twMîsia. llais i ilq w~l Cof a" 1a» emu - Ose il ' ueusiaet, gCeluliaiUmm la t____ _____________-___ 1830 et ien. Naja'Cea-mmIi, ai eh fI.lot P« mirable iS#oi'm th *a 'VIllagé er ba l ul- LpgMAN o fORSlE. M tIl eteiA. L 4wbr.djI aeàroÊafedîUt bema, o - ot11la"10 steue. co*___ k andEiirnét mi-. b th Joue, 180t bém bumn et wu.sit.e a lb i«,d thnNl els» M fl Bi gtaufymnhe CiT or N.sa mon. ub.e * ai "o*eFeilk atb heur e il or= i N Mas,1 Ir entor 3the 14 Oli d;of Usapas 30'rimai de arfoiMd .lais i fo ~ UmpsuApa1ll~OSR W p. «Balourdal 1114. 5.. 04F er madeLteN. Ut hdoM aii P etêdJunabuoaMar' li MWqulty ibe.mgiel ir-ytt 4911 d e 0 stantBurr oitlvlilhqe et teh fUe r butd lc b ieM ~~~Lests AMisFOSALE. eelock A. M. i cismis No. M in «Ir Cm. 'îcy.-n ie kilue.130 m E I NO. 579. JDititof Newcautle, wgicb. in rvervy éther respect, hae bot a sapetier tin the - Vinoe of U per Canada, wWah« e r .arail te iatefli apbévement of it. couir) , .r tih. bighly ieletua b& t eti. il,. habitanteu, abouat ho dner.ic4n>i.. n mie Most ébvieow Meana of it$ dvabement; vi.~ A RESPECTABLIC AaiI>!siKpuxVENYT t h r s . 5 0 , ri g b w I t h i c h t a c o u v e , 7 I o .h StrictaagD s Ua jit idea f it relative lupohtance To auappiy tlis defert, andi thareby taorai. fard an ealîglitelle', peuple the power "f as. sortig and al xaltaaaaang tlîeir truc pasitton Fa' ~ p an ad po[tacal wOrlal, ije eh - poelersannlWhoamis, fur the otnt fi *-neats himmeif tiefore th. public. an'céorduainuwith tnus PurPOse, lie pro- poses, as »On as* -fficientfltambez of Sob- adilbers shall haro appearet al ctii.th nD"uulaiog, to inneweekly, in the NVillage of Cobourg, a Paper Of lath bvedce'p tien--aîmang léab.obulp ladeperadent aital RsqecabLat..aLa a AE PrOM ýtTui Art- VmUTIOCra!gSS OF PzEtsoqAilaANlàrAD. 'Attubeâd, bbinih &Md edncation, to, the actaàis tudy té support the=a, as the Dirai, Of Ihat distinguinhed Jz-emanelace wiha bas &0 lonig Cofltitu . he r a.vy iaid id- simaiu 0 f the. world -ThUt, in e tncîple, the tbararter of TUE NEWCASTLE Pl- ON'= * wil'lie founitita b. Uneuiec aqlb 4-an 'vo wal , k co ty ntdcipatesWitt,,- -0e it tIi. gaaeea, support of the. Province. In lrm$*lii.the w Paper lais iend- ed unat tpossible, ta resemble that £i the two uub4d inNew York, caliid the tLiion, and the aUis, bath of Zwiclîare$so WaiI kown sud jM14 amosdti at any di- stion on thm respective Mîta wéuld b. more tu s upenfiaons. The Tenus. ivil i lhothe aimeas the éther mm, axci55w of postage, andi e &ei ?of in~4 au tIwI3...A stipaulation tiati ta éjasd will b.oatrlc oanpliediutia, as Otl-ierwte.permanancy of the. eatatalaah- Ruent cann o aibly le. aecured. ln concluaion, the. Wrîîer migbu urge anis. Iseir te tb. partcalar attention of theo NewcMgl. cémuntY, front the circuca- gnoce of hie hîving been thei. luitaé mIre- oce a Ptrlndn Pim withln their District» but hie flista lb. advaritages of th , poieal lndetatiak are in tlaenaalvc, aflei tly RPPnrent, te ramIer it andepcaadeit afeany mda fnggeatioai; and, wîbh gpeat respect, Lau 2.PnuMks obedient and kAmible Serv-t R. D. CHAtITEtToN. Cobourg Mardi 4'18w0. PROSPECTUS. Il haasfer a l.ngtb of tîie been thc deter- maraaion of thi laitants of thoTown ta aIe aWeeIy Newapapeir, cblegy for ibo 'cmuaodatio f thepopualéus and aourjab 1Distrct -Xawcsae; and bmving g. D y w oq s e c éflr g e a e n t t é e m n ev yPrintdng sablaboaent lta thi. place, 1 ma t lengt -aabld ta ann6unceay lti- to* o! cOeounaacng lhe undert.kang in" Mon "as a uffcunt nunaber of Suabacribern "sIl bave ben etaad.r THE PORT, HOPE TELEGRApH. 11 ta' p li'sd liltheQuarté fora, and W~a iclsbo OfoettPyable hall yearly a; fr4. ndiflcéraÔducted on Constt>. mumaqlaclt..It uli lbetii eci f a, FAl* r-regivalb. carlacet antcUigeaice If *V.rY iatter gelsatige té British îoteruît, id lie wttS a ist noOl xertions tu pro- e.b.prhaperity of.tbîs Province, anid N"aeédIiý lameOf Ibisinmodiatesaction of *oL Empls. ¶'1is bolI1th*i&M emY té establuah a teve montota émenit. -n a m -wý J - ,-awas ~ - i I rq * 4 * I * ai I ~-j~te'-.<l4 4 hLsdy I~iOr- tbaini b ias son tean. [w vas ecelisat if araue à&no vahs voie vcrv ag, the Fri- se clusan bI.Tuod. digaitycf irit and f folioveon t at îho, ta- quali.t oin"ttla f lm mlu secomtoi I. Md peai- in a quaini formesecie dis boolitt h. avebo pauatap mailvad> lexcwwnt itMr g wba lt Fu ~. E' ! j 4 i (f ~1 (4 t 1~J fs? 1 a 'il . 1 . 81

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