i. XII.] 0 58g. etl th. bic tressOin;quit0 IpeA twil, satin rb *hte fetbe 0tag" as trie, f gUme, vhich e beat. 7., a narrow (cather 1il ever a re ah bera. msinabledrese de cf ite stin, plaits. re till ver o' i largo flt plait5 loi. le the arn at ýaboie. r,-A PR 1L 28, ]Pic, lt iai ntie gNov 10, tmday. frasi1e 1,Liveepoo, la cCaptads mtbi,,, Liverpoo, C,,«y~ .r G-e Can,,,0 MiRo, siled ,. ion th -e . y aildthe fiS,."i OL-icerpoI, os-Dai,, îwYok On t, 17th Sha 6 da1, I'~ ith Loaidcu dl,i Ontere»oui,. o.The ;eop, hch ai a. oc< t M 400 000Ot t- *gaino intoàrrd U t . e r S o s i r atht.tter of thi, kir. nt-3 wlI nwu Rpr î~ptoo'o .( Id b equire.J witl.î San for tii, ,agauaî,, i te Population. j il wr canpotsre, uunly, no nsity fr cerder 1tfcmew la llîig t hi 0, r u37 peopcey rusa, tisa extrudeS ysI Bful sMd hap1,y ruad mà sdmoderat .dse mad naQ"mualua a fresh v'geaeaMd' r essscue, b7yde b moslifpeufsr 15 segIht but, rameAnd te arbdratie, tir M iabeu the trCaberep 37senos-rI Joty dunsg apose auch am a wu aste bol r nea 2c3d inst. i .lerîrd for Cia appoacot vau a M il fortherne] 0o. noir a Royal fest of lh. 79th lBgblssdeua. inafrot of the o I oyal f"lte. a Cavlry cdithe Artlle,>' Y. tilttile vesami u"0 Tlut, for thc puep ke Ontario. Mei blajetv, Nar tract firr a qUmatlty ~er nr LowereC lbc made by ose Fa hi, ctasen, arriveil iotce, tht sw Co =ataers lu t nil rof RcuMAMP v sEmell. Tne Riehamd, la ce, Sir Jous aisud. W. a..d satons ve. as &Dinans Sd itla icttle *womoe sttteasgttai eacdyvidt.d vit a'. s a aly tv. Yoms adable kie, M h Ibi F, &y~ oAt e lafo. bth e oul *i Tis Aoissial meeting in posÉpeasitea7eI- p~eveg âIthecort UmHm. tar ezttodir& y death ha7snod Bicissrdaon a" OiAl'. h usî glAa-il appenrst fmonis me meooefethie workneSid a", md as in = .jmcouamonor, and tisaI a oceta ordér au invostigation, but lMt. * k net bavimg been swom n mb office, Corner, they vere obligeAt toder lthe . %of thebodyntif .ho bt e aomhoizd te act. Il vu hie mien- ta bold an inquest over 1h. boAdy. anA muet orc mow haver dbodedon th. wo refrain entoirintomeamy partice- umtd v. receive an accotant if lthe ver- la are sort>bamy that il la ver>' sichi> die interior, anA d enevety sudden Adu"h happencd.-Rrokeie Gaz. le undentand lImaIlime Honorable the iédemcom f Ki tfson, in expected tIna>' liCtmer Stone aT. ProtetntChurch ut LiM Pond, on Frida>' 301h instant. Tho gon>' wW take p lace at 12 o1clock ex- ~,adlm tendance of as man>' of the ;cibutce as pýomîble Iliched for-. It it gundedtoleave-WheeÏerls Hotel, ' k dk, at heM put 9 o'clock.--ih. . Dm», on WednsdaY luit, Mr. Johs Fuesyll e h i rrsinuel Gra.'54 yem o f sne, l.ar!y or Dwxdal. Irelaad, smrnad.oif M ycea in jo 9.jesty'- Service. omd ssssy yuan Baeack ier moi<attaie. ne va.aciselibla - oiS.a LETTERS retaining in the Pont Office ai Fredericksborgb, 5tb Apeil, 18W0. leIr. Forshec. Malthew Cealmn, Wlgal Siater, Mark McMurray, frceeloffAtkinon, Peter L. Forsbce, darIes Cotter, Peter Perry, Fâq. Iheid Bowen, Peter Keller, Darid Brown, Paul Chirl>', Nrid Parkq, 2, Patrick Kelly, 2, iiîcan Bell, Peter Movers, iiçid Jackson, Pe-gy Cronk, Luis S. Pierce, Rc&rl Happer, icrc Joron, Rurseil Hawlev, lIat! artr, Stephen lbang,, lul tpeson, Sarah Forshee, Wicb Shaiv, 2, [2, Stephen Warner, Joothan Commings a nciuelSoe, James W. Jones, 3, Tiomas EMpy laies Forsliee, ThomnasMce)nell, J"ls Sills, Tiras Hlawley, iacs Peterson, Tyler CumÉninga John Anderson, Valentine Joice, hames anaistine, William Bradsha,, John Clark, Esq. William Sis, loba Daregl >a, WmfiJ.P.Bartel@,E>q Johlit I saac Banc, Win. Bell, John G. Clol., Win. N. McKim, JamsAllmn,l packet Zachariah Fralick. ga1 hap . L. THORP, P.MIL lfND will lh. publisb.d im 1h. corueof th lIaprenant yuat TIE UPER CANA&DA SPELLING BOOK, ing an introduction t10he 1 h. ai l a- pig; cntisa; agret vrity e Lemous ýroýeively airrangÎed -deaigueA tepgo- ducs uoifonnity in the Common Seh.oolf Ils Province of Upper Canada, and ho Pr. due the neccasil>'of naing Elemnentar> Books of this naturo, obtaisîrd (rtom a for- sp source. IN TURaESPARTI. To Vhieb soi addod, seriat muioTables, il oulnes of Geography, a cocipreon- ns sketch of Graumaar, &c. &c. The. votAs divided, »Ild sented. accord. ugî tabte parat modes of prononciation. El ALEXANVDER DAPIDSON, Ispowr, snad libeuty, »ad paure; Acd bile itersalmailu, Th. 7~sm a vdusa urs. H. M. Dock Y.«d, RingaLon, TpHE Navy Bard bcbng deairous cf ob- 1teainomeHemp, tegrowtb of the te'Ndam, fir tb. purposeo f Experimont, Nntte ih bereby given tht Tenders viii 4 received et my office unlil the litI l> 0001, (coin sucb persen or persons residîng m eîther Province, as oa>' h.wiliing te c:Onract for lbe deliver>' of from one btonfe ton.% cf Hemp. Ilhe Tenders te specif> fll particular, of the. place where il la proposud wher.thuelemp shall be or bu beun grown, a raiso the pie ut ehiclt kilwill h. deliver- telat Montreal, Kingaton, or Quebec.-Tbe Hrmp 10 bc subject le inspection, appreval, ':rdrqapproval, and amiifctor>' proof mili bc -reqrired thoti t in hona fOde %1h. gravta of Canada. The Tenders te h. opcne-1 atl e'- 'iork, P. ut. on 'rbursday th, 1,1 Jl>'neal. JOHN R. GLOVER, Naval Storekeeper. Reuiîer Geanst, jko, Yorkc, U. C. 101k Marc*, 1830. T HELegsiatrehaving enlborngod.-by- lecciver General totamise b>' rtne i -%n cf FWR THOUSdAI1DPObVDW eltitled" Ant Art toafordusbieraido.cOu.- Flete tho Burlingoon Bay Cama9, and for oth- ce soirposes relata.; te tho sa"dCanai,» en lb, credit cfthe ratas, tells, and duos col- Iected on thb. nid canal, b>' debonhuros, re- deua blo ut perioda nol aborter lb.. tbreo, lie. snd seven >'ears, in tir.. equal pa,- uents: 'Ntice is e,oby given, limaI SoeS dTons lers furthe. saidAlloin, or amy part theomf, Ivili bu received ut my officeutil th. e v irrteenth day of May' nuit, sIal.; thlb. 1e e't rate of intereat, and adAroucA te th.elRe- -vuer Gemotal, Upper Canada, endoreed *Tendrfer Leua." 'Ça Tender vii h. r.ceived for a leu asn thon Sev.oîy-flve Pounds. JOHN HfNRY DUNN, Hl. Ms. Ecceten' Gca".u FO DSALE. 2 Spirmnn euys. TO e wd b,&utMonThuosdsu>'. l aMA X»meabie of eDepu>'AbWM rComba yGOeal Legat tbieresdusee Front tirro. mar Colonel Doagla.', cou- rmstBg eofMaun pyDining, Tea adlCari 0Tabies, CotYI ihavera, commue* do, do, -MdedoiuFeaIber Bous, and Bedding Ca>- pets, Cbain, China Glamm»d Croekur>; an excele iout g.di>' lock, a lag s er- vicoulle Cookigltove, vithtinkettiesend céaila at a variaIet fKitchéat rIrelt=ili .irezsFendons, kh e. i. ic Aa0 endootimekco;tan otollealPiano rôdte. sale tle omee t tIl 'cl.ck. X. 3O"A1 , A. &E qo» CIPN2Es WAS!UD. VIVVYateueeÊten vat thaE ~5Q~l WN~e -r« dAms i0samApsyt Ihc atheel. TUEIN >'ssry dayI le ON NumNcWw7 AND CANAL.V1 PM I. sold at publie Auction, on Thaje- A. M. ce th. promises, a nouber of pluas-14 antlyeait.ated TOWN LOTS, inth. 50w1 Village laid eut bot,..0 lbthe sctoîs thb Gra" drer boder witb lb. DepuM m ad le pin thie îcamai intersects tb. riv- er Weiland, [formeri, Carie', Farmý] ecous- bamaag ailtii.adysotagea of uktsu, boh of lb. river and tbe canalinlu Mont directions. Alao-Valuable Sites for Mille or otiiori MacbinerY,to ReW for lb. ttrz 4teu y.urs -at th. uxpiation of whieb tinse, it $aol ho optional with th. holder, eith.r ta per-q cbaso tb i.PrvIlego. oetoil is haprove-1 ruent$ te 1h. Company at a fair valuation.- A Griat-Mili Supt ho erected wihin two1 1 yea5: a Sawr-mill wrtbin on. ycsr, and oti- ore Fàtabliasbmots Swen lb.esmpply of va-c ter ta aosetaned. There wii ho 16 féet fait, *bd an oxtoasive recetvear cf vater for4 storinc lepu, sud floating sny quantity of luaber. Aise-On Friday thse fowM fs Jmg, viii h. .'old in hâte matiner, several Town Lots, lyin etathe . Idescent froem th.eaumait level, o. tii Rolland toma, near Hall DaviI'1 rand an eligible Site for Machiner>', g&. te1 t tnt on the iam. teymusabove.1 eAnd on Saturday tbejfil. ef Jus,.in like -manner wul h. dispoeed oif a nucohor of su- epatiot WATER PRIVILEGES situated ut a ndueu lb.village dtt. Catharinea. No part of the Western country' offers ad- vantages tu Capitaliste. Morchants, Millet, Mechanica, sit. equal te tho above; and 1h., Diroctora feel aasured, thal allpersons-dis- poied to entor Auto business of th. kind, viii flot fail te attend the sale, prepared te avil tbIei oil f the extraordinary inducementa nov offered te euterprieing actule, and Ma-1 i oufsctiîrers ofevery description. Terms.-Five par cent, of the purebaso money te be peai on t'ie day of sale; lIme1 reinainder on a liberal ledit. f 1ýr Plana and conditions made known more particoîlasly orn application at th. Wel- land Canal Office. Wai. HAMILTON MERTT, St. Catharines, April 7, 180. Aet ]LiAKï ONT-ARIUO -S TEAIS-BOAT NIAGARA. &Îer, commences ber regular trips fur the season, or, Saturday, -Nay Ist; ending on Tuesday, Noveomber 2d. Louves Niagara for Prescoit ever>' Sater-1 day morning at eight o'clocc, touching at York, (Cbourg, and Port Hope, wind and veath.r pertmitting,) KCingston, and Brock- ville, anA viii arrive the following day Leavres Prescoît evory WednesdayMole.- Iog for Ni ara, touching at Brockvill, Kigso, Cbourg, anAdPort Hop, in anA weath.r enittIng)and ark nd will arrrive at Niagara on Friiay morIg IRATEs OF PASSAGE. Teorn frons Preamsd Nispa - .£210 0 FrmPremeeltuyea-............-k21o0 Te orfroui Z= » ad Pres.ett .-. :j5» Te r (e Nyispwa- - 10 ose0 UP Fron Presoît te Moutres] th . i a dady lime of Poil Corahes (Soudmys ex- eept.4> .u.ai e eon.ectiee is a b.hea. boe .boat. 06 Tii. Ni-agara (341 tons burthon) la in flth beRt, erdlng order,.--as very superbe mc- commodatiom,-and ber engine, by Ward,I is on tle1evprossut. pebiciple. Niagara, April 1Oth, 1890. BUJILDING LOIM FOR SALE 1V IN WTOWN71VOFIMVSTON. ON t h. 201h of Juno mcxt, le h. solA b>' public auction in 1h. Town of KIgs ton, if net diapoa.d of b>' pivaeb n ton or IIevolots On the south ide 1I.T.1O Street, opp osithe ii Presblytertan Chuta,: oaut Lots on tb. South sida of William St. in th.blockopposite tb the Catbolic Oburci,. Fi,. or six Lots b the. Park cf Selmnetlthe hoad of Market Street. And aise,200acre. of Land vîtbin fout miles of the Town of Kingston, and les than one cf lb. Rideau Canal, h.ing in the. '1h concession of the Tcwnsbip of Kingston. The terme of sale are 25 pet cceol.pai down, 25 par cent. at the expiration Jf ix amoths (om e îne uof sale ; and the ire- maining part of lb. purchase mono>'b>' in- stalavents, viti intercat 1111 peAd. For fortber particulars application may h., made te Mr. Walter McCuI ,Merch.nt in Kinguson.Aril 29, l»3. Voit.SALL. TUHE following vulaable ProPert' lehb -Town of Kingston, b>' Public acin on Tocsa eth 4tb de yof Ms>'nelt, if mot previonsl>' disposed abe .t a Sle.- SPart cf Lots 96 and 97,1iz one Fiam. Houte, tvre stories, 27 by 22 (col, ftonting King Street, wilh a store in tout, 12 b>' 12 foot. A twvo er>' Femme Bousm fronting on Markeot Shtre ad King Street, hein; a cornet Lot, 594fot b> 27 incînding a Kitch- on and a Wel cf Watler, 16 b7 19 nov oc- capicd b>' Mr. Cavaine, lukoepIr.Ais., ai11 *tory' Frime Bouse, 28 bv 29 boet vitb Kitcbenl13hby13font, sudia yard 30by 28 bt, firmntine Markot Stueet A SIent aHoua s a..>, 21 loy 21 font, vitii a Yard 169 fetby 21, itha Soreinlurst32 fbot b>' 30; and a Stable 12 b>' 10 bost on the. nid 1Lot. Ais., a Ive, tory Stoe. oua. 26 feu b>' M2 Abl>o, à Stable 538fbot b>' 15, vrith a yad100 b>' 36. -Good ollaisentiereSch. or ath.u particuiassenquit. of 1h. aub- ScI ..Saesta "ommence et 12 o'clock Doon. M. MORÂN. A. Jk B. Kingston, April 26, 183. 1A»VERTi[*EmEN.1 TlElwIDOw FERGUSON, Ocm t, la fem door st ote I.Union Cbutcb, Uosectfell>' offetsber servies te tiei nbali- tat@ of Knglon os a NURSE fermmck pe- a.n-sqd abu be agier, MISliOOV ,, .OI> KING$$ HED. JAMFS A. smITHbeqs have t.wn bas undtake 1.abeftr Estblsmm, 0,Nuaqdecesdadvbkh ecou- Meuotlyh.peeto quitin. Travoen"u u> b.oem54at f* h s 1av1s t NoT1oes~~Aait Boi te u joaa hdi>'atsu w N o'rîCE la her.oy isu, tha" Su 11Tenders vil h. receiveds, athe.Cse- misisastiat Office, Kington, before 12 o'ciock ufth liemorning of Monda>', &c. lthoftMil>, flou inch persona aasnmal' bu scilMng te.un- dertake the. Erection of th underm.întion Buildnmgs ithin the Toto de Point, in Ibis à stage Bailimg odlv. ataies, siout 157 . oio. f smce = 'about Si" oio f ntt, at S)-'wu Plana and spcciflsations of tl b ah..ril lie ramA>'fer inspection in a few da>'a, et tise office cf the Royal Enginers, ubere evii>' information mi>' h. obtained. Proposais ma e>'h mde fer the Masoniy anA Carpniers'1vora"paetl or, fer th. oroolion of the Buildingscompet.: anA de- tailed forma upon vlaich tenders ar* 10 h. made, ma>'lac obtained at 1h. Engineer of- It muest h. udetateed th"athlelveal Ien- dot vrill h. subject te a cemperieen vilb Es- limites alt.ady mad, anA vii h accopled or rejected as may>' h.consieted expediet The tenders muas stati lIae rates in sterling, anA bear tbe signatures of garo respectable pormns as suties for 1h. uridertakiimç: anA pa>'monts gvill h. made in Brillish lver, or in carrent coin, et 4s. 4d. por dollar; cr in billîofxcan.e on Hi. Majety'&Tmiaaory, ut th. rate et £100 fer eacb Z£10& Os due imos ucb commlet as mal' hoentered mb. JNO. IIARE, Commissariat cifice, A. C. G. Kingatou,April 12, 183. - N OTICK-The Cemmissrnerappointed te Repair thie road from Waterloo ho Kingston, avili aneot Mtic houa. of laea- bert Vanaîstine, Inn keeper, in Waterloo, on Saturday ticed166 day of May' Soit, aM10 o'clock inlIme foeoncen, te receavé, tenders for time folcigring conttacts--Viz: 45 Rode, commencin; utthlb.maili Bridge, near Mr. R. CoGpcr's in the 2od Conccssion, and leading towards Kingston, tae b.Tam- piked 20 foot avide, raised 18 inchos in the centre, anA twe valercoarses vith atone but- mente 3 fel vide le the clear, and covered vili 3 inch pianir, or good saunA pin. or Ceder Timber 16 foot long. 15 Roda Luatei> Irons Mr. John McMi- chael'o to b. lovelled fit for gravelling. # 35 Roda Western>' (rom Mr. Juryis Wor- don'& te hoe leveiled fit for Grsvelling. 20 Bods et the intersection ai tie Bath road, neaz the borse of Mr. Wallis. AIl the abuose muntioned partt bch gre- velied aix inches thicir anA ten foot aride, in a etraigho lime an tie Centre of tic Roua.- Tii. largoît tomes te poue tbrougb a 3 loch Ring. The aheve ccntacts viii h. given tb Oie lowest blAder, sud geod securit>' viii h. ru- qoired for the nume. Tenders muet ho in vrr.iog. SAML. AYKIROYD. HORACE YIOMAi;S, CoM"s' BENJ. OLCOTT, Kingston, 201h April, 183. ]PUBLIC FOiiICE.- THE omr-utoersappointed to appro. poundtovarde tie impro vemontof lIe bigi aval' belveen Kingson anA Bath, vilsecet at the Inn cf Mr. George Smith, lJour., in Ernoa tovo, on Thutada>' tbeIM.1 day cf Ma>' n.'t, st19 o'ctock in the forenoon t. eeive tenders for lie foiioving Contracta- Vis: Secte. Ne. 1-Tuo comne t pee Emathed Nu. 1. e u touofeet at ii. 11 eut a sioe.brIlanMd a fav £0ode bia ât e boaue ofiMrBenjamlu Vanmki., ta u No. 2; opposite lime houas of Widov og lus; distance, about 75 Rodsa lbe tura- ed andi gruveilesi, vitb 2 valet courseste bc moae cf saliA tone; one cf minci shall h. 2, and thei.other 3 (eet avide. Sci on No. 2.-Prou _post No. 3, in tie Woods, West of dietin; Bridge, taput No. 4, a fov Rude West cf lia. houa. occaspied la> Mr. Hugordore, distance about 50 Roda. Ja Ibis Section ailtheb stoumps are ta ho tek- en np anA romoved 40 fot in vidlb, hrougi lhe centre cf wmmcii20 foot in widti saoi h. leval.ed and mode sunoti viii broken sioe, non. cf vbich ta exceed 3 inchesin diameter. SectinsNo. 3.-Prom. post No. 5, at aStone Bridge in front cf Mr. G. Met>"s, te poil Ne. 6, at Stone Bridge noir contre lime of Lot No. 5, distance about 48 Rode, ia h. Tutnpuked and gravulled; viti on. Waher courus est(cl ide, leah.cmde itia solid Soe. Secionm No. 4.-Frouapost No. 7, in front cf Mr. Wmn. Baker's, to post No. 8, in front of Mr. Borneot's, distance about 90 Rods, ta h. turnpikcd mand grivelled, rîthi 2 isalet coursea, .euh 2 feet videa 10h made vilh soid Stone. Al l t. ah.,. Cetracts wyul berqired le h. don. as aboee peifed- Tb uniemuaie e ighlcc bot avide., anA raised (rom 12 ta 15 inch.s aboie lthe Natural surface, sasils location Ma> require; anithe tiitchés concaide cf ieisTuro- piko smant h.cled 4 (ccl vide, mand volt levelleAoff. Ailie gtveiimg muslt h. 1 foot vide sud 6 loch.. Ibicir, and broke fic, non. goeoxco.d S lnchs. in diamoter, anm putI eon £Îocentr, cf thse turpike. Tie a- baiecoBtractsagvil h. given ticheLovait lbde. Gotae nrit>' vili h. requiresi for lie performance of tiec (ontzacl. H. LASHER, P. J. FTCH, <'"w JOSEPIt AkEY, 10m5 EttetTovn, l7tis April, 1830. 1HETu£bsermi«eaeDow @peu hitai emmeuagsmnpart of vbicb, rmt lviys hb. kuis.hm Poviscial or Amoe1ca unudd er Im iported la« <mIi.ý Li'E. I &aBOam. > steve Steet Kamiate, SM arelm 02. p.a.meavigdswu a ' ý »kýd Imm* J= - bvr - r7MHE Trustes. .1Ib. ErimeoTowen m e8 KiasgalsrMd Soc.ity etpuam:t o sanl, viies 6e f.aming peisons vc appiseted euuoevoapyThe mm.>'y, in the mvenl4avisonjsmrvauami<ntbe voeol otth.ann lm eetngofsaem iay, vbz: D'ati.W dAli*, farPryEq. fias OhZEpa Zi. a Wa. Frit.Kplr Mr, je". Gse. h"MlslbaeJ caentredivisin or itoue Jaba Gordews teithe 3luG.Os i' e at Aatmy Me- .G Sixr Gyia I'a, Kiumpasa, J " Natima as. £èât Dviiosorfau Atusy" MeGla =sT ) MGanteW-~L. obi» il vwu resolred la>' 1h.Trusiss a iatlb Commisalomters of lIme Afferuict divisions, giru due notice of the soverel jobs of tutu- pike, grivclling, &c. lic. ît>' intend gîvin; eut, and Ibal lb.>'raset on lhe folloving dau>' te Civeoeut sici contrarte. Tho Coursaissioncrs cf the West division on, th. finit Monda>'In May', at 10 o'cloclc, foreneon, ai MT. John Ç;ordoaiers, Ion. Do. of tic rentre division ou the fiait Tiuesday lu May', at ten o'ciock farenoon, ut the vidcv Hogle,Ion. Do. cf lie East division ou tic OirsI Wed - nesae>nleMeay, at 10 o'clock fprenoon, ah Mrt. DaviAd Ehalev's Inn. 11>' eder, NATHAN FELLOWS, Sec'>' ho Commiteie. Doue notice o! lie Contractata b lc giron 001,0 thie aliovo mentiened da>'s, vil b. given, b>' escriig tic diffèent jobse, ansi Ptting op notices et diffrent public places. PUBLIC NOTICE. PPECoammisaloners frtho Cotre Di- A iion, o h odleadin; brsWa. terloo bticheNapane lis, viii moih at the lAovHoge' Inn, 4tb Concession of ET- neîoo nToesday lie '11h of May', 1.0 ah 10 o'clock ini-the foreneen, to give omut tic fllovisi; CONTRACTS-namcly, Pruma a Poil marked No. 1Iail lie nosv Bridge hsilt hy Mr. R. Clark, le Ne. 2-A good suhtantiai S.-one Wall to vîden theo olA Stone Bridge, the micle ta b el illub up viti alot.e, sud raieAone foot iigier Ilium thlitlABridgo nov b, and graveled 10 fot vide in lte contre. Eacb aide, cf tie gravel ho ho levelleA off viti amail Stonos. Froni No. 2-Tven>'-flve or tiirty rods cf Graveliing. Prom No. 3-Tveity-five or ht>' mAsod of Turnpike, in a truigiat direction with tie Turupike rieurmade, tlii i ntorsects t rcad ahovo hhi ba. Prom a Pout marired No. 4, býen %Iu r. Adzit', madMr. Powioy', --..venty or eigil>' Rods of Tarupit, lr a lraigiat di. rection ai&lith -id o "ics, i twcreWa- toîcorsos, oee ft Lt wide anA une 2 (cet ride. Tr"m Na. 5, near Mr. Vsu"vehkenhurg'@ -Eigit or ten rode cf Turnpîke. From e N. 6-Fifty r.'iliq of Gravelin- cne Watercourse 2 (cet vide, anid a Aitch le h.e opened on lIme North side cf the raid, 1a carry tbe vator te lie Walcrcotirse. No. 7,,ne&z Mr N.,rmun'-Fifly oraixl>' ro , of ..vulng, andoie Toaropiko r.- paire4-ono Watercoutse 2feet vide.* No. 8,neameu i. Bojami'a-Fmfeen or tveiit>' roda Tnrnpike anA Gruvelling. No. 9. nusr Mr. BaAgey-lSor 3D roda repaiea;Tarepike mmd Croasvay. Promia Ol ' mrirmA No. 10,00nlise West end of the les;g bdg, West of Mr. Badg- t.y'*-E0 rad& cfGtavolling. .o. 11, seou Mt. W.mvîw«hs-.S toAs te h. Gravelled. No. 12, ai lh. Wmst oeA of the olA Tuae- pibta, mear Mi. Weden Waliker'a, jour- Frou sAit>' taecight>'Tarocf Turnpike, and thoisWatercoursea 2 fel vide. No. 13, eut lMt. John Snder's, Junt- Tity-five roda oi Grmvelibg No. 14, near tl i c 7.*ill...-Fom 40 to 50 rods cf Gravellon;. Ailthie abovo Contracta mil h. raqubred ta ho dose in s gocA Susibtntialmamnr- The. Watetcore a sea.laid dovu viti good saliA Stoe, anA ceveredsit ii3bnci Plais, et good Soundi Céer Tiahor, cf aufficiont ir.: The o rmpike nmuet lb.18felt vide, and taiaed irons13 ta 15 incies ah.,. lbe neturel aurface; and th. Ditci on ouci aide the Tutnpiak. muit h. ccared 4 foot vide; tie Tuitipike, muet h.immde sraight, anid veil levolleA off: ail the Grarcil ni muet h.e 10 foet vidle and 6 inciseshicia, and iroke ine, none 1a ho ovor 2 nce. lu di- &amter,'mmd puteon tise cebntre of ii Tura- p ikes. Tie abeve Contract a miii Jo givon la th. lemest biddet, and goii suent>' vii ber.e- quired for lhe An. porformanceocf mmci Cous- trieac s mal>'lh. ntered lutu.,. TIh. abeva, jobs are ail West o! tie Pesa. B>' erdar cf lb. Comamioiner NATIHAN FELLOWS, Secrcturte th le Coumimioncra. BEmest Taorn, BdAAptril. 1830. SHERIFF's SALE. MidIamAD N tî,~ eurda>'th. 101h TeWII. courde>'of ut>' noit viii h. selA ai b CutHousin the Tcvn et Kingetion, th. follovlmg lamnis and testamentes mah.losnig te Richard Lovo, soized b>' vatne of s Writ of Fiei aciua isme t ftBe s Hie» 1 t~ ein f Kine's Besch aIIbm mt ofA n Maborn, vïzx: the Nor*a Westouepor t ~LoiNo. 1 3. inuth. 3t&-Con. outhle tom . p etfPariA,- 'rbcabsvgbdltOmar; coataabngl0 area. Ail pses having claie. n oh.t abu. LeIec« eme, er anypattboreof, b>' unotlgago or 0 ive, oa re tequdte make thér asmeknovo a te cou or bofrth Ie di> et "a.-Sale la cemmence at 12 o'clock, aisea JOHN MACLEAN. Kionon, Apnil71, 1830. Sliu . N OTICE.-The Subactlhor havis; beeu dul> a teid Aduinistralor ho tie Liutste ealDuil a eeaemed, t«feqm ailparese uisdebted t1 th.emnidi £> tale, t. a *u iidiate payment, amd itesei basri deanda are ry dosired t. are- snullb. ue ssadaabetctjated fr adju- euL MRCHARD DAVERNE,Jn. AdiiuilslMta. Adolp4!o-, let April, 18%0. emiui ueoam a~ Tiffil ~ -. Euagule~ Binait Tamis, ~ssuqr%~, 1830 - e THE UP PBR GÂAf4ÂRJ-IRAL»o lU ~JI I 51 5 ai ufflm CANADA CoLLEGrE. m5taiL35tSEalAT TORtK. VISITOR, M1 L imerd Geovaso,ftwe .lie bing. This Collage iilopen aller tie approacla- iM Chn*tmu aaVocation, on Monda, the 4tia ofJauaz>',180; anuethbe endact of the M lasters appoinhed at Oxford i>'tic Vice Canceilor and oher eleclomi u Jul>' tat. PRINCIPAL,0 The Revorend J. H. Hartis, D. D.-Latea Felloir of Clre Hali, Cansiridge. CLASSICAL D30AftUP-V. 1" Cz-PAiIO'AL, Tue Rev'd. T. Pillips, D. D.-Cf Quieen'a Courge, Cambridge. VIRST CLASICAL MASTER, The Reavd. C. Mlaîtheva, M. A.-Ofpem-1 broke Hall, Cambridge. 1 ssCevu CLASICAL MASTER, The Rcv'd. W . Boutton, B. A.-Of Queensa Coliege, Oxford. TeMATIIEMATICÂL DEPARTYMENT. TeRev'd. C. Dade, M. A.-Feliov of Ca-. iua' College, Cambridge, and late Matiematical Master at Elizabethi Coliege. Feutr-Htd. J. P. lDe La Have. Eiglas, Waing, MrH. G, A. Barber: cati .AriIAss Ir- i. J. Pasield. .Dritg esù-MAr. Druiy. The Principal wiii bave lie geersu-1 perinendence of lie Sohool, mi Ihe au-1 thit7 cf a Multet over evry e>'partaurut.t H1e viilaehave thc pover cf iialroducing suci atterahbons in the syalenu of education ushema>' udreneccaa 1yfroua his ovu oh- iorvalio, or tontierpreacuttion of thse The cours. of instruction to be pusSed viii comprise, the Clasc, ilatieuatocs, Eagiish Comiposition and Histor>'; Writiug aeA Zerithmetic; Geograpi>'anti Trench:t and Pupd il viinot ho aloved ta confine thio attention (0 a pat af tieayatem laid Aavn lo tie exr!naion of au>' of lie ublorts viichilitembraces. Il nia>' h. alreved,iaovtr, thaI whist e Puipli mho teonainsa t ticColege hil b. han reaciesi thé h ioýhe&tforma, mlflbep- parel benterOiae University'; auatier, rmC,. v1ewà nma>' h. olewi iArcted, vii r r.ierfectly quelified for Mercantile i~Nm5alan earlicr petiod in the Coilego coutrse vill ea e ditiouui advantage ai ha- ving acqaired a cousideneile stock ai mevw- ledgev h ich iliiIeso greatiy assist him in altaiin i&s omn more isunediate abject. Dravang mil b. teugit at tic option of th. Parfents. A preparator>' Scisool viii bu attaciesi ta the. College, mmd coaducels on eL carres- posdiug plan, undorthtie inspection of lie Prinipal. The Aies of each Pupil for instruction witi be at the College Tvo Pou"d e Quarter; and at th. preparator>' ScisoolOe Pouind Fir.SilingporQuartor; lah. il at thse expiration of ouciaquztr.-Tsere viti alsbeson.cisageforPens, Fuel, 4-c. In eais Establihmen ooka viii h. pro- Vided allihe uxpema. cf the Pupila. The mamàagement oft l iafalavof tise Col- log will h. vatal ite Directore aA Truasoteesa iso iialso regulate ilIafiaun- cWIacoecersand teceiveall duos lotTuiUio. Tise Vacaions. viii h.lcmdayseait Christ- mas, "v qmiclutis ommet, flma lhe middleeof August le 1h. end of Septoamber, vilb a fuir occaonaloliday-Alî lie Mamtm lu vibu alioveA te lair. Boitera. Tlao viillof tic arrangemoentm inten<led for lhe improvemical of the District Scioois cannot at proesol h.carnieS mineffect; but if îl be foudpracticable, mof etiir must poiigSciolm aBiavibea poaxnted le a«- hiiiosa teCllg.T hi.umuber e- isctl dannuati>' vil opensi on the profi- cieucy ocftho Candidates. Modification, cf th. syalem of the "loittioen mu>'h. iodla pnesat, but it la lioposi the asivantugos ta e derived frouepermanenly i>xing in Vp- pfer Canada.aPublic Seaniar>', accouie b aU, anS viere a ibeomi andmiextensive .Aucation as>' hobtainell on moderato terne isl*111 . (.11and AmI>' apprecialed -drughne theb.Province,. GEORGE E MARKLAND, Suc'>'te l oord o! Edusciion. York >'Jpper Canada,, 2d tcmbr M12. mmILAN»D nwmIlI.-SaLR OF LANDE Tande u mae advertia.d b>' lbe Trummurer of lie District, and coutained luthe. mrante of the. Cierk of the Powucea my bh. mai- tiont t ytesa> b. aroremgeci AsmmssIa due themop, li t ise foliowlamg limes ua plumes, vis, Tovnmhip et Pitbug-on lie Oth and 10h Je»e 188, at Meaoos Inn, in Barrie- field, et thou oerfIl l ock,A. M. , Kiegtoan-on thie 11h and 12th lune, 1830, litt ll.Court Hous, attisebonsrof Il o'ciock A.,M. Ernest Towpm-oià the 14tb Jue, 183,1t Peter Davy'sInn, in Bah, aI th. bout 0<1 CsmdÏ-.oýn th. 151h asd le*tiJme 1090, S u eom'a Mllla, t.tisa bout of il a,- dck aA.- Mé 1830, at lhe Napa Mille, ut the houtof PrashrWWkâaans-eu the lOlm , uMes1 ut Jolm lm. et In t ha bout of Il o'iiock A. ML Tburlev ma md gerfiad-on lb. Ilsi sm ud lâb hue ,0, mRotai Menteis Inn, ali d a et Pouis. Îî, t ls, bout e! il e'clock A. M. Sidey-.u tlb.28S Ion», 1830, t I Whklî suit dociock A.M. bxis nt l* bout etfil odiok-A. M. Aueal"dmw* gftb Ismdmd 21 une, lem,>gtBIIbevs >'éla ?0 Caybag Plac) Sopbséag-elm élit l>. INOt Da- IMMeeh et tIbhe ur of Il 6ote<lA. M. :A.MIL 1sqMbste Ils i~lsi ut iasab h1 lhm 1aS lb abbm. m uA àa M lai- ~et.- aImA 1'l g Ii mm aiBo i i ,uuufJdt lI ommimionce(or the Ilsi" mort aI tholieuseef S WMcul.serr keeper, in the (ch coro,i o f N aunThsaday the 208h day of Ma>' dlockb ioheforenoon, tb rectiv. forthOe fmllowing CONTRACTS. In tbe 6th conress@ion nier the Samuel Nlerrill, hou es. t No. 1, te -40 rad.,, a Aitch on escb aicde.aemd .lnce-ay (cl ide anA lomeet Ion;, vsîb siiewy2 eatone hoomenoscoveredvihinc mciik or goosi tianher. Froco Nu. S to Ne. 4-ighten tOtiS anA oue stuice-wa>'wmtb 5000 baitameis2 fot aridie andl 16 (eut long. Frors No. ô5to N. l-Eight Roda. Frein No. 7 te No. 8-T*Ihitty Roda. West front the Bridge aI Jesse Ptardys-~ Fifteen Rostuobe Turapiked sud Grave]- led. Frein the front of the. bouse cf George Counter, nortberly, là roda te h. ;ravollod and dilobes ceared. in Ferris's ULa nthe, 1h.- 1Cooceon- Fivo Roda, wib ose»a.loico.ay 3 foot vide, sud 16 feut long, and covercd vilh plank o good timer, and graïvlbed. The Hall nar Jus. Peys and tse Hill in front cf lie 6lb Concession nMer Mr. Scott', ,.viil be dosmibedtoy tise Couamen- ,rs on the 20h cf Ma>', anti, Lisail th. Other .olat, is &t"lavwe*thidder. ~ionb tIt* mpJpevide iasth.ura- Bleoth. A<U. W,çdeete W tgiven in vtitint, ed seffuRy , i»% elê o limé due erma*cc'iof lb. fésam. SAML. AYKRO YD,) JOHN CAMPBELL, Coesoer HENRY WOOD, Kingon, April 241h, 160. PUBLIC MOTICI. THfE Coanmisiomtens for lh Fite îro Di- Tviion of tie Raid lesdioig (rosa Wa- terloo tu the Napane lles vin UmelaIbhe teomsf? Mr tDavid Dale>', Iingiton, on Wed- npsday the 5th May', 1830, el 10 o'clock in tic forenoomi, te receiva Tenders and givo :ut th. following CONTRACTS--namely: Frose a post marked No. 1, at oh. East ea of the novbridge hbIt b>' Mr. R.Clarr, net Mr. McGuin'., te No. 2--Ton or tvelv. roda tu ho T.ornpikred, raigcd 2 fel bin1the contre and Gravelîrd. Front No. 3 te No. 4-Te ho Tutupuked, ene good Sluice-wa>'tlobe made of Stone, W0 ut 54 ted,. Froco No. 5 te No. 6--Tirst, front No. 5, soyen roda te Turupike anA Gravel-Ivon vahercourses, one A (eut, lihe other 2 (cet vride, included in thieseven roda TramtlIe Riat end of saisi seven roda Turnpike four- Wee roda, le poil ,arkodletter B. To cicp andi rlear out 40 feel vide, 20 fccl of the centre to ho cutlevel viti Uic ground, andi adl stoe.layimg aloove 1he ground tu ho re- moved out of the 40 test rosA. Prom naid posi coseked leIter B. 16 roda te post No. 6. Eut ho rd. le clear out and Toarnpike ansd d.i RA te Turupike mad Gravel, one vatorcoorse in oaci 8 rads. Prom No. 7, a eh.foottWarncra1Bill, te builA a Stone Caumva>'%» feet kjde, 2 fut higb aboya the amaWtmrflco, a va- teonans,,in lt.hasno 10h bu ila vutbgpoil sabstantiai SIca. bextuestm, and cevoemd viti 3 bnch Plasis retfltiteA Tomber Afti a good durable qumliio; thé vhole of saMs causêva>'te h. leveLeAoff. vitb gravît, % eztem n o$sg e 8akd~o , blue. 150~tods. Ain 1h. sbisee onrcs viii h. irequlreol te be dono mn a '000dsubetantial meane; tb. vutercousea 10la. laid dovo vith dos atoneand coveresi vith 3 loch plaLk or flatted limber of a good durable qualul>', sim h.. boom rotAilIthoeTur»piusatbelq faet vide, mnd raised froas 18 te24 inci. aa. beys the matural surfe"o, eud the ditcb on taci aide the Tuempiko muet h. <lewreA 4 bout vide. Tie TurapikesImuta bh. mide ataight, sud veil letolicd off; ail lhe Gra- velum;g on Tuoirpikes anust h. 10 bot vie and 6 machos lima, and the atonesblire fine. mono te h. over 2 incbh« lu dimeter, andl put on lihe centre ofr têtuIMke, 11»u uheve contracta Wiin b. givon te the lovost budder, anA good aBruri itt h. bere- quired for the. due performance of sncb con- tractsas mi>'bh.entend blle. Anit tl. n dors muait homade caoletlu hlng. N. B. Thse &avejobs n a rea Esc e louest naumbered pout. B>' Ordet 01 lime C4"mmiubome,s LAMBERT YANàLSTqNE. 8eVlte eCoumamdon. Kingston, April 7il, 19». THE Suo=lcfl eug .ig dml>' utboriosi b>' paver oet Altaiae oJams Wil- son Esq, lati.of isbs*iggb sois lavlfu hlm, (thc nid J"mes Wilson coq.) te veil os collect dtinbi li faveur. Ail poison, thereforeuhav à«= ansi gisb. ne id Jams Wlso Kq.arete"-wa e. hot.,nd u et Balloveoi,--SI -r.y b. lm hdey et mut Ihos or iPtisp l Of uiîgt ao tlln I wîreval demaned.sfdr anh. mby psymsu se tha ilS a TO TRE ADSOREJ.s 0W UTILITY N RVY rME Atrml.t et oJ>ller Canada, ¶" ave an opotuniy of belns immedi- aI.!> li~ed uda* te Ioeja for, LI'pipg Foet, ui tt b. ton ef FdiS>' boosasdlQ;Is MM ecs ialdf(ftome- gehs nad, b>' Ht. WlblaWuPtwoloafo!Uti- ce, vho odie Ibé* f« ile stosma1price of azx Dolla des auieim t tête y*d> ein lica,h6M slie*** &«erlulaa teei mdre uls*c=v Ib eecaa.- vhe au be -1 41-