s' j.' XI ~iJ ohm OU ,mu.w . i5utanu Buta, el~ mode Pàes al uisa,ham4ang ikEe s, ia iumtsm h etmvutj auo, u &» fteIbALMwtw a doping lawnaemndé 6Mis utum euise!> fencel ul éIMnsMIL , 0b84,f bousos amreansd Ctirle am al s s tB eù C 4ttlue be ,% Um, 4- ede tmm ieiil ai e. ah. Amewaaad ta.Lve M'sr buta bb " puruma> bould u isne useet tuo b.à te let-s Oa.w, evens am esesa leobefIputipet4mlw Tbodm var vIsI t*0 ctaie ft" t< or e t e Mmai a 1ev sais,- no h 00 nb plyuteb omba, tM 'n omg Wb$ , iMat e *h Of9th '~ aai4Kh~tfu*bîngLot 32ltbll XPlItslub, a le 6'or 17iitisfrem K 0. con, e.uulg 200 A- cru esopodl ArabULsad, WUiite lie r ai.1I0tb<e publ4-ic dimmsBoise.ah NOrth.-Applicatahe uy e> bmad" te Fre. ci* .Hapr Es. KAugaiu, NVù.l, .13,le 18l. the th Cou.;adIbo@u«Of<eIàalt 'dLot Ne. 19vih théLoù i -o iand lumthé 7th Cou. of tbToWtor PUsbrg the Ceouaty et Treuac, NiGaud (YitrCanada. rusa <beV"ises,. ust Pmç ithemas.ilretloe.-Alue, sipn la the Tepmblpet Ceise', ia ai Cibnbty ef St« 8 r. asei D strc; o 200 Acres, Lot 21,,kiiiCo ko i tbus Towaiuip eof a 19N%4 eua> t y JrN caula mier;a1 te, vem' t.lu aa d rresanipremlslauqte beouee ve1 v*tubc ou abs emptien et a1usp 1 lu itaio fet tI1i., Imprwaet et u, communicai oa-Aptî bath, Pub.17,1lue. Voit SALE, LOT NOMBER 2 bribes W *ceuemien oftliaTombalp d< Br- M oomtlmteoadu, glOarss. situtionet tb ÏZ is csgas tteut- deit votis>'eattntoufPuor e.-. Appij at th toruil 00cmuk.1 KigtA729> ,1».1. OU ORSALE-Loft Me. 17ba 1<1cma IFTev.mlup et Kinuuocnmd Loi N., 2d. con. Township etItub, istrotf àe the 021«14 is joli SA2", Of1827. AA 'nCbor.Mud ai premet uteb or inspeplter. MENZR PE£"rET. Meoug.Ii Psi lm8. _t* on idlmdlt ease Kintot BOSE ite of Daitad, via "l # m lis ttascills b!c for mnauÇgV uit resve lt. ollglon ErgaeuUperCaeao ;Or Pac tbe 180 stu or o 1n. lsm .=ts 7=', ae I.miebaw m.us.Dovj& a ird L ftefboittem es i ibsuissbr i n a flAMtsï .0 bmmd.~m.set elos loAsti- ~~~o'SO as sa tlyG eaube aid usd-e a!emq*.e bymaspr &B mer-udspqb lm pote..m aad~~ ~~ amem".t sialUs b> mieifim d" *bu* Mthe ddkmD om, twy b si, ai NSOSUo lAr.vuaa 1905E Ciim Aet sm is.F a liee adbpsd. îe ie adte t.mima.4 Kimpie. Nevombu 27. &bd b.iug deom as b t istsboed b; notice tba 1 usW bieh m ou eastot Coluiou, amipalmsiai ma b .the pro- ýpemvih abs muI -utm ILMUNÂ& Klmga.u A ot#, "ME SANK or UpPERâ aNADA. PUal bu tMa" s boie ,at t t n f mi e &J.Oekotes ia e msame te I ty pet o e nwtgtefblgaslI lim mihkcaibei uqzm boau-il beria dbates. Dy erder et fsSeibIe IN , lmTeU~te 55 Ê.' aýoted nf bm* ,11ne tab a.Wit ~~..e Hua ,eho~' si ,b5e '0", Jli @Wo«atoeli Tat lis mes bvl- gved valus, eonuuis t te bave 1."gt',E« 17518W »d enwuam sbmeygudmiel t mt@ Mid A"lput Wulrew th' ami ghi ust.Limtsu TUpomeu bis lDamiel Kom Inomf ib TuinfOe -IOPUOUbusl Te - et aIpiemoug Ad 7 uswtAuIt i, U tbe t te b. 15vibm fe .rmu AUMOsatlug..r. 'i ther p411F Soim porto Tai, 'sas, i Mcl, m suo'se Jb alb msl eafl.Usg nadmt N.Periài TuE ~JPP 4~ANA#Â HALIL tesais. ~ telumstsi. dus ara, Cuagb.,e bromisitdl Tissbm I ulfihi reop 0O05~ ce u Mme& ,Imm isBu.d abs *m, mset mbfrmil &ae lts atlumtw'evmyua. am mu tha 0 mnaedig& bi Ofs me 6lutliecseat ss fow«m .et Ceagi.etrmmima"tlOa twMp et ibi Roabilan. a bmlb a cim.p modici.. o»Weuads i* Cr0Ecm ls loa tbeK 'eb1819 Mr. *msulm w lm Itede morm tih" en a.i leemymn ihycug draty mumilsi tép etea oembmly bis-. la ce ub -sSain Z ut iatleme sco mac essti olbis Sy egm, a1 l biswwâ hita om -WtM abo =m pelsltshlm sq»bole mtaasr.a Ceuh lrp by the tme olvwhiei, in about iblrea s nysabhneua) bits ai Sebour. G0USSTEBR< Rhlode olFb. 19,113. ceii wu o.ve yloaeebutby lamdvOi of Dod ro. Hhmhoock, eorletotr, wus lnud o .maite trial eofyens AMdo«m'a Coach DrspaMd b-imy ulu e-. otis reatMedte puta t bolb. 1 vouli ibis. fous rçtemad a1t"ma...mfhidvua sar ces luit, te mom mef -e i.mmm rmmdyasfl bt tm Z"srpuchun wbvevluesmah Stb m bu pettiawu. aid ms Iat ths bonttsaru 0Dmr, j.ami ,xuL.md fia tbe us l. apsimus ieJalse.ans "sd C. mEaH. BSTASLUED ut ACv or a~.uzv 1td, , , M11eu4.Uu '. bt . 1 bo "admpe i abs "sbuaSth totiew osmmteeLarso a ltg awnyB $ *0 basâm tomeg"ib, A hala.. isa..xaeml, te mimutibeex- , Né tblas fer &da*" o bqad le P»-e1 ss.iseuputhuabe m estag W' 148es m* MO".or lb Iboj N i n W M U" s a .re a b s N t a t d s l a tee imk lmes Qemàl .sil. m LailisSo WetlaaiWlsa1osnu~ ami t pqlu Oste» Osir mnab 71 be mlmt lies. brtoel et ua',bastsLc. t" Itide" 1f'u A» di I l. assisel fer a lenima I~ umm~ uuuuS t Il. 1i.Enalvoe4 - i M~s u~~~ i slaast1i.tor 25,*bd gie- ding) 19,. N fis ý- ' Usa.% Ner m f s K. it SlsylE Ili Kmiu m*W W- qathsybave .P.-d1 t ~ wh1h.may b. U bod mi pwtibsfacna s r eftufi U P411= M AMiAN. $0" LIVNGFOx. ua'*u.tid Fekaar7,183ll. <lii>omsemlib urïàai somwd t sasisdmlg boas.su me rbi u ',m ism l"eiaon «,bdee s lte uut lM',aIsceOsubeing vil! insu.b>' lsM eou t ettyGrec" Osepeepemayet 9ftim mme a esudacmaî Osérd A ie r %wine o bu" toa dovnshBelfan pils *Butaséce g» is ev asfies« m emt- peres.etm.pctsmiCearcts Fistmlth Fby,18»G. J £L -11N AT BAKm- ~lhn5 mellubh iéat b etsttglou aa lopposte Wslkor' Hislau"dilsCoit itses, *Im ersIbu on baud ithfO " ail ýMMiita"on"b. Namefs Bovetandl iitailen de. vam- do aepeo. mucha.iel! üdispsem atieuercaml. pelucS,er upffree CashMm lfo« Eeavoe M u ail Slip. p~ugFor. 1Bcsabea M.,1lm. U. Ç. lIai itm te emeursgonmui h colveliuisicaymcity ofemala ut dii île ins omE is uâéocontinueaba i.- »Wou i l iebracime. At Ilse peaing et lmy is malgte eviibe preperel te veceive adios ota>quauti> etfproluea fat rma b cousigued te liii at obeslor of an d«a oirequirsI fo« due U. -bTrade bties7ted vidapuuctuality, al ii île mmm rjuine eg ard for ilh sis ot80poesus mpyuin m-&id anyolsbuiouceSl te lis caro shaI rmeels is m ipruus attention.-Ous cmpwieres IlIareextr.em derae, vil! Moltras!, lOt Mreb, 1M3. To Irm- ceassum.»Ytsvieoativieox, - OahIm une tb qalpae ui&0lssnns iiap l= isVuos s vu<Ltsats eu*spr ttm lsAi..I.Ue rM<i K~L~ 0.-.-~ ~ =2ie0Ihm compest i SOeils campleans et us Cuimge Oa0" lie uNlis ommutolvlensuis.tno xy. itbwta tom, Omishtete Ot.Lato, *Memable irgtetomr of te U"eor Ob =Walam uMOIl taciliyRaudonuasa.s seuabie tesmuy et fbigs00 c 'vein 113. = -:Wil maie alvcaue on u ion-x IVAREHOUKSO.POWRNG -Tie ISsbo tmffyhammte pab- lic, aiai ho blaaslsms et lIai lar sierae 0" miWisr1.laitbieleor - 17' ocempiolb=Msr. mccsichei# Omo- maescas,Wbeut aIe eg* - be. busia.. WMmdvZib.a R.f*0ea pai=g et~u5iate mmd - ges =te: " am u me t g--t>snir ahlialume2 t l abs ui ce ob obarsbasm mnpayser lsim astis Ihsposlug et Poo=psa *siay lesou- Ki»ptam 14IIa Maredi am EMUCOMay be mea" eohn Kis- lyauljohn macay Esquiss, Kiagate W E the uudoraiglied hereby give public ueiice,ta vu viii mtset.aecoeuntahie ~liablees FORWARDICRSeor COMMON ah. hazard and danger ofl ah. aivlgatlon ho"ua tenreai aid vice Versa. SWe promise dusepublie t e emley Bue but gober, sxperienced es auas ter. et Our Botte. We vMI au Unilesvhbeu i eu bedoe, oKait~ ~ ~ ~~~~e heuceupbei>cugmlte ms morne espectbleo fc, fe r i atsde- li"vetaiMentrei, sdRi adeth. lowest pro- un te b.e btained. * In camwe u o st aructien@ are glvm, yulb rucqmtle <ho mmme be isurel, on. the diffrsot demrlptleus et prepesty, -va ehai m < a " Someties nme cele viiib. ortIemafty md tueraittlb. 0v- ss.Teproposa> mwii b. sadee aubjedes lab 0 comau proyte us fer fsueqpcst ai. obje tt is Conewaodlitmolai îl, a i. uav=atleu hue, te M mirmau Preeot, 2ad mah, M&3 - . B-ovua .of gsedo 4mkof oiuons auc agalant the d.eg.ueof s0aaviptfou mMb-mfeoata t 1tmeef, vIl dlsteo IL & % W JAN" I UcCfTelMêN embumi lgol«* te A smpi û m1 fl Das tb i.R b e j m U7IUA IYofIT b*0s mdày a" toyi o fervad aiy;aedlmb.my b. fa- cotbsmesdorvhnofvb .bW pii» piolttes.tW i FI &o. I* dOPE NIobt M aiuft" aqr a «.4. teMy ue ' m m»lh ie . b o ms e dm% ? U bo sft iy b Os t -h i 4 1b"..C«". a.,*1 u I ~ eM i £ade mathmc t" i, toRy je th Aeliu e balm eeuga » d ailé amy 1 Wu neau ~ d MOI ne Aaiste fat cMpetena te cr. a gwpm ofetdbthugubiel scol..hi, "; &«tY mgmol. laIhefriae deu11. mon f abre .Usutou culexpr «tb m u M 60., mmee a,a is mete.,. " 5qppesd ois Wu bO Wmwte lde , i b. "» in dMWolbytb extue «P» elongiseho ecceparol amu i, th, ulIl e ui mae e. uusotto.5 msmatihaséseudamuiac becatsaer 7baud ve ec-àpgr ron ie Aa amie - an-of epri «et ed Mm t tml 5the 1erftý Hp ,&m salehe rrecep.îss xappttd W Lemiartou i*eesol'unou heugachu expeesl ai»e te nemtite 1W, eamdad y ms&. *«m Ofl Iismt <la"gstew TbAcmsaivlt"Sud 4 u-uéar te t . fi oommd in <is reuup. d bes -*amo lma OL 1%.Q5tduTE Emobshimn.ambe;ÎW x.lla, Mdamoo ima eux - a. 4,00 1 et. twar ,asl rw m i c , s,î use, ioaW. -- ~~bM- « mYuiy aon reqüi rS th pe si.tim Umoemoitlbosstiy e imitbl - a be egdeema edsdledaaismsuairpuisisy.When & tbêcu<MsU lisimdetbrca Imn t4- Acèl5pmdp -IN*oWinupIepd elulssy ateR ebagatmu,,a-es dus *in b. scel Wosb. a mrls 'bpt tesmmaS oebe maer ulpEbee urgentuaer e imm . etf usai asmusue sa m -£1 - - f-i b ou h6mi- Alelpiutowm, Oum aw. y£. 1 r -r : 1 . >j v 1 P-wF'ý anO VE a 1 et . 1 Il 1 -1- . t N i -F ý -!ý