WWIwWl V119 Y1mnsmmnm mi AL - a mura-Ulm-lm w ll*uaeo tb bot Ati es leur tM mtby cm b aubil atVIect mt .<itiie t Asm bhuiea Chet «buwkàgsà-.b. - SMebA " mmertOfmt .1 Dry Good, d it Wewc-. ae.>W ISSUs M it#19 mn bU&R ca rapmemn iLe y 9 u bs frmà Md ltbu aeits bmnca, yav a bnenbqu aea AI' s buthefo& 1r.*ýnge.ke i a f i; ..etexuÎet h, b wieem.i Iondetai lmges, lth ."Jy, W829. ROummc e, LION aN» CA leurAG ash#, i $brawe.nd ebogusat mastpnt e Pape Q ans Zre g k.utsiste M osI u deScrip NtionE-t Pavin bru- OiIeG1smPisft.&c. &c., ttilch tisey <m shecortapve red e ir Mes mlnted, p.- laaet m anl " ontM embet oti@ prctn wg., Sle u cidd p eUée4lty li tsebut.slIeM. OAN u.& TIL Kingston, Novm b, 27182. ý BANK OF UPPER CANADA X- Genéri.l Meigof, beUioden holdthi i.day, emiirimd; Il vaç isaolved thai ItI r.nining' tveuifve r tcent ci lhe Captal stock outatactiig, sIl! Le cal- lest tn, and shahlPo mdpayable aI the Ban, by tise fclltovisg iutalînenl, vis* Ton pet cent oa £15%. on scmi share on hie h0ho arury naît, bLieigtism10th in$4bntt.-Ten per cent onr£El. on sach shir, on tii, 24tb cf Aprit usit, Seing tise eItb metlent-And fit, par conera 12». 0<.on each mime, on tise ist day ofI -li uqîl, bobg tie lth asndI lat intliant - lbci'onemplotii the puymnt cf tbe fuîl aniount o4ise capitalSOcfS mi n dor lia chsarter. By erder of tie Ibockboiders, TIO'S. G. RIDOUT. la DuCeUng. UMIIsLND.DiricT.-OaLE Or LAND&. tatcand cornteaselota ion murmn cLads s » atrsi tearae of e o de twieeo, MW otie oivnq tisesgat! ofa liar oft eagse tc SS a lOti Jene 188,» M« o lm inn Barrie field, et tihe bout cf ildock, A. M. Kingmon--on the litbsumd 121h lune, 185, aitltheCourt Honm, ett 1heubor etIl Ernest Toua--et thh aneTu, 183, t Pa Dat".s Inn, in Bath,et the heur ofîl *,dock A. M. Cante-on thei. 111h sud 101h lune, 183, et Dovuum lMtI,altsa bout of Il o'- stock A. M. .1 Rlchnod-cssthe 17:1 an tiShilune, Im3, et th iNaaumMille, 94 the bour of F~oexckbeii-ontIse 10h lune, lm8 e John Fralick1s Inn,,aet<i. bout cfIl .ekA. M. TINulow and Hnngrod-en thie21at a"md jd nn. 183, e al utMnwoc 1qt. lenthe tmos t cleW, etihe ur of Il 0ecloekc A. M. Sida-on the 2W maiJn, 183, ea it. Wbite'a a i l o'cioek A. M. Ravdensu md HaWlgdn-ou lie »b1, 52th antd 251h lune, 183, at Eduasti Fit- larsatthabour Il oloc.M. Atiambeu, oitie29tb ana2911 Jan, 1830, t flhtlev-' Inn (tiaC onrylng Plat) aI tisa bour of Il o'clock A. M. Sopbiubg-..m the lit Jet>'. ISImIDo- nemvelt, mtih.hou ofl01«k lciA. M. Adopmoun--on iiUthe I i>, 18m, aI tii. courtUmms, ai tiiolwsof Il h cloci A. M. Ma a or le mn Ual Jjty 1830 P. M. Lctaghhraugtm-e the e1h ad 7lhJuy, 113, at McGeger's Mille, s et he out f12 *'clec, aOOD. Pmstimd-e ic8th &Bdntih JuRy, 18m, aIetA.»b Slibbmy'st thi em,<kPlc A. M . ý .1ý-ýk r JOHN MvLEAIas ,i.. SaIn' Office, Kingmm, Dc. 2,18. LMPRSALI.L-lhNo.8l aiuiM lia.h Fe ininoe . cf NlWrnr ee- eemmmsisdapîlllegofaIe utel- of Mid OMMf, il Seing a nesIticasirahi. situation fErOie0ertie"otMillg-Applkicmtto te b mdete MLJuia Rliimconsoti IteI e d t~ert.t«TMM ALLAN MsIl12 .m WULLAND CANAL. N M lehel>' giron <bat the wel. 1>' eider sf li»e dSfliectorw, i. BACK, Sec'>'. lit o*aslpe, No lm.13 LL9NS0 y ALE. O N--tbelJmiMate, Seleen tise OUta- vu mutandKiagelon, Seing l»t 32, la thse 1011 Coucenioss t Pitteibw, about le or 17 miles tro Klngton,'contmlml200UGOA. ce of gooti 4rbleLand, wonlsituateti for on Inn; lie public iod ptffmi o sce North.-Applieaiion is ms>be mmd. te Fran- ciOA. Harper, Esq. Kingston, Nov. 1. 1lm1 SAND$ in tlpporCas agl.,ioIp-SS Ài Aces, 'ft-i :;Cotsro. 11718,4 ho, An b liconcesion; No. 14n Ci -tsCn;ant éi quhiiîsltlf.Lo Mo. vIa the Lots No. 21 amdatio latic M1 Con, eftble Towuashl ootPitaaiirh, -i* the Cocaby cf Froneatc, mi4lundIXstrivl, VmperCanada. Tises Lot, are very valu- able, as lb. river rant lbrougb thei, anti as the.rojctedCaàlfjrm Rchmond! througb Mo igzctsq.31, la the M8hComses- tonot la lbc Toutl,»p et Cornwall.in titit Couwi>'of Mtoretau, EsumDigrit; andI SM0 Acres, lot 24,, atisConceiin ina the TeWWal»p f Maniseri, ceont>'etf>ubasn Disrict cZN* eteTi 0use teing 0f dmc eafqnaiity, uvr rt e aring ex. roeetTimber, itmlt tevery agraultu W uipus,a&14pi teinlo ecam. very valmbtlen th çom oncf the Plans in agit&tion fe iaingevemeat et internai communivtios-Apyte ANGUS MCQ~EL Bath, TeL. 1Is15a -LANDO FOR iSALE.l g To. 25intlsCou. ueA. le Ne. il ié Clii doDoljste, 000 l' e r 14 mpjl do,1 =MmTeo, F Pa em pte If. Qpe mmete,,, Adoîphusteme,ftU=Mua, 1. 1 I ùACIM OF L&»fbem G, = tmi.sttse Gore be:weea lie Town- thipe cf Eruemt Townt &W Ca*"ma Apçly te RICHARD ROIJION JCNmon, M 1Febrssay. 183»,' '1 . 4 ofes on tIs oasi tlBi der it vomt>hq m#eeU»timof Puseomt- tlngiteu. mai' 28, 1 F0RSALE-Let Ne, 17 in tisé Itk cm 2d. au To*g". irm~KIey, »sstidt of July 24tlh, 9i 7ORUALB EIL *AmD imuediale pesesieuitan msesila ce"o«r uaisal pswmnt cclot by, W.. Wilm . oa e, s%= oe fortin ut srlcel uraiI1 ..W. Coust WWy. &*te -org,*bAWoDime 1 5ste :. 5 omdinisUri ~ TRMW 7 .e, TIINU rMIL VA AlFA UBRALOO Z Motel,a"* mteï b bul on hano tlbe ltem$* ment &6be ted atumredo. wbiehbhowMildispmoes tlow " e.ahtoàusproduoe.tM appved eash Baia fi oraver Mugirat, and Uip ping mus becMW 3 d. 192. Selveen Madgas &Livinaon, me = pruin iseTove.ipe% lagmca uoli « bonlielot Septimemat; ad by antnetlCeusent i*s.>'bave atresd lisat ai tice l ior h .>' rna>' yb.indeistedumi pisset tiscl aceoiuncmor bSobre tie lat day of Ital>' naz; ant irieie., tioe vi yu> Se idetite t letienviiipise. cooept1 vilS the mmm., odwrieatic>' va» Se .oui Pdte avae reeoqet 10meua thc>' u.sld vimble aveu. PATI= MADIGAN. JOIMNLWVINON. Kbplei, m v ,uar lm ti~~m IwUs lue b W E tise nnderaigned hclby give pubIs notce,that w. vitii o accontb or Hale es FOR WARDERS or 00MMO! CARRIERS, on thse River FA.Lawrence,for tise hasard Mmd danger ot the navigation bernce.te Montredan md vice ver».. W. promise the public e uemuoy none but sober, experiencei men as aster&sof Our Boule. We vita iltime, wien it ea bdae, effect iamurance on property coaaigned teaua U smrn respectable office, fur atm ae de- livery et Mantreal, sud at the loeeer pic mium ebeb.obtajueti. laucsse s eraDo instructions. are gaver, witS respect to tise &Mount to b. ,aured, on tise diffeueat descriptions cf prûpcrty, w'e mIaIt ramure sucis ufount as w. conce:ve will Le for thse mfey andi interest of the.0w- aers.-The property il l e matis subject te tise premuun paît! for atm iaura nce.-Person, viho conmigu property to us for transports anti abject ta this course, viii immediste1y signify it Ly latter, ia which came tt.ey must con-ider Ibemselves subjcct to ailtihe liahilja ties of tise navigation Louve to Montres i. (Signei) IH. & 8. JONES. JAMNES ICUUTCHOY. lItOKER & HENDEISSON. JOHN lcPH KIISON & Co. Prescott, 22nd March, 182. N. B.-Owners of gootis desirous cf muer- ance aiasi the dangers of tise navgation froin Mfoatreui te Prescott, will direct Mer- chants frem insomthey purchase, ta <ami us, or our agents ina Montreal, wiîh tthe value cf each andi eveîy package. (Signed> JOHN Mcq-IERSON & Cc. ILL- . & JONES. JAMIES %UctUTCHON. ttOOKE & HENDEISSON. Prescatt. 15 Sept.màber, 182P. t .~ A FAR *.aed elh -- ' aum. f acoon * taanmssg USlAcsthecRiver. li esetmffom ci lg u Uee nd Pasr- te, lc u eg ipu psbpofshe autifiar b a 1 ttieselot a0e, vis aa dsn I fahit I is Tmasmer iacln a eusSe Feetcd b tic e ha Thn ern. humtin n extMead. vlScvo bedicaistit enlIAt, e-vldàiyite. alITe- Ont- e.,agodsctsyanti an etigble iii,:- on the-A meriam BM. af tiei&t.Lawieae, At wlilcb poum--othe gamt adimatage ef iaving ligoie. Sbtuien lue markets,,Se- 2ngbut 130 miles fronm bontrel, antiaving r eise ethel ai e b>'laiCego CewatIm eture Muter o"unaiutlio viiiAlbtany simd New-Yomi. Tise gicaier pan rth* pucââ my roumain on ti saecniy of thse Applicabltsios ae te »X $-n&Laon o bclm e L re, Le te eLo-Ase for mae, on vet>' le« terss,1 several loaioi ofcaltivtt ud nvwllaadg, TItee se hiimbte oblate propeit> of tis 1 des, ppurtea lyrtvl io i tenehi iynte P e hbo,*d1he.r Itiisuita 0 bgae, Magct 5h, 82. lare y tME.rs rtseiglin te previses Mm wnaBar Stc tsrene eoing as orh.l, OMMbfe PIn. Tithu er, mat!oier Nv orksu', bic -e mi Chuerai Moteli.l i i KJidnaiton Upper C nad aata'lieO -thLeLa UiDoif~o oda au ml tb a th I 7T 7O sa WULtFli.811D aT mU.mcutpTiON, Prut Poens are on varions subjecîs; av icati> for tise Prom; tand vili be put llbed asmsoon osa Udficient nembeî efaSsi segtheta caube hati, viesae , avM ilt appa ia the Volume as tosqele Litaratare sa eiseurmerao et teuFe.Arts. 'be Bo" vii coûtaisueaneirab« e< naL.of la-s M.ldeead Sotimuage lirel>' eingaa "l evlgAk th béets . am', libton-uetut spsk,ae=tesMoa, U ergmvEsag cW eosaah Peorgn-Laaes heflambask~Ia! Prive v sw a ros per CoIt en01 Smlila atiance, anti remainderocduits e"t 0f the yen. PDu ORnoPE Naît Masaïbar-J -JE v ,Bon heg lfte te isfrm bac Cdens and lb. public, tist mbas commencetin nfatctwing NAILS otaer>' desrtio f s maparîi qeelit>, wvit cisS.uttil for c"a or mppr.vet ilst, asloy as lie>' van Le ob ttined atan>' maufactor>' in the U. Slatem Port Hope, jl>, 1826. Ci AU110N-Tho Submcribers fteiletus te. Pubielagaeratlu pssrcbaaîag Tve Notes Of banti put jeint>' anti Severaiy frant James Hil &a»tiJohn Wyaa le Daniel Maebrit!e etflis.Townsip -et Richmond -Midianti District wviteinotes uum past jr the vinter ef 1827 anti payable tles. prins Iollouing, astis mid tue notes ire peiti. JOHN WYNN. JAMES HILL e Co. Camna Miis 2lt, 18»9. thole baving iisj de. Germn, Esq. lttaof H iîlier, are requstet! teopestent thons tit>'uthsmuicatmti for adi- jutmnent, anti thoeaintibteti te muiti Estate are requestetit-,#maite tmme!imte paymeat to lire subscriber. JOSEPH DORLAND, Millier, 191h an. . Acting Execator. OTCE-Ai parIons having chliaim a- Â luist t 0 Estat ofethe loge johaPai- voit Eteesl Toua, tieceact, brother anti bait ut Imu ef James Parot, Esq. decemet!, Ot ErneatTeun, are Lereb>' requestoitot ment in anitieut ds.laytiraacoaist malen- btS>' YProved, adtIltparsema intiebteal to the caïd Eutate, are nequaed. te maierpy- nemI Ia vtottl>,te le uaistisgned ion PtatCI Daiel Per fl tEsst Town, Exýecutora. lJON PARROl'. 'DÂNIIEL PEReY. Erneit Towa, Jaany 2lm13.. EOTJCE.-The Ssshmcruber. having been diii>'0 appoinested At!mtasqra-tor goetis Estle f tse an iel 1)aver@ i eiti -quee asU parmneantebtet the b.saitlru- tete, go nake immdiale payaieat, ant oa baving demnids, as. herelay desired ti ere- sent lise mn, duly etabeticated fuor 4st menst. RICHIARD DAVERNE, Ja r. Atiminslmtor. Adolphutovi, lIeApril, 183. N OTIE.-AI persn, ar hereybid purcsamiàg a Wran f aifor £17e, beauiagkate tise 2ni day of Jia, 1825, vhacii Note vaivea teo n. loba lhtebese, tbeuremidiag at the RverTuet Tii. undeagne4dneveu isaving raeived valua, conIterait te have beu gveaforan illegal consideration. A. D. CIIISHGLM. River Trent, Sept. 17. 1828& smdiate payment tsi >sid L Thorp, wlo is legally muiborlwt!te recouve the miurn; and &1ILpemshavsgm an«udes alut tise amAtI Etate ie rq dt.iment Oi UM1AX w ï&zî P, Eieutia ELIZARgTA THO, xt' Frederchmburgh, JuIy St,16W9. N TIcE.-The.vsnum bsvang, taen on-ter# of AdmInistration for tihe LIte of tise * 1 DaUeitAIidi, of the. hivnm f 4a stovu b e- persna anleta th tietaeate i mete pyen..and mît hsving any clau gisttund tst e m apent te te t u.crbe s thoticated for pay àMGEJAM At!ophatovn, Augsut 611*, 18e. UjOTfCE.-Tbe subuciesLendu 111 appobsteti Elretora ot the ttWi su'intanent of tise Tate cuasW- a~u ar. la f be Crl .IIèene 't ametitue payasa nti bd spi densmte sunsitishe sità aIa gi tIen forvarti vihaut tI -, - .f«hT. Jfac4g.MrQla. ovzz< IVE4IUELg, 55 sopiiaissgs, 8t an. 1529. N OTWE..-AH permenut "bfsd tle e ommite of NPetrMmm laieoeBath, lie- ehat, are veqetetlsati v ithoul "y madmtldo lhiemoectvcemmsandlbeoe bSétlng tilnsdethiemid latoteWin ptem ERRECA R m atig Eatics*i Molli,"Apof titi, 1 ntaameth loge ti.wIUaSC. gofe tise Tovnsbtjsa evit. f doe.de bu te te m e une py oî ~vv~ Wl,. !ýl - ý.M m=mm ' NSELI5R » Y ACT or paaRlIANEN, sa CAPIAL-TWO MILLONS SrTiLiNG. '18 HEAan tte i.ab orCopaary for 3d teCanada arem tbrimmt te nesati- a- sie Pelades of ULio umace Iote .aent of .1 £5000 sterling oaaglee té. bd Life Assurance havlag beu long mince comidereti a dty by the. peater part of tise p- Populatton 0f Oriat Brtmt, and iaviag lat- tonly beau mach adoptet in the. Colonies, It lai unneemMy te estiarg on its adrantagés * s= gepAoiation, tbroagh tii. A- neRera tise iniabitant, of Canada, avnaeof s paricipation in the pro- re fite of an estaisedl oason Office, visose1 - basinen ila go extensiv msto gras atthelise- - pectation tuat they *51 be consitierable. gr No charge for admajon beyond the Pro 4l "mandat!Poticy Stan?;ad every inifor- -k nation réapectingtise mode of eff*ctiDU ln-1 eb garance. m"y liobtaaind latter, or Ly . prosapcto teMessie. Tisomnas ikot& aVo., the Agente at Quebec; t- D. C. Napier, Esq. Meutteal, or ta tise tiadetrin-1 ed et Kigaton, of aisons Propectuse vith tiselRates,, &c. may 4. obtainet! gratis. H. SMITH. Kingston, 24t5 March, 1830. 4* os C Asthm .mes, and Connapsiong. T EPubrlise are respectml inforused ~that ANDERSON'ýS COUGH DROps and gECTORAL POWDERS sa preptd hy amo.iMollen, & Co. bave lion mn ex- -tenstr ouse fur 10 jeara Paut, prove thots- amlvom te leeoue cf tise mat vatuable rse- Sditses aer yt dlaoveret!, for tise cure cf4 b C uh, Cid anti otisor affections of tise bêsud lage leading te Cosomuptions.1 his ave ezperienced tise happy ef- foctmoftbaeHeui* Bsleanadmanyoeftise1 ebigiemt repebbility hve voluntsrity gir-5 0en tertificates, orne f visich is viiaccons-1 pay eaeis Bottie, tisat grill stislfy every un-1 1prejudiceti mid that tise mes: extraordiaa. iry anti unexpectet! cures have been perforai- et iy thse uneof this medicine in cages cf long tnding, ianvisicis ethiar medicine isati *produceti no favourabto effectm, andi vis. e tise mos% skijiful Physaciens ad tigiven f thos up as hopetes. It la aot pretendeti9 that tisey sre an lrfallible cure tnalal casem, but of sncb mi are incurable, tiser. are but few cimes of Cougi or even aeatod Con- lmrptîoln but msy Le relieveti bya timely 1use of Ibis Hsaling balsam. Uvi Dollar -Bottie centaine about 70 doges, visicis prevea 5thoras te Le a ciseap Medicine consideiîigb tisheir vîrtues. Te New CertIflccies.a TaJmsMci, llude" , N. Y. Ia ties ping cf 1818, Mr. Eteazer Harris, sl mainlavery indigent circurnstanceg, andi hoe hati la eureti for me occcsionally for more tisan s year, was vlently seized i vti an affection cf tise loags, accomepanied by a c 1tight dry ceugi, frequently unable te raime1 *Dy tiîg for nearly saif an isour,and tison, " momt commanly, bloti. Hlm coug is ao me severe anti incessant, tisatIis oca Lucasse 8 mach enaciateti, bis eyea glausy, ant isl stie l ath 1hm ta that dege. tisat tasgras L nsil qgbe te labeur. Cempamgionatang a bis situation, a frienti of mine enti myeif II goened for hi. Ont bottin of Andersoa% oAb,>psbythe ssiuetf vith iab-ut three ueeksa e y astoniaient) he as gmo fer ro«OW go as o e aile te perfora sies ua- it labour. GAIUSSTEBIN& bi HIllmae, Fais. 19,18l8.y I Robsert I&sney,, ofRociemee, Monroe Ceuniy, N. Y. do lsereby certify thet fa! a Ion gtame I gram en ded by aus mffecton ofthelang., attendeti vils pain in tise brei, S diffculty cf breathing, foc tisat my lite vu l despired of anti givets up ne incurable by' aB cenucil cf Bye Pisysicians, bat by tise arivice cf Dot. G. Hitchscoc, cf Rocisemter, vis int!uoedtt mate trial cf yeuî Ant!erson'a Ceugis Drops, anti b>' sing cae botten vas rstoredt teperfect bealtis. 1 vould tiser- foa" recomenti aIlthome afflictet! vitis as minlmr cer p liant, te maie nueOf tise tome di rasait!>, as 1 am perfectljy mtfrfseti tut Ilsa- & seli my lite. ROBERT KIDNEY. 4 Rochester, March 11, 182.L CAUTION., DRM'ARE 0Fv 00UNTERpErM R Evee7 Porcisese wbo value.sisealtismustmI be perectu. animoe tisat tise bottes mi en staMped in tise g lUANDEIOr'S COSYGH t De, PrePmret! iy . MELLEN, ati that 51 tis dreciou ie igtsed sÂ's xELLzN- .yr Bd cifslandI examinle heforyon permienne, f< go thoraetire tgre, purions kins inlamarket. 'c TH£ GENSINS rtes 5ALE »Y E SLIE, & SONS, and . HEATH, Kingston. OLD KINqGS HECAD. C 4T SQU «AàRE, BToN. C< J AMS A. SMITH, hepa lesve to in-L W , fortsbifriendsmand the Public, thlsieana bus untiertakrea lis.above Establisment, i frnetYkept insucis iigis ieputation b>' Mr. en G«o. ilImrard, decosset!, and uhicis bacou- iently hopos te maintala. Tîavellegns>'y be suered aiofiat!îng,&A canal,severy comfort asud accomodation, on tise mcmi reasonable toeus Kingston, Match 13, 1830. N. 8.-A &e-respectable boartieracam l'e me iat.d. huw à- cfm a 0 I~UOR 54K.L-L.t Mc 2, tIti epaçudop ~ ofBoslord uithlst5 ~Ais~s ~qstwua.~ 47157 LII '%VAlIEHOUSING, FORWARDIN( ANI) COMMISSION BUSINESS.- Tise Subicriber rctpectfully inform tise put lic, tisat bc bas takea a leste cf tisat lait Storehonaseanti Wharf, ia tiisTown recenl 1>' occupieti by -Messrs. bMcCutchotn &-Cross man, waiere ise intenta ta carry on tisea Love business; and yul leb reati>'ait theo peaing ef the navigation te receiTe ati f.,z yard Goeuts, Pretince, &~c. foc. te an>' Po it ie Canadas. Hewtili attuys bave lais ssnptoy sea-werty borts navigatet! by cars ful ati experieaced buatmen, ati bis chsa ges for transport vili Le as low eatihs nt sny sunilar etabishiment in tise Proviace Tise subscraber wiii alto pay ever>' atteatio, tu tise disposing of prepea t>' tisaI mu Le en trusted te bis care,agreeabtv te insitracticins ARCH'D IbcDONELL. Kingston, 14tis Matchs, 1828. 0ý Reference mi>' Le made te John Kir Lv sud Joba MacanialEsquires. Kingston anti Robert Stanton, sq. York. TO MJECHANTS &c. TlRE subscriber respsrtfully apprise! .UMercbaats ati Dealers in Produis ii U. C. tisat fron tise encouragement ho is reivet inaismcapacitycf an Agent ting tis last year. Se is int!nredtlecontitiue tisat isusi aess in mil ils branches. At tise open ing c tise navigation be vilILecprepareti te treti and i îspase ot an>' quantit>' of produce tis, may l'e conaignet te Lins, anti ordera toi o, ef any description reqalie! for tise U .Trade s$hall Le ezecutei witb pupetuality anti vit lhe mcml mrrutiaizing regard foi tise iaterests ofpeftonsmplnyincbim--anf ta>' other business conidet is i cure sSii: reccive tise mont scrupuleux attentioa.-Hii charges, visics mie extiemely moderai e, vil be lb. maine am exprenet!ilabismciicuîpssiî yomî. CHTAS. M177LEBEBGER. Moatreal, 19th Marcis, 1829. M ARINE INSURANCE.-Tse sabscri ber vii lefectI lasurace on Cargo. iShipped in Steans Bouts ait tus Poil, priti legeti te Le resisippeti nt Prescett in DansaI Boats for Moatreat JOHN G. PARKER.J Agent Protection Insuirance Ci K iagton, 1April 141h, 182. JOHN G. PARKER, bas for maie, 5 Test amortetlIrn anti Steel, 50 CoUs cf Cet- tmg.e, anti White RopePatent Ptonghg, 50 Boxs.Wicdew Glass, 15 kegm Nsib, 4 bales Cotton Yarn, Sole and Uppéi leather, Caîf, sud SLeep Skias; Candis Wiching, Batting-20 kegs Tobscco, Scotch Rappee, at! Maccoba>' SNUFF-Cokssg Furnaces for famitieq, at rm. 6d. te 10s. 6d. eacS-fine Speins. Larnp Oi, Lump Glasi is-Paints and OiI-Dye Stufl'-Powdr, lsho--Wbottsela Tmr, Retan, Pibct.-A vie- y generil mortna of Dry Gonds,msuitabe for the Soaon.-Grociien, Cicier, & fc. cash paiti for Wbeat, Fleur, Pori ati pet- lse..JOHN G. PARlER (JH AM aid the' lseubscriber,snt bis Brew- ery, ef Bafley, Hcpa, Cortivoot!, Char. comi. Alm,at hie Diot Iier>' for lye, Inil Corn, OuI., Oxea, f&c. Anti ias fer mals,, Walsnt, Cherry, anti Pine Boards, Pigni and Scautlint', Li.tbg, Charcoal, &oc. Anti Distilers van Le mupplieti vils Cepper BMll e, Worms, Hope anti Malt. THOMAS MOLSOI. Kingston, lm1 Nov. 1828. SDOA» NUCAriULE MANIY5ACmOrY. alyly f Dip'd andi MoidU CANDAT Whie 190 OimBar S(LIP, et the eait qualit>', viicsh fise rsa mle ilTe- dacet pruces, b>' uholmmie oui,. Merchanta lin Kingstona vlimg to, puis- C'aîe harue qumnbîties for remdy oa4 r shait apprevetil redit, <n eausappl4ista sster prices thatey eau pogmiuil>'procur thems aitfronthe United Sates, or ney eter patrt ftise voiid.-Candki vateetTOsIos THOMAS ED. X IL. CWM Pidt al dl.eerr,«,.. .IOW. Kigtsa, l4Jnuar', 830 4ND il e palihed ti la e eo 06preisatyex . Sp; .eaMalmia gsnet WWhIMY. e m" da" aiiwy sla g:ssm~.of th PreVisceet Uppu isadp, aIopue. lud tic m.cu.ity et siaganesi tecks Of lits nue, ebosalui s fr- Te whlb *are sd, »st iTaet Te W"ns tGspi, hât te "dAumm Br.mnee*eiotimbà iN ne Of T"sEICýADACOPsIPAMy have( )n lieus lite isantreti tiscîsatiactes ci L Fe of thse filowing description. Fe Tirai, rwvaReserves; being r.. ,f. , V_ Acrea eaci; scaîleet hrcuut tb le te Townshsip% cf tise Province. ý: rSecond, Blet-km cf L.and; of, from jîO0 ,a40,000 acres; tisse ors attuatetlinlutL, Tel, lr ahipe of tise Western ')'stricts, ant in Ie ýt Townshsip of Wiimcet, iunlie Gore t ct [.Tisirti, a Tova andi Tovtîsiitp ,; 5 Gsuelph in lthe Gae District, in ah,-l>Iltu are already nziteacs 8<Sel&tiere; wual, hr eve>' ini c Ictismea anti mechaîjes. T *veia, Stores, Scisool., 5mw b51,,&4C. ina Gris: Mill is in progreas. Thts ii adutîr,. bie location for settleras witi ai capit1k r- au lmbarers ant i ervants are easily prc,: in bLe; anti loti, parti>' improved, Caui b,,),, r- cisasedti areasonable price. il Four(is, Tise H uron 1'errituj5.; cCr1; Re on. milicr., onc bundret LIhoujedt I tes saI of a triangle, lise Lba t, 1,1 àlrt5de cr siut>' iles, on tise batik of 1Li, The Town of Goterici baishbe en. mesacetion tl ise au-of aise harior, i-tnt-mj by lise confluence of tise river- SIial ad lthe Lake; ati as a rosti] ilaireatiy cut ,t t,e Gare Diptrict; ,and anoliser ilain progre, [ thse Lntion District, il isas aireatiy bt-t,,,,e the centre of Sottieent. Tiseroare ar, dymaboust S0insabitanti la tise Iurie tat, t- - Sa Mil isincperation-a Git a I;l building; anti seviirai livers aid t orre, h.ec,- * een estaislislied; and! a Brewer>' ast i, leri are in progres. r-Tise Landil atmitte! on ailliha nd. , tbc requal te anit h ie Province; il rlt- 1 lime, ant i ling stone; brick enuit, ' peitera dlay, ia abiuadance; anthie pr 'daîr r-oftise country rcal le carnetatemarkt b v vaser, tisieugs Lake Huron, b>' tIhe rver Sij Clair, ta tise Laktes Erie, andtiario, ailj the river St. Lawrence> te Montre-îaa'%, *Quebec. AGIENTS. Johns Davidmori, Emiq. Queber. Hart, Logan& o . Monîrtal Charbest SIerlif, Esq.r ChaIs. P. Treaàw.v,, Eq. Loagual AIex. Fraser, D. . Perth. James Saona, tteq. Kingtona n AlliaéMrPisersou' Esq. Napait-. > James H. Samsi, EFtj. flttlle. e Jamtes(;. Balbutie, Esq. Couimg James KeiL>', Emq. Fuit uEr Joisn McFarlane, Estj. Altitoro.' e Francis Baby, Esq. Satîdéica York, 24tis April, 18. Ans Etccfron tihe Regiultttns o ef ut Canada Coltege. T «IdCollage Quarters are erdtee as fol Firut Quarter Legins îmmediatelysfter lte Christmas vacation, about thse 4th f Jantla r>', anti cati on thse 2Otis cf March. - Second Quartier Legias on tise 20)îS Marda. anti onde on tLe 1011 June. Tisirti Quarter begina on tise ltLilune ati end@lit tise ccmmencement cf the Suis mer vacation aboeut tise ICti cf August. FeuilS Quarter begina immeduatel> atier tise sommer vacation, %bout thee lit Ocîrber, anti enta ai tise commencement of tLe Christ- mas vacation, abount tise 21et December. At wuhatever pern o either et thse aboie quîrters a scisolis aadmittet! loa e sCol. lega or prepariicry àsýhootie tissdes for in- s1truction are payable fions tbe beginning ti tisaI quarter. 1 GEORGE H. MARELAND EDUCATIQNV. 'IHE Pubie arereapcttuly.informetuii LThe Acadean' t a Lls, under tis uper- iatamt!eiof ethie Rev. 3. Stougston, ilsnoir reopeneti, fur aise recaptien et Papils, aster ver>' peculiar ativantages. Mi. Shsirley', an experienceti EngliaisTeucher, bas beca et- gagtil as an Assistant; and tise tuition freet for tise Englias departinent, ha-o L een cot- sitierbtyretuceti. Pupils van ticaccorneo- date viis board e antiictng, la respectable familles on very cnodierate teirea. Referetre as ta the abiltlies, of lie.Assistent -the sysi os of Lsti« & c. 4-c. ma>' Le matie telise Vanrie mble thse Aichdetcen of Kingston, vrbo Sam rocentiy visiteti anti examneth ie Scisoel.- Tise fane an<Lbealtiy situation efthe village et Bath m eesi ne reconneniation. TuaITON tirs. Spalliag, Readinag, Wiing, Arllbuetic. Englasb Gr-qmmar, Geogrups>, Cuith tht luse cf tise Globes) Ancien: andl Modern Mult>'.-- - - - ------£2 0' Mssbiemsties---- - - - - - - 4 O Latinaend Gieek - -- - -- --6 oü Kingmton, Jniy 2815, 1829. ~ONSIEUR J1. DE LANHA YE, Fronch Mi Mser la Upper Comis Cellege, e tableshed ait Yorkvitib.preparedt te r- etve Bomudera et tse4bJ an uuisryext. .. Tise teemgo, are iC inclutib due. of tise File Seior Scholarm--£41 par annt. P"me l te pre. 35 do. M. DiLa Haye. a native of Franc e,h as lie"s a Cellideraible limsem Teacher in Parie, ami wu aengagad ln a largo Scheeol ar Londion, turing Ibelmat tour >'etsr. M»is Papila vil havue tise mdvaisge cf Prends Converasaon, etil fhiemt uperin- tcenn iteu cbmca tudiee. Yark, lSth Dec , 1%29. TA£ IHURAILD Tbqmm%4efflffl m »PsmmmsGrnm.e5. kstsa T.mm -r«" us psr. pastm) wsitie unPa!sPla5iumes.- mipe *sria~aso.tam.d usil u551 eam4UISbqss.e*mtis "60r - 1 .i« . 1, - 1 .1, 1- 1 . 1 'L - 1 - 1 UN No égi lit-