Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 28 Jul 1830, p. 4

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ami elugdesous IeSho temsbub hme A.luuvawuesdmi os Coa"". ~ Md pmpetmmdite.po. pissorm iEl tbe mam~ntm1 Klnto0 egi1»,L O blid <bu day, ua.= ;,.hs.t t mw» rsmovd thet cibm woMat "badi, d" emai. hle*M ,Mallb. mdo pay ablet b. rebbtfoir= »MI bam be s ift. Tdap paifrmee&w di&«e"o O. bo0"d. Poenoumlt, ofmgB. 0 litia i~1.mt.-Aaepfeu . du, thu e . mit L.~Lo8Ne. 30md uw e te. taiauagn M Au.. d amist ai Id b land i outa e 0 e'CoWe mi i4 M comamb a ptbgdeb'i< US alsaet fid Creel, S belm doal etuat" fur thbe jo tai AàIete bu h made to Mr lbeElba.two a&s joining, or te b. e pltr a et ipe. lown. JRUTHURA LAN. March 11<14890. WIL.lND CANiA NOTwgAvin ibat liemWàs' sage of Yeus&M OlarlwES. aes Ontario. By onde, of" lMh i«fBaamtu J. ELAMOS.y WeIlmndeaiual9619 st Catho"m i, ov. 31 1. 3 it SALE. 3DousLx CcAnzsue limoau, 2 Spianinglîamys,ý Il Biy, 2 loIsers dog Maibia., J " Se a mi o, 500 Ibe. Fine beps Wo.l Dy i AUAT Kilugoe, 2MthAprl. 18. VALUABLE POUtY FOR taLE &un swhseia "d - .orde odusira -. fmMm asltpmémes,, u ia<iba Fmoitisas eppDta a X«LUiwmau Ralmm fllm, lUt. *MY ¶~HEUssulbob.omgaueobg c0tm ,n ueIbéé It o b p prie w5hmt Ibiaad fe u -71 - or. King5., hue 5Of WAMk-4 ouah MW" Wb-. 1V11,o11blà 0 IB.515.buWS gos sillflIu. smuu.tabu .,ad' 'Eni,,e alOi u - 55W <IeIlI..<b1imhr, bét lm& Créet mbubdb tMoW &a <upO~MO&u.m. O e Oei sms bi= s S.. M ia- O.is wuathe Lbh*N. Il Md 220at ce& et the, he tuil Ige leme= ri tb.oh bslde No. il i th$ h e la. th& e.f 1910 i .1 Lsatem~; m r,1 eiLot1, "tbomu., th* tb. belm=a, Weiluwm, « muenmt »'h: i --- dpemCo LaipaC &à.ft, r*i, leu Lt le «à doMem db de d 100 Fer em mppy t U.C ?b mp.q. # s-ws Ye Mnt5Ur&KQ r< 004 OrVoltb.w wum U.o w Imm tbae <ola"M .bu blienda mu zb.publie, te.t b.baicooumscuilma- ab"ht nMIL8 oevoey dahaooel f a op aui1, golity. mbleh i mlS fit c or - m -",v bise. l m sey can a b- tmmet smy msfaeterinmb. IU. hales (J. Pmoblie Peulal purebaiog w Nées..of band t Jolmly m4»4 s"Mvel Ire, la.mà mft'.d loba Wyu tena Mica<aeft ba rowmbwhietifRieb.endý DîstictmWSh iota. vu.ma in wb ithe, eum f 1 M i paosble elng libovig, se.mml »tAm paiiipe. CWB". mst 150 nre reotted e Mal uediu e st t. e. sose"ibor r iOTCE-A peessneb.vlng cia.. s- 1.~ glante*of.te laI. îohm Par- troi f&t$TOWU aitcsmd, broea" b.j At amo lefIane Prrt. ig iesiea or zumeor 'Dsm uae b.anyrqaagate esciiavltlbou "dIm Ueucmuj.gu. Paroi mmi D, A&isPerry efinsi l, NOTWXO e .-IsSuoeriber Isavit au Lit ie.laelauslllaa .odomsosm requiN mel psrsm Sla e lb.91 o:iiE]w tent &= de-y suto smkaed e ri-m Ment. N.ÀIURJDAVEMYEJJar. Adolphautamu lit A"Q lm.1830 ~bi valss ù" cei weu ltite Oé ob peroegeIlnte htsite <b 'r1ekmhs -1";; siame Wi th nse c aseqit4 0Po",mtbeur teceuta âc wn ý P* am soe fi'v - Il Maint'.. O~i t. e. b.ut diloy iaaitbem VIlIpleus' Mite,. aEu~fa usottbm fo UN5 UV ", d t. W 'AIMÂDA IIIMR aw*&Lrseiav ACT Or PA 90 Am*T-Two iLju bd --- ll usauthorse tatwPlu.piLlsIrlrne1 id Amurmme ba Y ing hi p- swwoe.eyl in ea Th.le Assocition, <ha toon.M-ttheil.lubelbitant the dwatop f apsrticbeieio feIllm of mu ooetbbeiLoodon( bedu.. isse stosivo oewa -poctmliee lIa o <hp mii . e a ar N. ehofli Raedmindon ley alosM MW Prly Slmp; and m»SMryu b. alod L S=1applicaon le »feu en Ita lCe., teAgets at Quel Nopier, Ee. Mereal, or te th 0etMimtionle, of vom Pros" te l£ta, lic.may be obtaned Keoo,24b1 Mrd, 18%. Ceait hm.aI CM. andi PECTORAL POWDKRI by la... Mollet, JA C.have le tetvam fOer lor alt, w uvu e b en 0 he omItva ldis user yst dmade, fer1 Cagi, Cclii is udether afeai leett ansiLMlons ding te Cl bfo thiifbsauagDLsand igmihe rosp.ctbiltyha volu un, ertiflcates, casecf vwa'eh ;piuy.ech Boutle, <bat mili samli p1euliceS uindai thelb.mout ry and anexpoctesi cures have be cd by e.me .1 Ibis medicine long staning, in vIsicIs cber Si producesi ne Ibvoale effects, th. MM il limlapiysiciatas eup s baeées. lssin o tisaI <beyre anhinfailible cur. bat 0I sncb - areincurable, t feu, Camsof Cag.or oven11 sompns -but mely ha nelievesit lsm of this Healing bhein. Boltle couteas about JOdose, wa th.m loebe a chap MedicineC thoir virtues. NMm Cor-lfacaie. TeIm oXiée, lHsdoo IV.Y. la te "raofai1818, 1fr. Eho .bo be aboreaigfor me ocram mer thon a year, tmmi violeusay0 an affection of theolupg, eccomp ilgt dry cengb, ftequanly a any tbing for arlp baf an boan moi cemmouly, blos.heCo, a"ee mdinceust, Ihat hao$s umcb~ ~ Id Omyatm, isep glas. p *ibi frle , ba d t. CeagI Dropi, by thleof if ml Air roieri an etu b. able t.ed i labour. GAJUI U1' HIisxaïe, F.K , 19. 1 Robert E1"syof LOcISS CeunIy N. Y do Ue.y certify lolog lim Iumes aarueddby oft h. lagsateudoalith peail i iiuty of bmmlhng, lic <ata eipmeof aidgivea op Sincal eguncil of fIve Physiciens, but by ofl Deet. G. 1iich o f lad inducesi temeltrialof yeurJ Cough Dropt, and by urang ont rostoreai te perfect boel I m fore reomesmn aitIlthon.amie .1.11mw compmint, temake ume of n.sedy,eSl1 m perfec saisâe Mmb i~ iarl, 18oft CÂ2TTON. BEWARE OF COLT.NTEA Ev., purcbaser miso values bc <e piuasr. "d smu tisat te the dkim en SlnodJAIS a Mdafe#ls mifl befm otep Ma bu am e l* apuriensoeiniS "U a mas"a08SALi Kim T-AMA . U mam.bw es 155 Uaertae laie rebuvo lI bIsaulybsat et, Tia mdms.omoafleebse e. a. bsea ("hgstcn, Msvu= Saelbd d" in bit saeur. Alb i', eomadatsd PVMIC Na TICà litecemdty gt..uS<o di taniamgba il fig ba "n Iltih IL-i4w %Bdhli > *MR $t*iere *1 aemo.. e.eii 'n-ut. 'I -s -& t ai.. l A PiAIMuCAM#E te on &t. Laummooio diLASUUe haad ami danger 0f tUs.-navigation l;Erum4U.Lbanae t real and vice veu. e Copuybr Wepromisathse Public ta10 misee Co e aiv bu Wmurexperuerarmi mou e asbm seeOf md ~ ~ ~ ie te egi-be sb an long dom ufect lumrm on property coniigmed te n ter part of te.wtmm respectale e ffici, f« ils ssaide- nd= ivery et Montreel, and a et h.v.g tpro- be Ci.senn te lub htdued. it, adv,amiaplaus wa borseu n sitructi... mau give, twithlspaect te lb. a.oont te be lm.onree ro g i Usas à - th difaant e as isea Of pro post3, me e Of CU&aboelimîinîtaro oacIamusent -ameOre ouiv un laC, U miii b. fr e@ fety ami intestet theb. w-à OEffce, mbuso ers-nuiproperty wMilb. madoemieÉtte1 raithtalims.Ue preiniolît idfoum ionzsc- rsn, imiderable. Wbo cenigu progmrty te.sa for traefrasor ond lb. Pmn ebjett t lb.coubs, mail iumedaeteiy d oegey hsfor sagnafyi l by latter, in mhliébcas eymine 1 r lcling lu-- msder tbe.ol.omenitictte al te. tii. loetegr by "of avigati e m ta troal. bec, t- R C. JAMES UtCUTCUN. a b e JOHNdorsiçn- & C. G le- emah Preecott, 22mai iMrcIm12. d Zlas N. -Omners of goeds desirotu.ffilutr- OMTS maan fluothlb.dangrs Of lb. mivigation l fro, zntnoal ta Prescott, miii direct XMer- sa.ptiees. chante rb ie ou<bey purchasse, lteSario Ilnfr UI S, or ontrCogelin Motsel, wmilste. vaine a rnosaofeacis and every Packae.e s mt propaeai <igaed> JOUN iHelsON & ce. froiu exs- H. k S. 905gB. daere acSa- HOOU5&UENDEUSON. Ibm cue cf 15 Septmer, . I e Wis fts jAREHOUSING, FORWABDIINGt aneamuti AN. D COMMISSON BUSJN1SG- 11e happa of The Subecriber---spetfbuoli Sa er.. b. nb d esnY Wthe lisetha ub hata liaseuo f <bai large e anlrl <m- sorouaa aidWharf, in Ibis Toms receet- miSace>nu- 1 Occupiosi NMure. IfeCuteien 4. cc.- isfy everyun- man, mro e OLintendulte carry aon thea- extrmazbne- boy. basin..s; a i mlibuorady Iust - Poule pefa-p nof tb. navigation to remiseam adifor- 1l 'n cmsof yard GJoode, Prodicc. i& lic. to My port ..s.cineaduiniboCam a. Hemlmlmysbvinbie "noa mere euploy see-morty borts mvigatiai by cage- had Svsn fui and exporinaoed bosamen sied baschar IP Mu preteid g.. for trasport wil b. as Loy as Uhossf.1 1bi al e4mS, sny iimilar estslisbmsent iu the Province.w boerear -bat Tise ubrihar iilso pey eviry Mle ,toC seatd ton- tua dispoàoi f propest tbatay b. in- by a t*OIY trnsted le lie car, ssabeecly te ionstro. EscI ~iisrARCH'D McDO0NELL. rhcpv.Kinuson, 4Us.Mfarch 18». eossiRoug mm ay b Made<oaJohn Kir- bv saed John mae»mmaire,Kingtoas, asd Robert Staulon, t.Yrk. 050 r ne, =u M ICAlmiler5<. lanoe Hn ICH enocribewsslai~pre ieudns] for i T erdhante miDmee uPouein 100 oawith U. C. tia saith.e. eC.ament ho. e.- peau1 by a ceavedia hi c"pctyoau Aient daring the s lesat yem,h. iesammied<eoaetimue tint ha- 0005 caun 211l Se branches. At te. opoing of 1002 5mo be navigation he mil be prporod teoicervo Oou lmnsandl diepmoif mny quamtof aprodoce tisai SMay h. emeig4um te his, mtedsra 11fer A folr à of Myichdestrionrequarei for thse U. wad w5 t thsoe OOL *Mod t ei orf bnotheoemol~e roccXa i Cro Imise 18y90."54votka- an M ARINE INSURANZCE T,..b mci. n IIbu r miet= suseacou C-argoo <j M wuShppdilSe Steaa Bute aet<b"sPort, privi- a, e S y eged te lureeipei agtpgetenliarba.m M 'ye -e omie foc Moentromi JOHN G PARKER niAgent Protection laance &eQI, leb e Kingston, Apihi,1L ICI 31ds ro- g icted tia T OH N G. PARKER, Ibsaifr "i, T es ta )f hs -Me W asrtedlron and âte<l 0 Ce"laof Cor- id l Ots- dage, anal Wiiti e 'Nient Plngh SDN Y. 60 EeoeWindom Gt.., 8lesN.ilaP 4 halos Cotton Vara, soeMd. Up Lether, Calf, &M a ShoSkia.; leandi iilputRappeea"mm Meeoe ur-Cmki gva bettil ar unc.for lommie, s fi . .te le&i. N. *sCGEeaeb- fin Spr.. 'LOÙ iLéa1 Gis. r,' am tba.g as-Pbant sumd ORl"-y IWrme eEiN-Sht-30 barrele Tar, EReka. PllcIs-A&. dé e na p as, ri gea moetmma ofDry Goeds, saitabls dut a ma. fer te.nseu.-Grosues r o$N cekey, lmc.lu a aj camb tefigWbaa<, Fleui, PesI mi pet- s (JcAfflcjobyisu bf1ewtiskem.9 »Vms Wf. Ce cla, iOMssM. ad bbuu le , ic, ho t b enat ' Ch"r, ma113 b..ph gsje, PU en ski . "d Malt. telit. inglutec»10 wuNov 190, ftassi~Ms* - 'O N le a u AD àna -"cxr Tr ' s a h e i b r i s- e s u e l y m m o- . .>~ ~ ~~m semlirbg. do Nbait eut 41slorpar lott i e7-1 - Ch ao mr i d 1 e tay «M 9S69ma j Min ab 0W am gemmm Jnb LO la liéet STO. SLL Iwgp1 ENc lie 6iv. bndred tbcnsand acres oýf La, af thefollowing description. Pire, Ctama. Roera..; beig Los i 2 Acreacacl; scattaeod tbrOughü,,th, i d Townabipi of tbe Province. Seccmd, Blet-km of Lmnd; of, from '1%, t 40.O0Cacrm; lbm .are 'ituated int , r ships of the W estern Dis ,ricts Tewsebip of Wimot, it an 1h d e Da TiSiaàTown mad TownshipDotrr4k Gueiph in ate Gare Ditrct i ib, e &Ire à àemY neariY 800 Setliers; with * eVor kindOf adestisnand imecbani,,. v ea s S to res, S ce o il 8 w ii , . Griot mil à lu proJ mss.This ila a, hie location for sot n wim ni lair sa leborers and servants are easîily pr,,u bie; and lots, pmrtly improvod, can be un' cbased eatm ressenebbe i. M Fnusib, The Huron rrriiory;cttii Mas mhLlicu, onaishusadreaithouýdacel the ab" fa triaitpIe. the base rsigf r. Oif 'lily maies, On the bsack fai The TOIM of Goderich ha# been ~ mencied on the <aie of lbheiarbor, fo s', by t e coelluence f lb.riv er I mlai e d, lise Lako; sud as a road i3 atready cut to th& Gort Districr; and another i. in. progren ta the Landes District, it a allieady berra. the combe ofilettlesant. Thtre are ýM dy &bout 650 inhabitanto an the Huroni aract --t SisirMii b in o0eration-a Gant Nu building; mmd svra avr nds eh,,$ been istablisbeai; and a Brer'eryadDii W =1 ited O allbands ta 1< 0oa toam»y in the Province; it producu lie, mmd bun lgsone; brick earib ami pottees day, an abundmance; and the prod., of Use cousry enu biecarried te om.cks<by water, <brongi LakLo Huron, byr be river8t, Clair, te tbe Lakes Erie, and O. trio aMda the river St. Lawrence, t lu loftraiCru AGENTS. 3ohn Davads.n, Esq. Q-iebec. Hart, Lagka Con. Mouctrai. Chsarles Oaeriff, Eq. or ) Otaa Robert SbmnSD Es.~ ta Cbh.P. Trsmdwe.s. Losnoia, Aloi. Fess En . Prit Jae"amen h. Kingtn. Allau MePhomeen' Eq. Napare. la.. H. Samson, Eaq. lielicille. les ... G.biune, Esj. Cobo-ir. Jamais Kerby, Mail. Fort Erie. John KcFaolane. Esq. ldboro.' Francis Bmby, Dq .Sanadwich. Ais EdMsctfroas Me Regl.wasof Ciss o lkCoIgs. T'IgeoneeQuaters are red FlrsQnaetogiinsamedisîeiyafier' Cbiltwm vacation, about te ah of .12 y, amd onde on the Utlmof lrrh. Secocid Quartier bohieon the20th Match, ad euds eoth lls Jue. Third Qurtes begins on tb. lOta Jas udendo et the commencement of theasSac. met vmaion, about IbhelOtis of Augual Feaaetb Quarter begias immediately aftat the somme vacation;, about thelIst Otahbu a" endsiet lie commencement of tbhe(JbrSi mm vaa about te uitDecenlier. At miatevepoiical et mither eof<h. aboie quartiersa eoie u-lsaistedi nt eboal lios 0r prepamaey hobisdue§ for in. rthio are payable *fe mbeginaing0 GUORGU HIL MARKLAND toenaof a. 1. . sleugbtoe, i. Mf9nisd, for e remeopieuof Ppis, l'r pecmlsr advaan<g... r.Shirley, ungS~d Enlioleh erbas baes cr u" <si ultÉ; Mmd the tujîbos rIhe Englioh depotlent, have be m mi lsu d gi g in respecta .111.. en Mw.ryods a erm. lRe te Md. .1*41.4 f Ms .de1.W ,-Ua"e Q ubUsm te. #& ml b. mmdis t lb. Vs *61k AbbeoMdu Klse, Who b unedywba* d Ma the cho.L khisam bomlbyslauaaienofthe Vi f tI ssiud es»offsaudation t Wn UISY5om rige. lgiiGsmG eograph44 = ty, (arilh me et te ab"e>Am nt and M -24 0 Joq . Va -LA HAMYE, tabbulA et l, iib.pregared ta<t e. taia uecCemersti "d oi f bis Up U nesu-fit tb.IçkwJSau" x»ç lU* LD ~a - 1 1 ta -ji -1. .11 ,ýALD*'

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