M"m MONortm1t 10t z utismaifoat tisels.W" pie tutlg at omS uimt qecàw *u t lui auaeeli enugl69 iKa termte i loi tiat ie eK vntaoa.6im ~ ik keamvhila«fdc1aroaremo1rese a damW.eei e amiin lsee adii ti bom;:oo»t &oabn*peeawg- amie, irilmi 0-Oum* ta lai Puamco te au" titisegvamm lh eeilepvoy <i * gP&lp al <o oeartoospily rocuvel Iy the Of g aEg- glati 1aid,an t bt*emume tisailthe moW ai d of bingin EfflS evpa, or wm ealb.(r' nmlý eynwel!u 'yEniedu-aal Ro oe beamoeeili a.Caie d Prtee.mmaae letraiwem '1 bebdboom taoexamine tissu.- w t Iliize s an ordoaafftcq di tke Kng tmauh- ~ ~~Frencaaea Mautist the b. 1w hu llaei matiSudte 0 çnu ,Vin elt i !k faubo iiu-V le_~ei,.ahd*--- Ts .11k. litai- adoa anti t veo oI.lai-euîm b ben bdin h. ya~ta er, aig »Min en« c( ;tw:itwrý»R m . :. la l* i ulleity etr ubteitheGo inteate ab043'*i sus b.cauuogcka ba<, aod may - yeeiniay itia ci Ibis sb~il e. claeeee.oe via. . eof"g tId e cuniaf dl bS the ot giu odwe.l A.-vut"atrmeold «M it blk.IS1*0 daa( tid, lite, &tvot**m ~ad»mfeie. - Vis "va (ými- huêel*«*ftk lme00- *l Im. in itwlg tis enttgi-. i-bytis esnpiam wuldmuais.you o têeo. pauaaaeduetb.. isI t~beliee,- con- mnod -t.t Dot p 1 tin ft*uide<elle mm met t -e,, liè ieo a u eres. cl- Çk e oit, t migspusuu for helevltenu Ifiswee-. outtise lY" I'G4 M~vago to Cae liesarit- ~bn~5 m tis d eb. kap,'Ihdjis IpaO lu te exeece tOs on Wtbqi eapand Zlti. a - fi of tip<~a a4 es.for li ta li2= M "g 11 mute meueula«tw - laUi,Omwetual di lisuogis htebl 'etb am A îîîa et iaauem have ma&., tue il i li Sqm Fr" ,Md Puaia ue gq dAu"rr. tnu..preailoti 0f 1 , i. -a 1 a papih m OUMeti6 for. tahe di 0.42«. ,e tise 09ue th.us is t-. - -t.tea cumprira 7al.Lierpd Abi,, , :ehm .. hen chamge*. ueàiIuqao? 0 to ta te. couudevtmen; whut lthedespote - pqu. is bad comi te W ami andi bave é e ti m à m e eco m p el o h d e c "bebbMW pqleda~ au, But ibon la Mt hefgttpu tos uae; mtios fer-lb. warcdt mie 1o ac.lb French People bock,, 0g the thkd lime,tha aid 6oitethat isin auevem wbicb inea pomikle, 4pdcrimofict.dl thée iotmai aEdfair u oe ", by the very pousu ahich, au eaght Yeue&go acled aoa.st, u cieoly andm onauly. ath. ý The oly iArmmc a n et eut, tise. vegy priscipi. on > ùhit 1 tubai--" 1tibsa emtlva prine amu fabelycelied-.4 i4l nup.. of' «vM -people t. reamodel, the tione, te change ths e Ubg àëdy ehaa.. Ibeir ovo bmoo eveg. irigltuhid Eaglasttica.d upe. Jy etabliLed by te example of tien,,lbn thée fomig de.P"I .4e teil.uaetoioê e mati, -od teprovokoe *jot cereetmt egljecb.z a, h..alia wuma eplu e b.peace of foreignuUàa. .iadacod 40 poulebsba .tw sea hav p.leolthe ereteow Ch" Thi cage, me mot eigta .bc the aritay mo=ar. f-tl Mt bave &Wddely acqureti fur -v liene. Talta*of lertylivg se hotak ever th.y' vae. "**mmeej. villa peufeehad camein roprien asheummmd IWM&.eMd pWevaili -,apbwe. oc bd and ecued. li fr, a ui actoae s het e bpresseit igg fuie" tia hoaie taWkiteh.d w cmin m nglsl* -amitisai '41k lm tata. 1".op" Wli»omos iaig lue pragrem. Eveu th.eDRua erat .118ooaecou.of,.b "k. Ui vhelwue 1pe4 Mdi *~ ~aisu n lnuetemC om-co heurd o Jreep tle" elepiri out o l4 bis *je «ddIm Motaguce oultihave tidm - 4vils cumegelt Irm tOMw 0Nnome W UmTO @MxUmm gi fS M-u ý10 MMaOe. AMI 10 pWu= Mou4n@IAWA Il;:,' t .1 .1 -.1 P" à - ir Orim à a a-~ abat ---r- . 1 .1 .1 1 . i (No;07. net, and, if posale (tee tinbhl a ante'docnut<paot-tu ube i tIs 'aof*Ilch thes Lad,-nI mtneehall been tject. P 0 Fitzgerald a-li Mr. CulIt laUtilla L@Or e duly elected ti ytIose Wo e-ruN' t ýYocun TheoPa9tes who ilad tro uncýl8aL 1112euxil4to,&«td- b.Y e left thalthie avoveAe d t e t .Ilace,' u if ma". c ol Bmswili ensure a fuit M ie t h e th e g nev a zieu. 0< wh uv I t .s ) a j '0 M=W5,b. Wennderstandtloesolonîgmijy ý e " Ypeonfentse are tla uke pIce:-Li»,. îGP bd tal-B]sir C. Hatîr îK. C. B Mdr lhf p firisent 1rt0 tiu Je,,e 1.21 or Majlr-GeierdiS,1 ifiae o e- cirles Pratt, K. C. B., Lieut Govertr àlng of or- andrCtmoamder lftbse Forces Jam2ico: Md. be recelva jor-General Dalbisuc, Itl#iector Gerîeoî i tieiDu-cavale7 i tugI..nd; or- oremoeawlth atesm TutEAasry.-M.ijrGeueraî Thorttcu aadodbas beau nretooveti (tonthe Stfi ut the 1o es s .eno mY in Ireland ttthe emand cf the !alan elpetitut- of Jeriieyinpae i. eLitut.-Ue lit îî su i b ae O( - lin Haîkett, prouma'o. ijrenaii dise;Chates Pratt, K. C. B., hu# bêen a., onIt g the cornmardof thl 10a, .1 ,f j, mu s ab-a li place ,f Lieut. Gdnerai 1.iirola tipi., OStRsepromoted. (optium Roche oid 'l'h. tg t tie2igt Hegmenî Lbas bken »z-pi.,, tr itieitu- Deposy 0aut îAdj.taltt <eferal a[t,. rmuty, te art. (ntgM'o arycî bmuet-a proclaw , lIeuit,-C uneil or Charles 1h. tu-Po- F"t=.y be n.I' Ppuurued Asstatârt dju- lai France.tant Obent et Armagh, vi l.;eut..-C'I' lovee&nma- net MoeýLie t.-Cs,b,nel, t tWe nit .en ppattedDepuy Ajitln:t Geroral brso dates opèntIe 9 el of tîLe IOniàfrîIsboîli, î Spéi-Liout.-Cobl Lor Clarlies i Zios efioujor-Geueeat Hen. P. St art h32 err -,'0i~ *a5iuflted lue the c.tmmarîd cf tietroops i ,, srlhboe ritai-fCurîer.] -a THtE CEMacz.-'Ihe futlowliug srrailý. a gu1v e Italt'Iten place inCuleuc . be. tbe-.thea"" ne teptmcopal bencb, ucdaeeeud themla-b l datia of Dr fraiendie, lot,' lishop lm M 11 ng r D .Gray, 1luIs" fBittij k anti Dr. Pilpqts, rre'n of Stanhope, çîî b pitltieciumedacitd »sbo? Of Briâtol, 1lu tit ri.t, e_ 1)r. Grayj. mdte-oand- Fm ieLno our t~t.tSi Wb" It h k vilemen by the Court (irc-slgr tht "e'y y tnÇêO,.dind, Wb* hadl beetu chnrgd rblch4hrce yte tnh Goverament with a bi .ter apeetfrai I»wphdtaip ta Our Sovererigtr, coctt haît de ia on yrtterday. Vie lise tle- t:m a lo- ead =ntai rttculais of the ilitenîe-À, fome of and are happy In tate thttGenerul Loi.. uuflel- Stnd wae s eopty umpreseîî wuîth tut im e l m ta nli S I* to de e le lcri n of bis M ajeit>, ti8 hacn- t h-.v ladaey dc.îoatrted ai '.Irîrtý aiOb o auoewîicg te the thig wetulntthe Lrjh sur utioctiol, wh.r~ iicb tâta Wexperienced.is. HuaEclien- ,,eu"' _,citt ol. pportruaity if itifurtnme1 tht ; tçharéa , iii reception Ly lii, Britk Kng at!been precedei bey greât fi d@ ~kkhdneît on tLe part cf Lis 5ba. Thieitelview ahidi by &--a iiKte*ilqIu 4lime lGoeant Baudrudt ael wi a b i e ty l gmed kindly ad decotIy temxoothe hoe tof Louésaltisi. &Antis i iliy. eWe., a dt hat -OcleraI Bauiratid Aevlàio br pas to-OIftrow. 0 The iuerg of thse Cetufo- Lbave eti "ledy ibfwued dlthtie fort meutioned be î~ui,émKiâo 1vraaçeuLagi hulip îb e lw ~ ~ e.mji~.~aghby oth. eL ibGor' 'I: t-Y y, th.Aa.tm e vtlth. test in mating slit te cogniti.p. thqe%"1 forag ad îLot a Mw e$. ea a~ ty KingWill a, or ..a accutl t.Frenceb Tbro ~h etiansuliilsd te Face fer pesstalu yarAmbrauador. e kili an mu Ma.Ihmw'.tiied on werl- t&dy lat, an aullrlîle ritem wt b avîng asaead dii deab. a i M. 0,- i rly.emla "I Tbq,çg,,found guiltv Mtl ifnKil b inelol1eu h.«cosidra- ~tien *0 aentent utr wspro- cf bâch '~ Y PunrecWOui[# laaiirs.in lte fast sevivoyeans; ibema lmebeetues- -. lIand uadr.~dpçlfu çA. 'a.~~g -mC ~480,4h(et zaW"e 09 'ILt# oi~saseia 900 ' ist ffjhleu iê$biec.. M tîat4iat, I&Fait4à,I xcce I/ el 1