Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 27 Oct 1830, p. 3

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tI'HE IJPPER CANADA IIERALD. JO. 608. [Nof Whe n tihe re"ioIîas4t SWIUi tieo1dept, il Mf the cîvie force mlte4 for ft.e citizen% te aes YeStertia, unrnîng ,irîtis etd ile. But 'bef.ilv gel sent tea ider hat thsry their COiOors. To th:%~ cl uegtive vas ?etlirned, L igne toubt<uuicl "utuil sppearunuîertd,,~ rit hie! tiuiacethue(Or- Ly M teccsû, hiivu oint cur, aid etruhti issefaito, an 'lmeImîd arungusN lutcizena, vii ls rOrf iuî amu i autieut prviuce -<- sRrived tle dt v~ u tles&ta Isu l,0idiuX viha mouakets i!,%ii- esquare cf thic - o:ej er -xhiitied a finre poitons 'iehi the glitterîng amuis. Tih'. icitizen ivOre a it-i 01juin hl'u, anIod I re. suxiîfs round ti5,ý tOw3rs te Pahîce i SPrince ur;out hall -pi, i hus ast f tiii i.tii ce til half pasthue sin about àalf pd.,î o iolstel te Viu ii i li' Y7 SOXiOliS 10 (jil ciI rwitbuo gouuig iuu ta, pht uireutv,'ju dr l 'iîs lrOge..SSans ýIe ii- ,scoltest (iiuririg w 1,,r ledt, riZe.. ih ridi- i ted o iluÎ> guuîig lu,ý aulhuou-is,) h. asaij Ibeirdijitation. At tic- liste a speccit in a vers- ni ulicli te promised j,, le ulahes of lthelgu the fornîrion fa roue -their gies-ances. fi,- t1e cas-aly part of itc Oinsg tro fast, arruiahr Ib! Occute oIs,iWh;,, fnlying coin tCty If l, re aftecuarufs pas-et us, bis Palace lie al>- t in lb.emîidst of the cIa lth;@ morltlng aI 9 hy the enclset Pro- HEa cri-ce oroi- ia-l coneW i thu con- y secuînty nconipheCe youn loyal IV. ne tlyai thé re-estali- n. h agr, gadto ac- 1 ClanIt 700 in tlt ing trant1uility, and en Cl om; anti. in oriies, 1 viii take.te r resloring calinouîcsu poset Mf the. Duke ter Fosse, Governer ens, Buromasltervt ilinioHogvorusi. ic Guart: Generai blember cfft.elRe- nt.rg, (mh itaa- patate in thisciutr.- propose Ibese mca- lb.he2d1 of Septens. Iltmorning, it niy OF ORANGE." adoices rom Brus- Orange mas le %et proposais, lb.eohjet ethat Rolant! ait e distinct adminis- live goverutent. MD. sus INliCAVAS. e Dblin Evening pPrticulars respect. ourages ini Cavas. of the day, amat un- rening, the country omployet in tran- eas t h. fair, buta ice cemmence.- gabliictfoCh i <oui tie purgoeiof pro- sotnd isying i foc hic homicides ,tiey asutet Clii ,andt h. Orang troat Ce the place ting,ant hadi- ammonit" n.Tb@ loateti, and fret bisa Of h. lins of la jssdeacabil men uem $et on of the fusma»è flying r«asi"MYîla mt ef theo Irsa- nry vusie tbe. sevvm oul - fait. 1Ma>'ma- ted b>' ai - pit a ing rem a en t te o! tia fatalezeIai ic he iesi4 sdn exempt&i*U " ut.nb ... 1ý-enm. Our Most codial congratulatAongt on Your hone.UsLrsiatne i.ciaga l.ui.<GvroGnrlWMeGL'Lîco vsalnlcî e ý ýIl1 wrd$W"YtueykyR ýat" Ct, . ....... : ... . . 'ILL MajtY's ace'-ion tei th. tin o e Yor <ux ic 'e arrionfl aîwWed O ir Brîtsa.hNorthi Aoinc. Ifappears .i, 1i j-ethellin e YLI lliUoumi cw. , i oo t-fret hfil b.«.......... hi ftoe. Ancestlrs, asburing your Majaty o<f the buck. =.M teiery 'bukabdabl i ai Chai" ,Town ..........-*"...Nevis. loyaity of these pullulons Prouvince, an o Lo rd'dip'a ut osddo àu a it h drwo h nabtnso;ia,,la ma irt n é aum , tb r s& M I wl b md om in.-e econl U ....... _powe * M . «e* y t he p d ulia d lkeaKet,âatiahdio with Colonel Glegg, M ilitac7 Secreu, a , ' Quele, that Sir Jam es goes ta Elngland ait reu iw,i(juta te, literature. of tham id WU s ipoéilmon- S cion111. empotaentreH'orlssw tewhiCh the Comnwncemneit of Yourmîjesey's 'ir. 4tRegt. and Capt. McKinnnm, is own jurtiular reqetThe Vmdicuiar __ 1 ithyf . . e , fi arts w.pe etu b ex- ii oucî.]Reigo bas beenihiffled bysiauLmesm te iair(urAdseCap.[u-gvehfloigsnxnt(lttr CSETO%-x ~ntc etve . n*M teJaqawte h Op allient V. Ad er C h tii. , People. bec Star.] frotu nofficer of Rantk in Ireland. 0 j~j~ .j > ~ heito oMSdadW -O U ed scIV An hrn yteL of As inhaintsfthefirtport anacitadeil _______ "ti.idtiaS- ~lac te t intunat, ro thretice wan errer. P"8i t 0 msetiehm import inito any Ofi the Britishi Posmmions not but conisider il a hiappy omnen, fnthii i latin& .tad>jm1niTUÉu ne.NavgatinmmreinOa ho re enni-d ai i".Nout Anericn manîneswe Cli aa asal Enlii<yt'das t ,rtFormanand man naeI"eti b sm broad, freintthe countries toa'whicl the7 rit>' has been honored liv Yoir Majesty la Tl nER L >.iot cthe - Arwsnrer if lie Ordns;nce',iWho WP thlau, uer. uuieltyseong Jilong,JO"d, the produe Of thae couin- pffence, as ite scelle cf Your Majety'a wzEl1Ay, OCIOBR 27, loto. NOYA SCOT1x -At OUT latent idates froM .uoitcdthe act, ,.tbls n uastthe. vaa.ble.g, a to export goodsfrommwhiujnsscv.rnotic elertios i wensrviî,atanear- tu rvnc hILecin ud eryal bel 'Z pci.,tatii0 sos 0le areitosyf>eincety P'uuodi inlite, aý an Officer cf the ROYal Our sluiaidates <coin England arc tothe taken place, snd a large l'loityIi< thee' s TEE-_Ii ag csi . al tram lad e h.foseof thaïs whatever. And whereas it is expedient . 0 Ga et ai tin9Slt y , ytu g aou' r i-tht uclipermîission sboud be suject b o1 ~beseech Almighitv(Cod tei "aSer?.of intem hemat impiortant item pensons rctxuraied are thote iîjo cmposed ucw.S .,. la " " ~ét.5ea .- am nt certain conditions, lie itthereore enactd. Your Majstys vauable lite; to Ixf i teligence relative to France, ilè he th eo Jte fouse f A ie îi. A îei rxciiscalled "'1'îlE .Air^ T I î ," .-. Tint tic privileges granteit foceignsbîps Empire at large W ihpeaie and prottperity; formaI recognition ofLoîrîsPnîIxLIPy the the proceedinqq of the two partiesViie ex - 'a lauched at Prescott in fie style on . »hal lieoliruiter! tuithe slîips of thot.. couti- an te tvouchenie that Yoir Maest! liay Brlitish oejmn.I toelolnscednl iln;oîena n il>,Satutday the ltb inut. Sle iv ilie.*i IýI CALAMITIT IN tiELAZD. r ,wîcbvn ooilpueso.long live tO reign over a fireeanoconteitteti revolutionar, inovements stiU continue, the and lindrods were taken off he ie lcd w àx dines. ta piv betwcen Prcscott and Niagara ri~ o &. Enhlo t ihall grant thc bIte pri leges of trading people. ,, dbob caî ofîtie.nileri p bu.shwitli tluse possesalonga toritishi, mtieor Cty ofQuebee, Province ofLower Cana- restit of which itl sdiflhinîtu Co fese.- broken heads. lhe Htalifiaxpapers chage <ear> i ihe îsring. je lhh, nottetheaviixg Colock ial Poseuuo, ta, Septemnliir, i8iw. The course whicli Rusis intends to pur- 1certain <Clergyme ofUhef 0Uc Curcli od Scot- @la enetrc:te e tibqtiD plan le colimere ndnaigati o, T if - sàMu xe" i.ety ue witl regard te the new order of th.iîîg. ]anmutlk Uîhaoiug beliaved t îîxîoperly ai FOR THE UPPES CAitAtiA sAi.. aie 0i11tinaîee cîtr nttpoesin îrm -. oiQuc M LCUI ltjîy in France il not accurateîy known. 'The Pictou. T'fli .Zr.xscofia, aftcr deucribing Ti atnaEeto euiaeo a lui elwithout interna"suuen, otin of the moit favoured natoM, Mos! Graci.u Que.v,IlTeHup ecintmnai o ess.ng the rivets ta Tige andi deluge the ulfli Mjsy i ve nCucl Wln,,1tefrtdysrosy: a uMqu far ailes in cvery direction Ti, srili oin ajy, iiereri Cucl, W, i.MjCty'e faithful vojPets lte LnalCorrirof eptember 6, al'.: tefrttys hC s-turdny evening 23d instant, in faveur of iâbiUCfl Chrocle »-!,, l nmnpy in- i _ u s. I seieeit expedlient fhi Magistrale*, Clergyani Inhabitanti ta the 'lConsèterable alîrua veemis a tbave ben Il"W iab we coulti stop short litere bot a ReubenWhibe and James H. Sanison, Es- 9,,boues avebeen . ept suay,.andt1 grant filec viole or any of lsncb prvilege, City of Quebee, iii he Province of Louer excited itis city. h7 Uic orter or the S. sciu"eof duty chl:gcs us t.ainotice the con-. rc.At te. close the poil atooti as foi- ou ofhothe mihutehave perîthbet. Thse filhoahCaa atae t dtinali ,by elnsc ustPirbg JunJo i ltutp i-duocf persona holing muci, bilhr antdlu. RubnWî of lirepersons halehiien repiirted tta ne, 1ets j>o f flilet b sch> 'itco s- .respect te Your Msjety's person,tleave iigbcamsin neRsi <amore rispouble ofices-.of men wbo ane, orJa. H. Saaisn. ine f'et ive have Bat yet larne ear mcu7. rvdti ~ .. ni ht umbly tsi expressoiricrceni1.ed>vsss o rvls. W aeoght ta e lethe ministure, of Christ-andtate1. N. Lockwood, Je P Cii Chr rieiet T a nti the d l î-tutoc- ions on His Mjcty 's happy accession fioilocer ab le t CIaun. uhmiire icourcilait! truts, wbxch ire soi- H. liei stirlit ofl humca so n, Cente, ht e romputediation of Cit.vru 1=1,doeio ,dctng-tltytwratec Fec ubevst awwdl nu s u an eR R o. «flVstto alocina.On th ( cf ejTste heThrme. rallier a precautionar, inessure, than oite li. atiduB"Wt, whewever h., are made. . oe oîr of LougbErnteand tih batcf Scîl . day oun, one theinsant eizlit undte net~ hrcew t bredsuteoveromient, anti hat inirediately ntei influence men in thhe t contentions of po- 'The disintercsted andi genflemnanl coo- fi,r bcropth deron subeyoniava n huîlity-t icfrcg hip, iit i tlcart at eisfaction, front Vour Ma- .t ,s 1 iews of thle accession IofnLouis Phuiipte liucil strate. W. shaH sot 'pae",of fo. theduîct testoettinsi n q.Rtuinolacert ,,51.,p oL;eantecrydaeï, epthe revosts htda.a ecteg In et il Queiî Conîsort lu tie ÇichaÙ heUicTîronof France, andof the. restoiration parts wLicb came ta us fnm varions quar-foUctu stetonnCuspaju- e> ~jtI ujdcpttis tg ttirradte ltw oeen an yof tfii it iicsiessîons Reaini. cf tranqullitv reaching St. Petersburgb, it tera-ef Cthe midnigbt canvmsaandthei.Pc- ly entities itu th e confidenc, anti res- ah the $il n whxrb hy grew, bave 'ni Aterica, shah <fur the purîîou.t.,I'ftins sat W otrsetui succrMjilt- utbere'.oketormofifiet. Wearc le- liticil pcauitnp; se all net repeaît he pect of every free andi indepenent ecector coieiried~i7. csvii¶iie i lae dcote iche h then cg'if' ythtw it vrtale s lively iCr i netto luablef the more front kowing talos with uuiî t he ignora ntir eîaya x e li Ciunty W. cOct.LD. lith g rls t.ialy 0< leanoe l ace ýnt to s sihi 1t iliar Majosut's ueltaère, ant il tis our esr- f i iras at tirit intendedtiat ail ai Rus- saidta havi bien alarmed,,lier hall s e Belvlie-6U Xo,&li ' 1 gtintebtscura~ttittt- h Yuuc Mislil he ongtnpraeri et ,,e bîie cfdistn~canes. Uwsd, t . o. t tf vi lbu, ,~irnleutan~xape en abaiiduned.', urge men foruard te th. Huptings; sw.sshali D,)an,-Am luth, yettrday maltaait,*fiers lwpr- a,,ld ucse of mondinu bave beexu S. r Vil. Ant il Ilt i.sxi o epthegrai t(hat AVSTSe"iAli foloir .ecly inlicite h.country of Vletbal e s i ,,MseZ .Jf.s w.<D.aro -,lertish Cour.teap 0 niat.TeEuirr~anti ubat sesire hippy ta tiiink, voultinot . îoe tlta ute ftecut>,C ht theic acerai sorts of guodoenuxeratet City if Quelice. Province ofLoaver<Cana- reportedtuCiihave elupresset bînasli as fol-havi bien toleratei un any part of Chie Pc.- - veut ihave opesled fur ticnmst lve&i eîtixely ior desriet iii Che, Ta1le 1 ilowing, dcnnm- ta, 4h.- - , Mvinre, Pirtouonlyexceptid, WiII ibeble- 'ew cure ul tàtlgi laa&,àch they noit, flos 1inaid- A'raille o'Prohibitions sit Re- 'JulOts: itved, Cat tbretorient cr"yen.beiong- GONVRNMENT CONTRACTS FOR sud the b,;,ei have heen deuanlibhed instriieion"-are itccebv prsiiiited te beiiii The following AIdreu wias preglente teto «I dciitieite Ministers wito havutriven ing ta ctieChurcii of Sleain, ccorton- ENGINEER litORDNANCE SERVICE. ,,eral ples.IDteciiîyof Ccrron,f Iortet î,rbroultt, iiher by ses o Vii-Horei SbJmsKnpta ie hre foî hetrnliean- ato dfplhHtiii5oriawlldonng OIEis hcreby givireJameChat Sesaieth L"igiboatiî of 'rempli, it and carnag, t e irnavigation tintu te British 1 CastmIe of Sti. ison Saturtav lasC at 2 of tiic Charter tei whichliehobat ioiemnly anti biranguing ith.People ticng the grelit- N endermuml h.ereceive aith. Cam- ;ri,. I.e luq yontëeverkil sow iOtrYai; Maui.sn ' ucia scnoi latoo'cîock: sirorn. TiiefinI t uly of an iorestt an, e ar fMonday; liait or.e of thent dtuilmissartat Office nutil 12 o'clock if Thuisay lbe sciniputi.ed itirouglit To HiesExcellency Sir James K ut ndparticuiarly of a sovcrcign, ilattelbe 0 tonf.Hsig .ryl.uoeveCelibdye oebr u. nbpr earià ,:, ai l'uiîbleciurca yard oî,nittier tiserestrictionsiiieîuîcîliî tet i IngtGrandt Cross Of fle Most Honoir- faiihfuI ta his Word. 1 amt son,' for tbe ubule h. cnst ure ultiier miming vifi, ihoesono as may le uilliug Ce furnsb the arti- joruCt5seVrai pedies,aitVKravest iititaile, accuri:sîitas tit seierai surté Of Kcmpthi u-,ý-,"*i ý tieirLUite.tu Avas 1 stai Military Ortie, of te Bath, Admin- Dulie te Bordeaux, beeauue lieisinuiocent; cunuti, or sitting at a uindow <sing ti.ie.sainuttettakle Cho folowing fur th. tIrý ,d isu titet. ae suli gootkarce :tt orthli cicain: (Chat la tui taluof aflea.Goverument of fle Prov- but igl no ose wil Ii msyselfinhisliisfr." Hustiogs, alloai every day; uhite seinteof Ordinary serviceof the Royal Enigluerand bljt:,onlUIIis' atieCUUr rêt nce of Loirer Canada, &c. &c. &c. The ConatitubuiiSpaniirds bave issued then, uocte iironvo, of Mr. Barry, sveut Ortnance Deparuments t Kingston, antdial& iouîî1c1 1nauîîesuiîoie. cunnî:lr, gecît. Eapio E i .sAt ' tSII a lplease I *xeeueeyfait;m i,o 0 e ventiîg, Ce barsate cpeo- Depantairies,from the 2til, Iecembete ut, ,sJL "' I OML Oc 'iOl 1 fO6. lLTsi- MS t yot amnifeste cbarging theing arthbisgov- vie 1smb u .Tarntee i 2hDembr13,vz , le i':îi ouintîypa, pattgot- 1lyr. uiNa. i lis Najesty le eètifu a ntiLyaSuit- . i isig"npveiuei p- edojenwbose sTebeintua arne tta thmer .f al kiîdsas er 1.3,izi.ati ,~iiutc ai.Iecgxc, Gliingowder, Aintai, Aîmtnutiit,, s r17 jects, Ctîzens o! Quellec andils envîrns is n i n pnbueToretosaegvn Lme.o ilhni sptseiiai ' _:,îer niu is etr oieti lsi ha;Bcd, l'refie or saitt, andi ua epecttlulu, bcg Ieao-eloatdreu, Tourlproi-et, sud degratet blic couxîby.' Tic for his rontuct, but bathiefthes riiclous. Lime. uâtc. Iue po., %%îI. ire alrxtdy îstferisg x- Poris,exceîit into NeiN-tonîtdiaud-preîîib- Excelieuiey an blie occasion 'f yeuc ai- i manifesate niaie>riales, that her. rentmane Oneint, flhat tiey ralme teatthe Hustingsle Sand, titi cartage of the Ianding Ci lie at Ireie uires, luil bsen bookiig focuaidilut to h. iprted cxcept frusîn tte United proacing tdeparture front thia Provinse. ole aprais o it epe hathuI0-keî ner, bt i ao, vhy tidt by net (as, the expealmo of titiContracter. .iini f cisf nu tc otto~rps jKingelior rumseine tter British pet- Iliîs uaieiecere gratitude lÉtat wos'.a- r sin&qagainst lise (action utichbubasurgetiw lgeie tfe o en ni.am ayb zute a pcîiam ntifo uitru.li titis airful visitation, 5tuil-siuOs. knowiedge h. many and important bhlne- taoursel ilyws 0f yton cfti.lesHaithantiiBredpsicks, alsan for sc lzn ü".*ut iPIi e w,,rld, vwtthottt fod, sud in 'co-prîuîitîet te ie iuportctl; excelît filasoshici te Province bas terived rom thie King ta arta destructive of the bîppi- Tomn on Montsyldiirictthe;r peopltaoly Team-bire anti csrtag (utrtlie puliucservice. tutjý islii i ithout siiele(trouitise UitiedKingdoiai orlrombloine ott- your administration ofil$ govertitaicct. ucastîfitisaubjtect&. The roclting pas- nid. Chir cutiçesand prîvail open the Tii. Tenta s taieb.sipayati, anti spart- _'à_te, Brti .po tain lsA mcica, un"esby 1interonaipouce in one of ithe greatest bics- graph -in infltteîewori- cniui etmiaterrîixîo ref'nSeln isnj h ae tuii h , suiesi s a sRnuOo. Ctiet Est = ipartyor With "TCl-eingl ubîchucao bctjoyeti by a f<cepeu- s e aiorl Anti qu i h Uiceoite c, art if Pdili ei He n inbtn or aoeiieei Ai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ pe il b;î~ hueanvlcia es. tispn i as heen restoret te us under Tour cnourse tisptia -bieuste iie iraplants , nd vhu titi they ot bmanpart. oi nt enrytr ai Knteor at we,e a rlvsCatholie Clergyman te votCe Fiuh,dried or saltet, Traina 01, Mblier., Ex'celncy le Adminiserationu; and tilua- frtb botiat may fii t anserocrroeoetheliest day of the Elerîon- ande ac Tender muet bear the. signature* ,4t i hi, àlleiuirv. It il Inown ht lFini or Skiuus, btepîxesuce cf catures i,- enceliusabeen <li initixe ameliorationasit tlfor tteibletou nlamye pibe; btiMan CodAnath«ar esn asiStnî tii ththeClorgy of ivo rispousile iparsonasi tueties fc Cthe ,,uî lrtîîuî.it Rectors havesa vote. The iuig in Use sea-prohtibitedtut.o iiported, etenino rieîe nitaof drciof ji tosi bleu i oultiep -i e oc t if n mnur rqbisapnhHsinsoc ndrmu crrjepnaiuîlof CiscWalerfuird Chreile, excehit ron tise United Kingdutn, or filtrite snd polije imprevensents, ,iii Ot liti't isbbterilCoueild bulthesisforainhmtrrtu;btsi e atrosbt Cniin a .mr .1'kono oàes ilat.- i th'barny .f anty, he othtir Briish prusession, or unie. t.a- undivitietiattention o h polcafh u- d'in otter mte ie hwt h aiiein:itrinros u nJ e uain ht Cniin a i otflykone Re. .. l'nduter.ast, R. C. recto? ofitelken bh Britishi sbips fittet ont fireitChie U-suiîs o 0< Mrf vitumaeatr,. pu ha t oni oeVoseaChlat adoe, vienvers tew nappTiction am the* orthi L e t suoffije 'ut,ý of Dvudtaownl, etîteret ie svote for itet Ki gtotn or lfreien.other Britishi Usefial 1laus have liau, passel; sevecal a- 0001talive tn slsvery ant iginony.ah.o initrptranC.inteu rtaisivrori oercrntrnm lLeaberu. An oljecliout. aitoak- possessioandui iought in frein Citefi.iecy. buses have ceassil neare in the course of GENEAL ELEC'FION. Ibeuiseveal We know thei rematk$vili ,the cite of 46. 4d. pedollar, or in Bills ef pitsi ba if lavir.g on frechoit. H ut:- sud excep ierrings <umthle Ile of Mani, remoeval The Verole population bas t.en moaieimaRos nemmc-ve kloacuhoy yl Exrhange on His MijwaY's Tresury, aitCho e:wepta on ý.iwtig cuu trlam theiiAgacé- laken anti uret lsy the initahitants tiacceof. facilitaied in he moine cof making lueirSaturdsy tasttcosucur!citiihetions cent ns soaiefriands-but we rare net; the. rata of £1010 furcatin £101 10e. Sterling. iru ( iie cui rideretihobâhi !a igit te Cofee, Cocon Nîuls, Sagar, hMoisiamud t saa"nti ush knout anti resperMtia roughouttue Province, andthie foillowing interait if h.province, the intiresiof duto pen the Contracta. , Ili lissaelic:ton intse l.pesingvf th Roui, leing of' fiunign lProduction, or lie troubthir cepreettve, aoteducatto s alisI cf h. Membeca retuiret, so ft a s Picten ia>grialhy, andthde intercaefthe miiNO. HARE, reief bill, lsy reasun of his appointaient by production ofasuivplace 'vitiinthe limitsof firet nt] Mexclusive pretensiona, bas lieniehv s iaern virypsrty Cto.aietêtei ministorbellotg, Commissariat Office, j A. C. a. !re biop tintie rîory et Davidttown, tihe East lotis <ýomap"sy's charter, cxcept promotetd neourageti. ,v hvsbln betuthean: f y uoold bt tpentheir oye t. thse fat Kingsten, Oct. 16, 18W0. trum ImIichi îederîvet ainoluments by bas thc Iiln of ms6urlitisiu-protùitieltlot. e I thelawnsanrlionedby Tuîoi4mlot- Pruscefieal Rassnt, Doiild Mconald. requinsfehbt me aouitspeak eut, anti v.doii ,Làpri yurIl and làs fi". 'rherî Viastpat iItl)urtiunt îtany of!fleiiBruitisht Possessionsiacy, anti in yooccercommendationalt t.e Le- Giexngesv, Win. Fraser and sno itbheut ation anti vithoutfMar. Làes GOVEENNENT CONTRACTU. s lis a crtin Viète for lb. bues in bils u(nCie continent of' SuuliAnuites, or ni girsature,meVite veevitience cfa iberai anti MeFarlane. hus. menassemble hir'conpigatiorni>u- ~OIlEebr uî,latsi parlé, sud latlise consuteredt hat no iish-if-cuest udri tes, caceit te Babanis or eniightened policy, ailet toma firecanti loy- Siom.tuii, .rntM ch.. ean, anti on thi billtope--antiletit Cu.eput .O TIEndu e ii . cîvetiaitCh.sou-t qor iuiy ole e-e, coult renove Lin, u- ]Bermuda hlants or into the hslant of Mau- al people. Io Youc Excellency 'a Onremit- ' P.VanKouglinet. îb.. eh. oracles of tie living Goal, but let m.L iuiTndion tîhlile rîkc f vel it om A §oiie mîscontirîct, or by i. <tan tTtius, aund may ase, lit. pttbitted bt. oint- ing antI lanorionsattention te your public Dun"aas, P. Shaver, anti hime.nt male suri tsgustieg exhibitions the l6t o Neoebe utitnd, f ncTur-e rei!adcolseuit. Tite Aseaor saut, p otedi theBahaa iuletBermuda Wla-nis, i ie tanner iini h t baveCook, nev.ese tanti aawe, hur ens uh of sar embuilin eent ieriahe 1hp.r luie Fould lait eCaIm ase o ebisl couit.,- landis by- lis a jesty 's orter in Counci- heen diecbargetVire have an addttitnah ln- Grenville, Edwardjeiilp, an Vme roul it eiirevers fiace un Pri.e-et 'nr'iiaigfC.fcive uple o h xii, abili uqureutsaine ineta invesigtte Base'or cuiitetrleit Coin, Books, such aas are stance c lto afirbhitaniaevntg Fp'l ti5 Ciuia pBi<iii. i o! C hu Tr ou icg pieslfe h 7i laieitheutirettthing cf te kîn1nit atrohsibihe eliut.imporlet into Itie Unitet offCint imps aticailiafoy ant conttu- ed.,Wm. Frer.l, antia ouç» - fteTruead eatetoa ip -d briospc-l at ia fucK tm tina grWmotbci ve ar c amdonttu ePe taiHomnd. o nius.a.ecezo b i relIieman's case admittof bis ulghti he By thesanme seCte fuowing ports are j. His Maj'et , dci thCht isisuljecta in Lam*, Wt. Morris. On Thuniy ladI s select party eoftiie December nei ate i24tb Decmber 1831, culd feci great delightisnjeextrottng Cfin tei~ttt"wciousig BuC,; via- iccuomie "i ithiuhy=e . Costoi, _Clpt. Lewis, R. Nayy Eiocto of Kingstoinentertaneeh"r new- Viz: iii. -Kingston, Jansaia; St. Jie . Bridge- Youc Excelienc>", teparbuceu .Lee, Er.rk-sile, ]ii Jne y chemin Eeps-eentabve vitha tuinen i IlstBs~nCkFer TneN.1 : 1ý 07LAAOLC I;EGYKN e lown, Barbadtc; Halifax sot Quebe.- cruistnecoule! net b. oterisi tan itgiitu , C. A.trHigenniai. 8amsn lb.heChI, Sait peuit, .. No-. uc atVOTu E. t t OGootls ran t. marebouset in he ports in a subject ofdecp regret. Il la perniliciy >Frontan«r, H. C. T ,am & onion, s.Vc Peiet- Rain fFrae i N.4 Theu cuti of the, Uc,. M. Prentiergast , ite iarehuse appxined by <Gvemnment,ii atuis moment, oshenhe itadotrongreat- Johna Campbiell. liJonStsaeEqVcePsio.- itaifFrg, " N.. Roma ctýi,(l(et vnan, Va ipsd1witomatichepaymnoaiisty uty on te it tsonia te boir tT our Exceliency's expe- 1 Un«iezfr Adulugon, M.S. Biiueil, anti Tii oenpany aitt out iai o'ciock to a Charc.ai, . No. 6. iuir'g le GI- 1 -- ai, d9.gost euîncf flitc saune, nonce in tii, colon>' anti yorcontinudox-*Peter Perry, aPhenti li eant, sad did net ithdraw rontThe Rations of Forage f. coiste!r aiy citinj b. As- T uitesfpay a ne ocf theî ertionxseund ttl hv oîiue 1 nc dr, J..Rolf>, antidh ~f i aebu ~9b.(a usait dr, îritg biusefiligedtto rejecttiîlnuî rile ucmecmenfprfu nire cemIdval tl lb. emaningues P.Pice Pet tétal t aJterboun. AsVire bappeieti19 Ibo. cf HO nt itPrujurclenlnisuruau'à vote, wmmcli ad eut te iti» etoei<eepna r bchpotct i.. otxaetssnin ugJ. Samsmo, anti te b. onof tise convivialuexaminer, mui 6do. o! irsu. %leru erdJ-rM. Lamsbert. Mr. Stt jfrafst eusnruifoeliChoa-taas:l spiin egia arsonhh suud iuispsnd etialtialmanne,,st at F~, t mIF19s[e, 5o C relhe p6ceIadsrspesiy ofthe bbc- opthmberanti J.roeparanatydifyt titothPr evlail ioe-tthe ar- élind in up-liLgofrageeantieay aabg la ah oa ntiHcon - Hi ow titritu]Ee, ete mmWhg, mn. Mcbenslti. nuan hhutywhchr&-as dth.practice is obervetai every rturui regreltet .ityy hat oblgit tMi11111, Ou lens,26 Ifiou ans ryrfitY rExe-DrmJ*BnbnadMYft et hir te" tre t hue vote ; h. principal resmen WIieat, 1mbe, ao inry'alabours in avec MfRIn Majestyrs J. Brown.previid uriighe feahivity. Tht.murhyo C.btquality, andt h. Forsge Ration C uedielu M.-isa Pesae, sCc, &.bIl 07 suljerl eC h ini ony, anti furte seront7 Tourn of lYes*, Wm .-vw .guesthad severi oppoietouîtj.in therourse taeideliveret flu.Magazines, convenienî :eUcep Iievînlr., Preniergsta rgi lit s en ay.eof r12incits isiactt. t in thistdistnt part M ts Coury of York, J ecut at Mi vnnhplyoishyi et yiuttfrC.Gri. v, -ttacontibutions receivei by bielie Mi .Ver de Ido 49Pyat e h erea upil lb lir utvvbnrrfer if bis parishion- C5uveo itadî, red lulk, M1 oiinVgyle cvecy ubere tiliv un- W. L. McKitiiie, et ehequinc; normas tihe ottiral lighit P onffrtiesvri upia iib *OIr refusil taCpayas th e ie acra toma Whitie, ,eilw, orpitcb pi» Lmaer, 1 inch deratooiatt appreclateti, andfti Cas leSies-oe, Wm. Robinson. severai others allomed e, idite iîf setiersa maei oth rsae coin Btih ate0<4.et ucuad t el t nocotei h icik M f-t, 21 0 illpenithe serviceof your King and court- lkous, J. Crraok, a"anufeten on ite aeo s d Iliepti~~~~~~~~~~ 3uiiit.Bavgli ioLtlyswedM- -ma> bie ng preServe in itilaU, bp- Wm. Chbuslm. I-i lbmaîcaubbmfrh,,. ier dollar, or in Bills o! Exchangeonuill edid raIt ieirs tn a v, ht île parisbisonerâ W=,=$,lstmofetOplm2w pnasatigagnaita.-WntoUî .Wisnati Tovo1467rafhsitdiaigwc.MjetaT-ae CCh-is!u10 r utt o:i suience bondllite psy lit F e te edouceaisaddjssfl, 1 o (Signet liv htween 2and 3 tousand pet- A. meNai. altse irud w ith ne ciserishet hiekuardi- 0 ri, lshhisada pnCh e. to= ile, 7 1.45ercelead ale- sons of ail classe.) Niagara, H. J. Boulten. nru ellis; t bere MY ack Mtie manuf acts. oI- i sum-is',ii'Cie oîiy meant mea s,,citaQueblec, lIstOct. 1830. icel a, R. Itailduul, A due aupply et Chu airerai articlesmui lat a,, livrGîuicinsui rouît h ave noile- Il,oeusd O"iuLive 81eeh do hi) de Tewinh Hie Exceilency wunpleaaot te W. Crolu, ta" infda"t Ptriéteor peronau gcctfelle keuptin stors e tmielthe exigeinit s1 t! iuiie'. Aller a long speech, ho eon- Lewtîer maulafseimen, Clok atnd IVWte. givo lbe foowing Ansuir: J. Clarr, at aig uhinh on such occasions fi"tavent ije Ci public service. lu-led b'siviag, thtiite balet lite resper- Linen, bael"i mrumatm4Wiies>Books8a. de "ounlenwon-I rannot hbut fiel higbly B C Beardsley. pubic toasts antpnriats entimelnte. The. To&teu hob.separate vilhhe ipie ý'ýle inil'duiliimilf ant i te gentlemen G """, vuwal op afnd$M gtf wtb hia ist dem MddhM. Brrianti eusin Steribag, andtesa r nfbourtChu ireg ýmlsituatiy suolei oult net suppose tethal Sugur Ç%dyavsoifTacom.aofactured, 2D doIl"he happerinsaianti velariMf Bis lisua- R. Maillt. TiCva.TssrhgoaNv- signatures if lvi reeponhbi. ersne a ý(the *Xîssri ahslan>'lbat feeling te- Badtki -m. Cis nd es.o, ., irsud TRE tsI E. IngrlgioselNew@ suette lier ,ja, Conitacl, ah. undtuaii»o "-di tîldua ut tClieho(Mr. Scott) wouîi ertait.as Vegetle..Caon, Wooi, &au tres jestyleautsoboi n Louer Canads have be ha rfl nge~~.»iécip uU = iuifro l.hePotiiot Pre. un uhinh,1fidblu teay 'b. flaHy ascruteregilailaineot ceoliitd fneaphpClunome pf«.- 'i f&U oSmi» a &M - 11 te plielgrèureilu giviug tClu-m the tue Essieu, tuiua,1iihi. Pdasi, Quiet- day hahits1 mmet the. goevaient dM fie s H&U.mad, John Braat. Sètidy liai.ltisneaiy printit, n"cou. înf.aithis Office. JNO. HAlE, iC"ýse 'ftijfir francise if tle lawu euitai)rr Sausge, 'srTov, Tapetias, 7àpetrcent Province, sand haviuuguiedt hast course NoTi.-Frm Sx o*thk, Ess iu Kent talusotb utCOriginal maltter. Theu o. eue... - t Oic, Kiegston,t &. 5.01 iti, The A.sessor't attdiiaisgave unu- sats ofehpubliecorndort w urh appaontu10ay ne inelligenace bas benu coeved. ente ofthe fitnumber an. an fohiua:>- 9léOcob183 . S trial ouatieto C. tail île beard il. Tb* set siteuis taeigty-six atmies. julignint thti beat rcoatedtotaproetits fO h a"«O h MR ih--.-- - gispes angt prSipiaity, "iCaff iam ey FRONTENAC ELECTION. nfa M.-lOs h obsaMlgt OTICE, WVEST INDIA TRAIIE. LOWER CANADA, gril at aioêM(tare m th e do oti Mu This content ,mai, canet on mith giat ng UP th@ Alluantidilummiating the WJHERKA8. aMY Apprentie., Chatte seofsdanm 5hddtil Qu*ic antiils evirons uho have heliriad us -- ouIltosMnCwb"- nthea P e"o m-IlYSy uon l. inteeh day uf Octe ý, Ftnr9 i" tw At u Palimnt llued a i - erabscondit jr.. me anal 1 foruitaol p'Ii'itooîIe i.of the l"sit et h tt«, ~~ AI)Sssî5sOr THI CiTiis Or Qsrîîc, phase it llâtm meon th~e 1,,i courdmnt--* se tltgodhum ew fbbaao.Mn l s"-"ThealPreece orce- I1ýàj Lad,,,ýý. Te he Kie, 'tM use ntureanosefivouralilo, auyopiionaofl Sthe i>' eci(.t>d'aReligion yTber ad er ion e erannstrusting or hsbourirq usuititsdi.t vuch. TiboKis'îiasExellents jmt he lb.asen a mich my pubieiictti.bave 'ruock, mbeft r. Markt, w in I lbt.rlcGolseinyeadver-Md s.e., as 1lviiimol puy aay tebl if lbicou ' c Il rulivih.il furtfer enaeWtahat Mtaio nesa Soereiga, bli cdsharg;-Th.y uillbaisue that I fitldy speol, reint <rom thti Polih. sInisatheircount ufrefaaoitof tiho-Wtracttng; sot iiiy poison iWho eMY riiez »tutilaltli l inaîorteito, norshall Wu, Your Majety' dtifol anti localplace a bxgh ! va n bm oxpnins0 .sbema ruaeeaema > ciress"l f W -« Dbhoel nos anti ex- theo s"M Appetrealaent . oSu"' een. t i \C 'iiccPt te proture Moftefisher- suhjerla, te Maintes, Clea-gya" ti-hbir , andt faI 1I s.aiy "pa fieler l nteNavt fiyRvet l Iliiîà 11 sît ie t.exporlet <irom a-y habitants affiiei Cuy MoQmîle. tati. udeya i laci t cnvy.l . pCHARLES-Psiy On beNusi7 f y evut Wi fo, iitposeBinsin AmeirahY runce.of lowet mot htunly bel; miehsan isSrea. du tei OrCosiv place olher flan Ithe leavelto offerloYTacte e Our incir. « A airyie,td nasarieleven yeanain the Menhy, 135 hfrgieatreslealiiut lStDeSsOtbr 80 - Iidl unî,«or sntme other oM. such rondoleasdce isysqiadiy outhuaualae .inisfra'tion cd a colonial Sovermnuin aTm&sy 117 49 76 Iy obervi, am 49 vriltcuithh«caeur, et- Brw MBOOKEI "'è"ui5ex eptinto,-&o mtfie severloccasimo bternis.fM Fuir Mjeetys Hie Mjeotylt NOMtiAmisuanpoaiaiois, W7teady, 79 583 20 eai-eeamntileore." antiar eicl alculaftl -ATIMLTRECEJYH an* fer mie bl -, -h miencsn, caet II Frft aoectonate Brother, .ii'h Royal Plidteses- andI a preuulasiM efisaaimeIneti re- Tiiursy, 47 t mutatiux2t0edivf j u .bom eoIre: di ui! . lo,,,, abeti tirined in t"i.ta- sor, lKing Geurge dii Fonrthfh Misaeine- iy on foretign afatienibae an.*meum- Fats, 24 17 10 -h.1 0Cofs#Ogd itoayf in,,~ulu (tli ta te .À.V.)lu j1 u sa i e timie paît cM seekue4 Sa,î= a.-, 38S 21 1 Coer. ugia1Dctossy I' -m lsMtdmnos rllt. .,>h.. î l .ien ity ia ati bt In -tjtiuCed fa roture 'tii Eng- Total, 440 23 2w A biaShm s ifdhy sent assevuvuilfato PaWMnudicoI Chose'ity >-t HI,, latuaLacisastse eu ieils ài5t ui E> ad f evengi ppunt h "mIciseos ah]sujet. A P= Xilai E apn =1.m"atm of'th 1I l'* U" Metl 1411d m uere- h Pronce iiniia steh p*fsihmîqm*Uili FaIsoot Maialru."m l'i..p.ZtZà.9, ,..âpleded1 yJU «*"bt . R DM IhMrEeg. mil t'Il P $.c auntp reu>v«»»4 wW ea r. n 0A »ANADA&-n the &adinglaPro- cpe xbbg str i 5. vek. il 9tic-laiae fI è-h17 MAlan. bis.... la"I. , a 'mil . g.umm. iam*o lon"« "e m'W.- p-ile .... .fs"Il bujrrf Merthaai, s. wr men to iiigeGo» Bu inte ramm à - ~- lmsyiius,,a r .ubýI -N. .P... A id pCLate- iis.9olnIsoidO .nduu t* .m.a .-I nS t et lra*ivbioçultr Pitet . i...ia..Tds Esmda. Ran js&ULso Oft Lady yb.ea1ve1 > ANAL -ei i.D rdhieuethu Rm oopnoshlu be m aiend ii adte t l ewud.? vola. hmtid -(tese*k...........d.hsher-1l aiâmwee oi ee ibotewnud llr oy-unRa_ nv- , 51it5 piegke h W -.*a Akt "ý lited UIJ-1 XII.) o a r t f I B 'r t. m I. j g t- 5, i.- s.:t 'sus iCi us- I nu 'vus rail, -e' s- hi p s. g s wifw THE UPPER CAINADA UERALD. No Li - GOS.

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