'-t 1 VOUL. XII.] THE V1NIR CANADA HEIRALD. *1 I I FOR sALE. 7OWN LMTSNo. W--71--%; and the an acre. ALSO, 4DOAcrea ithe Township,. of Ernest Toisa, beu; Lot Letter F. lu the' Gore, otheriein luthe.Stît Cencesion- And ALse, 20W Aue,, heing pari ni Loi Lette, G. in the Guru, ntberwis. in the Sth Concession of the samul Township of Erneat Town. Tii. abova viii h. muid unnsually ltowfor aeady maaey, Il beto; nccessazy ta dispose of tbiemlun order to sule ur. esate-Appli.. nation tu h. made to JOHN S. CARTWRIGHT, vUS Agnt foc th. Pceprietmr. 1%jOTICE-Al home having claires a- 111 ' s1t h. Liste of te ilte Mr. The. W.eF Haliovul, are requed te presattoe tte .subserîber lu Kipion, or i.eL. Macpherson, Lq. of Iallovu, on or b.fo.re the lvelfth day cf Qelober nuent, when a dvidend viii ho mad. Andjtl tiose indhtd tutle ho id liai., are aise reujueuied tu moshe maeite smenl. ARTHUR F ER, Adinlisirsir. XWtgsous, ta spt. 1lm. W HIEREAS a maunesling biuulf Ze- Vpbeniah Spcatti Drggu, as mue tiai bu la a native ofcaioaein methe @tata cf Connecticut, came ate isplace $bout thu jet Dember, 1828, snd for a short tuc cou- duet.d banseif vih sncb proyikty aste gain the eisons ef thov ith wvicuhob b came acquainied; prifcsing ilasif sFree- masan, and bis condut eing sppaienly on- .:cu.ion Hie. .vas sdmiitu.d s membe, ufBlvil . Log No. 10, ta ari 1829 l , and in the. Deeember follwin; lie married th. daughter of i respecable Inoheeper in tbii.Village. A superbd bren"puioutly euoclated thât bu b.d a vif. stili living viih Iwo chiuden inu tie nid liai., vbîci h poiiv.)1 deWtldhough tvu bave every Y.mn a i.b. leve h tue,suie abscobtied on ii. àth of Jumeanmd bas not sinon.bbu huard cf. Atma meeting cf ithe foesilLodgp bold inla li, 183, it èsresolveul liai tbe above' ah fi b. puhlu.hed, lu ordte uloe tabin Us. L"ot eade.,) fil8N8 W. YAOE£aL Xs an mudilleMal lsiony, I Taunt. D. APPLS, leabaprbfflumainud4,de eertify tb. shove te b. a ro attement, bepîns that l Tin lms~usmore pre- vett e dicer of m datuglseavec le oh- tain tiesumoeconUicenez ia seelefy, bq han beqetof.Ém doge,ut meilsen.. uh .bouat 1,50,5e, pvotute, teb. salo eurlg., mnerlul the blim ceseiepda.4 dd e. *40Edlitrs et palmes là tlb.UWWbtu are requewtl e gia ** WWUSIlOMW I)ïuirict k N!ewcastle.-,TIte wbale buin; cf bg est q-'t 1eil ateced, bering ex- celentTitber mdptud 10 every a;ricuku- ta pupsadPromisinÇ to become very valuable on the compietion of the plans in agitationu for the imtupovement cf internai »comunication -App1yto ANGUS MACONNFL. Bath, Feb. 17, 182. LANDS FOR SALE. r Amis South jis13k414 O9h do Maripoas 200 Loi Ne. 23 Sth do Marotra 200 Eut 4 23 5ti do du 100 Ferrternis appiy te H. C. Tiiotast, Euq. of Kington oreta thle preprietor, JOHN W. FERGUSON. Adolpbui.town, 2nd Marcb, 1926. pou SALE, ACRES 0F LAND, hein; 1%200 ithe blochis laitered F. and G. sllnated lu the Gore betucen tbe Town- obijpa of Erest Town aud Camdon. Appiylo RICHARD ROBISON. Kint..so SiFebrs.ry. 183. Sm. MOR SALE, LOT NUMBER 24 in tie I tii concession cf lthe Township of Br- der il wortiy the attention of Parciiauera- Appiy the Hcrald Office. Kingston, May 28, lm2. FOR $ALE.-Lot No. 17 in the. 7ub con I'Township of Kingston, mcd Lot No. 18, 2d.con. TownFhip of itleyDistrict of 1J.bnstown.-Appy ai te Henald rie. VOIR iALE OU 1TO0LE? »ssin Cabourg; and nt presnn occnpi.d by Mr- Wilson S. Couger, as a Hotel, for terras wid particulars apply te Ms. W. S. Cugr or tb. preprietor. EBENEZER PERRY. Cobourg, 6tb April, 182. aie on the. contlauiaa cfStors *tact1 Kingston, sud fOrunerly occupieul by Ic. ince-and 1- pwoulkuI1Irequaml etal flumad d*a4oWuaubsmâq ey Rtae te wdlesstai la L - BROCKNF & HEATHRg4 1h>pouSALE, no008, sien AND> cAnnIsAx PASINTN A 1FAIM ssued on lhe BIL0cr lYSTXB AiND MASEr SquASE. _1 vsr i.L*arnce,,four tes rcovel ote onrél ndNe Yrktaaeung 2S4Actes, cf vhhirenul.B a ch.ice amI elent aortlent cf Paper provennent, oaising et Meadow sud Pat- HOI Haugingi, Brdring, Ru. of lie moui tai- ture, baving heaun rparesd for a Stock Face. en louable Patrn#--AîaisilSuperflue esiaurs Tic Mansaion a modern huili Hlee,10 Prepiared rudY fer us,-Ceelliat, Fîitc,j by 6, of tue maction,viti aeun bou, and aNI and evry description cf Pint Brusbem... futisied luth tienut maniner, viii a colon- te 01ks, Glas, Puli7, &e. l&., etbich îby cou nsde Perdeo in thoesr,.ftonrlug the River. at,( variant cf gentune quaitîy, loinfor cash, or [tessituation lusonan eat.d <round, com-, Oit shoprt appravud rdt.-Henuu paieted, i,.- mendie; an extensive viev cf the beautial C pr4117111oOeamenied ou lhe shartust utoiu;o. eirycf lb. St.i.Lavrunce viii a slopieg Ptfl CiraeSloilha, 4c. paiuîed and pelimbud lave desceudin; le ih. The fatim i mstaa lt tbo insable esuner. GildingFluor utiiuîy feuaed iti sIoe. al Tic Out. clthi antn ,Glating, &e. on tirementrie- boumi are a Ramansd Cale SiedsForcs Tt sonahi rms-Roseuood, Mapie, and ev- Moul, 4e- its viciuîty ta O:gdensburgiu, ery uauslii.saofancy woods, imltstod ex- affords iltheconveuiericeofScboois, Ciurmlu ac ho nature. e«, Il goadciety, sud an ligîblu rmarket- Kingston, Noveuber 27, 182. tl;ia, VIllichin; lb. chief place oftade T en_-cute Amenican Bide cf the St. Lawrence, let *FOR SALE.-Lots Nu. 3D sa d2in the sud uhimi possss tic groet advaeisge cf aci ' ih concssion cf Muriay sari con- havie; lb. choice.beiveen ivo imarkets, lho- su t taibisn;200Acres.!f excellent Land, îlhs ing but 13D0tmiles frout Montrent, sud baving eut ' aud la stuated an Cale Crack uA NU.3e, n tbe odb. aide by the Osego Canal, anu vil] commandes a privilege cf thisivaercf snid! entire vrater commuication vitia Albaony Md, Cro.h, il hing a momntde"tablea situation sud Nov-Yack. The. grenier port cf ithe for thinacion of uille.-Apýplicstienuto biePuLrehasu aay reoaancentthe accurily et the maade te Mr John icbuod'ivelives ad- promises for sevral yeam jooiig, or te the proprieteet Adolpu. Applicatioens te teomd.e tevu. JONATHAN ALLAN. J. A. VANDER HEUVEL. Maîci ikih, 1830. *Ogdosbogi (New-York.) - WELLAND CANAL. FORL SALE 0OR TO LE?, NO'cEin er'ygiron tuat thewe ,l- THE bolem&d. euee, b lad C ara.U in Dov open lfo-ruab arhetzeeLàllkho& Mr ofVumisfies JImmeEcm latie latonmiefm Ontario. M igston on the lake shore, in i Dy order of lb. Bord niDirectorlI, foc sale an hi mostfvourableicrua. Ifuot sud J. BLACK, Sec'>. sold befoete .finmday of April uez, ivii nia( Welland csal 0011e. lie. to let.-AW ofor sale, an îery low terme, supq St Catieclnuas, Noir. se, I12. ~several lotaboth Ofeullivaied snd vild lande. ora - - Thoe sho vieb te ebtain prnp.ry cf ibis tait, 3 >.EFOR 8SALE. descrpion etîanhier rate, vwim evaier i 3 O OL CSaINsMACRIIEKS, tenusetty plyugite lb. subscribers, 1 1 Billy, DUNVC.I4N VÂNALSIN L MR A TLE.o 3 Clotbler~ Sbeating Machina., Kingston, Match s8th, 1829. sot 1 . Srev snd Box, - froc 5W l& Iiràobee't WolVALUABLF IIAL ESTATE FOR BALE. Mai By Mai GARRATF. THE Marmora Ion Wokî, the prtvilug. MiU Kingston, 26th April, 183. es, Appurieusces, Building@, Ulnals, lhe _______ansd Stock, thereunto hloign, as formerlv fo11 WHISKY. advertisud, togotbut vili 12,734 Acres 4f FI~E Subsriber bau *gaiu eommencud valuablu Land, bearing excellent Rcd snd tIhe Ditilltio and rectfyiug oWigsWhite Pin. Timbur, a"d uiti vwoessia k>, sud vii keep the misers nnalee ig bu bfor making Cliarcoal viliieha mud wnîli- %hop iu th. Maket Square, sud sollicitetlb.out reserve te ithe ilgiest bidder, (ferCash et N patronague! sfe&frmer oratorienssud oh- Kingston UpperiCanada ou Saturda>' -bcu 9uu ers, sud trusts the qualil>' ofthe liquns and daY of October, 1830, et noce.Ge prie wiii met viii approbiaion. Foi-plans cf t(bu Worke sud atber parlicu- ta Also, vanled, Ryr, sud Cocn u vbieb la,., sply temr. Monabamu on tip eissjust a lihas-al pesce vilieh nidy -ho Nemi-m. Goulul Dweit, Ce.Londoni, r W.GARRETT. Meurs. Doisse & Baird Lverpool-al the (0 Kingston, lit Joue, 1830. office cf lhe Albion NewspaperN 1ew Yack, or te the subberet a Motreal. NOTICE.-Th. undersign.ed brin; abot PETER McGILL. te leare Upper Canada for Eiugiued, Midianul Distr et,Uppet Canada, uthille moeii of Octobor noxi, bege te re- Angui, 182. turu bis ibanks te bis CuStamers foc r L&NU OU ALtoit pif Mi, u atnestseta urn lNhie Canal Route, buete ltheOtta.- bel bsoscelils business vil ie b. cdutsd 0Fevs sud Kingston, being Lot 32, in the of1 Ibien alnsd in is tiare, by Mr. Peter Me- loti Concession et Pittsburgh, about 16 or Bon' Calum, Whoia istnly campetunt t. receive 17 miles ilem Kingstan, cetaining 200 A- tc and exteut. aidera inlu t tlino. GEO. WEBSTE&. 1*1soe good Arable Lahd, issu situaied for tie Kingatosu, Ilt Jue, lm.0 an Inn; thie public rond passiug acrou tie 'De' NA. . Naval and Miiiiay unuteo u North.-Appulicaion me>' be made to Fia-a r~ <i. berS5viotic, G.W.cis A. Harper, Esq. Exi Ahe bort etnotie. 0 W. Kingmton, Novr.!, 182. FPORALP.- __ - -- - I ¶14 UBSCRIBER offers tie fullowiugI ANDS luUppr Cnada for saae.-200 T valuabte Proporly for Sale: L4 Acres, iz-Lote. o. 5,16,17,19, 4 Viz:-l 000actes of Lind inthe Townuhip 19, iu lie 6ti Concussion; Ne. 14 s-d 15 in REs et Benbi-uek Distict of Gare, stithin a sathle Su Con.; sud the soutieme hlaitof Lot distance of Buirlirugtou, Block No. 3 iu the No. 19 viti the Lois No. 21 m nd 22 lnte creqi 2Il Con, cf sid Tovaip. '7tiCou, ai lie Tuvsi fPlsugi tete LotNa.38 u le li oncessino f the Lie Couuiy ai Frontenac, Midlaud iDistrict, Bsr, Township ai Ernest Town, 9 miles fi-eom pp L anda. Tits.Lois are ver>' valu- Kingstcn ceniainin; 300 crea-Tiiere aile, aute river runesîbiougb usai, sud as n le a Hanse, Lian, sud 500 harin; Apple tic projucted Canalinona Richmond ibrongi Trent enflie prumises. Peth,munt pas in thesameodirecionu Io AWie-2 Vil latte LoIs lu Oîarksville,nuer 200 Aces-Loi No. 31, lu lbe 8th Coue- th. NapanecHMise ien lu lbe Township ai Corn Isl, ltle Foir euLands iu Reabtoci unquaneet fiConty ai Stormnt, Eantein Dasmtic; sud £1' William Ciaclus, Esquire, Giim 1 1 M Actes, Loi 21, 4tb Canceeiu ie the 19 Bath, Wue.. cKAY. 1TOwîsitofManuacrs,teuuty ai 1iiurbain, Rut valu ic N OTICE-All Persons indebird Ia the Esîsteoftbe laie Henry Tborp cf Fred. erickaburgb are boreby requested to maire immediate payaient ta David L. Tborp, Who lu legally autioniard i. reneuvu th. gae.; sud ail personahbavîug demanude agoinat lie said Lste are reuested 10o preseut their accounts ta bitne foc ad' a ment. HI A M S . Execuiors. -ELIZABETH THORP, Excutx. Fredervichaturgi, Juiy 23, 1829. N OTICE.-The suhocrber havie; tiken ont ltter. of Administration fer the Lisate of lb. laie Daniel McAliai, cf the. Towitbip f Adolpitastown decetu.ed, ru- quesis al perlons indshtsd ta the Lste, ta maire imnedisie paymeni, and ail havin;t "nY daims againsi iii. nid Lste, ta prusent M tte e ubscriber duiy autbsnticaiud foi paymeut. JAMES BOGERT. .Admiisraor. Adlpbutovu, Augugt 6h, 1829. NXOTICL--TheBubmhiber hig duly 11aPPsiuted Exectroftbelatwîllaud testament of the. lai, Willet C. Betrer cf tbe Township ind villagle cf Haliovell de- esed, roqunt al Persans iudebted te the Estaru 0ta eeuamediai, Payment, sud tbose t tbave demanada agiaIbot h@&id "stet ta cerne foyWad for settiemeni. JAMES ItOXON. .dcting .wwwuro. Halloel,i2th me.,24tb, 182. FOIR SAIL. gb )ACRES OF LAND le the Rat 200 aoncssion of Fredsriesbmigii, anth l.By cf qupine shoere abotat fourr utiles flouy Bath, 80 actes of vbicb arm under ieu- ptovemun ud lb.-q ofity he iisoU god- F es.quw !f l. propeltar on tis promise. JOHNANDERSON. Fneeribaorg, My 4ti, 30. 6w. xmumus ONHAT WA&C. ¶RffOS Smith, respeecluly JLiicms the public liailbe coniu.stocarryou heHaîti 1 cincs at hi eld stand opposite Walker' etel, and the Court House, where buebas iband the Iaten and mout fashionable Leeugfov gent*een d lady'@ Hais and onnets, Beaver 6"d imitation do. warran- dwateoeof do. wbwb b. miiidispose et owpricesforcals..aprodnce, or approved edit Cash paid for Beaver, Moakrat, snd Sbip- ng Fur§. December 3d. 1828 PROSPECTUS. ru ex PratisEED *Y 5PH5cnPTION, À VOL UME 0F POEMS, PHE Peear.eu varions subjecta; are Lready for th ieu o; and wil! bie pub- eted acson as a sullicieni nomber of Bob- bers eaube Lad,wbos.naues viilafflar bhe Volume as lover% of Liieraturo and euragers of the Fine Arts. The. Book ilcontain aconsiderable nutaber of IsA wies e,aduUuoentirely original. The hesszthat &1t, the hsist bat dsc'd. TFhe rines'd cheeis, (theroeir brw, The p, sd-ail ne vmschd sw! Bonsdthe taregrsnd sudfriesdilhâ111 Are fulif lu a aiv~prndj Poortss.s ef, oek'sehead! PriCe iNN IHSILLINGS Par COPY; eue Ifie advance, snd remamnder on tie deliv- aio the vork. [OR]r HOPE Nail 4lanuatory-l. L Brown bcgseiavo t i ho . isfriends id the public, tliailbe bas commnced issn- icinring NAILS ofevrery descri lion e£ a crior q isiity, wbich lie will se i for cassh - pproved bille,s low as they can beeatt- ied ethany manufactory in tthe U. Statea. Port Hope, luly, 18-26. - AUTION.-Tbe Subscyubers forbida 1he _/ Public iiigeneralin purchasing Tisa tes of band pFast jointly snd Severslly am James Hili and John Wynn to Daniel acriLi. cf the. Townahip of Richmond Jdland District wbici notes was past in e inter of 1827asd payable ithe apring Iowing, ai the snid tiso notes are -baid. JOHN WYNN. JAMES IHILL e4. . Canaden. lMvrcb '-lot. 1829. OTICE.-AIi ibose baving any de- Imanda ~ gainst the Estatu of Jacob maEqlaie of Hillier, are requested pé =ctthn duly aulhentiented for ad- isent, snd those indebted tu said Estate ré rquei tu maIre immediale payaient otti subacriger. JOSEPH DORLAND, Riller.1i1, Acting Executor. TOTICE.-AU persons baving claims s- .ý ainst the ELste of the late John Par- tt f Ernest T'own, deceasd, brother sud ùr ai lais of James Parrot, Esq. decenýed, Ernest Town, are bereby reqeoed ta di in without delmy,tieiraccoulists authen- clly proved, and all poes indebled te ksatd Lste, are rejiiested ta make pay- ni iithout deiay, lu lthé nnderaigned Join rrot and Dàaiel Pers yo f Eneat Town, eculons. JOHN PARROT. DANIEL PERRY. Ernut Townjanuary 24tb, 183 1 OTICK.-The Subscriber having beeu ,; doIyZspoied Admirîistrator te lie taie af iti lae Daniel Dev#.ne, deceaced quests al.persons indebted tb the snid Es- t, te nuake immédiate paymient, snd those tîle; demande, ère iereby desired ta rre- nt tie mme duly sathenticated for adjtat- oni. RICHARD DAVEIINE,Jîîr. Ad-.'inistrator- Adolphusiown, lai April, 1830. r OTICE.-Ai personsare bereay fonbid 'qpurchasing a certain Nute of Haed for 15, bearing date the, 2nd day of lune, 2, ishieu Note vwas gien ta one Johnl icieson, theureaidre; ai be Rive, Trent. te underogued neyer havie; ruceived ue,conajulers itot bave been givenforan egai cona.deration. A. D. CBISHOLM. River Trenit, Sept. 17. 1828. PUBLIC NOTICE. T ESubscibrabeiug duly authorised son Esq. lat. of Sopluiasburgii as biis lawful Attorneys, tla utile ithe demanda agannal imi, (the laid James Wilson Esq.> as vul as colleci debts iu ble faveur. Ail poisons, therefar., bavlug demanda againsi the laid Jeames Wilson Esq. are requestod ta attend ai Jesemiab Heiingion's Inn, lu tie Village of Haloveil, on Saturdsy the IOih dmy cf lmeusry inst., viiere the aubscrihera will meei thuisfurthle purpuse cf settling tudr ueveral demanda as farsas eau bu doue by the. propenty put mib eir bauds for that purpose. Tiios. iudebted ta thie nid lames *Wilson are teilpested ta matte immudiale payeet te thlblsriere. ANDREW AUSTIN WILLIAM DOUGALL, MOSES HERRINOTON. H1aliowell, 2nd Janusry, 1830. REMOVAL. T HIR Subscriber bea leave u ielirm bis frieuds and the publie, ttliib.bas ru- aioved bis Wboeleansd Retau IHardware esiablishmnent lotie store lately occupised bv Mr. A. Truax, store street, wbere b.e bas oiu baud as oiail a veryenrai assortunet Of Hardware, Paialsis, Cord a n . &c. sud a ni daily epectation f. fuàsr- pl direct fouiBirmingbamn, Sbeffie d, lWolverbansrie, Bristol, sud Liverpool, lb. viole rofvbieb b. Wini Seluuuaav lev for Chor orct approved Credit. 50 dot. Folanby'î Grais Scythes. 20 dos. Engilali Grassand Cradilu do.-- for sale uaeoemiy lovr. GEO. W. YARKER. Kingetuan, Rh lune, 183. JOHN WÂTKINS H ~A$ jug received bylb.ho Mp Montumi fr ou 1ve», 1 0 ukansd Case of HARDWARE,,CuIIoy,àwL, sud dally uxpecisamfueiher ssapply pet the Canadh.; lb. vbo. of ubici bes a. mAieu bon tic Irai huss in flrmigliu, SBlileul Woîverlauptuna,kru. and viDble déssie o oaasasvauiage4w termse se lhe mue dewvlp. tien a ogeous esu b. porchmiedlna orromL =eotrMerchais, are pertleually re- q e £. alu &bd judie for ilsms.1ss Ifio. m Lu . I8..l A ut P rotcuion Insaurace Co. Kingston, April 14t lm12. JOHN G. PARKER, bas for sale, 6 Tons anorled Iron aud Steel, 50 Cous ef Cor- dage, sud Witîe Rope, Patent Pioughs, 50 Boxes Windav Glau, 15 k.;. Naîlu, 4 baies Cotton Ysrn, Sale sud Upp., Lutier, Caif, und Sbeep Skins; Candie Winkiug, Batiug-20 kutis Tobacco, Scotch Rappee, mnd Msccohoy SNUFF-Coahing Furusces for famille,, ai îs. 6d. te loi. 6<!. oacb-fine Specm. Lamp 011, Lsmp Glas- esi-Palets sud Oil-Dy. Suff-Povder, Siot-30 barrels Tar, Resin, Pitc.-A ve- ry guneraluascnimeuul of Dry Gooda, suitattie for the Seaon.-Groceries, Crockery, 8gc. cas psid for Wiuat, Fleur, Peck and pot- sues. JOHN G. PARKER. C AH fidb th sbscibeatisBrev- Cery, o aleHpe odwoChar. rosi. Alse, ai bis Distillery for Rys, India Cocu, Oais, Oxen, &c. And bas formie, WaIuut, Cherry, and Fine Boards, Plaui, aud Scanlin;, Ltis, <Carcoal, Rc. Anul Distillers a eu apied viii Coppur Boli- ers, Worms, Hape and' Malt. THOMAS MOLSONq. Kangton, 10th Nov. lm2. SOAF AN D IASDLE EAIITOmrY. THE ubsribr leconinullymanui>e supp of Did d id mUdC "' Ail. kâunidurd"Bar N504P, of the besa qualiiy, vbidab ho .es furi»ame ducud p*ies, b h vie a.eusg. Marchant» la Kigston vlebiug te pur- eharnuage qiaatilie fer ready râouey, et short ap1re. credit, eau b. musppled ai keeri primes thon 2M.7 ea pouhily procure dios e t fi-a. di. Unkaed &ais, or amy oSier paut of tb e d,-Cmidlu quorvniei ta dan Mn fe ouer hauts. THOMAS BENSON. N. B. CasA paluet aU ailmu.for TAL- LOW, Klgsten, lotJsuaay, 1830. b.:puMe, = sdla *0e cearme cf 1~EFRCANADA SPELILING BOOJU, Beig a larisoel.atâ*lb.Eu lait llis guae;eeosiig gautvuey Lason &Ze. OW e l».e $""' temta.y tuTu" AR".im Is 'Ire Ww tsaw uvr n - - v .'00 ont n of Ba Spull En use Hà Math Latim Ki m basb lieu ie fui iu il4 Ti mina futur Sn ' au di C-9&9. jifam suiedCauMepttce. 171th. ondurmigneul horel»' givo public THE Pwue am ir Wp.tOlincud Isticenthbtse vuil! net hoie ccoudablo t ANDERSON »iHDOes osiabi asFOR WARDERS or COMMON a"d ECTRAL POWDERS as prp.d C gEM-%authe Rivet St. Lavreaice, foi- ba JaeshéinkCa av fot ard sudrdanger orthte navigation 1tusie.uu:for 7 li-mCo.ai, provsdon es- lue 6silMonI-est sud vice versa. salves te lic une a=,thelmüiàvbllabléreme- W 11thelb.publie te umplay nonse dits oves yet dscevered, for thie cure e!t mules-, uxporiuuoed menas M asters of Caicaldu idet affections aoflb.he MnBuis. hi-ca« sdIslu 1adiug te Cous su We t*lllet RU1liite en bêtit eau bdue, Thead bi erionced tiii. b y g feclarance an prapori>' conisigued te vas Led. t l.H uai, e 'an sd eu uti it orespectable office, for lis mate de- Itget tsiab* tybve volutarnly i- llecy tMonaito, sud aitithelovus ire- 1 enceitsfcts c.e n i iWitsuei- mautg lhooblained. peau uaubh Bottle, tiat Wittl alisfy uvery n- luI cases viere ne instructions are gavun, li prejud1ied uleultfial the ment uxtisordins-vititraspeut ttamoant tebe inauredl, n itois ry andI unexpectieulcure.bavu beau perfors- the. diflémret tdescriptionso f pioerty, e ai ih ed hy thesni.ofethIis miedielue in casescf *all immns,. si amount as vu conceile Fin long standing, in vbicb otitemodimîne fj ii wle ftailb safeiy sud interesi of the ov- Actes produand ne tavourable effects, and vieemraThe ptepei-ty viii b.e.made subi te Tuaz the meut akilîfial physiciassliaitg-venthe juemiuntpetit for it usrance~.-Per , Sec the up as iolinft. I l tpvuiundedvii.e cuntigu preperty ta ns fer ltransportsI40.0 giRal; tay are an uhiiile ccuelunail cassu d objeci te ibis course, wvimlmediatel>' siips but cf ùch as are incurable, tbere are but signity il by lettes, in vbici caste my ust To fev canen of Cangiî or even «setd C,n- cotuider themseives au.'ject te ail il. liabti. 'il acceptions bol may b. nelieved by a timely tisacf lb. navigation biaume te Moutral. Guei uise Of tits Halin; battais. Eaci, Dollar <Signes!> H. & S. JONIES, aresa Ball entle hol Odseislc pov1 JAMES aICVITCIION. every sbum ta b ha s dicne consi IiOOKli & IENI)EISON, verne tiieïi- vanne. c pedcui JOHN MeHItO & Co. Grist Ne eriicl.Prescrat, 22od Match, 1828. îl Te Jaan e Cele, R., N e. Y.N. B.-Ocvuert, ai goude desireus oaitrimur- au ]ab ln hie spint; of 1818, Mn. Eleaxer Hari, a sue agatuat ithe dangers ai the navigation lis;a a eau ie ver>' indigent circuiaucus, sud frein Motreal te Piescct.t, isil direct Mer- chai t h iai la abourait for me occeaionally for chanste frin wubis lieu purobase, ta funisi Fo more tian a ysar, vas violently seizud viii no, ni-oui aigentituMentreual, vit the. value onu an affection o! l ngs, accomain ed bysa!1cf ssci sud uver>' package.tlidi tigt dy cug, ieqonil' uabe l ras. (Sigued) ,JOHIN hcPBERsONjc Ca. up au>' hie; for neaci>' haIt suniiou,aud lieu, I.& OIS u motcemcunly, bod i og ia nJAMIES IcCUTCHON. T servere sud incesan, taliahe bon hecanie Pesoi, ,5SeeICRi 1821>. byni snucb etnaclated, bis oeseaglauoy, aud hi,_____ 15_______________________ Islieugtb luit bis le liai dugtreu bt hi.was AREHOUSING, FORWARDING, lieL vieil>'miamble te labour. C"impasienatilg AueS COMMISSION BUSINESS.- Gore bi*siuaton, a fri-tnd ni mine sud myseîf Tiie Sobsctibur ret.pectfully informe the pub. lie L procumed for i-bnaoneuloticf Anderson% tha b a aenslsucftihlr e v Cougb Dropm, by th use of viaci, in ab.ut lonuhtebauesdWaen &lueisovu reî-dus tire e.ieoks (te my atanisiei evss ly occupied b y Mesars. MmCuacbou 4- Cross- 8 fai- resloned as te bue aile le peu-foni- iiî nns, ubeme he inteuds te carry on tie a- buill aI labour. GAIUS STEBBINS. bove business; sud vil! bie îeady et the o- bet Hiiaal, ui 1,-82.peningcf the navigation te receive sudfr- Th i Robert Kidue>', of Rochester, Monroe usnd G oods, Producu, %'m. ei an>' Porte Counly, N. Y. de iereby certif>' liai fur à inlie Canada2. lHe viii alissys have lu bis eque long lame 1Iovas se reduced b>' au affection umplo>' .ea-voi-ty botse avigated by dare- liueu nith tiIuug,attudd iti plie le the brisaifut sud sxpcrieuced beatmtn sud bis char- pat dîffinîto>an ivbesilil ashoincurayblfe vasges tfi- transport viii b. asgloe as those e of vto desaird n su giunup u icurblebya sny:ilmilar esablishment in tic Pr-ovince. i cunucil ni five Physiciens, but by the advicu h ubcierylacepylaî isnin ir ni Doci - G. Hitchcock, of Rochester, vas te the dîposng ut ptapri y tiat msy lhe un- e inducrd ta maki rial cf ycur Anderaonls tiusted ta his are, gremluiinsirlunticns- Qe Coigi Dropo,asitd by uaeg eue botîe vai ARCEPD McDONE.LL jl i-eeioi-d ta perfect iualth. 1 would thure- Kingston, 14ih Mach, 1828. fore recomend ail tiose affiicted wiîbs l>-Reeecemyaornd Haon m similla, complaisul, te mairenun nilie saine bv 3ud John Macaulay', Esquires, Kingston, Rn remedv,f a stPorfecil yatlsfied liai il ta- and Robert Stanton, Fiq. York. c vud eoylii.. REURT KIDNEY. h Reciesier, Match i1, 1828. TO NERCHANT9 &c. A1 CAUTION. HE subciber reipenirusty apprims Al DEPVARE 0F coUTERYEFTS. I Mrcehautâansd Dealers linPreduc inAu i Es ecy pureisser vie values besîth mugi U. C. tual frinsthe encouragement lie me- J1 be par11umIsi.sud s.. tisi tic btiles are ceived lu iiscapociiyoci suAgunt durn; hie at oisul-ed in the glas ANuEa.euin's couGSl lasi yu,ie is iudueedtoceusiune tai bush- au oainns, prepared by J.ULLEX, and tbat nuts in sIl lis brandies. At tii. openlugaiofJe the dirctcions are sgaitedJA'Sa ELLENS.- the navigation lie vill bcprupmid tnîee.v Re carrfictand examine belote youpurchase, sud diepose ofa u> quautity of p-cdure tlaIt as tienm are Iwo spuriouos kindsinl market. ma>' lie coneîgned te bisi, aud erdera toc ETIE GENUINE F OR @ALE BT goods et auy description ruquiced for thb. V. E. LE SUE, & SONS, sud C. Il EATH, C. Traitehalllha executed vitb punectualit T -_-Kingston. sud viti the Most acrulinizimu; regard faiT t tii llc- oifipertosemp)lnigbi--.. luI any cf ber business cenfidud te bisîcire sii reey" AITSqU az, U108.recaeis hemont acrupuilous astetiounilqvery JAMES A. SMITH bopgIlesv, te in- charges, whicb are exîreuul y modeato,vwill edPe frs bis fiienda ansi the Public, liaI buho hie e nue as .xpressed le bisieccrcuer$sfast çP'e hait undurtaken the. above Establishment, yesr. CHA'.S. MIrTL.EBERGER. lo0,1 formerlu kept insuci igi reputation b>' Mr. Montreal, 1tii !dmcb, 1829. siden Go.. Milvazd, dceased, sudwvihi e c o u - d i t e i fidetiy hope, tonaintain. Traveltursmay MARINE INSURANCE-Tie suhocri- famil ie asurud ofiinding, asusnua,evey comiei ber vill uffectI nacurauce ou Cargoes este sud accommodaion, on the mont ressonabîe SbilppedlunSieam Roussealibis paît, prîvi- oflut ternis Kingston, Match 13, 1820. 1ege;dle u eshipped ai PieseottinluDaram able1 N. B-A fus repcable bosi-ders eau Rosis for Mouui-esl. isee lie acceuut-,dsted. JOHN G. PARKER Tic A G ENr sihn Dîvî,dson, &q~ ai-b, Login & Ca. "hiles Sheriff' F.sq. ai? ieri Sheriff, Mac1. bals P. Treudarîl, a. lex. Fraser, Eij. ,aarsSatuon, F. Itan M.CPierou'E raci Ilr. sn Fc.. tacts G. Brîbune, î:îq. tutus Keiiy, Eoq. Fun McFarlatie, Fsq. ranicis Baby, Egq. York, 24ti April, 1830. Oltaîsa. Longueil Perîth. Žüt.i, FoitsEes Sand sjîb IHE Public are respettullyit:fmeîî..a lite Anademata Bath, under the sape. endruccoi lie Rev. J. Stougitsa, sîav ened, forthliereceptacu ai Popil, aidr r peculuar advancoges. Mu-. Shirlry, a erienred Ejîglisi Tcaclier, hlostoti, et- id al an Amsistant; sud theb, iîoîî fin 1:n Eu;!ici eparîment, bave bes caot .abl' raded.ilPup!Lalu ue acconai- e viii board sud iadging, in ceipectabla lie ovuyoderate teians. Rerence t. ts Scliitus cf theAsistagi,-he "ples si1,on éte. 4-c. ma>' b. made teotie Vever- lb.h Arcidscon oif Kingshcon, isba bas ut>' visitud aud uxaminecl the Soboal.- fue and iualthy situation roi the Viltttg Bath eed no i-scsmmunilatiou. TUIiTION FEIS. Hin, R 'ead iai;,Writitc;, Ariturli( ughiGamaGcti;iphy, (w ittheil c. th l . lbe.) Ancitaun ud Modus R1s1er', -- ------£2 i0ln tbematitsa- - - ------4 0 ritead Greek - -- - - ----- inguten, lcly 28tb, 1829. KINGSTON MUSEUM. VR.BARSLTRelturns bis thsit l A th pbl liorte encouragement ho i ilierle îceived, sud heg% t. acqam = liai the KINGSTON NIIJSEUf dld future b. open for inspection eiey day tae vusk. Admittance 1,. TO THE URLIC. MEB Copa4rinersbip bereisiore etusîcal .hats-eeu Madigan and Lim tîgtan,ttr. nated ,t-nle 0b JuIy. Tie basicci irte vili ha caried ou by Patruik ai- uk bo is duy auiiosiaed to dicige allti ua agaitsttlie abuve lirut, and recscit lebts due te xl. Kingston, JuIy 216t,'11H. FOR BALE. 2 0 ACRES of Landl, bring Lit 2 0 famber 19 in lthe8MCoucesuOO of the Tovnsàbip uf Lougiiorugb iin1115 Mlidiand Diotrict. For iorm, mpplicloa eta b.e mtate Subseriber, t inpuanu fRh Oct.yJa. . SMI. WIANTE» 1Ieuuuaialely nttbe GD" Ivoque Milis, s SECOND MILLE - r O. à J. NcVOIALD. tGanaanoqu, May 29,1830. P NDferaaleaitic Hemld Oint, O A& CO ftf'« A SvTEN OF DJLLîoS ,ras Mu2La opasarUppgaCàNÀO,bleesu- uandci f HaExcelleaicy tb. Limmus5t TE RERLDJ MM 7Woduo&m Ereig T. ,D fPI*tf. * ,"%b êN dsufw d ti s la fiaredI15.da <sM Jà Wui:îq 05 £a1uim % MiE CANADA COltIPANy balefo Sale in Upp-c Canada,', . u tý a fiue bundrusi ibouandace o I he iollcwing descripticil.îce fLs Pami, Croise Reserves; taeing Lotsof tas eCh; scasuered tbicutgbou t , Il ruabhipa efthe Province. teeund, BRie ka oi Land; ai, fr-su li m0 acr ele ai- s Ciitel (il teT Pu et ue Western District, aid wusluip of Wtlmsît, in ' h. (h,. I 1ird, a Townu aud'1 inl tihe(soie District, n caL51 tI dr.dy nuarît 00SeU&tl, lthýso lr ied ofr.cleane,,, e l; i s, Sai-Te, Schc,0,Saw is14cli , k it Mil!i uprî.l ', , C. zna loCilen for Stinliersuw ith iii boei-cgsuad servant, are en.ili Ftc ,, anîd lots, Paiiîy trnpîoveî, ".* imd l1it Il iflilils, Puce. Fouith, ThefutTrnti , millîr rie l.tindî...l s hape cfa tianglc le, hebaser. wacde of staistîlaoth's bil f' ion.e 1klü bue Town et Gol,c ;1, 1,I ol ceed on lie 'idr of tht ,hai b, -" he Coufluencce ut threr ,,Njol'.lo lLake; sud as nod i31 a,15, çcalot'i ,e Disrtmu; and arlther iin prognit London Diici, bas h-d>les centre OfS&etl, Th'fer. ire îai,, about SM >itilllcilg,tl tii arth kSais MI t islinoPerati-n-8..o rit i iding; and tetrol ai aerand stere> hL, on estsblislied; ~and i recery ar.d BD,; Yare lin cgrs. y buh Lantl 'a adasuîted On' all bards i-oL ml ho su>' in the provinîce; il Pr.""" Islsudbuilding stone; brick rarît, sc "es cIa>,',l t'il h danct -,aand il, puoduÛ, the ceuntr>'c-an lie carrned Io market b, tr, throîi;h Lake Hurl, bvaeues r, te lice Lakes Er,aiOstrar river St. Lawerice, ta Itr hand Vbec.d f? - 4th. Uh ,us the touait t-H ah.PMr I. gi tan pria lm.pci oui 11h.onat paid thye.n --Oot j. Àlu,. lit. Aut 151h. Ont bb 1>' Sa .mgelaU;m Amrom godi IVoouele v08 À1 Prima M01. On tIs d te d e i. Lku A Prit Im.T A pui 101h Tlube APus Purel. oIW 91(k Te taswb *0 testiM pi ria ï1i lm- 0,uam aie os*la 4 I j1 f j lcrUdu aR4O~ 58 QUSE K ffA50 1'es FOSAEAALABLE FAR M'Ligt" uel, tqý o Fi 8,L. R E-,,,,,.u. fn e deicis- AVEIEE bomrg, beiug Lot Nuutiec 3=,euntaiutag 200 mM îo EGSN rs i Acres et Laad, 0 cf ulili u a hg ~ a er 15 tl.UisCou staS.! csltvatle. mneefuiie05ahermswea. . ie himil Tii. ab&" Fim hltluoo eho aiet Smileu o~f ipnaaNIEEmspar- tram KêgMffnd aRRaavtl mm a oiuaqt afewIaGisU-nd 01vMdii T%»en *50 UDEVAU, are iv. Hcsaaad ainm ehe p iiimec Win takem baI hsiw vu roqreqam, ma i.~heual" vals.. d*btamtwk g salmdeaipusesmimR Tiihel»e vil b. »id dug o1fr cashor tue~~ emS ItRmiR;md .hflpp.aic.dt.4piyt bmHaod m...4a0* alerdos R6, uy an- pmb îAli ,1.. *mw STArgdos udrtau alnkefEl s mim Iollw t.. Tf RIMS WEIIER fat kthe u . efi Cemlusn m aRami Eldomtu 'il : f., 1 . ý -- »« L p 'q [No