- "t 't SI~I 4~ 's- rvou*.xij. lii Lids.C4UIMitB els. o miiNtoaloeee i e1 51.1ecy i hn eS, vis'onlk ihat Iows k. Il i .esis dusat atttelmstes6"9hmgla levert Palan Oetange mai ea.mmurne nao.- pur upei. &"nehWsah.tb aï; ,il lit 0dispu.t" te Ciai .Ie eie queml mest lie uenely ui.li, omae t ý vmiS amatpermit the Jut <o selleti, i BoylaSdeVhSâ fis,. uaathe f mtW. t!eiqie ls ie mag maiii ha Pr" eOanalaepaktwlb # bl 5ft%,amdf» Praot isse «M i li ami Koal 0q iwm lm ua, tue lu etroliut f tigdmpliatin e aicoant o a mmmiv i asA doptaiS hraeg cacuowthtu illicugli, siaps, se- casl.asly erioemmotivas.. rias , - dueat, eaumsm o. naseaux. ad vus te @hm 0 a. c omeitda for Bleina, ro 2posean Orahtiane to rcçalate th elechos ofaNatinoami cou- vTentiae; Taktag tatacau.ideatotam Bthle Cas- veatice mmoaiite deténeai ilS reas- s ec t tO@lsratBem ae, i li nov mse$y te adopl a direct mi lilsal Neuor he, t"gtlaltse eomimlt sambing cmetsishe munBepota. of thefoumdaltof ieaamteetk tasewovomi cauio ely, anS boilimeu ofteleeon hWb"cb . a"t »V pracumi 1- WNCtoTcvtin. su b.con-, pased cf tva isndreidepîqtima IL. The MemhenrafBNalaaoalCouvem-. tien @allbclhoaissa dii'ecty by & tiseclaua Of lictcr.-Ul. Ta.omttule an éecm- 1i' To ho M.:aa Uetgtmm17itr n mteimi- ration, or lob ai.atessiatMjE Min h Be- Um. 2. Ta ieaiitvesy-leyapg. 3. Te puy thse praporioatontrluttou. vhqB tàeu" ora'tise several tevmsa"ma dstrlichs lave apoitaiôa1ilag ta Be@ reapstive Iccalifie,for adaia ttebo EletalomiCouffge. 4 To frahem i.elictaral opsofaa in tie Prsciengarticle, ie m ock oued t eacu lia %es lie- ta Satbglosc los1 aU lw i nis.t va.e ,Ahiie itre lse elmol o. tel trais plibym o- .tse isclocatsisAttl au l I qéB .e ékeobv iitisldoicle Cf ZltiM "n.-t v Pacitaec I Iinistvalyve istricomt&. sDlao liyTe bitsc bQ ugasblae et6the la. tmtiohCne alena bse maient mOUd- th*bthdm ctuel oi.vaeya6 faraitei cfxii.ci-é t inin cfet bi, i Svclat ho Pincfovi cidiiEstFal baing metyt e foratii of vctotthaIli1 t 1ea aitoanart mide sa at iive , bvbdoi epacicl i thse mi.& Aforo-ic huonbil bCenutiww àl. els vas ppoitS IO-Thepp6P. clumimB acf âât rMM hvigm eoed Be-1 cla ear coition vlaedclie dafm ubslqqnlmut cwmduelbe arqdumte the ourys» tt dsbcl AMWUdis be.. dar hlh. .ad a sais~~ mmod amumiee iis.lm WiSploiana tlsetu sus4 " e ba Ou n Ret"m i«eS lsui Beale bau, gSe la1 lin t e 0lghm siibll om eyt theuterstgu Be peu..aili lc istattise qi, un le' esomel Iiaete he. lti n.I smum i the s Bo.vseaues *es.The eehfttebdnmIai kit., aie otaiEun s.te p» eisa- .Bporttct elmimueea Méo"" inP ce. mbut.w aene,% «a Uheppe ps5wmnra ieuad ainmu u S wok e.1!& T~fi IJP~Z CANÂ~&~ II~RALD. A- t. the s Elh~.h dles6iimfG.hélri la Bo RUIIXILA5whS w."m ae. s0 Fgi #.ektialit m but vtl> 0 mie of *0 cevégamms - am lii tap ld imuS i h. ni 'me hB ai. f =71QaJ lsere adf.bi Tm .4lisabe Ipmttesm r la her êsa06. Reld, 1by ma OiKl=mi3Kt3et" aiakilsalieuoesmgcOtoehsal tJatehua S tryselmeaaed n Th"mlaOmtOs bti bi et nev. eetu ltesI Pz i a mi kgeahmd U eig. - -> %à;Mam utsà .P" mmr »MtilaGuelale, eoibluammet- imtly hile eut, Viii SMemes, lM vieaes tmh i em e e a kedh.Lkit Balse mi lmt.PrumtSleedumusi Mes, Mmd liS Aibsit vie bd marneS 1 daÔr t le King ofMW IaS, in e , "ve a" vmvepe pr lse. as =cfe JtilQMiieý by myint tthas- bavewbS mllgeaslm ebem euamaat. edhehlminaoffmw abape. 1 Ibe ti, hawverrte h. ltue: mmi lie Bug"mis dty te vliesilva. me0,%bya rliaien, frein r Mesiiuil aie atiag Upa" 1,Mnid tg ohy aidllY oai taau tombd vihI li aemmi tlaPmums tbibave e .yt eOM«muMsfdýt hie peaplei epubawvripv liai N.dFW a c ate, Md if tise b vaelei ape etih* la la Ta Pfuinanar I, Pp-Te Kqgd laprmtiiepn quIe yeoWh&dy by lieOsbereWpd'" ~7i6Addu uhdivYen es, gîv. expressm hn ava iemaslltg ticà i :ybemt. Wtamu, hekmy mieisi you w6e bia fel alrne et te ament e myhiotigile tia, i Ii Eweum ~ledugrie Wb cgn. sv vSM t have etiuigr * ngees t.a palittes (ai isbisaay anS oqlpmmat .lm aôhn~ tliflaii anem evih" mmmiii nid 0 prsstateuide liefnl* Thiâm e -Oa ua - Amtentra e NeVMm.w.Tlà "ho ig cimlepat elehstOhee g, Pissa d etine- put-e* (gle dIjàproain. glay. talas, .'ias, sute0 u" Chu"esis beulpouhi an 60b miampet 6ns-s visicis la fl a"d cýiLeeenslt unt Amour"a" abaa Mas seienla usvmiRuIa oghhs of sm tp,m« d*r,m ftal b" =Ihmte trIà m *0 "* ley ma vIb6* ' 4 wu ii n ou!pbe- un, emmt ýk Uw" bi on n taêWt -d'WaY TUE 310DE 0F TUE 1518. Win von a lbIOVu4ymbimîna mati o Nmy;vlee a kf eama mit vspenin.xu liair viltjuy aivmit Ioate roanti hig ta th isai raatgmen-lielnveré of no àtesbci yma Mu via a laltat sm a. Bte céeek of May 0iss epflglsi vov vwu amd a gli c iIunaofa l à( oa mfony, mny otndzub queiis.Yon"et meuu, io i laferla ilui oultlsii elyu Mary.te vash mm*abtSe eti S m», fer ain ba bie&s te% c il*ni --mueMfi%*.? , ta hirma Ocohralb etiapomýet o voamiwusievl laipeli mma , oiMm«perw *««- lsytin tome lfe jemai. seumfeaes bille *0 ete liai ai- iamm eev aoin ttatsu.m eaiimoatlletievluhE A$ p.lypruemeam eFalM ry &à=digs ter.ai riu emmualpss lboiLMma' noumâem w emrs~ ei __*em*. i ngS quifmqe - Asio Bea(= .ms, lse lagliamut v. oiltm-eSrr i"w ls.e CplRe.1Sta g _11* alasu*boa Iàw r*ate e ,Ob« 0' a .- - m~baet- rin w b*la h. vs mmahabdi ghay. v. Mn l«J lW mh lai met li - v me vUe uuaet 110 0 fer-<li laten lksOeaL uvetïoï bui vià te fm th* iy iet * t duiluét lOde "jvt mtLeme t * miMu l va. ewm aine enmainf 1tâ-la.thee urYli.h n- in f-er mim cu tremb. 1 hure i.the Ozdrg lie immýým it * a e, tb. baS amatM. de tImemoisi fite Osr et *0e D"m. The char b lies. - 0&, hot Napaleen OmM ametbave îimt. on b.d am tvidahi lie cooutitteHo ded ra esa tuent atm, Hi. mi vi..bea"m.dvi*.tmr avtisat ail baîdUnited inmauemu- tiuulent7W. n Dputdecisoi tisat l thse Empirer.V-0tlivoi apy Pr- = leSby tise scupwer o « .,,» ua ise Odu m( thie Day b.iag potethe voté, vas adoptel 7 anatu.ua= , uMW eoîmsaly tie pegio106r0emi - r*m= &Mt" n iede"imie Momma eowi«*eliails Sïd Ibo smsf 60 LÈeBMg a a. t, . wkw viea " elei vilii n mii,b badmrc6b 1 zeY. 1 hibeau hW dumvwauàwd nai"heof etber, het bu b e hmmela me"uteS la " ii Imiti yjS rema mais f beashi vu, ,ami, em Boa phympadtliy utoed a oce bi 4coldewn W blm le hasy a m Z d Wbi avho- emRli io ta De eai awi. taaunie he- a et a"h matiesl mi amyuvit a mipaiu.ihr eha- ahey, aimolam tm Borsotr ta dm Oumm Belhh boues tvehes mmd vmertM, mm oknte uofoish@Iatolii Ta4mnl =î» s Si nmmTliohuef tehn ubat a psrwttcalar - s rie uv, umaii ci oume me. 6e ainh ae preda ptisaI lap- nt aoperme ee rtitheil. ai a me k iota1 al4ad Igmigose dainue. than - peostogviadi a' bh ut lmt et aion Samor, oma es intei, Al in, butala its mitani briaknti hsei- ilg acumtet , mibgoh*ltie taortoa- parI e to t hin a"tt nTisan s aMi.emradiitghhevs l 11f1lb.w cmme n tb 4Vooai ovr, a lt.. ean ti vts, n Mttma- (b- ue t ese oahaardai thèeisusii issadi min oh« ie isalitebms itiea imm hm bie pe thiltssm ea hmevmUaOnftt. 1 &liehet06e11%t dqOlae the vile la ip vaaam ver Ml esam, mai lmg ort tatat6"vaspo.pie rb mewuils ie« yussi vil oseur buyt madai or m "aasece wne 9 tbeei;,;ta 6e inatmic moed & «boa my, berna tbe e k imour, dîai vucau-bis. etisa iiser.l -.aie h ioris*mymsr teocesaai»dlb Mf siternsa Ind iceutcasser in villigt lavmiyam" contis nmttvlre l- dise mmme-ce 'Ybe atrtts := m t appee ut f i Weba»lbnstmmaiva.n P" iiiiy ingtie lSsaw mmm- MM limed. i. mon i e *bae na la ve beim %q me; vlaa hile,08"mmE W. bavetie miamnsMM r. A* poisvilridaimBoepamam e ne diS o te S a e vom4 ti sse Se sta mer m *at -oflth TiseEdilref ieft on"nim oooaeiotuilarbutea lupis ll liin ad bmmtohaeae"b . Wsuimeh M o lia taveh": it m abriel à4lait paperbe b immnam moitetha out oU W. S axtrastsuhmg peua» o b "Wef k tse stealCe: itua~1~W tgaEhioa dw maU mmi oegspiiaoaagtw ;jý- fr112wh - ecqa Outdm lîo dbaf TUE SAVY. Comusader IL Rusa, vieovwa dàin- eseorvice rriemanma.botbeWdkf 10 dipotwt, atte tie i dlilae iWigbt hm omrestauS ltiste tank ciamamad- der, but plac et at le ett#mon l. MUt Puasau.ý-A MWv regaladma 0 npscthgmival ooke wuviova pa 1 i Mariing sAit thlMJ , vii ib. ant- lied topeemomifor idevu. Ailcn- jm"Dim aoies mu fl55 aft e 3ie»O kDeceula, mtwS mimt e .a pesm *ý for lieu vidovu uml B6" ha*e boee tan I Yom muBs gi bumva - y atm bIeS in a7 cde., orlSm th*Ir flubin 6. ee«u"m aeirduaty. a 'violao I apaa, ual.. us ead ai mer- vc lceteh ettb WMlhea-ps.- w.. .ulam i- u hPMetenm.. lley lave beau smie d vii.usla- if bnSummd vwu alawsi «I e<a DRAT13 F ILU. *ZUTT mot Dum07 sopst. lmina aay 1 e v o t ee t . t r e ML e tlati4~'C titi shvm a Wb&- "L-M a ha.il Ld Cag1 f 0619,55. 1 Th eisPaLm0(weueda "ir ta recmrnea»Y OMorevoitter krm lmacmm saottoeed Vads on the tua'tlapreent their ent'ancea This nm tsa, vidati t WilI tendStt e m.eseymetiiement ofalsos in the Ne. lieadby dimiiahmg th.e nm, r poea atuuetcm ePiOlOil,1isg lhe pre- IMe tu ofI.cianarcis,, ml a 0prvoo gro amie te the. French Goveremen, by w.vau el ana. for O&fnce At an ine. vehi. hicis it ladfDot influence en,1C emepeglbr ap"lo tprevent. Fos" time PM ste.ise nchinitry have le,, emsvuin uvain-to prevent the Marci, cfivoinmlm tu !a29.9!nn;Wmdthey nust th el at*h .ee iipleasuysa commmoio vwhtch affeta ail Fet penes isadoe temai tie Revouiîll in. ta m, *"&Mly viîh the native tle.m8anu tise Gevermnteof tie Ye' Ton RuBmtrua-There je a deficiency ma tise Brehs Revenue for the e quarter e%4- iu< imtise 10th October, of £188»34. Th Bota Of t lt1h lay:-' The PrbneciPade- "ctnaibis uheez" eamoautng to£j19. mai m h uc slsa 75,480 auilm t1 4M. tFr i ttde iency s t0 le deww tise i on.,which arnounts lx the cistam t 40,603; ie the pobt office to 12M00;Mmd la lb. taxes ta 29,S69; raakiqg aliotal ctSI5s, a"lemving lie netdecrem £139J10146 a mu nuean m snot tu, 'cmii ais ganuMdetmirm, Whou al the e ircum- obbaamn tAk. "ieCoSgideration i% deaMusm .tise yuwaunonta te, £943,". tise buh ciof stais tin the excise, tat esm- eog test c Ueprsperena condition of tii. paulatve hu..With respect 10 the iteuaetdee eaaythei.quarter just endtd, it Appeau. tii.a aulecorme nfor mort tisa tisai, xpeated i re--amneting t, eautinstCéthelmo Churéhesmad thse Ruglis Catisedrals; thseba is l a l - lewid toibe vora thera, evea visu on t ,mu îeo Mpeforming. If an indiviu-j i fbon curiOeity happena he enter a1 estsedal aingianjdthe legSe h! i i» nsit his taimg oef hie liat; fem tue Mranant of priestcrmft tise Ligais me mml exopt-liese buildings ste1 uenally immensely large, %mad îery1 cold. Tise Dutlcâcatata us by far tise mout reioRMaue." Our principal object in selecting tisI plumaeins todissent fhou the Dutcis pralce of vemrinsg thoir hata ln church, anS tie .511ev'. remmrks ina eommeasion thereof md toe expre1 Our fuil concurrence vithlie Roman Cstholic Churchsasud'tise Eniglias Citledrala upon tis apoint, ln u e1 owu viev, for s gentleman 10 vear hil Win lachurcis, cither boe.e orater fàe aervice, sa nura only oet mev- crenccutot ill mneaNegentleman vii romain coyeS ile etring, orj retirimg fhem, a draving-um, la thse p:eaence et genlemenendsudi«1m- wovmach mor defèenece eesght vo te shov ta tise temple conaecrated te the service of tise Mout Higis, mmd visere tiseSe«wemMajetyiabelieved ta bc ospeci lypresent.-And yet le tise genermlitl et our preabyteris anmd otiser dhaaeting cisurchea, ive-thirds af tise male vorahippers viii swing along carelcsaly baif vay up "etic, vitis tieir bats on, mand viii %gain clap them upen their liada if poisible be- fore tise lest 1"Amen" of ttise ervice falla heom tise lips of tise clergyman- Theee remarki aam latouded for gene- rdi application. Tue akletas caetIan " , of M*ptsim aise vas disovarai abmou amr eeks since, aitie EiBit e Lias, ta kemtaoky. W. bae> MOII kUow*gp UIBu houma liseS vho eSie cmii li rci gentemen vha re- m"Se amrtise LiaI. four le Ivolve fie lonag-4iedeen aafaut hnwactrcnlsorora.fby lie band ci amn-vigiin lie ciaiatsse.vie Wepa * iwvbcb ovenplaeS te- fii.suaeedthe. animea l hbave bien at mnSmaadxty fitlog. lihe s&oui lmioeaedi4W0peami. Thcy liae.fgnnd 1a Mr. F=-me, about 14 "ea litlov the surà face W mxlhvi b.e. fbaeSPMIOBa lie. Tise eklet a lo be Camplele, savhg enly Oce or tva Wl.. Sd bey, lie animale!îtd _30tsd.flsealtta. lise mmmaul thlngle wvonier oftimmn le mestdvmmdle h" caupsa ita Sbfliât »W "mea" eveeSPro- -aq Ifcerm"voaua abuhlo vomid q r M mv. i mma; Md if pn. res muet hbai lmsu hie a.I unewwtc m 1d putii ires '--'se lW. smet TutaC The obow lise Diretars orite LiverpoolimailMat. ciemer, Bailvmy bave juil d.mcovered lta tisey viglhe malile to litng any very goal bmbeer ci omttS ap a. hmmIte fornier le the latt lwlevm h Biproseet iaàge. muemt, te ren an& of amufficent widt taanowor he bnalmode of pack- aga. It bulieau propocei ta oracit a . t.maonelL dttmerloupn the visais mamist, a"d the jcurneys tuebe to- laiSi lo e rtain boara in the night tune,,,o as net tu laarte l i h te conicyme ofi pu.mgesa-Nshmlcld Courier.] Ta:AnxlmvaAvciaiTo.-tis genral. l aeâ Bol Lord Palmcrelon and Mrl. vii rat iljain tb. Administration -LmdIi 111iii bave the. Blues, ani renge the CosaanderM opf tie Force-Srr G.rpUuay vW oceihi. and .k va r fLaSPalmert tea the iCol"ea a» Lard Fraude. Leson Goser kt 'i, at eu thémou s u ly bâlleSfcarrangemnlt.-Josm EnIL As Colcsal-in-cbieforfthe Rifle Ucigii lie mumirava by tse Duke ofiWllnbe routietemurylonly 2M abonutit rec4et e euxii7 W £$M. Tbctotal mn> sonu hi. Grses Suives ammually fromen ci. ou nadir the Stin ta21%1799. "PuisaSTalejeandistadetermined t, ms" Be bospttlilie cf li@a nmision witb b.ocunag epledSorhemasalready sion hleraa viisa mmber oficasse ofCism- va e m upniy, and a wagon loadeof ____tilarfde&*@x, aill ctba irat qui- il7. liste ilver iiamatirs in tva le- k êe, t ite à78d yaSt. Ho nm sfeble in hi. jises bat a blei"visa knew lit vi ves hMbe vu ita Engad npwVcoif *me : «Ma aga,am unrmsus tisaIbeye s 1Prines Pcignaa tesclnsly connected vis . &a là«"a6ility. eHoabs bec latte t ui enBgli Iis second Wïé liming Ser le tise proes aLrd Ranclib; madliesit«M falir alliai vii cnama,- leauay, blr Be merrnage of hlà meice, Ma- dmenâ" de G -smuoI, hter le lie t mdeQe , Zt diuf aner- in IM" b" bl amegs t e teita Pr Î* t je pi tBe m»vpolice mact. 'Use Pimp à, of thBe Ltverpoal ad vy bave dolmnunei usa- Ida belle thm e Prent lins ta ehMeïitesh vilthedal"ai Bte mal- ouat aBtova cLiverpool. b4 au *tsvnwv eeiute bave hous Be ls. v srel~ in oceaqueueo Bo:Mehmebolyd"liàcbrNt. lliudaom- b>0th~J amrivte cvfMfler ~te il ofe uva omue egan te P.I 07 cam v1 b =et ms*.dis mh..Ii.be r aiofPalls@- te' b uier)&W év mim a.su iBntaflpsaB te on P" ble h ClAn *ad" '-'I ~1~ 4 , i 1TIX . , 1 --= . MIWELLANY.