Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 12 Jan 1831, p. 1

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UPPER ANADA RRAL. IMPRTAIO HNBOrHMannaT Taroa, WILIA BRDBRY,& o. l'CE.-The Subscriber havieg Te- FRANCE. . ioi tin offiÀe&and iinduenee, a noblenua pe gNERaI SMtW T&4»9iab. ment sespectfully begs leave to inforés O er fer " guéhefollowing New Imported Atired from butines" begle all those wovhifllwnlpecews eivre t parnziheblesctynd - j.W. ARMSTRONG & Co. lhafoienadand thé piblic, that hhoba e- ocSls, reindebted to hien, enier fbyNote, Bookithe Meti cnvne i B istlEngad e ee ery cthwr institution fofis country, BY•ved is bssinens te Maket Street, neil donr Art out,&c. to cailland settle the same, as te %e . . Pro . , hat its objeowere patriot soi.f r"éon W m to mi. W Bibley, Druggist, swhete he een they will, ons the ßrst March raest, be ind- Fr ah) O l&iy concerne- c, charitab or1but A t the Mamle imne, W àka Il 0 U a IL tinLues hisemployaient in aIl lis varities, as0a0e.64 aad eommet din, scriminately placed in the hands of an At- r ne e t ped and-pray ed gthat PrER considetrable timsséelat in the and executes work in the latent fashion. I10 Best doe and sge mined caaimere&, torney fur collection; and &llsthnte to whom Mr. !ridges said, the late revlutiorn m he day smight not bie far distant, when, difren maufctuing ounie in He lsoemracs tis edum f cnvy- 6-Cassant. nd liaeese e se indebted, will plese present their. France wars of so extraordinary a nature, IFranc" as " iatonven mfidel France, ,g , ilthe prtihane ofGoods fur a gen- iag to his friendis and the public is tancerae 4 T- ld e tacies , wétll claires fer 1liquidation. " uh depth ,of oratlprinc l, mgt u leyad with eone soui and as- su lad Winter Tradte, the subscribers thanks for the patronage heexperienced e a t e, allemne d li.4saee t wIuofesfr aeaPOAHWRKl amudee nptadimns eann, l Ht f i ledfore the Ltord Go o ofan ith mueb carselectethi le choitcest, his lformer stand, sundétow solicita a continu-[ in the best of order, adjoining M r. Garrat's doftness f honorable aspiaan sîea ss c in gnta rmHm n simont extensive amOt e,ever lntr- sace of thatsupport, with the &aissance that 6"sahigd9b- a ad i.jisileyigte iintyonKngtn. tiorentet uoHteetenio nd - d aonhe riet ehd feman li ated n te dUpperCanad. This elegnt stock his usinent efforts will bie practised fer the 1 . , id ,seone .gre*--t e.e Thereon is erected a gond substantial Athsautand the applause of every thinnganttHehdhnpretdhr h ht IfGogd&, compriseseaimost every arti% einati"stion of all who may favour hmbiesthib e . Iae ant ewh lnet, Hus,4 b 6fet loaBiln ose nth omuiy ndtat o n uhath e hld nna above lined" rigntie n snwthir custom.10 Grilr, nd ate s, 26 by 24 feet, with 6good Leaches, new and manner, that every individual must, front dom-ratboide h msa re e- ilysubmittedtopublie inspetio. He likewrisebeleassove teoitismte, that 6 -Imitatim -a-isCk-le h dd large Kettles, Coolero, Pump, Throughe, the necesity of the case, -form soeuleop-m- a butn o dran the Bourbons-,ld- ir ~ ~ ~ B esaTehetwilb fud te having received a large and fine n le0 -Atorsed gwe enctimte Shawls c c o lt.Fo tspoiiytà"no te rsetn t And since no erta bdest government onbie earth vtemsfare'naxn c, tue of Cak, Caseileres, v , i' d tatimp mbt,Kngston, teilera there je nothitg of the obet appeard meacl hesmel suws ri nOive, and Medley o2 rBecipe,&.&. isnbe o a- setd s id at prenosn operation, it offiers a de- ta pensons, it perhapa coutld not • :bumthtfitanfrese f trni s ay quantity ou the mont reaanable s ch a eda m aseable nvest k og ota he th persnwzit ngeate o eu dego nted in : -mthe frsulndothe aignaf Chvnedlove leMiHedObcee and Drbprostpteu.d et of a crise is aunabect) Mon, and extract fracm the whole nmas a univetse !It was a noble and heart-stirr- Ladiell'Fancy Pellisse and Quee'n's do- BtIs N. B.---C&onttlyeontnhand, eaveryfash- c te Lan dwhich is situated on the lake j rl result of whatlever miht be wor- in pectacle to behold a pule emerging (;ating, Gentleman's French Nap, Printed fashiNeamr. nto RayMaea , e n which the above buildings, &c. ty of renembrance. He coudnot help from thèir>tradem and iir depression; C'neabs , ot Singltendduble dled ing IG.th November, 18W. rected. The whole will bie sold re- su Polsin tat there were few persson in it a e0olran oehat Cannre, ssrtdquliie ad stus;rnitgo abie loir for Cash or short approved te vilize world, who, having once heard gb ile Ito>see thiatnation openly, a.Yotkshire Bever, and treblle sail"t-HIMM AqliON HEOUNE HOTII,. dit, and an indisputable title given. Ap.. ofthat marvellous event, coula completely 1votat y, and colectiv ety , adornmng the epilaot lth, Fancy Silk, Toilenette, Va- HE usrbe aigrne sx uwithdraw their ruinds from its transfixinglmhtinerÎeof its najes y, in the robes of re- Cý,a nd TM e ePaistin Se , i-lttt aot r he tufr h e- l t GDcee. CORET. rviti n n ranceh ie u on tieir m of amit, fer woiathee hall noss jMnoter, and Ventians Ca peing, Hearth isnwaorle: h9 sm rtea1 mgtn Dcmer horizon like a Chimborazo in the great a respet as for the hast; and they were R, Mercere, Damask and Chintz Ferai- C ainoh ulc ATIONAL à& CoLUMdBIANrHoTEL.th distant prospect; relieved by nothing those who laboured under sensibilities and rnn MriosBobaetteBM-enion Boute seplessantly a tuated bttesss n tweig ne oy ympathies exquisitel) roportioned to the luv nd Norwich Crépe, Printed Cali- I otntral Street biigteone land . HE- Ntional Ht elu, an~ of its suunshine, far over an ocean of cloud lrge mterets they aot t stake, lard the (uLondon Chintz and Chintz Mulin, most chentaofstet n intagthn;pandinces- ecupid bHB. es, and and tempee-of darkness and vapour !---.craft which they d to be in danger. tiDomestic and Steam-Loom Cottons, tbiheto h ida h rvne b teClminHtl tlMight the Almighty Ruler, in His mercy, These wre th w ata well as ler- Chek,Turkey Stripb' and Stripe arass t * the excellence and con- oecupied by Mr. Philnd nor t that the greatt p'ne"«es tw espous..edrouio. lecase they lead to rfr- CheckdHreCotsone-fcort o"f ts apartments, in regard bthn-tewithce oheefadgetste in France, may bele:on as immovea, nations.1yThese were they who,.couldtey GpanesDMarseilles Quilt, Silk, Cotton, ous ndbeda torn; all of which w be facion to the piblic; have ibeen connected beadaaatn.abss n euped'b rge notetml ftruthiand pes and bs8 olHOIR furnished in the very beai style. o the purpose if furnishing more extensive on as clear a bais, and be upheld ont as madle to speak their undislguised sentiments, ande n Brace., BAk, Jacunes, Cam ' hesubscriber havig kept Tavern forus- accmnodatiota and convensences to tra- clear and isplendid and sptless a brow, as wiould murmur away in somethinIlike thid ove& *,uifMuslins,Gentlemen's. .eral years, has acquired exiperience in flta flers and botrders. The buildings have that of the monarch of nmuntains! lHe re- strain--" 1 quake for my omfor> le sala- brca FUR CAPS-. - hne-and he truste that with unremaitting been put in eicellent repair, and the par- pead, that al eyes, all minssl, allheartsq, ry Po long paid rue for domg joust nothing attention to the comforts of his guestl e eours, sett ing nomsesandichealbers, so ar~wr ntr ne po ha olsa ad: tal,'ecamssmesneàst!I fiear ChaasuWaistcoatsandj'Pantaloon Drawerst, will merit a share of the public patronage rnged asto firnish the greatest cOmfort potnous vision, prgant as it seemed for m lg pension, saddled on the publie Sdlk and Cotton Umbrellas, Franges, India In rets of the Mantion Houte le a large nd convenieice to private families, travel-wihh aders tehoeumnpsefreskofyretadte, Taftisan ananaOi adPa.te ard-in which thera in an extensive and lers and bouers. The furniture is new, race. ,d what were fateehopes! and eries a Rilht IHoniouraale[di"! " 1 fear Bàtse Tale C.vering, Shoe Tread, Dutch commodiaus range of stables-and where a nd in style orresponding with Hotels of wa eeteefas ee etosfwfrm esadprustso fie TWinte, Looking Glasses, nd Stationery.i Livery Stable will be constantly kept for' he filet clos. The location is in South couldheiaski g. Somesa' ariavalanche Isays another! I much preferred affirt the acconmodation of the public. Market étreit opposite the several stessu- of deis ici anda mocratic pine les hung as they were,"Yawnsoome tslunib)ering ig- Their Linen,Diaper, and Flannel De rt- S. -CA RMINO. boat landing. The subscribers will give trembling over their heads, rayto des-nitary in chuircl or state !"Thtin _ ave msenti are largely fulpplied with the nesiet Kingston, 24th October, 183. their personi attention to the accommoda- cendi like the thunderholt ofanow, and aoer- gone on vaStly well froms generationòt gen- texlure and choicest naterial, alto, Brown ion and confort of their guets, and wilble whelm honour, virtue, loyaly, arts, scien- eratlon," shout the smal fry among the re- and Bleached Hollande, Table Napkins, Kingston Dock Yard, responsible lir the urbanity and fidehty of cois, literature, religion, and even liberty tainers of thle treasury, or the hangera on FRENCH CAMBRICS. Ilith oember, 1880 their servons They will endeavor at al&U itself within its bonora. Thrones were to oi Government as the werejustly termed. Hluckaback,Dowlas, Osnahurghsand Sheet- H E Kiigston Mitlla Resierve consisting times to maiitain that god or der and regu- be overturned--he altars of Christendoms Among these and such stee h ih Sail Canvas No. 2--7, Blankets, T of Leos No. 36, 37, 38, 39, d0, in theélarity, whib is vo much desired by the li- were to he torn down-celoud-capped tem- be described ast the papered plunderers of e0k" Flannels and Baizes, &c. 4r. 4th concessicn of the Township of Kingston, 1 ned trav41ier, and so essential to; the man p gesgand s paae were to Paus the state-like @ch O-i,ys in a fruit r - in the Midland Distriet, having beené pur-' butèness. They wvill tlaim no moreoOf away- ar was toissue fom hislair, with den, stuffing their pkets and pauines, Lidies who honor thisestablishmient with chaue n behalf of the Commisioners of public patr<sage glhaln their asiduity in bu- aateon and massacre at his ide, until the alimost >oathed the spoil they ta1and the Fsnn prt His Mar y'sNavy, Notice is hereby given iness and he conveniences of thear estab- were gtering-amon these,an such as eferenoce, wi amone nd fasicna listat al persms are warned frm cutting dihtent justy entittelettemo. But these things, he was ha p to say, these, te progresls of a rm was as unlimit- a ir stc, many neti a down or takiig timber or lire wood, or in JESUP & IIAYWOOD only existed atlpresent in thet ain of a- ed as they pleased. Thbey began ahready araytterinnrdeeioaiglhesisAb-- 13 larmed enthusiasts, and "I sufficient unitato feel, as if by anticipation, th horrors of Fiue 1eie'prope t; Andali persons found avo tremau- the das the evil thereof."1 The answer the pruning knife and the a pproaching Crpe de Lyon, eAh ig iib rcee gis ihteu-IlCNTC, to it aU was plain, and arguing ver hour of reckless and unsparing retrench- !rp oa, n az n mont severity ofthe lawpotOfc Eingstoé erly fim the p to the present; mipl e nt.Yet it Wasat thiis veracme of their India Siflketn uter oiei erb ietat Jauay83. t t the poaility of such wretched'despai, or- their disapproval, that the con- Satin Levantine, .n pern is afteratisbt ereciebjt any Hut r31. mssts. He merelyrecognisederttaisi- enain fslfishness mqlted into thle Crepe Lisse and Itahianetts' HO BiliMwat thu eI HE following arrangements, relative to ple matters of fact, as havmng lately occurr- hopes of patriotism-like rain clouds giv - Canton Crape, ig r ulit t eer, hotpe- the Malih, will taka effecct fromn the 5th ed t Paris, which seemsed woridruly to ing birth to an iris, or the gloom of dark- Cyprus, R'rk Spun, and real Thibet mssonYardn e b-e O RGOVcr o instant. illustrate French forbearance, French cau- ness withdrawingfrom the eyelids of aura- Sha wis, Dck ar. ÎN e. R.t 8tERe The Mails for thle East and West w ill be ton, French moderation, French resP, ti ra! The L te events in France hadl indeed Artfical FloenrMIHAL PeR made upon SUNDAY, MOND)AY, TUES- fer civil order, French sagacin avaling sounded the trumpet of alarmn as thec note of Thread Laces, Edg;ings and Quilhings MseDY DEDYadTUSAtemevsf stingistittions. Dia pproaching ehnge%. They would be ImeCap, RJERT MORE evnin-Hor o clsin, 4o'cock rY one attempt to disprove these simpleard of and admired, and wondered ait Robbinettls and Lace VoileRBR R, The Mails for Offices on the fine throughnatters of fact plin as the sun ut noonda . amongst al civilized nations, fromn shore to Fancy Oiled Silk and Cambie A prone Màaster àtý Prince Edward County commencin ath And would notBsome of them 90far tousee shore--from the rising up of the son to lthe Black and ColIored Silk Velvels' SHEMIP'S SALE and endin t the River Trent wrilh made the curious phenomenon exhibiled by any . g down of the same-fromi the river to Torois Shll rne' idlnd istict NStur a e5t P onMO DAY, and THURSDAY,et- livin indiv dul, whowouldshut hieyes' e 0endsfof the earth. The remsarkable Windsor and Fancy Saap. O adDitic, N&day'J11bnm --Hour of cloi g, four o'clock. a nd . .all thesen thin gainsât the palp- mens, morever, which had been the in- Vi.iting, Messoage,'and Toy Cards, To Wit. 0 ay of January s Mails for the United States, fonrwar- a bleVI i ce ofhbis senasies But there was struments in the hande of Providence for Beaver Bonnets, mext will be sold at the Comrt House in ded iesa Cap Vincent, wililibe made up on a second net of persons, whoexpressed their effesting the late change, ought not to be Fur Trimmings, the Town of Kingston, the folliwing landes IONDAY WEDINESDAY, and FRI- éaars in a more ressonable manner. These forgot. He respectfly maintamned, that Muffs and Pelevines, as belonging to Nathaniel Osborne vosnae DA Y-Hour ofeclosing two o'clock P. M . gentlemen = ed thiat all this French the ment effective of thete secondary causes A choice callection of Gros de Naples, l virtue of an Execution issued ont of Hia The Office will be open on S na be caution; sa n, forbearance, agaity, had beeon the tridle diffuion of knowledge of very superior texture and prs.. e*sty's court of King's Bench ait the suit tween the boum of 9. and 10. o'clock . M. Nad love for social order, were thi t oc among the middling classe ofociety au vailing colors. of illiam ,Catay, &all ha right and itle in withaasrtetoBttnofheno JOH N MACA UL AY g a great dej a lu at; and ndd race Iwssurely nnnecssary to lots No. 37 and 38, South West of Grlen approvedi and latest patterns, and haymng Postmaster. thoår fecars on the circumsutance ofte ha- trouble thema with prooZ and illustrations The principal part of tii splendid and Point in the lst Cois. of the township of Se- succeeded in maklig purchiase t nome of Dig been no distinct recognition, On the o htpit n ewudcm hrfs beautiful stok has ing been purchased for phiasburg. the first estaiblishments, ho is enabled toex- MONTREAL, KINGSTON, & YORK vaart of the French Governsent f rv- fairly to thle conclusion, that what had ab- Cash, enables the proprietors to offer their AU papersns having claims on the above écote orders for Cloathing at exceedingfous MAIL STAGI|. •ketial interference. This fact, if itwer swered so vwel on the continent migtalso friends and the public every advantage thsat Lande or Tenlements, or any part thereef, bi prices, and basto assure Gentlemen, en- FIV E TIMES A W EEK. errec tated, Wall one he greatly la- succeed in this favoured island. -s tan bie derived from the present depressedl mortgage or otherwise, are required teme trusting him with their orders, t at they • dY r ntedlimsef, adlhe asgreati respected ion in Englno tlatteh stat oftheEngishmaret.the saine known to me en or before the day shall lbe executed la emvble to the prenent rEAV ES Montreal, Kingston anhdaamitVwoehrteso o el-brnce od,eemehthlertotohe hit Their Woollens are particularly recour- of saie.-Sale to comnmence at 12 o'clock, fashions, and in the airt style of workman. J every ,day except Saturdays and Sun .l? epesugta n hshm.an frdt tetoetee fscd mede t te otceofConty erhats snon. JOHN MACLEAN. ship. At the same lime he begio to return days at 4 o'clock A. M. and arrives the fol to be very ^te il ffrdt tetotreated--ociè a ei as the cnoticerof Coa unrMerch ng Kingston, Oct. 1thà, 18M. Sheriff x. bi iceret anks to his friends and the pub- lwing days.Setaltonket the PPer Btb Iwud a er thes YPoepeasteesat uwyhd ta latker.dn frnsace, tapo u idan SHffIFF'SNSALE.ayth lth udt nea coantil u e n 6sbe iHotelKngston; and the General Stage of- tatDvie Proviece oasbeaaed h n crts ii Ksr E RY Te Wit: ý 0 day of- January Naval and Military Uniforme. Extraifurnished envessonable terms.- bad been no distinct or direct recognition of lneu,,and reupectabilit , and collective CROCKERT, ~~next, the following Lande as belongimg to P.,.G W. bas made arrangements with Al Baggage at the owner's Tris. ls interférenceb Goveranment. Now he1 wealth and Inumbleraha still, he togt Which w ill be sold at a small&advance by Wilson Conger, seized lkirtue of an exe- one of the firt Houe", to supply hien witha H. DICKINSON, Afonsreal, would reply in th rfint place, that deeds one Sadesi«teratum-and that dséra- the package or lot. cution issued ont of Hias oty's Midland the latet Fashions. H. NORTON, & Co. Kag , were botter than words, and thsat the for- tai, a the ra advatae of ch an d J. W. A RMSTRONG, & Co. District Court, at the sait of Joseph A llen, Kingson, 4th Decemeber, 183.. W. W EL LER, ork. sarance, caution, moderation and lave Of eam naccena thet vn es Kungston, 30th October, 1330. viz: alU hit right and title in Lot No. 7, in 0*- TweoodciWorkmen wanted ammàe- January,1sit, 1830.4w-. draredalddroiadwhcit sidn lanig e t e ntothe theinsld Conof the Township of Halloweß- diately. CRTGEAN TAMM E aobted mattersof faet, Wee'moretha" of atuchainstruiction-benefits which ha NOTICE. . All perions having elaires on the above- NOTICE le EMIGRANÇT». ATG AN TEKHa worth, a wnhle chair of 7bDeieus lately been ao rent-abroad--be enjoyed THE Copartnership heretofore existiug Lea, or any ýpart t rof, by moageOr & FOn RHE ENGINZEEaIf OnDNANcE sRa forema.Banguirybattl, Or Me h att home; and he difusned throughout ae between the Subscriberslaliat disd - otherwise, are required to makle te saneVICE AT KINGsToN, FOR 'THE YZAR8lm was called aluei y ! Snech vir- ow and cit in the kingd . Wers olred by mutual consent. AllParions in- known to me, on or before the day of sale.--HECmiar General havin direct- tuées a these 9: vust maiain to be the le- is but lfair1 donehe flt persuaded thsat debted to the concern are hereby respect- Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, Dnon. T Ed thmatnwderimets db tatfrtsoChsia ,dofhrs-,afash wo .of=oalprincijél, mental en- folly requested to payrthe demande aigaistJOHN MACLEAN' ERSONS in this country desirousof aven to the public fer this service, scoled!iantyalone! And evenui twre not s, ergy, saund literature, foit a oer, an Ibe te Chartes Thomas éwhoealose a' u igsoOt13h13.Seriff, m. n' bringing out their friends from harea, Meders for the saine will lbe received a swmdosevieh eodae ht even true religion, Wou agxd y expa tad to ecee and scthargelithe amle, _____-~~ my. l pigto the subvcibiers cani have an tis Office urtil 12 o'clock on Tuesday the B"h wasteu on beneficenc of the into existence, and Rant the gr in - and~ al hs owo h adGmmyb RRUP8se." byeappyat gof -ecuring passe i.ay f 18th instant, whsich are to specify the rates i M thatlise e waited neither fur men teretedaInvie, the enceers the sucore- indebted arc requested to present their Ac- Midland Dyrc, auda te lowing veomel, to mail rivetheir rm&in Sterling for the following items: nor iat wedgments in the mighty fu,Rand rouendilentss eensionas of the coéutsCadlesma sfulyeautentcte t -O W:·. 9t d o pective Parts about the 25th march next. cet with3 HaUmmand aDiver, et Per a. reaino Hsmry.A h timid, such an intellectue universe wonM vidCareshma o ayet et, wililibe soldat the Court 2cuse in the F.Dbisa p.Jk otr Ots .rwo IBases " iveWr, .wthemt&aCart At D o.tes beautiflly exprems it4"HegortthYprsetowlards the plentitude of(its comple- N. B. The busineleisecontinedby fthe Town of Kingtn, the following ands a rs e "" **4a. uno. Robe rt.waM. cat witb 1 Hnrmead Dri ret Do.uasndiwe discern Riasno, He pme on lo, in ag the mnifieence of iooperatio said Charles Thomas in his osan une- belonging to repy P. Wamnamaker seized situs ca r c«à, Brig Sarab, 50-. om nte sieend D'iv"ritbnt àCul, et A0 al&W, andiwe do not regard it."1. Inthe re- -and LI the util yof itsfuifln#. CilARLES THOMAS. by virte of tend secotions issued ont of Hie Those vomitels àage of the first clams and hatte The Teuders aie to specify the naums f volution of 168, there wsiet indesom aie- JOHN T HOMAS. Majosty's Court of King'@ Bench con eatsperlior accommodation@ for amngersm w epcal persans whola wdl become thing difeèrent from this inçrttd, in the Kinsto, ctoer 0t, 130.th sut o Rnar Fo ad oe a te sitJ. W. ARMSTRONG, &Co. suretieis for the undertaking, but the mriealodut of a fées excellent i vidual and SPIRIT OF JESUITISM. NiWBORobert Smith and Anthon Marsbhl, vin;: Kingston, Bd Declember, 183. signatureis will not be required to the Ten- e2Z en Uin that ofthe Dutch The ensuing infomato ton ilé NE oKa gtheWest haif of Lot No 7 in the 2nd Coo. BN.Nme.der util the lowest offer has been ascertaini- te Primnlbu rtstesi Inpaction of uüm ATELY RECEIVED and for sales by of the township of Ameliasborgh. BAKtOIEae. JNO. HAR E, A. c. G. te ih notice, and notice itvwillh thank- As- 1asbef XÀE. Lesl la & Sona, Store Stret:- Alproshvn cam nteaoe Ojkfice Bank of Upper Caneéda Commissaiat, Kingston, fulness that an acknovw ot tfitis _it b ndy eni- Coopees Surgi Die ionar7, land or any part thereof, by Mortgage or VsoUN DAY, SAT RDY OF ..- dJaury 131 in&wsJr o a t ih s re overed, who were taken ta their own Southennan, byt J Galt, Esq. kest , aeon or bfre the day ofsaiule- EVERY W EEK.-Notes ofered for Tog MAIL naInesE cCA EE Rn, AND a lst mid, em 10så h orate thosptals a A pular Expostion of hesystoleof thé, Sale to commence af; 2 oclo nn- esmn a y ie ae, eablie bput n HE abovemntoz d nos p.alw;;auiFrench et, e riswoterecarrieid ta ho tl ieu-.Var- Shates ,M.D der cover Io theCashler, and left at this of- nqesteld to come to their parents, Som- adbroqla rmiusSte wellre nce;rc@ato, Ridconse a b h eates-.eetsfth heif .Go the day balfsre. un ef AbbigalKer,(late of lummrry, vu if eL ;but it was f"letoa uneti ifrne;sm adta Gemey f laesŠSlie.l olSv. .Kingston, Dec. 22nd, 183. JOHN MACAULAY, Bnsr Belfast, Ireland) éwhoearnDore sidio n k l ueta a ttettthose w owee inthe oteDieu, Emn sofy andituie rt aca nd HRIF dALoE.E ubt ruyie f nth PCiy amrclowg the abovem en" halt h atlg s auded h mités." Scot il b sfdatth Hoseinth Twn H ntned peros dmbed to, I . 68rK-rEsladwen reek'frthvrg er om- Men h over ad ip th ylls of Stcol. lo u to Jo qph A ten usd vrthe M a th Sor lael ocuied Mr Buc e hakfu rceve. te gissndeakngalveremstncemitont. On Ceoo and Wousewafe' an, by ix a n uerouroeHi0"hwl ofMacthe, oo Sb & a«reefat y fmeai .- g-Editor n . Cn ea e estd headun,apho r e r trous avtiofo atphpo" Do.Il. MdadDstitC0t a h ettin n ebesl utivled this a nsertie-%val err hIemanFwsranein dea Bhn dw MMan uo DeL'rm ,byth at orofRih lt n. ai e ne l, vis: all H idsi te T in 16e ube. - T ER AL . Gon, s therehad"awbedeverhisa. uh a f t e atonte ir Ber'sJutiene edti tac o f nd aledleen Tsono-th o , .4th 18 0.O LtKhe a E A Da ieietaneri, c ustoaîne de p âen e Tsaesiagnrae' owKnsto. her cein Ltuin,à ing M00 asDy ode :n m o heEian ofseenassdi .ouran eisa( Chariot ag å a Suthe bo-m08 605Kigsen180.anet moe Dictiyroen", Wod Fret AESA.MIH, o t isfoxadiin1 s a eyn oientdileoned Ilyb moan s of Schooe. IonAlis enseph lesp en thviue aof hée So. ktel iend and thi eceivlate sue an " t hino U arnd were ltheo nine boiares h a b oenedha-d On TiCE.-Te Sbe Mber arAbit f aeranyevMpa t b r ULCB oc is n, that s-7- mad altnÙ. eationmis hisstab- timé, aalHprero noe-wn eo hmhv endsoee n Bads IrnoMl ias"eM a to commenat.1 oe noKtCnda tthe ma61fret*- Whth i e hau neto. mi ue in in 4 's m . n .-.-the"baners of t e fî• oderts»d »s of te dOm- Cookin Stevee, Seve , FiseGeate, JOHN MACLEAN, , dwi b r u nise ndthea g o v en eua hbs ntdfiladfe s kse Posuti suettes ad al lsegradT a Kongtend «ell22Pei.t r e ierr se cnAux 1,1 .-OL KWSHA, seizd and lé h accomedaton fo h4w s. tnseor bdie ivrea. andseniof aM ha Mehesæ RettlsuDtch wens ndiptesithe ar& Kinstona, aDeest, 85 hem*resedaTe pinipthestdebu-. 6w f te arilem nsrat thlm.fo et tI» e.-- if rANCSl i XOh MoK- XSA.34[Hbpgmeshn lé u = diif a man ug oDrMDp i n wh; surg Th ast atile av awa¡sbenA ide ao na sgso the aRSALE by th«eriber, d- Barrel, R SAed Ta publc iean let utere UPMir . adte andp cr m e 'c"l'se baote oAmdier d aver su q .NI a h e i tohisad F O Dd e e a e ad ea hei NUMBER 619. enXIL con nfanocoSffneUmmo1o meue MMeCo M mm 1 T î -.Ir . 1 1 %Fý%09 1 * 1 carryothela d oppsit Esouse, where h ha nd raout asienable "nd lady's atm amitton do.,w irh he Wil itt pof produce, orappo , Mu"kra, and Ship November2d., 1o han"d, afar Genttle- ýr Cas Of escek les ufa r7 low for Cash. R AM STE st , mRaZsO. [T. H.BENTIACY,rnte oFFICE Im QUARRY 8TREE. m - re-Zwav 1 agg ESCOTT. 0'.okThe Ali, 6elcThequetm at 'lcThe Niagara ormerly call at Kings. e been mnade with . bywhchPassengar prced oMontrat accommodation@ andl escription, and evey to ensure reVidnntî. Ni N .» arato .tt ra to eingston, £2. TgH E NIAGAR A Capt. JOHau MO' 8 1E£a, commences bar egular trips fer the .ay lit. ; ending on Prescott every Satr. 'clock, touching at art HOPewindan ingston, and Brock he followinlvy. ry Tuesday vrening the bMontreal Stage, , Kingitone, (Cobourg weather permitting arrrive at Niagara on York. ...0e15 0 Presctt .. . .. 0 'css(Sundayse. nnexion with the abois ion paid to the comfort f Deck Passengers. 341 ton$s burthes) is er--has very rir herengine,b ard, princ, Je. BTEAMBAT lace tu leScott, three heom Prescott to the .Sinclair, and the Dah- nell, wilitrua during THE TORONTOX will leave the Carr- ing-place for Kio ton, every Mond, ymorningat5o'cl ,: t, Bellvi le, So biss. dolphustown end ff; for the Carrying-plac ,day and Saterday, et rning, touching aet the THE DALHOUSE Witt leave Presott every Monday and Wednesday morning, every Friday afternoon Montreal stge--todà and Ganano =-esnd escott every, &y mornin a8 o'c=, rmediate ac. 1 shrrtuiy run aillae Of 0r an the C week, to metet an easy and eýxpedi rk to Montreal, va the ats as usual--end the' nt furnished with tht &. 4-C. ingston, May 5, 1lm persons havitac es aîte of thele Job J. gain, aire reguessab te anthenticated, and them Estate are lço"te ied to receive thema u. ATHAN FEi-InnU& Acting Ensemwg. t.6th, ism. |A few Founts fs- YPE, comine efPsca Appla te.f gton, Augout4.,leu. H ERA LD se y,rrMisar.bdn ibo, a pe asn es t f the Publmber. arbe oaPo tion, and 1d.gM 1 el ariementste isertientebe le day of gu KINGSTON, WEDNESDAY, JA&NUARY 12, 1831e. 1.1 âl 21 31 j-, gl,' - 41 il ý ý

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