Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 12 Jan 1831, p. 2

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-p *r~ ENGLAl!». At 12 0'clock y.steihy (Sd) Ivo Coips e Ilr»M dtwo .a1aisoff wi..Tii...coep4ill mppi>'tii.vam- uimtu off the.Guardslbe*ngreqired ie Wlssvs. TI. dtch off t:7. ierhoghem' *1.d with erater, and worn matuplpy- ed erectimg gaies in the passge leadinat th. Tower w barfOrdeuu wem given yen- uidi>' marling that m,ýeromswee to bi Udmtteil througii the. wer, but passin r wore llowed to enter the gaies ne.i owr Stairsansd proc..d along the. wharf Io th.iioan gt..Orders were siss ued et tli.War Offe t.Commanding Offi ceaor fftheIi iteGuardso, Rovml Horse Guarais, sud tii. thre. flattaliýos off the Foot Guards, now doag dut>' in Londosi, for the. viole off the, men t4tbe called ino diffurent hameacaif ha( past ive a'clock, sudl fher. tu continue under armeuIl nght. Tihe mme precatia. vwu takes with re pect tu, the fint battalion off Grenadier Guds, Dow doing duty in tiie Tower, and tIi. glits veto kept clooed dmintih. great- *r part off the. day. An extra guard was ai- M mrcbvd ta theii. azine in Pvde Park. Several d.tacbments rrivedl in and nemi London in the. course off tii. day, comisting off the. second reginent off Lite Guards, fires Brightonî: the Scotch Grsys, tram Windsor; pr t oet Ch. regiment off Lancers, trom Joualow and Hampton Court; and vere billeted in Chelsea, Putmey. sud aat neigi. boriiod. Tii. second battalion off the Gren- adier Oua"d, under the. command off Col. Lord Satron, arrivel, b, fforced marcheos, hom Windsor and Brighton. Taz Aaaav.-Y.starday the. Scotch Greys imarciied loto barracks at Kensiugton, fram Windsor. Their route vas quit. un- exp.caed, as tii.>' 0017reSir.d it lant even- lng, and iiad bien au Windor but a few 'ie Lite Guards ih ave iie.fo1r smmi time in Brighton, have.mri t IL ro don. Ord.,. t. ..hc thither by the Eat lrin- stead, Cucki.ld, and Crawley', reached tiale on Saturday ocn Te 2d Foot Guards biave also uarched (rom Brighton ftoitovo. Tii. Lite Guards, and, it seems, rather umexp.tdly, received tbeir route, and lefft the. Cavalr>' Barracks on Frida>' towarde on. o'clock in th afternon-two traops tor Euat Grinstead, on fur Coaikfield, ad oue for Crawle>'.; but ail wt instructions le he at Croydon on Saturday, and tiiere toawait orater. Tiie Grenadier Foot Gu"ard mso ninexpoctedly received their route on SaC- urday aorning and marcbed tor Brgton sono afler rand-day, leaving mot more than eigtoin or tweoty men ta perforas the. mii- itary dut je. off he town. Scarcel>' a soldier i. nov ta, b. sien iluo bot Windsor, mcii>-Ci. viol .r- asn g been sent ino thfe distur Tii. Tower is now completel>' closed a- the public: andt no persann a alow.d ta en- fer excep thoiLse wia rigide, or iiave huai- am. i ith tortre; andeer>non. pie- !eningbimelfaithe gmtie di ttance, qetîioned vath«"Wiimt's yaaabuineaisi" 'l'. bastion and batteries are put in a state bpan mensd uaf tonto r hapiso bupin ereslctes, ndli.pwincrsofand- siol.. havi bien rmmsd in t.ealu.Oti s orboses ndtrt pabeofmeusin> tsmnd gt. O havs sternaed Iofte Tiraungarfa the o nt cao r ioCepart bai hia rote in iibei omg se o the t. Cnno be rwicannoben pae t in be otai rted Inu&e.,he ier. Ciii>'ca bt hrougalto biar in case on theewearf,>anon va- moues bpoin mii aweirnhat bs beeni 'mai vitei teouramnce ofthi e lTer o- Si ofbnd t Peuhate Corpoat!inont, opon Cii. cl tnsio dtie dicii iime ie spenîl- . T.eCtior avebtreadyber ti. aer mian rv a e h stpet, wand tiioseauobe bPiusntTet taso a Ci. S. at Un iiaie'1 md wL en Docs mathe i lter roa Wappbing mad shad istwaa s p elie; tdo ed htht.crioufreoute r theToer, whrm as teedistoiand t i. h have ft buainst rv. Ceamiotate So.f aieitu paneaLoden tocks. riverte wbrartsofng 'apm. ffrandt ot ti. rt pcmledha t-,b atthvcnteoff rouaadon C. ow r-i ming e istb'aneiron t ienb>' wbiacuaIn the cip ublc veir. Thpblcpreva af ii-ooyot prntmenaden ex. thiiver,40 thehrf inguas apl uner ort of lahe nrepaeimat n- me iig e of ~tovbiefliiTte, l ias eeil t. evoreb y n p ros.. b wic [ot rem no=hauu:4sidiesinua.) jingsales sd mierPanda, dec. S. Egim net dno admire inhmt Auacot nu. imai imit. if iy damisingWellin=.5to il tighCiisetbents.Tieutoitmgk lathe si reogre ii a. vl oa.Pw [v]PwMthe n ough ds rone in 814 Elcae no badmies vidatlibty n ua ags.,whch e o nt> cee. toi a r seo- hation boltes K is ofat ai eyt Ci and ritaff tlit eoeha. chaÎngd. Ti. av- Th olin of the aoers ent ortvalod ti tl ciaen im o>oiad h edge ff t- ii mIsoul rer, imiDot aive raI hePi-eCI deta attxck Trate tu htck mun. cat uwaeoff Enra e r own ta uif fotb. S1>7 Inte Fcoca Canisi De teu, i Ch. 1f D.m. Lmfdenitdes nd a.Rtax- ] es, Wh"ae80f tu a ncesori o a h. stit vouino isletio as coarrdfttadthe l hua in eod hy.oldeofteA TUEi UPPER CANADA HERALD. .-The.Minuâter oeemf 1-w Liii ake strongeait pl of Wpce. SCh ilsasiguthieeramged in is view b>' Russa, Pruisa, hiaoppîtunitroffgiigyounomuezplam- dem vi itthCe piojeef off 1mw Austria, and Spain, via have ail coamo atwm reepecueg Our pnse« lfuation, vbai hwvh e i hoai a nt von. interensagtaprofect and communn eya tu vh iageirated l aritr.oe tl mDpfe f rnoe, >ou ywlbc ful ian- guide tien. a mamcuite mmei (mssked signe off atten- pressd vida its lsesi>, iii e onhas- Iran Austria vea have ioteli _O( I levyWiitythousanit mmm Il na> le .Feas o arm, onneividat athfe igit W---ci thfe disatastactia. Wf dae Court a iensideauile ammaments, have hein @prend AFFAlES 0F BELGIUM. na vida the priat aider off CAp in withiIl ie.. tev days, andl have mcuired The, Mong Chronicle off Deveanber litFae-fCiacuitonoft.sudW mAcaxafcredif ta -imi amnc.oumna.reiml contaise tva leffirostris corrspodnt Euopeb>' lti,OCIOAustrian troajas-aM oW 011t10Wof thecmsnfi>,' vitthowver, t Brussela, dated tie2ith and 26tlaoW No- th rsolt W fi.heeanpeirrmad primce "haig ibouime. vembir. lThe vaiter s stiong ln Cie biiet Metterici notacIIrempegn he eBeigiante- el'h.e inteiecs of ai requre tran- fChat te.injusii ospioceeaiup oWtii. Bel- volitti. -quiiy: fiittherpitnm May reuit (nin gice agres.ill inevitabi>'irn aton Of<Naplee, Saidinia, and Spaai 1 ill >' e~ ~ ~ ~ ~~J vu au raert'de aS dssosle n ti.couotry the. urth oW tiie I' ltnothicgi Tii>' yul follw their leaders! le ' « pmc. m.The fatal stop, the writer blee,.If daim vi ame te have var, if viii bigin V. r 'ipresrv thehoaedfint tmspr- avas tidecreeexcluciogtienoumW1ils- about fie question Wf Belgium. France f .W.wl bpreairvedi. Theis rm i irnw Bilnifr<m. ill oct llov Belgitu u lia ttacked, ammd r cia .peuvib.ee- u Prusia ili rosent fie interference oW f a abnt continu. ta gaverus the aiot Dil rait re<ti<heiSii. France. Ru" iyl aoC admit fie exclu- pacalc assuranices. Tl'."bioffrWfendsip IlIRu ,Asraan rnasali-@oofteNm ,adthBign bv -ha voein dravo'still mOreclose wvida ade Ruei A Fsriancem Prshia ahtasi i- ler=er iberty viaicla ssappluud ina ca- ber, oeIe yl b.coquereat, or r erd i f¾dalt:.udo 1 fiaitTlat wvu io,'Mas! fieta, uiarea thCe joour vîctor>', adujareal tvoand a half millions oW p upl ust b.evaaOe.rn'faa eif t sltie tap »au oeain Ywihbswt sadn d o oe a phlden ilveutiug if. But if ifmuml oe, fitn 1 , omua drty fion mmd iand cisviCIa OSi desray s,(rvae otcade iiGreat Brian oaad France mcC tog.ther, and co1 t'Wmoeot nl iaaai git againsf invadera. Siould dais bisCecnitgia lei nCi ia eut - tgra ensation.] Wî coulai mt cet>' u.md Francehaoulairemaioeutrai, . ,te-. vjllb aicrouaaa ithe ia l r aote w viii expeet tieine imely >'s>'pafly; mnsu .ricia u fl oepdaenf mmd devasidinru. fint sofDon ei!aet rhovîver, oui national Royait>' (vici 0e onii bo vi s,uChat ill ot bter Ccdi. tandhwaurs arotofin ver happenea belfoe) bas bien recfflid thon ta bc ruleat as aaveal Buf ahoulat -a. woon asif vas laund. fitiierta var France fBot roman neufral, fie decinonof -had benufiai invariablen"ej noff recogmi- te on tion and vv Govrnnent bail nitd c_:remswiîî neit e ie b.uinous nor in- ofedsWatlmdot, a- puaient. Belgium val Cen nitider b. of te gry .0.1 f btti sudni h. rt- n.qurednoremalaveai, yet Ilium ig v hlppricsl the'. T e reni e m- tidiobicorne a part oW France." tn racb'Ceperilaoe- In anothier paagraplithe. vider "w ya!th ailfi va. Amo eiafloreti ith an assurance foundeai upon aomefliamg if aalglteme nadeat on ffurpai; .toger fiainruinai. Ilwe kbootsfur rer- rience Wofie., latter time an beeua. m- he . d.eof iasu f CA.eapsedi th -mon ta primce.. "àdtua-nations. 'emutH Hou., cf . Oerss, is s .aos excu * ua, hovever, b.csurprizeat, gentlemen, that A>e *t, ce. Oea or s ofted ace .rcita fie great conoatifon w C u alas. phace item, fo'or, db fai nd f thifecI. 1 amng ue, han inspiroat tests in othircmon- tries, fatCnni] lprecaritioasfo biftaken- bcnlmonCuwi9'ly "i Tii. events accaanpii.d in a oeghhuur- D"bv r e h ritie ne î'inatme my bave caesedagenaet*ci * Ci aebaknfeataaae rs SSanatroava are on fteir ma-cii tu Hollamai.1 oappriaended Çhear, ten),andtits Willwebave var in Decembir or March.; appreh.ension explisu ayon tIe."_ i bopo mallier af oeenorfie at ber period, mente vrilcihavebhein made, vida vieva butfyhpsa o vr uig h -ot securit>' and uot oW ttaek. We affeat f m tpo-0 e>'uuin i y oua Gentlemen, andvi abiDb. bilieveai gavirnaiaet expecte vur." b>';oo adby France, hat vu have r.- TO]c QuEsTION Or PEiCe on wa. eva, vida repe to these armmneos, W. bave just ria fie lateàt ltter ofdth the n atàâciitrcfanmd h. mnat positive celebrateai corret Bnient cf th1i Moang exlanafiom s [ensatin.] Tinoe explama- cîî oe 0.P ti h o neet tacnRnom linder us fl-arn putting onr- and weo oui> regret tie imposibulit>'0f pula- selves in a saitablistfitaadc; you vili anime- îsîîng it untini. The fitit âof if Aiode-1 rdiatdly have the pruotW Lii; butf Ce>' ili voteal ta fia.coosialration oW hiebange off 1induce.us, on oui side, ta bihave vit tie amnistr>' n England. Inho faeconai fe a- b atePumce, an InCcavinse iL faait île andl intelligent vrite consiers thieque@-. Stnosevwhose picples are the lame asaoars. fln-" 1W;iU her. be war in &epe "He Wur, gentlemen, i. a melaWcanmd 1do"s notfefas a rupture b.tvc Merance andt mytrespootthed c ancsWi ah .Engianai. lie dais n00f Lia 1b France, bc- ternille. We do at test the. rilaits of it cauai b. believes Engmnant cFrnceviii1 toi ouselvis; il iven appear ta us fliat become allies, and fiey unitealean confond viCIa Cie aidai tiat-animatea ailtflic French, amainst the varia iniuarma, le Oixt ian- the cause of libeit>' voulal agin ove its piaticali>' ak:-" Wlf'hClen do I fean.i salvafion tu fieu. But dais mair Of -The ameer in fou iiportanito b. omit- raking thecause oflibertY voulcot trea- ted, in mn>' iveot: mreu and torrents oW blond; if is btteri fa I tefar fliat ens oft ticane oW huma rnake if triumpi thXOsgipeace geaieraibeinga nia>' b. lain; tbaf villags mnd town marks oW approbation.] F.rancteWîi tna>' b. dpopuiated; hat '; tii drum's dia-.9 peràith e 10 cileWOf n-iterve tu acordant sainai" ïmav amin bcileard in Bel-1 bi oatd rave! bravn'a! mmeotiin- üum iiSpain, Anulta y, n Paissia, adin4 tinuedapplause.] But ifvif a ixeit i- efrnce; thaf vidava viii mainuthilibus-1 seltuaioder a ponce. falh. endangereat bands andl mathera mourn over their son- viiici miLit havieheinpraea. il var fiat tefie freer passions WfaiU nature vili bicomes aovitable, iftf b. proveai in b. a g in ronsci ino action, and fCht ve tic face of thc voilathat v. bave nef de- abati ejoico in tfi.1'giorious euvs"off fia aire iti, mmd fCht ve have madeitifoul i>' lsaugiter Wfa Pruaian ar a &uni" amy.- canai v. vire pliceat ietv.e e l atera- Yis, 1ictardiat fie cauequeceat var viii tive ofWaviior tie abandonnent oi t in- b he esuspenision af Cie match of civiiaa- ciples. Wc laaih b. amI>' h.3=t1'e, tion-vili stop thei. W ofthiscws- when tuathepower oW oui uns, v.-alimaafter-vilh minctit he t ppiueà*offtii. ia- dd h conviction off Oui ilÇhf (gtmnl has- man race, at leait foai a esim-vili eu- sent.) W, miall then continu. ta nigoct- courage Cie bigot ted and intolerant, Cie Je- afe--amat mer> thinç make. ns§ ho r hat suits and Cii, prisais oW Europe, mmd viii Cii. ngoiaton vai . mciust.;but, mieIlthe orgies ofiiecongregafioo" les viaile na.gciating, vu saoliarm. Jo a vi- maninful ai suýd. i feai laaffamateviii b. r>'sor batfine, Gentlemen, ve saolibave, ' jua.eaicommeeruineal, h, arts negief- iceide. oaufr trotnesprorisionedan md de- cd,7=1aufactares and science, iterat or. and tendet, 050,000 amen, yuil armeai, viii or- lmw, religion mmddnierais considerabi> affect- gaiaed, anai viii commundet. AÀmillion d, aid 1 fiai lest young andt regenerate9 Wf Nationah Guarda viii support dhiu; andt France shoulai again b. inducc twt hink of, the King, if if ahalie b. ceissar>, vauha mouquest, andi ta extenai iii ficughlandmm place bhiseVat the hisat Wthe nation (hive- viabos toaother lands, a hi mliail have UNITED STATES. 1 a y emnthsmsm manifesta itsiifin the Aàsein- iraf nipiliei tic invador tam lber ove - lai>; riterafedl appases; criesoW Vive le Have t 00f lien a rigif tu gay, flint I fiai -Mvarmacous Cacuxsal.àsc....Celn- Ro1 Vive la Laeitel hoist forth tramn ail mici, very much iai, and tremble vien1 sierable exciternent bas bien creatual in h. aidis. TiendanuSiancmuuiceteditef think tiaf here wyul b. var in Euroe! cit>' b>' fie fohioing act f hdang vilmmny,m Cc fie ilerie&-mmad mit oyez are furnedatefa But do f bilieve fiat his var la probable? Cie natives for whiimian tilI envelopea t one of thun in wvicin atCe >Young Duki cf i ana obligeai to do so. Tacf mter tact oc: an mys.teiy. About h has pt Il a'clock oau Nemousr.) curé, andi courier mter conier, froueve,7 the ni gît oWthe iCifi met, s respectableà « Wiaboutitmatch limked tog.therst!oog couantry'in Europe, arrive. vida suc h rapt- yelumg lady ageal 18 >'ears, vas iituraaimgc iii ur utssoa in h. arc W ui arauui-dit', riningmthinal facts andl aiition- aonPearI-otreet froin Braodvay troa i is. on Wg aninaothraetfou rtha ie a iyinhhag y,,dmlanea- wiith erparents and sou, aCier1 oigf Wthe Cre, colore, & mmcre auia- pelleai agif ny vilii la declar-yes, var cina i 'ngld a ofnmiac iarien, no muci for tCase viabsoutit haveinasprobable. 'laire my>' acts. Takîe fe rcpniona about a.e hundied yards;i let Chen toase; ve aboutit mt b.respousibie news s hic ei av e iacreceiveai tro nfe va- in, vit in a wevpacesoW h.eOrner W for theifauCiii univesel <greaf sensation.) rnous caunfries oW Europe vifbin tCe lut Elan d Pearl, a mmii sterteai train hehima t As Miiter oW France, 1Imn i»af inl- fort'-aigltfboune, mmd tefeu uhaw I cen ilarge essk, hrov a ro eatesamatoai ver i ltin you, flint Cie mians of deraying fthe hink oterise. her bia, mmd inamediatey fied, wite nomea expemcfaWvr lnof b. vaning. Thi Froka Russua ve nofficial iofclligeaace persan at fi. aCier endtoW fie nope coué-r Bugef, vbicii ve are preang,viii la>'of tChe raising oetrops-cff Cie nou-ricog- unced haul'n i via ndf>wutvd=ai beffo ue impfii tatr =icuas in Cie ntion off aur Louis Pbulip Ring off Ce Eistreet. l'. Ban ad a rgs ordinar>'expeme.. For extr&oMry er' x- Frenci....«fthe. diteaminabiou:; tii.empo mhng aane Pmce; bt foun behr -a. penses vesaboultbave 80imilions i>'wubich rr itu maintain fie cumeiatHol>' Alliance net, b.iov viiche Berpeia ot p. ad the landtaux ha.heein reduceat, mmd YOu nystena off 1815-aof h.eaarchingoW troope aragd ùah er "mmd sev oral0 knav that a revenuecWSO millions repre- tu the environs off Geruan>', .andthfe pro-Othm ab"ssrn bo Iber ehri.ks, rusisatut sents Ch. capital oW afusn o(14 or 1500 mil- test WfCthe St. Peteamburgi Court agioste spot-fl. ruffi Wsofcourse Oeil.Theh. lion&. W. have tu tell vacalsCa fi.the e clusionuoW tiibouse oW Nas.au ,ainyoung lady svooned mvm>'tiensexhaumusc amoqnu f Wabouftva omillions, vhicii pr- Belgium nd against the revocatio pirit!!!amd e'xcitation. l'h, rape vas louai 1-. duce but hfiiein oni bandis, butvwonldpro- in dhe vent ofEuroe! taciied s ca on»tu tii.bonnet, andtlherm duce muc i n tCehsatds ofprivafi person.. Frami Prussua vi have officiai intelli- reticle, vie h , ad droppod in dr1vin W. uhait tiere ave an.immense pecunhs- gence.cf eari>' one hundreal honsamalt'Pplierbaa tu protect lber seck iOnu h. r>' resounees Ca support tC. iseourte Wfnmm troopa ising roai>'tu matcha inCa Belgiuei tape,, vulouat afnmie distance, trou ici oui heroia population affera [ev a t an ntant's notce-ve hav e fiaact nW vie.. the amuît wv aie. Ailtdaiuvas beston. fie mariage oftvo nembersO tChe fam Cie evork ot an instant, mmd hai Cie noo of -h repeat if uiC fulconviction- oW tiiekingu Wf Hallandan md Prusia iic gat round lier Croit, a ver, t.v mommet aclininitel>' nosprobable thon vu. binai fbm togodaci ta appose fie lotsfevuy- vould, ilait 1probability, bave ma.EmM ta ee Frane andEnçiaud viii have if, lotion ina Belginn-ve have nextthe ffeci- strangis bar- wàonen .er pavea vosaf, vo do neM ca-ia.ves oWth. coftior, ifuiiugetveem ' oinvertbiiieanti knov iiov if ca e odistrred. W. allitîltduCourts of Boalin mmd St. Pnrbugmo iti-rChtaP. vua afiiaodta il, Cereere ontnus a agatte; buf vo as tu the course wiic Idabath.adapted, m ' gn hiavaadocd aad &hall nuote oppoateil b>' 00,W0Bien in mceai eHou,. WofNassan shoulatlbaux- ikm, anServed hies. oofiliesophie tope hbu- an mi fNt ona u-ade(tram ait cludeatCl>;C.ptlsaoksCtiCie tape t sides, bravo!] Froan Belginan ve have officiai inteWl- if might lie hft in Mr laI95$toi ifli Tie tolheing observatios ofthe Trench gence.oW tii.exclusion tar uver ofthe houc. ext noenimg; and aeotber expresoeam'a Miniter oW War am e impotnt-ffNammu troaitlipawer in Beiun! ! a- i= iosiMrei h5i..l'.r> Inaskingou todm, gen*tlemen, tor dapteibys a * *itnduCongres. ata- hovevei vas fakon, andin in the Pa SI aiv'8,O mmi igsGonena- ven to one! nIu"t*e bave moo thant Ofllce; il sabut2or 25yarilaltav ment 1 I aDoi afinvmotiv hon fi. mocmi- W. have officiai intelligence fCht this<ed- mdh. .oÙicd siraam o i C>' Wf plseing tie French atm>' an iiatmm% sioir vascana . a mftlsama"ig a.ie wWhen ve couple f.acousmo. viti fie want.eWofie moment. On ià its alsuisa adiplomatie comnmication viti fieetat a iais Ci hat tvo ci aides due feeign povers have mt comitauvwu mode Cu Che Congres, on the part Wf Cre.vesks twa youug ftaase have bea Xive duhe m; du mheimo ru mai nstâmene.s u , wiich tated, tiat in cmaiéeugninutaed mmdnet etbiard ftran; ami Ci ofCieir intn te t mitatain poce.;yet e-o - WNmu iliuab. ezcldd m the du >etprdayinflaratio vswu m m cate nios ovents mie pmiguffer Osaez; tfranc Wf BelKg ui, the. puceorEutropehat twoecher persem nis. oma m mud mbore or le s.osaeamlalearmamneets me would b. disturboat Wb,, Cia comun, No&t' dthaetr a ladt UNUeiHarrîsison mking at tCla moment hianr=atpart- cf catiswvu md evre tCe brane el îg aiua bont tramn hoir Oie.mda0 va o ý Euroe. bfl.Ring. MP",eabhem- intiuiate immddisconcerteil Oh n litbme te ie hei.suljoct la eiel- ger delayed ta propls.e to yeuotamm ns a.Th>'p .ce at Oo.ta ti. order ftih 13e5kaiiol a dt> cSated tu a infain Trm,, nChe e*" & dY-p o attotien ta the diploamati lru otgahd...{Courw« ami Eq.]Il Tank icisebe oal., fle' vfinld have Ms<- cOunuac W",siviue vsint.nded lta in-________a___ lecthe fimporantmwm tis coin- fimkidâte te dfinafly resolved fChnt fideat ta u t tuab Wmaen.]' The fie ROMa. U wNssu f or veroxlea O ET .a 4 ctlY harmomiaotusspirit es.imid fo pervade ilhe iinie. The. intellect feCin c0ii*sig Ch gad ememy-inemuoe iaevoq> tn-yits ibumaixamd coocihintor>' f i&cCbaniaed aliadosdiistinctiomi, r mdi cr«ed amenteoya in 0the exercse -off ioge socielalnmd km d1l> telingu bin lsoothe Mmd allure thei. m.offmmn ei com".caein promnoting a pli obiret ( The meeting wus opem.d wt* prayor emaited ta the. occasion b>' av.1Mr uer Aller whacii Thomas Marklaild, Eàq. was ceilsdte Ch. Chair, and Mr Douglinss Prosatai - que.tei tu.af»a.Secretar>' far the. .v.aîg. Tii. Committ» .eprs t.dde .ill.ving j T e sx hArticle off ti. Cosititution off 1 fA m e gut., Tla0ysrc peiner hîvingl made ilthCe dut>' Ch. Cnommttieefate. asent a semi-enamual Report etthde pubic meetings on the fiat Wodmo&dys off Janu- ai> and imnlean aider that th. attention off ti.mouileras md ftriends of the soci.ty m> b. ledirect.d te ifs, oçerafions and allch, and 1 ie praires. offte.grmeral cau"e offtempes- , sce, Ch. Comaiti.., ina pefimasoaac. orthe 1duti Chuée.njoinetd uoa.then, oubliit tha t ollovwing camcise Re"ar. If iS 001>'eleven mentheis ince Ciii.socm va. firmed. It vas undengtoad ta bc th finaC tempeance soci.ty in the District, and va. inde.d tii.n uppsed telb. Che fiatsa tii. province. Afterwardsa owveu, w, lerni eat h ttii.hoff Iulperanca an Ch. tovosiipafffaatard,in Ch. District offjobns. town, hall sos fline bf, entelled inCoaa silr association. TodChtmsoiet', ther..- tabre, ve muet y'ild the païen ofpriority, and Ciie flouer of introducing inta U'pper Cana- da the. reforming s>'stem of societiu organ- izeat for tiiepairpose ofsuppresig filet ment deplorable andt destructive vice, intemper- ance. Otiier societie.s aea>' ha", pie- cedeat ours. Since fie formation c( Chia aur societ>', ten othm, upon Chemsaie principle otentire abstinence (raifile use offardent spirits Ïex. ce pt for medical purpos, bave bien e.tab- lili.d, andt are nov in operatiorn, 10 Ch. Midlanat District. How niany tCur, are mn J aCier Districts, we are ot Correct Iy intorn-1 ed. A considerable oumbir ihave bien re-t Parte; but ve hav. net an>' regular au-f the.i report off tiie wbale. If is t, bi bp. id tuat tii.> will continue ta b.e msltiplled, until Cher, shall h.eans at least in ever>' Cown and township, and until Chér united and increasiog influence siiall pcrrade Ch. l enCire population off tiie province. We are iiappay ta s&tesCglatl:silar asso- ciations bave ane tnadare grogressiof. iender tavourable muspices, in :imotiierd country. Tliere are temp!rane societie. Ctenii principal chtiesanitusnEg lmite= ai n n Tiie Teamperance Record, a respectable monabi>' Magazine publiaheat in Glasgow,, (or the. nti off Oct'er last, mentions .Chat Choeever. the i more than a àundred mach societies repoitsd in Scatiand, ail establisa- ed witain little mon.rfgliaea r. In [refeund aloo ther. are lemperauce en- cet e., advocoted iy DishoatDoyle. off tie Catholic cburch, Profeasor >~gr. m o er persns offgreat rspectwilit>'amdinflu- lu. Nova Scotia and Nev Brunswick, se- cieties for fis supprousor off iaitempirmnce, p are eatablisbed in varioLucountia, upon fie maine principle off entirembshineuce. In LaverCanada, luivise, tuier, are se,- irai, one off vica in a! Montreml,and insve- iv activ, and prospenous, houlding quarter>' It in asi e ortod, altionga vo have mot sien it officialif mnnouaiced, Ébat onfers havelinon isseuloitfoi discomti u*ngfia.ai- lovagula off sprits tt sldirs ff tm>Y, and ellovinie lieu mequivaient in aCier ralon,. lu the. United Status of Ameérica, viierea Cie tsupersnce roflmtion Oral bogmm, il in l't'Il diaesn m d isied extending msi. lmot :7ve 1yl>, :nuitpiimga miotar> change, in Chat respect, ameag aill et@" It"ia le =1alvige off Ch. progrelos offt Ceumrace ai1 arcuamatun, and a %srsr- cnaasado.nnrmtimoeff Chh elfimil ta already. producid b>' w marasciatm his ais Cave, the Cemmititfso mthoeimd ta con-v gratulat heanCie s on Ch.esset «,=-.a mon' M là ven abu eadz blahem. omt- IL Bd, evosamore tie a. mumticpased; but muc moreafin romaine teaie meapihd Leto,, tien, porgise. eMot h. vear> I in voîl doing. Knovmg chsat tihs cne inc v~w s h aare om>agdi a flood nset otu eue rteaprouaotelit b>'ezamples offde- 91 termne adiioreo caru peig.'f4ss"a- Il enacflous the m of<ardosit spirit@; b>' s a mmml>' avoval of er detoiemiaaéticl a. m hefi. reu- o.ffif; b>'poieling otte otlaera, wiei 1 viios.Wva ave'dail or .ce MIomlinter Il course, Cie poactici L :seta o<rt.emmrmai and the. dmngmaaaos and fatal couseumno,.il off habituai imlmmpeo; mmd b>' alit 1w-à toi meata viCi mupowe.. 1%e .public attention bin« extoasiel> I dranla the mabjet, mmm>' yaklqi diai. il cossins off if hats ' m *frong fie pieu.- tI Amosgodhomsme.cfpoeu m, the cou> A aittae reomauuodhat a Subseription b. tl opOIRed t',rMimsa SMmhfond Ce dfilay tii.ci iof s .m ad diàtibatig mache ;= *mu ra>' h admptsa ta preants the. trust ejetoff o out' R. Aft AY,Jin. fi Kimgut 0111Iand = ,,191.1 'mah det thea. or vhe g ý e t10% vlelMeh.bés r«ai, h.acepWsiMaW P Chat et b. paiebillei. el Rs.sleo1MW Che ii. eds off havmap ep amp ~ ~ e «p~eas.,f'u» met am Ch. 4 Gad (o4rh bishisti bkveoai «Medd Esa t mmf heloptbf saitie.onhl a m.qet i b a*eaded gIUo îm er oua»d tiins tuan.. ft of M4 abord IgIb onmd al trente fi ULm IZ-57 IOM OO KfO POMM AS TO PKM£JUM OWL FOR pISmISSIOtTO arnOStom .APSLY TO FUJKC S O TTAWA. 141 1111maCoiroa e, Tusr U.C-. amALD. Siam-NW Chat Paulment Wittîî wi tne an Ssssion, vin ay, tic. tthe grme t ta at>' Chat ha. bien duasisy an d tCl i «Z ut hat bave bienuout, sooan îxpc« ta baer the qoistio en ectin thCe Smmpuîb,, mn t aite.St. Lavieme reugaC bafo theon ou as aaembly. As it as a questivr off machi iuptanc Coe Ch. vabole Pruvi,r,ý peibape il Mmy faut b.edîemdim,,, Chat Cher subject -boula i .i kn up b>' cia samblteviasdoanDoiftie conunaatry.or b Tiene canono douit, Son, Cbat@?, improyement t anNvigation, f 117ha susceptible, ai. mat desirahlean erfs Chat evîr>' ixortaun should be uI»e d to se complisit so important an end. But, belor, voe tiller eearailvea Ctu bicorne enagein, wobot ay lbe consadireat b>'som e rsonasu an iMpao%ýem*nt of Our NîVigaCien Clair, arts are aieîai questions telbe siîcîýd. 1, the. fiast place, ve mueCtemquire, whist au. privemeot innCht trespect, te.province va. qalares; mecundly,ariant viili be theexpirai: and thidl>', la the Province able co ieui Chat expensi, Cogetiier vith thi. impene CEa cryangtO aie iman> oeher anpruri.,îa,, vhich aresu loud> cWiedt toi. luC finarltplace tien, vsen.&te 0etqi, viant improvemeot in nur Navigation ciae Prio i rc e*nî. There csuitaW baldouai Chat h Z vaboluChat ia requaredas a, siebra, improvmnt as tuaittenable cesto aend Dur prodections it CaL.wei Cansada, sad reir, gouda n Cousrne viti saffty, dhanest, ail .edit'ca. When we are able Cue 5cCin. pliai Chas, out Navigtionay b.ie ld t, li couplet,. And v.iseasenovuCe tacsurqi boiauis bse uremt ioda are to b.e accompîéta. ait. Io if b>' impioviag the St. Latu,riî W. ansver--certainly flot, but ai oti pense tar, fsr biyuod aur ver>' litier,.e sources. If te St. Lavnince tuimpl e inerit, for a Dur'>aaa boat navigataon, ChiA ro. @D>' thate .save end%, oaaaiy, t"f'b e c pa s a a i d ai ,a, iri i te a a oi t lu f.er troan thear mccolsiiment, as u itentcx F1or wie ail traovure edanger of desceaodig tbe rapi de, md tfiat aemer, rîaaoval.oj fey obstructionas un the.passage upmeré Ili maver lb. 'fany servic. on tie passag dswr.Be-.ides, bow ate Cthi dangrs. o vici hasts aie continuilly lhable inise different Lakes maid an fie rmver didepeni. ent of the rapid-) ta b.iaaidet Man, pesm'ns caicaider the danger mnt grasiar in Lattes St. Francis and St. L.ewis,tClaitain i.e rapide; and vwe Irrtai, trous mai.y âdc dents et îocent occurrence, Chat teleie match truCli in Che opinion. Last yaa,& beat ciootaaclitease 500 or 600 barrels'if n'air, thse opeit'of et aiercbant of lcai Townva se* trandeat in Lutte St. Leur,,sa ils pssage daur, final a great paît if'tba o asalieroit oramuchiinjuared. We know miso, Chat a Boat ef a tiwarding ilouseat Brmckville (Miesa. B. 4S. Jeît) vues "pseulternon Gaasiqaeaenai Prscott, bhat ahi.tatuturis, Cie snie entluanon, mai aurfier home ai Brockville ixpeienceili ailaIr miatartuni-to viiic isvu as>'adat ha toms. airme. M. McDouaîl ofthaîplate huid one offbibatu=upset betwruthCli place andl Gananoqu. a short Camie mgo, fort on. ofthe banda mu-tia lite in censequnc. Bisldes Ciiese accidents, wton nof et aol oti.ra, and Crte, huIlsatci Company, il is suppoimad, viii hase iaceoad off n-kiaag ce. savy Casey.ar. Taiesere; d.a-s mc monnot lbe guardeaid ali t; s Cfl esdae- idiratuansvit: #sety, caia" tcb.mama b>' improvisaitChe St. Lawirenice. Wo sml lie Cola, Chat yon au m lways rossa.yss property againse lIon. This vi admit, but avi must alla panj for mach insaiance, btiales ireing fhe profcptauunour producs. incdh. mvii>' mierciant kiiovi bow taestimat. Tiere s i.miotier dainger, Ce wblhesto Preduce la .xposed in desccaadiog ehé SC. l.avîcuce, mnd aine vhîcb aaboutit b cea. aidutid off ver>'grent importance. W. .non fie injur>' fu wbicb aur proaluce (par. ieularI>' wleat and FlFit) in bible, tran ifs OZpenure Ctihe veathen. Ai lo.gi Cia. Si. Lawrencetan ud, oen b omts vili ia- id mios; anad it raeeds neosargument tia cou- ,rince fthe public, Chat sur exoostre tu erd ad heurtmusa injure bath viieae and Floew, as ell as mont article, et erbndias sbh È re hiangietrbons Lever Canadam. W. coern me, ioconsidcring th. su- arisoiment ruqaîlred, te thei scorid poant vi: :Aaqnass. WaitteremovalOfet ne eoCf" aistdoctiom nbe tenaigatiaon aipiocri, t» Cerial>'lassen the Pressent h.asy empecoi, ote, h w b . CinProdumctions oWCh.nPrvis are nv abjcilWo m Ch nt u.Atp- cnt bcute are Comiai b>'Stemai.Bot.trla 14"» toetCe daCasades, nabor, Chers area Cielas, thiuugh vili fie"'Patas eCier 4« Rock rapit. Tliey auredfeveal hem li du Lmi te Cernumeliand boePrmoti te Rigoo. We chu ne, Chat vh.reair Bie cmn ai coq Mose .fournitb>'Stsem Boat% Ct, >'are Ceser!Covs. Tb@oui>'soir- ing tbon viii ie le Ch. tinoelet in anovic- etb théf ia.fSi ilRock, ai. Ced.. >.be ,LmmDulRepiPa, maiai Cit Gollae. Th. drculties nt prensat Os auetqied etfCabs.. ampid, umet blill IU vrcnm, buest aon ermaUs esp@f- bdmlttlmgbcv.vm, Chat ti.>'.ay base lt lenara.@ste plaue Cieuron sisoapar wlb thau nmsmgatien Iaduemi, eRapi Pliaitfor mnstmn aii ai Ch.isLemg 8".5bonsvmuch ego4IJle aimd t We venmturesla. bosat Ch. »miss sdipesmg tCho.sa yull'o met a a exemd fturoa>'.Ws amer" Me.mie onaidratîone h iefset proan mut t tii"..places, andl allevl elau aleofCaevodalm. Thiuthait tu sncb, bof spopisng ilgrenier imatead. filu, #thdne r goïai u Mmsedoyainsaitof leu i nabot mivmiflegsa iaiCtepublic detteé roem iCtIf il mainess àdterenum i. foi borrel stdeur sa the .charge dewwviard as muca pair ci«tuClie charge ilapwards,Î io enamorts&-jan bes«peeed. TiessvlgCi h. liorerer in t vhi. e sbouturas, vi ba rsnob a uearMM de, Chash.oaetsi 1 se abois@ uairis rohs 4 presses charegea- Wo <lau m a.. nht by tb telked-.f-iupoi- ment ofet t. UC. aurj. a enviait et à& mur bauulent uramay psshrp aps . md eimd. pou eutfer gosbenk umai eume.- tiant W. mev pays. t. i, ti «M ui te 4a.N.bu te, e,..'ha"d eW alût ial reugkt - -f-au A. -Ami >' idu wa atru . la st am *, fia £wwd P#Cmý. 'Zi 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 31 , 1 1 1 1 a 1 a 1 IR 1 8 1 - 1 -, 1 si '

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