Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 19 Jan 1831, p. 1

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e * TIKEIT CAN~~DA EAD et c.»-xfl r Elitii proie<tr1 oFFICz [N QUA.ERY STREE. ET. a. BEN-TLEzy, hauu yOUm XII. KINGST)N, WEDNESDÂY, JAN UARV 19.91831. N~BR60 tre heobai SHati and 0. uaran- dispose of Ir apprvei *' andl Ship.. 2d. 1830. ;ew Gent..- Eam Rbae lire Public Lwrie, fiai navigation la. S1 y n ne 2lb bederle t4gned tautas its aafe de- louteat pre- i re give utaured, .i rperty, w. i ubIject te i.-Pereou Ir transeports C'iael y l tLey mut the iabil. lontreal. ON & ci,, oua of irîer. rm'argatl un direct fMer. a lfiareuîh th the. value SON & Co. Y1lON. VARIIING, JSN EýS.-. 'ai the puib. ýf tbet large aWin reient- bn4 Croie ýy on thtea- y a the ci. .ie andl tir. tu any Port ebave in ha Ld hv cire- nd his char- r as the.'f le Province, ery attention tLMay bi en >ONELL. tu John Kir- aKingsînia, te. aly 1prises m.ert i n- t during the Uc that huai- eopeniiug of d toiîecive u rdre ihît vrdleri for dl foi the V> un.tanality5 regard fà> gliiini-atIi 9 cure ahal ntion.-Hi derate,;Eh1 irîtilaralait B GER. e îubscri- on CarKées Port, priai- un Durham RKER race Ce.- - NOTICE.I 6 Teons THE Ceparineuuicip heretaforisexeî'ting of Cii- 1b«e weenithe Subeaibera h his dy dia-i ,"vdby mutual conuent. AIlpr»ia -l: cogIt iebedtothe cencemia are heeby tuspiectii UPti tellyreu te upa> theadenmande sgsinst Canali ta Clambica Thomaube aien.aia* Soca th-iueal ta receive andi discharge ta. u. sc un ad l aItiose te whmie iaid iream>h indebteal are requesteal ta preomiseu it mut conanal aemandi duly amabebiaedte'h Gls- te nid Charles Thomas for pamsant. liewdcti -A s- Y B. The hbus is contanuei by thc mitaih nid C'harles Thsomas in biso na e. ,, wCHIARLES TH MA"es. cPot. JOHN THOMAS. *za. Kingston, Ociaheu' 2Olieu1830. M"iet- NICW BOOKS ýKier- L TELY REOI!ED and fût sale hy yiosb E. Leslie & Sonu, Store Strit:- Stret Cunçeris Sumical Dictuotsry, - ()Ilad lluaPer's Meaic.,i do. iicit a SOtIihcinan, by J Galt, Esq. PpIar Exposition et the syilem of tise T. . nverse, by F. R. Humier, Lq. uitt MgiAlio-...y thesame auhhr-El«àentio(t ta Grfliiet fPlat-i OfSAlUt-I Vol Svo. liaîmus et Arihactic, Theoretical ant Prctiel . - l)esorn0logy anal Wiichctaft, by Sir Waliek d NWeter' Dictienmry, abritigeti for ta.eoie 1.«z o and lj1ewfe1 Manumi, by Mm. DeL'urne., by the auer aet R iciele. ,îsti. Beorri 8Justice, nen esitisi 0 Tnaau~ gistrate'm Masnah. "(TkE-eeSbcrbs asAgent for du* te t auic sd hmo e - n-sm 1' ltn if aIlis imi.inlD i.a po ~ t Al KettlumadCo mSuaad Te« rtie, Outre Ovin, andi eb nis s a «i eimb O1 f thir aruirleanalu etathse for- 0M ti.Theeab-iveart'cle S v I i eyes f4adOf8,very iupri.r qulity. Inll3trn,24tI AS&qI,I590. TI the 2tetiCou. cf thse Township ci HBallouell. Ail peisons bmving clamson the aboe Landl, or any prt ti, by anrtgge or etheruice, are r.quir.d te mette the aime kueun ho me, on or hefore the day otili- Sale te commence et 12 o'clock, Doon. JOHN MACLEAN, Kingston, Oct. 131h, 1830. Sherilf, m. -- HBERAR>PS SALE. Midali Diatrief, ~'N Saturalay "'e 'Te uiT. 5ý .28tb di> et Match naît, ulîl b. told etuthUe Court oliele t s Toua of Kingsitn, thi foveing Lantie m baleinSing to Henry P. Wamasnaker eeizeal h y Vutttee etwe elecuiosni ieed ont of Hie MajoalbCout et King BeDnciscmeuea 1lthe unit af Renard Foi andloneetthUe lait Robrt Smith and A5utionMuahal, via: the estboifof ot N 77in the 2iitCu. ofîha townsnhip of Aueliaabnrgh. Ail parlons having cdaimn fn teéabove land o r any patt thercof, b> Mortgtge or ethea vu, are reqiuirea ta, make thé aune Sunie t' meon or hefare the day of mie. Sae to casanence ai 12 nartemk, aosae. JOHN MAC LEAN, sheriff, M. D. Kinegstona, Dec. 22nd, 1830. SHECRIFF-S SALE. N!iiddDiskid, ý ON Saturlay tise 82%b v o um'T. $ day of Miré ccxt, sei le ewet theaCourat Hlietain liseTegu et OfKinien lse fllevlnç IsAd, aisho losneu tg omepieAllen, seieti by vittuae oiK eion mmid Ieut eofHauMajyle ylug amLDisirict Ceurt, t thitset fCati> W miD.lmne, îVly ailbis iniereet lin .bé tract or L*ad cellet inlt Traverse la lhe huwvf.bp et Mayibutgiscamaluaiug 2M "mc admeoie Imi. » Ail pMbeli banle dcaim on Use alein -'d egtsor »Y Pmi thîreef, by carsags-o othmîim, are requirealtulmaialethe mm* knownto Meor09befare the day etfail "te smence, et12 e'rloci. soon. ~ JOHN MMLEtAN, KingamDec. 2 . . uberiff am. D. WILLIAM BRADBURY, & Co. CY F-The Subscvlber hsarg me- 5eov, for ale the tollowing New Isaporteill tri- fre uoirîts bego ail those uho I u idebteal ta baen, cubher blr Note, Bock GOOfl. A". out, &c. to ra il anal setI the ame, as hue -4 eit ainil KgISi ~ they vil!, on tbe tilet March lieu, lie inde- *0 Clohca ot fabuhietelsiuoma i OW malt 4anti commdîneo, scraninsely placeal in the bandae o an At- 10 Bont tie .and anglemifle Caeamaava.tOyeY for fe e cinnsn*dmll tbou ta Whom e csauai Mamtsl, 4110M b.ieain ndebteal, vill pIeu.,prisent their 2 Lo.t,'Ck*sshotcoloyidl, daine. for liquidation. 12 MatrW..il 0-,. o Chmahs, -now e effets for saie aPOTASH WORI<S, ~~ in teheot order, aaljoining Mr. Garrât'i UtaFaisda,emidlt. diatillery, un the vicîiity of Kingston.- 8 Tnil'tiarg-4isli-siSm' êh*l'1'hercon ia erectiti a gondl substatel Ase M topaaý n Wie"Mnoeie ome, 40 by 26 ft; taian, s B.'iiing Houat. 10 " Gue ai. , ieilouretB e, 26 by 24 feel, nitlî 6 gondl Leachei, tiow anal 16 Imie mationCmim CWi sol dP*ddiwgs, large Kitls., Coolmr, Pump, Througbs, 10 «A.iured i geratC.Ssiiatre Maille à"kc. c. complet. Freontii$Prcxîmity ho 4 alf Searet. B Si tInigo BleCoblra Kingston, wbere ibere in nothitîg of ihe 2 Asiortei ShaRiuuu, ltind ah priient in operation, i offert a de- 6 Scotch Bonnet. ai i ." erli5. ituble mnirent for any peracru wiPbing do « Fiet.urv beowaCotisaS"ua r m 25 t oembark intmakungPotsehei: tbepre.enî te ,1imbuesvde, 19 « A#scisalSauaa as tien ws Sieiagg pries. anal prospect of a rase ls au objech) Book anti long Nad, aiîo, t» eL>nd, ubic in ssituateal on tbclakte 20 Canon Prieteti Calici,. TNew Style, shot, eipan uic e b mee buildings, kc. 10 Denat titt Feettue diaand SiESetti are erectal- The uhol ie yulib. uid le- 10 But at.,<w cherS., Ginghaa. ast inalliable lov for Cash or ahober pnva 2 ssitri teie. nc rudih, andi an indispuiabie titi. given. Ap- 2 em Parent Tead Ns. 25or p4y. Alteut Rayens Ge Seorisg Sia asti TwitG- F. CORBErT. Biai, White, mtCaeand Cottm aBala. Stue Kneen icme, 80 blaeat. 'ipi. lehiiette, Lace, Veil., Gftci- 1 reif, l - na- lATION AL & COLUMBIAN HOTrEI. Fhesasea, Tran2» e. & t* &lm.C UH E National Hotel, e- peisereal211hAiges ~&t J I copiea by B. Jesup, and NEWe (I)$.b the Coltimbian Rotel, lmtely TiHE Subscriber respetutly ccupied by Mr. Phuiader For I Public that i bai re, taveal Via New bes, nita e redit te hionteit anal great satis- Yurk of the laie impi-itatioas, anal oltéri for faction t,, the public; have bien tcnnocted maie a weil uclettea airîaent et forathb purtaoseof fureuieing more extensive FASHIONARLE 000DS acc,,m,oaatieni anal convenienres ho lia. adaped n te S-ago. Aongt wichveilers anal bxaror. The buuildingsi bave dhal bb emn.Arnu bcehen put in îenBot repair, anal the par. tec Ladies, Genlemecn's andlChildrens Lcg- leuirs, ietting rouuae anal chambrs, me ar- ber,, bats. Aise a q.îantily cf soili Leether rnela efurnishtegaes ofi meufacturîal fremnSpaniula bide,anal Cai rangalsinvnience th vt eicestroinfo Skins.-Asomiaai blmeo on banalCognac* ean l boîeusni vaefmilsitai BradyHolandGin Jaaic Spritý"" los ad bardts.The fîîrnituue in nen Braidy Rolanl Gn, laiaic Sprit, M- andl in stylo corresponding eeitb Hoels i drima, Pert, Tenerili'î anal Spenimie Win à, the.fLuit cies. Thie locataion le in Seuil Tea s ug n Tiiba,,iff, c. c.iet- Market streit opposite the several steain cec nibin teporhas, uo my b plai-boat laridings. The aubacrmbeus ujîl givt caltuexmil and examine thesaine, ulli wmtb- their perénimi attenîtion le the accommoda out doobi bie satiafieal nîtb the pricea andal ion aund ciuafort of their gucest, anal wîll lai quality of the gootte. reepomaible fur the urbauîily anal fldelity ri WALTER M'2UNNIFFE. their servants They wili endeavor ai ai King*tnn, 10th Ma, 1830.. - .im.. te .m.i.tin,.hat.,o.....t ..r and ,,, muoiA*10eW y0N B OOTH, MzacixANuT Tàiri,: 1«.d6 mNdI IL 'I tEA ilE. tille an.« .-tuilliseilira,. te itatnr jT>* W. AgBTR>1 & Co. litsfir'ends and te piablie, "athiuremos- ,m*Itansels mili ainIs d Fa ie'il bi buiiete Ma"ketStreet, tient lssr E LM o >BI e Ut. W -Binley, Drmggsst, ubere lb. cm au tinuei hbie empîcyrneniin ou lia rarieties, ArMz cîeIW&rbfrtims pt ftle and eîxes.wurk lai the lhuaifaiaini. dilent manufacturnt COtl*iite18 HieaoembimcSi ibismedium aot envey- md' te.mtbuoof»d fot el- ng tabit frieeada andi tbe public lise ncire love moe.h* «w th ' <O ' hbitfermer stand, and nov malicitsa acontinu- and eziteemveasmrmet*vinatte-suce of lissasopport, uith the assurance ibat âtaupye -ind. Tbieîl8gffliiitork m t gestlorilie hpractised for the il ~ .coPt ami sivoI7 -Sulus 18 afction of almile bo y taveurt il ib tahe lno eivns netice, ati -is »W their casteus. 111 aiysoui'tste sli Uilese l Paii lie Hilikeuise lane tiaennete intimiste, that ?it ibli i ill ellirid rpletbaving received a lauge andal leiassorilent sis a finiafibriei an Saxory Black,B1ýule of CSe0tli, canemte,,veant ,Trimamine im«,, Olives,à ailMedIey of ee.ry deaceptona, 4ce. 4c. h enaibled te J»emge arnisb an. qtantity olé the motieaionable D,ubeMilled OIlie and ul mbSurteut Cletie, terme. ladies Fncy. pelns,, sd Ques de. Bath N. B.-Cauantly an banal, a u.ry fait- Cabinge, Gentleiienf's Fmvncb Nmp, Printeal fainable ismortment of Ready Made ,able. lotta, Single anal Double MîIled C LOTHING. û.e, aseiii urted qualities andi retours; Kingston, Iltb Noveihey, 1830. Iling. Yokabtre Reaver, ana rl e.mil- I I glffl O MHTE ed plt Clatie, Faitcy Slk, Toilenotte, Va- TEHNINHUEHTL koda and Merveilei Vetingi, Satineîttes 9 HE Stabcriher bang rentedl ibis ex- Cvollets and Tariain lai, Eruaieli, Kid- la. tni duclkanihbimit 18aaînter, andl Venotiais Carpeting, Heata conDmba t opuniiag the saautefur the c- Rugi, Mment, Damas anal Chintz Fuani- coanodaiiono etbte public. iae,SuaperfineMerinai, Bombastes,Boem.TheoManijan Beuse. i peasanly ittiaical ia.iu, andl Norwich Crapes, Ptitîteal Cali- on Store Street, beinj; the principal andl ,os, London Chintzanmd Chuttiez Muslin, oniii central itreet ini Kingston, andl nues- llaiy Dometie and lî'team-Loum Cortona, tablishmienet of thie kiiaa, ia the provinace, puîa Checks, Turkey Stripeb andl Strips'd cers mrp iii it un the excellence aînd coin- i3înham Cbcke lIn. Cath, Cuuîer-fart ot ite apartuienia, in regard botte epar. p.oes and Merseilles Quilies Sle, Cotton, bre atid ioomea, aIesttle. hihwlb Worea, anal Lamh'î W-,01 ROSIERY, tîtiîea n aerrybtiye Gloiaanl BaciBath, Jacanet, Coim- Theîubsrriberblmvng kepi Tavern tor se- (;love ad Mo Mc is,Gît ei vers! yeari, bas acquireci perience ire ibat brc nd CAPMuli s . ltlrens ine-and hotseh'bai itie nreimmtting FRCPanaoo. raesutntie. týe tht. cianfart% cf sismguesta i CamoisWaistciaatq n talnd Dntllra uwl menit a abate of the public patroaege Sik and Cotton Umbrellai, Fringes, India In test etftthe Mansien Houteas. a large Tîiiiitiei anal Bandaniame, Oi'd and Pai.,tid yard-unia bcb iheri is an extensive nd Blite Table Ciaering,Shoetrhread, Duîclu commondions rango af stablea-andarbohre a Tiee Looking Glasies, anal Statiosaery. Livery Stable il ieh conlantly kept fer Thei LuenDiapraad Fannl ~ thae accommodation ef the public. TbiLnnaîly pie tatidF n leiPat S.a CARMINO. meni are lidwthtetget Kington, 2 hOctoher, 1830. utIel m1"d lcheicest iateriel, alise, Brown _____________________ and Bitai-bcd Hollande, Table Napkili,' Kngston Dock Yard, FRENCH CAMBRICS. i11 à Noree be, 1830. llcaback, Dowlas, Oaiaahîîgsma Sheet- T J-E Kingston Mille Ruierve ceiammhaig n£, Sail CanvaNe. 2-7, Eankete, J cf bots Nu. 36, 37, 38, 3q. 40, in the lscu, Flonnels and al eq, &c. 4t. 4sbconceesion oftbeTaaeîishipuf Kingston, ia the Midianal Ditriri, baving beei pur- Lid je who bonar tbieestablisimbent wiîie cbaeed m baif of the C.mmiâiiotbeia of a refrence, null final among the Fincy part His Maj'ty'i Navy, Notice iis bcrebr giVen aet heir stock, inany new anal taiionable tla mipersons, mre umîneti triam îuttiog artîics~ eutu or takiîg tombehr or fire weed, or in Fîgurea Paimîrinîs, any ther umaî,î,e deteriorating the nid Crape de Lyon, prvperty; Aid ail persons fnunsoh e rempains- Crape Royal, anal Gauze de Aileen, iii;, nillIlb. pros cedmal &gaitena witb tbe ni- Indra Sillet, moul siverity et the lent Satin Levantine, Anal toîther, Notice isnieereby give,tbat Crrei Lieaad talianetis, ne petiote ila ater tim date te erect any Nut, Cintonrape, ouse,aor Building uhalever, uibeut por- ('punn Cr p t, anal real Thibet rliissfo the re.pective Officers cf the Shauls, Dc ad JNO. R. GLOVER, Artificial Floutimi, QNiaval, sioreker. Lace Cap, IMansieAttendant Iiabbincta andl Lace Veille, ROBERT MOORE, Fancy Oiled Silk anal Cambrlc Apreiaa, Moiter Shipwre'ght. Blark anal C,lored 8ilk Veiveta, SiERZFS SALE. Tarbaisle Slaeh-C'emhe, Windsor anal Fancy S'.ap, Miallana Ditict, f'N Saturday 151bs Viiting, Message, anal Tey Carde, Te Wt: $ 0 day of èJauauary Beaver Boninet,, neit wfll i mlalest the Cout Bounein Fur Te Iamin", the Tewn et Kirngston, the foliowing lande MU&. anal Pelevinos, aivbeleging te Nubniel Osberne seizoal Achoice callection of Gros de Naples, b y vertuas of an Et etien isiueal Dut etfiHie of very aupenior texture anal pro- Majet's Court-) in%'m Bencb at thaesut vaîingcaltset iliam Colley, ail hierightmund ile in lots No. 37 andl 38, goutte West ef Green Tbt principal part cf tii apianclia anal Paint un the lat COU. et the township ef Se- beatifal tov k baving bien purêhased fer phiaaborgb. Cab, enebies the proprîeetociterfe their AeIl personi lasving claina on the. above fiiee ial the publice very avantage ibat LandioaiTelnementre, or any pirtthereot, by an lie de, ivel frinlihe prenant deproeal amortgage or etheruase, are requirealIo eimle* suie of the Engiiah market. the saose known te sae on or befote the day Their Weeliitaa are prticularly receal-of sale.-Sale te comrnence at 12 'ciock, taune intheii notice t Ciuuntrv Merclasti, nouen. JOHN MACLEAN. a weil as theconasumer, apecial care hbaving lington,oct. îth, 1830. Sbeiff i.»). ben takier. in every instance, te peocuare EIF SA . flue clclatal orsericenAieDi0sHrict, SSALE.y h 1t craie, weli aqortetiMdaa )stc, aodyhe 3l CROCKIIRY, Ta Wit: 0 .day of Jaiauaa'y Whuc scll . sodata mall alvncehy eit, iba tollewnsa Landsasai hionging tu Whili r ll e sldt asurlladvncebyWilau oCngrsiealby vina. oftan nie- the pakage ot lot. cutionisue u fRsMje.ysMdaa J. W. ARMSTRONG, & Ce. DIetrich court, aet mltesut fJcmpb Allen, Kington, 30th Octaer, 1330. 1 .. . 1 bt ...and ttas i t o... 7. in d y id ,e nf a- )e of AI u-'e lariîy, wbmnb i.woacmnclealcirca by the f- iciiedt raveller, anal i- essentiel t thbe man et iuii,eis. They>%will dlaim le., more of ptablic patronage tiraie theut aasiduiiy le bu- sineres sied the convunieraces eft ieir eatala- ahiment juily entitle ibm te. jEsUP & IIAYWOOD. Albani, Dcc. 4, iSSU. PUBLIC NOTICE. post Office rlttgmfoea lut Jeusty, 1831. rIHE follosing arrangements, relative ho Ithse bM-alla, yltaka cfect frein liai Sti instant. Thie Mails fur thte Hast anal West null lie M ade up n t]NDA Y -IOÏDA Y, TUES- DAY WEDNI1SDAYI, anal TIIURSDAY, eveting-Hour oftcluaing, 4 e'clack The Mlails for Offices on the inetbrough Prince EdwardCounty comiencin at Bath anal înding i the River rent wil[e made up n MONDAY, andl THURSDAYl eve- POETRI. TUE ORPHAN'S PRAYER. lFm e trLiverpoosionS-a. Pas.7 uy lue bhadeemspayer, LotS op, sol eaey wvoaiî cme Reieu it aimee.. Fe Ureiis5, os Ibireteieazdy, Ast ribye il,7ay bruit, le gisiat*tee ileance pry, A" d hua. iy ,>huei. lbut Wh ithon tis na roy tac aie Th1% sother . va. ore Tay =ntr eau,î.t hie- ihy voer, Shimpuecksd ne <renAs ihffl. Beethersd'. t er, tha. bat ne Te shore thfod are.e, lal>P» vide s, rielthns a liee, A*aiimtdralate ad.111, 16e swam ellig hn 0ofl"me Bhm m e. tnhou spoeu bjeet child, 'AieS tirauigees danli l,-iotae. Deidt of ail, 1,fr tSam ffiuoea, '1 ti.., dcrotetsdy mnti Wbh tn the iaeb, jis eu i îl)aec %.fvsp asmdase Winu it jtblua banu.mi me y-eeg; YTel sipit buinntocece cou lies Epai thy ispic. toutue. And may ao dit tht yombh d.slry, Or escotaistnlmu; The umyt.i (ld t, bethee. boy, Ziaehe gad Men. it PAY TOIUR DEBTS. Suyeisiiagetre,inâtase i l, New lithe preumot day. gomisy abouti a tisht cStctc. Aid them forges, ta pay.- Nov t 'm ebtig'dta m eeutMtitil And ruai my .iteth aw&y For thsee Who wheu bhty gem thé untk, >b.'get ta bring the puy WhatVoe nietaits macnuinPluma A payeet te tielay, Asti maay th" S abt proise Win aconit wll for Puy Aaothtr mye hsrtitic", bard tdes, De.,t h" ym-1 PeaM Net thiekucathabt ,a'MrsLardthe ties, Theancre i Wma the pRy- There othere am. whnan bout4jrou duc, And duo tnul yuun amegay, Wcald neyer pura temat'Ira Compeu'dhy W te PaY. Ssemrah«eb eofeste ptit off iasmoue futuare day, Tais laey ferget they eîamise Andioe vr.i n ever pay. TheretecerIna cof differit sorts, Anduen c f tiuffereit WakY, Tbe rieA, i-p-o, ibreha-eee Tii bandtetoget-Y payl 'Foreoniesjet russes ha yoir guide, Attend wtho etilay, HOn cma a Pair suebanle liv4 Curitehageta s tPuy. Ceme thooiandmati mi iliew muIlve Akhogh 1m âgnt lvrebea. IVi cl under ts lVeanema ««The lied the 'Ahercon bEBTER begi most reepectfully nngMoaicfort e it 'cStte, r, ar 9.1k.. G ew n tinte nbbtaîh t ;ig- u r oîaf co ti.ntor Staiesferar ier e ta t inorixtheInhaitatts f Kngs-jed. C Vinctent, ulîl ho made uponcôe l ton, A its vlcitety, ibat h. hajust retuu,îed MON'DA , IEDNESDAY, sud lFRI cltaed It fr'cm Londion w itb m stock ai Clotho, Cami- DAY-Haut ci losing tua o'clock P. M daity th acres analVautiingi of the muet tashieî,able The Office yl Ce open un S cnday b.e mya, saul etours, a.! cf the ineet quarities, iegotelhsm ten the liaurs oI$. anal 10. o'ciock A. M. anap tape uith an asotaint of Buttonsaofthîes mesh JOHN MACAULAY uhe hayq appreveal anti latest patters, sudl laviveg Poil iaeter. iniegioi 0 ucceoedalin making pusehaius et s»meof m-anrita bha trIt ut..blisbmets, lhe à enabled al bu- MONTREAL, KINGSTON, & YORK achoola- rente erderai for Ciaibtiuagah ecriing tiot Irca nl hep hta assure Gentlemen, en- MAIL STAGES. unn îrutia hum nitie iseiordure, that hhey FIVE TIMES A WEEIC. abounta the. casi b . leexeruteda areeabe .tathe.presnantLIH AVES Monîreal, Kingston anal York ebUic faéshiena, anal n theeit style of nerituan- JUentry day excepi Satumalays anal Sun u_% sbup. At tCi saine time ieh. egs ha retumia days at 4 o'ciock A. M. anal arrives the fol ri"d ori hibaianceretlaanka te bis fîiesduiindiieepnb- oning daya. Seaui talcen st the Upper speas eý lic fur the suppeni hie bas receivual lii the CanadaCoasth Office, Montreal; Kinegston banal e )ait ine yean, anal il viU alumyslbe bis Rotel, Kingston;, anal tbe Generai Stage et' W. g itual teaeaerit a contir.uamnce et their avers, fice, York. vooka 1 Nuvai anal Milittry Uniferma. Extra% furniseeaon reaconable tersas- tla dinh P. S-G. W. bas made arrantgemenatswitie AU Baggage ah the auner', riai. the finit on. of the fiii Humae, te supply hui nîth B . DICKINSON, Montreei, ne area the lahait Fiehione. H..NORTON, & Ce. Xeegmlon, maiea Kingston, 4th Decenacher, 1830. W. WELLER, York. - rs »- Tire goosi Womksaen Wauted inie- January, lot, 1830. 4w- tv, "idt daatly.CARTAGE AND TEAN HIRE la nC" 7E>TSBLIC NOTICE ishereby givesi.Ihat VOI R TE I, xauav,, If 4. cxNm~CE ta- af"Use 1 a Meetin et tae Catarmqui Bridge VICE AT KING8TI>N, tORito.E TAK1831 jeaiboue Company null b halti at thas Odice, on TH Cmmisummy General hmring direct- tOk th Monday rite 3it Instant, et 12 o'clock,j ml that a tenu aivettiseamnt should lienng noan, tomrtise ptaîpo»- 'f Electin; Diricters .ivintlathe public for this service, sesîed versât a fi-r the ensuig year, agrei.bie ho the etvacb l" if ricor'perationm. r enders foi bbc aima vili bu necciemy lautis By erder fe Directers, t iis Office tantil 12 o'clock on Tnediy the . WO i G. F. CORBETT, 151h instant, nbieb are tea pecify tbe rates tiffl ls Sec. 4r zie.. C. B. C.in Sterling fut the toilowiuag items: kliosant CatareaqstiBridge Opt. Cr vdIilna i Dier I Pue y. » dasu Kitigtais.Jas.Oct, 831.Tue Ileees asti Driver, vitimoet a Cart et De Ies Ktuaon jai. ialm.Culi itai 1 DotiMiDriver, at D. .0-4y WOTICE.-At a Meeting efthtie Boaird 0seHire matiDar eitht a Cari, as De. uad M t of Directe"s Ibis Day, it wai Reuoined, The Tendersaiete ea pecif vthe na meset ian some triâ a Davidendaloet*ne Poundl Ton shum- twe respectable persans ubo will boeamec asuier tlino, Curancty, on eacla sI-aie of the Cap. sureties'for the.inaertakig, but the réui tapes an iai Stock ofthetaCsaraqui Bridge Coupa. signatures nul iiot-he reqîsired alt h. Toma- ettitarl Dy, lie aîu declares! aybiet Ith-i Me ,der Ontil thl aet oSer hue heeui aicertain- beatena G. F. COR0Etu eti. JNO. RARE, A.. c. a. faà t Sac,. t b'ea. C. B. C@. Commisnriai, Kingstlon, 9che Il Brides OIcBi.i3d Jaury, 1831.ace. f a I I r i Niq C-IfFRANCIS MON ' , ub m~d. u o eiKMgtMM in e.fu Ivill umad bis &"eniute iHhrm= bMybutr.1oeltMblmgte bis ad- xmagmfeau, j~ oei îsa~. * OKliMIE Offidr otu Bk of c«a,«& jwjeo, lat. le ISCOUNT DAY SATURDÂY OP ILFAt RYWÏEE.-Nnaie o&fd f«ra e dhreunt, end ade payable at flot more thasa afaiy days after dte, muit beptun det cover to the Cuier, and left at het Le.o thé day before. JOHN MACAULAY, NEW G001)5 MR ubscr.er ...ea... ,.... iionne tbeah public Usaib. iho lu»op.nig s, MaI esertistof etDy G" » ilsr bu tie S&or latiy eccuptmal by Mr. Brune t0is e of!.ettisegeaiare of"bisy.e'a f- pemtiiemi, and wnil»le md cbemp fer Chai et Piotince. PEMER McDONALD. Kanguien, AuC. 4th, 1888. PU ICNdtio is hereby givea. that ta r lm. alilpereeea .tig Tiabr - the Creun Labdé, o et gy Essv:. Cmnedg WilibmetLkCse fies ibms wdl b tri peuend, md the cm, i bemisd su sol tohi& of. PEI RoW<5OJ 'Te MARK EER, EzazCCA Krft, AND CAMITEL KERR. T lEabovementioeealperson ae te- queutealte cerne ta thear parente, Sam- ba and .AMigetI Kue,(IaieetfDona"urei Dnt Belfta, ltruad) uhë a"r fou remdlngi ia tliCity.9 Ilontreil, Deembev 2!2418m . 69-1 P. S. A"y letter roiectung Iho abovemni- entioned persone, addresed te Saa.iefrr, cme of the Editoç oftthe CaemmanCormd wulI b. îhankfllr received.1 feEditan lanIl. Cauada va reaquesteali ta e Ibishun imettion. OLD KIqG'@ MEAD, AMES A.SMITH, bep Io aqemlruthie trie n udthe public, thatbe bui'lat- Iy made censidermbi, alteratieoain bIeemi- lietubtntl Markset Square, wbich embWk bina te add sociale tbecomfortef*wllmg. i bai lately erectid esteniie Stablig, and provideti the inemi eofthieting tahe o accommodationfor bhotui. Kingstoin, Dec. 6tia, 15. LlOR SALE, "Taz tceai>."Lete W on FepLu fera wonandI Emigrmtion Dmdicateal te the Rer. Tboe.Cam, . IleV moET rGOVU y- a Thou à anal id 1Canet imie or tell us ceetes bave a icaux u It à the sue me os.,a ileejî emdque me av MINCELLANY. lue -uutîlîtv . At ptcacnt v. knov nmrn, 1cxcep1îthbe lth arnîv of narty@, velepti ,chonolni.r-'na cda malier CM"p 0 cdoiral andl active huae aiocknp, If it t,,bnaild hi tics lot ta traneinigrate bacS to earthî, in the formenuf a vluurg naan, My fîra hmugre i "rchuf; -----mud e b-i t0 t stir lii- i leso rtm am titi nel xtrac th tic owing froue anearticle I hiad ia nlate number of Flini'i i Review: it nerare an the United States oui hon_ ouanl young ladies, as Sir IBalal aleic aid cf thumc of Scotlandutise lit amieinea, heUcorlal,' ubo nei- w ho ho tomil or spin, ubo are b liSe tht. lilies of the vailey-viea the piano, andal feu cf lthe more le learp-wbo naiS ai thne Bible ely, lest IiSker movenent might mca% drawia te their otinoat tensionsIL Ivc remad romances, anal so f the 1 i o the ilîcatres--yho bave been ad- i Lthe examunatiani et their bighc i--ho have wrauge l agebrale rese-8 on the blucS board-ulto bave0 thenselvis ne nean proficients ins astry oif Paley-uho mre in short ro of the ia gartlen, the ottar or o?, yet cmii nover ex" uto lb. uar- atifmearnied ho lave wiuslaahamt 1 orhali 1Iforbearl-ptting their lilly todoilets drudge-p. go iato th:e interior cf aur receni acouantry. The tair nen.ite dn k be vires cf tiie plin. We set igere displaycal on the Seys, ulatolq esure neyer preparei a dinner, or1 IL tuafteoretheir routioaa brolia- e trversehe treiti of tsar ov*i- aîle uiriis ofthe piano auedrummei au trams e'very cosmildaratbe bouse. s anal villages freinniai eîtmemsityj Union te ta. otlcer, uhier tisere use, anal thaedoct, ant indmiie b- the prcieneof the milal montas, Use If ol ianow v oi .lmomtai uni- Lie = , asihhedouauti. hua of let aeed not enter iu peruoa. lImagia- as the tfair, emechona ber munie iool, ail pliouad anal hiiioç-ileeed, aaid id witah ait toriairosa .allieaecmp, nored ho a quetioaluecltam eofety- yecunitdeoi'm, d'nging ai a Smvney t ay, at îhe iree, es hhouafib h. co'd ne vmy banner eut ofthdeu muai., -ment anal a husaaad. Look ah the and crelma colores! ingers. lu Ide a 'tata! AmistIse ait on. aflersia.ha. al lie ntiic, ont aithe Seya-Ipret- onae canat taIS tte dy eltin-o , aul e beguile bisaout of he heati- Ld theuuatiual Caist urite a good ;aigiet tarearti lutter of busiaeeis!- art a clncmimt, 1 remember ah the ex- "o. ~ calot compound ,prpare, Lervarda bel oi s uiaig" IL aka on. ci the htadred uberdi- naminilof thl tair putuosa'uséiaot tlsy nia inexistence, eceepit lieb ap.tdnp«petoum, ulewsit ila hurt w YAYempiat- itiih. aereni alwie t ulty.t a ia antid metleetith, Mer ail icSsat die we baveie nanfth~fe >aet i Mld tise talks aboutLyce- id tise ilitesiflu le oei cml- oms ma" Mk3lse f Oducates, *0g rem sma Ar etanisauugié" jimab. mbatile u*dmé",isu d ot cf cals, emmbx% mijiemmd eeil a &X theeiiebpK"ti e tgites kiS intu a battee tfim ilITe pl doua Use giddy dSec, i5dre ild s Use lhuas;&Mtu b. quab MeW bss'boeequiset velI eedeed »d j e mot lb etedme">tub. ie t»inti me att amhes. iss éoa e. ai th toughtfüil palée l-ced fair oabs rmianded b)hie r nvisîv -uhjtcte, drilling 7 soml te, patitoce, analpaning ho drink tihe cuap of eartblv discripine and alun 1presaui> lytian b. a tboUaauisermon., Ling the hittenae tutfîîîbnproheîiouary ansc, lin ttachiog the sî'ing «idai bon ta ot. ]ExcePt, -af irrn-ait, sebool mia "mm anal blese . thlîce. tîcat al ohee isasele tltariv witite u Jtrview of the nem Of ladY, éCitiiaiate te clanema oft heir ie preicaeliyn tlee ratio of ticir uieless- 'recia bave atmeatêiies a aShlort way ciraI-. ng île knot, (aif, inii,' tiinich a simple quci- on cau b. calie not uty.) lin ridicule, eeu ra.ruig h'.falcal. 'We select eson.ofi#ttrjuinaîlethe - Ihiloung hu.. 0:uo xaioetflt luly of the l'arisien ,.,kt«.en;tht riei e k'.. triking titan h- juike:- "t IL i îrtunate for tee Deputies that the irney mnprinters of Paria bave ah lait rn-ti, wîitii as noch diiiteatoIaeeas triuiti.rr, bow nery utereabOeable venu cmei pmcicnaîona of destroving tsmechan- i presses, as the Chamiber vasîs! bave Sia tilleul o hobai suivit. Scyi-al cf thi.. etitione liantve 'n ment us, vhcb un print show t1kai hy giving way to ili-calcajat- I neomoîire, ilîcy were going ta coammint li gre'ateat ahn.irdits. i. A petiia rm an ancanoensia, uha demanda thq. reaking up of jureasce oftrncry dlescription. adtttdeiitrtac.tioncuf typas. 2. A patihlou rom knittiuag wonieni,demcantting the break- ng tmp of epinning machines. 3. A peti- n ftuna eaveri, vIse deoanl the break- g UL f stea engi.ee4 A patition romc oolae-mnufIcrýr ofBayonine. ha istl ice abolition of chocolate made )y naachinory. 5. A petitin n ran tii. iacaiaen of emai) stages, demanding the iolitioiî tomniboy'a. 6. A petitiate t hairocua, requoesting the abolition of back- [y -coachea, andl tie re-tî-.tailnalannt uf walan-chaira. M. A petitýoze tram calot- mcta, aticking-paater-makera, lien-tnskers. inal lair-ponaler manufacturer%, demaas- ag that. thie varing of fans, rouge, stick- agplaster, anal bair-pouder ahotild lbe te- stahlialtcd by law. 9. A rilion from potifions, dtrmaanling the abolition et tele- grphe. 10. A petition Irant porteri, te le abolition ofe twiomaetny poat." RORasiEiriaoatair.-We bave teard maîîy sîrau-gr aceunits cf robbery, manry singai.r desciipbicne of rcbbems, and many wnnalerfqtlanal emimai-mI article@ eleini bave been the. objeceleof plutaderris. rbeir are pilfcrcra 'f erosueudalpilere ,f halfcrewtnu-bId robhers anal coahaangi obbiere-faleiahlc ohbers and al uclime- Miuette--thome uba vii plunaler you gentealLtj heore yeu are even mussa et her hund iantentions; thoe e ll ban. die yeu su rugbly in the opiration tha yau -.ay think youm'self t rtunate if yen es- cape nueh a perper nunnbir ëfti ism; ammd baise. agmin, uh. wvîl ieece yn admire- bl. dlean al the nue tinte that thiy pinfet- y canvince yuou they are conteriog upon yeu a ver, particulir favîab utiga te.a wîy ai rn pin; s teinfald P, "9ih Du af ail the at»at;. ant sd.nlWrlmal uhit- sacs, accoutîlsoetrobb.r ihai it bas MU«e within eaut paînince bu recod, ihat u«J"i e bbhe subjeci et this paragraphe, caejisthe climax. We viii ag-r a petaphîn agml. a peanui ihat ng.t a yankee ubo le&& tibi paper eaui guetis wbit ie'e comical roguis or rcgiiea ieltctel feu planden nagbt hilasre lunt. Asa. ne.ati miiiLake op the bit, ve will, tender, gratify Yaeuîemty <if yets bave att>) by iuf.'rsaing yee iba& the mto roue cf Mr. B.erll, in Pearl streti, nie cm ibm taiglet enleatal teieoiuily anal thebiu mire *toi" tfie-maiS thé. mus5 iser -hue ready msud.cofm 1 W bat naseecu the rtabersinhentondumiS of thèse articles? Hors i. a theme for u*M- dertul pmrmgaph-mnageis ! I in cte une f--r us ho enteu upou ta-dey. DZATaia"m LIGINM'tOm. 1%0n pitet; ihi? George Caenbag, « 661 LEa unot. when la lui 84 30, Ion; 49, *is $&Itrsak th lightnuag, tb. bool et he fute- te1esaat. iesou thevýer cran hmuvie Ma ubeveretl te places, ati thse cambu oraet b fori-mait Inop; epimrtr uthe tep- mai dâlaasaa e fuîetep amil ana fl ee.p gailaraili; ail h onbard tilt the abersosire or les; the"of the cre neairtise foaeu' wer. knockid doua. AÀmmnseiil CAlau n salaia asia idiu.utaa-, Iamn.eauy; Uiuee oetaiu vie hotlpIeuj. mi. 1 th The baig Carolinse. amired Whu ej*q firm Pouce, vas .truck by l in& uegA1b lUth inetani-it deseende t taiiast thretihthe dock. antd pemoffby ts=a chaîne. Ilhi4p a planS, -mi camm" Ib ,eselte luiScosma&leabiy. Tise ste ip tue setn ontIecS et the Lime. vert Saeeked daun-the .hock umi me beavy ibatthey ihought the brig had 4siueScm onsaiég. 11ELW TOe XATI,*iS. A or'ei ggl uli1 sox aey coigt.-.lfltcet. ton, or uoolen. I bave aen tse celonof caltce, wvieldi fadetel one vaéiug, lied by it. Wbere ene lèvee near a ilaugafr- houm. il iewolth uhile a beisy ebmehi, à- dingocsi,aol etiieem in thue uay. Ib Ïpl abe bo"bhl ira few cn. Gel ;uh ail the liqela andl nuit it op in a phiml. On. jurge q'auieel of Ihis in a gan et vas a aela emicietat. It il lakeuha 03- elatait foer taking ont *patns tuem bbidue . Afer bWaeg usibeal an thit beY &lit about au vol as opten nen. lIl MbO tleerenghy etirre ot. ta he nei., aid .t put upon UieClark. Et inpied lihupu ».em. =fltbeiag uaibed la ibislotis" t isiby iuttie ei uaid b. vh.4 le vena u d., nutlmt ail. 0-P. Bosm pessm mae off a.et.= 5f«r e virtue, il le, and the rivers.e of1J,vi- '0fule, in a ni. Many are Peeuqhaus td Wbey oeil livhing eceatusical; Iqts#ot- me mat ptesdal-r gines omby libeal, asM be vltbil very ecoaoicaL-Tiie.eoe.emp mo to aied euty w4 *o» elau ti *M. tbatjadliei-y. lSle .people vili "e d open whetShi D àff , tue &» ý-e44W4-e. i : copeSaaOe F N) Mooewum vw10 mi« a - I i îT i i Ia . 1 f t I st- 4 i' 'i N EW FALL G00138-The Suberrib et baisan band a very genou! gssoyt- mient of Dry Gonds, and on the velurn of the regulat traders frotté London, Liverpo4. anlga Cldenow daily expected, h.eujl go c,.alre addition Iobis present Stock, censisting tStapie Fall Goodi, whicb wil inctude a choice selectian of Calicots, Chintz«i, Muiii., Cambrics, Indis andl Englith Silks, Shawla, Haidkerchieta, 4e. Bomhazeîîem, Bombazeena, anid ether Stuf Goods, ail kindi of Lac-e Goedî, Hosiery, Glovei,, andl a grest viriety <f Small Warea, Jewellery, andl other Birmingham Goodi Likewise-Several bales D'amestic Cet- teu, andl Shirtiniga, Scotch Bonneti, andl Large Overail H.n. With avftiety Ofo01berGooda adhpted for the FOaad Winter Trade. ROBIERT ARMOUR, No. 25, Nte. Dague Stret, Mar e iEnglick hutrcA, Menntreai, Neptember 1. 1830. sale, -Ci te 14 chre Sk au 'e id atesy oe N LI N .4 - 4, i *1 >0 t. y>" hile 1-1 9 -. %0a "W10 1 £ -i 1 - i .1 - - - -- ---- .1. .1. ci -1 .1 1 ý - ý 1 , 7 '.Ir . 1

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