U~ego. t'lrat D llavedmote l d Hume, Rabouta. Ars s s n bock la Frme expedtion o~ t>' condie sbaîves, o tamd of theCru_. anud Austerltz, at ezin, tis invai. lerros er.jointl>' e, Luizeaandt *a- lhYranit svale "in, athe aieou la unieCobbti vs iota, b>' Federala anti ionan mtPagan.,b>' tl idtes of lie AI- e more ciaracter a- ýob.l(frets ovar bis ' al oebt of Englan sela debt, as the m- er>' tulnghc fi, and cm"îb iclg obtinar>' of a Shoulit i. aubn. n noua., ma" ne,.' la neyer eIlmr, ited proferencae« Of the dra[»amms la >me iig-eIîayo Zat keepaise pow. bat keepsioust. cludo t thltesiv atthe en fdm it ives, tli.re viii h. .m -[Standard INGS" Ithe. Court Jounal eaed; theaEdurte Iccecy dlftefactm. iceen ofEngand ila ilbut coresapond- havem-ait>' given ~po-t ta Sae oum- i aLouis Philippe 1. tch A doia muas(s errance, but bai lie attachusat inoit for ie .gai- hipmlta. Ilvwu y 'e recelt ridia sutdeeh>' epiued ing tîeissus; %cd ltter "tlougpbol- ghy pre.. tmeg gond momng le ndi 'Yau'Ilccm MeI11 A tdca- îy!, reoinai ithe Ztvering<heu isi But iainnme "" on your ari.- A a are bhem for netl mle' cielsphae. yalip's a itrîha avl>' - Nopas- e gonthaumi 'à vam;aiewil di la'-AvmYsc"i y noi, iait 0< o the AdmiralVitb theiiiemm ill va. of cousue Mt a vrboudoir OF& passaga tu a -18 t tik y.g - i APlin,cotli oa, vhcs miSs Idbaevpuçt aven bouesoal ialm amsatbnd bar clrce. rtirs v -ofre onulda valo uS ba al sal>;T 'NoverMiMd, vituaumêta buflmt alia t tetu u- aem"ormtl aiaîis, a, the Omo%*dI tlel vnt4bi a 881J11al TOUILE IN SWnTZRLAND. letéeaft rm Iâum» nnathe. otem thetfrl-uabhitntaZu. emwdebonnada teame the f rdld ad annat, te tth. o4 ,sdatlad the. Goveni. tes WW -nesemasaiton ev.>' m".. i,égte the Nowm'de at.Vudowa ,olave russa tn a mmss, andt ha"e ta- due u= jbpuwaumemiilages w a t Zuihlutr, ndi Wamel- A pr"âteltter <rom>Gens", Of 2Md m..lra=,t iat12O00amd et!u l'le eranddeposeti*e o iiam. Teaccotstat hm th*.Canions ilmme.Lacera.,MoiArmu, are of the. *s. d.t. n tdis latter, the two -W à ofs ? blbe and hlak fur the Wmas ouandi reitfor the. Ovima ,seu, )ma beenevery wii,m aitW. At Sloleurfe, thie Goverimieithbas publieh - da PulamtioD, tating that it hail con- atet ap extractinar>' meeting et the Wpj conail for the lUh Nov. te deliber- apon arevWSion0<tii.Consttution. t OMMiata RevoItatiltay Council due- ru> indiviuale hialeah-y assembled, ra were dsiiting questions of re<rn. Lttees rom Zurich, of the lth Noeea- W laye liat tiie Grand Council, vleh ,îtegtin the auorning 0< tii. lth,0 W goeed t tethe ineomdemanda ,de i tii. fla>.(if the2,00peple au-1 mw~ on Honda>'km t aMUater. Tva-1 tW*djatheCantonal repreentation bave1 bonOvete tthe rural communes, and nov dtmare to take pla"eas mena as poma- b sunce 1798 Swatacrland bua neyer derwyed suci a itoire te <m-m a (res and ýfhtened Governflent. lu Savoy, alan, thm laagitation. Severa Piedmaontese laieehs have been murdered. lhe Lesta. Courir-which, witii the dkpe OfMiniatrY. ham allaet once becornei à nuiioaary paper-eayo---"il va. hagi tiseforreformatiofi. The deapotimm>oft e seoan e iOt hlfgo odiaul as the Conâti- tat cE thi. Rapubuie of Switzertand-a toerumnent Which, wth a mociiery of h- bo t biomne, ha ever soki the ameans of tyany to an>'on. of the despoteaof Eu- nKwo chose to, purchase thon>. THEATRICAL ANECDOTE. [Tue foling hunioroua narrative occura i, «The voyagea andtrtavelos of Columbhus &mndu," publimbeit in lfiackwoad'a Ma- 'Airtmehovever, I1vas privailet quato go and se a play pepfradiy a ecpamv 0<fitrolera, vin epi the inhahit- am of Portollo, Mciehirgh, and Leith, a cbetecai amueuments, ad i vas tSa me inclineita t h, romin ta- damatis per- ontin thelibll memiag te b. chietl> coin- pimedfintviualaof Sa ameelame, and mad b.lo 0the msin family.' Tva fiddles nid a base fbrmei thle oichestre; but fhe a- laInent va. oi large, mnd lie muaic vas sécuhhfor the mme ofthe mont. 1do net ima recolleci the ptay, but a circumsanmce euirmi tocards the. conclusioni of lie irta aut. shici vili long iauprtet lie idesaIfthe heti theaire un my> mqwetsv Tiore wre, ievet, a haver and a lady, and the lady Ekdnproanti befatier wvla dlier b- un7 ' m lle anhappent le U p ay m - Aoi a ilgainwvici the. lady andi ler We ai ezhaet voes ofeteenal at- nthment anti inviolable mcmecy, sut bat nîngotmatersoas h.>' vece telave mod d ora on. anofier. fie parties wrearin- i hi a ird peruoea'a .nfering. This cas tf.i erdo(uhs lady. Thie hvero<cnurse cade hi@ exit; ed lie old geatleana tonk la daîgter roindly f0 taiSfor keeping up ametipndenco vti tie offeinsive lover liechange of scemes in a play' cAca stand. btle- apecatr fur auniatervil of month tir a m cine aton', adthei.ynoçg lady de- min h ail lt atel>' mma ora-spoken tf, tie pfibitet pemuonage. Il Ah, yen lien litlte if ei," roeai out a voce <nm the. third as f mats, Ilboyen y. stand op there, ad tell your failier ic a doviglat faite- 6ict DMnus lalieve ber, hontât gat- Iman-dunna bei-va lier, buttenat genilteman dci, beieve ae vordtamiesys, for its no a imeute ine the feliov ImA ber; 1 »w bhlm attel-he juat gaed eut diecta. aida as you nZ in ai the t ilion."I Tis sfrange interruption te tie pefora- mr, made tiie actis lookl confoundet; andi te audience testiiet their approbation b>' tiippieig and huzas. Ail eyesaloterie novr tâfl- b gayfi-end Join, (for it va. acta- ti!ile,' wiostxbodupie triumph, athc #ePrmnna veli dons! capital!" track bÏ eaa <ramaail ides. Tht disltibancis, liserer, suhaideit, andthii dialogue begtia ihefor. Johîn hait n patience, vhes lie le se ecallene an conlrarv te tmt ne- Pui again. "I 1.1y.,mua, ye'redoci- seno *Peak iný trac: Ilimfilaait dev- 5! ord o't: l'm a fater mevi', ait 1 "uiiie voiimpoeton. leit gang tilU bd.te.f cil.l auimg md -.h Pllme redoublaet is ii.ebutitîon; andtii %iite»seing no likeliionitof gettimg on miielY,> came forvanti and sait: -"jiadie aid ptismnu4t crEu yOmCt>' B stfor set' sy, Iliat ve canant go on vide ch. 0< et fthe evening, if theas tintemria- tlts iten b. continua.Ithe .geiltie- eni lie ist mt,sfied vii turmeartians. th@ deeekeepr vihl retern bis mne>', fortiva atlat ti ie, mter the -,play. "A e wl, it i' a bargain 111gang ont "" Il m heurt. 1 neyer vas ia a pla>' km" 41cf0e, and if itVa' bu y* ganigon le" ler. the annetesaout a' vocir pie.. yller Ye.numr elamillet gmia ilapose; nS ail aavtisitoW muma Ileltangto tlie suppracdlthe llier e& buYe'cs farrlvaur tuante thetuablerant bibh th- rak the. b -d, bt yLmarein tSa "ugo> Sa>ing, loba &M d nt>, vie s"Med cStifunedet aibima fise eda, lii hir loava; md, as 1 ibteed oqetnug ,(illi thetre for ana igut, i felaet ,aàwcm. 'ne lgt vi ici lau beas a mion - ie condtion thelbworti. Au d"tthe ight buha»deion the iidi 1 itul h mons la Europe. l'h. Riapeand the ta" ~(et n e eved ifs rmys:, il eubinues and hitepriai« apresarvait 1ra1 ~ orer icthuat &0amm e rta. 'hOni-e. A tiretaitempt te recevrer a second, a Iid8&C . busl ayeogar atel>' maee la brance di rge fl vwu déaati b>'Ehsiw-li m a"d aulEurope (Rue"a axcepteit>ha , ughtthe spirt, a" au ail iii attala mpm samtavegovameàtmure or km er .- ect.'-(JfWam'a Correspondance, VOL 4 p 387. 1- PROVINCIAL PALIAMENT. REPORTINO. On tde day, Mr. Beardsley moisi. asmo lItiun te su pl> eetr etk oa and publ" éhdz. ebaima. N se nid tat for smue .asn p« Do encuragement vwu of- firret b, d"i.bouse te Repartais, andtihe coneu.q.aeu vwu, chat the people af the country' haitne Correct knootga O efi. roîoct andt pracecingaof ibeEr reprenat. ativea. lTh. people, liif a sboeuratend, huit an opprtitity of mlng eh.boin-es of boe- ahi .ember*-batebfe>' vatteitîto me the* tramsfat so vottng-for, iii.>'begin te testa viat iie (Mr. Beardsley) ',feen vit- e.emed ii. ibis Hiam-that bo'.orabi. asnu- bera fieqai-ntly wMarguoe va>' la debaca, and asirovarda vote anembar. l'h.>' vînt cose lb.he eîaoiýandmitkai e eilltbA> are consistent lin theer contînit. The pro- aile itotirathie, of &U iluge, andt auto the oxpeame, e.>' cred mouhing for îi-bere1 svas miotasi in thre>' v.'no.0 illing>' psy. Aller Mr.Beardoahyimt lmtweipar- fanent remsia apoît tbie euhjat, Meuesa. BouLn, Hgeran, aarwllantiJesse Keirboics. pe magainm the m.-tiaa, wchi yet. put matdi -iled a. folh,,v:- Tata@- -Meus. B.ard-, BIidwel, Daal, Deînutcaub, Hovardt, lines, McCahl, Patr>, R-ilin,a'.d Siavor. 10. NAve-Meura. Attorney' aneral, Brant1 Burweli, Chemirin, Coulk, Wen. Croha, AI,-x. Frazer, lt.gerot, Jarvis, Jeunyl Koî.-htire, evi,, Arch. Mt,'natd Mc- Kenzte, Nt Martin, M- Mai, Morris, 1'et R.YdE, R.iimon, Sepomn, Hagermîn, Tll.împann, Van K..vght,tt Weed,ne,WhWt, Wttlaem, and W.h -nr, 29.-[Foemam.] REPORTING DEBATFS. Tiers can lac1%o doiut vh.tevor, but tual ifa coimpetont a t u'.héiaaied reporter or te- p..rera co4,d b. <'uni, vie vtild it gu n .nthieeofithe mosti iitereuttng dehates in the Houa. of Amaembi>' itaing ci. prensant teinter, bc or elle y conli ment encourage ment isth front the. Hou..aidtht. eti But mach ,of o'îr rrTe a s U avehatno- porieoeaty t.. perumo heai. ermon andZ aprver of test vrte,Io rnad sehotionm (roui che deb4eaprif.-m-d tb b.reported f-rc dam. papens.ametavare thet t iaead af haieg s report, ie? ver.E' n geaut.rîlintentait te Wu dicule mut iburlesque ithe Aaseuubh>'ad te counatry vii,.bait éeuctoift iii., aihiang choir condeceors are perfectlv compoteni faitiflly'f tet e ll te amt important dia euesioes-[Advocate.] APP0INTMEJîT 0F A CHAPLAIN. A remolution ruas aBfrei teatheaconsidet- atian cf thé Houa. of Asemhhy, on. Mo- dav lait, delarar> of the- religiosa ights af ita mealara, and dany'ing tha piver of tie Lieut. Gover»eaictate ta ibm. lin lb. mppaotmseat i a chnplmin or religions toucer. This resalution vsn notaceito the Hou..e tb. me-,.bera for tlis ceunI', Resed, Tuat thia Eecive Gavera- ment ac Chia Province bas net been emtrat- e it vit h. paver la co,,tr'ul .regnlate or prvsceite ta tuis lium. tie reltions dullea eam.rciaem anti cemememie of ita@tabmu, nar eue inerporate tie pecauliar tenetfa ay se- l ..-u mt o dOminlaîion viii the civil inaiutanm of tha country>';net te appoint a cbapiain ta ti. Haust er pn>' ap- Imin m apoin.eit-hot tut dia Zoua, ha. i-ug t e appolitaoveWUchaplains. ti.moameis oppeamitheb.Raml. and pr.pom.nir a splace, b>' va>'Ofasmentiment (saconiteit iy Mr. Fesser of Gloae >' tiat mi. Itugi C. soam n "»ame, CuisaIs, a Sheraflarisb a commete te ceamareb oy fer il la espeitient for ii i. arder ta gairidt 'ti f esion ant anmesiat. Mr. W La.. 4oS W.td, .î.ed te pi ýcped rritb cier rentera, et ".tiat te.qmesin b.bc0netnov e'ut.'" Hlmcol. lague mwc.'ad talamotiona, vici vu Ont- ai f'r b>' Memme. AttPrtmeY Geaiera lam- con, Brant, Barvei, Chimalm, W. Creohms, Deî.coçni, Elliatt, lagtesc, Sissif lare, I.evas, -Arci'd. flenhalit, ?etCMatl maçon, Mount, MeNèi, W. IL Robinsane, R.biÉ, Boumnliai. Oea. R germant Van& kotaheet, W.edn. John Wlihom, mnd W. Wibmo-2S. Agmiaat Mr.Willeanuamotion veoai li > Barisie>, BlitrelI, Co-k, Aies. Feager, Ru h'd. TrAoSr, Hovîrd, H. Jonea, J.mep, K@t,-hum, McGill, Donald iNirDoaii, Ne- Kenale, Motetis, Po-Y>, Racitîl, @"iver, Thomsaon, anti Wite-18. Seefothe pacsons .'pposeit ta Mr. WiMl m-"a tien vil.ini .v-aie of Mr. Morro%~ plan i- i ues msattia M Igeo a>'ta Meures oberif jarvl5, Samson, Citabolu, ktî. andti mus ersla laveurf ai gkmt freitoa anthei.Oitvianl resOlui in. la. 'r. te obtala a more itecidive dacle- ration oua m.nctimentm of tb.heaUt Mac-kenziefmamovoti, macoojeit Mr Katccis, that if h. tesoiveit t atn beasmiml derlde vber the. f' "appnt a ehaPlatnlimen, ibemrvicas of* ciispfua laTe faeur f tliuresolutln, voltekmia Beaaey.h BDdv-1l,ell, Hovard,Sia.,' Katheis, M.-C-.i, Archibalit MeDouelid. Donald lIcDonuld, Maekl.,aE, Ps-r>', Ram 1, appouiba t tie ramoutio nmd ain Var ef<cenmng th.trainu mota m ami vceaip fep . l. %-ln.uletmto and appels* au b>' tie, ExieutaG.îvarnmenc, votet Meuars. Antir»>'GememE Bonbion,Dna DurvL.Cisi-,Iut'.ek, W. CrookuDt c'tub lI, MA. KIesser .Famingat a~ ~ ~ M .1Jsflr e -sp, H<Jomas, Leva M,~atieM-N'iMi4a0, Maris o4t W. a. Roinsogn.SaumoS OL Gan. fa ssaaILC. bm Vmukaheb lWii Jom attai W. . Wibe. Tia qsaileviailbilenopechbu mi%* uopus lb dm> beieravu a. in la *%a p;smfathr uexeuact.il'b>'M. Ummma mgqdd v Or. Whna, homentir *1Ti a esee ot cuti. h. pgnlntaita gamis viabtia, lita f ëola imstbs teappelu dIa. ave àiSWm.m and that àqm John a Wihlim,ikle MoN-ai, moai, RC.lleql ant, andetimoie. of6oif asa(Il-a)>bu r Tbà mevem.at Wva nioiltl W@@&em @ta ma put théilsquesio of thSae eng ho lida taaueUedae. ils..Wvisdi -t Mr'. P'..h..< p.imgava eiof0<a big te repeaithe lava gantig poundaga te tlb Ecelvu Genr, ntte peaviti a W1 la lieu athe~. Mri. Vmbngi..t gave noticet asbShte prevent &e conump# t om piitu. il- quers wllilnmiiops. à&. Merri gave noice of a ba6lfo b ofMute ictalrest lm bah ,provinesa ,V . cMea.rtM gave matin 0et a ofim for a Sluca mmliu.ou expireémsud aîpir- la; lava. M 5esd"w Qa"ee v oiedm lut commtte. te taie miectmien lb aàqw"walsatico djtmin theComm Lav, Cam"is the Pirvac. MA'. 5Eaasl gvemodies dtrib a ea.' top-I!, nsrlelv e tam lhim&-( NB1 delenie by, Cemeas. ».- emmave maice et a baltes.e- Meaunumo m m 'vcomurvv«m eg. àMMmcmegri, àtMcbmliW- C-aau ulea, . boms, MnIm a Van hjes4lN . -a&àtmM m Raamo AI, E-u.-b.CcUMUMh ce lb ai plticme leepi ti i e UnE em, Diivzue% ,Tiumame MdiA. glaeezePosu.-I'ie ocace Dssi lllibu sinui a BIS16 mant lii 1Poem 0<litaf lovma, agmouhi>'te lb tPali et**aida ilablm lamilu thd 1 gat61swlet Pu. Coh -4 t sE .1 la uare, téuoins. e. sesetalu ie 4 vieli aa0w<viiowuldam et a ocs mmli tisssbm..rît, M.- M.ckai. lee a 1.4.... b>' bWcotIsagu., fmoisinan muent muent, diahaès bu - e..evidt thii.e x- ecouve.Givesameni ,, dh. Proince has mot be n tuioti viihei dia r .',te e»»- total reglai., or preecribe te ibis Homustii. àsgt madtiesa exeiee M d miicaemensscOf sur oremlran, nPet. a un a chaplaie ta 4 Cio u-laut bat la~e m.. las ivght1 se apploitmnevochaplains aeti.ediPe"a viii dis meummbcetaa chaplum et reaidaeru. dm.', la faveur of vuacb revolveroe a- muen t ouvacci tMmm. Dhaddy, Bld vell, Useil. Cook,, iwvad, Kaichase, MI: Cali, A. Mèl)o.ald, Mfachansut ay >, Esandi Roblan Uhaver, 18. The L ,vn Goudronna, amatbalmg Pe Lu td m»ataaill te donm>' the lbLieuit U"ama'passa"a t f.r~1~a.ltn ch. religious teacl:Ierse e ..- tentatives, voted Agaînst the a..e t boam York ceuni>': via. Tii. Atteree1 Clonerai, Altsa MeNai, oéieGns, Siierifflmr,âa, loba Wilson, M.bloiî Sur- vallI, Dime W. I. Robrsen, Samien, W Cro«ks, Elimai, A. Pr&,ln« u, 1. muP, Levis, D. M. UOuiai, MeMa.rtan, Maçn, Dsncaiab, Mount, ..rzCuhsTum sont, Vaukoqiinet, Werdes, White. W.1 Wlmoa-28. Tii. rsasliaten in aasentiment vws cousu- quenti>' throvn out. The. Heus. ch.. dl- véded «m te viiether or net tii.>' oud ap- point di. sen commute. mvd for b>' Mf. ftauso, and tii., decideitot appoint it. £uaIFwma va aElleaXcuLLBaCy'l aparu Té Him Exelano'Sir John Cobore, K. C. B., Lieut. Govenor of- the Province of upper Canada, &.. May' it plesse your Excellecy, We Hlm Majea ** dutiflul antiloyal sbjects lii. Commons House of AmeeJry in provincial Parliament asseaeled, "iak- igTour Excollene>' for tiie gracioaa Ipecb ith wi hich lt ha. plaaa.d Tour Excellency teopen the. preent Saonof the. Legialature, beg beave te aure Tour car Met Gracions Sovereign buas1jud to' the Baitimh Empire; an &W Wh i i tisasgreteant ace in the reflec- tien that an illuatricu a emier of that House viiich fur, more tha» a Centurybas ieedste SmefttsEmpire, %«r.- of wae trof 0<benLa r= , abuc- ceeded tr Throu. 0ofm orators, de- lauring Hua reuolution te rel>' upon the.ad- vice and ealoas co-opieration 0< Parliament in nie 10kjeutvle anxious endemvoureun&tr Sae hleming of Divine ProvidmScete pro- tact iii. libeulies of Hi@ Peole sud teo- ,out hae hppunes-. decaraionW=ac wiliilong b. borne in giateflal remeurbimice b>' Hie Meutys Ï.fiubi ian"iloyal Diii- W. ao dssire toeure Tour Excmllan- c>', that it viil be ont constant endeavour to ativance b>' eer>' meana ainturpower the jeogreue0ofnr Commercall biercoure. wihteParent %tt, vhich vith tia tide of Emiration wvhchmiasreceutl>' turnedt t 2ptanada, lewoeumtlye alcultaito Jvance is pruaprathde provance. W. are (eu y amuible 0ofdz.hecst> 1 iiich exiate of intraducimg vuiont deha>' imach an improvait system n> l d. e Cf Iconatractng Oar Highvaya a. Wiinsioule the. A *turall ft < i.momerasante Tour ipâl in hat pidty la- whe nnov carrjeit an b>' an inianti Navigatio, capa"leof being rendared theda ompleion o( dia.. exten- sive.public vorks Dw nolaphnge.for con- nacting the great Waters MmpOn ur Prou- tier, wmontutenone on tie face dliihe b. table Globe. Our mont attentive eruitiration wiii be be oteFatateu anti Ex aditmr JPbeà "C idbreosd ii.theFanl- veni Actawhiiiéare about te expre vill ains e mieu tpeular afttenImn Ta lthe ansmm"Reports prepareti for M eaainlatia. iiovlong lthe aBat et the monsrea viici autbeau adoptai t "aMmeaatva pamctien cii.haïPubli. 8Wenhaant &M lete iInstitutions organ- wili likewise engage ont butitslbssaionm and ve armtic nthe ti.hope azpremel b>' Tout Excelhncy that the. course pue oud it iii al viev, lthe acurgsmenl andi pot.on affrietaittEmitgateof Unr' e erito, a dca anelica- incmamte impeveadulaie &in- teruial Navigation0thle Pvince viU b. *(oudMai ord iitii.theaW"»anti nter- "of theii.Paupbleanigrmati>' te mimeni a au of 0Setdiara, viiahave beau acoms- tomai tot love and venat, ont Couatitu- tion anti viosetabour, eanprIa apj- iaiE are ementilly contrihutaeg te adivanrce theej.et MW ntie" fa dtbia porton Commius oo.0<aambly,? lIAi Januar>' 1831. No fnrthat intelligence (rom Europe bu1 bain reivait b>' aur "haperatafroue Nev A Peition praylg for the m-ntrotiao-1 lion of theKingston Town Councili Bilbas been irvar&tu t e l Sicalor Ganai. As a Pettian ignaythe>'lbmont pat of the people of Kkmgton, va. motna s>'er or tvoago, and <alhy apseeathdiir enti- mante upon tlb subjact, il va. liaugit an- neceman>' te go te tiet <rouble again. la ittafting tlb late Diii, it lsa cgi di.,. vitibe smmdiffluy la having what ma>' b.etiW the Districtl'ove Oasea appointe in lay>. The. lavfil time fur appountiag the Aaaaes Mmd Collecta. 0of< the DimtictlTaxin i Jan" ar" mfront diat «Musant lbe Poice Tii la regulat- ed, vuitout an>' recompea. ing given ta lb Ameu, or ae b lafomation no deriveit' vhiei cannaIb. lbe case if a Police Ames- accin appointati. And e.e Collector can at m cucocmeet botluratea, as at proeuet, ami puy lthevon dusatte b poparr ecv- or; dhii. vw"tbe a botter va>' han making somm>'Colle uponthe People for moue>, to weu t lir aie, vie dtem a ocs- ims te do M. Tbeýoraç in amggmmlaf" aimleint the geneislPlan 0<appclting Tl'ove (Eu Cotr, aA assa., anm amlathl 8»"saIolaa f ue.M Md Coule rom the LaAissue appointstiliougeu thlbPro- Vine.'* Thotthe muolinlaMay or Jume b. cou- $Asiteo othe l Tavucoanilait lb Offlun mmdW laibeuromtruL W. have lsd min>' iquisimu, an te lb drif a" nt aentions od mii.pissona vie sedfsi e intention of applyaag te Paill- MOMml 6 mlte , lac - em L e a nmun', te make matikeap la sepir lie rosit le- tIvamore am ant erloo, W. are nemi. te give s>'iafrstm 10 tha erc-nOr tumiaintntions, bat va dffm aillidam hlaie sumaiug sOu lbe assmeer oflbhe isstTovn Dentdoe miel>. Iftvwu tae éec a Tonl Pbl, lb> vimil have daidlaW0i slatl noiSaSe- édan &M cmi M a pe bu' h. iiimomm ti4 en, ime semm butwla va u», gat 69 publ n iaW luamppv.idor ochomme - ymaw *68% vi tuerond wuvut fflao ut; tuomrm, il eiatbe uppmsi lie>' vmit appaue d.m*n vif net equits nsn m m .bissetu Mam i i e n *ate - b vutPi...î% the reai avee. ,1pbaaiM Oetar. Va lav muelai heu b yWas .Md UvqWabmtvo viieléc Io IMPROVEMEWr 0F TUE ST. LAW- RENCE. aba? Og rNmssas. venvaea &NID caàvroao. Frac di.sReport ilwiE b. - stiitht- vhok . scof 0< reng ag ilobstructions Wh" iexiat ile talaupNavgation, sied nit rmaitseg it sale, exp.timeu, ant camp foi Damia dravin for (met vater, amnuta te ont>' 246,97, and the prob Smofdte Stammbaati mpcovemeot ta £17364 16 0 aci *sthe ipomimacef l ie. gremi bli-1 va>' beiven Uppa, anti Lever Canada. fthe au emait>' viicl saxisfor ia im-1 Immvuisitlm mappmrent, that ici. parat» tlosamaýr>'te ativancea a miglermamon san faveur Odila belng unitertakiee vithout fan-1 =i.,til>; for ve are convinoe t dat mth- in ad.power of th Provincial Leglmala tare, cnanmotre largel>' camîribute tote ppssit>' aiUppar Canada; anti vs might muimait 1h. aabjact te abat body it>',vtheii Atrm conviccion tt.at t vouhit prompthy acti upon IL Butin the performace < aedii-1 i>' amignei ua, mmm>' ietemmsting facfs cou- àactad it idm iTrait. of theCountryi, have4 beauin lliti, andvare e Ihave tumention1 dia fdooimg: Tii. queutit, 0< protince mont to Loveri Canadab>'te i. nt Lavreece iii past Flouc, 133,144J Barrl. AmUes 26,084 " Por j1 Beel .15,743 Coma MeuI, 1,875 ' Whlake. , 1,021 Bies83 Ibid. Butter, 27 BI&. e.8m8Kega. Lard, 235 Il8& 965Kerga. Whaat, 20,M 2Buahals cone., 14JMI8 Hop laîve 8& daad, 2,M3 Apples, 652 BIs& Il.. kc . c. . Equal inalml to 316,025 Barre, "MstIa- inql I bo veigil ta b.e equal te eh. Flour. Tho qesntît>' of Merchandime brongchab>' lhe gai' -t Lavcence te Upper Canada, es- ash 9»0TOns. f 'h. amut paît foc diecartage 0<hhea 7Gonds, at fhe everal Portages, exceesit o£4M00,and if no atheradvantage, *to i b. lie aaid th eb.piupam.d improeamnt, dita. dt <t oùtg amq'M the imoe ity e acertimeg il vould fuli>' justil> the. axpiedi- .turedora mudi larget mumi dan is requirait Lte effct if, for it mast h. remembereitdie aloaxsm uaaineit b>'dely, breakago amd da- msage te Gonds b>' carteg, aumut ta maure tau thei.asme ctuall>' paidfor it. Mais, however, as bhat a snm,.1 part ofdte saving wviici ould ie b. Bcted, b> aun-- tprovemani tf tia Navigation. h vouldan- rable evnerm cf Buste te reduce the umbar of man employait on lten>,n that praduce coulaitb.etaken ivwuetamretuction odat 1limat out h" tif Dot meulf, rom the senot raies. Tahing the heimiof dlz for data; lie accouaf i yl standthtm.: River transof0< Offeuendiirti. £12,50 Do. do. npvarddof 9000tenu at l.. 09O la. 9d. par cart. £14,000 Annua mving, £26,50 r We canenit but believe i la oui>' tecroma- c> rythat ties (actabohulai lha matie keova teiu . mpacivebranchusdtheLgmlatue, ait ae impr.'vesmat ilie b.atthirla. Tiere ua mm>'gond tdilag apperalning te the Imperial Parianient we neyer <lai te peetahe of, hovever plemait and profit- ablelibe>'ma>'be tu afw. Forraerly 'lir Pîrliameta es. mliug " tiennial, andmo nvseptennim. Il appe... te b. dia opinion henm idi people, dat dire. yearm i. quit. long anougi for tSa duration of any Parliamenl, snd en saidt dut great statea- min, Mn. Fox. Tien&ain, vhat an ex- qulila tinailiai" cf a Doreughuutingsr, md b>' va>' of sanpla, va have given a descriptiéof a fev of the rotten bunegîs, for the ediicafia. of eut em anmd boy di. Hom. of Communamu.aaly cidith Baprasmtaivu of<the, people, la coumtitu- Payinge g lb eofe hlout or lie ontingent fSn D M . oacor&ing ta Sae usage of the ImperialPaltanieut. The latters aux! mmd <oseMmiera thmarer franha, but Do charge vhaever i. mate b>' lb PoMetOffce maailiu nanthed couste>'; but hem lbheProvince i a geit vidi daiaomdpag. We thialei mmual haned «Miving thé Momes' lei- tauîfrea, for di. privilagiofdamng anti cet- tint up euersode, vifiout givlag ans 61- th#" tevard kesping &di la par, vomitj. cml>' aeail icinovtguent (ce da damffl tuey do The e mu asemqo.m di.time fmai- pecting lie appintmint of a Chapain.- Mr. McKemzis mwevais is rat esalutian, vibcwuvappomeit b>'Mn. Marri, vie vaamti mualthe te enquim .. ateaex- psii.y of tahe me appoin tis ove oeem4w, ot bmquestions ve disposai dfb>' moiag te procamd it id lierbai- eau. Mo zieut inm veit, dthst - dîl. drigu et a ppcltmet ctlb Chap- ta" h. de" tbhe urviles of lb premae Ciapâin be dlmjsgmtivid.l Uh.mi 115inmot to e balahsmfmlthchScemb- demethtmni IW U*rmm Who. v f le acmi tua tqsatian, are la favor 0< te- cogaisig fn alabmiCh"rc. lne van masl>' .aanoue te have lb ea t la bpatueM efminCiaplain esiani wai miitha«Uitt Màp" e mW bulsvwdat.iebhb **U,.Imm à U l.3.1 -re SEADUSa UEO OnaaPoUSmmue. 11h h Salait ~0<il. hiéfhil Saufi lailapsmaaifwn. flpmr0<umsau.ilsia- 6iiaWdlbP5U'eaiSadeavalmmru'hlsl -- -~ a _ mgi aàly bmnati6r ils mil. hs.h Wae~~'4s ysfm.~qdmSaisamm5mamlu~ ~ Bs smes~iai lb~4~.~aeuwsspse.uism m~et*t Bel, 61db. 11.>' du mii. mmlv ~int ta ismdm malsmd.h.. 6.~s .pm-.l.*61 Wd.mi~Sdewg LE us u s~ ~~!t ms.beadmg lamas, Amants., l'lm.g.s.de.mmd ai. ~z~Lzan.. Sfl.a ai Mité ~tm I*pNt~mpumiIae, sadami mss- eys.mauasdmpssilbes1.ntma.0<hma, .ha s.zbjat teenale o ndons teaejadge o liao ressou.given 61 moet engagintne wf 0 tho lmmon. Foreur part va regret it, b.-0 amie .ameapprehamaiva ve shaillnet bes able te give chai cent, a" distinct ite.aie th# busines inatdi.bouethat ve ceuld vish. 'lue mach vme Mcertain, dat h la the viah of tiepailic te have a correct idas, amotonE>' of dia mesvota. of their re- presentativeu, but di. ressonand dia argu-d minI ade uae of, and the -gond dvil elicitetildauing a debat. on a mabjactse uit Influence iiem t t give their vot, on a question befnce them. Althougi lie>'are ont tepreaentativeu, and are clothed ithdia great pover, la theer delepatolicialcapà- City, tedo good, or evil, iîain o argaient0 te prove tii.>'are in pcaaesaio ofaau die U-i nitedvwiofthe Province. Tetitayi ba sppomi t le> have greater opportunities' of collectiog informiation, tii.>' avang (ort at heast onglit te have> the. aniteit vagis. vieva, andsentimentsm0<the hole body po- itic, te jadge and met upon. Nov,tde>'1 ont representativea t t ta l ime aamenbued et York, and havingaaucbmaup.nor, and unit- md munas of intelligence, b>' being aaaem-1 bled midi.e migili>'facua viiere mllite great channela of knovhedge nom, that cami lle- minuteadmamini. lt innot to beoaudered at in this lnaprovhng and alaquisitiva age, thathe popleuliouel wibtetiave a part of"ii accumulaled knovledge circulating throngi lie Province no as thi.> cmiicamte inaW aashare odit, iftho>' arediap an md deulre inrmattion. AndI as tans are bard, dia>' viai te hava it doue. as au Ile cent a. possible. For aur part, and thoon vith wvionmeohave conve-aci, vaecannot link ofa battet, or a more economical plan mnn b>' a faifal aepotter, one via o oî tn amnuse hinuelf lii carecataring the membera, but reprement their Speeches as tue> are de- livereit. With respect te an objection bc- Omait ianonmthdisceistei of the lImperial Pauliament tueamplo>' reportes, ve have ta observa tient thare smno occasion, bectamore- portera are sent from ue mthe dii> papera te report for thea the.proceudings 0<lic Houa- e e; the great, damant for tueir papera being a bificient remuneation <oam» expomusia- carret for reportera tte Housanmd ithe mmm>' odies eamployat la varions dopait- nants. itis menl keov tiiat; it in mot the cms inCansdawithhthe proprneiorsdNeva- pape-e As t te ii.wh dan>'gentlemen te tain- del ont Provincial Pazliament, afin diae lm- peril; mvamreinclinai teohlieve lie>' vonl am gel mach praise frone tha public for lir intentions. Naae--OnTa.sayaba Bà* amsiIy à.Vma eaN. Archd.Oaesm e t,*, sir. Calmà a i Md bLim. "lZabeth Wnmhlwb or efthe Tevahmbi Otha i laim oie Ye.klac&S.Caavma. Iraq. OfKteam. Maiuais Lm.a, t amm tar me W*mtuaDe Maeamy,mdd a« 0< ilsprema On Theotythe lMi ta. brb Vmaui-bl Elima be. te àme«W 8mpetisgtabcst.b .hula ;6%av l yMi theana«. . 1%».bailmrt haalle lul. lt. AleamdsrMeat in S.bsecaJase, bmhai Sii.7 Dv-aSMàv ibmdl t&q,n& md 61 SqAtay KL1t DeI" , a ti "4"il mmn.Nirer" os.m F011 RATE AT PUIBLIC AUCTION. O? No. 4, la the. 0&iContamne.Rieb- L Adý aat40atem. lTh. Wse Wll t Lot Na, . 8inathe. lot Conemace i.,-*A Loi No. 8, ia the. M Cancesm ientila-0 au.cvs.Femeuly e .prupui,0 a(*$lam Ands..'Kinamel>, EAquolron W" rinlam axceM athmm, bwa ait -haa.' Taims-41%h. O)»-hSir ma'68daet ssle--oe-dui i* xmah-a a-u la lysE. .uiisAmi lzte. lcmah (Maiom mi37aes, m hu Ils 1 det'.1Fam- passat avsaivi.ae mevla psaiudé amislbfrMu ~ kis W eb - a"tlmd ise..pven lmsdomw miaesomn eimrcsving ascem>' (W Saaâ t nt hli bIusmb. For 61- ri IuTioN.-4 deiesweaaueEpar- %..OMM em spmahmemgiutprsts a orcMyPMaitb>' t. he Mmein e«We vu te 1 »brt mburé mtslw I ia uma e *9 0 , ,iV. -= - a- 1lifi o'b miguat eisisi mb*e mi~~~1 asaadtes ly ai iad uçdd o ne i a heu lle siiwu *- .sIstâ agrs'>'isavi 0lil InW leS IAVARD»IMT H. w N"W ile im I oe~u Mm. 1 1 11 - l'"UPLPkIX ANAD>A HIRALD. r I orbe en in, seavaly, maérvomp0< lWt ems ,amag à el ampera. W»U. l dtsemsna weatier turing lthe peut veel,, di. Tii. nocmeter for lime momlingt buing bel..' zero.Th 'Ii. e toeuilacros@ the bay te the Point, and aime te Long Ilaai tidiamma ta>' during the puat veol. W. aneatilI vithoul a suticieacy of enotreer mal, uleighlng, tiiere being ouI>' a mligit cavas- ieg on the grmial. 11>41va THE .caa camana zmaaLO. lu an Etoriali parelpmph lel publieé- id in tusr Tovn, ausa remmais for neat Publiai. ing a com.,,-uairain .spertilag a d@riele in te.Ca'art of Reqeueaf, chuedîÀtr e. "W. anudamnit- 'la ie.englea lève. chatitf a voai rani"osaîtraite destin;.t and iaspacate <r.. hat bomante ; allas sliaile te ieoue ienti erl er o anta.foi amy diitmie uay~ Incie.ai.lebcbas nfin aOncle Cam, di. privilege o<fafume curerf." Tientiei.an erra,.esoua mimiememi of île lv; matileasing pub iahed <-.r the.purwiosaf removing doubble and âmrii ' lb. proie- tire in sncbeCases, it May', if a.crt e Pem veillent correcioan, l.adl unvar>' perim amerà.>, andt indie clanItagita aotalai croieit aceier loi. contraceincapable of being anforcait, amd productive ofatisa11- tuai diaappeîi'emm.nt and Ion. . The. lariaof Erelanit. atiapteit hor s the lav of chia Pr-vintea, an thesataject, le di- rtrctlv ii.reve,... Ammitedwasmmtnu- sot la oued f .î a debt contrecid a, ber. vile ber humbeiniuaiment. aliha' osecar ries on traite, ln bis abmence, in ber ovwe naexere, dîttinct and separa inesnaibm- Snel a sepseaion iaos n"t tiunlve lb.e r- latîain ofbesbant amdtfé,m@railrecouve bar legîl h.cnpacity,» fmme caviret. te fora tontracta, or ovunp rsîiloetrty, faibles for the payaient of debla c"niîmcied 1»' bar on ber ovna ccantm. Her contracteaur vo, u nera made unadar suci chrcuimstamc au tau bnite.hubbanti, ant enderfaisamien niet the.lvtie, lhabla te. laoaoed terefir.- This cule aot mv iscleurly seittimit b>' alonlg m erles ofjudtî laIderisina, anti la wvol knov ta ever>' Jutge tAit La*yer conversan mith elamentar>' Law-Books ai thi. Reara i adjutged Caaoa. neA. FOR vTe* UPP:atCANa tm 2aaLD. 1 am uaaoniaened te Ikaithat Romne 1Cathelica in chie Tavi hbave jutdiath petîtion ..gainsi tht Airthodu.te, afos tii. grrxui.d, thati, altiough ch.>' am re D.iiué.ai jette remndeuti te@iProvince,(aas eto %shas.e bavefouglit &railbled la dolent,. of the Pt.,vince) anti are assder a Bmisi Cous- dien Conférence, E,-d.poeni ntof chat an te UnleitdSates, bat ogfreeîmgsaiithenbo ini the ame .ymtauet Cfîtuich graver- menti yei net tiaving ait pse-eac a Dâiselaappelut-s r d an chia Provizac, tiiev have rierealorse dmnation (rom a a ,h4,udimtDtip viWho re- aides le ch. Unlitedd ftes: viieri disPapa. fioestonsch. Roman Catialie Clergy re- cel.. mal h chir orderit, and te ainom b.y are in maitthings mubordinate, es a foisagne, Ir .eodin.5ai Raine.Dv joinit.gina pahitianà uipon that ogroumit f Complaiai, che Cadi. Sens pue al aiers voapin tthisbanda of thli enouis.. The to f hia patiion ta y hui ver> priaciple of aèeaeranceati parrie- cueion ; aati à itasenmtarufemme ci i l viii prodne e ro uualilet a ofpergecoeing ai- tempe. It veriuies and maiarngtben, înd evsntamly ir.e.me the poetais ctiunit a . iemembered agmasi te.para., atig p... c>'; rba ch. clasias, hal lehodiw«ardi, 4 nti @Recoudrai ber a d4ispimaio ýconuldee eléoof th eh tsbj,-î. FENELON TUE. JUERALD. wimwtuAT,'JANquAny le,18. 1- 11--om 1 - 1 Il le le- t ly Nt a