voLe 111. - TUc'vpvml VA NAPk UAL. en Tas I&vLL.AND ANAL QEALED Proposai$s eau hoereceiavetifor ÏC thé prcham otrbmeté sU&ad IHydra liaiS Uaiom e n théo maire luai.oait hé -Wmllamd ti Caaaal ie hodelivered ti tise W~elland Canal Office, on or betore the~s W svAex*àiz,atl2o'Yock,A.M.Tiel Chsamessiissat te gave-ibm Prwsalý payable un iEss sputisb an annuaaWt.rest alfa prcent. fiont ihe raiot Janusry, 1901, otrtdu Principal ta lio petit doai. Ira£"AUDED Praac r a ir stet F«ot-Of 4 acres of landi ai Dainiille. Giatl i,.ou hici a aGrisa Mil, ~ee aag acune at ree Sec Mille, *te nec osete mn ase.Thosplace s siua mua mle s t«ruLobe Dim. tco.uaatiu suealent of ciauatry et mon;mils. an Utrmm lests a ite irie for o 30 ile on tise aile oait il the river tu level (or 16 Mli.i anti navigable tor ratie, 4c. 100 moiles ahove, li lb. prnanti l;asudth baraka .bolin ti ulb albetimber anud gyplu., of ihé besttdemcptioai. . mcd-15,000 latres sijaiming tIi Ca- aml, ln Waiaihe anti Humherason. This la" t be itton itlir ade cf ibm canal, *ait in the ricesi moil in tis.n Part eoftthe seumay A Village as slreaaly laid oui ini lbç. etofaitthis tract eitMstshvaille, char glirbu ha Milli pntulegm usth 14 Jei feu *f caler. 71*vi-4acete ndi b.laicthé Ageticci *verthebmWellant river. FeaelA,-76 @cren ai Robaeimo nechiciea al touai plaot lalaid sat, aind eilotosoit. il ta a commautihng situation, ni the Juur- tien afethibmcanaillithibmWelaud; iaving liant tutu navigable for 30 miles adshove, ai 9 1-2 bhoc, tchte.irlirsecùtheibmNag.- ta. h is ploaaaly situatoi, sa, i ii hase a daily lUai. oftpacisithe eusuiaig easieu pasing lai anti foai BuffalaandtheIbmGrand ri -eS70 acres at Allan-hurgli, (fot oaf the-. Ut,) on wcicia aSa i 6noit erocteal. Thise,,1 lunaIbchoa raammandj,.g situation, trou ibm Hytitauuacitpower il pamsione; being the. firi fal here the . ter can b. uasal for thb. purposes et Mschin- my, and aftercarabriala t itea louer let- el of ihe canal. A village as alresdy laid oui etaitIis place; oandtfraimnli beang sait- rounietihy a racl aad populace country, tien. ia every resseR teaaiticipaio a raid gtocth. &îzL.-100 acre. ai the Reservoir noir th. Villagenf Tiiotolt. Tliere àa sGriet Mili, conaiaiig fouiruain fitoniee, ermiclti lu thisplace, (tbmouly uiliipnriiege onîthe lInefthtei.canal aclialty tisposeti cf,>asd lava Saw Mile *ut. buldin'g. Thote are litecise au operaUin-a Sac MilI, ciii. tve seais, raerartureville; m Grit aaîdl Sae MiIl, Paîti 'srtrry, Tairaiiug Latisa, anti Furnace, at sud toat Si. Cath&- rines; anti a Sac Mi Il ai Port Dalhousie, à Dry Dock, fia paritag Vesseis, la alac orectin itub: 2d1 lock fothn e b.Harbout. Aibsiuaquesionahip the amut exten as andl imporant sale aven ouereti, cf a silaillar description, lu the. western, part aof Ametica, ne individuesl ot cmpany lt propos tai purclaase witlîout a boersonal ex- aausition; il l, tiiotefote, oly ncessr,' ta give s bref ouuiie of Ibm atirautages of wblcia it le poussset. Thé Niagara peiuIa, ciaicu eparitma laboes Erim suti Ontario, is compa.sed ofitwIn lable lands; th. firet exteAding fra laite Brie 1taithe moantih,,ritge, tui.niftgila lune trom Niagarafatle es fat tap as P aler- seuls orei, (Long Poilai,> a distance of 90 incluidiug ibm owais -fBritte,Willoogb. by, Droclanil, Iumbersimne, Waiudeet, Moutean, Caaiborough. Waip.-le, Rainaia, sud part aif Woadbuame; sud on the lippe- site aide oftihe Wellandt river, .Staaafcad Tisarolti, Plham, Caisor,'Gaiusebotough, axal itiBbroobe. 'ihe second table land, hlvr tiem ouittain ridge, continuesl froin Niagara ta Dunidee creoit, aitah heil ait Burtingion hay. a distance »f about 60 miles, couprielug ithe townshaips cf Niag- ara 19suiaam, Lorilia Clinion, Grtanaby, salet, banti pari of ilarton. The river Well.and ihna inoui a deati levai, sud tunuiug paillel ciîb laitsErile Ibrouqia Dardy the centre of Ibie peineula, ilîcre àa not a sangle ste. ffotding a con- tinai al r steady supply cf acaler fot an ex- teniie Foung establishament, cithin the territy above descriheti, except thé Grand river. hI tahountiet by the Niagara rivr on duhe ae aida, ut by Pattersoi'screek, a tributuaaof Burllogluai bey, on the othot, both it china art durable ,teams,ýot cor- sidtablo puiser. Thé-westernccountry shore thisto a groil distance, andthta American aide opposite, are lkeciae deatilute of valet peaviie, in auy exteat; sud ihis lu il. nearest anti mont convenaent point aciaicla hiber mercb uts eu& tradiersucaai resorS for maauuactaing air- posea,'*qa «aacle caauueniawt ale loirm vants. RitsDott uecemary,laotcver,ho tait, a. extenda ri ieuc of itheadvauisages land iimpotancate ftIi. ydrsuilicb pavcr on Ibm dtateofaitNew-Yoris, ciii auBurn for al,Oexam- pie. TbemaIt trea. odiug trou Ciels. edta Oeiesca telle, un thi.e aw.t r ies, anoly 4iix miles in leugih, km. airmdy Sai 'hg milla ericit iiiu ighi ofeuah set themw baie disanace, anti no oentousaie1leu thaatbrerunai aimei. Bore, 1h. e.try generaily lilsin a timtetciaaiis sai thte soit anticl. aIte pecaully adtiit tise gtncing of ubeat; conaiquentiy, au Imeilate a&tidaicromi détment ai sfut thé eretia aif Mils anaMathiievy neret ery description. l'h. citent of caler power le unllmiteti 'F.Princip atisonce#hrt l avemn aiib Grsnd river dam, (tbe point achere iimlirc.aatl cillherm.aflier ente taireBrWe aet sSvlleê, ai Rebluon, aniKtAI Ailu-, uargi, (vinra the but teaceut i*s a e ThMm0«ai ssiThroli, (cheretw W aller wisegha«Urradnfour tecks.) Front thibec it assaiate"vay dtMe thém moatain ini Me theu loissl thonoresahelb.lia, am la atsatu St. <laitsl an ohe moSier alteoi la darMstic lO-wey an tlci. Thï, in ;&; chaie doasceutMofS 3i6&.t slastmr my as h. id for Maeaiey. oes @c§%lovle nmudeesl. y, uU li.eembut ofthoéca- »al; do tisai 00seavaic ii staitho hale* t a»y lntmrruWm., vea ihouitheibm aler lie la erincouai; éibsi l ie mgSse Sue- u nm Qlse, hare «eegaled*a mfeU..- mg Settleuat ut alliessaUlie requiset ini r"pomt caSLumhameai*irlbimdaie, 9 Tho ie laou " oU r tioouy heyd rhaff tIduthe asn cnuitspposuüe theib fraonaid bhasot, hy buraig orlotaDy roumia. 1img a&H duhebe« wcoud stMaie-wcaet o ms"mrkW d lheeftou. ne ahaD cmiidouai the. fauiup Wfthé space Mdiufelfiosatdu conreait be Rondmb, goli tai a va vlw asmay smliy uaoey nthit miai; vciti thaqaana . slailm vith gransi edutheibm Ron, "lreti » lpem praicith daim eau ndosie,ait tbat âmoriuo lisnbeeut osstaaty ra". tient upon lult frthmpaecftwio vaste. aa .t amy 0so ciht botr codlion ntiteuoîDuty -Batin iCamai herse IbmloIlis net bien - -ccaplt, a paienti shall cmol esunlil the Locata., lu addi- ion ta tb. Reud Duties. aboy esrimd. 'hall haveavit allycleareti thet imuba.r ram iem firait cfbuit oifor Uidse O .chin. Irfl oritcfSetulenin m saboie reqlii, itll, Or ciibauairtiemalce, b.ieaai pro4uduth e m urve yor Geueri ciala. lo yars snds a aIbmthelot m"Ialie agaiu opfen tauLrcationt. kl s fartheortineredt t eabcatove reg- uLâtian iahalilD nt ierfero dFih .heider in caitiacil of 14thbMaz. 1830, Fi. applie. exclusately to ditscharged oliir»a antii rfe« c.tuta hou,, the pel it ifreidence i hâretuy appointio tulb liai.. eeyes, inalti 0( Stfe, os prescribeti hy last rder. Anti fair ib al lu respect ta anl Leca- thons matie bOfmitel.dime, tiheGrant.. sghals haro the option of peforming fia. set- tlemen utile ebr aceordinuf te liis reg ugtlon, -tuathe reglaion wich ver. in force beotete . askang ot tbas eider. Lasily, il iraeteti, Ibat choie a Gran telaita a grant Miof ue tlsn!'one ltia tocasi bp ntimdsiupon nofM b... the ai tet Dulies lin esxaect go thos lins, ou crhichieh.daim net nesitie, shail cou Pii cfthlIalondDuîly, audthie ".emrinlrtiie chailulu Dfront OMlis elot, gashaore mention- et. JOHN BMALL, c. il. c. I 5Majely's Governaeo,t liittg su- thierimet a certaini irop.rtaaun oftb,ý ,aiual consmaioaatif Houp, abtougbou the Klug'm DoîcktTard in Engîseti, ta e I parcbaeted n Canada, ilaif b.rehy nai lied, lIai, Heutp,.ýbana ieu ibm gtocjb of Cana- da, properlydreasei, aait.cf eqîsI quaimt t"' Si. Péterahuiht e ;iRaa ;ep, cili lit purh.nie!iby I. opctt Ofrs aaf lit. MJaety'DokTrtiCgacl approveti ai by thom, anti dolitarreti ai the Dock Tard. TIi. asies ,,tCansti 1mu Heit, «pet To,, cli ho alesys tegulateti hy the prce psîd for St. Pet-rshutgb or Riga Homp,, il, ith- King's Dock Yards ai homte. On au average, lb. quasrity aitf siaad iou Hoump, cbhch coai ho purciassdetaiKig«taaa ha 'ta RespectieO8ceeilthlietrainSix buntiret i ta on haiudtdd Toue Annually. 'l'b pire wchcon <u iis vear b. pAd fte cleau CaniolaiHemup. es oais 'e deacribeal, cil! ho accortiuiig la ts qlly, Fort') or Fottlrite pountis Ialiflai Curroncy per Toin. Colonel Coveri bas erretea illii nea, a11'bourg, fotthe Prptoec ftPreparing Heup1 f-r EaPoItatioea, santilcigve uiinforma-. lion tai Formet. eaeting the i mtiaad1 'deing it,aand =aProîly ta ieooh-i inmed temi cultivaiag Hemp i Upper Ca- nada. Yerk, I Sia November, 1830SM P UBLIC NIi TICE is horehy itan ihat aItpersanofs antCuitin asiingaacut orijilgthe Tumbe. eoniL suàd, l.. lgngteuCanada <Companyut lIboa 1 19.Ia tbority trot itis office, cill b,. proaccutltehebmaimit igaur et the Lw.C anad C 1py.Ofice Torb, 1111 Nov. 18m. NOTICL O>il-Cm iaMeeeswewaotct rgma.L Tutob.ciben altl commeaicedthi M& whiS ich b ey onier £tai et a reàanable terme ai short notice. Any per- «On wisbisg ta purcissai a. Machineo can sec aie lupe sno ORIN RANNBY. Atilpiiustaca, Dec. Wfh, 1830. q> TÊtia bave nmt soiismade afile bt malorials,oantetenâ.laofI.e Canàtian manftlfcture. Papbaserafibe machines cili havea a ueideti adrantage ait thon front ibm U. State», au goy repaira in tht casangs dili'moeaive immedimme allen. thon at 0. Raaîuey's Faimnec. The. pubi, ère retinefasîly iiitssmed thst thb. foyers 4f thn âbun hvba tu.. aid y triet.- 'fao,' li tiresh in commai c wu , id cawti, coumon labour fraies 12 te 15 hushi ;pet bout ; sud inigondoiti .t wc d at a- tendiace, prous201t040 bubaale par but, RICHARDSCOBALL, Coomrita, lotel ]ktram Engha.*id, regl.enlfuiliofrms tbe inobiattaa tefingetan andtIs iclnity, liaI branch es lu (1r e.tisiargoBr ick Baii- ilig totmerly ccapist by Mr, Dracoll ias N. B.-Tbolower part of the ssitibuilding ta o Isi. Por particularuapply lai Mr. John Courter. Kinigaton, Noeeuber 17tls, 1830. IOR SALE.-A amasîl FARM libth th 1Concession cf Ernest Town, bing the Wa5es-par t fLoi Noe3M, ontiaiinig 73 eae eto Landi, aabot 40 o et isihreui a goot siste et ntltivaîlone aeh a gocat Frame Dceliiug Ruie ibemaa oectt. 110 »baveFanai lui itnateti shoot 14 aulot; ftlou Kingstonathe ' I lois oat. Fat furbihrtknielariapPly le Mv. A. Trus, Kisgotan; Mr. JoMM BIl,£Mntl Touwi; or Amon BILaa.bad, 3retercka- bir, Dtiç..Io0th.lm. »tu-aîcu r cNsvoÂuvL&, ? TuoWit . t ha'd u ïeM fm a nGoai- t. e meà 0Prer, as- sembietliOoc-lat; cua0 a cf the Grandt Jry, i ltal Aeh_ ita Ibi D!M trIM hmlipaetoeld and 'E'HZ CANADA COMPANY have for Salea e in aniada, about ivo mil- lioinstfre hbu .tbou»ai es of Laaid, of<the 1.iioviaig tisca4uloai. Tiri, Crues Remervea; being Lots oft 2W iAcrus ach; scaitart iroanboni th.eaider Townibps of the Province. Second, Dia, ka of Lautd, cf, fiai. 106, te 40»Q00 cres; thema are situamd in the Towai- ships cfthe Western DistrIts, and lin tis ,T-waiaip cfWilot lin ibm Gare District 'Ilird, s Towu n »éTownship caflet Guepin lut.rGote Distuict, in. chthore aesrady aery 800 Setules,, euh aima erykiodoftradsemcnsud m.clanies;Ta- veSoe schoo, Sac Mille, 4-c. sad a GltM loin r s~ This je a de*&r- hie location for met£ t ih aIlcapitale, es laborers and servantes sre eaaly procur- hIe; aud lots, Pary imprwvod, cao bc pur- ciaaeed ait asa2abl *i. F.utth, The Huron Terrly;coètaiaing une milliru, one iauaidred t auatd actres lai the shape ofa triangle, abo leb asette iigfor aasde of sixiy milos, on the bank.of li". Ille Towai of Goderichbu hsaum.coin- menceti ou thea ideo f thehababr, formeti eby the confluence oflbm iver Maitlanti aud the Lakte; andi se a road ia ateady eut tei the Gain District; sdanoti her le ln praigrema ta lta. Louton Distrîi, ih buas lendy become the. centre of Selement. Tha are alts- dy about 600 jijiabitautsiun Uic Hurontract -a Sac Mill je iu 0 ration-a GrasiMill huilding; asmevos tavera ai stores have been ostablisheti; aud a Brewéry sud Diatil. ierv art it piOgress. a The Laudise admitei on al hands tti lie equal to snylibmtheProvince; ih pruduaies lime, and buiuldîig stoue; brick eatth, aud potiers ciay, iu ahundauce; antheibmpioduco of thi country cao lie carriete t market by uslter thoagh Lakte Huron, hy the river St. Clir, ta the Laites Brie, anti Outario, anti the river St. Lawrence, ta Moutroal andi Qaieboc. John Dsvidaoii, Esq. Qoebee. Hiart, Idana & Co. Montre]. f Chat"es heriff, Bsq. or? Ottaua. Robert Siariff, Esq 5 hAli . r dser, Esq. Lo»i eil, James iaueaiai Lq.Kiagston. Allan McPaeaiaai'-q.. NaaK e James H. Samsaon, Baq. Belîville, James G. Bethu .e, Eeq. Cohuiwç. James Kerby, Bsq. Fort Eri. John McFsrlaae, Eaq. Altiboro.' Francis Baby, BAq. Saut wich. Yorit, 24th April, 1830. FOR BA LE OR L M LBT. ...a~THE ho anda ipromise r T iaiely ,otIi.residence ait W11Smith Bardoet, ciao mile ftint Kiugstoni du the la&bosare, is fialouim masfavoorabîoterm. Ifiâot salti efoyft. istIrdaycf Aptil nei, iiU 1bli tailet--AIso frsle nveryu wterme, several loisbh a fculiivatod andi vild lands. 'fbom'Wuao isa ta obtaià prajs f! itthis description eta l burate, cliikuoaw ith. term by ý1yig tethesubmctlbmrs ý hy AV/. BAR TL#T.,or DUNfCAN VANÀLSTIN. Kinagston, Marc 1h 101h, 1829. L ANDSSli, Upper Canada flr sale.-200 Acres, Viz:-Lits No. 15,Î6,17, 18, 4- 19, lu the. fia Coucession; Nu. 14 sand 18 lu ta, Stia Con.; snd the. ecutheru hait etflLot No. 19 citha tb. Lots Nre. 21 sud 22 in the 7tb Con. of the Townsbip of Pittsburgh, in ihe County of Fronteoac, Midiant isatrict, tlpper Canada. Thoe Lots are very valu- 1able, as the river taine tirong thons, sunea ahe projecved Caamiram Rachuosît irougs Paertia,matpan ite saine drexdana-Aiso 200 Actea-Lot No. 31, ibthe ib Conces- sion l i th Township cf Cornalal, lu lb. County ot Stormout, Bisteir. District; anti 20 Acres, Lot 21, traConuslr, li the Township of Mtanrt, couuty ot Duahas Distrai cf Necatle- The whole ilogo lb votqality, ccii watered, lsesrg i- c.leîtTaaabet, adaptete a every agrlcailtu- tal purpose, andi proislti obecus. very vahle tionoutheicoma=aetof à*ii.plans lin sile a for tbii upvemet etfiinternai communicatios.-Ap1lyte ANGUS MACDONNELL. Bath, Feb. 17,1026. f VOR i-ALE--Lam N.go0andtla in the -- ââ1h concessinaf Mutaay esch cou- taîirang 200 Âcres ofetecllent Laudtii land jie aitiset eu Cole Croebsund 1N0. 82 commaata pirivilag ai theb. caler et nidI ('remis, it b.lng a mcm diurble situation fortb merecticaiet of iha,-Applicstiau te.lb. madie ta Mr Johni Richmondi abo ffees ad- tjoiu*g ortehbmIoprietor ai Adolphui- aofwi. JO 1NATHAN ALLAN. Mamcii 121h, 18»6. LANIS VOR ALL O N the Canal Route, bemlthe ibm u- va andi Khw*soé,4bing LMou. iî is 1Otia Concession of P*isurgs, about 16 or 17 miles floua Kingslaai, cantalaaig 200- cres of 0oo Arable LottiWeol aîtated for au Iuai; ibmpublturat paslnacron lbth North.-Appleato ie miee teFrnu- cil A. Hre,1i 28 Kingtn No'1. LANDS OR &ALE. L 1OT No. 2& laîtb Cmi.DLr i%, 10 No. Il linSt do iDsgtoi, 0 South 1134r 14 St1bdo t Smarpoa200 tLot Ne. 23 M do Marmecra 20 LB ulà 23 M dedoe 0 Fer terme apply LoIL f C. Thotimn, Fq. of Kangmor tai du l.roprwbr, JOHN W. FERGUI3ON. AdIailbocn, lodMarcis, lm e loIb. dt. boulet ofe ise a _ussp <de UgIb.reOin t d MAidid DItwia Fuir tnes, *pgaicmiie t 40le M4a iatptboBabvmthisit, bu * Axt#zà O0To Lill imutprnticeuiargo f eMr. W. Laoumo, C.iew nnApi, 199. zzg lumba3 Danm-4ALB or L&Nqb& me» . b.'f» reuwr Il tibe~U, 5 ,OuiiAiOd wibmtheweilm te uaasly tisa auegme ef Auesats dm i dwre.., ai the fellowbg Urnes sud phees, faitbmtg-9di Apti, ai Straebario Ila,t sa le o'la*. A-.*M. KM.StOu.41h £, Court Homo, 12 o'-1 du*k, A. IL Leugbmrgb.4kbdo, ai Mceffrmaag Milkii 12 s'Clark. A. M. Vasa tTowm-l&hbde., ai Farard'.ZIn, 12,'eu"c, A.Md pwte"l,,-14tbde., et Ja.ob Slibly's, Fa-9 quino, 12 o'cick, A. M.1 Cs-i5th de., ai Ada. DoueraEt 1 quim 2 cickP. M.1 Ffdorickahng"&-Ot do., ai Cisokaflle,1 10'r cA. M. Richaiued-ldthdo.,atN*Ptfte li, mech,* P. M. Tlendh ap-7th de., ai Tycudamffa à L, 12o Ir ,A. M. Itadoc-lUtb do,ai Marmora Irais Works, Il olclotk, A. M. Sdnoy-201h do., etThrmeher's, 12 o'cluck A. M.1 Eawdon-20th do., ai Fidiar'. 2 o'clock, P. M. Thurlaiu-2iut do, et Maaro' Inn, Il1 a'cioek, A. M. Amteiiabtargb-2W de.,at Jobn Delyoula lia, 10 ,v'locÎ, A. M. Hhller-22d do.,aîflerringtons, Soiock P. M. Sophiasburgi-24ihdae., ai Demoreotiihu, 12 o'clock, A. MI. Marysurgh26thdo., et Stone Milso, 10 JOHN MACLEAN. Sheriff M. D. NovembhorIrd, 1M3. PORL BALL T gUSCRIER ofersthefaoioing Vlz-lllOacres of Land intbeTownihip of Benbr.ok District oft Gote, cithiai a short distance of Barliaigon, Block No. 3 in the 2di Cou. of sani Tuuamshp. Lot N. 38lin thelot Conession of the TouaatpCof Binait Toisa, 9 ni"aie fa I Kineat onc.taiulaa 300 acres.-'fhere is a Boume. Barn, and 5W00bearing Apple Tiees nu the .preiaae. AIo-2 Vilago Lots li Glartivili., Ilear1 tbe Napance Milsa. 1 For tiae Lands in Benirook enquive ofi William Cruoks, E.squire, Grimsby. 1 Bath, Wu. J. MCKAY. I F OR SALE-A VALUABLE FARMI i the 6tb Concesiaiot Fredericks- bail, being Lot Nuuwber 22, conaiiag 20 Aeu cf Laudi, 80 of uhicia arc iu a bigb. state of cultivation. Thia above Fars la situate about 26 miles fia., KingmatuuîeYorhRosd,kwitbir, a feu yardsof aGrat anti Sain Mill. 'fiare are tire Momm..andi a aro oen the premice.,i and i»e ecellent acaler. 'fe ialhoe cilii h. oiti.ieap for cash or shirtitpprov.d candit. Appiy ai tiaHer.,Id Offm c e B o. Caundy, E>1l1,. 130 20OBaqe, occ =alsîs. of Mr. Tho.- NovimbrA te thebeubcncr On.li, 1830. EqRSALE, W? NlUMBER 24 in the geseCounty ait Leedu, eutafalig IOarres. eTh situation oatitslandis la mfucha tren- der lu cortby the attention ait Purchaaer.- Apply ai the ReratId Office. ______Kingaton, May 28,1828. WHISKY. T BE Suhocriher ba spagan oouenoeti the Dwiuliiosad et et whIs. by, ast iiikcop ti e feaee i sbop lite Market Square, anti sellitae. patronage of bis forumocustouers and ttmuS ena, aBd trusts tbm qeuilof the. tiqwai sd price vus meu tistapprobatuon. Aise, canteti, Bye, sait Cern, fer chs a liSeWaiprice wclii e paiti hy Wao. GARRETTl. Kligotea, lut Jlune, 18W0. OLD KING@S HEAD. XA3ZTfflAWnxmo». I AMÈJ A. SMITH, ble leave te ln- u, $r. lais filent.sud tdu Public, thuci ha bas uladuttkeu du &batve U labueot, Gw.r Mlowat, doeiamet, anti clb hecn- fiueutly hep.,t. malolain. Traîelmleamay ýb. auxet ctf Sntiig,a uaîl,overycufort and nccommbqdtiain, on Ibm mon u asuél terme Kixgmoai, Marc Ilm~13. SN. B-A te o esetable basrders cen ho accommottid. ]REMOVAL. ME bI ma erlsar mgave te iuforn lis tal6ntandtiheipusblmut bbs ue- evot JaisWbmi.saleanti kmasl egare establishumt tathoaMorslatel o.eupietihy M. A. Truaz,stremel, verhebasoa ha" »asU"aaavery <er"am sortainteof Hlarware, Paeis, 0110Cti, &0. &C. antisina leze to'"..m rter e.1vebmrt.% Brsmianti Llverpeai, tisé ubole 0 wb~iijal', ill senl U"HuaaY leuc for Cash otalmit aproved ticeM. ddo. IdlanIysruMM yka W0 ton. Bg enGs. d-Cvtlgd. ror sale unaicsmonly lue VEO. W. A E. slg tes S Juai.,18lm SABWiEL J. W»104 trou Londion laie flou New Yotis, reemctly liormi tb.he btnss l.iunil mlly thai ho bu e concet tho TAIMNG BUSINMaime tol-itei Mr. Cellle.à1aat Sbop, S.sath cerner et Stoetait Qu",er Sirsots, ch.. aiu qdéra ciilb. thanhftdiy rteciedan# puroeclusy eaeeaal" N. B. Aoy ymnsamuesbiuag gobeeeme ac"i.ted vrila rd practic»l priaiple of CUTTIG un aveinstruciosby apply- in a ethsbop. 'fermes. meteate. Oct. Bd, lmS. OeN. 3.--& L Webb, bas reamevet te the neit bous. ahove Mr. Hechl'sChair Su-re, ai, Store Stremi KINGSTO~N MUUM M a. 8ARJ *f Ust it headuibute due pubme atotdue ecousassmoat ho buà hllierto remeiv",d, atbmgaito actasi thoas thatd uKIMT.'OI MUS Min lut futu e qho0«aitfer impeclloas avuy day inu du verni. Admillance la. ÂND formsai. mi ibm Mrat OEce, a Fm CopiesOf« A fivnop oDxI.a.,»X TUE MIrTA.avae oUP'PZRCÂAWI»,by cou.. uad of His Mxc.lleey the Llmeaisai Govemor" T!5~J8TOn" I bave neaiees- T"I l sEs.-atm- r »ORT Hon hall M&aUtactouy......WS-ead1 mia 'it th be . bt b. bascouuMeaicc n- te write.,Mame uhctuurmng AIj&l! wofuver sctoni a l mnererualtyclcb »hcilseIfar cd igtnlithoA taui itàay uanntacory lie i. Suow. Port Hope. Jay, lm2. 06JP AJIDOS 3 Foaa>OR &«S N.T'~isuciJis J>BZCABDB buist ategr, ,ý,, beis&» spkinag3eiRiys, a=%hiiis 4t 0 ImBiy ..si il, yUS f pnam P . Lzi ut et d 'ad ais =- -L '.grJ.- - - M isAsty * n EuE- F0'MA LEip ' mCý =ieirY regeatof M'Y mssi.ii tà i tke to me a à cemtliwAmdy moae- be tmeaim ; te tetu Iibstm nog m- m ARINE INSURANCE.-Tae ou 1-ber wlil eff'ect Insaitance on Cati Sisippet inlu ea. Boutsa ai bis Port, pn e.ged ta be resalapped ai Prescoti in Dada Bouts for Mozitral JOHN G. PARKER Agent Protection lomarance Co Kingston. April ltitb, 1828. ]MHN G. PARMIR, bas for sali, 5 Ta UW acerttiIren aai &«, 50 Cola of Co[ dosem,and witailqR, Patent PIoug M3 Bases Wis.dow Glus, 15 hog. Ni 4 bsies Cotton Yaru, Sale andi U Luem, Calf, astiSheep Skiais; Ciilil lappee,aid Mscey NUFF-Cooki Puotam for famlle', ai Su. 6d. ta l1i.&IM oacb-4no Speru ad~,L" aip GlaUI ns-Paleast O1-Datnd'Pvdt @ot-4-ar.h Ta, Bsin, Pitc.-A' 37 gaautaamitueai ofDry GOhondimul fer thé eeo.GaioleCtockery, &Z cas PaN fer Wbo%, FMonr, Park and p* auis..JOHN G. PAILER TH'tSursoataa iop es i tee and mus iciilty tisib. bas 1,1.17 .saib libotihusaif ilu ouainluStore andl, nextdt terM. Colimr, as a TA [LOB aMd OABIT mAKER, and liog te so1ait durs e pabltopmieoai. gN 1 afaaObNov. 183. 8*16 r tF . e D 0 e agisTais asabe. 1 il/; T-T e 91A PMN10 oouoeAM1pmy AIUC OSU. OIAWA £ý.s«M.AW. - ai C.ml;t-.s MoUes, '.. asPou a x tesalve lUse for 1oieamupst, peedIsa dm ~ ove idisoveri, îler "bmclassi o Couisa Cotsad lather a aEstof itthe1 brma nluiO leading te Consumpionsu. 'fboadsaaab ave expeua.edtheb happay et- fociof tbiilliaaBaadm oy of the higliemi rnpecuty biiave valuaaîmiiy git- eu rertaficates, oue of Wh" avcil atcom- pony each Boule*, tisaI cuti satiliy every - prejidirtimirmd thaïtheb.mous extra,.dli sy and unespectid cure bave bern perors- ed by theutaeeof tbimediciaein lases of Iostanding, in uhicia otie a idcine had zuS oe f aveur"ets,, sud cher. iM mois kilful physlca allb.dgiveai ibellaup Sa brImeou. h u fnot pretesAd rtat ihey are an jînfiallible cure in ail cam-e, buit of mchasu are incurable, Sucre are but feu Casesof Congias or even scateti Cou- somptions but may b. rolievoti hy a timely ase of ibis Healing battant. Each D-Hi Boule centaine about 70ùdoma, w chbprovem tIi.. ta ieb aba pMiic an. comaiderlig their virtues. Newts er jactma To lases Molles, Suds.., N. Y. lI the spring of 1818, Mi. Eleazer Harris, a mana lu ver y indagent circtimataucei, and ciao hall iaboaireti for me acrsioiaslly fuir more iban a yeai, svas vloleutly mizeti uitb sn affectiona of abat longs, accosa panieti by a tigiat dry cougia, trequently uable ta taise any iuag for neariy hait au bout, sud beai, mout Conmonly. blooti. Hi* cougia was un sevoie and inacessant, thatehonioan bra. mucia emsciatedi, bis eyea glkcy. and lais sirengtal 1.0faim tai that degie. that he as whouly ainable to labour. Comapssionating hie situation, a ftiend ofaitane end imtself procuroti fot him aine boule -if Andersoaa'a Couagh Drope, by the use of whic b, in abnut tire. ceeki (ti my açtouisament) lho casste fat reatored sas tai ho ahie t,,perform bhisasu- al labour. GAIUS STEBBINS. Hilîstiale, Fêla. 19, 182. 1 Raiher Kidiaey, of Rochester, Monroe Coainty, N. Y do hereby certify that for a lonag time 1 cassa reduceti by an affectioa. ..ftbo lings, atteaideti cith pi lunth. breast, difflaulty of biatathitig, &c thai my lite was deppaited of and giteai up as incurable by s cneaii cf Stve Physirians, banthy the acivice of Dort. G. Hitchcock, of Rocheater, usa indureti te mske t iai of yoair Anderson'@ C ,ugia Draps, sud by usiug ou. houeuse reaicredt- '~perfect hoaith. I wou id tibm. fore recommend aiH those afflicted watia à içimllai con'm1lait, ta mare usneoaitheIi.%ame remedt, as.I am perfetil satiofiel ihat isa- sied my lafe. ROAERT KIDNEY. Rochester, Match 11, 1828. VAUTION. AEWAR F o Ov1'f-RFEIT& tuiy purchaser Whai values heaith muet! ho patîlcular. anid se. that ibe baitlela are Metap.1linbm glass AxlÇasoN 1's couca vaoea, preparod by.:. MELLEN, anud (bat the directions ère sagued jais mELLEn.- Re enefui snd examine befa're yoo parchase, as therosru tue aputiaus kiis li market. YH£ OXHUINE VOR BAL£ aDY E. LESSLIE, & SONS, and C. HFATH, Kiaigion. T iiE Publiecarerel:ctfuyinfarsted thst ibe Academy e a. allier the. super- intendence of" tie o. J. Stoightain, iersou reopeneti, for bmhe repilan of Pils, under ver peulîi aivutaas.ll?.Sirioy, su ezpýedEotisuh venchei, bu.bhlmo en- gae uanAssistant; endd ta lution fees fth nglh depaatoeui, have bëouca- slictrably rotiacet. Papils can heaceoamo- dute wih board end iodging, li respectable familles on tery modmiate termes. Referona au e he a ia di Us fMo A Asmi,--tias "dms of tuiSi. t -. may h. made.ttiheVouer- able the Arctad.aco of Kingstona, wvi se s receutly vs'od.aaad exassineti the Socio.- Thea fine andudbay si«"tien ait the Village cf Bath nesti no arse,u.datloi. TION YENS. Spelliaig, Readiing, Wriing, AilitlcM, Emglkbh Gri', aGeinaphy, (vwill ihe uase of te ibm loas>Anciont snd bMoet. Hlmiory.-- -- --- -----D o Matiacmatim, - - - --- ---4 Latin ndGreek - - - - ----6 O Kmvgatcs, Jiy "th; lm2. Tu MERCHANT &Cc. T HEmaubscriher respectfaliy sp pua Marchants antiDoalers an Praduce i U. C. ibat trou themencucaragementli ae ceivealin bis capaciiy of auAgent dunu à luat ym,b ia utucetaicontiiiua lIai ha musin la&U ils branches. At the openingal du w nvgtion elacllhopreparedoetii î anti dispos of aiy qumntiiy of produce Il uay hoe conaîgnelteho ina, antiorderu i Èat "of auy description requiteti for tIls C.Tnido saaliea.executedth liipuritîrut -andtiuhthe mast sciutiiuizing teardii the lateresîs of perans mpl'iyiugbim-act ariy otbmr buaies. confidedt a bis cane alua r"ev the mcmst upaalous attention.-Hi chres'bich aeeaeeymaoar b. 7ilmsmea xpestilibi 9rual 'IiT!nuaia ithepublic 4he coatauuesio carry on theliatt I Buisinesset aieaild 1stand opposite %aân Hoiel, andthlb.court Hou.,wbrel onx baud the latesi anti meat taahioaab aimierns for gentlemen and lad' lUal, an Boedes, Beaver ant i mitation'do. wran We waterproof do. Whicih he ciii disp6.ae4 atlowpuicestorcaahla irto>tuce,or approvai credt Cash b pai for BLaver. Muskratanshud pluLFais. Novembet 2d 183 N. B.-Hms11a1110on baud, a fe,("tk men'ansd YouibîFo Ca«,utexcelkLi qualiy--andti ta Ies..of';gIo iRot wchb iii besoiti tory low for Cash, W Eteundersignoal bereby g%.apbk W nOtic,taî ce cil i saib. c.Ill, or liable asaFORWARUEFRS or oloy CARRIERS, oa.ithe River St. LawretufQr the harti andi danger ni th a ialîta beaice t0 Mouire iatind ce versa. We promise the. Public tue enplnY n ne bait seer, experjei.tod mon as Misttrîli Our Beats. Woe Wl aial times uben ih caî ledese, effmct inauranceo n ptcperiy rotisaRuld , n, cfhasonne respecable office, tor il, sfe d litery ai Monitrea, ,asd ai the lentsî fw miai. ta hieobtaincal. lu ceses chiere nu instruictions are 9fc catia respect ta tae amount tua be i!loated, î the dioraa.t descriptions cf Ppt ry t abati iniaure sua la amaunt as %c.lc tita wili b. for lb. safeiy anal luleregi ofthe ,,% uem.-Tho ptopertv ililae ,oiair suij,e,t tiie premias. paid £fr its iasurdra.e. prt eho coumiai property la us f aniotifsî anti objere th,, iiscoreal Iiu&îI slufy ît by jeittea. bihraeli. air tbs Itia t b .tier i tbeuslva utt riralî, i igneal) tI.i IINE :i.JraSISla :ii, JOH 'lioflîsth.Va 'licfth avg a mu ido, on'i heavgîî dsr fouhe agtin Mairnel t ttean (Siguteti) IJOH N cttlsOia JAMES icUlHa S-OKER & ttVNEs..H Presot, I221S-pîcabr, 1828. -%eAp mnt teCOMMISS.,fiON , iUliDcs fr oscareler rectul adfrect ihe p lcat ionsihom atona ey si of iit, hir torhouse aentiWr ota, thhe oaixi o ebusiness; antiacklg.rayaii gescM rIrsus oI ul h u & at ,Te uysier esblamtflinfrthe prauba lcth maibastakilIaasery taîttî,o te bm ia.ng chfopi thiTown cnk trustbe e i t nlncarag o cary onlitei. peis Roforhe ay htin ormatie andJoiaK hvr antis John Mcua, of c.ic, Kiia;aî ai Rrntîmaaas. Re q. awat.av e-l 41 ' is- - 1!1 - ýi VI L - 1 affl #-,Il . l'cumul -IA SI 41 si-41 Il SI . M ENO 6*0. - -ýè IF