47/7. [30 6 glu le FLOR PERMriSON TO REP'RODUIE APPLY TO PUBLI ARCIVES, OTTAWA. t fanty t, supp npel me f causur lat if thei eve they y and the Mr. Per bd, anid ti avole Of othe c er and by f the P otract uilty of bOUwr En w R bisn ensup, M0014, kouglinet Mrs the chair, General, WminCron W. B. R n Jhin %Wil Agamnst well,. hue 1 et, Hýýwa Randal,P (Ws a t £1n ej A selectÇ emvof0 arch:1airmian, thorise the thle Proin« abhove dh 10 0, at the1 It wvas od is âReport, ion enisued. we-re displaj The speal port, were Il erl.Speak, and Johin Wi The ispeakÏ enzie,Pe 0'oTUE RHI The Comtra int ng, adt nesict or Ej natuintmi ubjecti. herein of a n C-, fere ý-nKrence bem-elves 'ari, y, uà re a t strie fin takh!r, tin hus trw ilatwr n b prmaicples e restran i nanion Or% foreigersd I:gi"" pwiw blbirt with ciil I)rtýý rY contrab" wýith an mta puirposie. i ler per canad rehled n, aIttenap)t tu t, t1ilir t em into' bources. hIt havi th. Petit lleusion a sed .by Chrattiansa number anice befor the Pre-by Yir. E. Ryc Itev.NI'.f Who Very Reling' ments, y, lunreportm behierin the score Cae d4. and they t te Parties wIn as. ;t. asem ---- - - --- - -1ble to be done. 1 ama the more convinced the Peers of France!" toilreach el th hoh This appeal lhas male a great impression. fiste as the matignant persecutors eto a1 àe tr ts fi aim [osJ il l I-- _ 1 FRA NCE. îOf thie, sine 1have become intimateilai- precincts oftthe igh Court of justce. Thit h [ave watched the groups ýOf uaa.% ed ar- uoflthe reipreseiýtatives; and, ab i% the mallNh1r the tmfo-rmiti ia of .the,s, alo d ' . ~ ~~~~quamnted wiethethe esna eswe have pla- neiglhborhooid of 1 e Luxemborg was aptsans relathis address fromsone of their tcnusmina aaand England, would raY , .bbie tiou ought en t to b, made a D Frser a London Paper. iceci on the throne. On rowing off my confusion. ,Thecwolnen ewere insulted -ý:known and tnied friends; andi seen the round telleobect of,,ilictialind1gatinn l n ::hie rule. I1625-6 he an SEONTENCES UPON TH E EX-.MIN_ unifoarm, I have not changed mymott, ail lbopàsere closed-and ftheseabandon - ;Nush, heard fth eîsigh eaand bhehelte tearshieldhi wiiththe p.,elr ful potectionofi b om W estrFamoro' was my a llSTERS. "LbrtPblcOde. eIde, howied criminalsdared to profane ouer national! wiped awa» rmteee ftoewofl ub iinadp rsmathy If Jst butngexta jur iseaw ' ' Me av jstrecivd ro ou on e-many legal means we have of easganthems by singing them iinchoruis. Thiey a.,hamed oftheir former een, and con- sahidMr. M. hebject of thti.resoluti,,t. pult, JI the way alten1, Ihpe he '%Ii , th nteassd o th stae ounr thouights, and makingour thoeu 9ta, and totldfthe labourinIg classes fthat Polignac was tvinced by the arguments of One in whom 1 s to do me mnjury, it as but anrother proof -f one now . Laws an.ou e d PrisonerqWhofeuiletria has excited no Ymuchk 1 akling our wishes knonsti; for there lis the! to be liberated-that Peyronnet vw ould setheylaihadl a ralcontidene. the incapacny alod folly of the advisers of er books may be prainted in thlsC is , ru interew tel France, amd throutghout Euro Tribute of thisi Chamnber, and forevery citn- fo)r damnages for having been arrestel; fthat But Odsillon Haýrrot--thie republicana-the this Gove-rnment, who couldt not have be tri one; thoic artern, ~pyrJ;int Iý (ur readiers will learn ihsais actionri zen there is the press, whii bhas rendered Chantelauze was to) bie made a Judge, and avowed republican-thJesanwhoc is foer fo-'ter displiyed ftheir weak nesseof intellect ai II M;. Neilson wals tfot ai lonig tIliie f r t their lveshav bensa esntheafiensthe country so many services; and thene Guernaon de Ranville a Procureur 1e R . loIwing upf the revolution, and w hio wiill foI- u.ins o fie hnb rnigm e h oras n o n f of freedom will rejoace that its finest tri- !there La the peaceab l iode of petitions;--1 I heard last night ainfthe Rue Turnont,, ,i lsomer lituphas said more .than thtis. His fore, the public as a guilty person ait ae - làr. Cowi ire ithe tontrotors. nTh1, uphathsbesprdasanw IhHaving thus yielded to Dmy desre of layigof flltheeJesuits or their agenst: smaeiee wo-trds are, indeed, inipressives. cosustion ,g, i IIt whst h the countiry frm cone and ca leulate as mnany extracontes , hoee i htb he wr f s l>allmy sentimenàtsbefore you, Itrut obildeclarationts.1" Ifinthle mids.t of you, lbe found a man ,end tu the othlei wil ry out " Shiame!" Ofchoose lndiI-t,. comai11.a n 1%>a would savournofgveneane wr Tqle lod o ill and everretain youresteemand friend- Weil, then, M. Lafitte was right, Y, hen. criminal enough t) makie anattempt supon uwhatf ans 1accused Whby, NMr. Si caker, I thevs! v, r ii ha acopy ! i , ý thels vu men will n esbThyet lar sip' IIhe saidlthat there exists a consplirayi a- thfie flie (Aouoe of his fellow-citiztns, though have committed the high crime and mailte-nal'b of Nova ScoItia lent lait by .\b i ' otiome n ohasbeen maedpontealargef gainst the public tranquility. Lg-t, lther, ih-be an ex-41iister-let fhatmenot consider' meanour of distributinig, before a generl e- fthe pri t he,and 1II die U y ,be feded justice, and outracd fnainalrights. 1Fromthe Corresponduent of the' ttoring Caroilethsecospraor h aretd. They are hianself as asubject tteechances of a bate,fection, at imy rownlpriv ite expensae, cone far-f engara a t Ir The remainder of their vs are doomed to' known-1 ams sure they are known; 'or u,t-hie will be nothing less thanl a murderer ! huodred and sixty-rigtt copisof the public s embly there f su doin6. have 6ad ý inanraio-ad ncre~atonwihi tePartis, Dec. 21, 1830.least Manly of lthm.Letflthembe aIrst- lnd will be tridas suchli byVthe Court of officAlJ,,urnIals of this f lousei ithoutiote Iedýgmer ttu ro eber -f ellrinh P in ats f rance. They nare erivwtsted fal1 1-Teoenmn aspkn!Ticd.- Let nu garb be a protectioni-and rn- Assizes, according tufote rigour of the or omment,.and After the ierk hadecorrect- l;,mient to whom lsIssentcqpies f the ý-,-,I rt, itl onradftr ueFfdi-wsIsncssr ia ise t a ighoundng name a shield. Let them be law-" ..edtheiltproofs, ait or ter (as the circulai lettrer1..ls; they wave fltebcach 1,of 1pri%,I de tinction w hatever, and degaaaiitu thewti oe' mtwTiue-rmth ed-eptriated, or at least imprisonied. If ths.y ýThis is holet. Thiu îis decided and manly I 1sent w sels them des larei,)itat the freeholId- i e ebbrI ied bty imy 'attin. fal uot il " est clamses f contvicts, esuillred to exist, liv- quarters of the National Guards-rom tet t t. he b ansered . if they snpiek turut " Orde saLiery,"he dds.II,a"s era mevery litrict mýigt have intheir own e,ved fr the sakaclityof the lear:,ed A r ing monumenits of the forbearance of the centre of the Police--and from the Bureau let Ith e b e nfoted; But Ifite cnsesourmottad fleuralely taronit."le hadsthe es os sile met ls of judgm of nev General of th 1 ernment ti oir % great, but unady.ing examples of the danger 1of Odillon Barrot, the chiefuf'the republicant te h-rrsed utM Lfte h'ha deu ttif orled tha te e-nsters meentih ins rutins fhnrbeme 1a a e sn uenrk ut trampling aupnthe libertis ofitafree p"o- party, though Prefect of the Seine.-Let sd ,Iwllcus hefislbeo served"bdeathiftfr ffncssgis scity dat er aai terprsntthirfeligsanb-aae iaatllymeavtt hveben ple. !me invite youer attention for a few Moments and, lhe has added, " every one wil l d i hol eevrifice;h hsautted 1terests; -and in order ftatmant might be atl-tv cf a gri violatio',rof Ile prih. ,t The sentence finds allthe pnisoners guil- to what has been saidi. In moment@ like duty-the Citizens and the King, and[tierce thaiteu r ev iolution is not ternamated-that handlit, ref-,telte sI nders of ftholeselwho týeIIue l %!Whit 1t,vwhat wpie ,'. !i ty -I o"H hTreasvon," uapon a charge of these fthe truthcome u.I s o hn.will remam with the law." 1it mlust go on-that fthe institutions which would desi e it, mislead thelt Ic by anon- ile-gelThe ft I i orthe thol.lhe3 and1ý havig s scrbedthe lleardinanices; 'allis cool and calm-when men count their O ln rttewie:iruuand Fraceepl etle as te ù,d torcd-'yole usl .adhdlsndd idlt te esdepf inlhela we ofti g lsprde but, beausie the charter was *tilent or ob-1 words on their fingers, and take anmonth to hontest repubbeant, folh>wed up this declar- .tase'swllaIhrepe frh aoro oecnaaet the prjdleofNite iteoe s-r the oIther'- Weo ncure, an to rpuntisment for thatçoffence, the'diagest a speech, or mk olm atin -aio, b sNg We must separattee1is Ihims!elf of thlat peuple, are wvaitmg with 1 nother. As the hon]. and learnied m mber no . i cn ,w wld inld"ut t! Court supplies the soirionai, by adjudging that they give way to the impetuosity of peopleIfro tosewho wuld *use"them as anxiety to .see accomiplishled that iwhich ia f r We,.twa.rth bos broutght tellnlewspaper have privileges cunir rvitonpra i,. thbeml fatotransportation, which, bemg nm- .their lismgs, that thev give currency to anainstrumient. it belongs to uis to tell altem exjpected; but headds, " We must do ali.lo int theH ue, I w ll, w ith the leaveof the - r ev to we,,e--m is ýýb est",Iý;, prciabeotofFace.scane othe innermost thouights~o.ft heir lheatsand ithat fthey would compiromsiisethe coutr t t!sle;,,ally, andinmaccordance with our Iouser,red the ircular,las it explamnsumy ltive popular b' a antii nowlite. perptual imprisonnt witiniits bounda- itis not truiethat their thougtsbreathe anidby us'ing violence; tht they wo(uld enda- c arter, and wvithl the compact we have' rotiveS.-[Hlere Mir. Me. rad fromt the Ad- direamlt-irivilege , h, e b at 1 ry. There is a difeérence between the cas-their vwords burn ! Butin momnents like te ger its internat saf-ety, and bring back the mýewthorCtie o-voCate ne wpaper o ept.,23d, a copy eof the a nd hantreias.n atA deri. ,".1e 1 en of P'rince Poignac and the tother thretI- 1presenit, whben all is a tation--when Pari rinof terrur, and pehane thfie Ioccupla- 'Ihus, then lias the Goveêrnment spoken. cirular h e had selt %witha the Journals,] d-ne vwrsongevery nieI,.i per, åt.,r J that he is condlemned to " civil delath," iý s a barrack-when a the ordinary ccuion ile of France by a foreigne power. A m 1 satistied.t Yes. A re thé people sa-[ acna.d.,inLCn aeaa wheresIPeyrnnet, Chantelauze, and G.:atins of flfe are suispended, and when One1 Sebastianii, who isiniettr for Foebr'.1a tisfiedi Gene-rally spealiking they- are' so. f un.]et. ism e L Ci ya iIdi ,M1 ro D iila l e,,, Ravle r-tribeahld - legally interditisuject engrosses the mindi and dictateth ie jAffairs, and who is a corgusades-Tywllattohvejdmentro- Y , 0ep. 21830, iPunsi"" t ," a ).!Ii%,j,: ed", 4only. Theyu are allttobe suijtect to the actoins and wvritings the movemtents and'lut"enmans,Jihas declared ?-rthat the Gý;drsover-! nounceed b)yfthe Chamber of Pees TevSin:Asanw.lcto.s ot otkegveaw.yyri rofdr costl of elhe Prosecution before thle Court of speeches ofsli Yes, in such timesas fitee ment has iON eyes onr these conspiratoirs, and|1:know thfie purnshmiiient inflicted on thge c1 p elIhv eo e optst h ad P l ob Peers. 1the truth comtes out, and we must ftake care w hen fthe tune shall comle, will sasmie-t those uwilntb dah u te xet fec.f epron hs1am e- rae.Min.f Paris, it will be seen by our Private Cori not to h>se it. Youe will see what I1mana who woluld injure and alarm their couni:tr«y."| thati i everthelless, be marked anid idenices are bereunâto ananexed, covy %of the "lre!(!)i)Id(;ilýiileed - responlence, was tolerably quiet, and inibefore 1 have ch>sed my letter. At present Bu is snteog.Thiie-a oe rpotoa e t ie, fthce ray yet be offiu.al Jouirna.s lf the IHouse of Assenblt, a tn ioprz fnro somes degree, throungh ithfaeumentinterfer- eive me your attention. -the, arrests lshould be made-thie ipeople , peilace; it it be not, fthe Chamber of Peelrs ýduring it- last sesýion, fir ilnamediate arefer, wra lr ad ad1.mMIIiýraton, ence of te King and La Fayette, reconcil- soldb nghee y1la ndidsw iti be Jsucceeidedt by a Senate; but we ay vence by the people in their repective lneigh1- e l.ie aa noth'-'a I a ior Ibbe al et] tu this sentence. 1 li. The Government has spok;en fromra putable facts as to who are their leaers and n ow houpe to avoid bloodshied. , bourhuoods. They wdl thaleeallaid a fullan entred! 1I,-ri-t-nileSi:r. 1 nl I nai, l ., . th aun! ha hs t ai! . a-msigtos-ndthy holdse-wththir iO-day fthe iprocess willprobabfly teirmui-truc accountr of thetproceedingç of the legnal.- ""tettopul'l fthe JI" ri iaLsI, but ma RESIGATIONOF LAFAYETE.i fittelhas declaredfthat thetre is a cnprac w ye n ee;~ih hi wnhn nate; and to-mnorrow or Thiursdaylthejudg.fature, .andtibe able tu tr.we aevery vote, me freehletnetorh!idaoh On ridy eenngDec 2th reol- against fthe public tranqujility, butlhe lhas these Pv ssadJeutwo ds sda et will be pronouanced. Force will rst ton, and resolution of their late representa- have quo"ted my v ote ela :1PYI,1. tinwspse yteCabro e-not denouanced ,to France the conspirators. laboirers, re ensieavouintoedcthmw »law;hi it we are now more al red tive, an.d t...ascer tain when hywr a.teion. and learnied emover e , r ties, declaring the office held by GenPL Hisn u u e sy toudbencpose tpint R ut 2ndthe Governmnent lhas skntaeerhtteeo Itowlhe ollow ent and.when presen,-when they voted ,tion s conduca h anpteeC Favette, a Commande in Chiefof the Na them out but et pudencecorsomethng rom the had Frartcs of the acnal ed p, and tht young Ifranceashll be thseottheiroatisfactnaandawhnvto the on- th"n o havelisaiagaiethm;]and t- Faytte asi7nimndeeinseef-restraa-:ineo 1hun.helaThatIll which tlehe on roughl regenierated. 1 rtry. afreeholder (oIf tlion 1Icaid havea,- tiona ua ranunnecessary. hwhiihPlIe. Guards. letlhas donse sasthrough Genteralna urs neesr.1bsnt(uei ai,1cred nLn ieCI oDhriltle , i.,.piiilei: It was always iundetoddtqý, before the vote dsno oe n ars cndomLo-Lalâ)ye!te, teCnmndri-lel te lYour obedient Servant, 1I1sincerely desire tllait these records mayulem'"O I ;to D Iuda Oitergpbte of Friday, that La Fayette's appointmnent leteteei e prc gmtteGuards of the kingdo, and there are %Omhe b ae 1veadnd n. dr %atm at fte am cs o. Waas for flfe, but that the office would die 1 Ly n e osiaos ar as age i1isspehtowic Iprtc, wciuni 1l ct .,and t h-l 10ofrimy fellow memusbe, 11'"d 1I chLIsen11 Yd' il The'men1b wvith himn Tissplendid mark of public et yn uhal1 gns ae rvalluded, mwhen 1 wrote the rmmmilence. DOM ENTIC udrg h w.ls me scrutiyof* ',t.er couta.m y«saietnianfIi confidence coutld only have hbeen justiied pactn ecospiatosienturit tis letter. Thev are alilows,- _ _ •--bhetipi n. A-. ,rieyo deasr, to'e ttn n na by th e t t'rs liag te i virtues and e xub c f uadeI-aet[eons I it te ai i eusa ae'g enr. La Fayette's letter esterday, immae- M Sfins atal Goverunmeii-fntelunledt epon thfsoe-terested itIdividua&!s to the prjudhee of oii u -1Inu tl ,-, diately sent (as lhe cailled] i)fer «'h is od ns Pnio Oficr 1 ut rreignty of rthe people, and IhaVingLouis Thuirsday, 101h Feb.1Il31. cambIdate in su,'Pport -if 9another. Te- avIi cn1tto hehe . andf logatcedfin.nh alw s iRoalGur and ab 1 P •f ,licEx-Philip 1,ut itshead, was the best combina- PRIVILEGE OF PA RLIA MENT 1aonIlytnou)s placatrLhave thithertO 'prov- . 1 re ait er.ai .1ipri*iab,;.s promptly obeved, and a long interview was R Ct iPoea et etionlthat couldbe adopted trader fthe circuit- M h ied injuli ous Lto the fre-edo et of electsionII f om, and !u scmlm b a the esul. L' Fayttedeclred hat mean Ctoi, riests, Jesmits, and cother sacsiMhihF:crndErp ee . JohnWlison, chairman of the coml- and conisequenitly to the we:faie of the Pro- Va'le' t exercise I,> the la't bhuse of i: aperedt ait lsayunconnectaediidalitgood hrstans . . These are the conspira-stanced. He hiFnkcoeiland Edoefen-A hismillteeappointed tu enquire enfto the Print- 1vince-bttwhere fthe facts are»,at hand Yt undefinied plrinleges. !i- m few weeks but as a neoc sitor; and ttindireply to i trsin Paris w ho lead the conspinacy, and enmlc--.lenthJno) tl beaus e ew has ro-ing of the Journalsfur the last S&Isioin ofirefer to, athe calotnay cain commneybeensi 1 Iu ,er n d lie l gelMrI Kits anest enttreayaninryt hefwole- a o are rneiter destitute ,ofcourage. talent, m nise t Dooit lsobe celeias Pnot 1Parlimaent, rep.rted. The report (which m asade to recur uinon the heiad of tel ,sl')" andererLet Il,'sli se ia-11 I- H e rmset;à %% accept fthe command.]in chief ofthetGuards a reasury, Journals, printm -preves, oichaleahisaoinion.We mean to publish;was rad, together %within ]apresentmg the people of allie Provinse worth ! lln r. %Well MNr. MI N,b, %whi[ a fromt hais handes, ,saidi he couldtnever do soaiveouti gn sieydress as ca popular thr,;ne " suirroundled with re- 1thee eidence on whiich iet vwasfounýdeda.d 1willh -ne h;àdredl and sixty-eight copies .et Y" " - lufor ..0 Il ve yu U !,ced a witoutanintsin o poulr sregthin urney mentmhiasons, drink wmne outside the pbia rsiuio uhwster- ado h al"the Journ.ls of i.eirLegtslatre, frof JI" o. 0 sNI! [Le you gIt mu,% : to is NMajesàty'presenit counscils, and fthe arriers uathe Cabarets, assist the smug- gramme adopted] at ftheHotel de Villel Te omttecniseyf ess A-1nre.Iconsidler tmyslf as 'ontràIbuting .ras1N aey vadfre introduiction of such an electoral law ast glers, w rite in fthe Quotidirenneand the Go- a patrio f18,wobcaeaCtz ony eeaAlnMNaJh rl-m mt oadoh ubegoadIsaI ri te S:loo wr'-I ? N o!!!1,,l 1 woutld satisf'y the Peleand Igive solidlity 1Z ree et armn faKing,.--People and King will be foundi faithi- sn asnadW .Rb o eapy e r di h e xr hr- ireatgnt sarlî lles ! !!!T n to he nsttuion ofthereoluion T e day, and tu oo , ketheeol e .-fufo hs onrct"After the report had been readselves to pl.ce rmei of integoy land inteii extr Nn al eA. Whar have pat ltein the daoterms ttof wrarmy TISalear bloody oathls' on fthe -N .- Te-elrtosar otiprat'Mr. McN.ib rose and stated that he con Igence in fthe nexit HomIe lotf Ak-uiv. :|,e t fo usaihe,,, -Ni. %leN et! Wli mualresplatine , nteisheldarcoun- gaccomiepus iitheir object, they wear i'iî Theedcoin are nomoveydystatemertnt!ofsiderd the deliverig of copies of tle Jour- -1Itrus you will give youer neighb o:rs eve ,'ve uweditheie er.Hee ry J ,i, i il of ministes, wd h ield acmidnigh.and mustach oe ;they dam;te and he ey ayefbut he y dsaeenos ', of ls, without the appendax, by Mr. MLeken- r ful - t eamline thse rnords uti af- hh WIli na!:d IV 1;itIRobýi ato e The siting of he Chamer of eputiesd inse es; t iy ree, . bitdwen Lafy ayea amLent wja he i tou hto, ze, before the late election, a gross viola- ter the velection- .cw htto'toessdn elwa On the *27th Dec. was numierously attended bltn elP i ,.. b hb.otherwi.e, lhe would now, even now estaib- tIIno h1p iee o h oueo s And rniniI, hadl tu ýaudaity a-pubsh the epubbe j a .in conselience of the extraordinary degreel-t , nguiage' lishe a Republic in forty-eighit hours I ' 1 smbly-they [ih ailbensent avnwedyfor, bir, your obedienst servat, la i ,s'tyea r u bourour anithoerit u ý il oi.teres eiedfvlcet ocurdnry ee.-.n'av not betras I:av- i y sivhout ·· pohltical purpos-sand to pohitical -,rtl7zan> .L.M:KEZls ihm ! Wh:,II d.ille ,Sardotic grau on, !I i lTers Chmerwtelrerceedingcutoethe s- Øeath to the iinster. *and smllg I"Theéthafayette lhas called on ethe Guards--on ,f ethe contractor for the work, pýerhaps toi, P. S. I riegretvery modh that telleappel; . -&tentance Iof the hans farmer, wh L Tcosiofte lawrelatceive tthe ainal'Parisienne," and IlThe Maraseioise .When te t izens--and On fi ietheut fPanst h'nuyo ebrfr hs s h i antbe crltd- st esmeeahs 1tEelsLgstr trni rtenlaGenrai Ltaeteteinteredfthe Government asked for five initions of as u in in imamtaininhie lav s; 'and 1work hadl been orderetotube Pried.If ,with thetbody uofthe a1 "Mrasidta hecps andl w e eive it ivealappyet ausee, francs to employ the work peuple who were 1nighit, cecenaic nmidst (if the tumlult,1 sent at all, why as not la copv sent to evle- Ir M , one iby the ccuito iIgs nürborI .oda upwards, of one hundred memibers going u ithuteplytes cnPirators rni hnhepeetd aslal hu- y cmembter of the fHouse! Yet nol!taf; sut-i. aeke,zie wvh lent ntrmark , , t a hi[e %d o . nd hadte frer to hm ad sakin hi had. Te GnePabout, as workmien,' and engaged the otheme ed "i Vive Lafayette ! ! " Ves, Vive Lafay- dozen of copies wetre selle tn mernbers. A; u pre o'yhd-eIisrbuedt ceived l u.H oldvt L h . ra tnwttotePedetanlatrano tutoaccept of work fromt Goverinment, ette," saidi a Priestly -look in g reprobate ir. Mackenzie had sen t the woerk abrad1 1;4rci --oi oflte ilse; anlwervieuia sf1 ..1il -31r*ý..\IMackeuzWýs condtýt wail short consver fiit i, drssdte the odemsand a rime of wages, and thlaen the crowd, I" we shoudl h(ýaahim for Pre- mliaan imcompletestate, acco-rdin-g fto his ou i ccs>nt ofr telhewu I, I"!edvery cenurale. Th'ie day waai i Chamber aim addrfollowsic! not to0work aso many hours perday. When idet of a Replublic." 1 would Nsear that 1a knowleýigment, bef>re fthe select coulmrit- 'personaIl tra ane enttdtee frtedliy ;fth e Journais to mem t,ý Chamber as fýI110N.$: thecGovenment took mto aconsiderati onithe' man was a Royalist and a Jean though 1 te) he ('.MI.1 N îI) h ' ptIditre, d so aam.lHis, w cost t ttI-t hti,%îenrcoasi "l lna aneighboring naticen it is the custom ivote of the Chamnber of Deputiesloin ýdid not knock off'hislhait T!,!: ,ublicanis tee ry e osierdimgil enfs hadl(I Ith enenabled f.,tly tu judge %of1à adh r ht a h. otrco sud when a citiz.en retires frroaist vI ied that the pNishmient of Death sagltbe 1are too ,honesnt and stratid-for w i Ii !to seize of1!hi h bre ac of thehprivilgen fthe his condute w ithouanyadthiounal clu l i f h lht fditiutn cilice, for lhits) comeibefore fhis feow i boiefr capital ofne;hywn oet fp lrefrecneo e(r lcezehde Iden!)ng. IesGoresr % heJounauiai tional opie t aber osoembr tizns an eplau he aue, and 1 amseutre 1about witharms inslings, with faces tied lishita formioft( ov rnmisent ov'!'h cau ,a v ecniec eoe nhmadIhe ett ess on aly .Kr ihu h ev ftelos. the Chambler %will grant nme the samne favor. upl, & in smiock frocks, & hats with holes in e suiccessfully F,)umo in ira , 1',hn si. 1 e uworhy faut.'hhoghW. .1ýre i-rlMa Fæeai X i a. . Mrezni e.,ondta always have considereidfthait the post hiemi,&saidthatittheywsliaee"thewvounin e hl eone ciili ,T a e ie.irculated the work in a coplete iDavis, Abarilim rb nd theI Wre lea,d slgratilialili.r telleholderoíA of Commaieunder-in-Lhief(otfithe National the July Revolutioni," and vowed they 1will comte-and abslute an-,,rt h i anill M .e,-aheadl1r. u adb) owh&ned sounothe, eu 1fciosd1gout1hh ue otme shdbenavncdb k Guards of F-rance vwsincompatible with a would hbave blood fier blood. "Irlu oedyb a erý ahtuaareb.ee edl ad phsmm ntehn. and lerne, be hdaljed I, mlahin. mi-nd:r fur Lýanark hiadt not beeii p constitutional monarchy, except munder cir- 1MIinitres!" was their cry in October as it t res and hobeoiblin, ,J,î-a a l-eu by eir',at flot, prIvegmea Bu ct, wol sk, ifromwhoshell eappr hendedas.: U. ha evil? eed lithie chair of the flouse. With re-di cumistances oi the mosi absolutle necestity. mwas last nigt. When the Goevernmrent is-1 child who ils ,ut os i: !din 7stinne. nhth.bl ebrschrce'oudi olheeih er en hehn oe Ihen. adinions. h eou ldythi a ,tý It was rthi siconirion that led me in 1790,shed invitations to the Young ruen tu enter 3. The Go erma.Iý-ult has spoký: from the j af fruisrebpesentaten, i arts fneP brfurnr - had got a coyi r NMr. . LJ Itd,Jsix y fearsag, ben i e.ti whein 0,000 of ) ,National Guards wished fthe armiè and pre are for %warethsae con- 1centre of the P ,ce. The CotiTtieilhiai, j' na ol b lcd ytecotat'Berczy had got ne, S.,had the lhon. in$mblel "',mentvo nrouigt er ,stem , of tu etect me their commander, athelicFede-spi rato.rs'dressed t emiselves upitas recruits, 1thle Prefect ofhos I,h 1 put, rath hýijiftuf i, ti s mtehns f"fcio"IfrGigr.Wr teetecoPta ar rcs nt h 1osadnee*neW ration by 141,000Deputies, to apply to teadaaldtesle theherg ieaiiI, and there is so;i-thinig in it worfi(t t dema«oguies, immüediately before ant elec-|lizans toinomhe mvovler of* thevote of'.idehsatn atloramnsf,- Constituent Assembly, andllerge them ito hort rth e syoungranenenotPtocenatio-,.IItohnotiee-tion,wile at the sai.e time the cIes: r|crmiaiolhdha rfrece "sid m m aloIliramae n ta s t.i.ý, issue a decree in OPPO'sition to this desaire. enrol their namles as defenders ,i France, H ay1n ht rcamtonu Tefreweredvto be pri ntfor he ueofmmbr M tkeze,I a entIlBlack i List, utisntalvry.i He ne r a n t Such still wuatmyopmnion when the Lieu- and toi remain iin Pai rsiadided thley 1est nations are athose vwhoaihavepro fessed theee et lin ane uny flseDratate i r.MacI they wouldiii have ex<balaid against msy par' levlai ed ever onl.l a ostoParliaeIl tenant General (ofet'the Kms-omn, Who lhas -"GCovernmllelit Only s i t.end away th-;,notaitprofoulnd respect for fthe judgmnents ocei' hdnt ny h imrpel Isti- atin ithholog what they (ail then ehdugduo hefos oaieW sinice become our King, wshd eiosb-eoug enfomnteeaptafhaii) ayte riunls Oeiecetojutceisth edteyounasbt e adalolenlea- oasiytlhesIcialae hewhl is ulsanobyths£easaIavngof) etthe samie appotinment, and 1 felt Idy- have ntm oo-oeit nihr sn ssnilbsso oca re n ie ty., yof a great fbrachOf faithi in respect rt oh ftewitrspoedim src-dde a ller d tN me tr tenl years agoaie sef bonoAccp it, Iut aýways rain.idaof war." 1I eard one of these Jesuits Wow, ldob teacuac1f hs btteuotrfactice ia d i ot duly uile,the Joernal, v I*amheqJIural tu blmd u or nntng o es n hc wsntse thie intention of ,tc laymng it dowvn a, ,,oonia; 1 i declare this--and iwhen his hat was knock- .ment, and whoitlt not feel,'that when the Hbute hfad emlayedrit, n that hneneadeticsvaite rralt.b pb mbed thid ts dreset utt, osrit 800; ad was satisfied thatnit wmas tiý, onger tnecessa- 1edt of, behold a priest ! ! ! When fthe oth- ilawis are nit uobev etd thre is an cend not on- H ue f febl"etinJauaythJailyirati he door-thal is an incomfplete re awtas bardly i,-d e late g ovenet fa, ry for Ime fto retaine itearhier if peace had re-cer lday, the Goverrnmient, in order tu pro- 1ly ûof governmnie t t fsocie-tyi'lThe Re- Junl eentrad ob eiee ocord, et you pay foriets pub;ica4tion .Your aspeardoed bte eas. Nowviment mamned iunbroke.n, but at a later period had ývide work for many thousands o 'faidl e.oltin f July last was not a Revoition !tnembers, atog n bgto a od-cek agi pi h ob o bi l oe xesv si ab nl war ensued. The declared opimon ofithe, sons who pretended thait they were vi sng 1against thle lawis, bunt against thle violation lie hrewtot ulbshefrtef.v-nt eoent vryoe t bu a Chme1ashseedtepr O&out ofitolabour, lbut coulditnot finit employmnent, affthe laws. fitwaii Charles X. and(:his emer19stil righit to publis1h the J<uraldai .ly at 'il' a' ear oe yearth r aother Jours is, respct fr it I ant mwailed] tillth e law! determined on fortifying Paris, sand comn- .Ministers who violated themntdal;the - ewould nmove that it having appeatredteledouir,and pl.oshd me for circulatin t tBlsndl ethew ofyfherf Hould. wtase smito itoter ebraces <,u1 hemenced vwith fthe nieghourhood of St. De- pe rson ofthe King was inviolable, they de- wuponteu erdfi repor to h eet commfiteto idistant 1,Jaces wher, compleuted? InEnglandbewlngt break th(7citatentule othenue i stae.It s erly nater f at; rutI ib, these conspirators vwenat as workmuenbutothronsed]himnand;sent fhim ant exile ft; llo- whmwsreerdh rprroiheslctadNova Scotia the Journal is pblishedbrathcnrctadbyaom tte &bould e] cdeeply ihurt il any One imjagmned learn the ten.4rm re.il themiselves Iupeas lyrood. c mttee to whomias tesrefeored fthe Res- aily n aei ossinodI the lHsusevwthlr aiBaxter, aendw!,arth Le and nu une who h las been acquamned with lbrr-a dryhns addaksur YumsDot oeesups htaluttion if this Housse, and the report of fthe of the Britrish Jurnatçsent me fron, en - faithflly vfulilling, and give M1r. Sian- rneduin th lsttify-ou yersofmywine vwithathe rest-and fllthenexcited the geat maass of the People, who are not inailui- Ceko h ujc fpm gteJu-dnb ebr.What i4 a breasch of riv- tte se ilralunrlàe o nsimoeyar , fle, canbelieve that tmy conduct lhas been rest to ,dectarefthait they would not work outenei bv telleJe:iits, Pr:eNt, ah,; tConspir- nseusof the lest sesin of the H ,ie of A, - I eer is it tao ulish t blirreorsand this nodr shecnil tt dic-tated by any» permnal feeling. .1Iwill go 1at St. Denis, that it was as hadl as aniste- ators, anid who act and feel withouit ani sembtiyfthat Wilhiam L% neMaikelzie, prm ! n abook which you oui elayorb.to crush the Colonial A dvocate Press. Thle1 further and sa, that this eoptimon ,of te et ha hswa rtyemi.et n eg iirsioaeage ntei pner ofelhis T.-wi, whi ariwemph.,uto pr. itls ?Y av d ta remarkes which the dif rent officers of [lhe Chambherlhas affordedtme an, (aportt Y. 1deed folr artisans to make fortifications, and ionsand(do(o lt Lnwdesire the death of tesi orasa bn h s elast e ers to talle dl)ri eprf godernent antnigh out indulge of, The high authority vaith whichi was in- ta!ked of their rI h to work in Paris, and the Ex-.Ministers of Charles X. Neo- 1Posed in biais by piblishtne pa-rtier.s of the frotdayt)davvu peha ndt ae tapaet hs oin a oed vested. has giçen cumbrage which-ou gen- ito be supplied wi i plenty to do, and plenty they deire thetirdeath as much as ever--i said Journals and dllist. ibe n.g the same for 1and in a v len our ecsand eb uityPessan. asi to destroy1 the freedom othe temen amuit Ihnfeuerdof', and .his umn ofrmne for doiniit.Soume persons were but after fthe addresses which have been polit i al putrposes, amr g indevidual, not fitr abhi.hingyiiat i There d rs nsi M.M aesodt brg a ve ie n ltmcertain dilt- deceiv'byhese rilowhearted Royaliste madle to them hv the Republican Mlâinister, etil tà< pies thereIIf-thereby comitt- i AttonyGeig y o esa ots arneattcksvn on eaIrs, and sith the Iwip mnatic circles. Tecuei o t ned-hs oers of darkness, dires, tumuilt and of Louis Philip-by the lepulican tLafay- 'ing a tbreachof the privdleges of this house. tre n afobtesgt el isoffthefreemnen of U per Cat,ada, 1 will 1.ea. and 1 have now noio ther honor lthan that of misery.. and they let their work, and to-day ette, and by the eptblicans Odillon Bar- MIIr. Sramson set onded this motetin. wr rilaiWi a y b<nd andcotrat- l ee t so evn iyenar orcshouldit be bemng one oif . r clleagues. One word must'heg or steal for their bred. And roi; that portion of te peple who are not Mr. Mlackenzie was ab"lit to address the re is aatt pand rt f that eqcoradi i neesrianonwacntcori more, gentleen. ! als ouWothavienetnow., vwhen the process against the Ex- led astray by the Royalistconspiratorsand House, when Mar John Willson rose and'oae ndr9ee ie ccrigto the fHouse nor w illi everlbe so again, ,I) m m rsinaion v hchthe king asYc- inisters draws to a close-when thec wit- are not the dupes of thiry vllai ni---desire said-that ,Mr. Mackenzie ought not t,, be al-'h hiain o w.ko rmtothogae odasathr.Iddnttb ceptedl, with alI the good lie eas ever nesses have been examined, and the defence the death ofthe Ex .Ministersto be~pronun-. lowed to speak at a.uonth uin.-- eera frntredfaesil, anthe jord eth ,eatcontractiha vie w irut Ilrbt shown towarsmae, before the crisis we has been attended to--these conspirastors ced hy fthe Chamber (if Peers.buit who, if Mr. Macre-nzie rephed that Mr. Willson t d j th r ta ,a iee f ur ured it-fri orer tao bnabe occlt the Jo upulifca bave tem ha>pilyg olfor wu.alatan end. prinit and circulate garbiled and falseac- 1that judgmnent behot pronounced, will bow hadlheld a different dotrin lerhenthe late: contrn Iothe letter M. it n nRat he- asfel mn h epefrphi . 9 ofpub couts fwht pasesm te Chmbe--out t th deision of the la tav heeause it is itheAt torney Genteral vwabefore the fHotsenbi I rss. hie oarder is sat bfted but 1 calinnoay the aillthe points tavorable to the accusved, and 1 llaw n eas h oenenb h omrssonfrepýae hnM.brcktoaltnd oughbyconrac at, landte ePfm gind otincbote onrat o: mame of MY COnscienltius love of liberty~---enforce those son -l hich lare int emaddresiesit lhas now put forth, has gained Willson bhad na ojecti,,n tolblesw the pare- p hesgh he a-e cod a vsm eco hfi yco- ave yite £ paed2h0pbi iae we~~~~~~~~~~~ mutalrc!-ttel imea--oaotiigwnpecig the suo- theirattention and obtainethIleircontli ence. eent ChiefJutstice to we.ak and also vte ir adso emes.nte rlsaemy it£2c00 fier teroads, beidem be. noe ucedatlt e oetfl d ic rp e-an-lar veeigt.theipeople, a ua eryd Fnly .M OilnBro hIr-hsonfaor eM.1.itne mrnmg ,ifthe sessio. As to vwhatlthetween nesi antfohundred co;pies -fthe à ood-b ch i e d -ntvpo l à th Ough th e t ad to vtd alm h is4 M .st t o b s e a d l t P eg aian h m ,fo- a tincrnfint was~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~P un est ymehho aeimoe-!m taksa lttleofvheugod tingsofrtisM.e ' one ust hat tsadI op wuld e doeernclemaani woud tae u thetimeof rdy.And he pinte to he Asemly o a rpresntatveenstemas oe ofthe le- enim~~~~~~~~ neeenemalstan, feln tmel (f tv ith those wh ose h eart (f fe--n , as spen a n o t -om timebtohime nuibvHo.tembr;adi.edx een h oku eor h s!nd ocin e h ueo t an s uttpp resoedIu n ttity e as i ee etteq ikra h on fte p . H a reding from . bi Hi T êSp a eys rne Ge neisit Mr. Mand inm one et,>rtoe, adih a n pub a ninrew- t be rk t cnh a ci.mo p h ouria unmg myac psnstehayou. ortpthe wr m ontte)woeunesan-rnk n et tann aprec ympts.trthedbyec*mtoshpd oe Cnd adcrclt hr.ha1ok1rv. rmth epladtobles. es, eae oss pn hih eshllinsar bime h~ hir vaicsat, adwos no ininsand sentimer-ts ithyusl, u9on frcadafoalstgsi-wihu n raofivlge, ah ofwpcomes-wilmhado nalie.rOalokiimnatas oA. fli ays iac s l;od- hll ever heba ni. povergt, a rng fr wm v he, has t ve d all wha "1 tzyou fel fed p t e ct i m no s lr ge r e t arer onhsM. M ac enze'scharcte ,ltey i t at I a s 1beco dent le u th "sa t e t itu v i storof e ng u s ince hemco w a ein ou r e e s bieslwehe t m asveafcrde a dpec;th sec ns~mtr t ou mp tenetose h rmse att o l 6 tesev-m sak r a herar.partaindoed m tes ethnthe I m nc n nto-ti d b te1 G dth tar or~~ ~ ~~ ah cua . ar soetimsseesul ndis ngtthy tin ositedst of nuls r to ou dr . eMationzwichs hd bfiesaen putinatothe h paetothfulfilledixthe rtrcwhee isthe triaityraicalatnpt eemd o " till thk,i t aintmesures tak- succeeed pi rendringhithne cearytaforadthe ell-tmdedfiliesenat metro t.Hep lart ,.ieaers andrwere atueedhe fronl f- honid, dth a e prosecu tothed upmyonthefs heforeedm aofncte presst easnem to he Rauti ho ulre nort on1Chatter oftersgond e earlie hn ti-demndcfailgal reaait! on; bwut Islte ron tt osbry co ul dhalelioad e to aIproper plC. acesustrahe erai fis tod, and rbud egarsago, ytestareofchaeber, clth besteuttha e iait that waspossli.1of"nDat toihe!Mit nste "In f n ith horui e to b dessfo u oyitHe i non of he-country,.whowould lok. apon rules of.the H - use.which permits_ a ..embe tes.ariaThe fgentlewoeresnt Bt No.l .afw noruat.mnA te oerinetan issuprtr i ha t nytmedrigth'ecs.t tk cpesgveneninthsHos,1n woar p4dbLic Ren Il Ofli. R7 -«7-. L. Xill.] 1 THE UPPER CANADA H ERAILD.