e1.] TH UPPEROANADA HERALD 3-,61 - 1 ý ,ý a ." . nt-s 1e__ nt f he-1 ý,ý _V ý11 -fo- ý --_ l daio nt.wih eir> p'Idtl- wt ry e-l;bu i omaisn sth wrin0eslehvebcoe oreen--rbengsrltofevrtig- o he1f f u bloe.bohé, h Cs God forb, Id: ' pity him fr, o thebotto of e _en tefu st,*- t woul_ the law ,relapgto them ave7 beenm ad et h ee ih f oigar rbb r wtshadGrn u e-fC ntatnDO E T C tý heart1.,Ia msl ahsan«n*»"husn-rieywodsor ndmr*s r; n hepo l'haeerwrh ee ta £0 r 0-hea auoisc. Tkigavatg o h fahr n htr'a.ee e1 o r , dclua, tefmu aîfEzaeh hc a h vrg rc spoabyaot£0;te trns ftengtafrosmliuePOICA ALA , e ewe tededu atri -eev ew gets lr o nln oraehs b rqety elfrduleti u ;ane, b thm'takd-h aaeo inigm noen aiyo1 rf ga i T ev n o d e be s uh mtlte n ul-oneetocsinsxo h mepsdIlhe w ,wieattesm i eeac n a n nilN Cn eessee ta hy mao1b d th pry,,,a ati ofa rmbin bisaemoedabogt bv 6001 pedm eea7,resoftect .o iIbaentth it oe . ý q. edeIt nohr ihpoetont h okn epltathti,, aubecno-eeaiypre eot ta h sintopswr r .rmredta h neet onhmwt¿opsin m p rbrprur.ol este aei ab t evesos enmd hemaswt;ad hreoe eie aebenfl nsarigth ecal iie-,m '.eeueadths ftepol e ruind ojec ofthevil se upn te sparbletwis, n uhol edsprg, ene f rducng hemto stte f wetcednse eu ponforgivng ur ualgcaionsforin he an glin ciy w al paateanddisinc, ad n ma, hrns sedtion. T= h hall e ntrmet of h n fthe psanctit an ath. ve faole-othe se.sTe a e Ieae shee ormadetle ote orispose of hemto isfarend o tawt he had wthhiand te oDltish oos fo hi supor. Te tungwa aota an ownsoftepteth d oldga lydaperfo hr thtdd from vess; athe hateter t, tga - un eir r liem; hicb cranlea ha eane£athuMoth u nrobable-awas unesonabl. l yilta ted1 mmpiri , is hw ve ,band ands- brechfofrno m asecould S un i otie oete te, 3 u age ch fs a lrioz a n-jobber ch w u ldhe formshe cae a ly , aitout at, all -m notia toe nsiv te , ain or d e a eito f- M .B p k t lr eo h m teoandho use it a coMdyctohe ver p ; oedg aes a n ob lreied thNotom-i at o t g lo his of gs; children a ebabeqe iring hi r estat e. Ths mmo nee , u-csinfrteeotfboothw an jsie fgatgteetto tios n thClubs i her o n sci-prsntiuig h lt Dwneecfn enttelngte-od uto hgtruhs caeraper ecncalhaiheaboutelery heasudtyad hhee lshodomtwnditncirontatecem, ortriutua trry unigdinig i oo tirldor ds copell t heir td en- t os eends oum iave iedfr ant ofll e-o wne r s; ut cthey arx iledrteelpingearthert htw r ped ogv h r o adw sopsdt lo BD4M o c- ecn anly votrfcige by al- nts t asoen e gag o e nts ente ed od;threemeweet â t fn ea latMat; a isaltr on a rnoblgtations,£6to su p- ao ii f t erit , t e ndeaswith towns to ed reprevsnives separatek romrif ery as an essena tiag ein he nto with eulthreaion actionuli ner io"slyion ner ahedge and whenopenedai i byat he pson who hecanastuste d h re a ethepdoft tathe ell psedciin t o re- M f.rom econtres.eth uh t its un N ," Ma er: etughe tit look o Diand oul ea e, gureat ordold c s oonhfyan-!tthesu yiprgen sn h ein u ado e strel,(mi-n th n, tthesetqualictos hoe beulot call to thedtyte who had beti en d o econtw? eesdero usto ourple ber, Ou im a beggm a r but noble o rdui t s d re t w ount aes. h y ight n e utte a r dnd this w s ti a fe mio le s of a ache l on forwith he family liest at sfor i b theis oex ,tat in asn ot tY id h e t s enea ll nd th e o i c - e w ,ý luinedyagentle no g h .t o be saft- (rai f p ol e amidtfonlop e ctthe es ot eir whine t c h decost he s afondsofst eng gre aluepopitoutr im ir t esuro uc o nci of minisranc ould noe tweed advr oo n e exin tapl eth n h s e ý bo t u t he can no e rai- nmr. t gatehwee f h1pbi mnyfTes o mon y hch sddbyhes o n s aits f whes h s tra- n retoing or ertanestppsan tinmenc e by ona ndpowl e.the tw fBok 1 Iyi rn mle eal n jymtel init a sasme ype oin wouldlstil e iest-th ratees porp ratreepiedwafsrruneoronaats ateawshth lssr tasre th rbeswh hdfome ilealmetng,'onamd botitelctrspteoout a s e e t h ng f r h on mn t h ey bsomes. ou mse oul n o n s Pde an avo e awith vilas piaof s and n -obbles, living tu r and eae l os m t e ar de m ny .en dv wos hf a c an edits com u ition bru e- Le eds) o ntai ened200; e the e x0 vet fairo w ohis boppr e sot f, t a fnigh t i no tter. e y o crisy I ere wo lae ft n uxury, ve anin t e i stof peasren e r- wo aga in e dst em p r od c ll o th tm in e dmembers name t o d y u , and - mt he towniwer e tpl acle nri h y t si g for he r i h manto loo with - r n. uce n pu la evil. - he f lseho d dens all t emea soof w ichnei iag th y de- perfor the s me evo ution batho h tab isbunnotherdfoted on by he ch efs of scale f repr senta ion, with vo ers i od iffrneon. The pIowder a of bll of xthis twou ldbe a deuor of thapea offen er bu t ied frm th e#;t v ae b renead p ntherwork- tepeent number of vot era c o g ttecn iatr. T eew sntin lf.h o ny ortet w etoe mber ab ot ang suspt , i hOe vtan ly ritohe w udno ufe.- , e.rsetsy- esds ufeinhrooanth w rinnrdgt no ctonhyjoldbstryaowtchtesn bc0h1 ois rop euaiy nit ndi tissstmwaIere eseilynhsonetiain wi h s a of romisegcnni neto e. Teyd, idgel itis s chaslod evealnjNbegresneve fr mewould a easlac in, th am einci et rser feive fua nrdri topryfo m il velyMr a.smoallvilage ou l c oon enar worst of aLl. hecitiitofiàt v o F et gtailns t b er on itio N tey0sel lotwere t isdtogTeychave ben harn ese airc lande prop riedo erelymulipmior pia . Sont scuclw st- qalotoeeetdby he atoy To he Ba l.t wnildetry he utA ru t.mrontDr frlersoaecon ein- d"et. os eeses , anhefo d made gtougdr ais, riend, totchoilingaoutheny rpr, etalytassolv , and theh l p oer plac-nt'tern e,-ctfoth ele e c nc s ol naurl nd e o ard iattrds." That i ne toGrl ord oug e ayobreir car-ý1tos andswaonfthe have ee n shuwat upof f oreb t they pub lle-[Edin urg th e e pornthehsofa ee real.Ate sme b eM . o anmhiat ped a urlorium Z,~~b ldly deny.Itwuld c aaiIla vte lheir m o tte ra oletabeor emen t.*,enee n oo theeou n m adetohod etM y & sray cattle; vieligaion.)ta t ie auh rlepor thwse ad oy, fi ilarnsur- ownsituionw d e pr s tat ed and taram- us1n unry ael inian c.iTrel [ith as further obje sct tat emgg sthy aeben aetowr wth lsectionn ll he po inc of therkingd o tta p le ndefoo . Hto theitunlý lanord oula ogrc h yat m ol esn nPrimnt." Tis rolynundteir aneks, lnke cows pt out ot thR praLT n w18 b.--Ts as he.A te f a of ln.the se mens ere eery the gritea ons and cite ouEnland e ly ork:h hopropriet okny nrldihsandwu ces, .ereteors uffag dnisa . ini t h gon sba kwards and towrdscre an i-the e t fle ette qusficgatins siree iveo d o ods, lt the ecuyto whh bwa objecttogttereanoaaog ewnr to sethe ncilact of hean? Inal h e .-1 a w t t e humbtig le hpopgu ele; h st nradsvande ha erniin theus ocase , a ndthe Po »e of Rome. flthre have the a cabl t ze n tothe wmn er oce;fiso es-He an d th Dlttl e wsand ut" llagesmfro Sopder m elations utnbtweLo an d m-- o lliee, t he present sate o a d e .Inteeseiuladeuralti- hsPovnetHhhudehrfres h irepctofdltbera eofegg-fraonadfenga o stteh m erbadver s m t ver ài enes fa plth e a dr ive bfomtheir dminioste K ings of cumtans te ea o w tschetougle htt ort thenorallaus t e Pof the bil. kind en;aorbets- etentoughit torener and heclasses, th elective franhii e woudiet he e aeyoae;tfe aebe sl yFaneadSxny n h uk fBu cessryto follownithaviceulofnteCucil Mavr. Reobn wishpe Prinedadthos ill)rndhe, a due defeyr n t o s ut ai nd e nefithem etves no r nter c ot r othea bion certin n Tesp the ngoe ae ic k. Que D nana a a be rf s o tteind heerited athy e a nu bersoplce idgn The ame f otin w vithohr ett eemie at an lrd ,bu n hee er ie f wih tom p op ry n in elie cefrg - haege norktept urspr ed f rat w ed in lagt i as lot tstkr tdosn te o oih t sw o h dr m i e iihu itit fo h r dsrcs h d a c u yA . e l foeige ranhmhyenjtands in a dig ane: y re res dse t i nd eicta db fret kejhm rmbeeig a d tot yhonselimeandhGreceisatr o- toheurnotor aw, fi r e , i f osseibleton, ithailat 0ervlege ofsendfingcaue nsbjc ý entexrel ttin e oetiltpasiasare d ty torne affodg f»iuemple tatdvote . h rvibletoprtctpesnsan poery.e hw e t Priaen, ethugtPrncdd. qus his-frnalyat dto h s contryj superi hedybaleo cansecurnthebest teretsnofna- reate so njndy witlse, chbnil nfreangeaaging. [cndonAge]isel witetheLussdn)trops qittedthe1ard;Oght o hav thes tme iriviege -ale man,(ownof is cprooieneh e e lo ieves sos %-.1Thorer il he ould sats and wt u cndi h mablet fb leärb ar- h okingdomsofdPolana d o ynia.0.Inds- nthile d owish itmpadu n xeto.-hv bes7thifited heo adancetthetite reo.fkw th, easp r; dt i s ost unbrt henled wft i wo rkneol ftnindhvlbel t"G e ls B RIT iAI.N inta n vnger rmenwhic a ogbe.md-p l fPrneE wr th eiW r nxihetyte e state.aiShouldmhinslandloniItheref- reyde--hel atterfbamthedsainerant ftmothe in theglastbltstated .was econsummated. A fter soimanyo tog rectedf intor a separatedistrictrhala P .rnqad hvtaasli oito e is tr o lad velectose t r the monarch.-the 1th six eeno brand particularly wouti1thin-camiiesthe Polihenaiowa noin'g f h no ight'o o nttown -hute he due wagesnte tirardlat fh. ol lea tedoi fte findr u, ie foète udnsli pe h wr-* kienmvo~gs%t e ero y con tr m: afndi t eNebballet. There had been a.gr eatm e reti a Lier- fur 0Gov e arnen t; ga ntpreciptates- t- the ame pr ivilees o ohe1d trcts. ?1tied conscence o nay God; n a i thin e hoi t But t is llege , " t e secet co ld no nEP EsEN ATION OF sc TLAjDsotlhe whih reslupiostwerfpassdein1elf ito anaoyssof re olt a d misry,,a d sholdith refor riteforateeate dmen we til b aey yu; sbu i, here yu ave ; be ept ." D a maoesn ofthcsamith tfpacy - TB e re has nveroen, and w lethew ex- favbour ofopenain the rdecoulda a sh e r oo sofltesenredulousmeth ougsh tr suck Mr. Jon illn f sys th l atis erht r O N r hlte o mad Ihvan ihtt 1be tcbeisoudb d iak? T erascl;on plsthnavetemen deithedre in a b, tethie rteewaofthest Ite nia om.wh it l earof a roachighasitisemnt, de r e reseintatinew as oundedn propet-ndthad ; cmeci yUnder ts o en t stm, the greatlest - as w r t hlighes set th endHousey ofany niitesmbchngasre reentto n ine pwo a s Ch art O esier. to tink o f vbictondforisome momets, andn o t i notumb laer , w d ther efor e rt aeel-sa wrnt o islot.e aivfebdenetri ods--" sten od e ll vithesir iv s eesano d . Trdrtojsife hi tteet, em stipotntnweb hi rivltopoos onion ous herlgiiat smuhenilehter esnaio s on ther ordsof pofittng byan unaturl in-tvivs woud tel therneigbors and eigh-it'a onlynecesary oexpain he c:cui-lsgth.arretoof r. OConnel, th celbra- aste. tie. Mr.W. acuse he lernedmembe etn 1 Tl 1t h wul o ll hi uryIghteous powe r ery try fprsos-ndssta t thiu e e rsae h cutisan hertin ons.g- landead pIread o ntiney ud athi wi th insdignaon.d Yrhe arts, burnr ing of tincposis t he, for fom ra i gep ositeAnIdt an1efrei efdfnet eo sLr aclo apoeo ojglcn eifte hre unesges ndrmaeyohe wh r ie et isby noutmeadn alulated toallay t h elfrtetrncm rhn htbladrlcatys ga o .Bs what henoughtw, lnto b ite e f ier letience.o i throiseelen setm nen ntire. d e rprofesimadoe st hblectie ra n-aile theem.] [dnouhR - er'sfep.oAthe fisrse wof the tlreanso-n theitutn nl.aitb rsome ea trkam.saedi Wutanig hunallowd influence of rue ly concisur; and decae my cnation, gthat1 che. h e contiesde tu wrn thiry ebersl esbjlixrct fte otip rtan toriansw epro vane othf unlterable dnepl tou tadly.H bevdth n ya terdro ecould i-rseek torthe ihaowed i tould e et om ost frlamnnhes, i es' thei n tifteen. T e o utileéaperntot tems of Ns by This ri a . h nes idelityand aThi saumomeanwerse e ite v The ntrestt s dthe Governme n wrenotBitu flue hee of bi %v:an in ifsin g a i retreatewi thmoecofdec adbxcvt acohyhemstethrbetesc-fomte otietns omsoanastatbyw ol xtnaorureatem ieinynn-dstnt rm hseo te l,-ht fhi nes rom hm ewoldetalih ePP risd oe nfunc. ohih smyo-tal rre; t orofhave prmdtinofcandry e the Sutllyat e wYorkPine. T ehv i-xhtmple nt e da t faonl ne sntiï- fied oh enone asbatfrie n heor-. no thbe covcere ofw it retche d hnov l elsa o h ei labbmigeany sbecrtfthtewpoulp trle sef; hi ls cse'eiginth1ans-Fomte iv Mre J 2.] hoornfdhirSveeinitenioailty mtusl eidng n a e. n eW fann1lv u oi i . hmevso eaetojc ftera.ofnarassa.e oa fford ave q tulfcaebiadfionPthee o om. o e aa E ofthe ae epie n toacfie lt f o tthe T tho. e al re dsmfateo- ein setf.tei tome I l etngae - ore f tion ad eiupngth wl d.Ineehe roety mutbevey osierbe.Th RR sTO M . 'C N ELa. rchsposeny n eentei0lvs. sratonOO e e eenatO o tw r-undavees;reIineey ,agvevrbwehresolalm styashametoewste ords ponuchnhdlehountyuwaevaled may ceturistWecartiularyireget tatote sp ce we We lave ontem lateiwit emotondtis -andgppea ld tothes n, an leanediem-. bins the henbiab 1gh snu ierng ecla ssaee shedow fec efargum et ai ad rehodqulfiato cn ny av rsrv ti wekpecudsth os_ genearoutrano t o f the ove, of the popcl Mhrro Lenowstand Adington, (rBd- bu ei ac!- u add e aincnead T e atojc s tat"teblo i l io focrmln, wi hitre aene poes ibility of ofen g sucll ih a ema rksuofh, oor esonn otecuty ndw el h eie n igtn o h o.t t re 1 ,4 i wilr 11 h e r op edf reeta rs are, g ene evet men fe rosow theirttah. 11ItatinthWa s t n damined, a d fo nd to ed mtarrest of Mr.eO'Co nel n ome dof hea- o si it a asacoprmed dtto salnw er o it rctessofen hsearsinre f een ceotht as ei era se wondrt by l pat hes ofeuatine nt iit ipopetyns anapincliples." larg-ve orth fort hlls Scts a-yf r orr whvwi ngt ofsoiteanturllase fr suh exra- isbyw ord s oder a itrmielih ition.tow , I terdsrit iitanuit bis te ve ry ousl.e. Teainis wel; ba i f e ve, "ad thr ert ofthed;matt er wit thed, by asrcearly wothe£400fo ts t be is and,' we0 aroe, w e imus necess r eery baref.o- tnecess a. rGod , idefener of t hle it- ussion thd etakienit had ben is intenionn te Frs ela nertna sadte ra ncoe afr whoareilope psdfoitelai -e osywa hs ni autiosWehvoeswhrtenuedtexpes te pm te cuse, s wi s a dprf l us- l' n ot to rtu aen att, o sh ul d hePrinceance h ar te nt nernlotatwuipeennte;fomrainenote in modern times; but tha . e suj ewsoiinta h rcn odcDfteIrs i sal n asi edecsiet tl oqeuaytheowsadhtntbenpesnan hig t a teiu i i s o reh t .,ion i),cur t heir y cophot an scy ande tsrvility e fre t he r , m uch i e sbutfrte ar a;Goernma e mappears tLon uonA exhiitmo elfuce t e àsine ose whohav e dr e i to a o b tt he hbeand e rnlee8- frm tr aZig peepeoftetipew ensol. AThe Amerrivtas theyl oppolls esd ersoins ,wweeth en dedchopee- zalthn.ruene.Ifth G venm nth d isturb the pe ace. Our fa nIithu ro s liho na l theranerpto.-rieA a . eK ean d fr-n i it omti t lenansite scrLet ,i ower; didnt prmipetfse u They must tendwt j udges estmtda 40b ctsofvludno oribysupese te etig o helaaésr rcnty itigige temevethahheho.anmeandnaitenn nw o coscincedurng n eectin? oul gae anomnal eprsena sn, nd hev rnt, aseuivlentf to a .resent y el ren t t- UninisRA TBImemgt seilyh abnuerousrim v ic e, araillr eieadss e opbadosaid incerd to hithe ol. is.) e. C lnt both part isbe reatllgainere b a om-wthe e :tohendater bai pratically frusel ess 1offoi netnw hnrdponsserigtrvdwen they ould, wth morepropr_ -ng nt w eserns fonat ier o mpieany uat his elee tri , y personsb sttue te mo isalof alrdptatin? B-,e, iehv- ena-ie lepot ada wt ftiaascret hn, ateubsequenithim - yadjstchv.rsre oth. rc: eaerad.opns tetesnbta ired fo i m inpo ics wa pe anecletlnlr ih eavr a rthr em ngd mue , w ptrit g rea enl- poeeto tecut wihhsi- lmtosan ret. r 'on ltham ti we wii P lisntionguish bee en fectnu y oret t wa un drstow -uod at he il i anforlinote -ain iLord D nalctl, w o i oe bot ea rehler o; eranthe oltvetiton s em i, ut ae ret w ee o butbl mtril aeno a an.wekwhthouhmaiit o ess, renetand imlr oitcleniens- hseR 1l ot hefll ocdetehn ur- extIlentbtw eneverui t caepte tofrl nraedtedfeec, otasek1 Tealm al grdeti og pro etrugc e a r, olloe d niithe r eto be l ey onl ircum te h ich the peo. That ý agn te! o e et , f 1 a nd ord.a dof t its heo ut f b lewttewlyoatfit.n ih eeecet xsin i m tan- rac e liyst e ofamsre wheeihhn g oad Lied lior on. r ple were overned in er choicelwastedoun whoin his vo al chaaycutr e andneMer ge tliualdaa. us1i te am anerce, hequlicTionin qOScotland -rbbya hl aintotevreohdsarade o l h s cso urkndmo soina epvle, frivtefrdiensi &c . Healue, 1«osp neakw tutny'G.;ince aesec.l w t I s man of or rea lanlorseire tolay aet lattityofrypieoihrhna eoltand hcespGovernm e taugh nt If Polanate n ano ara , have his rete ve foreavor of t. f hsP p aibl, houh, eraps nt pobale tht ad t w ither tnats.The ae ay Ter ofbthe emre;rtand aow h ude d u pnotu brnl ohvtlsd o ae tiheonpiacxndit d-and lr. oned Sl. Genail.tha the r y ligý ris fool o ke. O gh t theorelo, et u o .ntle hmecaeit hec -roth ad esdsti, hr r tot l.sand ;r e n tc he y shu ldia h ae -so nbp yn goiu , htte ke enaie vtn o n f w esnàsalm In etae i schacae o oe ccrd gballot vrymaeril o e kptinviw. n hecolecedth saintoiSwif, ha threwa thirduy;ote -eilas e ve en by th- h e hs oltc"i'e-rm'his aiigme r to hi will Ever one ust aswer ti I inten d o efer "he hiy to prove fir st ae tenqulesa, at heslev er lely o naetio n nea th erEste s a ubjc wakepr Y fth ra n e e o bIgto rmtepeetsse fTwtrpee.adta Justas lttlerigh woud hehaveto eman tha vot by allo hadofte ben soghtto lnd, ncluingundethi wor, fiheris no peritte topoaras ludlyashh plesed etur witdters o desair o th lacs taion, rovd mot clarlyin hs (M. onare sppôor t ra cdiate hvoe poltcal en-and somehties noedi nlad u Imns adsc ohrtinsa reispl hnpt oterak ccpe terbls h or ,w teBd el pnin ht h yte saba n p ea t r s nt m ch st e q th usess to ed Il ivepoher einthe pub lese ro s ex tent, uess it is dng o fe roen Sorocla mationhar t. sari a ti on l. o te th(17h) ftis ont,(l d o obeta rmtete eea bundwtm1e hn sa eea L teorssIons a dteakd t ,ao d ad-rw Ich ffr deruh i nytiet eas 'C nel nMaro-qaew svste utdmles ttent v ilto.o a ,w um tnes alag orinofte ina-d"u pararho tefeß tndn ucvrete e hosn prure ndciesta-h-ols- o ubet 9Teq aiectin, h e mr. t Farrelthefnstblew , ad ecegveodesopuin n till sr atio nitent t r e mbrofee utive l. isMs an1 hr d s, ray h itream Iln , "onthew -ns %viaten d te g e ne , u elehsikness theron efo e s irtagh, a n the it m s t h e r rewin o , upOon being dith e to of poer, liitammntafdtiae sev- c r Who are se te e allorntownthe P Crv Winerauresnceof a flo -ota"lin- adhor r utione ofthe hl bo d y pohiti;hhwi.in a ,tacýe- lo imitdces criptionofprer.-teih ge tlman'sTpeence,batetha te ryth ingIl on itas, foei foo tin . djet fontin luene with whih tey (ar.in e rbyncto r , lior to .d him e in allte ssn tlsof m- n- al hes etthingcs cryatumpeto ngeors. T e eutoftiiitalte w l hdawarn ganth misedfo ti hy a til a ar i herteiMiutinrn.mas ta h eetnuptcl lho o o e hnoe, inftis lto nte hngtoaleitete -ufeigsoan hebef reheso cotleand eceerain %numbe He lad- le na chrgecon piraytocunrye, and shwthidg a ve tuhearingdom of Pofranchnisecn orfexried wip gthe mchanfe t Balt ol1acmpih th n veoul d d vrthan e r of hearvefcn The prnin- (etbel te nve hnithos lerinany Eliherb-evaet sh pro mantios crce ta loula nd t fur the dibratosconseuences ofafbedoand rde typendnceingtow . s»iSi andh olgr poe r bin s ycophaticy- , t h e c apltws n.onie teepirear 'cunyuneteerapAhevey mllst aeGbetet.d ietnat.aAdera nm a ifauain.Inponm utthsinconte.ion oetmnsfr orteminann e lof c ln orthiexallt anteie fth t 1esher aroe ertinly ot sthre elcoute n oovration, wich eavenotpace shely m esfuaetyewofitemak own Thhn raem brfo W tw thE ha ine ogit Terersettie aloumesaitewilbehar.Enaillnehrhte rehldr dootift otcirsOConlpeteeeitoteploaleurfateunubetstisefetofor . ilsnmhdsadthtpr tytaM s woud e mpovd.Trid ,vthiracion Ishllcoc de y avimyng , ct ha c se h ecd tset all Scotlmnd. iern s itWe suie atie him elf i 00 ant oulemncywte w lls ee intit ofur aslution pr incipl111. eanwhistey. elobe vectfran- o_ 'nsteadiof theiraroes-haing tno f elyfrtfe-if owadthis dayfbecueai lvesmy con-ostat e wster a ntith pr tac r-eities n£50e ach.bis ra. TBarr iett, Mr.ato ati o ete q i n otedcise asfondd butwul ntthsar- Thy 1terae o i t, upon ther tar ,li e tryo tr ady id.moecowisheto e a ex ci- y; t , acorn g o t athe r list usaly refe red mSteeei-Mr. Re ni go l ad ,Mr.llaless thrione eant of r tp e o nasl l mentma e gain thpow l eentaion & duec fa fofecreo emane n fitlisu ppby rie othe flu e nc .f afre saeIl rdytanihcweaecnfdni ntvr er l ere t hesm rces n s e e all fir aire oliontoexe- o fr in ctie none sbuf t de sh ave thow qaalrfit m i o e conclitlseenh odsi ip enemy hpower t o-be tow; faroro ,te o aotal nber n, a o hmo thSullyv at hs hhaebe e ryarihteowvtebutin.own.e e teantsutte Tnhio be op le d s wi e he all o a hk tI osthe o l en l y decre that would r, agof, ie w i ast cse e bo itthe ouands W hl fern ere oiino h ' ussianthe exameignofe nou mpeor ho a u amall reEnd n t vot, asewell therm inrt ho ieirewn co wrc . Hainglanni- rther sleve rthi e enyles in theenjoy- fra vhundr e afft-ree. Theseficain hen [proediuntt lw nwstm oe wLiverrpeoyouas a gme.oustce and2o1as th1 most ealhp itos1Ta hlatei d heat wo r dbjetins(Ishaf themet fempiradergou lierythaaps-fewcrrthsfisribte:tf teiatre f he ll ofeneseA veoneunsaknrfrles.inth cm- e adaccse m r.B. wih n.jesy' i mis ths, nd ll he est in a vesuma-e sesiong mttilion f tale wriad.gold i land 1 Ab u bern, 182 13 aigtn,. 1Th e sent it eS t O MR. at theIih . ibatethp se onourandelfen fth i iessta e c onen h.Ith i erseathnoral.a 4* ry way. e t e,%rit beh dmitte ethat he pe aa weethio oscecsol eentrl- 2 rye 191 vres e rticha l e gsow roa ett athsa ce- iothtredtwrsiftutdavrariea smsaen, mfor e eMr.iB.nthe w satr aeco ariv t a tey rnot suf. - med a d oeir arlrghmet.invaded. Whnlst A e, 202 7 icadin e s7iu nteafir.re-oeadrs fo hs ujcso=spotdtemaueevrsnei1a nt frinl' rc" osrrner ihu rciu rvdnegvsm pwr e'e b ight, ou pecuesth ris kign domtrnptof elwo ve rema Iiedbeen rintroduce d nto Parliament . colleti Ilfier, the hmeofthirfahrsth cbi i hal ar vie invidiatonof inh nte ' 2ils initgoi.ii yofoféi ¯¯¯ . fasoenth aithul t ersoah tae l n tr,anpmmpt e. ho. adeanedAn.s en, had ben cnerae -ytesdearest coe "ua le wll evebjeintottleran e bintchurch iles: ro7tClamnnn, 1622Petds, .1 teihdtyiY u il flfllhurhoesasmet ndhoe f he lewee hesariu o and ep r e afe tiins, ltit hofeda tiedi mant tsalpeasosta d rivefor eos. fr Aeedsili gsS otm; * HrWbih ,r aes s au al aie urnts iean by o have alrea on. P rev r i our n h y w r m ta d pndf pnon thum tattey areons oe ;t anydenought "%ct hide i-forhe rebgtyrin h acury are.1 5Rs, ' 8 Sm itracshv ae ac t-ec nsrnultinfr lac pnecrohr.Taihyhdsm neet th etgofteptlsssom" wtfu hr ilecnot. lng si flbe 1in he ' ta 02te.a bartn, 72 28 Rox rh G ttngn ndOseroeinth -do ,te etrnaienefactforto s iand wh ich wee com rmon toursefcdi@.a Bibhelt eer witou me vth ou el o- i n i no wIldher Ileno attero rev ltioist. 10)Dufit es, 88 27 400Scoslkrk, p o f Hve or e W hiunc, sfarlashonveran i.n sa ry onah k lns f*the eitnd ited-butl thk i must benersitionwith ou met, it t h u f ids! Atditsal th ei i ýIw ishv otr two see the o npsti tu ton ove- a ."t sy 4' a h frci n vl t o m h rc la n it ey itll te sce neso i cto ,aniiim n li iain .npn te ck o ld.at c whti u u Salw eltem t ho n oudhv h n i t nd le- y ' e ahWgaccu, puMewieehe n tea epes te m a uesow ehwm itua.i n e ig- ned erta ay pf inrest shween lte gor- ý Cht i e t einme. aretheyt f e awern m ade t- t o th evtru tua aeficinpradn ed b (*Eachodtesere ieps butyte setavaitipne io ev te r, eclat i ofy hhthe ih saiabn n a.le csiebate te m y h of ula t epr t esen n. If the 1 - anad ndthcaiedtol o rte r - ear or circumsaies and stimes. G b forb ile b erytunatisse ciaou oryyet pao vries t eselve s ere to f mor e N-duS.c e te sb urgne h, 12W(24)aDe. n ted6th aotert e teecutive.G vrn and bidSdý 1 ",1 % , ý in ti hthei pr ay, stlfrf t her to imp , ed their sh tuld he ridtocfatein ruinoppo is at eroa flatter n ie of the pt-al th Kng op r nt the aleresentatd ive Strtied, 'NOu fIHfltOLAps.'" , nedoer esnttietoroet heiht "P ,,ý , ,couse , deand fmthen mcktem itthe sw de vonted hds! sruileisef he u tat jefSoetad edu cotsos mut be Gfove bl prnet, wime p, thegenuine and uncontrol- iled tes l be r ten nte r mf entSo.geaistW. ý of onent er prog eess io Srwsould [i t isnimoil epfr una t onveyany cev o n,made:-1. T bere areaa reaet ymay caes i e lt ionst, has rece tied 2000 signaues Ktouer o wicho saen ca ora of Pm- the e n r ga e h ie f the Sxecu e . i , Do ~bnolpaenliearical bsaie out ofa cehe- ir reteafonther effect hich Mr»sç. 'ntg mom-echthe rehd egtopoprierof at ehen hitantad 00ofthe ste pint ntewastori i od nwentfthmrugh That pteilGoles mettand therg Pi way, in omasonf o teair n? rmiy: ,and eys penddfnd eepoelsee ih duc btis eniralorted es d urig ife yn- e exijstingcontttin, Hnvrto isSs cmagndrngtewrrfide ee&uull dn ,e a itin_"i thus houldwe del wit the e penent . ed1n themeetig. Wehave refeed gi, the. Thenamesof bohtofthesepersoshan mportnt cocessin whn , hsddine, an feu t unrmittngiy nderidtton Govenment.sBe neeletr I h wnt rdmral fortitu e tringaing his adre s wi tout inthgl erru tin l byarue to the obutrnyoe h emclas n tbe ensansti etooed up on elm nt fl ainero ewski ditin H scomanete iet n otre i s ndto Colial oOf-Bi ! j~~~ui en hfsthe ine, esoukri remoet -he wmakng uthebfr leqt a d atro e ex reas t hoe M n le hvf ervtes i lrl- cmistdafie nd, f toaolig arl a chaacter. fric regocent ofnd t r ly, of d the ois t e iner nn tesfor olon' oveneKntos uld th Tesatiror -to acLrd hsongcience. Per- , ions o apo at ita on th tewhi ctair- tye of ldvaes. therr do, ube ae el. heecmtbetekoningsnt thbad. eampaio f oland, ain 1807. eicor - eit aned h a ex ist a n dtins- hs 1 We ~~ap]e it co rul e we el t he odnobig eed,; but wheneverid witness a mren er icsounte dit ery d obtfulaf theak- Theasnfam amal r edvoAs Ais alop r houa. andd tb foour eiterents o he l in he ans of mthepan d dbsishthedproand abe ilefbut he bs m I aynort of heame perhifoet eleofe thmery v aof oqenti number rfperon s would e b ove 2500 " W- race, Nichmofs, rudby t hhell acoG dEm-108 lioena.b see faa ndcIedesre s m nd i zirc otintoe, a hc 1hminbashenma.atl c rage to erail nver ni urin uti the huianfe Soesthqaikicatothey old ino xed rr n uora falth usas ecnrbue ote ucs btl oceo h e 1 atinote is o agrItinht200olfacié teuae ynafsin . tio n allrathfulrgesubjespaGreti ' oailnt.he s e nealof a rin g d f e He o l sp cpiefo e exa Mp , a e.ye, stu eakwto no reat rset . o erhmwith the AnyPc TUr aE FT E wonx d G Csssir apayaistothhing. The r tienthigof two-hun- e riblte tooern tscoulsedt, in Pln ilmpeiabains1812. adwae -Thi es it . dd n laesreofhadebon ofthesP sh02ibed o ,prap, tprbbe t h l ti ieke ning pot ith N r E n AND.-Th d re dt palirof aemer ofdaliamA eisaokinonoftPoad, wic h avn d osRe Dt e par t wo fnde a Snskyai*Whe- ndorelodarnd ore namo usley lem s di l hi% ltohrsopme netalofphe a oadta e o Frman EemnglshPe. bt il de iearareyn the polqlitica atio Thg-eia Etvlvne e n whm t he bnef i tcu sion th e os erq'etn ed. toPol a, t cddobythe pole of tis rovme, thathe'. u ieetor knv.-- tig neve kne oe o them As jtthenorkingpepehaegoeongtohldrofitihnemoratcaatsoer-rfth mprr exadrtef-ilneDk atnetokteMierylirag hi asntoiistaal hi sate wo u l seadvontr ac i o -ing b ot rr n o erihe h vlbc me a n . Sesi e ope, t ere fre , b o t es a od reostorae of th e boutr, ha e die so crit icis the r ance of ha the diisinew trhad paed vtis bfr n of I e rs ' m les od ad oud isfetre itosyo-moe ndmoeim or;;an, nded i hs as an investan.ieetisnver a cn teest armedte a n o under ather a teino .i dr Klo ea. rlehve tok le int every se p oltcid6 rotta ers a hd tue nea tlhaie c obseqtune isn terseceof beiendoed b t e ss tes befoirete com- tiebch purichate o n t a parhesm o ntiion eshwhh thead btedcthw e ph ourt-yffiear d D th erPl e o axe the rn he s tstru th onpe ltve-adttI i ~ ~ :uta is su e rir m ank ad fortue:l eand tmt vtes of llthe hseof Commoen su , tin andt e a leg ner the st td elash e n e r te fut o i o l Gneaidin tmhs rsakladaaieio Conb auch a e ile all tak of mahood! nnomarble intances enshavtcommIted horthes aeotolg, a hsobservesmorreneoovethrowtfethetodor ofthingsintlo-pisthearinceIt wasnot inthis plce tha had sated, i House theiropimol supot isa c adt " thoe Balot i notsert- ndsfethepps ej gein Eglibt mibe-se, tatnthoeh a kechcageo he cd yhmadpakduhtute oIhirooband aktnhodreadi i rttaaicasntake.pto o il.hc - n r ,adfleod"ceetefeosa h alaebte n er sentain, sedomh sarterfais e onte7h(t)fNvber, by bued tha robalots;ty enu- t esthe hirty. f)oini oth at te Kang mineathl 1 timensa ndff ut e d ipl gh tu t e hve aitt r ed the n ed ent ei clng;apde.. le ter and s. l nThcieeuli r-Atis o .rooos e , d rInalttmpýit imeofu n dtht edaybrtio h re fr o nend gttth e o tn e n yt-- e Publihco% Rotvr orae ofi mei"1 leaorcdutaecartIu.,, ni.,,c d le ,,, B ,, 1» A .Rllià ndM* r 'te ry n fth igi fthr esi u Office Refer SiI,, oe@jstehhi-evnladqalfes b Tâoevr P isleCuCoRDOFFche. ocL w oaO eadesdte napolm nedi a atfcovost cd- 'n ut peaanty e tn uch obeqsIsi(ýý., t ci n Lierool i- hre fil ORbleperMsSciOen tO urâEPRi o ldE APLYTh uo LI ACVS , Polt nA . aiio'teSh(7h fti ot,(l ido obeta rmIl opi etgmm a enenunes 1 2 3 4 s a r