-s-- W*"r*te ieWbo b.ge7l inm eb a Penld"comrn* #MOsM tot.Thun.. dît bybfulut*.L o 4 - Irebot- , ý îï"0 ï 'th. a tm, su. , odaîttbj te« &Y 1, h et m"ewiug t. et sg t»M WIbern1a. m lud-1t- etuom M 26, loti mb ý uo tie. tt ne ib"ë mb i aa« et 1, I lm., met L% 10 ag ULâla ..a «i. aut m).u thie blme te 19 me,. iuii ay a io.. nie -14 -44loflwn seam t -ý-in.a' OMM fl a doiese ebmtDatdm s u uos ~.' binàef lb o kt e ocpmt me.T~m hiuol.u~ uIt th 04es* u" ""i '1 I h. b o<tér ,abwdeàIut GriotMill lumai ~ th &uWo î* drGomi mS, I oco u bfae*4mtler , it tii h,ezem<bni a bu mel et Isu6 wh-iO ie ordoe. u rtb eitefduiiMry,#W0,mi Je aom 00 eu la baoetho, *dtaou~gl~. the Lbml l am utus i.t*IàKg G... Dlié àa pout 4<E abehiW in* t -a lm OWt- 1erv * bulimd;t Buis. u 'ustet tthoebeaute t JOWSALt.~o.. ofIlemn b e imi..~~~ 'CudmUper Tmn, ~B beobsy q0betd by tbo puUm puAIS embéach oe u11.6. is o bpr J~ le R~piimm,1Ibfa iow PRime ebC" "m lmi pue h.plifor efi todisn Heap, ornai.,. dbld, O 1b accurdîng liiYyc phpeuiie mcy pet «aou C~ou he meoubainii.amo te FMU en btn tb. bail -ehosib.tojt.,-4 dtbepot. mmeogooboem ta itueuivalu 1 lo .,«O. s ew lu anawm 0*- u wl h914 ton, i =IMmmllp0" bu ea olm osurmve, mm s rn baif.Sosim"ïzzMo ta wmuorlomki bal bea u. i hplv nbe brEulm abail ~!~lIi.th eutoto - the 91 b*aiihbeuw 6le lU *** i. srci orsaU injin, biiu<= ;temtey au y làà 'b ?ottdto ilpfeee tryesgub.,csî;lmdt. armeIhy Huroiyh.deSj b.ad I Prua, . Loum 10.SaoaU.q. N 1"y tbEuq mdiS e ~Clmptu oit akmb mlor, li u"&vwmhênzuitiot C2 çeunof.I a i ait u m. i..rm ý Y.sb, 15m Noteubor lVCA ý FAMA tLma WbUELC Ni 'TICS in Imreby gnon tint bfN3M.iNI t5iioiu Im iu 1 sa a ouL..ifAN'«, lu iupper«. M'ad a i b -pIolMt f<r. m ">4&.-ll I.19, ÜL the *i Conçmmsis; N«. me *4um - igmeof t*4 the III cour.ça"mdtie tmelet W. Canuda omor(.,? fiý g..19 iWme'lm1.1 u.21 a 0- i , , et.190. 7tii Cou. of theii. Tmbhp et Pi leu-iith e umi t f rote., Nus sTlog mim<iim Mme moo tii"oegi Of Mtut 'iigàNG P m ttbeiacli M&I&c<E. mIné <my mefri nIAoe.li ll-b rueemale ats a ebot o#s,.Au~pou sof &«!£eTWIMfCo mua nflhm o *à,'s ie- Cy Ilruelmm lu Pem".n.ysl ! -SOoi. o i, C.- AL, vt" fe E SUOuBEU.icteffww4fuhmm 980e.a. of uwid T.mn.zip. Lot , . taiu the Iî-emeSiom'et lb. TàmUmblp of Esmm I To., 9 M" bu Klien catdlmms M era.-Tbm. le à, mtus- S»&,%ami 00b*sun Afpp lb. Nmoe ilm WdbuLeueonis, fuP..GnuulJ.. lutb - . . eAY in 61/~ AU ~bslrnont ,4 io ai .n~mbrrn ote feeule The Jmlbs1c.pi sie ~OproimruiL1yMM Ibm.lerJi th ow t .w brg mdieu.hsw dioli,ý Upa, boom lo.. 11. gsIproensd hbs tbey: OiCau 14i#hibuiiiCcuro <mIn $11c"01 but.0f " cb s ueirnemebWe, ler. oie bat foc codmo of COU04 set aven emted Cen- samptions -bot my bureheved by a ee use et tbis HemIi, bo. 'eaDuar Bade contai»s aboutTOdommbU @rovm tbout tuob ha cbesp Medin ii.. o lg tbeiw tarîmes. T"M NO e C6 - ofo. la the uprnq of 1818, Mr. Riait., Hatti% Il Mon lai try ndigent cireummcmsul ebe b.d Iburd for ae oeesmiemlly for more Iban s Yem,,mmmviol.utly mmlzed mw"i au affctiou ttte lump, secompani.d by x tigbt dry cougii, ftquntly usbb 0 om any thing fotifflaly biifarn buur',ad Iho Most touuouly, blýod. RhMui b maoa aster. aud ineumnt,thbot ho sean hocame- rnucb ouaciateul, bis çynm SI,:%. lmi etrougtiilefi hem to th« d pet t ho mos mholly unable lu labour. .. pmuaut.u bis situation, ao Mnou f. mineansd Myseif promueul for bina u btti. of Andem.m Coach. Draps, by thbm fw feichin about fer rotored os to e b.eii.te porfrm hi. mn. a) labour. GAWS STEBBIZiS. Blieit, e.Feb. 191898. 1 Roer.t Kidmey, of Robestr, Mou,. %ouin N. Y do bmeevrcmtify tbatffuurn timé 1.wua» mdemd by ou afficne ofieugMeindd-iubpain. in bl~ uoly 'fii.oh g, hi tbm MY 1hlo demlo f sud Siamo p-»shnecablm 19 Oi lsu~tof 6"P sems~buiiîmadda 0<Det.G.RIcb oek f Rcee, lidieueMaIr. ii lo f -yor Aad@àM.% Couii Drope, &ad 1 ulm moho. m rmiord te P"rf9ctbemitti. i wot be.. fort retouànd tmil huma ficted m as simeili, euplint, te m4m.ut. of lte*m .", a s om mia#"t(j t i VAUI0 ho m amOGbatfil1y ' Itamped linbme g e &samwma oncok Dumope,prnp (dbz.uti.w uai b 1 lb. directions ami.alud â LmR»u.â. B. coand mlezaume b"ffosu yrcbueia t acise tue spurlea. hurdi je uhte va£ oGENUtUlgx Fma"Ir i F_ LM8LIE& SONS, Mmd C. RZATU, »eq! mchiad hm s là ml, bm bomeO- famulasm oi meimmton"ar. RaforapS 49 ilealii h.u uw<S.6 hie. v.eZamy C ado Itu mu- able tue liii iimlhiiOftuise f bu ofm thmi "m wemeuq.mdmtloo ri f si» rihAIt.ec Eoltsb emas&., .ppim mii - clmdlue o. We,,,,~ <bu ~ ~ ~ Va itor4miomnM b ben11;f ieurel mdnm yer 2 .W W. puli lb puIc <omrive y nli but S, aore bONfud mi isie, o , t We valii et 4, ll lhtubCD au <nbdb oeffc imomafe cii Prepsty Coflmlgned ta witth out reqSetble *&ci, fût its mme de. llvM et8<Monlimmi, end et <Le lotrut pe. miua te le obéaineOI. mth reset te thieamourt tu be lOuredo tbel digai deito tproperty, v em44property vWiu be mgde aub*ioct, the. preomicu aUie fr lisinutmue.....Pu, wbu m% p~arnpopecty te usfor r tnspoi coomader ltmmlv.m Wi ed t e *Il the ib tisa off tbisi stion bouce Cc Montreai. <8gm.d) ia.*$s ions. U~~k&HIEND}.itCsK prettltISd Ud, . m N. U.-Owiwb Iaeedsdmmru of irae. te 10 Umil direct Ma,. m*mulae~~jcsn.furnim hf0qWintrüg4wstit mthe .... (5gm)JK4 .3'RSO& e ,Twtqp« il the a mi- lieýibo W o 'Caù "034b t a II4UIow"N, Vo WAOian 1yoee1~ypm~milgVée rd 4 cm- b~ea.~m he the Ibm. sm've y ut au1lCirtmUebmu .Msjb. toit p. sm~ut oI-b1. î1mw "ti.., muy tsilelha'iitlhiaenet tiemi t h te- due moot e IaMybepude Jhnive eeIvd lablme~istyosu Amufor thetV. abd " 1 uemdt. i, m rd lfa th& b.ieuaImtm~hb amimiiji. ~mtmtotIm m e éhasili tbmiuousfefpmmom eplydgbl-ais mitymtiabsuhmseeoMed i I e.viali1 - 1