&ayemoi.~ . ~U~ r liÂt. APlUL (I 1881. 119E Jsàôs Lvt tMontuta, thfewudig pÎ.lh.w~sud~adosal a Ml ltêt <ulpAnssau ataux le.tranort s»Y promy Ona dan aithat e*t imtsio.. Jdite s pen'ng of te .St. Lmtenre, ta«May li#potmdf 0&«gtmiàg*g* i md witIrthosg4cu mnt-deat. lotus 0 t iefllbmy avte louth op m MONDAY, Md TIBJEDY.e090- aseaeof any in tho vade..The Ruiues MM& sLMa01Closiu, r,'qdOs. wlii b. cemçeite ti 4treail b ye. han- n~R.e u.hâbagu ae t. a "e, lt 'timd.w te.Enigi Swmeok frva-t. &B sd in Kingston by Mr. Umtasther 1e-b ayM«sehqdm aelu"nMd aauegut de e.c .vuseut . mie moade ta.im gavéi ie promlitattlenio eau. C'.slsre, aaiag, i4mds. MND ,WEMN4SDAY. M aan .i b.eCeustaim k, ethuar gma. Iiu4bs. 4'g. h. aisan o 0DA-lieut oielug tvao 'oledkIl. M.- peti. gsatique. âgé nuaa c bamm lmb ThIe Off gril buo eeff u ita udq hWILLIAM RAYA"D SMYlTu. tergaeetargihannai fs. aud 1M. 'ehekA. M. WILLIAM IL BAETWr. y «éUet X . BL-Comasat1y uband, a*es FaM SJOHN MACAULAY AGENTS. w pdp 0,11ailfaahoitIe dituent of Ready Madt Pasluostu F ..........yerTI-k, jW. t. u V Y Nlohrb ato 1<su ......... ..... Port Daoimoie, Kbpsuitb ovsube, iMI,____ p m i................ b< EIM4ON "furm. 1*e'ilPMIparte i,"b.M»ehall* tn equitf l;î17 Geïn........... En- coi*<peMali- eh.testa mby4do- 1 r .............. hatr sme at *0 î t T~liudWnlhlu tlia,~that AudibotlyManthon, j.C"«.-aslite,.........i. N llaut Jaaty a te5.ktOèls "w bois m theeuwtu tir 5< Taitpr....... ~1~J~tTOO. awodstiaà = POZU. bq.sual t SligpUs aieufthaï persan ,........... okt ldBrdo. Alb~ny> De. 4. IBM.Tâte Malialea HumpI.aldy sit"lat«à psent. et C. A. Umprimn, SuH y 'at,. ............ Ohuo Alm o- .I .ou &a *îtet.b' he i 'o'( a n .W, Fefflpu Ast, uai., prior 1<' hit pur- Lpte. Uh mrido.81 oaaadAfuhsn~~~I for Chia esblhbmeuote l ai th he p o inue hid% iep<, rysal ~ fLEUVNLgEMRA pn~?numsaabmieen q»m a .arn the exceleme u oandaùf b. c igat .bqed oblaincd ~~~ IR, I -leusaagenet $*id,,a.Ueh ar. A lg* nu..tut T oletm idwe~m~e tht e e mfi« len limeutfor te absove Boati k as rav a Lei vbu tPes as cezh glapein nt m'âi e' I uiàhateoàdtP TIJAI aaln iWo 10pareuL on hice- estehjihsd nuie di. aî~ita ae verl yos, ba mcipmrads8p5t@fl~ tfl "y fprtiar Icowutst tbcalidrothey Tride.Treaaoerthe.a sj,çàg2»5Wp pi'5I k4a lutti 0 COJIIai;t ku petle pç- o«lanuitether. e f>thr o ei ýo brmbo t& , h 3il'r i .u . .t 4feIm ro byt.tiv i f< .li . d th ou d< o ~ aS?~uup e lrslàdi aue laeu eg tipolu'Jnp.tsDAVID JOHN SNITH. ChmiuOU ae451i5d s 1 b6 i .WwL ter ahlé miltb i oaatat bpltue inuode 'a-iLtSE, TIE RIDEAU CANAL STRIE BOAT 1h. emo.tdat1iç of tbtibUIs, Io taM*,dwstfbSam ce ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ur te Alte tiaism RieeRY biifod *~~a~ O mDiluCe~: CIlmi £tialuugPbir; T of tout;S. U, V, 8, UM. 40, 1 titibutines.. IRieHM listing undrmok cu ay018 et orbida h i ai. aa slà ctbptitive o oeWu e.ftb*Townahlpof Kingston, t mi. =:i, e. Bmihcouie.T t ll a e o0obleài em" b i tbe<hmm IsMdtudUltiih ea upur..e lup ha ta om riutete be ce" t eaactuel mesf aat b at.pssêaé by * à. ap d 8 é. Corth = 9 M m*M«m f otaei. lera sdeipit. Casbtrarot o chauMd. 1 eaNèetàlhe uuee »«&my emtu imale 1- cié au matmdàau, Wsat.ues.secuity lt thîe ::~~~~s:13.etl Uui " >07 a r uad, or ia Us. lest thaï mou fedmm e.. T U~ ttnte ommut tbaminaE ri rttiL hs uai theUe wiI e iwush. u tb e < a asua. lias u aa =-aU ,ab.«Q er Z __ otl mormdow*wmig t h. sdg m»*. tele. -DAVID oBNnu'm, *Bd udeiently uiiemèded te *Je- nt, lee m itvtIt te c e. tut ith *tlarge ae*buz ar baii iuuruasmiim1gsg ~ fOt slit abktWms.IMFR.Khagst,2&1h April, 1831. ente lrid, otcet'h e' ilh Kng o, .LYON, A YOUNG ENQIMS uLu, atitis fer se" n154 b as lis f ta a it tudate lauesetany RlFN_ , 8 !Mpot ,e a psprt, . iitigg. .a;e ldg *iateerwUntpetCANAL CO]PF Po-HO US E, g MPORTED bs Comodm Bn Iatl ofu .f P Dowtc,»imte nm«o Seojis ti.IuIp x~~ tiwwi ossm* y.lp . lisa-ui list, * Folle, mli nea khuilai meshrof lite, ani fti.tîwasfl, Dea , U. NO. a. GLOVIiER grhê up1tAD. Cstt.aas-to.»lesb4 - PteeCap&#vmu Ol1h. edtlymi. ~~TILA oi.ti ~ue~ya Im faihfli e .el4e . bi p t tu i re d a i& ie m i most f 1do___. g, ar___V ___. _ 1 Kd I.. ish a SUt rate Gkuzlits und ecais. gal piacuedinga. idmM bs- ampautd sd ehie aiu g om I.ebth e o apnci - maugdai as bottaar uleaISite lupove thé wleba auadeqoaturouftiIatted* odbfy r ,t"eu t floute i ilntbom u to55%; mbmmdceufeelbis AccoqtuO. batock l tlalinai iPeintredricukur pulimiuary cbrgs and dlbutameuta at- I4Md£ lm Irly NotaBoouDTOS FRTAULE-T.huhu aitFusi tortdtttg the gomanisd 4m1lelttera must bdAh. quite . t. ailUud masiteajob. iq- si ige a at logt ____________ AARON ff. PALlIR.M I il, on the ral Match naî utueo mii wa aulptv.msubatià.adiiotMhe =MiDa Y ____ ___ ____ ___ ____stdll those te v",.convuneuit,aidaucue Yard ; hc hope6, hy 2 TO LET. sctW indshios, mril plu.asprasenteh-*,r strict @tentut Ue cmflent aibosa. W ' ESuI Deouber lt st P'PAT ailRacttttiStad E ralis outIiqatrdatlon. msiesa, te mrk econtâssisueoft a&li a p-DeuCbwioppse* tw h. IcAsTmou iais.ent "d foreMe go 0%,foralea aPOTARWOtt trompegamaite tapitou a r»atistate i Stlem.5e utd. Tbe e nt s ei useud te EotudlnZh liste treet ~. lu théd boiet o ruedjotil tUr. Gasuva hbeau attainotieanis aaigi ud tr ruprpiypy-cagMam arWa Byatta d omrir.rmaiIrwdatllri, u . luita of X - d- istéaCMr. olivék *ObLbima Ph.DcI., iHoa lo4odouwthe @«b- diue"ath-tiV"guCin.Ommai * WU2WU ofertullyol8S mail .itraterTeet e ridÀd amgo .Jsuuymt, b3.al oAthtrst colat,8wel fortè,garion, "*m ai u%*i K ele. CauteratP"e0, -a.'y 'i Lego ote 0s.rt"J4cueat 'eliedin luperfect reper. R.Rt1-laS re aP I' b tou inad; v ic i a t or -tClth ora1.-. 111 UI Stasntt l caaeredwib . #eilal114ad l . up. % k il . ari a eir .a im tâà ii.ýt ' e.. *uiihiyteaesa fîe Th &k wettng » wêi é Io euan, lon wamde P coiemomm.tIi=ab geIai ad Wltord er -I »- - l;~eeeB em.ru.ah tom <de O a dâ or srus dtib mid tt peunp ui t >h a Th i.i6 =uig Rîma la ~ dt m u ot:r hirtsh."eInc=ingd a t. 84 imme àt5<h* dt i. itttigs.wu Co ai ert.îlmi~pyed Reiv *ôre 00"aWb" thé &boratet$e a ri On- ThsîsaH udeecai lh.-,ble=ii1leao-- p.,mé ig eme.G - 5 ba' qtth uhabe, ?éPl. een., wAi'-Mlga bih.laa oim ptt L;;l: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pieue aitbagig i eiRe. F. Rjp" ialje-Wsmultetaiôh. .maila~ NxUMNEU0 0F ~ ixra ~ifiTN<SESIN UPPER CANADA. DO c isottmil De DO Dot Die Doaas frouaf,. w a , SaeL Uk Cais = ita N Cissiai. 0 BarifltiC Shm bac AStewamt lo.Edw ida A MceaUz d, a Scott, J VIII, - Kolas d4r~Mmii N aiet auca. .ou Seitp. ibonne Soli, ae, DO >,- boom.,L DO De IDe DO DEOumd C tateswn AMved " lyear, tiss il yeti % t.si'7eu% de - j -~ 0/ I .04 r "do m 12Yeu liit oae4s. mqecuk.es, t. a hameit tube, i aecarmtq. Jur. SB* s mwoeever. ibt bo lekauorse< u dt. Nhator iw Province Whob e est b r bor .ttiu, iet B rieiab S ubj ut. Tue Migiseofpmraalu u" idlemty otirdsý ddm âm a. - faerw f- ou isR_. Jii-Mrnâ, of lMe egerpj* f Uper C-i& '.tulCuuit mmY0r,4Fegruay 9àOli,1 9m la.,be bo.r toouehato yoa. as Chaiuuid " ommusims«appoinetby g»o ffb@mý et Aasus.l, tg ouquieman ud .met opu à*heppum ofDemali I.- les.à eltbe r.*teoqof Uppus Camada, wihràh hepA. t h birti mai pssu ~w-maman" LIBiT of aMi mr of du t«oi-%I.sy4 U1spevC l lidesw Baril md pressai tsiu Mg.Èagas. 1A Naj. temmili. ail 0 ymur.£at m. i1h.U5. Susiami baAlui- ,"1tsib M# ,0sd ne" asdsgag - Urls I "j - ~-' **:-t-- jr a - a- - - .~ - ~- '- s-" s. - ~ -f . - - -~ . , <1 J- ,s*.-. *--- - a~&x --~4~ -~ so ive, iuae aon tâ ishe b hevau. Imath Pb- filtboLa td hae ad C clms- Ss. t4eouai te prftiatu. ey attefltiot ay be e- it Kung theu e llai ui- opeatng ai id toieSelv rodoee Ilat à forth à. btlas,-fflc >emai,vlil inruhulut Pge, pvivi- lDuilsm sr.. Ce. MsU, I Ten iPloughI, 'or- Nuils, 9 ifs île e. oqu- flen e OMM f- 1 l ý lob il or, . 1 . &TIL. 7ý7