'r hotustu Of Partia. - ~au I.a.U~ *~ ~ ~ ~~1 0eiauwo!ueSwss" bu en *ym. het ba =MY 4113M bom der mou, th», ai w g itvua *~ek di ev<a ~ jjMI g4h ,udle te SM, a eoa- b 6»«0»0(60 pFiih.slmv"e.. ou, er mam a@" tiWmide wetlir il me 4 iv. r' vue.aI mbteilbeetyuffl dieku ~ isuh Thel advi l.ueet i ajunSxru &Pthmme y h.*y vue Net Ia Su *k Moh tigit 9«i tdem, a"dit wu pafruue *eure»dome listil taiuuretlhat a*e moatdie. Pul vu dovuel <tb sain t he ara.on uadarnianed te ber, am mae lu tifl rthe . e ommt.tb tll.. Do on41e aUtise aSie l lie <hz 1. iN 11.ue n ratiha ei. o aa.ha aie ew I«ia t ê~h&a~daMa. Um *ia MU d. nd ooide Iuutiew of t tu ber bt tathe waa .ov ,~ * NU~~~LA ~ eg o mUt <a Cmads, wvi vulu n ' ust"a.» aMuvMMzenmoTRÂCÎ. 00initie,,oceasi, au meu , re 'eR. eaimbu, e Pd U- t bvoIA"vu¶n4uadm< A0<t[a le 14 -nez i& <oh.Atm"s. ihq y ver. l hodig the ur. v Th a »Wmnoodme0< lea w*. ti - aold aa ir et 1*lit Cd.' 0 atti.ci c te571d recrdbu wu à bbthewarigit - km ou id l. paimu. y 4ýw but1< ,*The ve1 nmeitadu ve &Wgm d W W h & Cm . Gâ am , b ", T pela i op~t eM te ub " 'W<af 4 jh rlaoe& alà bm thate r PIM M 9i*elpr ' A"1mor *0 m I dI. anh 7t.fia landp < e co.k14 i: in o a as ue4 «devçr hecdi- D04, ti. inw ut kkp.WhIJ visi t, éa MO WMAtoe4 i t Wathe(c er i iiiOhmneapm5 <dii God.nd ~ er~ui 1 rui e omed tedt. aie; IL aid peuga viaw.edoaek. l he"rd tqbt ogm W vemd tb * -87 ;1;tle "aig, and i vtae dat ainOh eiir eeutlii.- 0 th "ma .t.e i liu uâ.lmth ule .t pr leuw mrg aaavdelea of wotie p. la à _bIff ie div b u .of -the b i ga'«teftte.hrea I Wi~iU tins Blin f eu..,, vu i au.juîheadred. a.aue»aad tho<ilguaiometAaemty hba e uf- ~7e<upide..or FmI1te mmdor. tuie ievtee et euplelbwu i b iataie aheg faauibave. GenZ3adeutu. ia *iiteuue wiahh1 *Mevim iplore y.. tabrd ne. â» .a.s. .rtb.K el; Ueesf -Mmil uhemety itaiI<.a" in u de Dîe ai nere veuti entga.zpm*aliWf âailht inmotery quarter -, a dmeai Euhe »aY a...d u aam dwii.Peia sus adopudby di.ua. sseiy.ga mo. te ta"e :il akagW atmd ner diat 'tb. defiefruoy may h. muppliL ami lia liua li King angroeI.aiy beiumhli. ahtue vbew. tbuael violeemto.iai e..pW ofili0aml ubut ro* ""nue. S bether îhiu appeal e yetuien ha éaïaw (iguyen asy uuirw e icaration, saunt hst jour petidua coogausaithe wbae lumter e u or ceupte Ita rie- vene.or ltai $eu e5aI aluts, ahan. op se lb. pon~eid~Ye~~e5u @euus et l ffli afflershor as f1.dg* o ubl mu am peeple 4m, ufni1tisa . - 11a'. ', 1<aip. t. Cae of 8tý Lavii Quebec. mb 2&f l1831. RMeeolo lt. il -b. dg enDO tisi Ceumisèce, tuJnuts.n~A toruey arai of ii rveeh wh bigu"lty mas., lv Aldis4e.*Owr ii tvie tPwibaitw iof tga#daoy betdk IV aesetht&Bàm Me ai-- pete..' i unie agutal ode lo bt t mm Kmtea i 4thi ".,lt it iâome isou thi ut ;e tuaqmeai. tçt - fer paija vi» ed u0 or oooiegute »or mbetite, qui et- fif Wae. Lv"m e - -Upuq.- -mm a.puwLtoXwga& ndi emgmdixi the am baisiM * oqo hea 0<h.aid Md mmýf-bb. tgCf saiL CM ta epb »avMod for. w as &O-&a b, île que e c pale ,Attmrny Ge- ~uar<j~~md0< <li ceg 'à bis leu, thé ùr M&uma_ hm l. ituitsu 4e ~ ~ ~~h do Orediabml .1~~~i MO~nUru în a tioh * ~ ~~~ indu-ui.J~ U3WW4Wb.~ aalWoWk ~~Du~,me, A Fea, itueare, ~ Isvlk in., e*u~LW Iis, LoIelJaII Doe.adIkomteaza., Bot' ThéComlli., meAkt Iassu",eVan- tbu *6la. .mamanof hedim the eletom tlo t b. Contm o.aLncoland Yrk, mu oo uqectfl.l eot la F'~'~has. yreut:yowco miemmaiti. ue-aafurhncm- hy te 3 deret <au. mswy MW "d tii. Sl hpn 0<b a Th"mnce """loo oth I-rt'" ua L5~ Auv.araa TO te @~AaUngJ~v. 471/57 1 . ,1 .31 . a ma.. dieLudi '<ISd le .eflebu$ em la : = ,el &M iw àhcbuè r Vddi le-y '-z - estm 1,e theI 18=wm en*"a 0 pu I i i.Wa taSp tset ted. &» 1in k fais~.