NA>A àub. » caen etthe Geauxea am4 % ta wss.MteM&VplSMim M e asï.sa Board Ssetthe »in,,im cm te hfhas Of the uuçet; sa"Y buprooa Mau elkesA aOury mendier, c *U mwbio m isadbdso l e eSecretary Of tO0's"IY veltive te suAîjee t, te ti stis. 'd e,- b thm , 10ledgd sud if tom Iwde, Wbe mymake sportuoMid "seai communications nii»tgcoe 'affl O eiUKetsi be pqgOM d C IOcted Wboray ,. icb,,. Nu* et0 ênr ezet <nu eeig <h.Se m*eI i~y TbhqÀcînua1matic1 thle NiRsd IMutiatAricltura Rut oeicty wu field e, Hr fomse in the Tof g« édîàoù Tui*qe th ie.of pl- 13, aa e'cioi, P. îM. pulw ethé Jbfi K ULA, RM.ihe ,Chsii, sud the L Ç l«»ON, oq. ecrtary., h 'cf theTi. .The. Rpou»theb.Geasta IsRd oe twctor w, rmsa, 1fr. Tn. b. Cessit ucde4 by Mr. Nathan F,îîowu, Av- =*ep,.. 'e'endsesesintssubmittsdby theGnea pr t . boarpteV4odtrot by thi Ce ty-Can.*e t T*n hM . Oa tà , ls p.s~erfrem.oeçaa WCton e-40aw tiuùe h* hoe 7..&t:ur=afb ?siot su Dn es fr te Cfflqiýend tbudgmph* dmcdu tgesi Ir heusw il. ThesqoI~ lptue d*a,htdf4m Md Is«adane liuta thei-"u inh. mt 0606tuy botêt 14. iÀ. G.uw %is fr tii, Cw$gu. tiste et heOWsI i. Te rli the &etuet sai1 lathe upssu0w dieulaothué s&4j sesi &M~ They a,à1tâà.6 t. ti~ L'~j ~t ukoussini bop me X. iiitc SalUi al BordaiofeDirester th e ii. MdiaiDiartiet: Isety iakn &aâlas utseal epor, in dos- tir uticleuet lie Osti<otie11 bave MW iii e dwl the lb gmtlemen, socte. et î%iagsaptos 9 AP4 i*4 at OT. rmelto icithe reselataoo vuit»ut desy te eil meeting with- te. Ot the Dsarit,iun der taleffl thé t'soithe intituo, sud o &p. "ie etprùo. fdwwad d w.ings, il vas toua Ot ve gossmmfy «se te 'apy cesueclios viti 4 a<t tteii 0'ec t ( <ein; ccM apM e aa isrcTi wdustavurble &pàsiý j , i d s.o ta i s .co thd la enaîlt of et thermtCoa t ii ogaaur ing umou lot s upectinitenew itic.Ti éie. âf, wtih Li aionhit isé e a ou eulOf çtiteue, Leau aud Addingicanit W tbatthe~~ we f-rablyInuia, id qv&m y tBr y LKM5GSBujq BATWAB- INUam et Mei.oid stand oppogita W=~ Rletel, Mdnth Ie Coturt Houas, whmw ho hbu au b h emitUrn liouand moui fshioabi. = oeffthuan sud lady%. Rats s» BOÏevu&" imitation do. wanant ted atoepseof de. wbfrhhe wjl dispoue ~thpucsaorcas alaodque.oajpeVed Mm% a d a , ubtsu Stp wlurdWipb.Mv £Csh. et s1 O MNON the h a~n d lvnaoa but ao0 r eff e n ed s Ctesof oUr Boat& W. ii etat llissu bsu htan bedene, efct insu On o ppni7cousîged teu with sorne rempecteme e.8ci, foritls g»t de- livezy et Montreal, sud et the lovesFra- Inifumsta be obtalad. lu cases whore bo inatwtacton are giron, wiîh respect 10 tbesunt le b. i5sued, un the dfferet descriptions of putperty, w. §halli mauve mach manuel sa Wb Conceive vilii b for the Isaty &bd lntaest 6f the ou- nm.a-The propeyn- iUb. made ubjeet te the premium paid for itleane-eoa Who consign propeîy t.u s fer Umpoua and object to thia bourae, vIni immedhstoly. hinfii y lattai, a lubcam "hY me«u <Sigaedt> 13. à 9 10145. Amxx Be CuTCON. JOHN ICMUlNat & C Presott, 22ad Msrcb, 189. N. R-Owner of guette deuar o u m sacsapgthebdangers f the navigation <suaiMostresi itePrescott, villdirect M«- cbablat*om whom thsy pume a tafra nser ouiain umontreai, widi the voue of «Ch adery patvate (Sien") »UIM cPREUsON e. EL a 1. JONSA. MPre '0, 1 8.temd e rry n t a W'AR--, and wM bO Wadyt am a Lwý:2s"eb nt vi ePÜcfoyifiev Il;~~~~~ tgih astkn 1mi 0fbdtifer t nl utMy0ton ifttbfflo WO9t5Ctiouwklf ib. Id. a., ans seomdhy Mr. Atgaomrstn 0 t Copies ofdW Report o(tbe Qereri B ard, logmetheui wtth»Z aciérai Documeits csioced heewith, and lhe eport res-. pecting I*oasubcepaintd uadstheadirection etftthe Presidet Mdi Vice PieeidentIsOt tlis SoeetY-Ao su alphabetical Lit Md. U. McPumnsew, emded by Mar. Smith moes tisa 04e copy ofthei printd pîeceédinp fhie Socieiy bc sent by tbe Breir ta tevery AiavilalSociety in the. Province, "à llant ,gest a copy eft tIair rocoeihnj in retumu-Car. 4th . by M & M A M Ue nds seco de by M r. C o be t, itht the, senuai Report b. distributed to, Suliscribers,,sud oee Report givea to say personé tisa may hereafter become aub- 6th. Ma. bMcPusssoN, seconded by Mr. Atkrinson, moves tint the. Iireçtors bc requestodl te solicit'subscriptions to- wards the. fonde of tie Society, sud ta coUlet subacriptions iu srresr-.!uvùL Oh. Tic following anaendmnenis ta lthe Constitution ofthei Society were unanimou 1 doptd Clause Id. lntesd f Prolent, Ove Vice.Presidents, sud Thirty Direct ors;" say a President Thrse Vice. Pesidenîs, sud Thà*y-'mk Directors...Viz:- a Vice President and Ttsdn Directors for oaci County. case 31d. Ssy tht lthé President, (and in hie absence one, f the Vice Prmdents) sd(e. Divecon shall b. a Quorum. Tie. 'Vice. Presideuls, 4ecmetu~al dTessurer te b.e e-officjo That hrsthe ii.pueral sumuai meeting of the Society sha taie place at Kiage on the. second dsy of the. Apnil Sessions in ech sud every juar. The. tollowing officers vere eletd for the ensuing year. JOHN. MACÂUILAY, E.14., President. a. C..TOMO, sq ecrtsry. D. J. SmITPs rsurer fl1ECY05 10 1u11NAC. John Marbs, E%. Vice PeaadeuJohn Canip11e, George BaItonLembért VYuat.inr% 1,.Yoa, W.Lttoje Heut ie 1« lm Cret, eCm jýu" 8, & ybey1d, AI«. Cowan, xuoe# àw=lau sad James oPowlcy, Esqis. lsam e Prasc, Fsq.V iée PWooidoot-4P« D 1 earI 8haajAWas i twid4Nath FW Sumue Ch*r, -Mles Sic,,.y, Jour. ,Bd*ard Howardt, Joha odà iq sIJémes Lake 8M, aqrs. VicM.Paue Ptoîimp Petn4John Ânon Ory_ h wqm asr.eva*lwibs*tis"uti nos~ pe utc.Id aow, Md t, othér niscoiaunousy V..d t th ,±Ij .~FI j I Il I ai I OF momSwui 1 i l teiUdt.*5. OS ma&.~A W. A&it rmumai mO-T. ile m J