egA t meAI.UMIAU Moes8 Mbesy, I ~oeelAum tk RAYWOOD. c. i mn e.w caff ipeeie&c- in that larea of ibe Mgueuiea Houa. umalarge erd-40 whieb theg m e lts. mm " Umwadm em aet axibkea-and weot a .lwsry *" «e III b.o otautl -hepifor ho ~toUi odmlo61 Uajt M., poomaw u le o eoor ta optE Quabe. T W éiet b "àM relui h. . "1 A. 831. eu flaaudlas A. J. 1*1MB pulifo iei vryllen pof ~ IN lae edwbe ywiàmW&MIwhkh éfoit uduebw 1Dwd a the ub ,qiebMudrota *0re.v.da"don bo lai mmus_% S.pho«Asi dIomspuie d &Uae Bordrsea u.mcpm '. iaii m d Y o d o cepo lui DIm bPiaefle, U bote 'l'h. Tble mm h leuabâiwkbwaq e Sts mwm b...,dmo M be xtucaletermw e, lWAI. aiue aI' dlg x miSet. eS, Ut I EIxnsivE tLe. amilen hP-ne m veaupSule.m«Luauai-a Ameube».hmuf.tu>tngm usl et-w if e.peu, du- î I»VgX mmmdý, ' lauh. - peTa l f 5WIf cuia<a 1%0 ù» f codi»mm *vuta At eh.. ca 1boof lic SBeîeni me <b Uitea .48 Ime,,gelbquaau-t m mmau. by 9ls En mavlvb ftlelf it là' The ile eblittajiloier b. e ai fur eu» teq«ï tlflg liiifga -iiclff, demi mmaden les mive dacribed , ereh cf reeordh t, Ueelis e Tci$bg. ande *I~ ~ureeorp i prie *Ied bwtga ed*yh 'rom. pt , bi elsr -md dlsemmntb et <lahlowCeverI iesurted Millpur towi» m bame, -aidailoton m« t -Cabop[, brlbPmrpo4f prepatma Hg plu" Id for Èx "iletion, ud vWin i ge817auoru.. ACNI A Ileate s Ilepee bu b.buon ee*ed Osu-4'fth B-,C. <ils V7 &4dupq«j.t tam u mt*vtimg IlempljnpperCa. T~O LT mm*.Omcx vjt *mm tuentstae foM]W a miit ddi6uîw ab'r I rivk The Dwem Igfri s bmodlo%, wvkb eut, vii bêelal a lb. oqrt ow, «Ce miars awl cf *aleV, garih, m&ei cd ownfKigasm, b. owt oeiafLndew Uj ie .1 5SSMt e*ldb «. iu e eryP wag;mfsL6e« hteuMiàe'%t Pmn lai uk8d bsltluq tlie ciece oaàom cf in""14-n à* ta*e oiaîn W cxf aeoard Fox mimd o»tai: 4ô. d ife -4)..,-- M ýu n lfuM Ib maï Aa lhny Ma ti n teimî, l: . DÎ w ellug He.,tial AU ers.Eh*, mns aml. bIr" ~~g immi crtn Paut lbrec< bY Miggu irqle-mts~ li u « e rbdee1day caiofsd& ireabe JOhN MCIJ3A, KfrnÀn, stb rl., rlmetao afp I Sp mg"lu'W 1remu - madet b ei Prml wma Rbm M.amng yMIC * 101 erietom ra. Nd lb*0 gto de-- m" Fdgtw s.Pot.. une. i*e, ut a"i la *'7' rîlusevegel Newusgm i SALEU-ISE. 1kg tiegmorable luth I. Oanaab wiva aMi.. Aueuul 110t Navalai le cf tl. J tru ti Mdma MI. m of dai bèhb.n. MW n- Ago J lb. 1 e pIoelatkai iMioz.t CCo 8S lun"s, luwpplyli mai T&D allons mimd a e b gocd Wermeý me ù lme- iwk le am ILLANUCANAL. le l '98 nom£ àE p hspg te la t lb mLé entcN st L Coreedlb e ufeit,*'0IrguM. - »«P >ep a t R1 in t et* *bou mmsd A lb ramIe. Aile £Pm *sM ý*. ,UrIemtm»esmates, cmd f« ab;ogilUe oIl. m ibsA 1b! it C. ternie b~ 'Il 111 jJ i mi - i ai I coewoe1 Ami~ le p.m Amà. OMTW Xltmgieauu, R KdimiibIa Te Waê viii bemoldu mn Exeendi Çeun, o! Km 1~ via: feeTtIGne kv remiaju lied, Um~ etbmvlmm buowmdcus Bah le oqun 3 - -wAU . coe rm Umm -oC. ox esel p mpli £ e1te. - frmh« I, .a10& « Dc,, tIeaU«e *.anytuemu' I lai. iphehaed lau mi à*IC& DunR1N Md I C FORyo "flot5~SlfUNUt. jg= fm eue pd s Ou.i p tet. ]IL <rs. l&W =41. to Veaeleglkm mlad..7da tdft mco.p lit on quc*ou. q YSUeblul wk ~~Trit of roeacfbe pp 1 wà or . lC u nst@ ', ca festb n t u hhug, ahl â, %abl. pet uveli. udavebiej Of fli uitxbe peu l du 10& pari~dbWsh 10c..prQg. WWk ,lu&. pt Quter. W..beiu t. theui omedt b. Saa .1 Jmpq aa, Viti h be * lkm rtkw. - of Yorku 1111*117 gliéOb*lute 1 la _ b.ppo0 'a à ar le Ils