Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 1 Jun 1831, p. 2

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I WW~ w eB -, - -- FOREIGN. POLAND. Tii. Looldon Moening Chronicle gives the i.cl.wing letter of Lari Gray tu tIle no, lebrat»d K.sciuszo. i1814- "P.vtman-Oquare, JuIy 1, M84. "GemnenL-Ijest you te aceept ay thanka for yor letter 0f the 2»ofh <MIay, which was delivere te tme by Coat Km. kokz am A ilattering expreujens wi1. hiliyo hvebeen pwas.d to île- IIBe assured that it. impossible to toits a deeper internat than 1 do in the fas of po- land. Tii. amnities cthatbrave but an- fortunate people, their contancy mithoir virgues, ci which yen, Genera l, aegiven Peenamlly ce illustrions an le amJ le e"n- ft il to *acite tihe aympathy jbhues tiny iîund witli tlie pnnipleecfhuman.- ily and justice. .. 1am &Covinced that ani eulghtentedipu- licy is enly favcurahletotirjnitclani. To the lza violation cf the. mcred 'rici pies of Zonerailiberty, whuch teck p=aa the parition cf Peland in 1772, and thosec whicli olowed in 1703 and 17M, cht te be cttributed aiN the danger. te ivhichth viiele of Europe b i oeee s , and (rein which re have s i caped. There can exiet ne red scun<>7 a- gait the returnof thebe danger, if Poami remmn acldedfei te beneit of tiie. natal deliverane which, in ortier te erfect, enght unlegurateed iiy tic so- Ieoeorec oneof te.righte andithe inde- pendeoce cfnoon. IIIf the. PovlerB whicii seek te profit by the. injustice, Anid whicli in the »equel have suffcred nu nuch, conld learn the true les- sen rom ,npeflecDC, Uic ywould perceive that their *euit and tir tngnuai tran-1 quilt pold c beterpreserveti by re-es-1 tbis*>Ugamo~ng thenu, a a state truly ini-1 depenuStit, that country w (niha.be o bcy tu 80 crnelly eppresseti. « es etimnts, General, are pro-1 foixodly engravon in My seul; and yeu niay1 N. assured, that in enter le declare them 1 Jtidly, 1 shail iegleci Do occasio in which1 1 may beliere 1 cao de se with erect. if.1 during the. lte dehates in Parliament, 1I have nt ducit no mucit en thii. ubjecî as I could hlavcdesired, ducproresdsfgrein the certaiitj vuieh 1 badlthat I ceult i n ne wa nce tihe pelicy of the Govern- ment, and ntic (ar of adding, perap, te thre dangen which threatcn the fots cf a pepte whaec cause in su dear t toc, but vîrin pre.nt circumstances deprive me cf3 ail hoe. cerving.a IRcceile the.montesincere assurances crf My Tesp.c.id y admiration andi helieve3 me, Gene4 .Yeur very faittfl and hum- ble csetl 1' -ed -RE. The.(a wing in an extraet cf a letter fn. a& rsn living ainnea-t the Pol"s. It 1 ad~d tea1oILTle Lori, cqually dis- tinguii by lis talents andi besicvolencc. Surely li rentier», cspecially those of the (au szexUsll ot peruse uiinved, the de-6 tail cf 0Il terings ci wourîde1 troes.- for thorwiie îlit a ga"nt msuet diSjrioPor- 1 tionatOuiiîhers vccli dservu? the naine; lierF will tin e e Ici.teucheul hv theariie rnale b the Ladieb of waiýaw te rcievec tient. 'JO4101114t.tlarge culocriptions irili ho ioemedleli' set on fot furtht ntprIte.- l [Lendt Times ef iith A prit ja Frans Poleid, glarrh; I.S31. Inape, my Lord, thre state cf Wirsaw; the htu fthe perescrs of the fi rrat ak are fllIed the w0linrenl thatare brou ght in of- ter eackty'o battit: nay, 'é itI. treetsV arc ll;witiithcm, andladesof theliigi- est rat in the midtcf the nclcmcncy cf the wier, have attendeti andi stili attend theun, cas their, wounds, Lor surgical aida in gre.y waning, andi give themo ail that ceiisolg assstance gtira;i 1'nale benevo- foce lan. perhape mc uggcst; and whbata in stil crebeautiful the. Russian veundedtl that W(ahei. eighborbocd cf Warsaw, re-9 coiy. é sain hunuane attention, for with0 the Pull, as with the. Engliah, a (allen (ce9 us ne luer anenenry. Tie ladies 0<War- 1 saw Ire oiti ail their rnns, plate, &C., bave îuunei ail theur accutemed luxu-P risof, living prncipally un Kassika, (ecçanprepared wtiimk or butter,> aninxn very sacrifice worthy of Ro- roui.rcns , torelievc tbeirsnffcring ceua- tryme But conceive, Myv Lord, whtat Mulot Mteir dread, surreuideti by ep crfl a enenry, shoulti Warsaw, ftint Wsudilftaronshands. On eaeldaycf bat- tIl.t&I. omeocf Warsaw, cf ail ranks,D prître theunslves, witli their faces tote t Pran.jwithin and witlrot the. churchea, t e, ébiur 1e protection cf Reaven Let cor CUtymy Lord, b. the. bandicf Providence tnVe those whe se veR decerve prctec- REVOLUTION IN BRAZIL. the. cvening cf yesterday, intelligence roe n of 0<serions distnanceshaving "aI place in Rie de Janeiro; tbt.EmperorP It nid, iiad reigneti n aveor of bit surd eue repert is, Ébat h. harti eibank- adrt oard a British ir fripe for Englan& a' Thtciting canon appealus;te have bec,; theouzy cntertained by the. native Dru- 2lrthe. nimber of Prtugue.. who saniEed theeiécaille. Th. lroops, it in addncd theBr lase. We sinon eceivedthet s et of abdfica- tin ici toek place at aiinUtc morrnng. Tbeîpernirat4 tkNulj are on hbond the. Wsep, Britich 74. .. aa or AnîcAvrer.-Exerci- sMgr.gut Wich the Consttution giron e mes, temtit1Ihave volontarily aidi- cal hrote]in fveu ofmy dentr ami lie l, Dn est eron cf mthLglators ya e cndthe tii. Senlt».m lq[IaTa tiieporTATii . fun> . dua. ucethe rte itere,, Ixii ne-blaw von to ent teheverucntat teub-a Ittect..vu-{ret eletCmite n hyte ex v bae artie t a tsa tire eputc be leu,î,îrittes ftyt e fmt f filet te diat cmu eal am te iii aa- va' .theinseamlai n al ce riab of isturetesnpar emt. Tic a=4 li ne>' 6 h an. u tun aljs t Form :1- ample oa tic lifiil oehanieonr it>' ait My> lie nu Mme.; smdcmme 0tepire- vent ditesieunil', hidm pitah f(mm circu- latingl-We cuninot do il; anti lonce bu abSues mtti di.e mllio(cihaît invWel hkuera hydt inemet &%~e, a manof business vii. receivm a part of te -P"e .1sien Md n g reg for dwa acommis.Our lave te regnit.m cuiea inmi- staiuatiecas rhban.senu Ïil> altendietet, acret. mr3>'dea ou ct co ur controul, amt lce Di.aecutcns o dihne cfo gney ant ill" il lachera; a Ciace cfpar- o, Whto bave rapaidl>'increasctamongas anud vie trmet a rachi langer portion Of tihe buscesscf tue conntry than people aim gcnerally avare ei.-{Quceec Gazettc.j Ext.- rac h. ueRepSof. cf C tmf. or the. Senat. of the State of New York, on th. subjcct of thc legal interetl ofnaie> &c.:- "No cUrer icgiatioa mnib. ucefol an Ibis anirject tin suiclias promise protc- tien aid stahulit>' te the anvemtments; Ibis tie, tegislatien bas penhinmneti ite cille., tic test Mint b. heft te tue cmi>' hans yhici me>z ylcle-the laye 0ofcmmierc. Tie.lavs mînen heft <ne.tleoperate, mini ceet a saiutary influence on ina,>; tie>' vîli expanti and contract ite circuilationî, ris. anti depreas its prie., change un 1lca- topQ anti inventaient, amd i ii cnspcl it te Mnitter te tic crer varying vante of coin- mena., in a Manner the most advanlng.eus te bath tue industr>' anthe capitai of thc "Tic.requisîlces ecuiret, tue higi va- lue vliicii commnerce liasanti continues te %ive te mon.>' un our country, vili imaure &te cnstant and ti eatilie<in Europe te Attenie, sand frou the oli te dhe Dem States, as fnoin the olti te tue nev pmais0o thc manie Ite. Tue invoesltaite ote,ct in- vitimrg te foeigacra ciionltib. guarticti ith rcm cr, aIea>'. rccliccting that tir. > nodie c vestaient te os ie noimpentant, ti, acquisition of capital ait imnportant. If foreigo capital seck inventient un ont pub- lic stocks anti car bankc, ut releases an c- quai ameutnt of native caputal, wids sClkn rne edior employaient, as manufaictures, %giutem, or coiimerte.--If il Aidan; Cal- met ui rnltnds, tien it releasau equal aMount vhicii vante have heen requîreti for liaI purpos., andi leaves i free te en-i grosa cur pumblic stocka, lanks &c.; if the suai total of capital i. augmntcti, no nat- ter in visai chanoto l i a> Bec, dce lien,-1 fit te lie nation or Stale in achieveti."I 'flic con.rnittcc haviagpreuenlcd, ver>'1 brielly ,their enerai vims n theisubject tsf eaPitnl ant intcrest, precet, nmote in detail, le gir'. Iluir objectionaste eprovu- siens of tihobill untier coneiticraticn.", «Ant i t. Iebill proposes te lix tire legi rate cf intemalt belcv lie maximum4 priet aI 'chcomcnmierce lias ixeti il. hWia le legal rate msat or sbovc tier. current or commcial rate, than lie lanm ceas.,te eperate as a reatraint. anthe va-1 Ille and ce,isimtn '-,f mnny in reguînteti,1 as it alieuld bl enlimi>' by tue Iavmcfcim. tncrcc; high i aune place anti 1er atanotier, bigIr at one lime anti Iow ut anotuer, accent- ing as tiemanti anti soppl>'My flictuate.1 Suc i shappil> tue peent Cndtionof os- pilai ami intemmst i oun State. Scvcn per ceat,Uic prescit legsl rate, tbunbr cen- tainly nct aboee et ta about auae . i Maximum prace <mene>' mntIre northero anti. western parts cf our SItate, vhcn. capi- tlis enat abondant, anti monl vsîuaihe; il lolîcys, tucrefon., Ihal tue a han i alle if an ractcl :tien on tue sinijeel. la gooti pensnal second>', puabl Uarterl>' on haifycsnIy, are gcnsraly asdut six pur cent. Iwo branchie@ of the Unitedi States haiik are lonng <mcl> at thet rate, lthe local hanks, thugii entitieti te aeven percent. hy lar and by charter, amrc e- sîraineti by cempetition te mm per cent., on monst of tuuloans, motion aUl dem lagest eperatlonus. ! «Permnntil bars are <mcl>' matie in tue marmect"ouîof<can Statc, etse ven per ccnt. intemast, payable finit yesr.ly; sitet ai rate large mu., arc fioring (romt City tei ceunIr>, frin New En&lastd te westera NewrVYenk, anti promise, if net intenuipleti, to suppl' Uice dermant for capital in thiae extensiveregions of Ont State, mirer. a ride fieldi fer ils emnployaient tesio inc- cuutieti. .l1 In r uatemitiion lb. pnice of icie> is les.b>' about on. petrcent.; ia Nec Ycr ths cornent rate ofunhteront on bendi and ascrtgages is front six te seven per Cen.- Bank disconalts aI ail di. calera citica cf ann "te, an.eamade at six pur cent.; tact- poaa Immhansen.mati., of idlel fends, miiicls arc vailing anti mekiag botter inveetient, et fivc pur veai. Public stocks retiesable atm adistant day, ting f<mn ia haif per cent. seit neadil>' aipan.4 "Thun if appeaun, if the omminlpu-1 sea accuirate inormation os tdisabj dit tue present ratesof inte i, n dis Bhale, ranges <nmfonrtuami blah teseven Crn Cent. accontiing te location, securit>', Il folcysn, tuenefor., diat Uic legal rate I of seven percent. Cannet eperate as a »a-1 strajat upon the leader, ami if remoeveti, there is ne reason te believe b. couti eh- tain a higier rate; t insatilà moire appiareat QitI tue ter nllcving lii.seven p M et dom a, it n>'y manner, enabi.t, tclcride te ..mud higi rate;.Avor nere mo-1 Dey>' eumccl sundant, andtihie halgetMme s am Iceti, il iinsfirom'fonr aui[naiWte six par Cent. onI>'. "lAid second: Tour cmmite t.ie te thc restreintî te six pur cent. becanse à".> boete blarge ari n rerequini, anti May ihalncd at a higitetrate witli ad- vintage ta bah lender ami boeer. Tant ecumiste.e eai ~ tanà cd- lb. negistar Ot'%ofie I ork. Il iappeusen lmu r>' tymihiesidol- barune Ihameintih deilycNew York,oen mertpug, "a ieismajor part o" il, anM i- anal aaeret 17 pet t, l DeicgaIbot ni, mendia cfrd*. les1 jean. ktappeais b>' the mtprt octhlas ~a omtanes "a Isuîeltcampai>'a.11111 'i mv. _-maib fu-ty.cc coustia eas -- * - -e,, .421 -, ~1 il il I ~m - oflh. - *un d'àm,« al Wpe t*we"ut.w Inter cimembera, and they accerdirgîy vchy" t lmmaresft, ancmc olr. n.cd bans micteront, &Md LOWIR CANADA. iÈccseda ndci On the. i8th April, the or»d loder k thé,day appointed orpging lni otoniuite in n ma le a r nt ith. aothct COMsMnEcReCIAtL, o ~cesthe bl, itenseitercat vas feit, and à a i tentai vImg mai hiw t a cn ithbeet.Ifappcuaaby tihe follovine Estb mpgeat crowevsassmid in and aottr emotM ue*W Iy 13 U te s O onreeGLDN 101h. N._b . heQubwMr4t, of Tucaeay, # Bi bu h *PM *liZ,adtar ilbink tiendy. 0absnicmy A Grx.nax Sranuaeths ..&goM. Wet! ol Gamtettaîtih.Colonil aecSunite Petariement lHoms. Lord J. R,,e aipt o.Yalthe dail b aormacnsatsîg, Bill wut cmi ccM. tt jJ~ on thdint r. mmwth Bauexplaineilthed.afterationa iwich thre Minis- an» tcr <1v in. m jstri cicr sèat m a ReyeeYWOl, andi Francis L. Reyalic , & ii atf Ishast vicu- try Wcdodcided on ProPçisngitu ecomit. cader ii.. a noresraitaviem whdiaatract cf Iladin .Pitcylvaui, Iis wiîî irJ ofanyaOur reaieg, Mte ie eea Gconalral the. tlg num tlu*have mans, tli.by VI.) trot.. a man ta modlenté ciremagsanese, mtee, - it onruelves, <o. in tha pnaceod- P-)aYc9emg.eterpr ia.l ce-king the. f-r which tiiey gave sasail & am.- lgs of Uic Inpeli arl ziament t ha" peh oeiaetietta i ctt Mu emtuaOfthie cantrya"t aur anmd vith i ts preanet value,.l t=.tractnaciu ,w.eyroisdnyIa-poio0tsRnetatUcutb t vaI DemylId the diietrcus cf tos h -3 es tda geltimine, nic u x icha ~itushai e eer mt cR i yi Co Nmofthi o mg aftb.t tihe ti.'erof creuiimasddoyngttliintahee gbacbSnouadtobereryrieb. Alt,cmcte ti.he=us ciLordfecoc-tkngUcQeintiaedmt s Of reif, * n I-er enter in thie Potesburg Intelligeneme, neae.-[MonhrcaiGa 2Laette.mgteQesinth mnain a 1 lThe.commitémte underotand, ta n A ays thA thelebrtidCheval ier, 49 A ater mR. ý dittd Le- adoPtedby a majeity 0eght. O tht 2it âaora, Mississippi, and Georgia, 8Spar cent. ,r theii.nctienog Company, b e«asorydI dons n ustosconc ithledn2d A *1laddtussd ta a tenyBoardrsoi uctinofnn~ la t.Igaintercst, Whila hi Virgiiea andtiaîc c.it, antidfiers@@veutl days caion eITrade cftQ.bec.vasrcdivti, na viielid.1 ith tue reformbili, uhen an adjourt- (h d. c i moey usnetrmetrint ha rioust mitcs lita Opinioca lie e00iOf uc mae tchefollowiag extract :-"Aller ment wus proposaitianti carrieti by tic oppn r w3d. fante eviofl eittigà ei nitercie ie aii oiati labo iieunexpecteti iissue ofUihedivision cf th iti nteMnsr en namnrt vIf ilvstrottach fci 6ar ce. w hsa itOfthe cOMpa»y for wvitt iheu eagent, bas >offeiîî,the en nmost 0<lb. Membcns SitOil, tueBililry beunontnofnshnerity o b If il ertc umpere ntsaesiainaofortithe. pusrioorse- liaiortIi l id, or vere lesviag tue Homs, tue 22. ThisDmtion liaitue effectof stoppieg rdatpe iainfrduc0 x-inIterest cf -)ne baif, or £'273,000 lfithtiCColonial TraitieBill van restaa td 1ti., ail other business, asnng vhici vat i te pe= havetu ne m teans0< eive il. act atenitept ot theanti vîe wthont a division, altiong i ne- Report of tue Comiitte, cf cupply on Il e et adg tt suplytei.broya mer lion v baccetrate w ie nc ed. ti bhal .nmgîven that a division vas ut- Oinauc estimates. It vas in tact a stnp_ deféat anti cuunterat thcir object. ce iIlercudt. tendedtiopon il."1 r lIt lias ien sidt lat a charge of 7 pr (Bait. Gaz.] Extracto<a letter <nom John Bainbridge, pagte cf the supplies, tUic mal, anti since ac- cent epratti pprosivly n lnticon SLEa,~ flloingp.~pliEsq. agent for the Province of Nova Sec- knowîedged, abject 0 lIte epporition.N-4t tracts, amidvwuamore than tliey colaixt dri. f thcForeceAlabama) Adcet* i h rstioo i itoe fCi-inmn ieldnacaviet nteRn If dhii lb. truie, schU legialtion cannet curm uluîndae en.0te orasdfsae- tnZt en"o, th Apnil, 1831 :- anti teclareti their inability te carry on ticl evil. Ne livnomn crtne hommeîO aBis_ t e Colon(ial Intercourse Bill bas paumdthegovernment vithout a ncw nia regulate prime;salitiif,. mc esller ..On Thontis Iaté a iq1at the Lorda Comintte., but lias net reccivet Ienh aeaytcid npri g i retritedin is nteres, le wll mkn- U aninq eseltheUtcRoy al asent, conueqnently il vral net ment, le i aet eie npo nif reatti u iintatheprii nci n-over tihehbidy e. ainegrc, nanietiBaril., t;e cant by lie pressai - acket; tuer. bu roguîng the. Parlinnient, vitli a si, vbicih iterest s chargeable." Druoperyo ei i fte, onni . 0ne trittingat Yonrcemitie cnnotdoui taI icde.hca.Wa leiqiitofentecri- ing, anti I cannet get a copy, but it in near- euBly nciumedtheUicrcsignaticn cf hus immm beti principalanti interect as ~ dc ti, estatic n101118cecme tejly as possible what I have stateti. Alar- inatie fbt ricpaditer 0<bu icatlrby a blow c anhctei on the loft sd' lcs go irae. freinhie interior cf tue Uni- tn hscontitutienal, popular, and ne- been ant i viiicontinue te lb. moreequita- cf ils heasi, hea.tcreva vit thi, iisvl'ted Sales mien ad ntcoieteLycauy sausostevria u i P': ajuttbt nsl Edu thban m f areIaitivipty os u-er Provines, ezcept Fleur, chic iniste lit firmnen ofour gracions Sovereign, ant inî eien on this te is launrte at Uc atlace on thc hatk or hie ncck--and by soti- varecuced,nand fer thero It use waliPaviultiniat.ly seure te the uniteti Kingdou emodnte ofth aicsoni inthe ityket, th t heier blove tnflictcd on varions parts the fis; but çefee r.imite thc West induce incet ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ofh cflt ad nvii i.ct0Nv0 i.bdant i al <f minciappears ti .> cifng rtîei ubrpr10 etthe practical beneits etUihe set cf cunstitu- York nev stands, as Weil as tume. cf tise haven oeytcata ferdtl e or rcu ain u;26 er pr10treyarcton-ciiipeiltblevathe 1 iestera part cf cr tata, have, vithia the icascs h eiethins-4uneruaecBillr- more; anfr ieyer in&4ri i moubet blee a hê la ifny ".r, bean urcasti ste t e cuan., ve ie se Uic veore st *tmor, ind2os..afer, permanent; RediOa n tercate in p.rpetuating abuses asseit, an mannalinteet of7 ercet. anti no city ns. It seenus tiat 'Hî al h.nnî tiât te.stae26s. 3d. for turc. yean, 20:. St. fer Liaa t ajolity etthe DOW houa, cf Cee. orconrhmforsemoeo rseeIlte years more, andt tic 15a. permanait;- entr ha hstduiediee rsp Oti gre intentict te ton away; anti upen thiicWhite Oak 23s. 9di. for tires ycars, 1%. nons viiibeopçuoed teReferai. Pending eI Vor c mitan ar ofopnio.er- nformation, ho deterauinctite aatiafy ie5te- 9di. for two ycara more, anti finlly 12g. 9d ; the general Election, Engiant ill ne doubt tonath rocc ptttedarestr einen, lier-e- vengeflil disposition in Ibis cruel ant inm- ther articles, shingica, hoops, &c. manie b.tue sce.of<great .xcitcment, but tire fret tini.sron te i ma tu a nI ' n- arosa inane andUi presenc cfa negi as at prenant. resuit ofthe contect me trust wilha bc eli duscy f ur tte tatitu a de y tieniippet imi ntint it a ace. altef; A cimiercial hans. in tu city iras PO- as tae scorteirhr permanent pence andtiit- tue nerti anti West tue unsote 0ti uptlus îpin nutl on tyliteI7 haitictite Ius the fllecing extradas capta c treeu atisetu ~:' ~ x adea Be ,notwitlrstaniing theoie t ( erm f tirirLondion correspon- oîtneu. sens can best regulate thi uas ct ten- fstrnt binn te a trac, viti a luck chaîn IlWc are serrny m cannet devis. any im- Tii. accouaIs troms Poland still continue selves; tuat tic7cremir e MPetent te about hen ,aderock hum on tihe ti reciment in curarkcuttfor Asies, the favcurabie te the cause of liese injured andi jutige, acii for himef, of the value of me- viti the. but cati of bis vhip, anti retireti, iget prie. quoteti for Peania i. 3M. te Ory lfii t is atrai tuatii.c Iv avng lite in tict situation. Thse negre3&. 6d. anti Pots 30s. The. miat mariet opprea5ei people..Duing teUicittisyr of cregt cf jodging la Uicntater ,grtndt lObe tied t Imor tîme bcuae rarda. Hiin is ecvery doit, oving Ioea large fereiga Apnil tuera vacontiualekinmisiguatit rc wSyadprecitativcs, anti ca:-bas net yet been taken.'1 supElycoiin om Uic Mctit.mnean tthe , wicn the Polcm, in au action of tiraI thei;ant t.y ecinmnt ifti. pesnt [From ttieEpiacepal Watcha ett. e utyo2&. O9d. tis homevervwiladi- dey,as appearcby a short officiai accoott lau b lin otiuld, it saouti 6. doue in smciiTECUETTH Lvîeatiprob.bIýlieob. i8 iefcro flictfeinGnrlkreci eksvrlc nanner as te kave tiie partie te ail future te 1octaM TUdisttT.Tioed ubi- splie, s mnteach us frein hie R.ThePo coutractseat libert to stipulaI.tetr herate taAioae ehdc eidcl O ot mt retient tirem bcbg reugit non ani ne 00pioes i.Pni of inteesut, fixng ly lav a rate te gevcno 1' 11 thte cty cf New-York, bas thQ ('il- forvnrd for consomption, anti if tiie country seltiiers are represtenteti as beig ver7 jus- ail centractsimien tue partiec abi at i yWrnolig kinacaijoat ressortisupan Epusco- aced haïf tie quantity it i eott eiiptcsh ui tak nirocet.. de se. Ail mmichin i. pectllilly enlbait- i ansandti mpublic fcrnulariec:.- teiin fv uIsini repovryit t Wlhopeos ntematactb.se a n eeintin "e"A.t Boç . Thse Protestant Episcepaiasforei a dpriientow u tl n. tr ilW o hymyntle& uhdw April 25hh. veryrespectible anti infuentiai portion cf IlIn censequencé«ýof tue disturbances » i1 c«e e tol rtuemnacîvesforvard imb thniUie uniNe on; sati s Hastue neigliboniiectiof Memel, thc houas exposet situatios. An army se suporini ofNaaatr os Mowear.th Tad t roeppng foth*ct . l.itera have re*'uie a nticae any futiier saliin numbers as tue Russians, canbearseve- cf vtervil ver he hndet aon-net princ>ipi u i o~ rtng entper'- of Timber anti Deal#, fcsring tlrey wl nIl al aIdefcat, antd11 .uoneoltrr by ha mcgIttbut h7 fequencjao ne.tlat i od " pmtialy oehem, anti gel any aupplaca es ot year, wviici ay as,. dlleoe lultrn oed aapc.ael. Roman preju icesiicv ticsmi1. uny be.i,.irctly essociated wviti ait ycurboesain the, Woodi trade tîîus aca- vitu th. Poes; wnue amcle hu as migit ever, ane harder tuait atone, ani mor en-em .vi ce. cf tic ranctuary, mut so.»e fe u Rsseamntiitcluto ciant iteration is neceasry te war ema-bc productive cethle mcd tbeoigo andtile-tane tirofi oppencuss.mW, reesrctina way.-Among thi cet obstinate of tl.s. Sciai resuits, NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. ohelr gr ts Id emerathus at b prejudicsi tetuat vbich vili itanstimon "Te Uns, viiare acquainteti nit trihi.etbad i hndgindb alîcmptit gt euaelevle0 oo'exceileLI liturgy cf Ihat chueciice need nt The annuel nmeeting oet Iis Socuty teck TXpolacn, vWo W meknuIAanti couti not lyi>rury lavao.7,We havbfevqlooty spoken sas>' lista purer veinucf evangelicaL truti Place On thse annivetsar>- of its establiah- direct hic puraing coltinnez, lie autinneti or sentimentc on tdis anîjecî: ve ccw a- anti fervent piet>' cannot hoi. uont in any ment, Wctidn"siy oeing tii. 18t tnt., h e edsedit i lt. vail anr.elves, glatly, of tises. of one of tue iUM&aitCOMopsitton, lian la (boundiin te thc Hon. Louis GuGy, Preitieti n tue bu Ganerainttadsedmtehep4 motitlietetorcutynwsaes ryrtic collecte, anti other pcrtion& ,f Chaire.ofBelieti, but tic astwudicregardeti by TA& .i VU sicamr :-[Amcnimnu.] ts Bok cf Cojamon Prayer." Tire election cf Office-hcarerc for t6c en- Vanmdame vho in cannequence cf hic ruamer - slngycr vas ient procectict te iy balo, ras urroundectiaid lest four limes the. mec RATE or0F ivansT.-Consitierahic di se c hhr.g.bamakc r e icfoeloiîg gentlemen vere elect- ciciagcoïn nin différent ip5Opers opend t h rsetieolie e luer;ic aplcnt titis nuffi î. a dera 'a as~~ n ndfatal rerot:nation, tcccurrcd atOu. rsii Ua dagnId: iI e. o rviu ra rcin cDcan coproise te eon TesOIIOctt i aîady iasayonng PVice ire* , Capt. R. S. Piper, R ; tuatIou, owinf ta lie great nupcriority, cf felings as veilias intercsaa hicir am__cn lao name oti nomcn, on riionuthec s tnp- 2d do., John Flemng,Fait. ; 3d do1., Jules bu enemies. teins iatiethetr appoaanace on the. 2d mt. Quesnel, Eq ' Crrpouding Semt« ceret. The greait body of Uic people antr ieedcl xprt nhceei A. F. Uimnts M. D.; RevuiagBScret- jeaona0< ny noeffnete h'icotain c_ f tue uccecdung day. It i. tatedt tl ri, J. Stephenson, M. D.; 7>meawer, lien- Hic Majesfy's Birtu Day mas celebrateti parentl>' intcniere mitu their w - L bt in, ca a a <tej . iaujca ,H.h usTmMnStuta'li.A 2' -Demony, on as lomrternis es possible, cdtcrislis aînessevere ie C'am 'loses, clork a RnylSit mfieyteRy andti mappreii.nsan mnny prevent tii.m uanifi tiurng bils shonrt iMouse, anti a Dr.nWilliam; Ctemi, en nm,. ~1).,al ileyandSafu devmaoie b>' thi e '- train arrving at eI a nequitable te ail s'ubequeut exaininatioa cf tih eoytifie d Wlim1m . ~Atle>. niafmd oah u l partes, andi ultiumalcly favorable te flicir the. four physiciens thai attentied hiii.tiit W. lietge, T. A. Begly. ovo vies. TiCre tenoe ciftiagas fotre casemwas rciely soci acone astasice- Aller tic election cf Office, fer. thre ea- Iegt., and ti 1ti eclcck a sainte mes givea in e anicnte erit ri mo~jexoptducedby the bite ofa mat i t. Ycti vssin r, tise Correspcndig Sccn.tany by theveesels nderhe onnanâ ofCoin- mLai.cicess; f t. rentb.-asretaincdtfat lte patient lbcdt net heen predt te tue Sacieytyhei.Sealetctr, inodore Barrie, C . Tic day vas unou- 1evtueproitewhiclianoherinvstaentbitten by sncbaaia.ni, ndietldit ihaccoipaniedthe i.my reeonnnti- Monly fine, andthte brilliant appearanos cf migiit procur. imn, hb. nt nit ho b.ver beca bitten, but once, and that vase cd for a pria. modial ut lm mstinctng, a" n-lt rcm oeie iudebatfu> e Thereare ikewse reîmescontng * nto. yearc battors, snd tieaninmal fnot matititîct Il"A liief anti pleuasketchior ltethtrue ote wtte atiuyd- Tiee aa lkevce arinseo'" -The cnly explatiation cf tis curions ami Forest Trac f Lover Canada," wean t coratei venaise, attracteti a grat cocours in bousotness iici afcet tire value of n'eie>' Meianchely event, vîicî lias licenaungges- vas fon t taIWillicam Sieppaudlilial- of Of Peopi., mho vitocase thetihonoces pait as mlas ohier commoditie. Buldi, rate tit j ta cntind nthe ininntiWoodfilit, Quec, vas the. aider ofiet u SalrKo"vdtu îieiga te noir fixcd by lam; and t inibotii haard- -te ta Mr l STiic King"ceasethe ces Parn.a ans antiotiinate tend taey tuaI br os. Téoes unmos y traite a sncccnful = ,sad tgen, hite cit' aon ratcci. Tiec ce ueccoftils itesoo"t anner, andtiliti.suppose,issveral demcs.acceortiug>lay u thelicmedal, hicl&.i ifet n timesof sarciy thman of _oll tican anleare nid ta have dieti of lie hy-le - d limesti te tcer int housaada h *etri roplueia iurîng lb. put violer, titat eue bu nengravcd liasenil. bmapceàothYrkBzr tiens do net .xish, andthec man of buai i i.tte svaiiaici tise skiaredteeada, lselatsin;lth FA»M itaitinfte 0<ver.iMo huind v so h istuiitngadou tainetiat a iierrat tban tue I. ,bdemo t hae --d ebaeth Sbl nt anti the mnbn hes.oemecitisare te'm- .inparteti taîtoevWi W. 0th-' iiiomnnhJ~ -ceoioe a or> cmi esna porary, and wbocoudtivellsfflrdte paya"y its it. Tiie cpinion of tue ai mialti b.given la lb. autho et the. KiagUton amar pneducied. extra per cent., are botdebarret i foos tegenticinen uitI iipoison aplind te tuird, wviiclwmasdesignated a aver>' chah. exlefint W bllvethvemtintaeu"etskiaconnet excite ticdue - but tmt'atisc ass misud &Mreple t. vi Il wumeoratdaiYork a o hsurda> e laime d gth ctelaer i inM edih.dbeWa etelcrtmin, ie .,Î iLm te ngf=-tDet de-. y.trngte me tic tm oa lmuai termilsetiby thc par"il, lanalter cases iav- on ao buicinge., andth te om er. ac! On tue letten ccs ç > ithed as lmIonhe jgcriee.In ing t opein te stipulation belveen thêta, a c mmiion el aIt.tlimesbse dt -Ba. irto peacti, it w o eumsso arPtng, osBf mone . <milsgtiy dvataecs . an iste. AuIricnsLevrt. of Cbor, Upper Caam as wu1teDetroit MWaid liacl as board, 7W0 in woldli fun bgby yvnt èoua i-thccoriuglyofcthe reqi ita" te ol usnbr, parsO ti e ahpdt civetoa tten poeutaiemnDisTraesitr».-The msading(Pc.ry he oiter couti lettatl s t,- di lcd therpr i.Isut.It leWm be. oeita rive ~ ~ ~ ~ h tetr Soprl fli tate- The Mtaîte a t k.rtzteen, on Stu have a utaimmîevptccUpueluo moul abl. nl nlse mb*tehav.cn-ser natatn nt od open ruo Pîu.-atePtSs corrodt oneming th. lvac" ca",aIe iia bn iia. heyoung peppje i, Pilleieu ýtiv ed taR aismt onxà Z » Am o, c fe are ' W'n < U~t~ . N im o r y wsas un d a ncr m e ýr .in g u e e - T h e n s ei* b ju g am e C huan i ra s n n e h 7 . d l u , S p r i banamnt amon& commercial miwn' ors ten, umarn,at abouti ___th hme f rieIlta c6&itai.r Spu« credit in treaclerous and an vic*1alive ,in the beiiet ft hat r eIn et t i . Hm. ouisGu«> fur liehie&a Me. $id. Vina, M&. N. a »t. Wliet, meced r nit , s yeiÎllady> he *daoeter<f ncout Wite ii.remideu thelb.initit su. ame ioardetib7lbbby nc the gs 0Miduareùtn-'- ,ad ohhameaus dmi. efteror ne 6 l..7Johnn cd lie camnet ebtain san on mnmrafsqu fuis l" ef&W" twtP, iowu.adfrheuxmsmintgUM teZ Pr6lè.%31à%I. capital &aiemaeqiveente the i.cLett sn uie g il tathde Inr-taaLan 'Mad vie"a of lit Society'. A mine l Eclec LmA,~usli i irevr b. permutd totehnu s ma- Theimeedosemaueth<b.tdet e tr&acaiwua&ulmainous> dy *Mld, dthm h DUic7LoDALmabet ne> ct puci roa"asion »ch tfrea s li t 104M tlaeing. Andi cesequent exces- laok diScut esluh.nis. date te L-e.lt lIi.OVesn.t Romas, Montreet, cmn ind bormoresn, a"tisivantdeffec ftu i gai. -i th0 mPUs Sccreontmaaia a 00cmlarda>' but, timing &dedy appointeu ahI> preirent conurleainain tic mc..> Mu- A ? bssmA eI c x vIsfeeiate <HcNjm»51 kat, oraetlisast rentier tuenilm I "t Amirant- . avenm ho < Imfatittias duing theday.un )t W. certamal>' ceanot coupaite Sticu Tm ni yworambme uy. . leon s ic o 1 atin'. (Ci tmerotel uddeulI fent, calitifur a glsse mter rhe tiI< lev it 84 ed. cd. Wbthdiu maltile" Imislthe ruptueecf a "Md amdi&0lboat. TUBHE B RA D Mccnl's u eto aIsumeu, ca- the, maierates, su ite. pvate ~?~Th-cx-m in a IcIectc0.nd,as0 otuI We" .dY, tr io Mdey' ofJui. est, samfam sit* fnefii c f e c. d i Iite -"wu.a ag%*mm mm-ilBv. WUI>NDA, JtIN 1. lui. ut 12 ecli en.f.'r -cepn mcnyab«UndnlTicil <o*ci JW] Mac sy l IiNZ te eoualir er WB alIsmamms Do eraytanbois ici UIOeL UTWO OF *0v .m as....PA- taiks9.rt WIi.ie J ta. EgI.of aot Md ~ eh t temi citim. t4 1cnsmmin 8 etayam«a u u U *v ma ua o uisor 100il«» r .wg6hepou s ie ca.>' noie <Muid, ad pcen ai lme- -Pfrnsths ' l -0 ý11-- te Fi etaus-.a...oa. r eni, Staà an @mme ci cvii Tlu omvuwfl -l oba& Be dieý ma n!"M by 0»cas r t»r enonmce a&UOMu , Pr*Usc Md sud aqw.. momne> unrkia m e m oe.ti>' tet r- - ps uHul1"mue& Me e ui, tfs à@ Ii.raft. P«e nt n île bshna a".IAtseilut ec, tYthbe 86hM il&bdiagqLende. plm- . M*cftie acime Iphe ea b foiii - momen v.t.vs a al- 11ith b, abi>' u hpeamanu =»M. la ().~li teter lt 1 et-- ' lg v i à iu n u i. m ap . x pt1 i k n ch m y u nli a d ap u - (M i t Pml . fa tn m as c$ M u e h ab m md i pe - gd . t 9m -r-« ----rSpmw cw momom amwe ý A FI el

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