YI~._________ lioo au. goli aas ete u1.uetlol. sd v1saeth mon "ai fa- y0fbuhm d t n edfrpMhlSM lu v mooeiusl dihlbd by ber, mud, on thl oit-ouI u ber ointrigues. Il id a fuit you dressoe&"eon h. mmy ehcauce la oscoun; lur"WOI sma e t7she boiis 1bk ai ptwbain thea m11 dop" cf mmns iiso f teCa- ltsbusdeindly lbrovn cf sgmlthé tu>h7 vali n bet n~ sisto tsinoensidoÉublo ctent, a 'e"izoed té rmauio con sab , ebuivtice ia the vool, ou emuvuaiouri ssis dsdpgdbi di1, t g aepasll t te ,r sie ithi eepus acrdî u ëWsureap.ctive tank.,l~~ae t ouaddelusaiu oe ohsue.0 ours. no$i-iugh*coom- inpa"isuitood biScit u.moeî; but re rep l!reuetantbres mirn mediato con- tact aithedb.Smifisovernbgntlsoy au, awWl t,'uthqua--soln siullssima 'a e.t n cfU ai n Pgrtiopua iltdevery inch of hink. M8l'îhrl." ftug eà:idllg atisSies lhim bpl conresuln lW litsnatit"gS aedi oglaces âd atoselitais b.vent. jthrýA timma cnism ouiws hMa dIction; aMd nauya liopa. <orthefu- ture in derived fmminhW infisem oiterhina. She à au uneS uoitu; iviti youlhliau- ly, loveîssa, sand uffubiltba ti.n'a boucla, ah.'isaurea lemt beoss h -oes.sMd form a adoîighhul.otmM t l Ferdinaéd'è lt. quson, wviabaMtuuln inStiouuareciotiouus.. Thueiqsu ad te hentru ver. au ah.miaaioélmh onlb theoeym, w biemtatpmoer mu the PmadW*les villat1ie td, wulkiuag ulsu-ba-urui viti laiq ljstaI tired in Usetiloa ouneiemuii. miurbly. nt, s eiél.om mi sef ppours in aaa - re.,)e*d thout 4Y amcrl indepent1 f hé e*st liv'- ý.ct57Z1ccWl w cf Mt&c teint he Va.a.g4musoâya bâmted % hp'oed i i eu .fno#sé" li seau I piolt at l "b tme a* ex. tai as llej obasmu ho eu ~ sj.Iofbil4ahoy Ouf Uh't4léI du'l eu' ou àvett*u' ls tien, aa h.upscîgnnaamu whbut toioflbtim metihyo 1, Il aifu i m p. eIaeîu4 houri pe o sfla~i f a LI tilfucion, db. proing g osf l., 000, ami the atra~iscmposiu te mdi db sdsal,. é4ofobis J_ 1"oas luî - Mis h nu MIWELLANY. ro b uétm Tmavuuo., A TRUTE STOMrY. W 1. w usa younj,.y ias oi eé*bwipbblve ta of uMin&. l vu My degojitii .long v mna., veêa, à1 d»w.yfmonm y &bd t7a**ms u1~ â410àa so Ibm oeiqu catm1*On Tht,.isasa m~l's~a cmatas. tbe *hi% lint10busl, in à bash"" that IluI22yer uisbowlu gormuda eau mtislly ln bile llrqgbb shu0shme i, ley* 04ml c b etkfWJ eeme#* ter,« to, émt lb.ot sgh Woodkq1 =*M yag hm u I., iselsI te de. M. aswuad tIseby th. teet Mr amq1,Md omvyed a tomty domfatule bhW &lbce'mamulous Mr, Hmmy wu a Imallu; s-he lumi 'a, w 'Tl lbcu smals dwatom4agaim .1 la Iuodi~ssrbmcofewry, floun pouvug mntr m-aii bbv nom hot. asg lis s emmty. ma"d bosu chamsteriu hieabuiho' -eoY Sb wouàd ; antI muanti ler etit. loil Pt", w5vbioiseoared voi oair, vul tu <liiaimpefections en tiroir basd, biwou" CIl. vteorld-Ou Ibis accouaI kt d40p17 ugr.ted huaving defetned le potl vWe mew quit. InCàaabeof th.e eertlasn.l Tb*' cOuvorsution vum kept op witbget aman auimîa ton on bit aide, I1 , "=lsasanlisa td ial ormnc, hetaiaghbn.basfsu.h aeniem b 1içgr eofhatyiibislusaia (atuStbofJ uty, 1796;)tlu.aîcnds- hi.Çg fviuamndla. ui eltand mues! GENlà oaNbly bW.elie rtai, asq., n met glanpie. aI m vlthsiasteneegt&u bimul. a ort unia te mitnuotbcaW Ilté et sonom large.th«oenling faor able filehond oîli 78thos e ebt Y en, fisesp. nteitiatribplm s oft!,,oa e 'aIspoo Us. &ar ;J wol:-(Amroawy bIn polialfettia oum n g l a ehaMreteitlage. aiby feling àbmie o fas obsethimng lrise teli cf vopit *hs p tiala rndah les t asli ,lus ilf fa, et lesm, us the. vortex of servile Ueel alions ani pre0eitocoaextend, aud @r,&i Uitb mPPing tb.esolifontdations oflusice, stoi enorvaîiog tbe prings of virtuou qui.- lly Tho schoil cf partiyamy for, îthe pub lie ma, initlb. vularsiu roft at at.. ter, wl. Itaes opthie profession of Polii1u ot nus a fieli of iuty or uoulnesa, onu lb. rend t 0eaieneprofil,:o r ve but the Man of heo-n db l h hst sua ftpbrm. ugiauyc rtsPsU teusi b-ct ai ne tubuei uto the busis fl.gkWasmî.este..s; not«Xa sut- fa tlb. i*testa efaiumtion %0le h.Coelome- ded it théa .fortunes of a partlcelst body, Mbens the tangeue in subouiaed teo mituest vbst the conscience condemm, ntu e an otirie theose firut elomuto f poue li conjuneticu witb the umhittoma viovs of heu t Uejlridicto of prvitejudgemoaî le l u àege oa cecdiy cmprofs.; lhe franchis. of intellectue alst e in bartared forà Ma cshilling, ami Saadi servitude. If îlotsMamy lhogood in politisci edet- sJu;, their vaue tue dpend lupeon . - cOcMtY Out of! athlthoy au anlmateit. Uttee i f a ffctions pourer mitait in its proper suppoW 'but lei lb. Christia pai- ot stand atone, or nt leust, lt nothdng muso- Cie hi. vil pifly, but virtasoum oida te lie secomplishéat by social maus. la par- s. Infinencri uni s. limiteti, there May h. Soeurtr fugainst individuel prosuimption anit temunlty. Wbeco smen an le set logetlbor fer the coummon gooti, the foundulion of choir pemanence omatIblaid lu tbe ackmoat- Wfeaietot thunevritcs:fviuicb ligne vîleluia oslId men tbg.tber long, bel Ut biuthstasplê vtei torrelâliomn Gi î mausy itF uliceo ajmeues1cil U~jussf sslmsldaof 114 en; amis-et clout tecontrt ie ieees t ento sof prad elisen h.ubmerieuci b tlie grt -làtres of thesettte; bu thes» R» ratu und"apollpredicaaeels. Titeordina. tend efutyoiti inteoonuihae, mu'r deMotiabuis eermîmtd by Ioîle il-eéa eçtpadbfveMslpt sud beslisies flIheurint t. wàirplb. aund*ut f au henout oibon sud t.e adg4a to d ita lasi oeoàisa astj mibew'oes Moséon e b ypouettl alma of the idiOts -f. ptrtdm t.ve *î êtm- tlg suidOf, .lâsI&s isulu«tPèler. shdming for vhul pupoe tuaI lai mave- ment wus mail; but notling voulti p dovi but Ibat tle Rassau a ruy vas lum- it amidett off broutils lino cf opeutions, unit vitht any o11cr prospect but ta taikt. [sIle, in Prumis; Wvisajis bsxpectodua va iisappointeit, sud thé Poies returnitd bô the lineorftie, Vialulu, uflar a suret. action, ait vas miftld 10 gloocansd dses- iency, by tlb. mme vtlters. Iis ijvesy eviieml Usai Do a scouaIs vasruntdmmcl greal expecluliema of soum, ueiter la Usme.any cao.. for stutimg haut Use Polo. bave miet vith Md reversé, as. vo"Ilhai h sble 1001me. TIcudranue omaasu andrtsten ta tIrov mour oncf meunantI muni6ri o~ f vur inte Lithuastia, aid beui do'retire 1 to tines c defac. .cTheir intention vus Dot b turn Use Rsuss o- -Y, -i objeet vw"o requis-os a oupror farce o <men andtalunts le uceompliah. ou, the. aivance aor tle poses, tlae, gin- ein" mUsaI aimnotion vmi udiset ovanls 6 Jithid, and i le s.rosido telnanua au w*hén Gen. Chapovak vu det&l.a=d1U Il., saseou.nssd joisei t Ieir frloda nU- thuania; thé abject of dbe expeditica va. timui seuod ;sudlise crier girea toa it »P cortam oti esie ome eur .rtue aMjuaioity ctf=hueha' boig miâl *M 15Gels. <tlsipôi *vu mot ofiheir forcasgaiumNsii.crçmwes . Narev ai Qàttuadbai. - Ic bridge vas mèt dwesnny.iach euebd Use Euuia« le pou mveal rgimeals over Iltbe ur The eis teasem undldwwmuibn.oi ter Gémo ti LsIulo '»k vas ui. u' tb. A fe moi p o .a t a" dl vj4 th e'ip m m u of &le me sMd!tbe <*.thswu Sgmis la dimleb'wm1 Up sal'MW ois »v eiio$0tél 41fr et tuéa i "ne, s.(ut hatt. lb. plé) vIt.euh 4ffle qdw.te t,*lleiswsu fias.hou b.it inph"u lthepSa 10* thé iqbmuwbn* ombph tb..f mbtq. Tis ,g hi lïm sd- i-r t1 Iw a!WI vlhàut boing iseilpf isi idaé siptshla ismlmhm.ats eés lum.m* lb.gkd eîo"M. Gmm. Cbb'*- ....a iï- teey e~a *~u yU~Sl <WIbo... 1Is~.ips I bcmoegaula~s '-'e p±one. 4i S ti0n uxciaihie opuu, Cl'uftnM'Ctau. BIyI. a"ouasisaipoko WWa- amusWilliam M'Dossneîl. bmve, MsecoultImo »L usdsuau. itJosephs Caftilf huoi1m trusy's tIaugittor, vitla may tous, pla- Arclubald 1'~î, ulv IVlo in, suam aoisu thalle ho uuli e Pitilip . .Rob;li", R lioi "Mdrty ultndeI.'Amit won ah.keplt 1151 Il. fa S. Joues, Brocktille, 1 promise Woasitevited upipuliai, (lir sme- M'Pherson & Cnuu,1 isler being long deui) for manty veeksj, sud Hookîr & lleud= on Prescott, axiousy vuiclîcd for the opeaingof eyes, C & J. bMcDanald, GanOqta.. 411at, langi as be vus, ioItait brighbly snd Reaoîved, Tîjat a genenal meeting le beli ,Sdullllxasrxn lias youegine.on Tuesday, thue Stti aotcSeptembeîet Youmay fancv,etelbulemntollyou, ai Allen bilînrc'sTavern in thse village of1 us ha slovly recoverei, ail île moments, IlallavelI, wlIen those interesîtl ar.r-1 Usat vore spent in miing, sud 10v-voleraiquesteil teattend. snigng, antI genîlo pllaying on the loie; Stephesu Nilea busing talien dhe Chair, zniboyr many frésh lavre vere brotiglut tbe tlankeo f bise ni-eeing veto giren teà ba amvitose vouided i lutwosldaetbear Sanel Ca-ici',Esq. Chairmaui, und in.1 bi.n le galber thossu for bîmmelf; unit 10v Rorke, Sectciary furt tleir serv ices ut Uis1 calrnly bthe da âlghd ointhi e bleseeduesa meeting. on roluring CfselanI ud in tuai sateet si- ldesolved,'l'ast the i're.oii,' Iesolutions ictuce s. caruýeluî jouaeit. vin pusliss y lh inserteil in thse K in-stonliferait', undini tils, ta speala one day viie, brigîle hie HulIowell atnd flieIille aes and pleasaîber tban others, did net semi mou briglsl or more lovcly Usais Use looks <Usite Youang maiden, us idée 1 l soke cf THE A DELAIDE A$SorlALIoa, a' littIe festival vihs h(11Wosghil muet AI a meeting hle Ioas the l2tli or July leur an unwortbier nine) slae ment i' i- nt.1 10 teive iiihonco fber g*s~ eevr.~iesolveal, Tint the tvarious cannnie- "YAmitiis ime lady,, uid tle, "fo,,r tmie hna; receiçed froma the, Canada Comit- r est, mo tended sand -io hüt, te tell you te. having bWu- duly con.imdered il iu finaIly boa vîole sterv, andI speak le yen of onie deternined, iliat lits 22,0)00 acres whilu in vbovwill belplaîm to lhausk you; nay 1Isait tlhe governnen leîter dated 9th ofJtine last,1 you, fair lady ta write a litîle bil let for me, fiertéise Honcrale Peler Robinson, r vlmicit, even in theme tintes oi' danager, 1 may ofreredto tiiAsflattoii, shail belant at ini tome mens t forvard." To but nao-hOrelq accePted at the price pcapaued, User lie doabt she thought, as wyul liglt. 17s. l(i.puacre,.htIe ranas tlob.arrauaged Iuy #teps aid aliîghter heurt, se seated herseif Cupt. Bl. White thae Clainaun of -this uylés couel, aunmiliaigly bado hi. dit,- Aoci-ation. lite, but, visen lhe sid, " My deur vifoe o IlMn i ts euur fts and lilletI up bis eyes tlia sked for ure,, Asociation, heing nov in Uçîper Canada, hie mv before ibm a pale statute, thut cave they are requested l.a ennsnicate isith him one lok cf utter desair, muid fif-lfor, the Honorable Peter Robinson, ati York, ai bela aqwe tebts elp her-heavily at i u th r. Edatard S.;(leil. at Kingstom, do liste. ose eyea neyer tfuI7 re ktd athoni istdrucations are forvarded fur tlie dbe 1 *alaginoransv,ýred by unawer-Iarne n ' teepctelt. in = 8 s bIse fon inqur. cf ber puo r ragmntoterepcid o ladier. S.lrittMua.Im urmct Any Canada nevspuper irserting uns! gemle, ami delicate lvays; but reasont hss yl oblidge. rouaunonomore. Bbc visited tilttie day________ of' ber dessUs, the spot vliere sefirni savw that young soldier, andI iressied heiseli in -TUE HiERA LD. the veny lotbes thtiesaemids.u lîbaelanis ___________ 1er.- KligstcmW-.ded., Augu.-t N3, iSS "UT vÂLsAIeAcHt, JATZ ]Cas. BMCUs. ______________ We bave béeis politely favouted vilh tIse W. h.g to tliaîk aur attentive frienis or 1sr a faui iateetiuig lette, rom thile- h o.urca Aera frmrrllt ~y teberfriendi Cunandaigua. The loI- teCmeca detsrfrsvrllt ter ia dultd Corus, Murel 131,1, u.anid i'.London Papeca. ar.sgtifing proof bearaueouastale muits madeoin severul journuasa sbort lime PoLAs D.-A fev veeku ugo v. notloed .Ince in relation 10 Use mamuige of Uhsa di- Usat a large portion of thse Polish army vus tauguished lady- .Wbatevet may have iseenonUulerBganieti.deconf the opinion of ndividuals u» ta the proprie- 'tnl*rBg n ntedrcino t>- ofm . eb.r'u clangu of nsuo, on the Pulbsssk on the Narew, huring a slrotsg gmousd of Use full iseasure ni'lionout essjy- corps valcbing Diebitscb nisez 8.1411e, ad bythat name, il use.tetainly te le regret- *bout g0 miles eust of Wuumu. IThe po- ted Il at a subjeet cf s. mteih deliccy, as ber domjestie fellcsly, shouulit hure eben Ib lat ef advaneod rcpUjsy ulong tise Na- maie a matter fort uovspapec conmment rev, N. N. E. ta Laomza, ant 20 miles bu- Thé latter nov bofore us, in tle landatri- youd; titis mavreenut Uscew lut oen bbe tîn of le lady bursef,lIsrislo acomplete right fiank,ani in the rearof the quartesof ovidence us eau b. dimd, ai' ber donnes- Diebilscb, anti gave ts h oteta tic oooyment. Long muy blat enjya»nnbittetemsteta reculan untouebed-.fGcspl (Auburn) vagant expectationa by Use public papera Mesosger.] of peut ue-o f Use peine, vitboalsMn- 1 '.mies~~sma~Mf. ftrly la Use Wimlo, usavilisi S TIIEYORK PETYI'ONS. W. essaIre by Ils CaonlulAivocate ofTharsbait, th"t amoier Petitiosi bas beau meilat t*b>- th* Yam*Coamitto. or grieqvamus, addsuei lo "Tue. HoonA- BLa TEE H.wmu or AIsEUULi," sud coetuiningnearly, if uutprecimeiy, lbe mine ,.complunts", that Ris MAiJeSTT, tl. veit puerions, vas requeeto remore. It seeme UsaI db. potitiones -m ecousider Use Legislature cf Usa Province camspaet tdo ieis th Ueir allege t uevsuces.Was il at.Userefous ind.cous, adsml ril, Io trouble tise King vilb tlsoso uahomuimat- tome, befmraredress lai been eclicitl du rojurd by the proper trâbaasof Ihe cocu- lry, thse Purliament aof Uppet Canuda-autl particularl>- inaulting tu tac in mch à liotof ..coupIulila ' tan uaddreas proiessiusg t le cOngralulatory, sud pre-umisieiitly ayall As porbapa naany oi' uir reaitoaa are un- acquainte4 vith thUse cret hiutouy oftsi -Addreoi-uaking business, w. beg to affos'd Oient a litle informiation on tiie snIFect las tIhelirai place, Mr. McKm.es, of the Co- loial ti di'oate, prepaTod a number of re- quiiiotua for Towrnsiip meeing", pr«tcsarc tlao-signatauufufev individuai lo ecis requi1ition, modesly fixed the duys oi'nsee- tiug ta suit lisoaln canvenience, audttien î'ampously asnnunceai <at h. wouid attend every mneeting, in acter personalaly do ascer- lain thie sentimnents ai' Use eple"ý-lav- iag, utthie same tinte, int ail probability, those pretended wue~mns"srittra or pristaoi, in bis pocket! The icat grand es- amy %vas matIe in tise Town of York, wliere omeatreo or four hndred person, mre bsn e uruosity thun any atiier i'elingasseni- bled, anallb. ruedy'madé Adulresu nolicîd in cor lut aivs presented lai Mr. MeKeutie,1 ami adopled. Tite reutult-of thi.s neetiaug o far »Mt! thIe business, andI off athiak 31r. .McK.msie unitonee or Ivo allers la Sçar- borough, Marktliaun, fc. f&c. nIieru sley lied lithoe groupa of fumiers collected, vIsa, ià.tutively us il vere, conctar in Use prar- cal Resolutuons andI addrenes submitici ta thoin by tbe .Depuafto, fr-oithtIe York Committee. Aller ail tîba, the pro- eeedinge o<Use several Township meetings ure blazontetforth in Usecluinsof a'tUe Adecate, and it is impudently asasertedthuat tas. cruasd ieonaabent Adiremgs con- t INFORMATION WANTED. . P HILUP FARRELLY of MuE comb- JLty Cava,vho mitait rom Dublia in the Laburnjum, audd amveitet Qqabec 181 1%l 1830. sudprocmoded tb the Tovahp ofps, Newcautle District Uppue Cseads, and there boit 4W00meas cf land <rmis Mr. MWDonulthe ILand Agent:u-shrt 'lýim ufteartls ho engm ML thAir.9 rt tGrlsun a hg îovamlp cavu Ww, 1ho remmaind for a wveitwet mlQes mot m iom boe hourd a. M'. Gnliuù my* bd v u ia anud héas ous»outthélb10M t o 2tAuggtagl at 12 ?lock M.. 1uuking, Idis vuy loaariatheé vodia-lu 1, he uvoigonyl »M eatin putami -c hiu4a~ t veosi4 nul 5.04 m-aotbm bu mny~~ ~~ lu'lg bc 0siéari of him ale. H.smn. L~ULY~ hm o thes ht Mu. 0 pir of crem à" tïowseusand4&-*White 0, at-416eiw ubout5 futelavec i»"lis meI ur àoaloi~si!fi ai-kaa Mdi à»e, uam bu,* co»Il mu rL..* *0 ka If beis aliv., or ifs.ny persan gr faveom hW bisleomate moîbér, Who~ml on l. uorui b u. E.LmAgWYH FARRLELLY. Port Hope, Joly 20the-l9S..~ A THIEF Ai» 19 ' D»LM% 10 p.LABU aW Dt oua f lrgo emoIs. gd abu eutj **OMmtel1ut lenrya-Ibi aa o. iée i *"é uIlufv toirifph. Mi ~cehl ~IfrIhi~ le h.Iitm - ~h. is I ,wu - masse.. ms e ~flhj~sIu~.h. vu ~ Up -. hir.aki Ibm la e 1klblo su >q.êui~.m~ a ~ i '*1 ~415 as a aj ul ~J~laaw Tuaaday kk hiy, . Mis* Accncs g.ra d rtcVout Mary Fiafer, hbm f Lact Toea. At Bath, ltb July. f oi1I.am I r h im" m.a.th of tKing,". On Mcombav lut, bv thtI. . .P. BUijb Mc. Jms a}raser, lndate minAm.NU Wilson. *ADJOURNED SESSIONS1 Ningstoui, la AuguaI.t l. 1T5serderedihuttbelblo '& ~a t"mIu 1lice Rogulation vospectings atine, vI lostsd of "akUzo esdm aMd Pq for oeaffecoa - u 0= =s S ~ ' g, 10bu ne folloata, " ag u Mceas.- ti«.for~a and a afine of 7%oeuIpfi. aed ltaI the fofloving Rule& and flegulatlo . se ddoed, and nensbered as under. 1 Nu. 40. i laoîtlred that the avîuet o any Oir Cow ov orise found runaing ut largoeaat'W"0 B& Cof lKinrioncoau»7, te thet Ispais.i t thetown meîlugia. nsrlot; avtuIforfait and pay the somnof fie hilngsf « "e C h o Oline. 4 Nô.41:' itrdero,tbat*h.msa41r sny Stasno thoro« rCraft or Vet fî ont ia sl raaeo os is t oniî u b.rri rai ndth afrbe nuanfcegte mm e fàrfêsiî mdpy o ec ooteth mmc Nf4. îysiI iordrds.tNo d Neapo4.intlsaanaside ndtaInMtsePalles buierl upoetIos casurystnto 10 lb.-"Po-. lfice Rgui olero.ur7,Si2o8,fand b. Po lic Ilgl the o. u, ,mi e J. NICKALIOS, 3gw. e Clerk of the Poe M. 0. Kingston,. iuly. 1831. NOTICE is hereby givon, that Tenders atN ilI b. reiîct t Mr. John Coa4tlg 0 uil àlotuhty Lth 15(h of Auguât atoxt, rem. such poison,-r prsous uli-> uy b. willâng tb Contiu,.t for the aeetion of a Jw*lling hnue; in the ie.,r of the British Woelvuu Ychapel, either of Brick or rougb 5101w, the building to be thurty (Cet long, by Twmoy broad, and une and a hslfstory higb. The Tenders are tb express thetotal dumotint for tht erection and eouplediont et eb teabove mentionod lionse, lb.eathole of ,which it to be perf.,rmed ijea gond sobulu. tiai workrnanlike oaunner -lb.eplun sueupc cificatbîu cun be seen ut Mriohn Coutem e W. D. a hotu si irle w. Whos l iwl., 't y 'i i e".e T Mmoi4 1 . 2F -.l . 'l' .Thé foregong is a brîef but true history etlb. Yorkc Addresse, the monits of vbicb vilibo discused on tmre future occasion. "The Kingston lruld informausuthut the Logislative Council mereonurios andt lbe eslublishotl priemIt Mucaulay buve guin- bd4 thoir point, ant hatt1he court boum. andI juil é le bdistrict of Prince Livunl muat te etected on tho priestl'slIra, inateati of b ttu bilt in the villugeo fr BLIowenl, Un e h.peopi are. White vs hl%=e lb atheus <und acter. in this scundulou job, vo voulti vish paxiiulaly tedirect the Mtetu ot1he publiect dos*m- boa o<thé 4.nombly vbomsuccumb.d te thé umandnots made by tbo couacil in tb. MR. &bd suppoiteda bil for uddingaoter rot» tab hîe overrowii I . Th liop"d ul bond f Midian6 District Mugis ttIot ctc for the pnieg ofPicton, 19 to,8. Vent7, y'verly, iliMuy bu &%id or lte R«s. William Mucuulay, that, if Chris.king- dom vus net Of ibis vorid, if the Son of Mau hudt net vhero te lay hie. head, his lordly follovers, or mmr proper.ly bhl, Mo tmendoteWuimc re u.determiuasd 10layoli et opi" earilaly marnuuuui' ith a firuer Thoes.bove pauguaphb nfrqgathe Colorial 4doscos , esed is in every rueattay of ilu 'v,ae.oos autl. Nov, viwtaele fuels vith regard telo tIe ià.1opoud seoo sud cmortboumo! Thé kv Iol dil At Piis ne.umajoéity of th. jutiLes 0f tý& pesme or île IilàkaadDisriet *ut Le la* J41Y somuont d bya tnemm dubssethélseàuigiik. laeiaori gave a fir am u edmcopiiui on the aubjupt, *Ï aul the justices, v e i 14 sllda.t regard dte peit. hsteof abe, patsosor persous vh.fmoeier,po- »mnthe .décisin hioh in m ld in ltas %qi p11 t he uI Tv POUllONS vine pommalutdo lheeesom0 mmot s jp~ i $ É~ q . o fppu 6 0u4 tJwe* m = À W~lvbt bs ako ps. -oué oi'-l lu ~aictq la*rtn7XI*e,*,~ NEW STEAU BOAT." AIe eetig cfFmmnso, imd thér ia- hésa ta <UselidIaidDistrit h.id Pur- mt tablie notic.autGiffIB'1»i, Aitol- pîutv, on Use 131 day <JauIy-1831, to liai2. 1mbecsietiam he Ueppri,.tj cf! bu galdiu lui-Boutt o sun letesnres- oU a&sithe begIs of thUe By cf Quity, BilivuL CaPMY, Emq. of Aitohphustowm, vas caleio lte Clair, a uWa. bau of nalloveil, woas uppoboiut ocmt. ,-TIse fotlýeviug rosafthous vwer4 ssu M-dsy mdpt.i:- kesolvoit, Thaît fromt Use grosi angueOf <busisea,,both inja-A . sasore &Bd meustie pont of view, toocolyfor biosolo tée-Boat do pletveen Pres- se uadtehod<ftis. y<eQinfnini W'nuls a.1;m d bis Meetinsg i 0f the opia- lastht 115< maosto st@Ln alauMtalonlusato promi ss crtbon m sSciss eutit i tecit fo IW «o»n. .: 111 lIwcdtaI vith à i m cf ém0 lh9 »u!A oler paumeons te tatae tact aIiUBmech, au tIsaI mo £am.ved,T'I1h iocay bu7tatq*i tu theammo ot cilms <au £60<bIhaul- mee, ssii tisatit Win s!lboigoler via requiveil, by inatlluiets cf m ue ca 1 en t oue"l dureami ihat ,l ieae »m be gi'vus n 10bB mespelous te coliog Ma uustll 4- Tbatitig4he 0forith bo,,,dgo ..bowt slanud b.O cf e e.la st sue pveatitA thut suimiflost lecej4 Io 4pIiAn Busasveit, TItI mien the pay'mmtof tise' *tuiOla Îl e ,a sughustul- la .Zs & Se lb. .xpuusdes th um, sai ofat sathe OWpsuilksud!m oa. h UOI. am ut.bm~ b Resclreit, TIat lh lbg mqlebuea, niSel. obt"hue mocaa u fsaia aim1 at. lb omu ." imabi ieumth&"i iuR4 Md of0" machler isattur ne"Y lie isslyitet, Myb.i", th&- apauin 4l Perlabumija, del1Sbel 1.Um P. eeupn mLoeP. = -ateNmMtais7 AVIIhIs! Miaul - 1 9 f 1 -à-;. 41* à; ý -. i ;:ýýo làt, - - 4. Z7.-.6eý- ,wýj