Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 10 Aug 1831, p. 2

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* "Ti. #ruinent onrgo= io. ftcgaro- tratud ilum.,ethIihu. tEn eu n ltho 0< Al.c a. vmsboe n 70l4, meivau conse-b quenal 'in bi.s ixty-menh yeux. Theit Lacefiii , th uttbaumuch i dsputed,- liiwoae0<Abnolbyin Scotlad, ud thaI of Derry in Irelud th clatîîeng the dis tiaçIion. At ani early age, liovever, Ibo vas with hi* parents a 'cident ini London.. Aller lmbbing the elementary principles ofci ramnaticai and cl.sacat dumîtruction ntaj dyýcioI in Luthbbîry, le was apprenticedc tuie llteMr. (aflerwards Sir Chart@)i Black, surgeon tb St. Br,îw sHog-c 1Mia, uniler A h.eau- be p. ur'ued hi@ atde egreai .lanîlage. Even %%-W ll;a 1 yoiahlie b.appears tu tha t idulgd;l iii ...n aUdlio. eccentricities for whiclh hevas an0 remalbe;-he Irequentl>' attended lectures I lin te habit of a groom, in conoequence of which lie acq sired amou% hi* felluw tudent l the ncinn. f- the . Hslr." ie.per- f severed, however, untwitlîstaading su* pocsiirtie., in rendering limiuuf practicali ]y' conversant with hi, profession, and le-c calne the, pupil and aubsequontl>'the frieud I of thi.e eebrted Join Hunter, le 1790, h. edei Mr. Pott, as muutan-our"e il to lit. Dartholom.w Io Hospital, and aborl t sfterwards took te place of liaI gentlemenan et lecturer on anatoiy n surgr. In I hiu mode of teaching liovilas ver inutet on umatou>', a *tboogb mcv ge i vhhi, lieeoniceivedl, could beacqi noul in the. diseeoting. rooci; but Ib. eu.rgy 1i Iiemuniar, sud Ithe appafe anaforcible illustraions vhtii lie wu s customed Iotc introduce, noyer taîtosi tu fix the attention 1 of big ppol., ami tu impart a livel> interesta tea il <liai liedeiveresi. 0»ofne0hi@ grilonat objecb te O1impreuls on their m i, Ihal th.e ducation of a sureon i. noyer cou-1 Piste, &aid i* is itle glte aboutt lie a nons.ie oi>'d. Hoevwu oppoeed tateii division cf mrgery'm istinct deparlments1 -ach au liai ofoculist, aunaIs, lit.; oami-a ariiig the whvialas essential!' conected-9 andi Ilat nomua, properly educatei, coutl 1 lie Wo 0;ofthe dam e.vlsclithose - pectve devisinsenîbrace. At aun cul>'periosi of ife.,Mr. Abernetby Upard bel thepbsanauiicr. tvo volones.; sud -Xec2turaa,' n on. vol- i umne, explanalory o0<Mr. HunIer'. cpin-à long.of the vital proceusa; wvi a 'Hanter'. laboricusanma profesinasl character. For4 'Br. Reus' Cyciepedia, ho wrote tlh. anato- maical articles isîlusi entier the let1cr. A.1 aiB. At on. periai, voe beieve, hoevies violentlycppased wtii hne loca dc1 trine of Il and Spuizi.ien;vlti le- wangs, hoe becme partiali>', if not vitoll>' a couvet and lhubi the.slman Ilouta acheovleige il. He did not, bowever, as- sentt 10agi ha, minute divisions of the braie ineistesi an b>' phienologiat. Whoa Dr. Mlatrelinquisbed lii. opuar leture. ai Thavi e' Inn, Mr. AbernethY& cli.. in-1 enemed. au did abéo bis practice. He vas mmaiqliue Pof«osor of Aunat' 01 h.e Cr-1 po " s8ugemIon cQhisemys, lie bai lied tie externat diseiaatery-a boldtsud mertorous operation. 'limn provemel in sure etablilhi&bisfana., andinmcreuesoth ie credit of th. Engliait m. bxoltlrougbcut Europe. Under Mr.1 Abennehys auspices, St. Bartbotomw's 'Hospital aitairnei acelebrit>' which lit liai noeerbilai.eejoyed. On li.death cESir Charle. iacibs former mater, he vas1 a ,sP. - sogson ini bis room. Ho wras a Fol-i lor orlihe Royal social>' au bonorar>1 M cf thelis , oylModicai Society ao Edm g, and cf thoeidedical S.icietie. of PraauPhiadelphie; on. of lhe Court of AsstaIs e Royal College o0<Surgeons,1 Londn- a;nsd on. of thc Curetos cf Ibeun Mil bh..bee.,s id, sud Malis trange etouleho ve beau tbld, of hie ecceetric bh- Il sud à* blanieu of bis style in sudres- de< Ide paints. Tiser. are (ew by wbau ihm abemconsltai, wlio have not sou.s ameeudolo Io relate, of tie rou¶ginem.. or it mIggilie the. rode.., of hle iauer. Sotii li, lt hoiuuml' cut a speatker short vith smoeiluchsentence au, Sic, 1 have hanr enougli; go home, adsuait na>'m book or, 1Madam, keep your Mill 'tu oya> askipjuino ta,.'That hisiemrtwas,bow- ever, mor, hîndt tan histongue, aidta hie fsllgalsymffahhdUedmie viti human- 11tis ls u -dihave-,-led.1 casual Oliver- ver torsufppesbelon dispute. * Wleu poý 09&diées have prsvented mioi- »M - g -pou hb itetbis ove hous hir -vice avlre kuown hbmenoMt ast>' vWiltsa oastntt>'an eaI isrouven- lest dglaien, vithict rem or evand, butl * pemaul>' sppi>'thens front bis ove poie. *Mh iviaIthoir vontl requiroi. Mm of0-1 (ss ifstances of cbant>' andigenieroset>' uoeg~ bet.sstexertions ofamodil 1 s&ll ' nt.topvoiuoef.oth. liieot9 asy et ie. couteuporaries 1han fronisliaIOf i JehaAbesnetby; d if iver. ours ta .Iikga blance belveco te barniesa eresu- triclis. olew have noicti, sud tiie incalcula-1 lsa . m..of god blias udont, me woutd1 Mthum Il among thse tigitest on the p.- dssI.s on vb w o bave dune lionour 10 a = _ mossecond onyt>' ta e lanlise sclei diiemma hope. sud bappine.." TRE aEv. E. lavaina. A vork wrllten b y thiseuo. IEdward li- ving va sat week brougit anier lb. con- jiMeralion 0oflthe General Assemibi> oflSeot- ià r ifinal adjudication. ' Tiihe ui p.e"Vilusyieen ufrred tu a Comtte.; 'mao. o ds>', Dr. Dickinson reportci fom lteCommittee, thatthte vork contaiis- midcteseatis saie s te onigose lier-. 0' eedMW o n 1701, thlb. 0<l o wlih,we believe, wsVi.tie peccahility of JososChrist. A lcînz liosîaatotok luace anlhtiiepor. Al lte etaibers iemmi- ait the. demtin..;but Vlew as a c'Ousiier- able difaeme <Of pinion rem eîeti i. sose immetion. Dr. 7F«,ZcouaId mt hpomusva foilowîugtlite auîbor by six te"di* t1ei4vjoniadiction *nto cmttr vise.a .aider eltuncît ms e1abibe.0 i moveita vesoluton, thoeolilet of mitili wu. te poevat Mr. Irving heag peritei te promclinl»yi>'erc iun SBoelli.Dr. p. Nsckuiaae hiouglit Mr. Icving'a vrit- ie visamouietk. tii. n e s 0a maniac tiena a-Mau oasd setise.- Dr. Cook bai rý fi ume, aunlel tiedse in a aanust, s 1 tis srtciiag foth bis .baud snid "Well, 1eau hldlio loSgersingle, Ï cumul bave refusi lie. hir a Ielvemonli; but aitigetiser lie>' are irisible."1 A ilecision O cimaisimportancewvas sai. in the Anems or' lcl, aIils.eDormei Eles- tucn:-A protenamni Diaeallag Miaister, viio bas laea appolate 1 eciate ie ane of hbein "Pets h ie rusos, un mIon the pvopety 0tie Chapel in veced, claimses a rigiui la vole un account ai bis freeholdinli bis pulpil. lHc provcd, b>' une or bis trus- tees, liaI b. coli net b.; remnoved front bis situation as meiuler of <bat chmpei viitoul lis ova cotisent, and ltat il vas vorli ma- a>'a 40.. fahi,. Afiensont, argumnteali Assess.r>, mid biîiils igit tetavola, aud hie voicesvas accordingly'receivei. Iftitis de- cision sitoui h.held vald, iin hbougisl = eai ,000 aiditional freeholiers viliihe tu tb. constituent baidy of the durf- reutlcounlies. A PITuavNaaAaATtvr.-Sir Johan Sinclair, lu bis ccrrespandance sud remniaene., litaI>' publisicti, ulules liat tie f;ltoiug ansmer wvs.given ha bim b>' te Dake of Wellingion,on bis appliccaa lu tehlm for an- accenai of lie battle cf Watelo "'Upoa spplyag t& thie Iuke of Wellington u a Sir loin) for bils nile complet. lhe acconaI 1 proposci le dram up lie engagement, his sad-« 1 con give yca mno information liai macd lie cf an>'ne la yen. My muai vas sa complotai>' overpowmeaitiltheb.grait aues os f taeballe, thi ai coul mel psy mu>' attention te il.misai etcit#. AlIt latI cais tell yca le, liai va met lb. enemy>';tah me foagit a baIlle ; aid liai vogaiaei a vic lau>.'" huho neVeaiser or . hottt vork in lise aMaupipnibil,4kft1 te ilseif, venU siuktaoiE;= ibe aid contempt. Dr. Fus- ahe ascr1e by 147 t40, te ibe et wkin t e ex- clide Mn. lrviag <Sienepswnig in aui chanci..in S"ti.-4<Abiiged v u t Editaburgit Papev.] Hms"nuigB!"-AwVVL 11Bo1171>s.t About lie yesr 170, a stnd>' voteais,8 anc Peter PrIil>, vwu clk, sexlan, aid gnvrrel-atane-cutter, aI lie beastiful patisiàt chanioaiWakefild, la Yorkshire. lie8 vas an old sud ver>' respectable inhabiltan of Ibsi tova, comuendabi>' rond 0ofli1 varions offices, an eat ala a dicte U't letitiius fears; if leh baireer bacu m, bis long connexioinvil ic herupostorles of theo depailci, liatentireiy milyed bie appre- I It vas on a Salarda>' evening, in a chear-r leu. sud gioomy season, Ibat Peler snied foth fronlis dvreiliug la finish au elita J on a bleue, vlaicb mas ta bc iiineadnen for rectoval before Sanda y Annlved aitise cisurch itvhin wic forisheler lie lbai beea vcukiag, Peter set domu bis laIterai, sud ligbtiag bi@ ether cdl., miich stoci on a"Ilpctato catdletick Il b.eresauedtbis task. Tiecharcisdock bai somnetime stnuck leven, ani sons. lettens mere ai1 unexecuîed, la! a siuluar noise arresteda lbe Arnm of Peler, aud lb. boked around ien i ln silcul astonisment. Tic annuel per-i hape cannol b. better oxpresaci thais b>'thee mord"Il iulasor Il"iimh.1 Recovenueg fromtahi@susrprime, eter con- chinde!thitlih.tbai been divei;-especWm-1 1>' as bis senne cf iiearîag. massnairemarke-1 amli> perfect, miii bo lherobre munuei is mallel andi ebissî er>' cmponil>; but lu a f.wmimnutes, bs sea u .atun greetesi vils fhi.ferfi u" of 0<',hi.," Peter nov roue sa oatup, M igc bis tantera heesl e m imia van fer lie muse visence Is u cumommentendproceoddi, and vas.about la qait th. chu"S m.u tb. uscutiection oflis po1usea" iai.porc necesslt>'wleilhh.Id ii e leàmabi courage. Tb. bammer of 1h. ciack nov struck upon lie gueaiSiell, asd it sauci Peter, iaving nov littho more la do Uimcâ examine andt ooclap is nev SeItera, mas orveyiag t Utic ili dovacadSl eui, &Mii sud more ltho n rilar>' minutansu, wviio, Soudern han ever cmeutpon bis b au thei dreaMIunote-" I iIs.!1 And nav ln truli ho eMcci appalc-1 Fêear bai muceeisi douil, sad terrir ficar. Heotbai prahitdtise uomng of the Sais- bath sud lbvion au stldiWt-or per- adveeture tii. seule.. of deathi base paisd tapon bien, a"iiho. as noi smif lobho laid amcng I"enstrese ikii d mqmu~ B>'(w klil.justes. Wili toIIerieg b. lovever, Peler nov, meni bout Sedsuabchuti alep liai form- kon hm-H. vwife'in vais ieterrogatedi bim as tu lie nafture of iinldisposiion-1 Ever>' comiorl Usentlb.heai isohunsvifet couli during lie niglil tank of, vas ai-1 ministerei la no purpose. le the moriag tise gondsiromnit, happeing ta cash hour eYýes apant n l.get !c har ere Peter'@ mIg, vas susp enicalaimiesi mîli grual velemece-" O Peler! mbal ihas thon tee humgl br ait ' bair off oné idu of lb'vii Ahs! Goi bleu lie," vacier- le Peejuin nof aibei,"Ilihnmubhat cure imeviti wotmstv 1i. The mye'- tteinsu.l"hs" and "Iiusli," mare esoaeda fron lie *izzlung of Pettet i#, b>Se fames 0<6.cadle milcs, toK"mauerf-_ sense cf bcsriaipolilm hrie an' syf'." Tie ioer>' and tlietlais, affonded Peterad thegandipeople of Wake- field mac>' ajoke. autO HAROLD ESCAPAps alE Tac SATILE Amcsgit tlong51ues éitepocf the un- ieuriei, Hardi musseugtt for butinl vain,- Harld coulti mot pouah>' b. dwcveuc- no trace cf Haroli mmm b.ib.feun ; asuds, the lait hoe afinutifier hie romains, i. folîmsrssuggested lintpossibuly bis bain- viei ELuths miglieb.mle la racognizo the features on familiae lihrnaffactionse.o- goond vent Stock ta Waltism, sadreunued Wvili Eiha, sud tb. tva cm»msnud the v.piag momen resaeibstertu mblea tabeki thelb. lirel Ssii. AgItlléy.de.- conipoing admati utîlssicorps wusi- ectel >'dilis and i e.vs>'ud go Wl- thaasîite body'of Hmnel;aad lioe n. tent ith.eaM saiothe<6.chair miti greati ancoandi olemit>', Rsy iÏorsise nobles auislatle srequises. Ymn sm- leowrmmrath. Notase yoe ponei isvIl tipos lthengl".,and alhuimite etias tiplai become a ta"e*f mut, wmitai *Id men starmed oithle lit iof aeliers, anûti araoi la silence b>'tils elles telag of thie caufiem.Tiers vs a ducropit aochen- ile, mhe inhabilci s ailBnear lie abbe>' ai St. Joba, aI Cbester. This. r.4.s1iply scmred, adinudodinla hisleft eye, Ilives inl strict peutenesansud iion, Heur>' t. once viasi hAlbitgai liinmd iai a long privaI, discourse viti bus ; snd, os bis deatb-bod, ba ieciared te ;h. attenat moshe, tet ho mas Harold. Asthe. ston>' i traumitle ut , ieobai bo«nmse U> ccevoyedifroma field tesacatis, probabl>'c Dover, miens ho cotisaiccotalsi net- tell bcni. iiecmeans of reacletinSi Sselaun- bey' vbere ho xpuoi..-islery cf En- gland., Fatail> Làbrar>, No. IBL] Ruminisunceiasor T-rua Tz aoec no- 'lIer.vmsans clIrut bci h laIe Dulie of Kent n»ver sulIbeai bulin a- fragei sud cee amilable dut>' viclie h neyernmigleei. Tiemle vs. bis,-4hat lie altaved no socretaer>'t lak thI leseasl et a ltter. Wiioerr«ra. llie Dake. as sure the ler wvolirescl is îleitd, and nectb l oimi caucteislat> ide orideulgnil> vithbeli by a onetiétatlservent. Tii Dulie mstil ietating lie amens hmslf rari>' tr.sting dkitclm tbat lt> aicy t b. anmerei. t bave kiiovuhlm, vies the busis of<theda>' masover, as eait about la geltt; iscurricle la tako a drive beforedinner, a= yI>'recollect tbiitue lindam anesti souns, stimoable scromî from a a blie', ife or maclii, and i amr lo bsroui t o i , especl if lit relteel te au>'moutulre tint vere 0<casssqauco tl imm 'apeacua"iniwar; it in the pooL* vhois satheisourc. pUat va.l MTo 0b. pesople, lien directyour viewvanmd youraf-1 liction. Cislires, vu>'y curisuberm yenl vtactl"lithuga. You yull bieak taodimusboDdh mand you vili cens,a Hol>' Ahance.b>' nocipuocal benefitgsumdii>' gratitudes-l lier MCouctries ilt s b>' ire, sad fire alose, liaItthe people recover "r qi ibeties-bhere thuasliberties are neceivedi ase ,h gi t Ieir bretiren. A generau, uaad neeir>'d.ei viii becoms tii. &etl oui' your oma ebcoice, aid>'ott vil procah thelb.people tiseir indepeadence, sud lise returu Of the Poliah eagles ta their native soit. Our fields viii leu nothiiegn cultivaticnansd value viien tht>' are tiUe b>' lb. industr>' cf brave amtn. You viii b. ennohicdinlahlb. e'.. f ivilizei Etaroiio, aid your country' viii gain millions o<f (l- low-citizeus, Who like Or brave peasants, vili fi>' ta the defeace of heir liberty, mcd drive back a power vitose character u;ta t Onl>'Of staver>'. Do not forget, bretitren aid fellov-citsasns, tisaIlise Greek religion i 0ed b>' agreat putl of tb.people. Toleralion i. on. 0< Ibm qualilies ofctviizs- lion. Tii. deug>', lhe chuncbes, mcd reti- guo, bal le pacd nden the. protection of lie Goverumpe ad iil end ynu Iluir assistance in caring Ibis messure of jus- tice isto aet. [Tii. midresa thon go., on ta enumerate tii. respect psu b y Pcih Nobleanen ta re- ligicus rite.sud feelings, and cela on tise People on ibis occasion 10 follov their ex- ample. Allo 1tusund Deputie. from lise digèrent Province. b lthe Nalional Congres.. Il thon proceeds to descriie lthe vaut pover of Rimandhsud .iiculties to b. oncoun- tered, much lenlb.elame etra" as tise pro- clamation 0< chuxynecki, andSi ocluied Gkbath ahdy m..ghtprodim for aa uss. Gci aid Dot lie Emîtrr <R aM i , e miii i. oerig* !H. miii cci..u'a Res Win dci.vbo batbhcSmitiW peu-sud juywho bas bieuthe vitt ofoppreaton, Msa adybwo ougbl to obtain lhe victor>'. We fe bave sIreai>' foagt it ida macc.nlalbthe . nana. 0 lb.Godo0 ur fathean mc iv. Fr figtl titaIlu el sbave a mUplsed enda 0<Jaice. Al tise ationsOfEFuropo T pnei0the feelings of bumanity tuem- la i. fr cor ,,tfate; and exuiltwith jo> ahor ifont maccemile.Thea.uni>' mal tyaur geeralbc risiug Io bail yau asumembors ai lie m ndjh isadop.ndent nations of Europe. 1 g. Bretbren aidfellov-citlz.es! visa» v. :0 i shcali have fiaiteesi Iis terrible sud uuequal prla contect,vwe w vi ivte lhe PoveusofEurmpe T la form tseauselve. mb s atribunal 0<jastice:su ve mill appeau hefor etcoverus i villmoun or blood, la>' open lb. bock of<our annale, T ura lb. cisarof Europe, and say-Bhold iai mur came sud yours! Tic injustice don. ta Polaucis kuomu la yon; voub&ebot bor des- viii pain; for ber courage ana geneoil>' appeau toerenemies!' Brelliren! letn ot uin aGai. Re mili ' inspire lb. breasi cEurjaiges, vlso, inspi- T ted b>' etenal justice, viii ny-' Long ie . Polandi ire. and independeul!' lent Thte Presidont o< lie National Gavera-1 ment, (Sigasi) Tbe Prince CZAaIoa- iti Taxi. Wanusv, Ma>' 13,1831. #u jun ENGLAND. lui KING'S SPEECH. .1. val "My Ilord ciGentlemen:- III ha voavaitesi mysaîf 0< Uic earliest OP- ren, porlunit>' of ueodtgInayour aivico and n aistance aller tise iimoltion <of tho fillePou Parliament. any "«Having bail recoure In tisaIsestur. rat' for th. purpae of ascertauaigtUchemnueof undi My peopleon the exuedieacy of a ruions y un the represlenlation, 1 have nov tearnom tati 1matai liaI important iquestion la your eu-l -liead mc ut attentive considercatios, con- 011L 1 i fideal t in lumc>'mosurne viicl you ma' lb. repaze fon ilsa aajuslment, you vilI eti1 t>' ailier. ho lie acknovlcdged pninciple. lic the Ieconstitution, b>' visithle.proroge- 1 liv. of thse Crova, lio autbarity 0ofiioth pM >Houses of Parliament, and tis uigbts andi25 ibertieu ortiepeoote, ane equafl>'secari. "The. asiaraccecfa blefit>' dispo'tien lu 1 visica 1 continue la receivo fro. ail fie Paver., encourag e tihe ul taIt = It¶ l. standing the civil commotions wicb bava s distunbei moue"arlocEEurope,,mandlise <@In conlesl nov exiimg la Pclactise gene- Lieu '"Totprumrvaionttbis bte.ig u'rata most axiaus cm e il b. costanti>' direoai ted. "The discusions misicis bave taken place te* on lb, alaira cfodçuau bave ual yit baen mlii broagittua cocluion; but tii. muet cou-i Pta e me= t etin e 0subsist h.- and ewsc omer ves.plespstisaliesFOI have becs csgagei a ic he coaesnce. of 8 lm"ia. The pisciple asnmuis thon Pme cnfrescos havcalista coniactei ishm beeu 1 liat of sot llerferng viltiitightsanithe viii tpoaple oflBeiginu to regulal. thrisuinternali tai sf a nd ai 1establish li eiugovenamenl Dis r c=iig 10 Ier oms viewavs wat mu>' î b, Monti cosactivetatheen futur. melfere tii a"i idepenience, utaierthis soleeaonition, exc taclonilb>'lb. practiceof ntilas, asdl., fuiiolieP= of ta 0pablic laton I la lic exmWeiof thIa undoubted nigll, tise Bo, senfit>' of the. msigisboring mlatas miaoul peu ntaolithtanung repuea remoealîce., C a&l repanation masuai-iseti, mpelW dme a«À atsr taresqado0m ikeilate z-for pesur beloue Lisios, mith a premptor>'bais-ci mmni of satllifacticta. A pm>sip --pli- sucle vith liaI demani prevented th ne-moi Y ùia>' meillrte ures; but t have te mu ret flaI 1bave na jet bien mble tlare- M tit.i a>'diploatie relalious iii the Poctugues Govenumemtth "Gentemen cEtie oase<Coumon Illbave ordered eultimates of te expia- un Ies ofthe outrent >'earath. lid MMb"e you, M sait1 tel>' vithli cence on ymur IO>'UII> Mdi Me malle adequate provilsion olall Ithc pubmi er euleasvwesfor llie r =liSbs ato m gutedb>' hc hm W lalmet; almsys kee-Piglain ie t bomwusty cda miseMd taivile muwc my et 1 in cvibeameioftie public expeitumre. "Edy LidiGentlemn-h " t g 1 l u l a tu t u t c l axid eti u u s Wv i s tc b a t atIev Io i. edai stma umss c tic e..>dh. pan enanbct; j>'ur, witi a tee e w oails ssr the le ImrvClsies 0 clWmm îtyso b ualpaea a h v u k- dminatila etbea- m 4 netheta" aditïW re mu» caepl l e r ure o = ot 4 - -I uiu tg PRIOM IARI U 10 f Ulm e -F fS p Iaw t) me4mAMY i.?vu REC UPOflAWA. ' ' i -----r i s i i al a I m I com ia.1 il al al &L i I w. gist a- - i:i L r [t jevwlbdeop concer at1hbave ta Stateof Main, théState MOM interetil i tenace te YenuceatnýIni dpo"gueof 'the question, la amouldecliedl>' aginat tic omudaile dises.., te mbicis uy atention amuid. Tise repart micihic tItobue 1beau oui y direcbed, l i eoster ubtsbave publisisci cmls aponuic heGoVert5ont arajie. Infomations baving beae more of lie UnîitedStates la iaîothîe incision ently recannosi liaI it bai entenai itIs upon venonaspamadeisof wbîith are agem le ports la tho Bslîivi ae hiere sotsa 1111e cuanous. lu lie finitpucelis> çrcal commercial intercourasemiti 5>' la>' liaitise arbiten bai net declded ihe mnions, t havue directeil thal aIl the pro- fénence, but oui yaiviseil lie iaerc oM loua sitonli b. lakenvhcblae.xperuac lhing il, mutiso 0bail nc auhitsi' bdo recomendeias auot efea i gunlounth. next place lthe>'asserî Iliat lte differ g ainst lie introdution ofais dange- dace vas not ta b.e subinitted t nb nii a a naîsi>' hlo t a ccutry. osi, butille seSovec in powrer ofainai.. 'Groat distresa bas sabappil>' prevailail pendent State. "Ah e lime ofaie lec me districts, ansi mors particuharl>' in a licn cf the Netherlauda," obseerves tle r'. cils.themaster» coanîlea af Irelani, te part, "«as bise Soveri&a ho ar-bitral, aad eve miichin lte muaI uiressing case., 1 settle the differeucea. ne and hbu in ie net hositatai le suihoraxe the applica- meut wene exercising, and were inn l'aIt usai iof sn.ýh moins as vers immeila.. ~uncontrliesi possessicon of, lbtheeiga i lble farn lit purpose. But ss.latanco Holiaud sud Beîgiuna, foumnerly lthe î'îjted bhis nature isasecemil>' liiet la ils Provinces ansi lie Nelierands. Suisse. ouil, ancan ly ie tempucar>'in ilu queni ovents wbicb OCCurrel ua., -et. Thé poeituitit>' iherefore, cif!latna- moulis hefore the subject bati beeu cnold nig an>'ausresR vicl, b>' aadmsing tie eir.i, sud an>' sort ai decision mas made ,il proventont etti nalural rescarces cf lie delivered ta lie parties, selueralel llelgium aInr>, oea> tend le preventhe racarrenca iront bis dominions andi frointihe soveregus ici avils, muil b. a sniject ai lbe most pover ofitis goverantent Losing Beîri- tuas huloreal la me,, adho youcf lie deprived the King o aimi> lthree fihlT.8,( et grave andicaumaus cousiionaluon. bis paver ati causelnonce, sud lie cease Local isfurbances, unconnicteil vila ta b. King ails. Netfaertandî. TIse lhu political causes, bave takrea place bath Beliua arolie fron the. levatence e>fl;le. ais part of tie IUit Kingicu andin rai opinions, aud lthe dbure of lie peuple te lad. In lte conl>'oaiChar., and liithemecurothein igitts. The revontion, mon Olnltg patsof Roscommon sud Galmay,'the course titi British punsued acurall !lOnau of violence amui outrage bsai for producai feeliugs af attachtaient toanaid dé- ne hissebean carrieil on ho au alarmieg penilece Open tient for aii sud protection ýe, for lie repreasio cf vii e i con- and Os natural>' excitai feelings agaîlal tie ltionsml aulhiyof tiie jaisbu beau institutions ai ihe Unitedi States. But mie p rouaI>' ansi succemiail>' exerted. B>'@Mliifiarther, th. courseOfa ant$ i it os minslithe esily of enactiusg nom al, nereasaih*isldpedence apon lthe utc slragth.s lb. Execahive o G aie, n' o tcmelibmteluoîe nt miii furîber pomera, mill, 1îtustb. for macstac ta enabie bina le lu huitain venîci. lie pomrer sKing, eveu in Holad. Th t' avert sacis necosil>' ias becusud ma ish w-Cuelrsi]m uabelotemthe geisiis br ill leau'mt eanuesi deisir; bat if Pi -corelr fnttemngr' caoli auora.nalel' rse scse ,ontregatatorus epublic concerne tanegi- Mr fin ne@otio a temaietaia the poe. a tee Ion uonmici tht.existence sud cn c rier ai mociet>', is>'theiadoption cf mach haiac. is pover iepcudei. He sa auas as nus>'b. ruquiruil foîanBit more vithin ihoir tioer aidcontrei.liin ctuel protecion." thon lohest en ose dat ith fni ai lie sotectiosa, tise King or soveiga pois. -mm he BemdMtio ofte LodasCoureaor licheNetiorlasi. eased 10 b. the titi eoa 24. tueilriaofh sd er ta vlicm thedifférences itai bSeamm- ['u meka BL. W r eal mite A eciion, aller sncb a change ar lte, from u a thentic meurce,tbal thb ciaraiclersand interagI, constt, for an is'pr- imaang atoratioanud mimetimeuls mili pose blie S.iierud asbaiing an oh1i. coti the Referas Billih l tory hic aior affc, it cmu b.econsuderel ou- anîmiesyorda1' n ee utlity."»On ln Ruelol le te buhg formardIbis~ aven- Tic aboie i. centtall> s ver>' anuine ;;Tiey'fulI>beauautour suentan, liat i.efoophisrh btutignce îf leralions moulu h. maie one sgucilIsom «en, but .ojtin -oe ti d rcipies i fBill. c irgsiW@the ute bStahe theude. ber.r is cesiderabte altostion imathse e htise lisig . aiW vau; ,mi tn [emenla of lie Bill, snd verbal improve- rats mte gond latd aiaudst l;ey 15s ta baye beau mai aretugieut. rateb. amilomes, binifpthe l a ta stlely Mi righl of voting in coeinioe u etan-th.ae Utd>' pintaicayi clar> tiea lat leaueoliers foru uvea yearm, and sin= 0<t bal', and mScliagaint tlie thon ietertnable on lireor net. ine ofIigrait Brilsinsand lier North À sa cm f prepert>' mebggd, lie aon- meicauspevmses. Tie ilsput.d territo>' id lu posssion le go have t6. vote. i o nmrpsesosi eeir ini se tnow as te freeboli. met wm hav sesigon, ar as. melmier1 b.prioia p siona fou a ireciolier recouaiseni lie Goverameutittoilait opyboldar if t lo ix mnthnib steail of mils it. Beau.., pcos.iun sie maiP t>' daj. as in tie former Bil; ani for af lie tam, ~ioliers, one year lusleit of tva Yaszs. rhe perlidaifpaaesicn ta b. ilispenait Loustic, Jane 15. ih an the case cf Prroot> cauaiug b>' de« CANADA COUPANT. but, viii &e. This la lie lam ah proseint A meeting of tic propuietora ai shanet in lonougis Vote.-Laai oceupiedinlitcon- lu Ibis uiertaking mas beti yesterday ue Iltion wih a house, vareoeus, or dean- terrseau, aI lie Londons Taveru for tie poua- g-bouse, (bell anier lihesame lanilori,) pose ofioctating aividead, and cher mat- a amouoiug, attogetien la lite sanaiheu-.'Tie Givroa, C. Bosamuat, Esq. i tu or tatai 101., &bal[ confer a vots. the Chair. No vote teolb. scquired b>' a lonant if bis Thie Geveutior baving ststed lis objecta ui s payable mare irequontly tl.» n ce of gbme.lingmnidMihel iblniesof liadle ever>' balf ysar, or if lais ludon coin- em in. ailartnb0 sîtreot aids for lie poor rates; bat wmie n.,ater cftpe.s" mtan hi tucunli la 5,911 ' local Act, tlhand oion liabls feruth. asea, "ciu l9675. luth. ime p. tu, lie tenat aus'claies tlapa>' lie tates, rW Otait >'emn9»07 acres vers dasposed lia aure a oiol l ie. i o, prcduciasg £4»84. Tho prospectsa oflb. 'ariacentr>'Comigosea lb. ubal-Campany' mer. tharefore ivonrabte. l1h oit for Committees ai Pniv>' Coancethiom t.l assindezlrmcbs cf lethersfroeslthe Corn. lagistratioi.-TheIdits ta e .pnuil>eipsny's Comamislauesn aCanaida, vieb sta. sm Shunipyri tistea 0lircOr etmm elil;thetb.demmesi for liaid b>' mi a Lisea l rcpit heoaIs. m arpu-as ieras gu. la Guelph le.sf ri ,sption graibtis. Oeseuepu-ileureug the21,t cfXMa bail elce. cuasechuta ruti.doit, b>'19,140 acres, %b.una lfthe cerrs- ims er ueoviion af Lisls etblargd ; tie Pouding Peutod lu the former yesr. Tic ici ber uaalva i goli ctb t, a overuo tbeunidgial:the emigraîlea boas tittieber.tle Ueited kiusgdom eba uolu »exts 1lare tbanee o ne ter«mS>lis aPPalttd nateal l calculated pnb h oml arge dounlies. sliens la Cassis, and tb>' le tComm.-re In ionougba lie toms CI"nhle to funalelsPactef the Coanasia'ersver>' favoushis a veruers vitlih tiHo oflie frteemtn. Min>' Of tie ecurants mii, bai racentîl Au appetadix bas beas adiei, coi"Wals Cu@ g ns e u emd mp cpitahs-Fron i nusof limea andinotieusapplicable te ci*m- latteeCompany>'isit uecavoi liaI day, aad boeuglts. fabo ir emagent le trelsasi, il appearaiItat amwen o ai peetlag luiax m ut. sui t 1h. amberau marsl veoif a au -fer tic puirpese of ascrtsa lb . ecnth ne eic lis vid e o u- aead accupasc> of proport'. h. .eod ta Canada la an>' former yiu- The voter at the tisse of pdlnç s' ,00bi ae tmligehi h irai ta isena« WIdilsqaliutien i.Ceuri aiDirctors, hocking t ea eai. of Fimo ousl.th*.lb.Company', Dow reccasimenesici lia est cfci aaqualification, "Iesl- iy, i d eb.deciareil ion lie ourthall lb heci of is. Dot baving sevislyyear,sltheraie if four par sat on lb. Rb. 111" , 1 sicuphleus alreéi>' pe OF. Mol t fo e oiem hiiRs ua 1g ecatri- m. Wool.y moud"n the listaion, Mid il 'alluug a ceslle--Coâ asb di-l- ia amesmste qustionts the Gvuonra. ld b> Sem lo to Distuicgs, ama c 1 ls.l th smmof Mf. adt IP SPoliag place te hi.»Opesthifrc"e . esu a isot ofai m>,ma u » repres Stet. tsi b>' tangile piapuat>', &mgmbecs- leditta h. allefrthfeu Benieai par- ieltred! profits. sas l ehci District, andi"as.mas te vato Aller soet iu businiess lh. meeting Wf :aOpO h e beotisallettei for lhe Parilé jeutrei. wtichi! mulii atosls, l. visians" ta Poikig fe teWelss usLL i m iDos-h baJ>ave bisatransposaid ig teisifenman FOEALa, Mgby a Stlady uerTe us. Pé»Itfer OUO»tng s *jacer, n eda>' moraing consiguna te thum eauly real> fr eouingauclcer as iraie. Wit5 bedss6.lies of liti- v ter Iice at tbemme leon. eu uss m moW"lemthe Drame vmars CiamerainatBe Univieutles ef Oxford formait sud leurliesi-:the îrmgic musaI AC@ Caslge mt tagivra iglai aivetng sbe mena vile living bas deniaid te bu the CitY of Ozfeuor Towrn of sin ,,sv; for witilhm die thmasuinis 8à idgaa9ion, lie Metaphysicial spirit ofi Led ATEBAv ~ NOU&&muon o f mp5r5515 uai mem upirl it kil %au, lirke ber, givebte hel (Fuseglas NemNag 1asJL> lsy cubeieidt lugil, sud misu ,d T'la ilceWson ù0<6. Ring a( J3oUMna, oui brsalie lise iuaee ie, nL. 'FIIsI question of0the boniniybatelved»6 lme me bahliâhan,NUi. Socevumin ntet" taesmi nd ait NM& sAuueulbursouitin buheb.fult giaeofvamabsd a b0 ave exit si ait dmue the chamocisermas Cathisis : ber esnal in senulaAsca iam 1th" lbu . isn.,mrulaithieQue..'t; l a nl>' pdut isti i hu hWi.S Mlajsly in laeBeav*Luspla>' me vs. mos-iW&s andaient bal Matme <iplniug bottapantien suleah et ngmoirei, b>' herinjunhiali il bon beharfh.eeosenatté10bécasme& mi- mdot flgiai ai wu as ouW.dbf b. TeM Uuislero<6.heasUn" Stes buofecai s nd mibister... vwuterrnici- the BUe,. lathe fluaitinstaite, puam-r~ui i..-c volcn. efia assion; -011 Be docisa"n athe guoo ut L wefargel ithe scslitg expeniob O un= adexcoeelsl hW posera, vicheSrlon ye wiosme prenonea-" 1do ws hc io im la paris»mi"Iocouris. fana abba yau for uy jtuige"--etlen i isimpl>' ta Solide 'misiwum aiseboanit- ab&kecau c f bet rodit ha» mniamted he hiTreMaI i 178& fel boniali Unsgleace ; bur refusai te P I," MaYa Beiiher "li. Majugy bond befoemsaniocsat tribnal vu caju, oil ajugeage iseipilsable la, mii vbol>'gives vili seer njsty. meti> ltoi' up. 55 10iiii t. acssir vit a à.à. #.1 isistats, mouuZhaisL.,eailstuIW ti>', yhl~ ->' asq lie attls~ lis polie., 55.5<11, muse>' vs lis hiashi nelexpeul dissehloise tisi, et ci ag 5 Sma c FOREIGN. AUdrm.. f11. NdUosaJGmeead ofo - 1P. lad toe hahsbt mof Uiku.nia, Piit- aie, PodoIi4,d nrinI. Eethmensd polluev Cizeu.'-Tiie No- tional Govemnmeat of regenerated Poland laW on beieg silo allait ta adireis you n ame0<tiebono b)rolleritcod and liberty', i. anxaEtob la>' before you tii. pro- seat Mtate ci aur country', sud b show you our vanta, aur dangers, sudcr on"oe. Tii. waht whîcb up.rated uasie broken iowu-yoar insteama curs are reaize.-i Tihe Pot" heagle diseaven a&r territor>.-1 United as vo are, baud sud heurt, me viti heeccortb procoot inluconcert lo accompiem tb. difficut,. perdons, but just ands cro vork-lth.eslatuaion 0< aur country'. Tise Manifese t di Diet, ini explainieg lise causes of Our rusief, gave auseacouant of our sentiments as eUsas your. Scaret> bat! we rise iun auprovddoii but few manas, sud uncertain mbat courses lapur- euo, heuor. e sovesit. the. mcviiandi b lhe Enuperor Nichioba tbat tb. nu. spirit amimaidus, and liat me ver. deirous ta, bocome, as w. bai frmeri>' beu but ose mdlii.sae nation. Tise Emperor Nicho- las diiinot visis la consecrate the. tanaliof bis brother la, a monument vbici, duriag tb. life-ime of Alexandier, would bave seal- oi lthe glor>' of bis neige., go uinet visb ta regard us as Poles bowei doma ils njuri-as cilizens of a ire, sud îedepeudcaî county- -and vauid treat vitia as unI>y a evbo bai rebeli- cd againit Ruisia. We bave arreede-ve bave diven bock lb. tlr.atoung phla- ailla 0th. différent corps; 0< mliii ur«ar ms wu mascaomul. Moagis heu.agunst th mamn of'0theoaria>, otheri penetrai- edint uta rov1~i oS l-caîlfrts oun lire- tires te rage thanuovean ader lihs nation- ai banner, aYu dii sot mat for "Iisap-~ At lh. ver>' commencement of lb. insur- reot"on n.>off yur allumons explaft.i tbeiruenlimeslts aid their vis.. la lie Na- tional Assoulysmmpu"pama sueminai degnfied b>'thliasiof. 0 'uanprovncs; infine, viole districla ofLihisumansd Vol- bynis nos. an. The partitiS ofetPoland bas lheu denom- mratei a crime b>' the umaimouaoics0ofEu- aotndiwlio atIbis day vili revoke sucb iWho mil etu.e t.cou. for- vari as the. championi against t IIIUwslouI>- edit none! Andsirve bave lise voll groad- tisaei"tErope.viltissasten ta rocog- nis cur iniopendeuce as soon n ve have provei b>' aur courage, oui persevunac, car uni, on, suai ansd neble ca4 ata vo dceevetuh..a free nation. Tisearosa- lution in ont>' a eonsequeuceof our opprto- alSand dcar ulaoatume., Ilvus 1h.emih of car heurts, andl arises.front the nature cf okur bistor>', visicisispla>'a aur determs- ion frous ithe>' b eumngaw4 ove liat Our ridâ uen m.ma fitrga engn- Itlu te scivil var-4t naotaiiled ili lie blond of car betiie-we have neto ve- turesisocial huaitutin n usisot0mise %P1e ues etaiciisc-ith le van of u- ilepenionctios 1h sosljos0<an. Thati IlF teCiaracter 0o ur evonla, mhic asn M counce 4i, butfOro%-.whichs ilaeuam casquera lta. onena>', sud mii is thohr mussud ensables the nesi> pesantl. Ws admireDagi maid Frarc-ve vlwsi 10 b. lie thea, a civioed i attan, but v ithoul cosag4 o bo Pâles! Naionlls iau- , t and ought set to chapge li lssent. of rtisirexistence- Bach bae ita clunats, in- Sdustr>',religion, mascos, cismactat' duca- lias, aid histe>. Froin l ies.uient el- $enol t$ igteolissoepunions iic iisplay buneve ,a eoluli.ocu, alb ctnmmstacsproper lo b adoptain dbtieir future conduet. Indvidualilq anoglyexprsed, taute. b. pomercfa peple, e have proeuvi try-pepwmuiite mMeevery saciflce--ceer ags-PeI *y-*mbls-nirniedesandmi set- sois, hiiss iede buurseci Mut.r aeàitor -These qualifieusieatmar&. om chefs ani vlthont la«, ysl itwloMb aime cau lie>' iseha¶ As amy >'80 MG nm, inishot dtho=v ihagii, tmm saoifby «WMemcsut;sd boy dii Ibey odutUemdveslaarithGm»duD Cousaastinel Tliai Prism, mWho §Wi lAss yeur se;ho"» hiwmislstte of reard or pi>' fer mr feelings and liberties, masin mur poover bot lis uow the ntias, a&W justlteitlaireal>'ose., ho.intuasleu itispe- son and bus arma>'te ur lionour' At lis. moment et lan.w. diiimc e 1 tase vem ie <pablmo vongeace, lbut rsete -T ermpeiail>'. Ou hassos, W ihaiavaeitei vils a famu etiÏàÏiiÏ *a ths faof <Rsais allued 1ioP thhuagit srWacs tle fallen enasy. b n"ys a reib> teatim u M - unir . o mmi70le amti ha. 0- nedi mani, hthimg h cwtu*$eW e . 1 . il . i

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