Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 14 Sep 1831, p. 1

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ItALIi.'~ i5~~~je slsSadt.le>* IbOqm r 106 eeflilty .5 l *Mcde2eut Igtb dcai, u. Iitfop le tsis ae~~estsf~~. ~ 5Wog fr-r If abiamslie. "ditmm4"lybuet,1% t. ues '.Wae astlmme l, ltheepigesa A ~ aci mpilqu, lis.es <leut, sud bisi bma"e boUla et i%~i w,~~~~~~~ pmLjs â. I a e ii e tmtal >u Bei se e sus kv. lista Brui ~ ai <6. tipi le Usai. 11* tisa di les portas ai, à* sevré ceag b iht- lsg <pfflmeuly m IMS1>0 oMIieSatimel,.elte pre. bd*. ,"d Ante, îyii.g tevepa hope. eue obi ut uotet .a& oiwS dff kftgm lai i '~Uicss5 a( llof Pnall qilibk ad emvm**ils ~~WN »M ' tussSu h IR<- fat ~Im 1i oweus~- aamodss m uti fus i Mns Y.l«Oo~ts e4 a it MPtI Ie e a titupet%*aà bt4a is.teIbm i syi ic4 telU firi u 1ta a.t t P.s¶ b iaudSalb iâiemesmetd>MAoltw MhW iIft l , . Mi us'bu,$edu ai oe &W Meq.... 0 a K*uu6. s a ."' ' WéIeli ,tifam uil "rJ. italsfdedsua ssi& l.,aist iamp2a.sfrisBubaa eafla. S~i. K~tObUl ail.. Iv lansa a~ao * ss lMW" etih. si Wtift tbe bieîaf esat41éiMT i* va ~ LDak ns.bm~dIpo~e miudas < Rh fie~M As> tiMAI*,le 4S # I0 '. iB. 11, rwsllpnie l kpqiu la *tisicot, ave =mllssbui 1 aviee kW -. betisaed roccl, *ad by oslag en, botul eoed le p aueet esit.Iivew **ti ShalSaeUpslit.Bakaeàt <.Outsatns sesaeyulapsfutltelsd blit tos-r *» 1 olé ÀIbgUER? KJgdNEY C. ""10, OAVIC.Ilm. op ovipe~buw.m fr~t~case, 14 glos eatthem &-UsO» tha i ba"e a auh8tâue aau ~~Jf5i5 'N~~~ed 1fCih~uuhauae, emi~aisMidb d ou, 5.4*1lwbsms* OSaau rio" *$luttiIIB t= , et belote &W pi havi luit me tAff ~ i.s al i uItc m HS 'eTbmbh.na1931-i t tauntocastt"eo mtcfIa oël, noie et bie oh standoppesus t *. iiavotosilMotel, sa" the. Cean lieues, mihe,. ba u mbud"lith w sMdmeou &"ouuble pattera.es Iem.a sd le- dii m Mud Bonust,= vcni md !"&. dme de. minmaled ul mlpaod o drb kt oil dimpmo et Iwrcsfoeuta pro. piapiaa. Noeember 2d. 193. *- I.-Homm iou mha"a a im Oeuf imm'&sMd jTombeu tc fe uelent 4n.ity-eai Imo ieP.et"M ik, îin,r m"luvi be avery tom tir Cash . beeuthe. Sbeciiss bday dis salaued bp motuileut. Ail peubs in. bled te the u «ams ebbyrespect- Jol1y sequstetile. psy lithessdn& SPal 41em0 t. Charles Tii....*ha *oics iaeu- itwsiard tearter,mmd is Mmgele ; Mud *li tiesete bm " tleaid lri.saaybe ludeblet aa requedt te prssent thair Ar- roule uttideman sci oy aubentic*ati lthe nid 1lan., Theimeafi ,payaaum. N. SR The lmilumes.leoitit.aed hy tii. Na d imut r4DQ>4 udo0ii"aeb. chtiet Ca Wêbrtfm sx*r ýido , Ita sudi* a C1doiitytpsî.l m e cu ,lar r ï lih .bali Mapestic t l culshm hi if &peF1 admibm W meredlfn ed telet ikoqfe c Glob*ai astiae:t ,VaiIueflWqs âdualpa »um% am liut- tee,; ad -MÏrlus SOe NUmas OvePaiend Il1ap. ow =vGoodsstiapCr-e, *el f bt urarkNOUSPi 4 U'UçLA1IUlI t kNM lit lutlM~ c NEKW VOX LoTTEp, Cbu Noe1, grill e &itamitis1. 36 Numhaaa.,-4 drswt a- k <ief mn. i leasanl..<.J 8lgst Tickets 130 ai $18.S@00 0,MLae ,U0~ diad lm aua rO100 s e b. eat-1 prila e. lm i b.1euch re. btuoertainthi e ts= iitidraw line t > hébore uambed1 u., but titi somât lanîuest#aod et they caiaoo brnsg bue. Tollanes Who reînit $M in Notez or primas. a recuiar certillcat. Ur<each Package Deuk illîter the drawing, aid theiPrise. ' rameditel iie aon thi ent»teobia ts .slendid Captls.-The plnbon met Wmth il mach appmobatio in sud -mkMWPia4e1phis, that a"dy 43 iares ilave h... taken. , §*Meurs Ystre andti M the b àmngenais, itii, ehacti Certilicate, cive agamteeforthie rsament o<ail paîtz. 'wbo do knowlm hi hbatsa perihal lo rd« t hie maaaprs, memmuaYates aud Molotv te; and a1@o, ifrequird, aun gêv. the M ofilbe iaI hassa lthrougbcut the. twidStatesansd dmi.Canadax. bis.7 mii mot miii te ik la Mach, & J. SYlqves. L~bmhwkelupIS.lves O,Quatn 44..jukAmle Mai, mti. emssi- -me pewniasplicstlo,ifaddiss- asti 14, S lqVKiL.Now.Ywrk. N. *.1mv te guoduchaînes dvswingr evet W.ueay. iun eq-Yok-lIi.s. 0<i i ptPatit miigtoadventure1 5-, .o ' esaot opimurre, amy depend ou hsviugM aetsremitqliOd wforwarding LITHOGRAPHY, F1011 CANADIAN SIrONE. THZ&UBSCfIBER begp. to anounce 1lWto"sptde Pr... 1n King>tou, by the .1 lit WILIU4 IV Pm-c.., miere *if be eÀtrd ail& oneudo f voi.k appliis- avefia, ub se MisP@b stsl, Vts~%fihociIseçufIsdtgs4Mer- iii. Iëekuf the amt if requiredi, Jlank fl.e.~su Hemrist, F.eral Notice%, *ifflsi<#mtJmauisble embieow. vSise o ofcapesoftaeivoa is ti tg armtj wlettipreparedPan sd Ca..Iik for tbatirpome. 2.B. Ctacatfâr.m priateu by lhe sketch balaigsupplidceAsg ii,191 r ~1- thea Mîdtand Nfl at Agricltti ety cqeautcti r«e ae sopftb.p roeodluof iheIn.. ,8m i#hi -,m ..thi de oflum commence- e tbýQ *àIuustayeellZldio#Apni 'itusiveoas »avuglte Secu'tary N OTiL-Tiia Saoshodn i . atsa-boiI WLLt*a -ras Yoii* swýe.eqied tepy m104 us baud of théi u11ibev, muer %*$efo*S. .U dedyeof sep Klses, A. Bd 1m. u.M tI4~*I esset- mm Of the bbceastsme eyamk uMd lm am MM iulSIso~ *i 01 bastue o béittisa u t am... 0ieisear; bou't M vu, Moth.h ub 19%d»hue.I btai. t sr li re ts *« awsa l4 udo a ân Te rdvte sme beingethe We# W e lles,' lthe m@ ai oumalg po, Oselkdifer un orS mmeut.-1ine close Pae 0lb. Hisebo f(*Na§$ drees àa jacket M ttilai "sis. whichr Ils 115ght ta the shaps andi envers. but dm ot nef eautheisbuil, ami Ihiiufmahec< kimselc<uachsilk. large puceofaluk or collas, mhicfi ise rsp- p.d round th ii. .411, snd enatriredt Ilmfi in gracetI rl lui l i 14alla beiom tii. au- ci, e oe e g, orbite. shows a "rtof the other. It is gathbeed i à ber n frovnt, soi thi er utIe he .broutI, aind thiTown(omrda uover b bulr or over théime bad 1 à.veri. The. bads and foutt are slways adorueti iti rings ut pOii.r ornemusts, sud ometinia sjel à muni rumai the oe.-Even the temas cirls have their aucles aand anals 0.is lin, brui., or totu snaud somsetinaSi sl- ver. The. bigives cites.. mcivaskinti of «lippi r sembsndle, wiiicii art long, buvusti up, and sometim"qotamdetd Ilb.points; laith d.Pnomr clames go barefi»oet. The. ornemienté ltat are wmtuupou. tbapoison ar. lb. only cmitly articles iiin.he «tbulsa- ment or* iuu, buit they .atantue isot"o sea b easout, and tbay usys ha- corne umfasioabie. Tii. ibbiiof Cligni mas on.e fthe ricti- mg prelate in iai Ctiumsn.- ltric limse of Pq op neifaceIth.e s buha eut te Roue,ishese u d gocd'vng.a l thsit maok, aud ho a aine a cpntmid - peptie, s uhemti0Bciie. çci selbis toaiscb. Tbebhy*lciansî.c.musu ted im sia s e tsSien., lertlb. ppe 1'e tryteu the miter., wbinb tb.y proosuaceti ain irtfàlibe r.uidy i dacase. Hoblaie- ei beave lr.,a the.Pope, andti oIta mlt greut poip and a numeru. mule. lo1«SMeu. At ýtbîa tim.thorae wJ. lu sii", oin the. maY ta sil one Ghuswo di Tenue, a thiel, mb bi bdmbliedgmivt lseuc of Rome, anti hué matie bineatf fambne fer ~ei cmrsg liniisl.. ii.banditspaa Ipli nets; teok tisé Abbol sand hbuala prima- en,làlid couqed hlm to hi.t is, ]",ring fraaed tbe cauce sUisAbbe%%,aree ho »sçhibsfi I l"t nhom ealwhe em ti hi. tolpoý of oateiheati anti wau ry,aaI île Ibls rwf uii»opeuke.D0, in£tis aazeda, et tedser, b.swuaie te fmg, andthé ment mil bitchaut bveoghàt hm *m il.- rupta s ms éssued fu or V" l$ au - ttissueienk« d use..sseddmli théeAïb- biot bad csale sume debeamiSai lad boe brougbt sud len th le r.em brot&U H. lb..%sskei hua a&bout témttblé mt*macb, ad b.d taée saualot.eutI*dW cetahetely cuastiand ssii>te istrule Rom Ibe meumutha ouQd obletsblé ere., t>, mithont preediug te lie bêbe @( 0<11- ta%. fuma dilTance miistil lieu bai net revesati bwmef, dcia splendid béae quet, te uhicib oîuvted the AlldaiaiI hie trmais, 155dem tiflta n lise Pbyd- ian lu tee o* puatb.us haed hé eues of bist iyppepisanti decl.ssd thét i. lefi l te tb. geteosity ofbis rodent te dc. termine thsSuooutéf ete mbleb bu ie entted. Tise Ahiol. ln hie paltud sheaueou.d teéhbléjhysiF'4i héi ese Popegae ver ofiy lufayte ldu mne wbm, recloui 4<ast ausesteel antid o . ba abiemitisme m«enaulmlt> alleglug <hat b.umas& weviy Ma», wbmii.ud.Matices sud psssculsof bitetwuaift bad dnlvsuta bectome a »We *mdanbie. Putes m btati lre, but.iall i i. ObSa. di IoTe mswu ii lams, Wb" ne a*segrtmtly haBitat thé Pope, sud ceuthhssd ta theise4#ud . tisfailifol 0supesaefl sero ti. bal Çarbam aféat Bsi ettbeaube mmaIÎ9 Fi, lave ý!L

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