Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 14 Sep 1831, p. 2

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u Tua t*umau*»as mu " aua, ae a r imaati.a spauin e. ailit i. b h.eumiuug- lbe impos elesimb a levoa,,-bol orcwimllymiauav ig ,t Tiia.a avile Mar tin.eonairahly do- Mini or veritona. m idendiluy bY'sloop- ii a i thé r = l e t e srcia. and a ,bAiieratuepIte, for a pa«lla atit day, r 1Nt meciemlllo amm havea nfou A«#élly-,a dbpashia.te hava lt b oas. ait vauhtflsa*vin,* aa ee's ccnt 06(ome uhaer, mg,&M orsix day. a veak, te ta e uty amy a ercue 1kthon ait. iasthais ista"Dn. OciMimlinl- demi they*drevan e hom tosa e igit- bcuiuLsZ:bt ach a«.reis , do viitmm iuilmese t lat uasla aisesVary injuria.. te hui. 1hlit s ortus hnty - mazy se n a th"ivaja iavnag ulmemgi, md .speatiig ev r~oa.t litamane Of4et.enmham. ArahoM ua tai h h ié i"aalitit kaira tu c ieau ivt"alhaies lais Vu., Ani the ada in t laite. ventai in uhs contr, by te petrielsdkm"s wh ihucl at <ro a vaut of maiicatiae. Bot ofali algents of dis«an id elt mcm i niarmt l, auxty I! onni. ben veva vlk th ents of large commercial tovua, vo m ist be @truck it vithe burri gaja and care-wurn fbatursa 0tb. vail dres- soid paauingesa. Somn.yciang me». laîdiai, va nav remAtcvilla eonteataîneopogea. Ping raltiaas.clterfuineas an&i colour, but tisas appearances mrsly msurv ie ege cf manfcoad. laordl.tate appiationt oi uinîl, thse carra, anxie4a.-*, anad diaippçint- nioor ànesciâl laie, liapar theophysi- cal poes, ant ioluons premnatatre deeay. Tihe varboue disordera, geaerally ku.-va undes tanameof< nigeaios, disorders dependtion oua vint of crculation of blond through lhe bovahi, biliasy tiarangenacatt, eoituliton, and laacita, ara vaîl maya lebMth ganeral attondanco on tritdeclose- lv piasmua. Tise phiclalvili cf cmmercial lié vc.tld lha coomldraly rathacedif me nue- feciad Ibatlte sucaa. cof tusnems .ay ha pnevontod l'y tihe vry nains usaoi l pro- nota it.lia cletr heu ha seqiisu ucoan- anercial traucietions, a balthy sate ci bc- dy la incomintbe t xesaaive mppllci lion ofi al-lis vint of axercise an (rshi air. But subjeco lits tiis t id noenatry in liae boots oatour aerchats. For the individueinlumurciajtile lits vbo maremllUy, permaatly, puiticallv, couvinced tint iteat i lepre&era.ta ricies. andivhs ara boucs resoiv.d, net oniy 10 huai, bot te aet on the maxi., a yard amy ho ai on the. principal manss.hisit coca- teracl or diainila ithe principal evii. or Dus elvisaUte. Kaurcima u the aponaui aob- vloaely liportant; aid vo hour, a da la as lit1e osi aI daimiaina lovut Ikela. Wmliig aLcli ha brsk, ho bhaeficiant. Ridiag on hurabeetin gaemfly praierable. GREAT BRITAIN. HOUlE QOr LORDS. 11 Prida7, luly 15. t loverai paitiona fur the abolitiofci ia-c -VM wrs etentd ard Lorton pro-1 sautait a pari"(rom<soinUyle Romeommon,1 calial, fS the raptai giitite uion, but va mcml eiiedly opposai ta its prayar. Ho attribulad te scatnent in Ireland ce tae suijecttlethe as ofbaua detagaguesi, ea-t ai mainprteexistant le, &moi recem- nenied a atx onilanaiorda for tb. e uIo- mont and supprlof the. pear.lieMs % ofWestmaath .u-ta .troogly agaimnsa rayer 0ork hetian.1 vrilscltCB E-P]60*ALaT'9 VIvra.. Laid King intrducai la bihllu preveul di. holding of a plurality of livngs, propcs-1 ing litha obenefice.villa the cone ofscola, &Wuh e bhaieldin ucomime", iaiof hemsa suai value 0of*£M) or upvardan md ltai no alargymun holding sntcbhbîaepia soli ha sahiTetita recover litho. hayoni thtt autoitt.-The Biehope of Lon"don mdBris- tol tionglat td ill h iighly objetionahle, aud the Duke of Weiigtncoauidi t teohea dirclattackc. lb ptofethid Chuarh.-Tbo bilva roa m at issa. 1 .nly 2Ot. Parses Lzopue'.A11zu%.rrr- Grey, aller rafarnlu g he i question put ta but on aproecaimiday. relative tate san- nutv of Prine pl, reamitise iliov- ing atter, »autory of ltae intentions or haroyal iginesi- IlMarlboraugit.iause, Joli- 15. My ier Lard Gry-Befiire 1 quit dia countîry, 1amn isircu. te Blte in itin the intenionsanmaivis,, viicsit I lu di picasian of comntunicatimg te asuVeily Ibis nrang on the.@abtject 0< auj'Batt inIlAu laveseigu cf lalgina, 1hla net au itention te mv okmnitliis ccutr any portion ofd lthidomateicis wus athlaW up- on mne by Adct f Pariamati the l.perlio ci nyuneà ige. !ouriordanpleaiovev-1 as, vul avwareziat, op te lia very amant or My isavint EDgadW, I bave maitaiaiad ny establiamb muahem opa, thkr oeu taoamifootiang, ai liaI. ca atly, thora renmais tab eltaileIIand ed miary engaganamîs sand os ho an actoual it teit illa quIt. limssI lie mete etatthapmeasil ima vidipro- litton..As sm, , liaret ni ilihavae l h m e totn te wbaevr se.atl bala wida Inamvaati tis canatay, iu Umloir l*0lilovisg purpsa. - *'1s.an .s , ytracseaata aistai% ,l bofms mataus aitaimla uanl tâti iouu. sudpa bu;ami alavap8.us, vitiCwi hal v ie ly ape 1.eIl iai@à lilluno »nau i ma luihl A simu doutalions tu clacitiiba uUilotaea wm*lbave bacc a àad« ieoitlieueili.lLtluaPal A h»aie obat tipaigeafiSl k ay iémm~mialpiitortui10 ahi a aad l k UiSaiqi -r W. thilutw c au tite vithhconfidencu, that Minlulers have recently gauned an pe-0 cession tle t number of Ihelr aditereauls ilu lb. lpper Non., W. annol spat*0 ti1 nuntmei a etentor lteviiedier itvijap-1 proma aj'c* ty on 1h.tali, w s ventura la=s1r., diat il la vx ; Z ta neutralisa tihe tritupit sutlclpalé4>yth Auti-Raictutrs. aen shou Il nl ml balance or nmim s.itI oasdre dial each Conert mmnw ho. ehau ltais opinions viiether rom conviction or inter- cet, amy ha allowaidihe onneof,0 cuver- aion) te tae papular aie, augmnel ia noanof Govermaust by (mu. Tiie mme arluhanalieal lav iiof <ecasea.uelly pied aundihealter si": but ltainthle. Tries gel ne couverts, mand au na 1litai7, sape- =eIaly mn% thdisPue. te btaiu any.- LodGrey taud cWltey oc. li.s danlage. Srong itoiasara remitly entertaitéd, anti .atvitioulavery ippmaannejustica. The ouseaofLorda snas likaly t toj tha Wini orthe Poe ! » esnovai lvs iS1P 0 vben ltae Dut.u Wi igCearra i Cathola. qutelo icuvtiimnau rding ima- jority. Weaido anMunto Mydiai ltits peavenl eau haocminaai viitoul uaci*c..Sacileabave beau maie,Mai anr aut i taho da. lia Govarmasl. de- sinu àsit is,.o muelthe voy hy pure anti opamamui, san.v.rthi.lnsamiai dial il canot h 'us v ithaql uaai lte e Ppti touutaWi*it «i pladiU fc; &Maiin do«g en, Giorermount doaeil and vls.ly. Wé vetldali nbave il unde 1ao, oti Iaever, thal thorianyau tegaialion on liaI.We heliae thor n la mo; bul, asihSugitt mly ha uttereilhy te eyesas mevlU us th isa, sm mmV polillel inlareouni. lis very lalahigi. li pu ranealin alena.. W. saujgoasnmue t'O gave amuranceate uMr marse, Worita i "ail utiosstaad vhy ve cannt ha more explaneary. Tlita teilcs axpftcte t hi puurmuihe h.Oppoiua LonLrda viii ho deve onothaecomi reailug oftheabiilt. It i atodaototat iimly admdi iun.- The ceusasof hisr y ii 1, in th. fraI instace, delarmne t hai ierlr proecdi Tus £1505a via.: vt:vs Tr rig' clr. On dth est ofAuga itgrip ceng ny totkplace o=ai te N~ertr u aely . he fa.tmo, àliv AlasaG nt, as pes, for lb. Dota ofYort. Tii. occasom wus IitaruoIag.enmmet otheii. aiagaâuS à"m e 6mi p -of thei ltarluectre, and of itaig milaujeoy'm fiai vieite kinga aee ieutaoug at tbiv iiriliu dp pi y the. nunieipaiiy 0cf Loia P.drsla Sc mu i ubttc. sud Imm inimneffnohm Tbebua vase taealOhifer vilt ssmy. The flsllovng oAudm aem cfutvae «Mamt, A"aieuuplc..1hnidgis, . <om At auMuoly btom4w ha .55 baue ate- lotg te royaiiv.lie enertauusmant mmnlusus, vuWmacein b Mliuhasti rrîv, vhluit, bbfl otuip ilil* mmeé. A nc. fa, l li .rs1tiIt berg. intended ta e usey *aur *»Malal. istendaito oi uk tOWIuM14 apa Mvil d iisrvsMli iaimm0ly.I" ie ai I a 'r un vuaw* mo7m 7 -z ratil . inia ce% r a9 ct, &Bd au *e a b ChM aa 9 sa .q. M. p.5-la,,$ leu & apps tkoast, aii a c m mha pie. 1 Usatq pivibvae' f lb. Umma iiimot entend ilsq lm .mdiaecasar "vtn «Caos. namadssv"utlatabat am ansav.appoins&et uzmxgx aSor tusC.oAi,-npc vit ly e, a"front Mr. issai. expéaulve sud unecemmry a.emmy,= Altiiop »a ie ha onsd lta uç'rayr Scouitatiom vouliprqitiy ata e In e oltaI attandifintte bd., nite "-- mates woldlietalaid beRfte b Rasa- (ler, tsar.)ais lordeetmaupnroitae ltefocaPue.Loopo lick in ie 1t fuamdin aoui report c(thé boumaofalards.- 0 It vwu secuirel vititInuai]ckéeos 510551 Ms. O'Couall cillaitoalalonc i floua. t he raenit Orange proession ins l Ireland ou thec ivi instant, sud lte uffrmy et Bazitige, a ailtai in Knnsii- len gmeîsl officaru l'adi 3maitlb.procès- saon cf th. Oralgehu in lutieirsamumtaia. Ha conlended t»it lv.qi.ipsal la pre»erve th. lnnquility <rlasacon sas armis wsre put imt tli itande do par- ty aitd thois proc"sedga antius casante- nancei. Titera badi yt or bean Do Pro- ceoof the Caliolires, liey bai citerai tise 1ev, viilatlthoao wi collat!suthefveu eaiely loyal lai dtibobajai the la*s Cn d tle proclamation of tie Laord- Lieutenanit. Mr. Stanley sai titt et Bon- bridge dia partis iiag rd esibfla-saudt t meot ami fightit ot ut, andt l ifa fmy per- ion, civil or miitary, bearin; li* Majsmta comisnsionbai jainei in tisn oe s, Govemnannt vi uov hov lod1ealvt imi. anti peuh nieit auréfly pianisihlmh l-H aar)-lir J. Nevport and Ms. JWodtioght tiss proeiugm ought to le pu an nebhé- le ilature. Ms. G. Daonbllevaii, trtluvs ktowOvbOt oi theaaOrangen -ts. he npof bIrland, liaI auj attemp la oetul lb. davu and gav- vont dhirspracenlone i y hlalative enset- monta vaululd an iej i.&& <out, iboer, irmrotM. O'Conmal. Ms. Huma cuplalu- ai of<th pilltj Mill avimcud hy Goveru- ment, aniM'aoi ta ne oe et the aipen- diary niagisraeapponta ln arrve the ofea c eInad wvia aCaîhottc. Huas, iear.)-Ms Inthron vas eouvinceeiIhat l'uI Wo tise c uce afitrdd thoua y Goveruimaîstishse lisociations vonld long sauce bars beau put dovu mni party spirit extiinguiisd. tisaI.t bopts -lîv aisr - ~ ti îaiqaau ie IMa tb is.sopipaiut Ighoicck my~ arusiisg, axevaarmmr e te puinl aute gtale a ll2let aiglit ".s c à tesal lias nmiehbrlige peseic gr;n i appeiam., ame lie brii 1 wscv iroit fnom unaevielite olier vith iors. j Tlii.venais in the poolvan deomralC, villa tage aitaîl nations. tise copamta'1 borgas, ,ith tisais co.lora, uo ec ise of<theriver, producei a tndstspUr-pu ifac, AM thdiabhun s eeta(the eaisa ,., mioully covaivi vin people. lit amnm a thev lbony place vioses o- manld ais er or lteeo. Gbeutpiai ity ipeetor. At ta. minous tri tisrs. uclck l-b.à appro"c. Heu Naaly tanirthe eam a iraait-ar ta tIla bridge, thon vwu of -aoalciic bals udr Iiiovai hy fui sud continuait cienarng. lTaeQi>ffaa aud b"eratltdantscamidd1h. abitei(Mr r.'cWk hprecia.hy, viie aeparti yc'iver-1 ai viti crims, carpet. andi tter aaa 1 remiaiaoion tfnit lauiu pl à nl Me vsaom.i by bus MsJ eY; the sry tou prneed todbatRoya li"o;ule 0 , n ltaeis srivinir, the onsgu c -En iai vas lfiitei uniet a Mite <un iontà a corveatoie Ilied isa ncvot hoa i bviligafer thai purpoma. Tise procession1 tem murai along dia bridge te the end ep-1 p.mite tliaIfront iiiîley lamula, mdi1 vese bail7 cisar alby paea. %Whsa lb.y tsilarrivait.14t theo0lte ami a bal- b ut Z .Ndw àdys e s, , m r s" M m asilaauiaala lma, during vitics vilion. A graslpaocithopesalormie the *"l huase hon vanl ason vielà s- cauoim ucll confusion. 'Th.e ememany cf openmigthon tactplace vhdamclsa aitr. l'se alevition ofthe bridge cénils o0<v1v Ver iaulifatiiy-fona* ailiptical iame tat oneîosîkk, ii one adhua castidil fftly-lwo (et inPau, (hla bgeot eliitl atoe asci in exigtence.) sud 1lvantv-nin.e fel six icha. im -hoigit.IllTe piesaon seach aida of titis mniafasat arci ara Iven- av-four fest in vdh. Tie arihs.ou sacit "eat0.lie centreavmils ara ces inadrgi tudi 1 tst utparn, am tvely-saeve o t lsis i cite. Tise pieua belven lesa ana4 tlan ami msciam renty-t.lesfot acha.- lie uxîsento arches noarstta the *hisn am one buniran midiirty filel ushaiada tty-iast fart ma la.susix.The mau- moents of tue lindmea ara .ntyhirafileI ecaitttebase. Tielefive arshes are.ep aintai by plain grailite plars, vilS naassmy plinthe sud pointi eut vaters, Lia, are Ce- veau yîhI puel U g blck comnics, vhiladescer tz it avosu( the ottra atan a urancsnî.dkal y a plain dotibla bloc., g eatîsrmeedinÇ mn Ivo isigut&lle tha acmili lite saient.; vJ ivathe bridge a paq and baufl-,iiique air, ta. lagruevwoalcof i i I ru<oataimstar, Waterloo, tadBlactirkais hliges.- niais, amuaneanoratuhve ,.liésintroduacion t<the Biil. It i. intendil Ite alaR*ti a <laSnce u saves it li e unily sepaad question-" W ilte bt uettI. front theooertion of the Reforma Dlii Rais- ig front the vonrelis. us*e "" 1re@ma ttbu,Cborc, it, TIs. Lamv'., e'eneir- rîii byaties,alluidiag tlu rties objecta. viic na ha.aere by laeot. Thea obvwta Cis ia i viithea noms of lb. King, Laid Gay, Urougitati ilsoî aid the People 1 Il a desm<ed Mr. ion, or iriulgt&Ma, moi the pae1laaria img front the.itms, o talleapprepr&*toillu varie s fout for the arsclic. fdiens- umtssnt le comminnomrth lorlutous avant. eLord Chancelle roughamn laieteaituit ta bni guptheersursof businens tsa 1 guisa<Loards, sud in the Court ofChue- cary litavuas. ing the prareal yaesr. Dim friand, Lord Lyuuiiurt, Sa rmi" hWs povefaaidoen thlbi tiaa0<ap emntrciginmidalj lunis eovu CoutiWin almle hlm te iimsce<very caumamatas., MW pelilice, vithin mie pariai-h. tiaPte- k W. amnani »» soienmapgc dat an ax- tai,, crie f.t imiluetîtlat, for bte use rai thoir Mijealies, l ilan omracoavahy Mýe«gr,. lS&'a kla. 0< fdIis ten, fmi, t he Palace Tise o01*5. nov complalai, 1andi eSataimos acomlplat.utaiftlbiteaid eia.art taivm e ua nd. &It m cantaisie ifi t vo cals, iiiii i mier, i bladi < di takives a" the toasmet steel. uiVlbh hanis are or irsry, crusnemlted vllh au engravait Croi»miid theiniiiaA. R. andi mnar csppei viii a saUver Crowa. The for- ul.. ane sof ailvr, taped vitit itis a aun the ngish il6le, of 0aler,.ioorpog ai; and il mmai1 begralifyiug ta ons Sit- #*id ramier ta ins. a tuath*King tSA.«- prmuisiilie ta sb rinet moo-bu- îlt ort, andta di- aI tiab~mouli lit mode vrilla haudete eusrs u tit f kt-imaa. lThéi sl akivea m on"isam mminluthene m m n r. This ts esrvillohmi eAlsie** y theoepsp -o iMRis sty,aMWéMsOvitoea pttau sefectaid by MOIr.-[BmasMoimep- t.be ah. ofItidâmseain laevidence te- xainty itb4 1 mU000ii il e-oe nmb- t rie, meata itis atodiay atloMel sputln et the obse,.hie Graesoa ll i rglucL be neposiblaSe mas vboymMr it e*lttais and, panvertqlbay ba utd. ps o e h a e ,m aruhia lbe o e tamia lu the vsun =et thora Pfi. eaui hWleté: as ý alga, pvtiI ai er .M kto*h- lie qorcp hk muîai 4 le !liau!y a lahp ay sava Sj'- '~;?lb t va. 4 i.rr~ t '1'~1 ,.~ ~,UrDrhd ~oe 8~u I~YIs I - ~ US~ - oe.ct ' s s -r- ~a avi mSld m mtaneam ni th*.oIimg olue" la. burea vue. aniséthe Data. 0ofrhmns ami Ne- 'Umm zBaby thhato diarigimid 1864 vasaIete uo. f lt.e mian, Md a.maiteiiLyvhuotsv iteme .mid"alaor Frang..-j-»et.amois fta Pea.verbut ocmmlly ssOepmei.We ramuriui 3MOs dal * id#Cusa.,Pmaquieraly, tlw DdeChise.ul Simse .Talera 4', Titilait "0ai.ad- oth lt epia «a amlniy ili a" kms. Liy'slta, "z ,LDtp" .6wRe, Coawd. Mompi. C%ý de omm417iirs. Vien- :net sud a cruatmmy Other flaputia., o A pont unubar of uinua CouM veïeoh nmatraioen iun haha bnch.bm AMOng d BWDeptta*v priebl zmatai so* aFa nuairOMenai,"c m"te of urtillery as-1 »oncit.. ria i of theKing. tii. da- tallons vent tu muet hi. Thp Qsaua.4epaued by hesabiida, tu te ¶alery suavaifor, ber muas thalor lthe diplomatic body. lmmediately mflerwards tha K* ea du- ad lu the. unifcru 0oftim.NationalGard, entenmd, precedet by the. daputations of the tvc Chamberauamd tollovud by a sataers sam. Criesor '«"Vive la Bol" ruse in the. hall. lua$Majesilhaving ancoverai, tact ~hplce ons C tivosa, having on hie igt huateDaof 0< Osisn the main of a Colof aLmucer. fThe ng. mli u evur anid tothe Peeand a« Dp Iis.Gentlen ha mat- ed.1» Hle toput onieat, nreiver- ai thé spdiu,,specitin a dm .voie. 1 amnhappy t uiudmysalffamoagut 700, ln am. centre or hiu place vii.,.France ha. received m aujcmsi. Peotrated vit thdia dala.hieh thay have iàapmed upon me hi'shail alvays gave d&ttheumnaonalv i. 0<vrhich'yonases the. comptitutionai orpuanmd 1 aspect on yoor part Ithe froansd antire so-operahon vhicb viii assra ta - ga.Kverntltat autemgh,vithiout Wh i t ii imps iUu- hi, te anever the.axpuctation.of0< h a tion. 1 have mi, gentlemen, that lte charter saimlbe atls: vhatl1 bave said wsccom- plishoi; lthecharter i ia heonsitticeal menoukiy vîit ait ils consequeuoes frmkly accepted. (LlvelY appiam.' , lla isttai W he iauniforuraction of mil th. povera of the note, wva hal put an oui le thoneprolongai agitations wvilfood the giity khofthuneaWho v o the dae- tumothefaion ynaly, oithme vho dra.a0<ubochinuraaa rfpublie. Loud ala use faon die Clambas hase lalerrupt- ahais îrt, aia i crd is iof Ing livoe Kti au.) Diviffd upom dia objec, thay- agraovver, m iniwevig te oves. tdmrov. e atter aI vhat pric., lt. publie ordar, lounded by lb. revohattion cf Jnly, but ltairefarlashaliadscoeedrpuu- imbedFracee ha. willd tht-O roy li sha pçnational;i did not demirp ltbaI eoymlty s"uid ho puv- ariem. A çuveruiuet villiaulr trangil would»tdmît. tede.iraio<agrrptulloq 1 have just keturned fruse travelling l France; lite prSof aiaffection vltich i1hava reosived in Ibisjditruey a. vr 1Iai tcoched my là -L Tevsoiof.mnc aspaet t* m eoughtayon vig 4wi = 4eZce.di -ltant., rder %hall bc p telad; liberty h. guarantsad; anti avery 1 aiu fotleanfosuded ad raprt.- 1litas, tiat'etmid4aes iii haurenevai foi -the. future vbieh ma. eaum re-eilihlihe proeparily oi dia country. IltamocMM hs iuto uEaiito, coq- soldtate muora end morm t- ttuloa nionarchyl timeti1bave causai tu ea par-t ad the diNarsul r *efla ihve vi" ait i haomposqi lms YoevilIitop,reognis.ihtbatviid boa #or ilsobjauthitadaciaicu 0<of pot son. shtiaoel qepelca es.vaiby bhrm litaaxa.natof 0the Citambm at i ulays ak teo t sur insilhonmi& bar. .oy vah thedia ttaeamm d visitaofidu nta. mlig-1 emedby eprenmudm- Tomvi1i bve oste e a tmn, o lieiiby la liteprommaaea0ofh iet, 1h depuRmta »d uaw t oeolitiu B tedetrmin *0reapomsubuity etmiaisiaes ai' ai di., gente 0<govermuasl, md tg th iberllaty rci iniet.. 1 Oum ,prçïorair*psSPcn theas àciuftiag of di*an., upon the panai coda n pont lusses, sdc.on ffnem Pubslioelime. ais, wiii ho %ouily aubaittai te yon. Imduit t. hé le w 'tmt 0lianEsda vkwthe aculs omeiiciehac i te th ai.oeIl.1aum alkat am admia.e the ooge vila w b itehv tàleir torau.mm; tloami liaI sou 2ie1es211 -iMains ofdarder Wii Io" *ma.uiuy se erlrlth. rnmton ef capitlmd-n iptMmd activi. h" adr vw- aout-Sw aueeybnataiky lUMisplt a Thae «téetaiou fuies tiaulit"«fMr tif Oui vaste aam<affl, ibondau"démuon The &nuselb"dgesfor 188-10I M bu pnemmttyen inlea * a lmg ofthi es WMd fta ah me mbe ieUS ahor Wa"oaa l amq"Mitsla 'a if thaera.. ai uor, atu.1 ib'd sai dia davuaumi istaê»iwhi lpe hmd Mal aetis timeua, lmpole4t apte 1 1 lalitum te dbalmisitiI. huis.. len m I buv.eqtos lie ea.rtahta dbuhg. lagap ail . Jý ;C- M r - -.1 - - - lt±ýýb vus mLs tvre. u MM moei DaU as 'euaj&,paOeim- îue a"..aua~~ ieb sllsu, ~ <ram Uvaegaa lé. di POUa~ «W ,iata lmlote.k4 . iaramn.v Iboat, usvm bat 2 an ipé u n~iFJ8a indu L brta muai topsaejmthbemdiaft le euieaq a= " bea iuwha e1Mi¶é aamt An tiiesaceS don haeeuommeiad t. Yeu auronaeueti bars hans rul&&iMmd coréain b haàbu hualtait. Yser mctl.m 1 bave »eamv ariews te seu reuta teo01013,1 trzmn t Ibla metclmn A*miees orth. eEt,&#1mioppmet itoa «êt.ine.À"aéusi*0be A. mosn J dsudgd tti.tebufflai a t dmiciulstive sai jud"dim savau, bava beagi.nuit ale mia amat48»lissa asesn vitich viii va hagpiae,*mmpte thove fs.. lithaiir IE.qmwâ1 l le .1 aumileu- r rtobled ai khse lita equllbMlm of iuropa vii ha pmasrvad hy ibe mamWe liance. of h.,ir uda.s. Tha@iingaiet ai e Lew Coeaties.sa comailueai by Uil. isuafl1M4 ammd 171, ham Coseildte.strict. la imdmof neigions, end bar csepastionse omollmni, ba"veau ackuowlagd bytpavuiPov- ers. Tii.King aifta Ucig"maeiin met fore part af tira Gainar Cafadaemy. The. fortremea rasai te mena. Fiu»anmd net ta pat eEgim, vtwilha diullsod. (Loud appimue ue a. aginterroipted ltae speaci.) A meurilt7 racguisa by ras. repe, sud tti.ftandsbtp oif Pancavililu. utre eqr uiubesau lodapeadumea sf sitibvM abeau itns ath@&Mtesuppeit 1Tb* paver itielresu.inaPortnug a co.MltBd outrages an Ftaoue-lt hau vieataia itha. ltb. Samaof jectiu end he.aity: tu *Man radreum vaWuy de- aamdu& our shipa arued baise .thu Ta- gS. ho,.aece, nteulgmSaalba bave ferced tha murpua of l ives: ratio- tacthes, op te that tina.refu.ad, ha. bonu iste. ered. Thal'nslagnsetshipufwva are nov in sur pour, sud ta trl."omrd f.g iomlsundrthawalmefLi .(Grat àplaun m * of".ai«Long livatbeha i"' immged la Psi&À4. lTh. colict exCita. the lilia.w ttmotions la uho auofai£Etope. Iam endeavouring le pet au end teoit.Af- ter havlng oftrai my médiation 1 bave sought th tudue ltai fthe. gent iNotera. 1 base vlab.d te flop the aie., ai blend-, te pramrve t out if Europe fraistire cviii of the contagion v wichi tle MrspO- p.gauug; end,abbave ait, tam»for po. land, wbose courage bau rscaltad tirs *id affections of Fran Cria. ofrav.' ta nationsilty ewbuch bas reiathlmsanmd its vlcimlrudes.. Loni mpplaiime.) Yon oviii doub 1u- tig. itin let. dIEuItnegcisoM lte Iru. inereji of ber prospur ' y off liapower and buer aur, have boia eaudd w ith tpeu.rvanceansd digiy.-Europah uowr.convlucad ea irst loyaily of Pur disposition. sud of the *inces- ty of Our wista. fer tihe proservatios of Pasceab l h im v ita bedemi'nctralleua fi sur str la O e uatin a vwu, ibtImvape- tIl, stooid wv u hacillai spsrt te ra.lt 1ne. juat aggrasiou. Et la tu pnoirinlutii. peitical "item fll.ed ap te thl timptiret v tesdl bu 3abla teaanas,,Country ai ha bea"tc the revelatlen vbliebbuasémved snt liber. tir»; »s o Pnepruaavthan a e eucos. motionsa, vtch peuh ld ete cuoos r su exisene a" ted râeeliimlaofi li We b. aprait e ntleman, tseo.m1aai rjoix vt ma in Itkm lmalim Vol Nay D ha grave mà" touchiig eai.otsUsta aake 'w - . of *aionasu md esmeord, vitichei esiacausth ur e ti i,0 I Tb ite peeh eppaumi t lde SMt affiect àl a hhlhly. 1Tte e*ag mv i ai l e lie aidaI ai cri" et .-Laeglive lm a. 1 ." l'he Ktug wua- asluàilroagith nteha maia a ufsde *ber of olter Gemeral Mi Thb@ Cm le*tthe atos * levai alaan iFmes et tvae'lkx0c Th Wl'h. laclume tm aakateihtaCbemk 4 ber ofD"paumsvli es aulce Eéen " * *tertbae .licW» of"eisrst-uaiamý e bers. Et Je expetestitai lieue Ptei a j l ha ppais-ltm. smgtG -de 'aie., am i at&e 1- u etDOPUM 4$9bl»hKEMgsP aCitk qmm*bb*&Wmmoa buw consolation ettie dirua.mtta raaovie a<lb pohkime hostie,*à; etaal a Q elive <ram&eeamdin eu. ryng auto ta ia th e i*@11e vocmu.e.lia Vitl hae eaaironsa huis meniu or moenqth ai hom, le vaslaraupessm urnciang 1lta fie QUimmi. lsobyi. lot .Cnay ty ps d mch. Iam n Ki R~lurw t abuttotil sy mor ;a=laUimmauea, of FracS Thaa vsseluarutehl hy,als. bc upsuontamis ih f*Austrau lracs la St avealsm euu had made tha mande iubla <prot be sffnV artle ftaihh.d in dent pegar laion ta Fsme.. Aff ai ueesPOKUPlagimd France ara The. Parts papea ut Auguetlt aèi. tiat mu ii.hamt of Mets seeulv.d, sen ha 9m f i7a lattar <ioc n rt. or, hcb atu la su orl heltle. 1h.viclaîloas Pol" t pssamasor hillai 14,000 Rasimase,&M Searl Iravaibre, s. canin g iras I'mamhiar, Who passaitiesob mettze rrs thatti uamamat o whirefortu a reortvis clrcuhetataithel ahs ra bai <aiMei a complai. viclsy osue ru.li. dm an& lhtb ithegaridans, vha bave mitai@Wbuet dant oapahy UfSthae R emma asof i mllmotion0ea, ara ma sangasrIsbertemtns iesé moking co.. mm amanvidi il. MMUUA AND POLAND. = in fef.v e hreparoit eapera. IStttlW Naional U&verueut b he i GWausuiwsaI, zsyai, finesbist hW pru*m srf UWUI. lta chiai particulen Of lii..repuortversgive in a latter fr soi Wasav aruma emt, lu thseCourier siThwa.hy bad: a u Ow b1Maietaly, Genarl Chu «ad eeaeeureis.fércesausaslitnda t h ida eiMtmk. Hhsdmrncei garni raédang eai lia logMnt of iufitry ttmastih té kdagilaaoftaîm dit& mmi - baslMallo. ou 1;lo dta,et Wrest eusdey. wu mmlms ataha aPaUsf mss ahetas, viel, bomn nalecliag tea * al be aaMaW sy eauiamlait a hW mois. 11»sams ay, st M eaâcoct lu ah tbae g.ltuy sia m ot a. sent à calua te entmaid.e»». qedpmidd w. avsiltieas isdShluheiil a any, m amy qaiu et easalry, vilat Ia sot li iroheet iMisui, ftbnfrcea y, vtl e tusami Jajmof peeumusud-val ce. rofmalda hitd«" u1 OWiislaslm y. Odinur, vis. t ausntas i adcal. rimi lud dbaltiea 1o m eatry senifor pa kalsasie, vheatlu ater ug asasilediet ohmc eat hSI&$ blu6,l&ad by Jag. mi*dlàent* Md im o p aItUahe oses cm en» e~aoupflle a.d saf bo Ib saTb,@m lpures Ofa l esi-Y et CracowKraui"a)iijuiauhd M. salvs p;7«; isiyta ita W i aggma.Os lmadai hi uU, Pastuofacb lan: auspauedt . bmbale kt ofaCamTe Kmhi dag ilge -.aloile, a tbaltbatf yIsauTMa leaa deymol. sr"bar iil mone1okt Prasm e tloft bout vbe Vaiob, pstoshIÇJ«sufo bem uss .11k m a t,eowdu chi taWUsof bmm vitiu iy*geis"aet.,mluid vi tug il«j fa«e larhasae " fmisutiail-o J I aauvlie"ia mort! by i c h e és i loges muoft 9m MoitS 'of d» **Mty >hneele t.l@bd ca chi it mferift v im .. Tia m e su Myvei e pm w1 tg)"Yu ia pleuuof tan, stutwa9IPIa lme elMhOu QuF Ausyet eml-ma1 tu i" hatsiane e¶Si* o tiesirotele treaugil b-t asmpa. Wmuiv*tay Gasap»l"M "MOIh. laîtno âges a" oowbawbalsiF *y oeU Muassis. -, -m nU<ITALY. ~Uapsa lia Atah a.imut>a am&neiimfaleae e bc d» 0*1i w, «Mmvise dia PS' tirs lagWi m. - 1 É -IL MW ý-.i wwlWý iWqmMPc . ý.- ý , --,L ý ý Wlit m lý

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