meIko -w àBu*545b a j 01- it boit lis B do hm ioéliilmm buwu * mi ina «-UM10 m. ORRb m on bo-o IC C' emtiew45iSd'4 lwu ii oui *s0- aeesw, MW pOtmên- âtone 15 wros mvIti it bu m4wie. i -lao npb we il» ai- *m d *se0 am e "ité j il WIbud e@C7te ro a»te e U 1 for *0 puotbs1lbybo et a ma d loke t adse t hf ,l1 tb. ava e , oI IL tg ms miai tàmeai h m beau I m ssntl m ll i, .d la piâ B ela tsti Ires modemsh tet di. q.s d hçieb5P Bbt hoe" th is m4 rusy bothppm .uidy St ml e evu aute p--I Wv km sfmd a* sE pusedet&i t tle ae f Île 39 en bit jesm tile o. ith &olb fiqla. zu oume bis eDa- our n. l e ult. cli nuwmye A Idn À.ee fle*cmBM, ieu ,lie , v*ly@ lis biet la dmWbb.:e &,"it ebe ltou.p ItcLsmi eg BbaIo I pi. lm n'iil esvilcouule*i lWir rsteiqi.l ufte Pud fhl-e A" n ifuewm Ahi agitbes ith vamptàts 8lag'b asmie o=,* vlosthIe t à ?* W. ItiSei teel dGmsW pps 54 t.l. achei.~eflvlgnleel TH IsscsvobMItvleg. ?baamva d the lp gouosm t Nov F49" is" te tbhe5ci d a.Ti. baha.306:3e duo me l"Iov lahmo fllgueione awt @f»d Qý -mai- kh uge* sttyof emcm my &0 obu or . M14 meiemn Wo d-UemDo onrm l swub Immsed e B - teMuma teeoep*0u~ lui.Anibsa papees gve a dtalEa a gntSki wio iaI 1MWv(O in vn a St vu ierd. la mm vo,. iamg i m imusepen pelâi O lelUh et. amuv a neo vuexpuiesm besede. haputimEm*i-& il v ~~leW.psday.vni.eb Thay* ru e- ak. Md M. Os., Shospuis.ed ,oemste lie King etf Pi4oa.momwaiia t la nmd srwm deImbo t, ie vualesh 410 pliSsip. d aauoaliy. "w r ma. M7, IlIag, mue M bouataeoha elip #eh% iwlus" llêflwé%rrbd ueh.f M4 - - - ~ î ~ g'- ~ i Wbseastomm e.,dbu - R W - m ML bu bar, wàm so mmàihd'Se Lamer va tope Se.~ Se ae lu h 4" tIhh.imeeami ldSbup52 lac ceomi etnietlla cmL sTmeaay aethaun F*epoie, et tic bai.. dhé. êne 6mai. 'the ralhvu or<mvem tle bawtàe wmI l 0"t> <ess tleb eeM *ev.eie eUMgA. f maii mgt n t ut m , xele eh."d dn Iliuolim th ame "b. livma Bel ~. a wad mpragresa tue m #Wmm oaimal l ime hW , ne mminesA , l-y--teathi ecuib t tleier ileii a ta ghv op amy hjeetlco vhlctheyuli c- feriaimiamcdi. detaA1 f lebithan te = M rtardi;apraigies by bdoing om 4wuir bcmmmea illeb liU. e w=emi u amI levwac asefieui of reRwin-tiatm tC=eiuby miasible ehould occlar, sud lefr tvu tâmesb. urged geatiomes ta ,m, o lea 1111 gop.m amil Ses melesale s memu nje i te cy vara *4 tg d.eply lntreei.Wlih tliu" xpreesosihi. e ily tiut au d4çlay emi assvoudedLi.heg1ptl2 e Iite tl ua- âe acitt<lc en et c Rfome MMt wàweeely mmm i léhy iaped ta ie- *MtSabebu di.ajtTh.y 8m* Utimmas dîneWmu rem&ytede, ai hreoh.Ob tau. a inte ay etteM bt etfibis tWeighl au ma »sred, tint ratier tisa iaiei thoDul, Paiiement voaild hbe t sltmemdueat Deçembci Ivein. m-th,,il Umr à Idel fmly ceneueeiVUtbthe asoe =.ilel sthelti mii vwu Sa aocinitd.avuWdac tu 1.1de 1 oua ed thb 60ecaury, mm ii te hImmi, ofcome. *a thtblte sagges,st o- puoied-aii uom mtae v= give a mVr« extuave eperaheletisepain- dLord Mnu" awm âsivery MtaDY in- ii.baieqilibomoat ]URilbves tbIl aae aceboum.bceaW. aMithe ee e h kleugit talritemmokalt m pefet ih ollltesteimilWtisl Il o mamtrequirn kb.m amoodnt. Ag bomimUs mm abesei-d at id vauli le den@@Mm it t. Üte bmm.@ usaoeéfsuhmconsucaesl M. pet. mmed lIdiat ve oekiug atime vo.ald slvmYi palet t mbgmswemelv» wdlimigint b. bac- thorNand PeUW& a Mr u in ay, t. gin" affect I l Iedmipseu"ggustiuu Raousicr 0COMRMONS-Jady 8. lic speaku ek " ihsoat sletly «A«oi1 img tIhe BM agltnot ie teiller"ra mildtamt ha petltou oasli mal bu oi oi. OoumaDidif Se hiw*t Ho mml~ ~ ~~ *l th hsiail vtthsa 11.a ker » ~ lalgi y tls Boue ahl 41i LommaGaodms ptlsgl iboe l m. amd si gvge a=eli %aqp" e v ilaS ee6uue te*@e ma Ils oCam eho. Reaii aub à-l lime s.l met o ho scoli-mel pu" hi h.teguieocheaeeo«-eecri levem in adeouC10614eun no run Or Mone ou LUM k a(se0bopi savlieas imiabond -am4 I O-,bc-utNsbv bfon. de *os -me.hrys cacyt banmo bé à«bbdimaU tbat- 8 wme jale Cmn mithe = bs.u fl a=s~l <te lid. e vhc.e y loidsibuey ima efo hagnou.Ait ag i ts nqviot ebs o iah it his iuha, mi uhebae ay Im w wpài bei geva à" àa " ie" Md le..e fab e' t.a itmbg ai temm Mmchey Se aim I e smdth fpeu.' v»i li da beba yVe M lo cu o btmjeïts, bs ml hae m r4 n ohp*"ala ofiaWbsuaui« ytei mgt estse s is& ba baest afu Imlmm ls tbe. _ . om *k.i l entroaal iibn [te bor ohg la ay Send.Il o vhlci lave hep discsi ae hi brn hu omes a enstm &a, hi vliteds dlare isge ne ths aMd la pata tt me 5N enathé vatam ai of lie ed, as s of 1<44,uOWWthe byah. 11 orme oum eetbeOpnongo(emer< oals9 ofl ig(om 1 Se lave lien <4is voie Thsato.tem yamimia et- s la n o n a o r bo i a m n e - m e g t vie rert ey oiedw i . llombldeOf thoodro4hva, Wedè out vd aW cnbe cniad i pplli c- imv amvha v. h gveeovute is e ne w wen M visiai drnte tgt himier bas besis doue e e do i otIcI viiel lasr, mheurwon fly.o'to cf elc h mom m ppaolaveeet e outiaftb lat phenmena va - ycii te in gem tTrmiay orhnlof vae guils ai v enmis viitmahesiol a mmlavesois.vt. bau se beu, a shela teriste Psse on put of Potd teesa i tht aineaticache plaît coaus vm entoil asthe wsirtrou tii en temm" atie a Sueta seie vian breiocai ho utimy éaMan ho vporai. m'H ord b- my, lim e bai upn h. prep»ctc I sv ivisIoamsthehitoLiatisumia, b igas it tas ho Isa b.aits inl isric.n tliai hav- utclualey iaclw(« ieu povision- » h.suhavbumtbioes n huiéi teriv ler èo im ateak pFoaite gci ridgmesyfohamgiely uom, stison. . *rvoenlt. img, l istiyvdieancyh dtcal la ofMie..PTUi" gstinesCf ùi tene hia"teauvalie aittme, miithennou stope.,nv.i-lulth@ateoumtry h.7 vnet uh epre.I8i. I0tuaiffcOs, bih ortV inath are nov poaardn o Utseso W hmvmue . slm.,Ibo miléa lithmin a ro *mievhlahbost btakum pmtlmm sll00o*A àA tW ofi*0uiveabout mit it je iv giw, bodel onm.ptbeaI F"i ès tIta moie uriolsa omine i*qu*0iTb ter14 bridgeaà w.i tm auruas, 1 u- h rivais.oueisoolMIbis aié nice but soan. Ebeos aaiMtaimiiheAM Rd fo lif dcu itnoiimon dmi lne liai sappll*we ds opste directid 1g 94p hoVat la, la b ope ihudigas cd v« Bichla a. -M4aMd.Unoud dWrmv hm bock e mppnt te h ée pedmW brîy kw y.hi. MW~ 0frv *e ou di ko qeyi au ,MidI., bmvComm en o s!U id of tome bin hotuas aent .t »- ét <lie Visobave eà ha Eeg. h as reae-a hlam àsetMisy v.ane .lulmmdtht the abIlsul Ste.-bmtaiaithe Nomiovs hbee..d sini nTw" adba, hi 1ev. ialev tv» laim.bats, vumtbj oidge ?iiombro My oiavn" tIcese. oem« wui b*ingafteoium b Nflt sa" pecues. limorm.ibo~ AuitsbMâOv-e lleme itou " iet baltela W 1 A -es#nu; .1. t. ué s.giIgp hntmise ed WU be9* m»,afflW4 * bo I mli ~ vox" ma »M 60kuced fn, ic ma àpot te aUomîltwl u euely liiez -orcfheba tb* M O m d oli f thon tm e ot, gwv- weng portiens of thse mnathIer sme viii, veau lok quietly oui &mWdalotadym oipsopi. Iccawthe l.midst c or em, eé- iha* The cealemat btw. the two 03'a. Imm vOUaN on .vsible, B.d tse dosiete ima"aatl ribe ta prevemthe Contagion apeeding. Tii.bulk oui. Frencispeoila vem ryoD&mare of that»iMce their d"cei thMa mmSSi*mueectudai affl50 ould1 be givo. lb. Poleathan empty declarations,1 vhieh they knew vooli neye. b..ei ed by &h. umangoyérsomat. These &ith- hm acta have býoco m-natoricua tuat the. Punch Govevameat have remonatrated. Md tliey have gai liait sauver, the euhb- stance et visic i ,, that th.y have ammut.d tl.*» Ensaan md thaI hey mm te conte- us teaislaIthem,untit the. Foie. anre vdîý- edte submiimo, and a- teyour prileciple ofv,iaoeention v.Umm itu otueve it bo the extent of or ovn convenience Mmd ». tutin. SIm lamdeclared site vas Dot »Motaibut pameve. That il;vas lie P0- "u age nly that pretended ta establiah MtSity, du .Wv*W ai mec the averthrOW et tse Foies, ami vooli employ every mumt bring timt desirahie abject about, short Of Ighting. Il s plain enough that the. Gtvesnment of FranceOuatdo 9same- thing more han 1.1k; if they mft. ho pro- vent the. destruction of th . Pale,.The. Freoch army on the Rhune teeid tuaii j40,000 imen, vidima rmy of about thus ammont, Napoleon in a few veeks marched ta Waraai, after detroying the. armica of Pruemia.Wh*( obetacle je te preveat tiiet novi The aider 10 cron the.Mine wvcek ha hailed vitI' demon.trationa afjoy hyltat e nmy,by France, aid by evcry friend offre.- iom,,and if et the. mane ldme several strong aqume er. blockading the di&irent perla ci Prsoi, vo helievo Ibis. equivo- cating ranardeas might soon b. diaconcect- i d in theirmeemes, aid tiie Kinim of Pej"A dretorudti ta aieft grandeut. DOCoso SAMUEL MIICHICLL, a diatin- 6 g«Uisisadegti man, diei aI New York m en thie Tthinstatithe6th year etI MaL. Duatwv, the Lacrnaut, mai. hie (ourthi mornt in a Emlcoon fronCantle Om, f den, NewvYork, othe 7th inst.,ad wu 4as ouccenfijl as an farmner occaaaoaa. bMi D)urants miiel voyage vas about tventy- tvo miles, at au elevation cf aeSiy 8am It fnl. 'lTeinawrectiaa of the Bimos in Virgint T HE Annuel meeting of lb.Kingaten Religions Tract S.,caeiy Auzàliary te the. ltligieus Tract Society 9JLnndoa, viS be heldithe bmCourt House. ou Monde ythe l9th day of September, ut 6 o'clock, P. M. voe t.Rpot viii b. read, and il i- = =td erlgentlemen vtwiladdimeseti Meeting. N OTICK-The Stocithulders in the Steeocr "John Dy" @te requeted <o meet t the Office efghe Subot riber on Wed. nesay the 21et instant et 12 o'clack aeun on particular busit.eas. DAVI» JOHN SMITH. Tressare. Kingston 1lti sept. 188. NJOTICIL-Was taken o p about the. tI' i 6thi ijast. near the. out let of Plemmant Bay, by the Substriber%, a quantity ofosare Omik Tituber together witit a Chain Cl., oe somill chaun about tvont Ove or thirty feet leng, tva Oz chains, wîth a @hiart pAc. of a emopemaCabl. Tieoguer isrequeit- ed t. prove' prepot! psy cages&mandlaits tiecm saavy. Tne Timber m marked G. M. JOHN DZLONO, COMEFORT DLONO. r lillur, lOth Auguet, 1881. lqoTici TO 84,EDaTE SCNoli, &C. Aract ieL fLasy but e tii aigen mn exttesve mesrteut of B"R a "l.»» bindînga suiable for abbath do@W Alo. - àse, a large addition to their formée.stofe rat. Kington, t1 Sept. 18m. r F0 SALE-e«mmliseen jScaring 880 buee. Enqulve et lthiis office. Sept. 7h, 108. LxiçmeTn FALIL ACM iesoo Rare. th* KiegîmenHibel, ime"s remolevataeh@i abive Raemo booM tine.pie. ce Tbug$41s Io 2m day ef September »ut. Joli. a. Giavsr. Esq. R. If. Hugh 0. TianoimeCo.Eq. Johnm Marks, E'sq. R. N. J. . amit. Esq. Ovdw.. )e"a R. Forxtli, Esq. Gneeçw. Trerin, E1. Stey4'css. Tale e r i Ieim mr n la Se Po. vat e. ov wnd mahelime elr mose prier te di. dey of ruielegtht ener vag matait, Plu*. or Jepm-* i HuMus, Lesisece Elma Waiglts 8 jeaneib U 5- -B 14018 au » t Weigha jemeoh, fit. 121b. 5- S 10 ieo«.pusalea i a. on"là mail s &0 1iwl» e tivodavi ad 0e, 4 -4Slà er S 1 ) i (hi 1~ -A ) ~Z5JdI g-rn 1 . s i 1 . SI . 1I Uc'. a ýfiT on 6.101k juem boit u-Yg Pm-y1 -PLOUGRING MACH ES. »Vg fi" lia Wnhaise, ilthe mflornag,! %a pleshues vtem pair uge. vOl- tanings« ai Mt Demeitrid,dim- et a driver tat 'tire 8-hao"made h- . auammiag en lb. sarlne et cthe euroce, <4sso, hmsi.evatssisoot ig or egit foct ont aIf;es." bot va%lijdgisi eilbeab" thel.ame of à Thrd best banl a crcuteuae, elIlshei li-Do. vlah ipair Oui witlegdiver. 4 b»W n coor b te computhad lrTIetid bea, 8a~sint en i tiendw 10ie'la" siassi tmundeaicompotî,e- aa>k a tch r 1 anwdes r vI-heel 8 tisia b ima i it i 40 fnM. perbape loer.. litar Bt of the. Tevhi"I th. l)renila D asaitr. lady viawuvamot le'vated hbt cf wviiiThe pressatirma te epaii pant in Clore 1 laitia distinct nvien »";;lUmca, vws Sorti and part in Money. aigu hhepe otofaiater. Tii. ho- WNo lhmth&n Ove piaughs viilb. mlov- diy W.adal't bro. id ta> tart for anyof the paimns. m1 v vitiîin 200 Iyards oU it ammau hiMivi Should thi e srpoe nacrh désie, vhichs i M, it*diWov *e*"a'- thedirectaraof the Counsty Boardsahave h duiBisonIntartoulent us, mm m 1 ndthei. vole pewer Ioalmter the day. cruv aobserva i 1l ihte nmn-t t li- Shhoulithe. COuntie.fcI LeX noxmd Ad- taon; no vas issattentgin li zodone is. gton viaittounsit., the. Boards or thcne Th. eYB vas pes*cntly bimcsses.arp aid Cm," ls avethe satthority ta exteni or Pitiig. lwaaeoncmrastaaborveclmear- I thepreattins as tue1 jige ly ltat tere vais nalis ariLternal appeu- 4ti provitici Ih.y do amiexeecias i. aia dinges ti e body; but tlima jts nmtion s ueby anthorised. the. writhwgcb" lime Lady, like otlierserpenta. lleoaved, That the Directars b. isqaetal Maring the time it vas vih un, severai id t. colleet thie bcriptions villhistu ilacs ,of barda fiw near, vhich it eyed v0 espcveCountiee vitbout deisy, in order ry narrasviy. i observed in iiithillisiTatentmttievoemybiatchqdait. mgiil smiqaektes f ustim-There in Tresaurer bde thelecnd of tic presnt mne dobt, ibatlttis a ne 4two vicié have mula hem gren ~ int tîefe parts. Ail accuatsis Reovai; lmasthe. tiants of liAs meet- agio e., peuig b. giroc n bthe.Presisient lai bis juit- Tvocf iset (eriapotiemme wrc ocaius as ngenentfoir impottings.ed W li mee n tire sisore aoflthe Cranaberry lelantisi, Ï th i' ene»me mntrY--and for lhisable but immediateiy tuait ta the water on bsing condact during yesteiday andtI o day n lte t imcovereti. Ths arce teheat ever seen Chair. (Signa) B. C. THOMSON, in noir aime, <Lt a.elhave any accsuntt oI. thouagi titey have been seen an tic coga of ertr. Norvay moare titan 100 feet n lengtii.'1 NETERS remint in tic Post Offc. - IdL at Aduipbutown 5&b Sept. 1881. LORROERiTvSPENCcr -Tii, roe- e,,piien Gries. N oxo aiHa ria, Peter HeZf raide man respecta n.oblmismexpired o:n uiematy, Jacob A. Hturmance, Mary i ln-trfet, Piccadihy, at the adivaniced g Wilianm M. Ruli, b c Rdr Robert rOf 84. Hig iOrt8iiP vas lime YOungus t n11WaIlîse.. nt Charle, secod Duke of Marlbioroungh, N .B. These lettesm ueot b. redeemmi brotiier to lte laie andi oncler hi te preent withiui six aeek4, or they viil entI taeh noitIe ukecf tiaItille. liiilortdliipW8va.Dmd Lettcr Office Qacice, ýt a Priny Counacilior, but, ve iriseve, a non- J. D. GILBERT P. Ni. e- officiai meuber oaluls natntrabie Lady, R- RLLX-cpeiui nom minever, il iAs ssaula, iaving acceptet B PO1LiRepciulyifom etafice. Lord Robert marrieti in 1811,.iw lien m t he Pubitc thst Le ntcnds opening an b ait attiac thse ageo f 64, tise Hou. Eveliisg$clàool fer tie instruction ofyoîmng M-rMm Edv. Bouverie, reiict of the Hon. ladimes ýJ gemntlemnen in thie Frechcisan-. L- iv. llouveri.,anddmaîghterofSir E. Fa.- gu;ige. Thone dishîouea of becoamima; Pup1 D< iencr. B tli'slastv. gvisaodied in Navem- vilf pignon irave tiieifume. viiiMv be,1820. Lis iorditéiplaid no inouïe. Pranîx, or et tic Hexald office, as eariy éas _________________________________possilie. t a s a r. o i. Ieetig aiIhe iil.d Diitric.teAgrcl I Scaty a.heuinl_ CourtHouaion -fdaesa t. h , matThorMathleSi Wedmeaday-Preant fi. Lake,. ist. Remoivad,ti, AIl .1exiiclt iaty. frr ii. hbition ar Camlleanticoin- cober eneut.I iffmobyt t 1h article ofthe. Cooshmtlation. Bd. Roooined, Tiat lte CaIlle iesfo the Countios of Lesox andi Aidingtan ho heli aI lh inemtinmai plemfor the. pue- ettymunder lie unâtetid --io U i ban (o Ib mi Cuntica rui liaI .itiao f the mi ad u hh i t lion dl.Remlec,*In explanatianti Ile (oh article of lie Constitution that non. shah Le eamilimi for primo. at lie County Meet. mage but msea remue ithin the limilacio the respeetive Couaties in viicI' the.Miel- e*ýxao5iedINTinlconsequence ci lie iilmty of cemformimliii"yen 101htl 1Ilti article afthe Constitution, ovinglto ti impracicabtrity cf procuramg rain, lin. stock, or preper implemao f usLandig, il la Iuoi nec.asury to avard a part of ha preàMimmoney. Mt. losoilved, That the smmaof th*" S.mplied for proms ithietm ya n tth ie Cloner me& ,romain- ang lte himb s f tiiVice Presidonla. bm appliad i viiheu respective Coulis for peyment of p"im, m andbeconse aiads (oaming partof the aforemii sumo mhr oais, allovoi oach County. ZRenid, Tisat euh tcandidt, forai paeumium ioth.iag a meamber, simall pay flvd itlila bhe Society as entrance nmey 91h., R Ioveti, Tiel Messix. Marks Feltoirs, Lakte, Vanalihlne aid Beath bei Comuslteetoreport on a prenm ist' 51fo esêi Conty. 7Tht m"irepart to b. pie sealeal ta-aorrov. Mii. Resainai, That the Bonard a ThSibsiah isSept TM Sodama»Welatt 2o'eock-ýpaet Jouv Mic"urs, a Es,. Fient 1 Chair - John Marks; ume FarM Tbmq.A C~ai !&#or, Jeai u i. Chois !eaL lCamyr Ddue r. e u 1'boCd sai ppol(i- esIv. ai-* nitWts isivepI'ns is pveuuM, vi ]Fumb ie ç~AMly is Um mral et thldiubai itaet grmeisl c dm17 Unr CaltEsSieeo i âdPionglia Maniated .Sald.098a lace'eyA rie *0kg*b« coua t . om 4 40. Vlaeluliegiaih l islà~ul ia busboen quallei.t Mei Excelleaicy the Lieutenant Goves. or bua le.. plcead tappoint Fa&wcts K.1 Tuetcear, Esit. ta ho Collectai of Coi-1 toma et Port WAndeor,is thse nome Dis- trit. NÂàviaAL Ccaonsus.-' Tvo grea ANACONAS, or terribo serpents aiJava, as mheIl tva BoA Contrmîcneam, natives 6( CeyIo," may hoss.a Imou9 in thie mo-i- ning outil 9 at ightl, at Mr. lrou'al.,1 Marktet Square. TiteseReptiles anre pr- (mclv docile, anda afle ie keeper, Mr. Cop, ta hanile thens at pleamu. Tisy are wall voithy tie attention of lie curions. SECLU Davae-Yanng gentlemen ismiatos of heooming acqunitsd viU dis noble sience of oem elcnce may ho grati- Wonet applying to Mr. Rorke, allihe Ca- mi Coll.eBOus. Tiu Amsans han. net yet tera.uat. On Sateaday baM Edwaait L.m s tiemlen au laditiot pieerimiiy the Grand Jur fce n'ade.. ise trial edisabiout min Oe'caet aiglt, vison thaJury retimalte liseir raoas, ee tey lhaie wemmmmiasd on- or km.- -hattheresu tati<heïr dellem tie. viR tin is usi~bl. tpeit, the, giron. W. bave Pm eaelam~ thélb !tvli b.publictim n viiiciio aiiimtaicm, voul olib m pr lb. RqgisIRov«ren, Bash"p Meflon amni issogtiysecm..d by hde Chaplam. euniaanit bmauxiyrem- psetbla relaeisumabi, tee1i L; Âmhe.huig utêie ae date Pras Il 8:77 - e!Vý Wi émmé@ý»e, 49W.-'m., PL lu