I -l A r-' r> - my T 0PMW OMM AWA. H u-tuI u - -------- b Art.A U~~ PPK~Tleu ~uII - U av"~ ont-E& n:tPo 0 M A*EAW<il ai Ibo in O. 4av aa~s..~_ __ 4! u l pa iu .- bit sty im ~~ los elaie th leoImisi ashi.,*bas ~ bjIhEêtho, ..- VoNIJC"ab-»I Lcnmweêwas~t-taa t SS sab ua- - - IWY 'a4aj modem revue m'~~ 5B% 1OSie& ,,mai es <n 1.4êote - -gl m% 1 adC C'UWdl 4il*Iem..0 ___ i.' l. sdir ~ aig leue< 0151 Eute gaiser, 45..d vinsson O rquans, a Calais '17 -tom h - -- -te Pscmd I.iya u~~! 11MIDIR>la' The aT. aupTlrsjim à~Vds.à .Autbla 0 Yack 18.bd$ousés5 k 6m*W"mis&m.à. o<c«.,,,. nEtw, 3 *@muni17__do_______u uukumeL *mapsa,» * ,okl)<UbSUdta King"% eNtl a*UhS ~ ~~t s'b 1 pout I.àc te TOM.. hsu1111I_ Ml.Mnec.asaa iebtJca aIt,?evnee610îllitine .,b am .a.ac uvlh.. isaStd eFu ant, nu 4l. Madds d0Dl". , baàa ras", în--0"7 Tout. IeM mes. Su Foary at uemlc ue euair WaW* *W à u'this.iable t6r:e.;___#*hu blnd*R- * vu4 I nun c P t b«RI#èM dte r , %*".waaepsdqgt 1 ,asaoSo al tea< ncoâI~,,~Juur . flutTe 80vrgs1.b. i j ' é5j rs lu.mus b peax, 30~.?~pm Anltois, otc brbygtetatà, jf 4âp S1.l udlsbuu Olcft.Ce W.htsluagwaMWrau- lusperes a atolias atet. ree an lIit, ~ *im tîaîp. my;eveiajeahav..,fossi j i. imoiel c~AnA Iaahig ds Ba:X. lsamui emartbh ehs4bh ba - sudiud(ucaI M <e>shumNiRiqueteOste Clevelaand,Ssiai8a0bI VOS 8*1Mm.8.l &tw Pvim t u S eloatio toi, vil Wela eCuIl.buehvu uloga brqtesr t ? 1 ui t vIWs?, *, àzv.b Mna gla 4llowabng Ferrtom :w1ytoH. t* , habit0enai t qI mratada, eu u 57ua:enI,~ aadto in he X Pia Di , bid în t i rn. ,Prs bsya,1.Rds iainidmuai i. ccuvaale.-ThoTheT.abl mé d;b.ho Aee b iosmPe elI Behll4- ,t .,5.* *flubue OductoGaaetlia soo Aollutoiumm Mtc,elle* cliatpltd, cIS e tbuc may*b. aIlipýasd strict attention t. ilo cemitoot ei bhe cd n o athui e Elo eluthe f adt o h lq "-0wo-iMOaS lie =0tGodeic uddei areeu. s TonI aîaeueofpbi . onIa;tGug ul, 918 wà HeLt N tc r b»ySi«a ulwtaýý1a CahopoP lies0 *...........r-fimema lian or . lb. rion la wt Cu tjouett ngliesjo 8*1uh 8 utO E ai «ai«gbW tIdnra o ul.trmg.am o a iu aotte Tecslap of E~,at Tcn,~ .o.~**lkniwuleesadL7. l iofoIlu.ai«.gnedyMmuçir O t e r Tlla a. lise, flhbea. 4.4.D. Wt aI urnlsbhg NTIC , ON o la <ba1 tagisebO-4Vilag tauCarhvllhe usast- p nbo' EN Z RPEIY mremI i dt qul0e0 ba sbcut - &&W ' e i in s o »mmm d e ~ w Tai o *B obus. lne lu, k en lieu la;_0_"0-_5._a____Li____ il aodfaabuýNe. i o s tygiea ht otbo, E qa a îygvi uiai oin rciaî.Lm i ..idn naand *wm& sîamet qoul Mcm t b ei> .*. ±a RO Willam Cook, Esuir.GriaaLy Nfiisaluaitgcod ri ieywaut. a t t bab emb me-ti. co*t. ., .amleabn vuado, a t be , i.lsmae te us gemme bo-r.am oeouin*- v WM oprbspsuwlw atbn»omlhae.ban Ms ai, n Wb bu. J.IIca Y. m mpabap una. oSteafoi é, l . a et aît>ecutaLr44Ç l tt ot f h e , UM (ow-aiu tnt * flom:-iI care fins.1 ile otrou Un essIonMof onar LANvD S F Lum cul@proca0lByMu«.ean d a ecrn of ase mremt elu. t oiv0 ., lae Us.,.....01 0 ' Oet LE liL.eng ibre OýkrdSALE- VALIL A TODET.Pruc a $i,.airenilt o îei.n $ angle bis tisasmaa vto bic1= hiw ln--P4«r t4rbd iglo.., burgbeangLot N.hsr 3. cotaina¶130 Ne.,.lutein&t.. ièhnCOOLn Auts of LntA 80et thib ae l a gh lugtou u< A--a.î.c m o ~ai in ebut Da houiaal» btor., p anbudb u it sic u oa le u- OIt. Wj..a" ialkM*tIp leth aNu Thaaiv Fam a itsteabutUS Us U'Gemn o l. Yl esl e. bus ti.rie agte inise. l= cW"ldai, iierIa thell&le min i. lWwm.ltiîe kpand Wm n....0 ta~ S ob~>rw b'.CmCfeaitdi-. sa tinKn ROu, MbYrR MOIE, LenN.ll 23s f W th e .-L m arloirrddiDaoi , v.uce . (jtru cin u .f aM i b fatl'u bmlt sta-B Of»4metlmt ,i . i Moyrioar4nterm Miipies 1£tanaM 15. de prMaci m n sudw&.mml .dte tni ouacoutOot. saomoo t06 mtéatrm ou as eclln1dtrcloeurb 08.in e is.Ca the St Ir, Whli i e - t&. . ...........g35* 4qe kh abri apptov &Marginal pFor tterleR ah l G ta IL .I% Pmi, iteLal ot - e a cir a cft. aty lm ----ec.êc l hnabma t Bgu T ls. 10.1'l. CN'fKago r oth rproamf eMpayag a de e th.ete s n. ud flrgeuim lo ud yonlaSb e at roenabl ssiNi'ssnst.is. iUsieKigtn e u*gRob OU. ot. H. Casofad it,. ewm h UDL JHNet W. la hib3PPieitol .iais lur thi deauy achet aeut i hoIn e et 'an -i uais *occire Yard ; ho à T. e u ltapra -il Cou. oftmim nid te Md à --. b l Lo O 0 nte o »eo ft he ND-,mence PO m u 111- Te and a my Ibo 1« lce, Ct L on ataiNO. - cie. U êigé q«pB.ll* 0 epo io in in U. Têtrchia, t rmmDeit, 9el« e*our a»a i u - intePaYut, 71 and, msly tiali t .bs r. 50 11 h ovme,1.MdW«mn.àtec klugstouonta on îleare abore ai§ n ajamly-k's oiutuoe u ame e hq a J y Mnei ETE ROINSNthe â b ahcliu.~i uah on <le mcutyta u. W.8. rM bnteoigs OH~aCum .l N BOOTHl Iabuan-rTA ln, s. afl muaaelsausuuarm>. al uos tidhe tion le . i a fApi ut b c ewii q e g lA rni quo»plepm Canada, Ir@burd i bto L a d e uie . sh u t fieilsramei- -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fa or le asin or ,euvry bnqten, N ott agvll tlprl z u t.Lieadbidn ob% n icoadis , ami ,, l iet quaIk t tget i e iv.Fer ouh-à@*t9Olé a Tis I e mal 10 bEsquir roimbey. ué.~1800. AldGone e NyposetS. mtmiigt e r. sd Vslue t lIbdmotablhc arose atPE YUO* INGt AJDý jal svallsB otuliath, W ud . Ctldana i«iao "WIbf LtN. 2 AUDT0, mHa rPtLa u le o. menti h povnc.iie is moyaenîet ilu' os iit« dàt-emu op n hyT. m ar4me M praJ. D4 IOV. ILE . EVEITWEEL...Ntas e thefor ois of n, '.Q e b,&dOmm oti harts u os descipton I a bitrat, Concests~ ion -p qM vt *illb-.ea- as Renp &on emsud ae tt er.,ai atu aeMbm émwI»ou ( , ,¶~Iuidrli t Y OR MRLE-A A RTLZT. PAR dt o * <o the anlouarid lethLit. Walprced IMotaua ndlabie adiu f a Fo«"0".....to bar, oin L t oîlemsr2 Uibra m iflm Mlul d haStblpumn i.TI ssvader, te . .Dalous e, l t ehaIoslimta, h.isaairaed et. Panaju Ua5Iai'Asar m,... . m Jr-tKt ,.ndDblt.t ArsoLadU90 f V iNjLare n a Ste ilsomml'tare. e(luhom Knominalb tehi o m ak@ sg purWclias a coiqu ne. N ftl= tm froe a. ILSAIC-Te .)loitg f a liur on, . eto ombyscso suppo«dm rt. i,aiungtecadien tbit lsts, Wb d 1 àa~w~o0à4 Ebtb e ehea maeofKing atn rrthe,59. crieAC UL TCeaa luimo.s fou, . -. Oz u pseeusare eusid t, i<tonmrWîaft te In t t. mrd fuWde y ath am.b es eri r < 'P 1# m~<~~.wra,,bî aet hcasa nho ra] uewb.. eTbclent 1% 14 u a mndan P.l Sea-bmgt&uanm .iet ". Md niee.huar baae.tio oumaia boapîunttpemèe CeleM-Wab anbper,"mitbta iê 1t eb ee11 . Ejwb". lic%=i b.uap1%rheta»911ivalfor<le Mt. tiU Jma eescllKtet . De, jis. îhrl, SI ,.uaon. iii ngurast . h eCopayWin tra spor bu aine yasd k e a&m Flerla..............lial~ e 5 l à mn23 b v at Th woe il o aaois r DENNs. ootdcti<.OmS eo . bt0 Ina se a «" Vito.. liy -t; nuit aintlaeFauittou ai. MdO., 4*.t, j 1189t.lo shor na. 1881. c. Ct. plyttoHuld sanaourioTW** raoto f. pL. 'da.li l mn ).hiilc SALE.-Laes Nu. 30 sn M lai îleeNOTtCE- ocl t iy tLGbpetatrgeueeleu OtHeas, .mplyhi iO Pnec îjal lott 190. 13UBLICeNe"ein , 1 s.loloeaee ILan4sv...l.of...e..gents men- terni lai. îtatal n ol Ceo etd o. I11 Campuy aS itabotao nnai in he Wy WEDUdngttin am e taaig30 cr. f ecliutLua,<h. au~mmy olb otliorprtig Roai.tta Çiva, tEs t e B..,.. d...... .......................................t ... ................. .. . . . . . . . . ce »Zisaprviea &M ot LM.alr tnhi,àepr"sandt 4 cet F'08i fbinale mriia- f Md-l rui a Ph.'A l"A 6' tack CroOlabenga eu daialla ilatonand,, IMPARIE. awt Loaon., manli ai ' H t klqmg . . . . .. . e2s,*. . mes e booI usch e ad leu al Hibas iv» aeml li autlyth r«en o Wal u krmy en"d an t ual , agetee t&Y T58 .. o aa X iopo. l aioem ibr e ?.. odM -, àetii .au»i oc Lsisasi Smit Sotan, eumie tou iba<am Fu ,.a * l i ervait l a t a i s , i Seetbma-lbaSc ~ al~. . . . . . . . .u . acrestobq on his lait, gaeaa, ane lyu, lPEER R IMNSITNl -el 090"!£ asCU"& 0 G ote tnutilhe _Nimbient,________P.."__________o______l #e kM« rbybemnoa.fPwcterme. Unbe1.Tepswl JawappL Td . WL EWL ADGOSMWARDWG, ils ve.-U Z., d oboj awt#sueî tengFertie NJcEa.*qpmme.ii b Hea<et Ald or e. nCrryara e nis , il. aso boume siece M. RâtchI luND id UN T D Y SA ep m. &bd u tbïtamubearlitmaitogoaise irrgua .wg d4ob, ) A .,e rilat.eoi P70Y lt W)£ERT uCo4sa.afa.frua, 1 teIoit9iidi I67 elmqUMeL Dmei wmi. s. t. Outun da et at.e. uo"W. wt1 au as te iof ]puto b. 34% mbal -a 85, rate, Wep% W..Js ICan m ueaie.ag I, descriptio ,ai exelntcatdiacont. oit om *a EL osa*d and.his MINsand beloi divn.uu plate e~mieu m Uhldeys ain t. anib m«Ae &CFal nispdua »e n ,i - M qorbtthiéeïwmai IoB.Im Pauser, Voit. Pertu.KcupesU. SiretUt., .....o.. VE . Ki.gston. satires. and angni ta amie Basa do ttga on- f- ...... ___ ri pov-c mAiT.couite. nouiety et éâGreen L E ST 1W sIJJul. aleeeve géW e1 rnn Feroret1e pntanisu t.l-8 a bee en l beiW k,,*vemh%6 Fo elgSuUi may. iae 1th ayt»t