top VAN AllA ljT I9Jfl 6--de.a- e iveriialm Fudyt mo e,-Ue.Be y, pisde , on,-d.At 1.1,400Me. baftema ma tbna, '80k b@ »d Io. W'n m *éUm Tea, 0mil hur d my Ssmia mugîmnPresf - ereinumofthes Di:-taU he, .i r e bm Th ts, lof, 'Imu a, temcbbg b Ock. two iLm euProlena go m sa mufi l1. oebou ats .tot Tr rat fet r ac Ly res ure eîrslusthw ui @mier (Soie Su a~a Pet elhae Vlhw î~E~3~ KinGI'w, gw »NEI»ÂY, ÔCTOBBXe1I 2,18* 1 : - 1 1 O - ~. ~, ~ oovEtmrnwr O~~~àCTS. A D1REC1~ IMPOR~T O? #« 0 ofeb r But, à* ... &0.IsÀr ihsmiw b 1 <na sebnoeaut~m. eïIu.I1. ex- 1 1N ~ 7hw I~sud Cb.micek ,wbmb l ie Mfiti s»ean mmd tsk m* te ytum.- " il bltts.-0 b. tu Im mmpmmmod . hmffSs ufCase f m ilt MWMWVuIbektp.oméwIebMÂCrÔsa"SUF sud of Ilsmea -e bond- ? Sm L"4»'ld .1.d bmSgAum*nlE-aam,. Ans ovdl. , umâIIWvmiçxij lus des odÎtMfH A pnIu.x »", inrio. S irbett ~Iàé~' .&pa& Wnimgmv., «uo<m- WA&iED. hJW Vl loird N..N. ish ire i » 25êoam heofopec fbrâ ed ORNFfom s 4 damC.gIdimmaip < livmuse a c.,i~1 jqlepCen- a iuxtetbeteao àft ah- = ~J A t y - i hi Au lom oh.v MgIanda pelént mnel lie Oum'vîg ~i bS6~UM~a.~ . ~ula*Ie Vma« pgAl iikProe.,eewud e m qSah jm*4ugmh4ba~~~~OdiueuOSm e ~ ~ ~ Kinguioum , fée . 4,88.' OOSd omthme liâtse.bI t Knptn ipiOS,18.liei qm~éî~wdmIWLýO" _________ Sauf. ..u.u .e.dreq' .OU~L emfu%»)uihtef*5Qv 1 0ii IN63&o eaga. ufSePub4xUerms _ duelp v l l a y ai . w U t n o ca y n i a a d g i - n tsé s.m oth e u e » v o.e it % 'etCoof1 .10 s 111 ~ ~- t.uhiuME~.m~ VIII lUéU - 'tsýd'i *»t p"-t Kimpte blWade, mmd tthe Ng. thim , 25 4 m ArA.o.. WGR -~ ~ ~ ,,wImm g*Dé' i u i e t ~he - «mIa ,lm - Cit Urat t480 o r averyi£101&IM<LUKi Ahi. 0.- . u l d"Il 11, .1la .. 1 d k.' mia s. m m d et e ta, e t m nd'iw m lt - ' S mS- l Il1& , I 31 lion. mmdi>upuist feo, te S ~~, 'N1. lia , 5gja mi ~~~~~~nde.aa~~ S~~'oue < "' "«ss ,lS îqpe . :uajhSmr1U.lç uuu~~ 1%é!b", Isgl.pII ils #un CM N.t-., i ada m ule-haPeme,~MImt. .WMLS Nam.< mn mdYotm u C feilp ~1. SO~~âwe~.4a a ebl ta6M u.;l7.ZdÎ e IaJd4JPPlu u, letumuesel i Ctpun t" 1, 4'au. P4" MofS Uea bgb 'wa*obi & me m ATb . îr BO R and t.lmIlml. l!arauraili pMqigomghm I Hauisisamufa, '~ahltuC HARLES tHoAPT. 4 ~l, y 0.'mm asuaivl .au wedb e. .ed m wstCqu.I.- wi l84L <~ tu.4i Sar Cag *ami* vt iu;u6mvy Ou.b.e*-*r MW .1. -. êeuta b. j. * ", ed~nhgb Ia lsndsad4 il e thei Ckexa m y ie el 'qa.t~= et Sb* 6Z à Rmmuaid f oS M e lusal ud heWIi OMett ib SOP ex jn.B4 to.dsàu - s i- a~ .» >uaue lilia l r.k Ba e a wp*- M 'u,,«Bills siU t il os nie s. t e ne.l fdor gims U MWb. ittmiig sheuwtoQ ereMI m ig uw sbiwwV dit Noe, 'd pUOI muget "i,,ta The.r* mi u M _________________________bu_____ ns ut!ae snomS Witua uij~~~ ~ elir umudamt oç leatal. PIDI~1~15e oodu miSr. ,mt44'~'- te b. Uçw Cita smehale~miMe lb.viol us.. a uisa. cfunylomUu*es * ; « 0 t o l s é , î 4 ,f -* m n , i t a w d e o n sa o Q le tml T i o s . o e t Iu S l a l la n t de« *là* OUuXl$e ou lTbI ms>' - . l4s4 to h J U m *u ien wn,à m t tlor AMAMARA3-LT mxi4m n Q F --a ýetUlm&". Clseil 01 âfd i %F* ýQ &Yi W*m fer db.eA»»avO a.".bons 4 wPoeloret bm ierit Sede aelk MDmiDaLwi iuq kl7 15 ~ dsehos on mb.a, ud ml.lwyl massIR" 'P-dI Sa S1 I A tir *0 mm andpil yk teomuu" juaepeea lb. teSt .1 Richrd RsmbSpaoâ> - orsppn ste stlycml mb.utse. USlmdaibmaumd Bd OUF m iud mtAilua~1 bInMM , tzl ,Je4,85Ca wh"eo i ommisa la ae, w.b'Ek uie L.*1 smta uy'e ifmvery lmte. te 1eIBu ale.h. ui. w" m eceom ,esu,.ArmpnalaC . b"M' u'W qm- -mu abm W"aebs.mthm1ti 'lie. AI çz.nmavnge~i~-u h ma.iS.e$~#4.t'y f h1 Iyeu-A~e-p e U.*5S~d5fSBPuehete.IuylU. 4e Yl.Getius fs.thlllaam uzln .çpe= limte ms hmowto e, n o bu'orth.dmy-96, *'i VulerCeuta In 6-"amfatSs.à si " ,W b asot erinru' s1 «» mî e s t.u fliug-e ' 1- r 'w-11.6u ci lrepuhPA ... . vaai ...~ sps~e p~S opltin m nea uh 1e~8eg hiv sy .w lii-o W ipç.-4 aIl m la été. aurm$mmu eO8 mi l SHRF'Ssu. ~ ~ voa t1.ane0Jn .&4 mev~ keleI t.lugOu u My 11 M!JIi oWf Nlled htic, aI ae.aylla it<u1*L» haJ I'AM I ' elglm.ltton ahuI e- wYosvrfmmuMl.1as ~'seebstheué Tb 7 Sé Bs aS rn lit the ouledent Imeeuéami viehfaul u" 101Md wqmtw e-gtoa tC.,me ~ a dEimpo... . "u,~ K.ningtoua by ~.. ~ ~ ~ ~p~D JelesO, mimS la111.ESeetismi ,ilu lmeeeahla1V.iie Ail putes. laMmg mImAnhom Ibo iâvu R s 4@4m4 neblT m tu erwtbe a h la of ilii.-"dmueartn bassin ougI. Duon ,u.Pmmbaseîsonal a"'uh.uae « I mai, bI "-UMq.. s ba u mypat S..~ p.usgmrmd L e 55511119. UJ------t b.ahii qu ped tosilmaeuailefr Col ni, ut mE Jo-% etemii aereumela çaa t m.u t.iKuo CmulanBuesm A T a mtvs.bS ae uSBdm mSemj.e -. uN v A11 e, u Ilmuea Imci 0 n, mi aag listm ul.~p e e bal a ,,11 -i1511BU LE .- *5A m fO tî,mun u md. Tis heso gpist a" -smt.1te"mm A tby wi m tu-bfl - taisi ' ei. 8a15 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ &W neovation. 'lol " IUtN Aa1N ~~~' - 'R AE b elesoeema IMM11 en 4MOLAN ob,.ls l. eta e. , a EP*!GE-~O J) U.t le ~epUa; Kiguo, c. 9 18. Seiia».Uekwa. 1a, eaiu,"aa btu- Ju P1i2 tr udPiè!e u ts etneje ub liuw aiof'e.rsec. li 0emm -' bS.lemmi I. M.âmtye ReiSe . ~ ' ~ .~, tmIy KakIea Ieare la ~ham~,jh,< l.dIbo i . tho atoers.aipt imt ghpm er su THKPROINIALSTIuITBB e-amiSeat ce hVIle a - moualmd57~ JhaLu-~ ~ailOuaceaftis ~91S3uIiWWMIe5io IkseVU isffît~ wtilsxy. W. YABE, "q' Wa' -" ,j s ma" a Vieule09 nweg 11101 maeSfQ éo.t10alos es Mode mi Wg W. U TJA isir BRUTé y *a publicatio 09 »amt! 05. la.. t. s.1Ue4.u S.,fo toy . 7 t U ,55 5 a, mliib au g me. m d..5 - >qmm- e m m-buÇbiy4. Jeevau miSe laveolsil on ep p- s O m% ee.dt uqee, ai um mpoi 1*UUW, oapu ' a , l»4A ps.parhtha mieS fr05.Pi»W.b don (a Oflli4VUSeIII '11Y ge g riShlquio - ltI.. 00.IWSOr oeè~t MPIim ivqlOA ezeqatuo ,Ui e., à Umm lit. o veu;7vetsissisel.v. loir, ' ws.taeioXliait l a n Ig w, l t o w d m P n x o r et tb e H a ald dg i A« Os Ul"I4u 1#pro glesJsi pVIevomss 4g a iedI* mi-MIa up e asioisa ebuai o a«mbt pw e o1 TAZ11VI QAà£ftp* , I* EnusseM um toi Insiste UWela» u.. 11 sl 0 m uSsinN ubmt Se t ofa Sreapt as 1h51. nte i K44%.eS Wl iùl.P .Slýndtf xteuh em nof*M Ld. 'v. u-ofa.. lid abfpmn, fths- e bmi S imem he 7 =iu, ouAUUI 13. DEA 0 îlom"a lss 1183 unte seboumly13m,10E. ot M» eo ieearc bao-'Uqe. uUb m si 4