Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 2 Nov 1831, p. 2

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___________________________________________ ____________________________I ktl . l bIte bu. sE 4ia M ouit.hv eéit ar.<du m iite- as If pmiN. iumi mn M.,L in us nas c.du liat ani me àinhmisis ».dm banam ait Sh da ma .Cubemuaimum m et the du ime Of ime. Pasivteh la baamnghm POe- = e-fer i=dd. =im *PmA Mt but fersmx veume,, du vit. vemu have set in anis mmashote 1h. rPottiles ot"â*ofaî amisImaa ospul- ie y".Uel oe .;' dlemwl omi.al agbte sm usomme-te uninem tekopsWammw. l'h.e.tamlmicar- reor <thoemp iabl a ioula- rin lààisnes'(aueelmgte pvai, lot- tic e-maWn) Utîh vin tie0leDs neilmha ~pmtd d 14diurtivadopasca. "TMI elolarabusamifai tail el mlsamu.M ip tmGazofte oEdally' m hemit.; me f mml. ldy dise A vlsm abebucigZO.là soed.m*Ouldi.Ai P -sti -à - vu WMabmevmol llkuai nbvcdo tii TuemamalWodâlua en c.*d atiàiaiu weiccsu t Mdtbe Bou-ý- d 90 ui eqsy. Oie.U'eetISkt ltrooii.ssm t lasftbalau laaugI..e a i. MII 0<.gai Aial aaun gay vbise . 1 , u ex1m émt tie -, Il m bom y exaidi tb i'ge..,ueiv .e ed» . D'om bcis vi vertts 1 Iedrçma0 icais imo0 avepe.ouaa.y ho eu bau vm pd#s, m imoau "ab '-'o-'- -'- 'vt.la du. ~d.. .is,~i~.mI hitelbaid ardoirq'a lia efm» cou IvbL%*ba mmess.tenevil am"t .m me enoumtbte ll~su mi etirte tub. dua.mmais cia dvWda.r"I. ih ikmue r earai ut e blimamhfi dusey hyoefose. Kabowledi ~Gm kjroukbuacpei le si mui dute wmawat oed ape. l Publa ta.qujea bas tti *os la vim. o. Isalma beabv wmmdbp~~~uàuubh mp. mm aomseup- --m nuO ft a âZ m u Ospst etauto lmema e tse- Pu** e saai&d . C. - - s d tim-~aitlmpaia uS ve bl~i iI~~temisa téis1 lat hua m paistu i.i~~ail cu- Ieumm I -~ --~. I -a- 1 seMed, tue mmd lcmMua me ofp, e- g lis-. Iaomoud. -imbedef bingof. gd& am.chupu.,si.ensaftm ia 0@§ 1w.. h adqu mplluaL,. il h.. dm na eeu ag Mt auil or 0<Ih,$m, acord, 4m bewhhmi aiyr â ebrac ladmir e ha .law of iml âem rvoth e. mim ébdad teàmdus e - «. ie vet I d av i a, cssle * =dulesladnu ude*"cg m «Mine- Wm et (e w» Mc is . evo. ba0 bu lieU,. uowus.6, Qui ma deoe r " lond t"Id0h«4d« K.elie "W otupact i l Iq, htat Oh. 1eege»i la * rs tbi sula 1hIlUé op 0du <meItumi.mmly a tli5md i.l : Crla wtosI. ( 1v dsud lu te r ovalinh. bglinie oro l OLemamrorofl17<01. m m emiurl à@ei mmmiy o etli trhe (masdgler a lis m a er, a " e ulè b n . tm e éM m e matis.sa but. hmodâ %h. croun n whl lbu Qumeretme i w iflAliwm, te . M.JuIà,xcp utilm bh lut nem ué1h.oua ralmm ÈK , h. Abbq tba.m a -lalIle ori bulp.an oli.. leadlb<as0<d we l, mmrcesm p te W"dsm o «Ie-l I.aumJtamh- ba.aauig * «p.wuerm.valu 1.891, h. hdeafr du accoa 1ruiliagpbaeor b(t he mouai, mmai- mVA.le a ânt. Th.y uue'odgMd md i- Gii Mdll areim Wséi lI-1h;awitdu omtmi poin4 , ue h.. W dob mlli diaemMa. tuh*dMmcy prevemtlag my pm.mpacelluo whn eci h.od vs OMM ue. vua alIeatum 4f clui- au wwknmnélp-.m the 1 id élie cf w" cwer p- Mtiras - frge mperls- la due fit 0<6,cra us1 à appira, Cao k Fm=Youlwe.bu Ha.y Vîtte h atduf.li wd Aioet.hls MW* Pre me ý?1o ,l"% td 1. V.fw ceitc eba Sald of pai. lai . du mIma. htlaeip lapais dii rmcof bri&adi.:M10 gooâer uM etecnda apit i. hs perb1 - griet ofs M MW cm» W» h. a- o fi. mas. Ch voua hé m rem d- Est61 Ore,<sumu pat f dmae je-dom, atmmecuafact prt orf £UOW ewmumuaupc.la.. 10m-i - , 4 Io m a omice i cam judam L lrga Tbj r leal md. ullrd auo InOi.dopen Md W r By IIIIII «svalef th *p'ukum.Cape.a Pue à a Bditora(ftieC4 a«mis Esqiira bave vasida.Uveqiuapeof ddu 101h,r "l&um.., fSaW" 1 yM.I f 8r.h u(emfkIa*salh 'm ybseaïmi 6,moeeat duOusmlm ,b6 .gWil. âe a 1 atU.ceve-à sa îpmma ai,4~~.s.e *gb t, u q A #psitheduTbrpe rmm uogbew i.ticef..lit . stv*t umiauçet me et - bis à& abio pw M i r_ hamis as samaieli -ppeaiauc lsi hed .aoS.*siuat0<Y-brt*. lTh.le i t as. moi,0bossé cmnb et 0perisme m men pouung in didferent irect.ions huai *. pueut f<se-as f alim., Woulnmet Abb.y. lua thelghbahomis of Paniameer at« ont abert of smts hasi e. avecémi, sad aàua Soentmbr of persans, aclthS.udlug dué ceua... of the suiaoming vera matoià m aIly ma0"Uveock. At six olctock a pur- ty of"u Rayai Aril eyCorpe of Volsuln araei I t ,ane'=Plce, amis taeir Stationaoppcolle. At a eerylyhmuh limo if carinageveahai Élmebb= ZIcoom aview ofduheproessmio wu Si op sitiseat. At savon e'lcek a Por tion theduRoyal ArtIUery Conpany areS et Westmiinsteir Abbsy, ai sr.7mar arsle timMett h West de«nt at ici bi Mje.ty eotra..lie regs- esaotheduGourds mmca aSer arrived, ai uer.n placus et v.-ry $bort lulervala, gse s te unke a charoisis dlir lài Majuaty samd Royal Sfie.lTma If& ou&ia er. placei kemtdu top ef King-ilreet, Weotmlaoter on bolli" of0dm way, airfer as du Hers Geiartu isr hue eRoyal HerseGauia uer. taiamiaet sigulerdioasai, as<e* Chàr- ia-co. A largo body cf the New Police1 ver. plael iPll mal. toge*ier whb the 1 alaI Romua adqI m s r as telie c; anis aeacaber of Yeomsencofdie CGurt ver la -tamc bout tdu Palace. lTha buds of .àGurds ver. stationmais in Wa- tmloo place. lie Lord Msayor, ienSli, AI- icrna, lhc. arriveci at tduAbeyabout oins lis ron ssis saalee'l viiiavel aIl tdu ay frouatdu Polace te Westminster Ahbey,1 ulacheanqhWtm lim ana boiedit vas la atemeltmo procession on fout, te uaik lu pas« o ipfit Aumibe limea pproacbei et whic ilt "paexpecte isadut the Procession voeud morte uard, Crq f psosfilais avury aveealsilcbco=m ai a uv of disusnems.l'he utmatariser preral. At twunti Wu.mninutea bafoueeven o'- elock a ischarga of utillery annouwcuIs dut bitMaidy astquitlsteuPalace lie yadd" Pol.ce wu mwirrumiais by ela. anliy ir-ad females lime Ruyslcarnage wu= receddbysvnl others. Ris Maea ty caibara.besti, waitm b ruil round bis mid, miapeaei nnirkl2c171 i. Ber Moses---dot bis ide, but rallie higier, ans voura clown of Peuh. ha0du caula- gemi peiard, th. baie licbhahus een pro- viouay atationedi n thelion of tlima ouceuaosi, playei« God maye tdu Kng." ibm- fuicraam-coord houas, aplendiditr capot- dasai, attundeis by graeme lu thir mtr l- verlum, fllova tie retinua. As bis Mjs- ypausduanbseva. rectieriby asm- lae hmrhéoU" u uiplacesi tdura. As tdu pro- Camion prneded, th King amis QuIeun ver: louliretais«" by limeass.mheiel populace, Who -4w eleibar Veices l th diseiroocmnt of du ani n cryieg '*"d myeduheKing., lime Lord Cancellur cama eima alotte car- niage, uhic iflaof<Vvuy ancitant appirasnce, h.vmmgbee innme aimore lime a century, ani itcremtosi comieable amusement acoog tdu mab. Asunmm mthe priocemion lsd passai, due dense cmne opeople bhuunta sepmrte. THE ABBEY. Long befere four olclock, dh oar et uhiet Dcwuamuneeis dut Westmmite Abiscyva. teoeil, a auumeruaccllec- ioietPersmn. airassmblai tdu 'ilfauMm emtrame. By six o'clck theinlterier ,eof due Ahbey aluNes a spisufici ipectecle. lu every part 0of1 ille iis hbeu erecteis, amidcure filasi hy cnny diesed indub mcml spendid style, lmagisisy beight t wblch s-n0eofduhegalleriem ver, perchai gave ta hosis e ccupied them ralir du appearacee of a gergeosus linge rmaalng nocoaiheduilas,tdun cf a body ael "ig par- cm. Thispirce belcu lu due faumepl vwu reirveis for tdu Pueraaid Pueum.; At @botelgt.'dcSkds. erl=aaPOmb.giom l "rilveuthe remea ea dIr moom thned northern tremompt, ais duhePeaoccupisd th acutherionme. The Memhma of tdu Hoas. of Commen enterai .r gellery et aise o'lcek. Ilb ver u the .0<dupeople veumblieda by ofmliry oecae, ,0e0arehmu tdu les u4oftemommhusWho vrs duesi- Am *0dup iges vie atbLrcei s at autweoCc wui mlacavsPrinceTilly- rani. lie Du of 0Wellington «aMu is-i meilateialler.1 At eleveae'clckChadir MajosIce arrivedi et -thiAbbuy. Asr tiey aisvmea op * m" of dhoin, the chorltrs aniseChopai noyal mai cfWeetm , ail a l ga- du mes. ,I vsa i Iote ais.evof dut dur Majudien wvouluncxéélle.t baeilli. iNe pecemelo. procetoeei n du fcllovl TRE REcOGNMON. Afler tdu AMtezcu.tdu Arclilahocf Oaa- tesherry mod aieduRecoahtlme th,, we ai nothiuing*ahcbl h.%ajasty elodad tnd liilovaria dupeuple on due aiae m w hdurecogaitioncwu mde; tdu puJI.YOiytegIOach emud ulit lood Kig 9" M lioesl," ami ettdhe rcniothe tromspeta ver. souais *a .and lie bibi., snd tdu chalice, ami th. ptisa1 suce cmrdicl lemi placeispspcn du ar by due Blahepa ch. bora e téc. lium ie die don procuéedstei lbe m&bai ul te= Chotts 1 iî;?âp a llser-] atibo 0f _Olrwihunpaesnletlm Q9aisdm a - t Is~l of gow hi thel d -het iredSteduhif amie.Alk MenahduAxchislocp or cat.s dm y ieu aiiituedC re- lmios atIbo tiiAla, M m uwti n te < li hi.THE ANOINTING. heCosanllcaAathem4"Zisaci d P II.&e. cw u esR by0cladr, dur. e- auew »eivs Mo i ei lt. St.Bd- miw'. lapi.he o fa.0<Weeomuas 6m the asiduampuclà,a uicli comIiai lso-ls ï,el~lpatasouucg t' a 0< OL dr, m en ec*immduom . ie Nehmmam i.Pa»iDmdukeasis,0 U41. ,bcdv dleh. ILard m- hi516 iebnlime tis .& eolvm-i m. ~d~ e dbanal. -mmor tis Ki.' ord,1htiamiai ~'W du.enide ic,"a. HàsOi- mag ca liveste isuccesosea ui* du ¶,u lpenmaîRobe mut 0., the aby theSceptre. I CRO W N UtG. 'lie Achubpstoci before tis altav, snd1 isvugSI Buar'.crown beforuhlm teek dugan mintbui imm@, and coumecreadmi blaniai le VUhay 0,"OGod, wviacroan- ai tiy &MM Susermre&ciii Mercy, li.- lizïen uAmreillio. miited by oher Dih- "M', came ko tdu altar, tdu Dean of wmul. mnumter carsiaisduhecveum end ithe Arelbid-1 ap teck amiplace bi i. Majesty'm hai;9 uhbile duheopeviti louisand repeateis1 Ialu, cria.."GodS me teuKing,» ic. tdu Ir apecumi, the drums. heat, suidue Touer ani Par u i &adi y signml. lie1 acclamtioce tbeduArehbimhop procemc- ai lie exhmbtdio-" Be airong and of gond cora e c. 'limeh"choialmn eangdu a n- Ihui. "lie King ohail teajoin u dy itrongilh, i. As sacsas duKing vas croameis, lie Pese put on tduir caramis,,tdu Bislmape tdus cape, ani lie King'% of Ar Ma dulir creun. THE HOMAGB. lie Arcbiimop iemi efone du King. anis, for inaelf anis the ahat Lord. Spiritual pronoueceishe wansi, cf barngeihy bml- uS aro»dmnisimd lsaffurhlun lie r.&lsl- Vplenkiaaed WaM ' eu t ichek, %Md tuest of the lord= Spirituldi due me, amisre!.llmdhlen ibm Dulte of Cumuberland, ucendeis the a"eof te ttmona, ands 1mb off bis cSumet, kmail huforathe Klug, sui, for huiséeif ani h. othey Dukaes of the Blocis Royal, pronouncei le uordo of hommge, the test put oetboir creta, bnufing i i hhlm unds about him, aid aid aller mi.. lie Duku cf Cumberland lientouchai the croun uoeabis Ma ,t'u beedm isMieisMa- jemy'mlit c=; tdu test cflduDukee cf lie BloSoyamldmd thelike a aler him, aidun retred Th Da«mdotber Ps.eh.siv- -dumme cevvmo. theus.aicocf unclide- Ce pmoncimg ichends0ofhbomsage,!aud J" fthe<dumme Sae- saying after is; amaicacb Peuo0<u ame dopre., oucceve- ly tmeuei bis Majesty's clown, end ies bit sljýety's lai chek, anSdue retirais- Dunmng tbis ceramonydthechoir seaaan dum, ami lie Tresaurar cf i Mjesty'a% Heusholi liru aout u niisai the Cor- THE AVOINTINe, CaoIVuiVIN, AND En- ,iaoKMsxUEsv OF vTiEqsrmii. liMaMeccr.mmy vasperformai te har Majeuty, four I)ucha.ses baeing du ll dor- ingtdu ainting, md after hir hing croun- oS, du choirsaug tdu Hliuob chenu: tirlng which ah. casconiocteisl ober tbrua ou du laf thUnKing(bevwimgr.enily te bi. majeiCy meliua"- dtmnn. THE HOLY SACRAMENT. Theïr Msjautiaes bntenrof 0< dir Cv.., ani, preceedin e te al mter, receividuhea- crament, the mimluitenimmthd mmmid, amiduheoDn tdu cp. Thi King mmd Queus lime. put mc. dur crocus, end t.klug the sceptesm duir ban& s bafote repairai te r tismel, suppoileis»3.t tuend as hefore. lTh. Arrb-biehop tduo remis tie cmmusm v evice ; anisd onuc ed thebleuolns,&»& etat 6 eor"luaeos.d trometa uer.sooui asduhedrunmhbout 'limaReq.§a w as dun delivireis tai h DoM ada ipete un ouhdualar, aind iqr Mm>atea reesiist e t. Eiwdeui'cmiai H a'i. Mme ty edisrobed of bilsne roba of a "amis rvm abis roymlre il rwphvelvet by tdu deputy id Chimber. heir Majemy's, anis dueince. end prie- camai, du. pmoeeddouI oft6e choir, aMi tle . esi Jouof 0<hduAbh.y, atteisas 1befor ; duir Majaaty's aeanlng dueircrowns; ta. King berng, in bisangt badue p- Ire uidm due ci, and, l ia es kt, tdu cci, i nidueQueen bearlsgqi in ber v t haut be soupire vltb due crama, andi l erhed iivary rod is e dore ; leur Royal Higli- DemeuPrInce.& Pincemra v"ruugtheir caonSenidu bePrinces, a.wreFil- inacaimI, cmrying tbeir butons. On lrrivul allihe vent don, f du Ahtm,Garr po claimieutKiWga Styla. Thc avais audîh. regsMa venre ceived, near lte acnt Soo,by the officers of the JevelOice. *poiteis for dmLpart.Thdl sa« à antlie Prie ces a iineusothe al oiretum-, eS Ia Si. JumesPla cemune aler mife. o'clock in the.Mme anier as th" k Icit in tic smlug. The ceremny empis aeauiy for houreThe prfparationa foc due iflum- cutios in lie eveomg were ofuthe mmqrnln- dii description. Ile hm.lien raueis a.msingulur, ht aU due member ofuthe suGevernmunt same- liars. of h. HuofComnma aoa.io dlansevesomauits.heCoronation 0ofChir Najestlea. W. uniseram dut Bir Roblut Pel, lMr. Win. Peol, Mr, George Dawson, 81 ereMurmy. Sir Henry Danrdinge, M,. Guimjami 1 ereCaI a der tdu auspices; of.Wr. Wil l oe., mumaet fsnrtrldge'Slicim tds M9 picturas, 870000cuit ' <beoke, 170eut. of taule mmi huais, 10 mmameripta, 173,000 bambou canais, 930,000 ualbg can*mep dut. cfjumiper barries, 96 ibn.of-,<"pud«e amnue,' 3M0 lIstorne, ^M 9050 RU. of es 11M0Cangues, Il1,M fileçof Ta lmEV O111Ai aMALOS UUSLAWe. jWy hlim&Purir-Comakeil a hi1dub Gruat SetoulJBni vas dut.ys >y th " %à a »wom adoptd,vhw"l bée at.1y = eutisby Mr. Wyc.îdu olthmvevr cf seaab bu.th liiij. on due abvegme of theew Mosait. qmyin W, xeptM d am Ruaia; cm l mad am e ' mai J cthed etdbeP Puce ly.Oudmavoe ina rsprmotm ommlihumceleMa . r bLmak.Theaa n .vurami in executadisln e stylotiat. lAnem g b mpjmmvus Co0<. 0* Co w aseecaNid of.-lhamih ANECDOTES Or UN. AULPRNETRY.' aly conatitut tdu mnt prominent futurs mie 9.penna eartraodis inemai, uheruver Cher. la talent cf a»y kiai Smm puc C r. Abernothy Cher. ws no rouI moroienese cf d*amtio;an md is Iitpa- tience of loquacity anis uperfluoua iciails arostefroon agatiegru e t, clear- ness ofjdgmt, ai <elg cftadepen- dence. HaeouiMer souillât to rocammemi iaii..tzaur vlnhis ptienta, b y myof those tricks whicharaily piactiseset tdu drnseof sacriliciug opi*Atmands <belit Hy i. mimd isqualiffd hlm bSo à_Miptng Chat ad'uctes interest ubicl isl- tinguuhesnmany ftme el-brdpmylcs, acquire Uoularity. Hee meameis te fuel as if hoemenaly xpreed hnmmthua IIHer. l am, reaiy te givunmy adice if yon uamt it; but îo: musi take il a z n nd il, andsif jou I d t 11ke it, egmi, (i.faro- rite word,) yonumay gomaboutyonr bum, 1 ion't want ta have amy Cieto do vlth joniodu otnu ani l, u~"In snime Midi m aodsa1nehoroceivei a vieit frent a lady one day, who wmu veli acquaintes vith bis invincible repugmance te her uiX' pradominant disposition, as uho thuefae fabrspeaking but 9imply la r.ply !o ie lawcoquerlea._ lmaconultatio v on-, ductud during thr.e visita in the fflovlni manner,-Frst day-Lady enter. and bold ont her finger-Aerntmy. «Cuti", La- dy. "'Bite.", A."og"L. ..Par- rat."I A. "lGo home ans peoltice st. Il Second isay-Finger huIs out *ain--A. «'Betteri' . IL"Worm." A. «"Go ho,. and poulticemltagain." Third day- Finger held ont usb . "Bette.," L. "'Weil." A. -'Yon'r. Ch. nuetumm- sable voman1lever met vîth.-Goos bye AnoCher lady imavimg sicades ler armI called etathCe uaal boer tushow ittiresume- ceaive days, viien aiemilar laconie conver- mation tooe place. Fit day-Patient, ex- poengthe arm;m»y$o-"zumt.p A. #"l mue itI» anis iavimg prescrihes a lotion, dhe depmrts. Secondi day-Patient shows due aTm, and say-" «Botter." A. I 1auo it." Th'nd da Asi shows Ch.eam, Patient,-" W. ." A. l"Amy ffl enu tell that.-What isye cone again (cri-Get away."1 A patient conoultei Mr. Abernotiy for a pain of Chu anm, anisholding il up ainte air, caïd, IlIt alumys gaves me pain Whou I hohisitupma." A. '-Thon, uhythade- vil do y ouhaIs it op801Il mnail css<oheaity ais rapietioa Mvr. Abe nthyvas opeciaJiy imp*tient, mim lndiapr=eto precribo. A portly god- ma4i frish.country onSc clleil on him for advice anmd r.ceved the follovig m - suer, IlYeu nasty boust; you go estmi li your g-, and Chon jou comae to me ta empty Chm." A young lady sao bronglit one morpi > hy ber insas, complaining of diffilcultycl breatming, uhen takmng ee »eansaM a hermeala. Peroeivinghertob very tmgwt- ]y laced round the wai.t, Mr-. &buautàj ouie a pair of aciair, anisd iout .ayi a word. rapeis P a.th.espyafrein Cop te hotte. anit hen demireis ierte vait about fortan minutes. bewjqýýaicl plied uli accovdiin,hede ow4> ohe fet. lutter,"vastbe Ë rt;Thl( mandats v ipsafisu md1 . a k eing rfanishai, h. skei- Hou noIl", à well," vasw u eanuvor.-A ta "lTmtwlldo.-T eaayauuont lethberer tillm Ia nmmhma a 1cnnion piyslla borbalpear Ce toblige thi etheyaite thes d patient. Thaeamrepc.e vent di- rectly te e aue tonces, Mo iremovadi l witmont .arWn o v esa.plissait or Wime va wunetse",havn oatobcel ev eAmother youg ad sme - irmuntasria r onequnce 50the former virnt saloew- r d a spider. Mr. Abs,'nediy dextrouutly 1 aught a lue-bottes y asiil by hln, amis telsduhe aut ut tit lahler mamth, MiIf ah* . p iloot in a feummentas the rspider would camse onut m le. r A lavYer haviÎSigaisi teC.show dueadate cf hlakg, PrOe"da'lte Mssovo the bamdag- :es, whimm Mr. Almamely ems.su i dte ,preveme very mou amistiMsaspeating- np." A-oadigly duthe yhilii s i lsagL ,but doM"nMmsdosnrte. Mr. Abentmy living éD$y puae El b due atcmah ultint vej-r-teÏ2 k, .. ptient lena M dir lila& me peireistu . Epait. ho ii. iîmmthepc- tesaa ,Oh dihbopg o aisvomaca tvari tbajà de Àr leruhy vau igue m . tlemen,neeot lamemce i nanRab n seiCl nettipiMu, & am lu, den=t the aivice whleh Mr. -Aliam&y bj u s eagevig hle ~t smltbiservic - tobinitoir tb le une h ucoti;, rani if! his doptil 1 OMM aimt ha 1.oemth duieerbleu4ople la.unov," u due raply. iAu&PrcDofbàbiebom.mndhlmsrted )feelings, uhicli his ecetuicita miis 1cenemi, Cthe lbilg L- asand et t )amonmanymulca- widow ladY r ons aranme ou"tybqgl elo ;daugimer ae-ico t* rmp a àiehrulae-uit euefmm uh hi eleve, ma <aceesuomptoffig- t'les tendaemd M wattimI Ihi.lvus .obviédt du the )ytak muilosfore -danlihter. ans oaldemailalietr Moila j&i vier, vt erhyoniait p souiryceller, 8asbermu saireqote du wl- :dot.'. expoaIreo o. eeemdet il dutc il îbt. 0% d ltté -ma eouatry. kw 1Abevutmy pemoael duyo m *v :mamseilpaMel th Cake lice- l. 1,à. 1liw" h.oluBie- ber wM à utiepua 1te r.vmi rd Wgpod heko- aalm aimition. W* h h i e etamd dus u uhI timdabits xiehmtematuihd lu oag votii oheama lve uaaepi s biéteis catsnlg e uelv ptutrs & v. % IiiSNt -Ya mmdou.' IuwUaaUy dia 'mtte. rluia "se@, vw t cmbde-ý... dot '.l l't e - Mwles '. -d N. 8-i 5111e5 Wog pub~ Soictasu fOWWhip, Ah~aj~ UuuIhe.. «'thami. papur."wbsea mari, poma, Ishmeea giat par reUe fmm .té aiioned bv th,. mrn( Sse ii mn~sys- tam ~ ~ ~ ~ n 0<mmumlelg aqut to a p. poue, uhich ia probably carrid tuo Zifitionan laPhuldelphlu. Bt. let th Baner8 O8ek for itmli. It l aquhint artî. e, but il illicits biglA, mm rth il Worth a moaquito. bite. The article callei l k», vhich in mde i cotton, in umeis, as every bodynOWIi, for umquitos curWtaî t1led. The duty où ths article las 8 cents par square yard or &bout 10 conte per rulning Yard <f he inal uîdhh, uhicla nabout a yard mand au eighth. Ilcou ea .bail in England, as vs are informeis by an iunporting mercharmt, at one or tua pence atering per yard-tmat i At two to four cent.; lut il& inportation 1t total' prohibiteis, lu order tau nable the Amalric n uàurtor 0inake and stll the aime thing, uhichlieb no duas, at thrft or four timsuthe priée. The uholeoail mer chanta cf tbla city eun it, by the i erce, t cents per yard; anis thug a ooqîîîtoie curlama, cont.mning twenty yards,-@ots$240, Cîmeu one0 of aqual quai coulis bu împosted, woe.it not for the Aniercan Syatem, at 5 cents pur yard, or fil fora curtain Now every one cm ene, that veire st not fur thiü unermico. tai may people coold afford 10 p rotucit iemualvesand tudr sleeping infants frçg mtes. annoyains," . h r00 ou do it ; and iltherelare, miamifeat that a gruax portico f thu bitua hich ournP. olalo are cooopellad to endure at niwm, u owbigcta te h hgh ety on kino. Va ei anu e uceder Chat the blocis luth. urne WbeelionWpba " euah other's handru Thwmktrer smmy liaeomsdered umii. " seMofiqau thua: "MY f111 v1fC in &&adlit, uith yo% tdu lysteri ci muttalprotection. Whemeur eu canârÀi a pprion aieep, bite hum; h. ut theR vamp a mosqitio.curtau; Ciis viii ecou1. m yinistry, but, i n dar hat jou nisy pré Lpf he 'rti go h, liat none but ctbo eau m son t o y ham, ands you E tmbaven e holu nmark of the.~ ..dishng u clamsa1teu 4ipOn. 'on Win suçk tii.blood of dia. p -bin0simili iropi; 1 vii do it in large drPo." Nor en it bu that a Whol nation ha. got miicl thick sikins, or mchthlck huada, as 001 bo fel grumasthat thir notural comnfoet la du urpitaievery music ofa nioiquaaoe b*a hwoerxa asciateis with l t laI render *ta p1seuaaolid ts hat ,. would net podmmaSmighitcm=nt front iti buz in or. doirla ileu ,binentgallinippur of thre lasti *llerdivne.serviceain th. Ch ureh if Granten, a joue sait 4rComailstoos îp, Am14 à aidblO, If Dot laud ible termi, de- 01aw hofir. the. cengrtion tliat tlrsy voe. mauli man &Pds w Îfe. Such a pub- lie treegaitlmn le, va hllere, binding by tua lbu of$çotlaud, and constitutus a valil qmaaoe.tbm e ctalnly il a custon aire Iiqae u dm a b.breach thon thi.e bsrvanme SWAN RIVER. 'W*averoeived iatuligenea <m Fre- mmnda, la Watern Aoatnda, 0orelaie a "the du 116ofMardi lbi. By thaen moçompteve Bfi tiat theColonuybiniMMis aietvuame, uhikihaueesas.ry (ialto e'. *Stppomm hatmny labeuringpes la evau iendumelaesby time Who ast theum" ofemploi tlMg aiinia seue.ce, amumera e ala lmembces o due inant colopy hais lafit ItdlmtiahldSMi imsppod. Otias., vie mght meven ta hava embaibe isa . utarpuego frught ,ihlpnvatioqL, ad SiMouky as the fousmd ëf e ansu colIry .mving contrieulto meap Cgtlaen m-i'cînt feands le defray due sapanseaof theïr passage CaVan Die- me'oLe ani, liais Soparteiseliter for tint plac, ardu Cap. f GoS dpe. Anotiuer chu., vio nao .ary me it idisppoit- ment, vera hd raeva»-men nover brit up tu any profession,.vimo ver. impresool vidi a vague nation of .paedilymauiig a impuisamme ocCa M. iit h. lest ltrou- le. Jdsmy of t Cai ae laft thecoloeY witbmuhaàvlnz isuyed flirthimronsm lIe M-0"Mthan hs ie-port o<f reecanie, [ami yut vahtum.tC. Pim " *dgnmet et duemoe*laioontRI, es wicleai C e bediérChMtboy leStMReoaeaquareamr u».xplIrmdý - Twoevdiraaoflieporuils, Who o& Ctheir Sepa!rraearly. ar mca s- ottmp Geâpe, gsi b avs buen lthe lai, WhtTM&t caepitabuiut- lelI*ve dame mikgýO eaihla du ny.- 'l'h. paemas-Wvibaelames liaugaylai awvmtm £'e'Oins, laearily rcr 16.1vcremoty, a» II.socm"atm vbicb te eSimutl7reavein<the Canning aNaine- rmy ~ ~ df rias r e luut minesfri vn7ag. Bery repuot hans u teiff qsipl n Nogte-cf dumnatur cf tW cm»try', nouepartlcmholy h.tvaen Sui River amis Ring George'. louai. lOe Avon, a rvetr ssue ta diae N. W., aim tylat tduN.EILof $aiu nRiver, hms Dot ye mempluei. l'h.mouth of il bui amt In mti viti monq *0ecouitC.attire dW»aue o 0 , 0 ml w unRiver,'>0 6.111 vWinÏi:Iïimsi> aiisesting ixeimr- uo u m ia.it doua te du oea. Geofg'.Se W umi h . boon in thie cqy adin L.vaiouhie acquiitionm. It *qmtirotÇo , harsur il PO' ~L <peenfvao e, v amr ro.eiid I"Ciretin.À ary gaspiritavpuea du gthe ereity o( ~9'~wr>Wmmo.. vida tdeel' Ftmet 0< pet. la asn ably Cu*al lo la ie, he, P M-dsg11Of nm , l. 1par posaiOf.ibave' ieinut Th*vhllu<un..o.e-Wu toaduie oeMldrhY Ioulas du Pre of PmO vialMI- AtMyIet' Mêé om'osy voulus 4pjon b the Wma, ho iilti du17 COUM ivery iRaliy hbepetamastiti limutemaie taîa *ma "sa er irepIr mausat es.pleerao Tlb b dam, « eat . < Cam, imReadet hiBoumlui, 1 dleibs$fe i yen ymdu auth viu 1 o ii el la-

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