Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 30 Nov 1831, p. 1

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Li~ UPI'A- ¶AA luD.178 v>UXII)KINOBTON, WEDNESDÂY, NOVEMBER 80,1881a. [NUMBER a"', 2OT QF ?RR'DEEAitÈ# aa vba toqpec*uira. s hauemmue. W'w'~~~isau t then- baipesPi uM* t ---piTt ie de-a hauteSpsu> se hul luse o.f., lime = ." & lb.suui Muin 1 lI e lsui et 1,m upbr arme rue emiduoqpu N se lasol "sud ôte einso tie 0 m a tononsIpllleI Ou mtrep. imh - l.et lraMb2.tiS, a= umtiat be - tbatw mm alMyat i. afecefn'peevoj fer the a unse iup ur1 onm. by b .ap- tisa mus.nlaU mi sqboupau in udvenac. EEVISED rnTUTES. , lat about ton dqauflrard. dth e rS miii bu isedy fo« dlivery. Pba m h bais met subsoebed, ea m ma. ai l* aeh" l 1 copet dîtlm et thn Pittudal Ubiotam tbm P1131 te 1831Plat»ai*tb 11apiuse fer- insertionanmadlsentil in tbéir ccounta for puy.1 ment. a. C. THONSON. SA& MACPARLAN& 1 KlagileNOit 9,8 rigwdwivmb4 t e prianttemrise ce, iatne lutienuifer propaen Bi tiga- «iB OOMiltdnslm, i .îsintt oe»a- lia atudlag aier Pef die Le"glelai oua. l that meol'tIlIs»e fmpraturelii vhle tmaled es m al perse aip shsotlehAj. tely.fe thes tbi tioth day of thlbloin, ihail ha procreed l'poagiste La wti Troll, Extractol. G. POWELL. Clark Legisttive <Yumi. Jsarael Lsbiiahrtom eil, Zditor, ai Papen. breugont the Pue- vins miI gvo duoe fcregelimgtIres lumier 60814sudil erar d iuAccourits for p*y- Mont tlté moGAZETTEOFFICE. YORX. l9til Octobor, 1831. à VALUAILE FAIM FORSA* TRE e ndd'cç f Doma0; Landl, on Ctuefront of No. 17 In the 2d con- cession of thc Towashipi cf iKington. mnd I..s sud a hait rmilemsfhum the Town. On- ils aboie preosisl a comnfotable Dmel- liig liaese, ilil two.Es, S"eind cli- ai cenvenient out houa.,ingeati rapti- Ou du. miiole front t a aatoenemattIl is mmd u bdi <et igb. Thecas vprqops .of- fwfr sala e e maoobtonme, mieh maib knwn y spplyin eteb. erbrs Kington. Oct. 181,1lem. »Ms ien maUuiamvsaem. ames.. TORN BUTTER respet- LWally tendiesbus daumba to bisinenis idépuliefoth. aid la bieulI&,faïmece them tbat ha coatineu t e kesp constantil on baud Lidis', Gentisuma enmd Yauth a matai poof fIATS, CAPS mund BONNETS1 .1 esperir (abric and mameuine, mich1 ha mviiaiap4Moef i. sé b et I idv creit, (battbde Ineme ulaihapebu bl. ne coatimomiseumaral, te putde ibigim1 Pries forHATTI4G a saiEPPINO FouS.i am Ravinla i.operatlosa apateutIdu- chia. fer Maaihctrtumg RU. ladices, ho mli ha aablei to e atba«Y qumtitilire-1 qoirmd byteA Irail m sa. WNE D.-Aqanolty o a fti I bareby reqae&tomlii.indebteil tome eillai by bondl, ot, or book acceumt, te oeil and sl ti.s e mnet ereth*labura et April nt, aiuiormise 1.7M blacme ea ia lb. baud ofaua AlIceay fer collet- tien. Aomi&miluvieg damamin gume ais uqusal e bcmiiad fmei osnt dis ame. Aiu k" dof pro<luce smvd sime Kie% rob ai. xSig 81. LingeTON]RAT WAiB8-MaOUmE JLfWtepublicu be h fcen tiwo"c"onthe lHuingemuo » M is iestnd omippoMute "*m gt»4 Mimd *tioi.Ceoue, -bo b. o s baud <hIttmMdmm u Auêlenbb pabarsfer <eslam sm4Ua- J.ise alaaMd Etmet "r i ai> gi do. tmaaiemateicefdb. maib ci* a er ri mkgMubrtmdbp OmcgTum ', opoqmbo M. lem0 O.Lim s m baud, amsm Geml>.- qumlli-.ud 1v. oise"0 au" Roblce%~ u wbi.IUbumm a.y l&m tu cei. te smefa lgte l eso iisbted te hm murembu lmmmé&W te JueuMM. .âTUUwam L Kimptai, Oe l,0 i 3 Deumia Cassa,. Maçuauui, s i *' UUy. 3 OlalbJse'sflsmglamélnae. i - Ioemvumd7~em. u~ ~3,u, * aistMaUily. DocisYezd. Bluba, V.C. IaLduNoiutaber,153. NlOTICE lin raby siven. lIat ou i.e J..llgdday of Juuumny 10%9,et 10o'ciccb A. IL di rb Iilodef * fllemriaz Shiiu mi tbey mcm Iay on tWosore orf heF" ,eâ tmiatKuale par Cassi.dail ha ilpoesilof by Pblic aution, vis. St. Lamrence ci 102 um..t Meîrmi of 4Id AIm, te iFrumma cof i. Wolfe and can- ada, antI plunceil fer 110Ouais,,. yst" en i.e stocks in Ibo Dock Yard. lamdimtaly ifs, i. abaisMM., a quan- tit ofalundinga"d ronini Riggieg, lhieg bitiogig te h t. L AwreesKiast Burlingtonma md Motroulmidl i e ai" net ha duspemosf;-mutsthlmargimg hu he lut litua eel, a el eo.na-Mlïitit mamybc advaugasusly rslmid or othrmisa couveresd. Tha .bips .111 bu dimpeseilof sepsrmily. mil the ngging mil ha diîio lotitle soit purcimas. A resembl im usm eh allo(e le raermmetai ai is mtieWm i.e King% promises, wkmilSm b hdlomaat i.e purchmmr' expenses A d"s of tentyemIr'eo et. mil = À» oAjatthdu.tli f ,.and the e, m *de et di. percims0"usiPrévient te lb. remmyni thîe aute nusu r. ticalura ub. loainau utt bM aisi staru- 4m= ,etKiâgaa dock a"lsn f Wr cà.& XLU cu S lachk -uge1 o tmi e Ir t 3NsitneLIm OU l*e nPein of temii.jS1 nique ameve Iaimed S"M r mmus Mdm yendmouf eo *e ilrty-folieamla ismeta, mi b. ilhpd of b, paill undni... TmyDodiuewmuEb.gitan of i.e "jaya e"ai.Thesarlma my b. peai. emay bmamlusdj ïgç mbichPUpOoseli- a " ham Mib mea" n l . u ea'l i ~erd- - --i j w1w ei mtha .orihca Wint, sumsdaimu mt-ie ar t â«. i MI80. ste p.eledaupseeieuigusciitsem t. i le b e <l&Y se Ibmiesmbéd Nt.nEi.immm ha baseelmt t. s ofce Wma the lit Dsembur men -aIl2 o'cfock »«u, fruntacmy per.u. m, v te punchmi i. ubleor paret le uuiler oIno mewta e cigu aill ce nuce staukeep- ai aet ta tlm, tlmTenoneatoe mcufý' the pile pen Tam lu Iterieg mîci mnte b. edinosee toi. reotieOcoa0bis Dopmrtameol lsPurbsite Us t ti. e- Pommes of i. e meia, *" b. tmunuileusof dae Gens mll bbe mocbodoff prerimtute sale. lissa.. 4tgl&a M-ar . . F 2 PIm ». OuAmasmusi ilh OrdimeemesYard, Pelai Bs.1 l" u.i -' IlNs i lm eFs4, Po « a a le a lhm « a*012 N..Tii.Tendons tabeecndo"Tsi- dea fo Gi otaI 0&@* fdOrdms} GRENVILLE GAZETTE. P« I'E Ubulebimlii mt lu dii. eee t -tue- entai Enate a imhonaildetulle1 mibaisoasi"ade d, but biely mak tintbup a rehel obJset, St milI hbe i ceutau emisaeurte promulguie ammc1.ii- île fer, a a tii. advsçomumt cetla i8ermsmof tbe peut ntin teamîfitubu - ,-latg. aildish rcmimg Colonise ef Ini- tial North Amelca in pantll. Il me tealstcay, tbat a woni celric.eW News- ~m tprove a cqulmtiuu te "eh a mmd oming Vilm1 a Po- et-Taganul chiatter *ti.Geer- ville Gae lle ml h.politleal ;bot lt vil cosaim asO="unyof feemipa nidiomoit intollgeo, toàer thar.11noew iaenter- tlmag eem mvarions srbjt,la duse - rW 'olalgu ,rmwhilb my b. cclmateg ofamilduhemet deao , @hal ind tbelu vay inmbiimclim Mi.Lde 4rGentlemeneof acmsoe retpsctfnuiy sali. cîlmil te cocrtibute ta di inrctîeui and a- paiemeont ef l tR OUI ad i pblw COmNITIOSa- ToGuîmbb miliha pîin- Wa iu the. foli. era, couaupeoiyalabot, andi sferdhil te eauirber mIe recite dieïr papousby mail nI les, pur unem, ipi ia adtmnc,oet »& etthie expuati.. et ml aaritii-mbicii imeloilethe o.mge. Te otier ausibons,12q. .1 A an»es, cr174.O6d etthe endof the eum. Advst»lse ms osretlon lb. mml OPGetlem holding srtbucrptlon pu- pu, Win leuieretunm them,, ai a lit of inbucrib.rs'mmmn, (midu purtlculer dire- tuins bompegau u0 be iermmnic,omilte mlat plus.,) by th firet day cf Deomber naît, te dis Edilor, Presctt; as b. lotemi commeminq eg .publication of. th e ra bout duel tise. Ot,,,181 $»0 DOLLARS REWARD! DARINO A1RTAwRà&T 1EOUEarT. on TanucrO T Ta daOp ocanua.L W HERE6A8the »WmSaoe,omidi. ni- seubo, la the village of Port Hope mwu brebon *peu by fiuor aimert vil]iss on tb. mgt ethe MWrida aiaolg ofthe 2»d lest, canf e<mwma fred nt by dia OlonS, and suppossi te bu mouadodin lu*lb ha" w ith amail $iot, mblt smdovoegn te enter atthmmimdcm- Tbmabovensmud ml be paid ta a pea oronPern,. mIe Win give mocinadtoaasM ibai tg tb. conviction of thae aders. AU Surgeosoua md l eMeIcal Ma Winl de Wil ta s-uir. MI PersanhMIeamy roq"irathir mmaMace, tractmg said hem lishehand, or body, se amaof theaisn- dim t. aime auppaisite, bemcu»ded inthei bo ; ,bmvlmg boemualet aI ihin 14 y«ads vutabt o ena mm t tanPus- abat, dirlthei.permit. The osUeniersmemo .111 mmes mrthy of pumtalnet, diii if oMlY intndift% ta rob, hmilng uned evary eamee a ili tha e "sea oc aida stas, i uaveruiliwaburi emiuqt him,%nil orarlam huily mounddhieramith thef,. instmumenta. the. alsi e .lourd»e.lae ivn JOHN BROWN. Pert Iope, Oct. IlluI 183. FOR SALE. A- OUSE ami LOT la u tanlloc- bd coscomion of=ot, menu>1M0Aeet. dis villieaGmmcquo. Bug hall f L ot NoS,& ot Wafoflio.8i.Snico 2w et of L*edu Ne. 19lot coa"co li MO0 Agplemhle b md te the aubucniber. GERE OKILL STUAIT. srinptn, Oct. SI 83. L OI-Tm Mlag inK.g0%,ag idt L wu mlvaa usemcRng mbestar bas <Mmdthe Urne and mli en tIen te dais 0ob il a b da."mly mariai. Nov. Oh, 188. « JUUT UCE1VZD, ti ND fermsal.e t tii. ier&hil 05m, a ev CI .M Ceptsof««,&A Uv-auaxo. Dat,,i. pou Tm U I oe.m r UPhm]caCuA .by cou..lm mimd atiHie Exoebilmey th iLleommat à Gevuataiu rroumhe e uh" al im«. una iii:Veneo 1 Nr. Fimnsdm-In yev papseaid G. 24 liseae I Mdaceia omamkomion7 eue mie - moil lat. iAlbaney bt = VI Ram aauvlaaid 0< .seatelya lite sna aewo ema" toyeoy mmI. ie o at l a e t i.y ofmg qoue, mtaI P» dadarbea, ProiàmMme byse tai. ' u*tS LMmlsejat M ettbe lslitsds , i.Îe m %it l ateit14, me- i luiet tleel otllmt pleut Iset *pla .di lle-loui 'perulils sulad10se muSomaqr ibe mtIkla ofemab .ma $h . u u tGi < elms o lu baoe.atmsth usaIe. lI upsi tondeul y1»e beet upmmudmratIer bau te th po eahos , id ale.Aisrsmis methiiig I*0 boue lseme ta serve Mena fonce. kysaoll ohme, ta., lue as muti durim mr alui mnte,ne il bail p... do- ngth *0smmer. Aloir a hmir trial ofam enu ymrm t doug i tii.v"ols md te- placeaiIl teki bis Amorican mBtsm <Rhumm eodetir.) midh i dim1Ibave beue Mfew meldi. Il bu,,i t. tro., but btm ti l grume ntatumly M thiekte te h a complots peeteetam tea tbe land lcl.sby IL Il shoots ilyE thern "'dlm milds l@ iiverdure tit iany lut itbe S&l. i4>periy ma»goditlse close beaby dam a a bbt coulil miueoly muSk la vay *cgb. mbils abois lb. airn.1brun"hé snmau mattiail and interWa edtatamnéirulil motéale il. mora bull =terce.w» ,amytg~ei i baie Mow f1lifrem*places abltruhlmf a mâle hÇ*îsbedge mIbch 1 itait bu ery bamp te oWbemà uyofyeur correspmonant uismet 0 lu âb4 lor .Ib maner reetumd d iii1 udge Duel; if in te fait t Ilippeai th e net spring mitilin about nana incies of lie greni. lieut primg St isoIppod gaîn at the boightj aiaau m fotjtiilid pring at about' dura feet fqruua li géoumil. itil sema âe prunmg. Wba mcxl aummo, yeur iidgs là complotea il yen cay keep il tat lbe height and thiek= e dsipilaIt the opee of a uIwe prunlng. 1 have ami red l heiing. I161818«en19 MIy garilemer, wmIe viau mEngîibbuu, bg lrecmodil anmd ut luit pqoumlei me totbm attpgt Il apon a yoruf ngd brfydgmadof Crab aplà à Bou is il appe a me verksiIeLfulb&4 masa vary lIon andl teiica 0 1n anmud deresuit nm tha igo wu rruined. file modu ee o tlgi<mirch le i bolieve ib. commeu n 'WU ta msi.ertheilmata stet ramai. upt lit, mililo ait the aide es me partm et aiM haut demin mmly houiuemtalty, ail e. conen.i mElbabyi. lorlicig on by umkig iltea domm ; îhey imi mot thuuve bomovar.-thay perMii by degrecs »d Imwu et luit <rceil te peuna amny au the bertuentai brachs, mui alliait <conur peuwh. Wigthe iblmk-4bremi 1 bave nevai Coa liugt tamn ydegres mei =u oomemu. IfIMuMagin athie wmy I bavadeserlbs, in dire. veste lIa badge Wini h. comploe, raquiricç alteemards very tile cureanmd morisdtiS, and quit. aà impierviousbol sMe abut. Varysénoaly ycun m.c IL.aHzac Diamai. gâteau, liciaiji,leu8 Mfr. FIseomsi.-Aliousgu Ibopentues laci mucemapy groom for the. muoat, iux M 480b du t pra1onusrly i. my %ci ;bbar, qpsaUly Ibesvheb meolad =b ouOvl, ea puae »md amobvie»s seui _, 1mu bavem e eu.thtup cmu inet ha im4lun a tiauig oaditieut e tbe pramet sema.., 11.7 iboulil ceattally net be afibreo ait sw ay ;f«eilt.eape- rotât tbot diey miii peilthb. ammma wMli the bae ajirsil dering lii. minter aop. prosching a poat te Joasgcatt. tie am mtoaas imapurtant, altbaugii thé g ~mualh. pertienaliy istrlail recltea = 1 1amemaildaww*iq sauil me absciutely oaaemtiml. UDm inla g con adition, cami c«mnotbu mupecloil la fll a large qmmnbiby uf al, »r ti 61a lust bath the. quantityandi ulthmimii deuand mi ch qt hL conditiona et a »mw. And ta respect te mdMolg exen, tbein po.- ei mi drauglt amndurance una,lba certuan «tte, lu propertion te theïr zgo sada-M Bu bymwbut iomm,k uy bumskad, aoui tha çe.d emditioee tabu peeri, la S"" a71witbscememy f WM Ik go. . = imer te bagumn hémuriy fhUer My §a&s ;ttc? edil Mmm r p bat ay marmashooutât ba"s peroil a hue pro lad, bbishmpuat «pautance. Ha a ishul bae alsilgeo"Smp ef puagi- a Melor. aause man eobit ncertala, ha abould baie soma abSld ofiteniips, cer.I »eto ob. (ileutt«eriy. BEu as a I famesal? met huaethug pmothded, a guoston miii peababty .oSmr, iuit oesemi- mi te bogie te fluhder at daism ie, wmn e- tlomppotbeimtltmgodlacmitiom? la Il .y ami v". , lIaproper anma, te 69 .sa misa i.gu, It uayha e mid, that bgrun tit il iin mnsumon, the. foilder m m lat. Bitso;kepyoenrctole eauoe-1 ditlinélong as it dos hsuatmd rimeceom t g thbs bey mer. Or, if Ibay mont bha tueebalt tbhatomanéprleg. l tis ai solde bave adm ilodut i h sm mdi-à odf, duoy vini bava e Wtblgn a wiMable ry,ohuld the.faildeoneoa*.m Or mhlda le piiapa, a uillbottiromy the atiemw «a, evi il Ye e ai. -.o %*"-eui.g ko y« a-i. pomlW di the alo ym r cmd--keep 70ew imll uvr sia athmeaten lita lu tia Grl,9 tibéir mdls WIN mot bua oieiy dthwbs boma dés 5sanky they P<m elà muhi u.1 Kuspsu xes slbât, srtmy uedmr<bow lib ph ynul m o hafrail e"'. osm.àd us tobl &bseC Tulls $W. m e b. iui ei osaa. 91:1f yen J%4pge.tbsmmy.sSa liberty tla = oamini thava méti, ai dispeevé t, Ion en a ble. Boum. i. M.18. "m slwme mmeb a "Ldderé.»eêoa h Sl t bydu b MW"l* * par Wii a - ï-qbe * 19. 1 WhfMeY092 -m muiie -OtePAIKWENS. t N f.r(oilpotato a ttck wi tt biiçor etambg, smathk inmam .thaîr uitrittve qualitms. GrimaI your coin itil lime cobia It ls hettor (oeil, &M pays weli Ont tiie trouble. Oue bushel fax@Wo, grouanil ith oigut, beubels of cets,.inbotter for haomes tii.. uuztaosaui:aor ctialo.seait -inIsE.- tufy dembro, lbê bta. Neyer hum &al dry Woodl iu yeur fire pace, Bor use a fire place Wiehou c uC gel a aMore. Cet ycurtresifor rail. im Febury, m the~ are amut durable, gee dw'ot your laz, uanIsiyou WMii ta render t mortiless. Nover seleclt our seoil cor, frocs the crib but from tthe mtalk. 1 Neyer feed cut your boitpotato.. anda p Lthe refuse, mor oeil yonr laiet aheag malkeep the Pnpom«i.1 A fat oz ismorth cmr than a poor borae, and dosa net eimno muci-. yak and chai. cmie bought for lm moyIliu a wagona bamea.-law luglanai Fermer.] axPLcvuzIgou a AaRMmai'EVElq- *There isame part of our timo, mhich can b.e mare pnoitabiy omnployed dia. the aven- ings of autinm and minIer. In tiie evemang ov.ry motk for the nexl day, uhether for âine or aimy meaher sali b.arrangel, s vatU as the propar nminutes, accoucta, &c. 0f tle prQeWedng day dul recorded. Bouides tiise ti.(arermolddo molE ta have a book lbr imesellaiseous observatiomi, que- iea,tdilcalculatioma for ciparmg dr- o nt maya oioictimg the marne obiacti-eati- aunatu ofthe différenit bled. oi foodl, milci b1 lamyb ilet i ta isi cattle, mith ami inoredutor propohitione, mathattmtim, s h umy have brava in 1Conversation. ,Laome pieceoi palier am agit to lie mieaid orut, and mii.. a man mimlues to avait ahumlf of tim, for examinhng a subject previoaly dheamoil, ha k..w mor tima in norching for the memoridumthumould hoa mufficient for maktbg halE a domen nomw anse.But by entering inci attera 1mb a book, yoa praierve thonsfur future consul. tatioandma ue% and milile habmle.to derits udîatage f.former liea, miih moulai etierwm eeffl . omthueuet tenuomoni T SE UMbuenbur ave jm lrsceaved m8" .3.' r for SALE, ChmaulguWime la Camssof 3 des. cf aysclbrated bramil. -Viml.eWlmu iu bbb. e! Si dos. bttlsi in Leondon. Penand Madeira Wlne in Rida. of tory s orquaully Jnaiclplitianboen upmarwu oilvo yonrmlu ndtauoljutlac"lil 219BoitHllmndlGin. Beurdumuand Cognac kbrudy. Twanhmy (Hyecn lad.> Do. camuan. remt Hysn. Suucbcng. Coigou,. and 011., Teu i ex. uni Che«éa Lbail Iton, in Box.. Wimdov Gluma 7 2 . Olive 01in lBoxeis ofildo e«Ch. Tobacco Pîpo., T D aildmmas:indMmm- Cl Raisin.. Kuecima luet In Nbidi.alBIla. Doubléanud 8Si4 tigI lLaar ed uger. A4an uley 0<otiie etladlu y espec- th teurn it mid entral itmn t of DE? G001, <mc. W. m,, miciaimll bu sali i une ql bm. EVEýNINOICHOOL. U 1-sMIH amaila by bis dangbter, L27MatNoia, rempactfiluy enname te ten, out uyhaie opemeil a Eoeblng Scimal me hou emie in Front Street, la the buliling l"ioly ocecuMad as the Put oncearIy oppouité the gilitary Hegil. tel. Z ofAttedama., 6 te 9 olcc.- lut btrs par "uqdaumno f olom«.- 4.ý l ....... ue. ]Kingaon, Sd Octcbar, 183. that hie maY ho encouragolte @tri"e am. more, andl by renewed elir.amatte nagiro. vision for hummelt and faniflv.limopic proceeds on the prnnciple tbat as propoety in the pont ligament o(mocetL, every mum as àr a inPosible, ouglit to able to son that tiie 1urenent mud aniymit cf Et are withinthoermach of bhueformmad lu. dustry. Tuba sethe grand stimulus, mhich makes imdustrioms. econanaicai and prudent citlset. Ait haking legialutoea vijI b. cautiOns, that tii.7 de mot, bY Iaws which pondue itti. or Do benefit to the cWidtor, obflge the. debtor lit coamtider himfteif mi une who cannot, heiiwterejy tes. bkmtings ofeofierty. Iin utuiit. viau m1 ant am various avili woutd ramaitit hou in avc in thie bottent fesoclti anumiaaout;cliaaor tuas description Otf pêriODi.'Tieatcici might ha mied : but one man's reflie- teswlsggest mai17 t ings, beaides thos which are hisre mentiorned. ,For ltaese rouions, th. mmi 0of a Utat. M c lt Io protide, formadscha te dobt, effecti. 1 imagine lb monlab. compatent for the. tegielature te provîde, that miien a debto. hadt made an amalgament of bis lun, tente- menti, hercdilnments, gooda, eihcti, asud cm-dits, in truit ta hlm creditorst, and tii. fond saol ho dividcd aw.ong imach awsditurs mi are willing ta receive thear just ilividendl on condition of discharging thimer debte. 1< tfe dzo mot choane to conipiy mitil dii, codiio, tliey witt retain thoir debta itit a riht to coliect lbem out of' the.litike - qusihtioni tof tihe dehtou, but not by airait. imî or imprisoming bis porion. a in mmm,. lImaI many persona miii thik that a 1mw, mach nail have sanggusted, moold ho attendel with mischief-thmt tere coutil b.e nany frauduain the dimcluetre ofdebtorm, mach conceaiment, &c Tiie anum er to &Il such arguments Io tmG. ldtit ttduait acilmiachiefisaxial nom tu a great citent, aecndly. that a di"criiim atmn g ymtem lan mch more bkely to roet. t l btîem. thac maby item milicil makea iDo discrimination or distinction hetween mit- ling and uumitlimg, boit and m"dlant debtoci. Thé debtor oughb to, know, Ot Iif lh. ham praperby, he maui;produce and "ugo .1 a aitbout faud or concealment, or ad»eh. imprmcod clcsteiy, tilt ha miii no prode. and ustigts his praçirtl. ne ought in the. meut Place, te kmow, t kat by a fair amfll na miilaie a ndl a mholoscu.ebCeck exitstratagance mnd spculatiou, En o irecolectio thut hie enTiredimh Zg mm due deht, muet, mlter aul, = arIl mitent condition aifhhigs, depemi on the. uald opinion miich bis crediborm entelabre ifhi,. Thoera 1s ana *vit conneoith idiei ubjeot, nov eisting, loo plain not te ha m64u by aiory lody, aidtue grm ot t )lapmeted bymait gond lm«. Iei me mmtm or every amai ad tuiii lobt. Ose mgpy mmm sues unoduer for4) tyet:audit. olsjulf (ari iîlluga utMW 80 ssiîul C t-New miiether me dal n, u ucli cas, bute rygio &Wpe spco <et ülty. Periap ee 'ay moold ho te atiam no impriseaiment or ec«utmaouAr mml mn. r if tho sbtor haanvobtd, and having 1 ho b umw, ho oright tboisa mmittei tu tokiluit.m toiatel. Witisn the use of ksepMg lum in J ail, a foftagigM or a niondu boIre eo is'madmilt.i est e shhe am-lIt Ifhalan ho oto a is m mpeeif hohoiete and ciiin a muptýe e 1;ih emt botter lunai aie-bouise or houa« naty taclutheail. lilbeedfsfuiisye- e mouib. le poit due oontntg of tie, and tea couito, hai=ta tItOîCM paymnt ibm., l in esmali purchuii, irulil n1t tisPmulebu bemOiEII.1 We me oey mb.a., dumi duo lmm ito n. URolig te mibm diahealitai Co tal front thépoor daie. l ig asanac lauuitesb- làéieue. Ik die tacs t. ilUde,'&a.are moapl <*m tbdmmt Md lfty aiae. cm. Sulthe hm egthla i Eh the Smfeinty ctamé pour ilble es.G eab. ad of *Il tGain mene m oilluiae seita- aenmee dueloiron parsemaIlomer. A mia. mm u avelling Mbte utels of Qrsce, a, andi .hoteil», inoo 0 iummu- titis, a lam alr teenam, det soeditor sheulilnetmolae loch ile isdsti5ustole, in e.eetion for doit, aidiongh b. uixbt airica hWe boday. IlHem a iaseuma pope,»' mmid b.,Iltiey ba" is heom bhat i th e mis mm'triMaIemy =ppr hie ~ ~ P vismdcud w itbaut lb. aid othe mm hbummoi." lan t temhem jure ef qmenaaui.1 bis lc, itîmhéc i s go.ntetumlqma. tiondt ho hepublie miadin w MSmo stu. ing teG otheluion, that im dosmmàt in pmiime nmd lIaiponiWmeW t lel Dlm, evâ eo , w Air»" u re nmmm Tme oiueemae ià ,,a aeêt.sthowman- mo b l ms ssaor a »», seMulb UmimL b@114 iasi mliila aul" M7£r, . I"un sE the oU oomu' lut (Ma, l* in alelm c ammas~urrueymBe i itau,<mute )En M IOs Wit 00 aM Wete tro.a* ml sé l Mu iàso. *6 1' ,die A I 1 î 1 >13 V- IM4PEISONM&ENT FOR DEBT. P Impriosmut mas a "Imement for bat- n ngcomtnmcloi debta v iciith. dobtor ean- 1 . pu n n eitluer commlsetbiddthe spir- ( t lIedam, Marmwith any jstvwo maibinil .1r:opiety. Tebsnwp Irmrttdinm . ga, la boa mué con-9 acteil vida a mydmcdumutaueldebtu aild wedEt taealtam it ta b. coidard as a a re for mntlob. in dobt. e ýNeveilblmo, a bmami 'Goto ce- lo sn $«.peummt L àao-Il *"a&o.unimay yen alarmthoSe mIde lai tu presreru. molesceteand oitlame. ah eau., if OS U i omuelt Ai bt mere mià aecmciproputy, mid yet sol bis t ta the milltituda aMd l di teS me lieum in mbicii prrtthyio4 o, in a oomuencilcoeumunity,there are mm8.7 1 wmit cannlhaiuacheior au ucqanta d i, by mhicii public hi caS aeb ttaéhed, or tuam n m o- h tien bycditoes. Onamigli bal@ ahum- ai usIttoapoumis in dis (onde, ltve ocrb the ltenesb, mud bid deliance tu bist ial Unefom hoavniipeMb.obai étaJnim ab Anamties, renta&fiC=. aionliand MWam-4auabat, motes aiband, aid 11Ud zcunohi& thdubtur ma talai mp hW ci~te mmy moulat, ame;mP. eof tmidueecemaity tif enom- ,pament m.thepowerior moSk. meeus dsi 0umnuam.t ao ti Wb"ié iteec«Mou metiaio bSsthe deil or ina". but am i gto pay. 0 Tue eimpelemmt cgt a mtea h eaEesed by a dar mb.ua at nsammbly mmpdof b0EallM"g book or oeuemhu huai petat.Thà M, tie piimmcPl -nwbicia pum~tlas prom& If thdie eor miii me"s af4idoelesamoimagoment ofliti lumlo er th.ue n f icedwho i dis lm moaI md ani i mrimolihob.mi: mot bannmes b. io.1.1*,but Ieems rm -t ___ely mtsht uSPaP-i"o ahm mifftb. poupsty e 0< tm And itîir am mun orr mesomusb t ls a lbtom the b.a ty ma JRnd i-It bm"othedobtr. howilfàydis- Il rime hie stanmd ~aliteu, tis it acnsa0lmprt.nment itlhe in mil- i Nu le 1111111b. liii m .Io as r-I 'e la a fmdeedeutr, RaM y mayma Wbm s& m insasaseos aacuon a b. n doi ho' el boat puy, morrme ta the «eolhiarli ctio, ît mey b. sale- Iy r « Mceslmasem mc oum unm- Ty it bu slu' i7se j tcià ut lta ~ lie ougm ite ssml~juiebisappeur- sasmi e au lig .bup Slix euya' lmmsmalàelseeaqà hced moet% Wu* udy téliuit aIis.diasilesmght. rt.ql 1 mado m ** emub bgss boula =64=60e. a Ienaemd hgieue sUcemia uaIhps. aibo M y. 17 l' sp A 1 91 si 1 . 1

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