1t~ hz m or he rveem 4t q»rw--tbs star 0( ~~E e~seugothave caoily mçt pfa isa oIh.gnov lu btpute <lmM at. doMatqvthbi e~j ladiap fsm, am»»%W es~Yupvods4IAhtn tOes ob. muetcii. <rfmme u teim. Lt V.11 thebriag ptOn li moracmutefroin Wariw,i in the avivous etGIMoulu. Precmiug r- dhy fénmeSo;ty cf reâoncilng lia. have im uiin tfii iymnfa, bui bon 4MIu I hi&Mtla4uilvmbue u iuglt! Tise xi monue Zotnep t the 279h, mye th inc i i iute ai bmumamtedj ta'= 4t msmivbIy tbçp M Mnte in vils fe thFeamsCha.- -br hef,.POOF5- O, av aeu1 bau tremtd iti vis mi udas thIe bu anisa Gtise$r IRamt-lit ad aanir-t om Qumluai.Pumaur. Wiaoa.M ,guSep-ai. Exceliucy rlisManiaiPssm*atmçb D'Bvvn. Prince GWarsaw ofay re0 or Nouai, te rom th robl ary e,=-c1.r!-Th. Grai J*o Michael loft ymt.t*yfBt z1mli.. .new&Mrrvmdymsteay flue i.rosmain- dum*(" fi aecf oumi Roajubi.Wis"ci bai bomse nudme.mmiy las Vla .-e .« bsme . b a M ""util betas, ; BUN he lmbafha cbrismage.- We iilsi, M ailuiselarf"ik llv,misme *iaebusm m rs.-"Dm lburemdanir wor dupqu i tsamafs MMu%tetisa i the m mwo c. ashiulted.Amgtiset 1 s' ume sGQeeLFamnuolMewk mmd os>.jaienAwm&L.Tise bfioi efI aqmave u&a TheiiPou.n GntusMauetsa l inte lut battis wPM i w vu imuma tig UEr wat ~ du~uii1 i. n Uàu1 GI éébave estave ingtheIvéK m ti:de mutIa ieuy *à laouvcismge @Md- 4 vifisiava ut' ril, binsmmfou ,..- au me~egumid tat Ne mW. au. i the ormt&hio ci beqasuft htQhism. hleopp..I tem fa li.publia eelig. & aç tét.u is Immu a Mu i toufa a eredltu7 1 tise~ ~ h Comtfc ufit louato bupport TbuG thbufteatto lbelai For, the arnm.emt..t Agasmu otiaà At olxo'cbck ethe u*MMjýiut otOctobitthe Hum zm*f. A"krwjrlu TII. uqie utlie xwatbof dos (bew)Cut «cite- mut i , muhre, &Mail vgive bulov, es- tracts irom fhe lmuding uespapesinim- taoa fe it 14a"o, Oit 8.tlm. LOLD anar IELt.gl MWanawDoN -raz 81*0 ANSI raz PIOVIE. At a apomeit of pach eety as fhe pro- sent vimn evuvry afnn aon tise umtb,i ar4vvc cMre as nfthuheproh-1 abl 6me- éhtish ae lu* vaîl pu. - meule, bvK the hilG( su i dgu c nl-1 Ilof ion liat ve as e a netsdtuas-c mmr osvenai< rtis .c.On the 1 dmi limt e I cinci it K il! b. nvWs *bI. te adopt,»WMinium aeea, v. hm 208MuIKIDbouvs. hm b ot maliy de- 1 ciddi . cefe Ip.metamh <QPeot"ts uv l.miutrimphamil thc~haeeHwr.ss Par*ent Io us.$. rvromiea Mt bover,1 jrsa mrem .vWhle 14pom -tu amiu Wou It eomIn.M 10000utidvv. a..uê*a teT.uIr*"= =.1mm WA0 ifa* mbate bkt cfhat if ho bMA ***mite w Gesier f. vW"ého Vao blouai, thapeuaple vSuihave beu cu-j te v d5I5i&tUcidfitge fots cf h- tosy IM a & àj. " M M sa ae fi. dect u coeol vissa jeu m ý à.d ithfi.Ami-1 lou s1 aIlt twsy v à" tii iiy oum at Bac ILt l etliefu ln Lauayu- phii. Tishemeem mo i maie = Lu diu. Yes-p.amoui ris=the f.. 1a ofteoma o QnormS (thm .. tig fm wIOé Imq have beu .dempcril r ways ommidurdm - u en olil W42amn- jomt Bat, chat la firence -su vfa ougit tub h imwcsItoueithe.tl Thait tce.ly oar iWes«iAv* jute b*fr.,cme &il the .vita a ,:lds- hm u e -i hinimom at lu-e d:wdiLAe d*uuammreviolnt.Ym fauglt tisonsta kziè chiri owm power. ami «ieo flmy dui kn.w il, pertéalme <bey cou. Dm vfling taby îKdo*vu -che teocca-, iL.. et Iw dnoigta usSahu; s, _m. alIe7eoç4i -Yldtna mut ampotilomesurfe,, 'riol emthti ne, 1i gralt=~vtami by w V4 fi cn ëâîatiAý cof our comodu.ion ver* and mot pmigqrgl-matim Fomamau of jautis, oien qarwtduptuaia. 'Of fioe Cmetutomupc. a rosik. Again but lut mu roomhmu iifeBf oneh es ecmamecldil nthe. Klugami chat t hbu bien sent up toausby an uvrvbeilaa nanajty ( OUhoeau b.Ied the Z rmprmuemtvee ct the 'fie otburi noumsoriPthlamet; =if ba bien argmdfcbr iby ismmue petitiomus, raïpeoffqiyvo=h, andfmi - imcc have diiparial l cmutoplcswisclformevly gave c.c-(Im ii eetm.1-io ail loue ClaimfurBtextravngMt u"go, 1 troer D Mmmmoue j ââuss1fi ",la; bt I bugi jour odépu hte mu Who"is te ii t- corarmudaft. lu ia é,lrmgasec. [Ch«se» ionstish eue ù.. sue.] iez- am uq* 1 u e liert taalu"de t chfoy eiyw mute4wr chauethle' King di MouMiMilBattenttafe econauil emte.ncfParmeul. iltobebelievsi, fiat flrouh tisheuen l.ortispdMu- hNe kinisteïr chat atrice did mai comn.fron W~e~aué~ I il irïirn ~ »~ 'm- '~iiwr~nrrr t i IL koui.tl mtbybiiv&a bu p i Moytstilsinb oui Eau euvuui te- lY bau.*,$t gli ïee 0,* 10, 4 thetabl, M4 au :i fumets iàsu ls6z h..bava mitam! ~imeitay 1 bavreetio. aiv 1 daily ov, Ihcfiltat Providence ViSl mubn, uta thi. Z , he g"or thve fOfathe ibm 'bftir.-<muuis cmtbg.) Iamnaafai .av = 'ae tc oge talmud jour LouoWM iu.but Icommt m- chie vilicut .xpuemiata bcp-v<uli i aMuSuMre ay vuceavou Ou mnjctic tin- trut youi Londabapa te0tokis. 1mb vmv ftue mhitimof atheb.Countr. a"l Itnà tat jou viii tien mue thO Mmeest or cMtilg by ycmrvte a mompmeeluwm t Omdbcly tb prdait. iammamlable gond, buf to pas- veut incalculsale cvil-(Gen" a de- iterateil chairs) Tie buis. cf Sues ta smpporfed fi.ebhW. Ithm bomefia emsicend"ihW glumu, vitis »» moWlid to tract; fie pecple vfi dinmupmct. 1I mcc the people b*fet afuon, mihalifs cf M.eMycounexioi vif many charitable lmmfltbmtscsud miofluz tir- »mimancmvbch 1 do ami asb.eun- bter mfntely give mefthemiianof kmov- Jumg tiemi. Îiam inthse habit cr taWklg vait fisomi fiomi tii. hghest fa dhe Iowa"i. 1 bala.ve tluey havieonfidence lu me, and tbat fuey tell mu finir hamimi sentimunfa; am razoncaviction, aviiuag frm fie iw I hbave bcariuzprsed on fls ua b et le, that it le absolutely mccl- mr hfat tht. bil ebculd lu adoptie, te mctIoimiproved omailtion of tbu people. M<hI. y, Lords,!1 have victed Mr. un isiul cieties, audai unamure =rLor&blipu fiai miany o c is po' derme equal t aua nleanrpmte cti vaibS omcubsi o inabtthe i imâi m"d reforutheinbeaaf. Have tbey amias C judgsmeni ne Il ami if fbey have, haethymoimuçccodalghttummti Nyj lords, I vaise nolty i but educaim «mua. bima mun mor ufla danmles, lu- evmu.eg lu kmocled and - . aoaie, as iltMot Ibat f. alV thse people ubculd ha extenduifDmOuat ort&saOppoition totle bil, if 1m1" use an expnemia Uibot cureo but rit MWLiverpool, Oalodoi ~1wNorwicb, 9 Abeteen) Cambemfa sui muid, fleruford. Wmfé, Feverui Gap wiam,) siart 4 tdy e <Lr f onqkleesau Wallace, Dodon, Dcliii0. bouges M 1 ampton, Fortaer. Arcbishop of Cnmtmbmry, uihp-adalt Wlaaieetme imoee Rocheer, Glouceutur Ir ih amil Wollo, Exeter, Liebi MA i m cstry, iisbryOfZid-..Y. PulrL Rd IEy». Dnu-Maoub, Nrhuplui bord, Mdount iUgevnubu, Luvun andai Ml- viii. ; Wuin Cbstrluld. Cbnlevilu. u- ea, Cankk,Grahaua, (Mcmli...,) &c«W Gort, taifallan, Exuamuh. Lorù*-Rveza, gUerfoi, Clbuterli Bae"m, CalUiovpe, Cnrnoam', (d,- gow,> Dgo:,Grn Sove,*gia l carma,) C -hMBcil,ôa"y,Barri, I- lem cadi, Hopeteun, (Bor t ofep-é eloun,) Latadendala, (Lart cf LondevdeI,) Furma, Lolu, <El.) Arubop or Asi, Peter- baougDrhm,muliu,Lu4bhla and Féras, Cleyne. m-vmue t. Albums, llcbud,1 arbnd.nNorfolk, Devotisilse meru wu*- lanEhU. Bufle, Wmsi- mlme(.t, Waltmut, Q.ueuhuy, WW. hm"», e7Cwdor Radmu, qmwmH ýC dv, Cutli. luies. Auiru, Mmuter, Ruyoecw pet metu, Goofoci, ZEss aralemuat, Oz.d, Thanat, Aibouarle, Sufuhisl, Cm- von, Mlinto, Llsiobleli, Deniigb, Oumew., Chichester, Maniera, Moîley. Hood iuna, Geduicli, Omalla ul ýl'Naper, Aisuvro..Iy oM*dekfum -i Z u« inttîa bate nomémoor the Vi eu a tti h anbtll. mo.etieu pc be e, u le cuma.d con c l. n dais f l Muty'a ubjecte je uccla.d familam rsi enfs upon a boc*nPefigtly =sf1 Bonne of tei do. ccesumncu of aun tIlmo ne vDive Iobrav itwhai l hINsfoflitud mcomtae; or j a= =diunsta PsuMptiom¶l. Tienare thoe amenuat tbmni who, au Lu Peaet wefldesonhmese, senau te etinik tat they éMa tand secoramidu tie Mek or ulum.mts. ft.i i.Wim*0h*bd$ f« ts. »veMn b hu la ratxde md euaiebdw1L TUi muuea'Wd vern MW Umiru««14 W. wouli entrent, howevur, thume acl@i ponts vii.have ucswed thenuelves op te th Cnpefl ta" dvothi ag'uufthé bilte nt Upofi hat are t temper and = off ngan a mut tu heaiience of sodden but WU a ismapumanad =- 1 tnnbo one.théMM igeâuronsanmd mab. so&faul iotVe,-"Umat anduu mithe Iturbet cemui tise.prafcpi. whicl commetu rmdMp betivum amandman in oety, mdw"mia,'"affection bu. tv« U otii ifent ZGI flm I taté, riz., uhuetbe Fi Ou mome irtun, sowh bte me mg pspey, ami ar quai umimemoke oama. VofitL2fidiutseu. Onmny other turme miUtm-thcon- migïý t unFm Mdauzty ocou. aî* thue d enm.ftâne cther,--tkem ezia syppy butwvain du dvmt duçifu ido~tissa bt.. mas~ ~ a ma i i mnt relations ib privai. lM. A »P» etter of thea M o f October, glm ibe rheeimaetenby Lord Ebring. ton %pri m~tise condomt of lNniatim. and Neigu Bm of Cokmons go mei itm.. weu debaimi onetii. night t100 and«mW y iama ority sf140 tho tige hav lie ty Ifor lb. ihird ,edaettigebll. Iltwau lerefoe up. pumai ibat MinimIses wo.Id retain ibeir ple- 004 nd umdfll.a mWbil, ciiloue 1 d Tbia m inai bien sou. pautial 'alsIeaamsln the eemmiy, but ail vwu ran- Pil!xLebdoa en th isetb. W. bave the e.8onPpt ftii. 10mb ely.