'----J 'A ______________ __ n. UV, orle nomsltu rue, a it @Msd a>- *i ami b. hb, vis., i bleus , amar Me. of&&i bei Iera -*9 cos- lvy of 0 '"- a - --- .h. ib. l:wf b ~u limai tuepealmi m.iube ifueme.1. lbLITM& diad M iaté .a we h beu ee is - wo» et.mm en , *leuie t .eth W. ubbvelwia wtý JIIeIyhu Ttilt I sd uuy lave b«dfor 11w Týdilave Consuells aAmmlha et ié Previmmnobm vppr C&sudusud z~. gNum»%MWý,Z EL" e Inby fhm sma à»e teSm 0ttm appe- pela h l avaMirauio e ucI'po ma a i.te t. qwctivd -onlmuaamt, au1 ib l. iin tbastebf snu : u-ioby0 qq be p.udueud km he ibmd DuiI.eaapt1 TRIO HERALU. HSOMiI.WusupovIBINSPROIE US, SUS. «M U ne Or 0,Lku-auaCTiow or UEHRDSTARY Puz"aUl miAuCB- POLaSU Almy TAIRe aminut NAtS- ZISAN ANDUi$HULRAN OLANE. Dly thebm ait lva Imth e 1.um bill vus reluctet inluAbe Hume. a(Lords. W. bave Do mto.is ewuak.tbame uY cmmile uopen Ibeir dmciiobMa sreferma9 udi ene, sd thatbdmi lmg. les il as ve umi6.ithat mounrpremtiog thon-t selves vili mac longer b. abi.e10 villa hou bonm IbePeple Ib* cmiliuliowa ibm laIheo vmbumol.Webav.givu mmuaIus oemo tLord Geyspoeh--it li we.é7 ut atta.litio, padticulerly that pu't directe4 l.eIb.e hoM erig tbew to aend thuasga cf the lhume, sud uhat rmat b the coisquence te .tb*mauev« ua h ", Is vol aglus Ib Bi.Dut b mightuweyo have ud m asifta the ilit la the ste, forlr Lv.t mhubepe volewftb.é MI. Il* puaiueld <rm 11e hbof thé flube et sema,. l mi ls'sbrl0 illPuMufBaatlbleatfllgu.e t l middle eh" otlhe Peope et glsoid seud doe jsicm tle iaide" k oit oealie.. Bie tlins u bey aiu s veMapsNecfj"u4g iug of tbe 1t1m. of m lerepaatb.n ai Noble Lords are, sud aun uqusy ai e- jpé1eu1 jufige. det bW ini la i- o3k eamrtamdls m em.We"p.resue viti tb. Noble Dbae, 'm oib sa, b. valu. Nebiliy, bat udleua0a11w mas mometh"aiay lée 1. We balte 1.1.4 iove. ithepecuhu e e m t lb. bmrughmmgma eoeeed tle i *&"'s Mud thnmatissuedfthe li 11,usd bomeuto. ra sbot méas esud daoeibea ait la MPPWnig thoeu laemhle If.ju'Ïe< mach ayusud ilmeacé misallit au 0i dbm prupeiy orfWler ecuuhy. Uh ÏMl1m Mspmtdy's lite b. apte,,we bave ne duebl but ho viRi aee.p" he V.guetv-uuho bu endealcmi, sud hire viii b.ban,& pe.imoobt glsuia" v.umpported 'Wo have vM 7liie rumev Iterm- iliew lb. probable, Muethle e P " A iso.deepol it wb il p ble-&ti hi, ase msueiuglielrpdiaromis«em vihai au e vspe Iiaam . .97 i àmaeo. pabiset dvigisg. i. w , *w lO hum Wsmv, ja aper. ýmid, pgak fer Theo divsios cutIl P eià, litIbm spireotw~. wlw .rl'Ibéai$.- baasirentiera (tou a dis,vetoep r*elisebal intsi d eiu ao- lioft el yar. lai tb. do"< ,Wnv Abeo sasUaidovu vmol .saiere u fcethb tea ed ttb. Place, vli vep 1h Eme < auyEr i.ilumgM* tieu mlb. ià.warue bpb uWm «S*oie tbm. rmvmmiid vi. e PWMeM"Pmupl e VmI "oesle tedélia*slfglha. iorpabutpv leymd limeifa o. # *"" no ý onVent ww?«eepà tcloy n eiler*ud te omjthe Oum ori ay ii lbl mpea a"m -%,0 tbu u, a ýdiem lemiew An in mls utSsim b i Me lb C a-MUaI memme. 111e l grat amtu.W. 15v. mewmupianos 0 pmeâlmlmg" religios iivuaaAgouc- r pbai lb. the57"liath.mmi uho I mombhpngembiiy d le pegclugu a"", nom"ahte the (0-foa"sudtcof fi tb. Ma& ti0jlaIsNAs. IL cul ouly I proeul kemmems-a'ymarroicleoiD lmomlug iii. zuvumi PsUO&Mu% fo mbeun ail épiersansmservm puambomhm Or th* boney tiey oeum. Te goumal agdalu m ob , OMMshuemeaire the matureIL dehllovaltes l. obltamsouaulIoh. able te apply a mita"l applcation tuthe. mulliPb" u ee Of tet isdbmw. Wî bamete informa M.. Kuoviu ai lb. Thomme. i aI VomI slleodug lb. le- t geatuu, t"m o hmsasbd meo ppotc- uiiy 0( xpremmiug a- opnion, n.pmezs the eob ciPubli fm M.. ToaI.,'.l latesaslu unr pape.. W. hav" oly tu ob- ouae, liaI thm extradat e ruaiendi lb. inienay meeting, sud imheum.e kw I. uhmovoeprmuait.Aaloflewef- Moto, yonar wU oabl tujudgouvoe a r hiveY lii len »d shoot fietber.,1 atIMhai i. n.rhear4n, SudKiogaon le but & aUsMMPm"tca Of Uppe Coaunda. Von lsov as veil ai vo de, liaI machind in usaI ema.are avorm e leoppelalie t vieIl.. ladividesily or o"oeviy, sud vW" le preventl it. This qiltt exista a venilarelgion,uma nail cher avocaios lu lit-.lit.wmwuve csid neyer baveo board cf tis lely luqualst, viiipcv..r te human sd tortue for a utliffent view of0 tlherond teaboaveai; norjaef the Ecc1 - ueial court in Engban, i. vlb early the. sMo paver nuimi sucber aume. Frein the tiéloge of icriamuonoa ritlagspublimb- md la Çaaauh, by lb.eiisroofpermsius a(tprotsedanls,(mvoay observe, mmrlament0 thb"osil qpuit le Cbnaluaty lb.y dis-i play.) »Meooly vilba vv o xait und ex. teud tliI.ovaiproessuicn,but taddebd vlhioeli"gionbelimt aud opiimof t heur mamigblon a vinaboiment ual.thIbm - r ot Te sag aorataasd isuigmtel people, depulved efth* @mam cf iuiarmo- lie, and viore the boevolat prinelples i of the gampel, ubklunbech tea«A:nd go i miii lu ail mand mia ae vtlied, or diuige- mdly mwuemaeid ta #um forlite pur- posa dt beeping boi mimd andi body in bosiaesud fia., gem.exuse migt b. cr-. (emfor"icundhsiwAnmseiamunly. But thon e le cmufor he b.proloes;utpo animalfI l.mase ut luforushiogiahi- al blin alihfese. m cmpmenasu peaia a .ogrzemutIe min a aliglat somme day. Nov Son Mg vi vamo lo perveritheibml epoiuted otamI onsa écimauu, sotbnogtaâveincarilyaad -gied viitih ail mnied. Yobrîlol*uql' eopcllisory, sud if mutually amoudupu. May produce the helet s. -Ifle sbelert te utleodo good,fthmahmeteniieâ«, wih egrlcusnsd uaeiiulflememma.1 to.,w nbch gt canse thlb. Mer l.b. dlvi-1 dedal glaienttheiiaomthelmother gslua1 fthe danghte.. Bemember wu hava iDl ememdnvio,aador daty .o"teav timeu.in euhii cli..'pai. la your coamuusi bd veek, la onm part tour impavsion Ibm letter X, in jour amm vus omitled inu ooummceoft our1 tmvlpg emited itinluhebm mmcript. i Tour. otite.communosio" vii b.uis-1 MRVINCIÂL PALUMENT. The tàgleklu ae prep e r Imm& - »sM.l, y givlg n mo.et BilMe e. Tbe have eo"meste mpley a rpel oth* 4l debate, ia intua hravescopy fhi fie Wa- upeilesof sambasm elàmmuwmsg.The 1 oabjillua n ýte a ou$ey s mqoelbr 1 eBa mumb.aimarme m low uj estl> flou tIde lg suefa mrpu.ute*fi.pâlaes, asiilis o.seutoIum., r.vd di, la dboal b rpomtpd leIlepulello us bynnî dulive.adiii lime Hom»., fsAl...allor Il emte nm bu &pîiibl çrhevla1u1i.lte om 000lc. op peile se ooIvama" uO e *tmeseea WeU*" id" la&t i jýr ampar ilt'eovn.lem aià Ila.gi usmilmêhiFai&P"hhtt IhemP te descand savo umiiam Mr Pence (oramidiconviction. IuL. atueI .4 a court wbere svoral pemons vonesmm-1 mmed os 10ec aaevby lisy egelmi1 a miitia trsining, wvi,.te my greemia 0, priso, iItaund uti t iu addition te the otbmr1 =hageneveu shillings andl six peso. vu fod (rcon, icliog lIem of simb gle; enainc'u fSortleafiu». los., smmona, lU. d.. costable, 4à., conviction, 7à. 6d. Total, £1l Se. Bd. Tskiaig Ibis altogether, ililas Te. gond bugines. I naticeal &, aalv- ry tour excuses vere sccsptmd. à( the. col- lctor bas tu geas armant to dirau for 1the rates, lveuiy, tbitty or naro arm putin luose venrant, a s . Gi. obargiti(rsmach" per- mes. Nov, (excepî ins ai" of messity of a puvuongcng say a l orasl hami or 20nDesus (if Ihero ar.es@0sssy defaullarli) ought le be pot in one tiistrsaiiaug manaIt, ati s moleraule aum chargud te eR"cit 11 mothat is Ibm uore requireul, au ibe deft- emare mostly po.people, soi udtbali "i tlems sinch etra aàtitionalcharges. AiR lii. gbovm observationm@lioltigoed math tes- pect ta pesbuon moeul for uoglcURImg 0 puhmtlaireMatute labor, sadti sea lecous- police mogletionse hicb .al uput, public, andI ISa mi17iug. N motiv, e n drm M ai- tlulao cf . L-gsiaure te tb. ovil loa- deaic cf thisacut, nov il is about la oxPire, tuit atubulib. e nouaivitlouifOcservys- tion linithehurry of business,- r Ew iowyu m. T meo Il fi" meAsmiouaely bp.laielulj susa liou t cesueet l.paPsudDv. stee1 rnaugakeg&M IMM gelieu afor liW slm a andi arghe pé utolb eiPet.c pesly fh. lIeu t. e. hi efurt e m'of.o- adllg thepoundagufp rusie lcli slUvue. Mr. Peray gavm notice o abltseapomit commmilouers le lest vib Commlndmn te b. appointed ly Lover Canada on at ton o et uisilagure t e Ibm ivo provinces. Mi. BormeU gave nmatr.e fa biilletaa-1 oud lbtheiaws for the rogulti.os of commun ucloola ;sudeof a moion for a grant fer roude sud bridges. Ni. Mackenizie gave notice et a resalua- tienfer u adaimes te ibliKM ne radE ila" Company' Te&s Mopo y. nes adirmniamwsuer te the Lieutenant Geverumis Speech, vu oaderd fo a th11,4 MEr. kacesnue breught i la'oite rioeo- loi. Ibm fées ta b. blieu for publibini.- : i taequiaidby klar ob. publisiet aU liasevipape. Mr. Mackenzie brougt in a bil lealcer- tain andd ticisto lie pommas, privll.gemalut liaaltls f stlti g<Jrpraies.Rend a firt lime, anti MO copies ordared gta le pinteti for lb. the i membeas.' Mr. Mackenzi meveti a resololion roquai lngthi.Weismd CasiCampsa ugave ta u boue, a daledaccousm i e ir ru- ceiliaudiexpaaiuirs fr ti.pst yeux, v thbe mboum suta t. Mr. "Plu bill t.erpeul taporile.eft be Lmi uev»Wjinforce reilig te Commun &caula la t116 peuvinca. sud te aube Other nid foisa.. rpr.viseie ot ire reglatmn ausd enceuagement of s uc cools, vu rend, aud M00topes orderedta bub.printei. Mir. Temuon premostiedsaptitou froma Thom a lainid dcerain etit asg lestes of the Midlmnd District, piayiugat the aonîfi may b. e s lterstly ln Bell- ville tcai Kineilm. 1Mr. Shavor prolongeai a politîmu of Audaov gnitie, snd 214 othoti 91 Willlsaburgb, about, ale. linsal, vbacb vu ..tearmti. Mr. MackonxiVmbllte saaud tiluiavof lil u urmdred fr a mceai rading. TIe petilt=ofe tow enship et xing, on lie ue et ibm hec.lony, elguetiby 0ofe theissmeulduu, "e.wu bcongbtlapa'o, Mi. Th ifion tof e Dessali NeGinule »nI 196 all itr.aleU sud bose.boltieraet G=egsi, ou the suto. of thecolonay, vu luinct by Mr. Cook. 5'Iv paillioras, bis Guelph, Nichol and Enamua, aouthistaie of ihe Cilaiu, voie paeuielei Iy Ni.lMackeuzie; &ais.e é,p.- d" ou f Joba WaraaEq. sud elbois of Wbitby anti imaag frhid le t b. rosds. Tie p"lla of Aaebdaceu grenait, liaud mba fKli au »yeg lIaI b aiesd ani taeru t . t.ThmoeIl etheru A petition fr hisaemaionEn hiai 198» wu aiem rend. Mir. Jidvoiibus glveu, Do"tlco ibinm hgab ingrd hie #r mogeuitun bil , dou ise Cluy lse uasd Ring,* cge ç0Mat,0s; M ti ilte &Uowlmvfiu heata eemrl .bhh ma liaue dq of ustce. t le pu"i, bunla à s nai re M. M NNab kv mamie a noion tu a céosmllle.an mus- seiciti. Mr. nBwavardkvgiven metimeats motion te coule Diata riesmuarie si"ginvelir accuielu datail fov Lhe lutorutlou ettbe 'Mr. Deiscomlae Iupsi bin 11te roguiele the pue" f Surge.y. . NEW GOODS. ¶IIOMfim WILSON rmspmcllinfome A bflndeansd the public g.urally liai h boa. Justreceîved, la addition te bis former itec, pr the Dryapo (rom Livar- pr-el, à Vary gebovulassbelmeut oft@bpi* G" ati ueg vbicb yl h o uni Superi Blut 3Dia, Brevn, Olive ant i mt dt., ld LatimQuenanti PelieClho Picuchr u a otiL, ati Faisish, lBoum nombua»PaA -Demeie àâd- Stmmu ina Gobasem, Fàsy Olaglamm. Torba Sl.pe atiClach, gsimppiy et Book BmumusLeddiesist. Aime§ne imrtt et Lmdlmsand tJiidisa'slbandenBoouWes T. W. wvUilheais.ilve luas tom day. a. th biap Tbsmo.fies Loiiis, aihi aimtegi ocf FANCY GODa cim a Cu"p de Lyonumort Gamaeiand Nasia- finsi il Iî, lutinsandriGros 4-p Na- pi., rieb orimleusLavtdemA i é«de Bilas, Chias liauresc. FaaicymUIlSIa*Ie, sud' flaet elb, Threui atlfaim BioidLaes, ZagiepgudtiqoiI1 -~ c 0lssba, is Oordu.sad tnm«ibpaieaal inag, .DmbWI mettes, ami kacey colmieti Medlumi.. A v- r- clillooQmsAdelahde'.Olsa, eai','MWovpellersa i 81asd Cotise .M7- MvIr, anl sd Cttes Velvie, Votuirib bleuiVmeillt.lbe é tmlou illa geumi mlmu I Wères sud Haedamry. T. W, ahi.cathîe atouaslom et vWemie wigbtprov*de noim Ibe sinèa etoenadiw wilter te.tbsfolkalnWbP ilaiem-Gsilmma'euuCpmanidiiel Saov*ocllaag.did Cu ontet, Clieils Tua abl ., uen l, en 1l ilsf buRat fe* ~'&h 6seo lme utsWia Tte auo»Se bat le buas teu heae it.y e aosli y .Tbmiu Dame- foui, mev. ai ib m u "-ot Rotel, bot bote 17 the eueom t o nforred au liard lea,nmier bus reaetblomasgemest; sud hoe. by siduity snd atteonlit. preserve tuat oxgelleut eeabisbmoent in (DUl sapas- lien and crodit. To ibla mend oe"ypu bis cr imli b. taken tea previdm *Il thiga cooducwve tecomfort cfthboM est utuony eas prche., and ho doubla set bot tbat al Whe boueur him vuIbothir psiiuusage, mili Sud pleasure Irecemmuntiing Iboit r "Uds toltienUme îîeîanmont aud attention lbey tboumelvma uhali have aecivod. Tbaeits'ouing sud other accommodations f« bora. sund catisgos ae aat.svant & ut the Suitclan, snd diligent andi volep-1 preuipersens viileccomaitel .qm ta kmep hbemin aIl respecte readyp,2sud up-' pliiSble tthelbsiumediate use of travellers. as WOen as ile pimuble, ihe bouneum vi hol efflntly tuuibd miththe New-York, Montres], sud ,thertprovincial Pas; sud Ibo subsctîler begi te aummunce ltt eoa« aiready takem nueasuita procure fer the ben- efitef hie guaouts, the Daity London Timsu, at underîtanding it ta h le mu interes- lgetmlthe London prîntt. Daring lb. 8maitnis .purpose te kerp a navet (ail- iug eupply ot tbe fluust oyiteri that casbu obtaiced. STHEODORE IROCKETT. Stosmn Boati oloel, Kîon1#e' lm13.Ç T E1V. JOhN WAUDBY, of tha TBritaleb Wuileyan Moithodiii, respect- fnlly infirma tbm inhabitanta of Kinstonc liaI lie intonds opening a fichuol oi on- day the 21,1 lit., in the hout ai. 1*.17 ccu- pied bZ Mr. Marn, opposite the reuideaice of the bhoruf, J. McLes,,, Eiq. for inistruc- lion in Reading, Wriluog, Arithiaetir, En- giib Grammar, Composition sud Geogra- puy, viii, Ancieut snd Modem *liitory. Au E en 8cbool Witt bc conmeeoced ou Mondaby lte14th of Nov, at 7olack, P. M. flh. Terme snd (irier particulors may lie btaiued on reormco elol.î. P. 1101h- eringtoa, aor aiy' of ibm Getlemen connect- mdwth tboi1lçtish Wesleyau Chapel. Kingston, Noveoiber llh, 1@31. Compmiussriaî nagmîu, a2 Nv. 183.5 S BALD TENERS iii b. reuelved et hisoficeoutlMontday moring et 12 o'çloclr on the l9th Deauber uesaIfur supplyiog mieh qaautemof thb ailquali. ty of Broed, Biscuilt Sait 1Polk, Fle. Wood sud Tailew MoulaI Candlu A* 8;»z e qirml ly Ibis Deeortmont fer ahs Mjesty' service at Preeot (vom Ibe 26t1 Pecsaaiei 1831, te thBlet1.Deeemb.r T4e Toeti te express the rate li Cor- reffir blie ch article vilbemuaWimd.' obiacty Win borequlsotifor soch Ceutuuct ms May b. atoaeilite. FPuMrin lformatioen uy b. obtaluied on apliiciu et tai biCsc99= ad lbe Commaiss- rial Once. et Prcoît. pou 1832. ¶'M E ToIse, Tb* Itîsui soovee4r. Jt The Fout , t" el a leKlint. Uteewlamo, King"i., Nov. m6,lm3. E*AUCTON Win bc SOLO se EFlnse ~l"ii etDacu"Mbroii (lea4fmma.d,*o. Opem u l buex.- pmt.fti.mmli .1 il sse lo t ellhmtPrWeviUe. Uni Hsreus mhe TM.0I.av-rg a rimvoh mmiToseCepahguvymsofm mini be melaube ut 10 .'ehocl, deymm~ <bs~ di iei x&j«t1ýi Dock Yard, Kiagueuv.c lâhNovombai, lmi. ~J0TCE l he.l ive, dut enou*0 N1.1 181 day% elniuryiUa% t IQ ogu A. M. tbhe le oftte follevasLU m Dock Yard at i lptm, WUai b.e iejamed of 9% blcAct.,via. St. Lavrenceoet102 Ges. Montrent ef 24 u Alme, the Fremmof lb. W.l oui cem. ada, mach plerceme .lOoe.hyeu u d is tch iu IboDock Yard. , mmediatoly afeIb a alve mi% a gess tity eofilaudingsuad vpuusbg Rigj«g. lam abbusleiesud MuauMI «in ulike seau- Mr eru dmpowed of....sigvllmbulambea lai *00iloM8d, am là i4b pied «éditions lé Tb* belvuuiagoho iy ,lside sMWb.rgga mmlâqii b. ddtith 1mw ummk@W ý' àhnviflum ule da A o Mi m tl ete erculAvi titusas my b luu aemosibu et ut saaeleaut meaiel. St. bou u, Md Iîtueebi aiaefo »d sd austisa. ' -m___ __ - villi pl m deb. @auMy e ieud "*0fi»Va «a> m.- t&un Losir, *W eu m * mMtad ilieri msla bs.pra~. i.E. iOy#u$. él M-b lvm G8QAD~ - ughkuu,,Odl. 111,IUI. >i.Auvamarsu....llue gO!~lautiam, w~ mev.iq rllag il.-. P) iheif il~ eu, 9»- mm« rd01e.te l'ore..Wbelpky. TnsWusva aus pm put lite mo.Ib of ovuumurhsd le.. viy regualar, lia Ibarmommutr eulluuiai ju e mme- bug maresié. euimg puui, but tb mmse- lug it *m &0egmbele; Y-W&dY, l; sud thade4«loer, 17. '1b. gromuu. bau. "&ioy cerred vitiimuvfm b. hi M a"c day.. Mud PMeU"s telimaIa grent qumalty had feleabut iamelaiu it fou or mocabter. lm r.ue- ueefrIi redy par he O.um, but va"it~I viii umaofFme â mu tabriàgiemeàiu te umnlue e b ambiwaslmaiuom db- mu vedums]kit.jb y ubd fi. m i wm r,. dwdi.fh ug, st et a" ml ve.Liegude bt*ek ohle t vae i.triu vbk mu,8 Mrt. D.v8v~esu ol bave 0w i bm Loau- s, Ee., et se"e' Mtis thelb pai - riddu usa-b A T a JON .GLOVEE Cà". GILDEEUUEVE, IIF-1RY JONES, Sd JOUN NcnONALJ>. limaiureçiveci, "t a 0-"Comalis g the lmu lt âtitei.,l on ma v -I lia cais lai, ~ lb hvmaaudbthe d"slof lie kf fiel depi senible aorbi@ faiaSl iileg ofe d uuate ofAgout, Tl'reamd sud Scrt. tetaIWIdsCommile- vei, ttheb.vacmcy celudm the ululi or Cupluin Aloiçnudmi=x = ai TreamoreraM i cretury, h. imld bjrJolms Mcfloosd, Euq. EseoLve, liaIie liaka ofti Chuiwt Minae le Mr. Jeu.e WeoitferMbilmu»m la builing tb. licou.. Wdbllli 6<I.uI sud for tli WSarloa.aiksel la evea u. pect,mlieucley msoug le mhilcie b. complmw it eumi., M OTICE-heo Slockielduleu s lecq Bont WIliluthlb.Fe"rliesrogen Wu tsy 1 bo.ind fthie Sulmb@ ur. cae iereIbmoI"dleyof D«00"Mbue&mAu- k lier inaum m (tvuadlà«pq«016, rM ecb sIgare. JOHN N.DoALD. Gananqu., 918O1tlui. fru er calao ai ,a en" sugar. ils Puaicheons sud 90 Bais. Orb%* os l- varetianal sIrcaif pmoJaaet a Us. 10 flaireai Bfrut qnsity Peulalom me* 20 Bop oft Pimente. 2 Pipes ef huit Helaud GÙL. 2 Pipes Churanie Bandy.. He bai ule une'bad 20 CoqIlgovms et s "'w and i.giy stitirmi paflera sal jis 100 Boxes oet 01Ite. 30 Boxemc(T 0 Pipe10opcm mc. 10 BarrIs eofhas EuglleiGIn, i CMi. He le duily a 14 a Waigs egesjy o m. mn sileemive c cm ofanl t 10v.elgMM andi double ofPala &U Sga ehluaisu bollav mare-eh et ofmhich ii ii bdipu eoft a aMonlralicsbmtepulh 1 heon mply aidai. -b"-tb t A. MANARAS. rKingil-caola.le, lu1. -.1 j TO THE PUBIC. T H0mASIcFATIRDGEbeingAdsan- aIl poisonsu havaag clsm, ate requceitd te parent toit scconaiufer liquidation, sud tbees indelted te the **meeat. mah. laso- dIsi. payuain, ta TbeomauMcFatrldge, wie intendi te carry ou the Trade s aiom-. erly. Evecy articlelin the BOOT & 8110E tant au aulendeto te b of tbm boit qaaality, tsud lovreit pricei, sud hope. ay strict stien- tion to bave the confidence oft be public. Kingston, Nov 251ha, 1881. .NOTICE .--Caine io te incioscure of lb.theloi.*Mary stickleti, aboot ibm S&t of Oitober lait. a spotted Hoifer tire 7ma elti put. The owuer is requesai te provo prerty, pal charges, snd talke ber avsy. ANDREW EADGLEY. f Kirqdmo, Nov. 29d, 183. Sv T BIlle te crtify that, afier uoaquiry, I Sud ibai 1 have maoie a naietater:a inueylug ibat Mir. Cook, Uexton, made ,1 duflfrteperformance of bis di. 1 chsrsu or b. O. MeMAHON. KiplmNo.80, 1831.1 Il, mi-. il.