aleýck te *nwemmr a =iePpuut boa ho 74wm tà.mpîm Citis Aai ONeiq$ b <i qaas.uf TO THE PUBLIC. HE subscriber ,e.petifuliy bega laess te aniîecà.ce that b.bu hmlaits Ibo lat Jtay cetopied bl ut. Tiiemas E.- fd, ktb.viu %u aiesDa .e.but ter by Ibo com6bt At cefdorsit ra #sud« béIs 0ospaib1. soenat; sud by w' duîg*pettoinutios t ple .uIeei-M hlwlws.n i je lllepata. tis.t sud cWeit. Ta l"gend evety pous- MeI cars isill b. tbes t 14 provide ait thiOP cenâncive ta c.,tmfsri ofthe beM t hat menti de etb nd n ebaioubta 1net but that ait = =t. b..u bitaeijI îbeir patroeun'a d iapls n iitcganmuiding thei- Sid o Lbemmae tustmtand iiairmsthle, 1 ' oblaqbve rectivre. Ti.b* n; t n alter acc.nbm dtm aMolcstiaggara .imnluniMJ glse. nd d!iîf.!ntnrai au O. 1 , DECEMBER J i 1870E? Q TUE DEBilgU sws' f.-n 4 ipuà-b -lmausea î t su us e tf -., w S gm às sLeknt w.g *b.l .askev fsr<Iatas eIb o W4Ssa la abut toi deafw ainame e-ari W41l bu M"y O, Bwers.***' bei complte Ujukoi-f lb. P«*eebsl Iatuta in -15 ib l11"clsv%,mlpeefe orl uier "mte-iseulitaut 4dqieý ual. H. Cpb4* gleHO ampN0" lange* ndAmb§ Meb Ç is erLaNL ElginCl 1;13P lionI1,T=99bt " MOI(u k* maIemma pirue cil, tbt a."Ililci# * ~ e ii Pllot, e itioseti, "SmI aIse teutiul da *tIi .sle rab -- amIiiusuidDllfmiieae1 NI. Telp Eshaotiii kh lcm5 tcessind h enbpe igtn n 1.1.. tua and s huIt nles fracs theo Townu. 04# ab" t.e aboie premisea la a combirbb1it MDuel- ling Hoce, mi tu e Barati, t, Mi eh- 4081. oer canianient ont Ibeume lu go iri-ur On theî mine ,front làa shome mai1e.asnd à bif fet hîgli. ieboe pe wé se as, hi oum hy applylug te the auàOrl*er m Kingtm KlngtmOth. lm8. I 0021111uPM msse.40r*Aa.muosws M uelta rmit-t ina. that b.lot, coud n 4Akhp coa*twiy M onadd *bsio~masd T70Q&l Prei (b chinforebt suM~MLisb vi leu.ntbedo ttalnyum tez- qiedb tgApeffsl o ibnsby raqiols&Mttss.tdeb.b M, eh., by bOAd, stOcboi sek C alil &bd smidi tino mm e Zor bo b~i o f A.pil nuit, attsswblap uby iii bpisa I d l ints bandas of su Aturonq f- os * lion. Asd sl bauni spdimd am = .d eeIl. i. ea* ,euiib*ts 4. ut e l 1e , -sud du bst bua c bsélbalitâmu doild. u ase L M v~inss0ft1mi;aml pro-a e &mhlea la - * u 1557 b uM gae Fbes 1 àr tgs e- at am tsa--&" I d 'sqsset t.psssajt"b mqu«r e m bb ** 4 btoad msi bpou& ,mai » ho bu-It *mteocliitkebjie-itmi b b eIaulbd.cgt klae e jat a, ns e0 al eiiu eu wblet mihume bo ubâmi e ba ugesétoait b "mnidaiesw ., shd a b foie swmbl.tce .os. [Mus tai afe.e e eeeden wpe eltei euntib atlesi. peu8mubcn.4 e- amoshlaet ci t the sudlpitai - ted t ut.fol j f the s oàeerayl<u-' sud aferduiet te suinof bse.m. sa la dvsacs,!.Eh st<buie lla t us peost% in-wleh' iraturade. t ak et TaPoitwemenb, ibId. lu vMe eht 17.. CdmiiitheAf s eof ese b pesa, teth iitoessç eses tt. ms bu if esuuseutng the publlstin of ethL. e ~ e. bons tlt me. " . - 0dtberIIL W O.Motraey aS '&k.i e b.4 ,b b.begaoa by four ot mite11v Clark it cdssp oed te b. e ugdet te eter ut tse ii. 'bave r mi bq poiAf! ts ypeuomorprou thi <e bmof ibmaostaa i li ogsit alm .dW é*_. ii ,msuans.. di~ ftom ohe -A > .,# cety 18%sntng 1Irab bvin itaveal endiavoor to Siil li penein en*rg*of fin, otare, bavitig toc1 i m.bauti imnS at hii.,atiaru bty monditblaitit sharp insttuneut-. £&itonu trovgh.<ntt <h. rovInces, induite Uitaitiu geli Confer savtbJ Prias bo bieeeitrt fort IHope, OCt. Silagl40. Rlis iajs~ ,oe Ymd.! te w*.. NI" 2laeireby YIv* m n t t A.M.~b. 1~.fJauu ety1 Iê.%oei i Bl» olle dk«1 42" Ab, iit PItô ftitiWÛ% adC.-W. s.~~ ~~ u""oislaî.ekwda. laeg .asd lrunlugElgjag. lut ot*"î IIs thg164s, *,aa umpd mesuillu < biatnî»âo,' aré îliod kofflie I Tbb*e. iF1 bdiIpos4 f .atey obi," d fo i.rettowl <h. . i-oi maïeval of tw.a,4wpg*4,ut. ilielt t. lime o ai 4opt ta. w. ifii ee.Mu ~os f: Ib. tome.1.! buies. p' *Ï ratlu L"Da»câaucCL- n,.the Orga ta lke eun le uiu i CH ounra azoax op.. iion gmaaut iitepineabeasI Lis ituW ierit owdoesthe amemewu* u1 nie m 01%atau uiecflai lga.-...i mail Mace i- mort meliforditbo breugiIoes n i1t i~ sLied tii. tepss.ualam otMor 60 inithaiami e b.u<bav éoftepoa--Oà Ihât ieeted tbst obi mill teaey in elneeeng thrirommbeest isp = --smt#5 th4b e re mntaiom, oa7sPyor A aupe ; indut, a peut idom cfti.e 4mn mstY ourale. Tra toepto as De iled MWse . If ay ne. * "- J.nnaIInh Ut lmisnolceeup s. tho ith.biad (t Dua! Dsfnevhire> soesrie%. f ai 1im o f Coffias. ou-,.be ho .. uare, aMu ma eurry h lonugs i .m Of Comamu Wleda Iee m 1 o'st marktl, le n me tianite on in el fa Bmelohn ,litie 4hoe. Jfnl7 oMeaiie an.d mqitpeopleJosIal owld the papu ho Ib lteehsdiuy . but io ba usd 'mga-r, $iaL (,dttublic upimiion, 10% ds.ip. for tii. leri~~~~gou pepoas eofhahut rc 'ea ga dm*Slid Otif~u«"Yl. ( ým a dest lbno Ilsun i b ~ emu ti. Kb"Ss ert fr ba, ulikîlamed, foroGnd forlIl, tuai k~la'f<b4OU ê. trYit*budbeeui ~mm il wwurus.muuuy eueme r ~ -- - .uu-~ """a ~ oemm tl~ O. uet ait. N OTICE ila breby &!wnu tt ais led until i".lit DbSwfmauzt a P ecloq Ï. otal la charge of the Ortueucae Stokeep- er ut titis INotion. the Tebden toempcify t lin pie >«rTon in Ste&nlq eh ie ata bi ..ddresmed te the respettIe CsN*a mnof<lm tDepsamnt, the 'arçiaoeti la b.uet the ex- Fpe o f the r*nbovaIJanit thimenruccs of Ir Os Gestîli b.e »&4 off usîtot f« M*s 1 - 1a10 N. I Tm.?snderstobe.ndomsd "-* dors for Oun iMotae"11 THE Bbon brs bve jue rcmlvf nd 3e~ylmose~¶rt.ud. e ia London. a oNmn*d Mdlra Wim inau Hbd. if vit sam aaiémdjuleadm TW ea"s: Htson fiai.. 1> . ad - Tse Eua. Do"wbenu i sangi.kimmitLas' lgr. And a vat7 oj tlirtiel*edet sapoe,. l to t" s, ws aPeneaiusimassalet a bar 000,. ". i. d.., mW"n .de bru adecUie1le. les itany b=.=",We,4m EsnAi Dibo fl at iem eed .le s di * <b bulIdMg 1.1,6midsl.Ps FOX, SAMI Of toi ZÎONO mis eai pllcube te thi e mediate une of travlba Qqn4iQty fatniaied miilh teNtew&.i, Xenhiesil, und tbler provincial popen; sud Owi smieiber begs e e nneonce tht ha bas libasdylaken imusse prorlire fur Ithe hie- uit orbi* mogus. ithe Dly London Timues uÛe nding il lobe tie«i. à1aeileet Ii. 4&U thl liiinn printa Dong;ti vrsaà In tabu e 1kiem.p aive, nng SdPPIY of!'hoa méat nysters thut cati b. tinepdunNey. M I .1 >1 ll~*UgY. JOHiN WAUDOT; or ti. BrfUet Wcsfri an Metbottei*sieci- E15 him thebmimubabitannîs or KIb"n ahal biniuiopeuiga sciioceh onuo- dey theIieSt lent., ithe bonne latety oluuý 'pied hy, #Ar. Moine, appoietim-r64lamec tin Rd SgliUil« ltm i a.1 gbGamauian.. Cnpomtion and Geogra. w'i, ui.Auce*Mda Hiuloy. A n nir Sehoolm wt h. comomd ni May the 14th of Nov. nt 7 0%1091 bebc ned eree 10 au..P. I-ltin fnNmruiet emtlb Wup.e t.Lv 9 h amwli rciui cl r4itmpuI;0 fým__ Mock. Paithe-u anietrsiLp ce mU&al -»t cSIMel8 Ik-Îe61 T. W. IIIInll lo rect i s afeulsys pe lte 4tip Tinaumnse iLoptiula s hutifnal «I, fCree de Lie ûiûteil Gamina ld Mande- le sAc,.. Itie 11 M.Buin*ensd Coa m&sIR*- %# pics, r"icie rutaLaituuder sud fBir-."' au*- iiwndieurhîeÇ, reid Estg an d 4" Neailnt iées Eging ansd Qal1im rass nettes, ead'tfancyeimirsit A vs. ry ru ege.Qus-dluu'êint satre mspelt, tll id Cote. Un. we k unii ad Cotuumn Y.liet. IOWe ,ysillpuc hsdVcldk blseintLsam Ir- ; l»ete assigin t m -W" uNI&te rch gaothe i lumes »»d Milaieu oeilmaNOMetitou btit Illil. ietLaieswul»meb4omt Is-i Rab-also, Tes., fSuga.', ,, bm Uni 'lam mwslu>c-, c-us Smduategla mn gte, lb au gnu du 4dpetami. la ib baim'ab ie lsaPa. eoe eilal but b a y 'eo 1ui labileso am la s4 . tisa mabe d«dl î WPdimad Co* us liteboo Mr t lino r fai~m eku.*l l" Fpeiodwei 4y ceulryImeh n ifemld the Pm#s. ast bannri bsyel tan in r usa subjet-that of clecting W* te ai lotthie gres oët ly ut o siYerk; but&& 1lbai pened 1miatr for ae- 11s1*10u1h.for dwee erbureei,sd 1Itwill *ho :bulb7mmrsTii.mdu- w UO. inretemedfor uetowrus a ri of hîs islits conebu i-cotat itt lbAc- larera, masons, mn4 otimm, wlnoIturo hi, te6 PNrlismoaby mniae ft iismisales, ml ich tl hey ceatntnally as&"mibina. (A laug.)-tl smîd eImr, lod.ed, two d'y* &fief t .,kcîii.n.ling bren dlAmin- oit b, bualussa. Mdd id soi' the bon. of* clnalrinugî but ym rend wit. d l lied sY Plaie, Wbi amut lim.,vrac t.ndaged about ttili utb somelhing . large si 1 Nie -'sin". -I1gaked hlm %Ifoia bd Cat =1 .IdlNe, mas tbap avoer ;Ptesî ablois m 3our tdépe.mlarnce. (Lssgtw.) At Rwunt thé Votera ftitis boreuminl u.ti e*11e fanitemaubolire toni rtusîve mles affmiieri& rlote tounliefor. dîntier.iia*t tit rqualillicttimnn bondait oser te temï, ihel~otreuvstir .qualification, tliseWibtlon ior. ltte I nb- hianta, cf:*blm Ibis hieetîon lbimoekery. w D. ot t#fesl ludlmsioun aitsuc18a gemmi -Ifthey witn e topid sas net to e bdi&- mut et i. hluslan. 1 m iino thaï 1 sfluitiemantem. bot eertainiy aenld mat « res et i If Iliey dtmoi f«ildlg- »it ut elt-is1catelnnttry. Werit Weil. "fr yot< f ti.ueMNbs; but f«r -t.heo- ini te tIf ecbx ie«ci. Tifi' tUo-,uiI7 llts nidit IticIof tbe va. dic-h-ý ti.4be .oces tiiey cst- ita turpulaat b. GOvurmeàu. jnuiitoy ILerqa .I iu ru n isuitng t~It iê~lïnïeub i arliseat.f« .lInei , e-6,. it enupuce v asy nuulgiil i froan ci renderet lmeulsvy I n (huemin i luay, <oui taId lim i altMy Les ila "us ialas..LA e!Î' tbào$lî -u@.êtiîkW i imi-'. til,. goec utment r li iget oflthe s a ist ds t people, bUp Iy p. iec is, tttitwill ejoy ana0itsiiKaoue. 9, i ianl, aS-te, aninemuuoEa s a Inftaece o.r thens.pbi-sail 'bt le saluiary and nieful reminti, and tlupoia aflibat la noxiousanmd huuîful heing éa.p suopi-(Cbeers.)-.l lositet upon ail s'heu grou.wih n liter in the prom, aor ira ncls% An uqocnmtîonma, or ieagues againsî thae ]W cemnir, or secret eocAtiea, as nmaiu thinigs bredt o te .orruiption et ibm sent tcpreaentalain ofthl eoplO. W st bas biein anmlet hat bae given uirt eu Lb.., theneamer is aetlUnd. Trat me. il ila ne otiier poser "tinnat l ec SIlat. getb.r ith. coluriteers et Ireland lin1793- tait me, iAlla neother tban thal mich e u- gendredthe Cstbnlle uoilait" Tgus tue, tu l..luice mi tin*U. lgbs tarfssd- (Cais) urongu prpilrawe, <Hi eru. toit7 ai tlieiin mutm etabe esas sna 04 that tb.inhalniants u ofeani areota 4 otreaetlite i svage of te soal" SesIlioand& ith iffy of UsMWOg tual y.. eaugoietr llno twtilitzom lite manges. Tinsetmit 6ubicà bon etom -w the conty, vmtit flou <mattihet bave mii b has»t ag ubiet op a Nt.s rdllosbAgs mN hai bstp peng os li. he o hetl dolng wmansd elur u*iubsl buuity le MtIbus Aaduceded sta peu iiijuituçe, m but " lit.s nomess,is, m ci 1. blkni ootfir *anmfa lat eof a Mp oet talit tat allowmathe moi t c lit sid hepou.. of rams. la b. beuif b- in ofrir.(Cluats., !<'slrefs »rm rowmedoei l f0 bki n:oe bains afrald, yeus *47IlsUn l'c, !o.eltintu Whlit a c in l NUi mtinaiscau.i- oeul, ubo ivcntsd the vlç1t7 bût ore d itl. lotê, af 12 It Lime LIlA *bu andme1 muua per- b paient ; a thom ee ibis orîlia P& (««er.) vu. Pm d w. Pt rea tinti mms ussan conrnuom-v il bon te -mlb mnt «M i10 ssl, s5m u e a, »c milles lii. mit lu. m.)-4kO#elumsGod! utc ,10*ai~d sme ss Jpbasgos. es mult, <but bm oap e as ek.eea Jdo met eppr " te obet u<ell bas usiImg WçiA bus beaumu et.. mi gas -. '%.ý'm ratai, t. Wl -lii ihiti sf5 à[e ï5lb" KIN@" wzlqwiyY, EMER9 180 ~ I i r; amuit pote..- sable Imm bj-ý Zvx e 1 .Ir rjý 1- f! Il ýL -il il -i -jý ý- ý- eel - ..à. à1.