_____________ 181 hae de à tmâre "& ai -u-1 shdehtmht% e.but v.amme lota &mm k in a o m em ins duti - 0<four . Wh"at rus a r g W&ailAtbu te puthe *.IWP Y. ,bolet il. m.te »Vea éiAp pst bafflt mmr 60 i.Ca.dia tour, surhinu f gsiat iv shifiug fowulsg& ousquetly t vil bd pny, the uhip« eviouSh.oca pur- dm .it fr aýmmueh nads" "ePd". et Ossilat tou Intthe diâriem et orIW 1.1p.vo dation. la Plais khIes, ppcs fom hsM vetlu.perba"dtemetimats below musa afl e ia vebtvea 19 sud 2b .for Amoicanfaut, visatii. iuY j am ms lal st . sterint mmr, cae- qcutly a compeution if quit.eut or th. qensalicu Buad «eaale ay h. hat fourvs have h mtend ber, thi. pse ussd hu moeur me ttblat accout. It vi beap a r M lm atecfQue- hou, vhs, bisai, durtug &tioater, A% y*- ry àigh, amufram lie four bsiag usrly mn lippoi 4à tbr*IL Wbat modur #«m At th, methealsbauds, vbo run ciafa abmos m»ipire tli. ur frii t; tbegotoro. foa m portaicto Lover Cuiis duty fume, noiuumtA« ly b. agapeut relief ga tii. iabbitmmtm cf tu8t Plovince, vithOut dolipaMy pamipubic rW iory. cave asd exespigo tle ,poulaini morchmatscf thoms cOism aiq bey 1 t. th ii a 71 ile the A pslltion b. basaipeseti ulc he Spie- Hunce.trac m tea ecrouesting <a tte à h m lsenouwhisky s06lle mi>'bu taken a£ -4" nFor out prt,vweameata kmseahnov viat Il sud arguament couli bu addisn livercio"u àaboumse. As fer lie distiler, ve siiold 40 andtlink t voali oven aperaI. agmiami&Il ta It- aunbaatet prnt nihtked inthahhbu- Mt lhe sins., fer if thie 5tildut>' s tlahe offue Me. t. il hav" stAn giag vithoni aunnbe, n vhleh avr, direction, t"Am vali nonsqunnlty mem leélemen tle demacci tro chat ce mu>' rail 07 lu-ts refluarisAtilleis, andl gruatli>'aidte ,s am lhe ovilof nioutpesanos, b>' cauuing the sr- of th tle oho inrue uner h nome orthe tebave peuple l thecountry, .lhmoatm, bysa bcet aid lmet ecuolaars n whisky. Mcml people liv- lu, Alb.he .igiborhi0ofacocuntry tili, be&>- nac vht iao«et iAh hic iern f laaive whisky, wvin il ila Ipossible for tle K90 gutevu ta Prevont, abouli h. h.o ve, su mmi>' et ari hdaspwess:for if bhoiac"i o& a "mu muemt, cieractois, ho vauli ho hiable Itu u& id vos- prsea mor--tInjur>' trou tiem, liere- Lbeah fore, Avr his cen puace and promeraion, b. rtbang put op villithe. anoyanro, An>' ane vb ste ac- In beaIsncb place, aaldattle taverne asemi in tle counry puces, vie.e mon istresi n hO>' fors driuhing bout, muet flant tasse Ibo maum mral ispravity loey toooafteuoxhubit. The eau. liquor@or seyes MAut loibisés, andtt6" lener- tli en gate yell corseem somanymv- dm «d- ailes, aliervaris ta vex, rritate, Mdsud i Ina,'s"oaci or bla. er, oSeaive verd ores.- irs Au taontbaI aisviiaebmini rau iaveat. isI cuti atlong agsincev. vun.einferuod by a aibbun. persan, thal a gang efthle. drahen ro&. ae Ilair lienswvotnmbius ibos, anidlascars.hi 0. maie e ifnseal hem more iquer, li>ey ctusil> iii telt koocnhu islstovs moi pipes about the romu bd abu- ta thé great danger of burning him honso a beds domo, If the siii licences are vithracu, sur b.s- Yom multiply lie moorts of inteuperenc, th w«l the coUecuien.. of0<alig heiquer, ami trem ring t more truqo«nly -nie lieotce aId xo. oÊtlhe iaulants. Te innemolhe dv- ,sous, vs suppose, vasthelb. ject orthli.l ho badcesonMilesta uda i a revenue hlaulmie, gr. vo are pesuaisi t noudi»eur b. put ou »lotion., 2ammt"ttbiaaicle, o a u. <at canid as fid- do lme njur tothe publIcienlagenret- Siculalthi. dut>' ho taken cisatilei.,v'skey Csmp- vo ut; o u e u igthg e gallon i.m atchum, a in re. W. have huie t "ithe cou- sumptian vonti b. pruler, »d mmorsen fetn a bitter price. lut contradAtiots ta U»4 A. liai, ve are iufened s i &alug e.s eusl, Met moan. noS oauiquarter the quatit>' ef stem* etirais tuquiei by the disillèrein'as ocuglalta 0% ;;ïugseont-by Our brmm nedm lai mot liou Indien coriin s icuotilop bytle dib- hilm., lotiee taI njur' of ltheAsOblIat vho reqlre t ma u i"efui [e>Fm P mom m l nfoouitiou v cms plie, -ol apiuiaamvsbdmi Welhoau in- jury ta ths publie te goem ie itam ou 6mB ae ' Y 6"I, ead tet n»tas or dohye.oid lent va- h. subuhilted in ils plane vhaimby lb. pub- Lic rouit bulelm injur&. IdlmW. bave <ven a putothle qpua&.0 lafle-dt Biouglathe dobat..c t*le- foe r .bAIvurih. o muteeauas le *Mt atile boe uimesgers ina u monS>'tye' Sue.Pepli.e a p ta billevo lb. plctuiqý ovenhsgod, but wcenai uaiuad ta bilera <at tle chaacollo hbu autenu 'f Mle fielser of Noti.Louis, sam didieet P"i sufevad - ha el$i bave dae 13el CMe e O friti il e rauhc rM5Vu 'Su ng h..tur u'etqalivngat edistanc * ilh ne che quiitimbot chailb Pv- te m dm for tlis osceos mmi tise gema b.a aain A« r ibeueselb ovor. 1h ou 4a Imaybia siby suna. t t amome'le se fttismmm, lahet irnoseMoue, fer ce 'l'ink t ardly Posibleta M"onit a.cm etja ~ iipouet efr.aas, sord'h e ah. euwkiy ta ho slsle rupuuaaatati of -'hoieoeple outa Tuca, lti.aveal isova ,~~ hics ami pm etsà*amiydesai selle,.O litdmâoaahtes 0 ou rigit MWhigs tm -We cU puSa Vial gmu i5maomm abe iii sbhAt.Dam oflt h eugh. mohlog it1,W S t * ~ ~ 4tttiemats, vd .e.a.u t." ium~j.vâam~ mme it issu *sa NSb.stesI- 4, 5in thep vi .;w s bs COMMUNICATIONs. T. t". Uitoer cube ppl5Cm"& BHUa. 1Odeltavu, Nov.1513. flm"ai r, Lait eveuig 1 receved a oq~ f the 1 KnmuChouan. of October I,8, which vwuio.rded by a Moud, vitlianp Antm tica itlh6th « gccd teryl toiM by ar Cergyman a pin ste sRud. tum LTO" ruat vbch W- ildby me, at Lsnom-i vils, unser ebioohe, sud thêl, ponaps,c momthlag ougit toi>. ssdin A rep, or ex- phunatio. itamtrtuutotliattha hAt vas1 givemi me, or pewlip 1I siU int have te-1 indflean occurrence iA#U amai trAnsii snd uniinpcetanl. The mying that the m «IgodMtrv" relatai h u.e Catbaronmà oould Dot hàve foried ay uishanco ina .ing 1h. ocurrenc.eh .7Mysm---sasos aeu ithugi ver. e sue, bave usp-0 - that Ina. Simi Peuo; but tii. iruu.-b éiiuc sdthat inLvs-Fsa m er ,pso*t-i ly lueocestI Tii.Love WMF uit btui.à wms heU by me sou. ye sine, Au ad BcosaiHanuse er thi.enga Choach, Lemagvilio, and tb. Mev. W. r . Urvi, vlio vatn ..taliiaister aofldet Emh,a wu pameut; sud if< ht ithe av1 Loy sta inudod, hobuMi h. the ati. of the. 1« Cud awy," vietiasi lau. or 6h', told in th. Kaçr Chraouio ueor tbe ataI" us i a.heever, th ixf truth an tIi." good ««cY," the mmalader m the meopumtiia futcila fui, vithott eidte h lexauce, or vuesifeaeo f Poo-c try. - 1thAn uneyventur tg my, hhte, ( ho 'a 'Oy iyle0 f% C;ngw. . es= e en-ea p#sulag jusie averni utM.m thai leemtb.r focsi u 1tasig t c', bom - tIsmevai itagvi. m ho ogest §Ssiie sto, M dmnbi vu" tbe lmvoemsiaiml> tale gis Fient rehs dem a"tua lth Le Fout. N&i. a b 1 -Mdobd&W ouwmlýba5ld* ove. vurdu, tse i hevis rtsid hlà&om nom thSo.le C2-ieap5 th ble bail ~ an m'", sasb nao em tip *m"' mme Mymva. *0 ""m- lis umimha, Pdri ape ova eret etho fige" oprty Au the. pluce. Yeu ame amo t.euppos. thaiti.the. emam r au mm of vusltb su Md iin Athe tova, lit framie , thsy ai. mais, port..., cool heavuus sud chat ual, but tiey aem atame- tuai pupes, for tii. ane kepit ram perish relief by (unuis vicb ought ta ho applied tas& botter purpos.. la the. speech«s vs hmuas puaS du]l nid about lthe injustice, cf depriviag ich peioso cuiit utablishe reglts. W. "Idnkihb.giad th mcvby what snthority ilium.fis. mon abtained theu îiglt ;eud bac nd by chat rida tii7 eau eqity obtalu a rlgt aver 1h. property octtbur fellov tovoamon ; becaumo iftou. man bolds aproteuded igbt th vole et au otection vice.circutastamn A ife, or propeity ane solai toi dozen othe, y on give hlm th. power th miii.lave sud 10 dispos, of tb. proporty of th.allier twlve, vthout leaving h.. sa'Word te My An the mate. Te. are on, of the anomalie thet bave crepI ia h. ayste, that ilsid ta vork mc voIL The. vorking cf thim ytm m unov lie upokof0 dlit frodom, snd ils unualual seetm expcscd th public view. Thus vau flt the came a few yeare sgo, viien Pitt sud Csmteangruled the nation. ln1homedays it vauld h leaeot treemon ta question the beauty ofithe represmotatian, it ver. voit fer you il yen rould escspe heir vengeance, vith a pachud jury belng ever ready ho erhthe. dufonceless. Mile beautiems and efctm cf 1h. ytmin "i tu have vcnk.d van, may h.ie mm in au article n te-day, palier. W. are not urprised at theoadanirition cf certain Lords and theïrj'i.nde vion vestan iorsd of the mocrmons public cuslth hehhave belli- ed thenuovesto. Ii.sasemunt At, oy tii.y could have bliadod the people no long. At lami e muet admire tbe noble, sud geneoaamconduct af the minority viio en ably contendud for the rightm cf lihe people, being reitored tb hier,and vith vbat cheer- fulneu. Iey ver. villing to rostaro b the right cvner the influience liey poussedl avor the elections, an infitence tai ex- rsediug thatoaitbemajoity. Inmhort they have sieva lbeeielves superior n overy thing excspt th dexterity the. majori7 bave si.we la holping tbemm.elvsta enar- mommm ont of the public puise. TasWsnmx.-Lamt Wedussday ngit ve lbed a eavy fal of moir, frou le to24 ilie. de.pon 1h. level. Tii. (er- mometer lut Trlday morning w» II110ha- loy zera, aud Ibis moriug at zero. la cai colammi iieh. baud a ommuni- ration on the. Rideau Canal, W. bave bai no, opportuity tu peina.th.e anuaeuipt uareflay, but vs porosive t ivritt.a i vil a viev le correct moesacounts of tliiiCe- nal, giron ini otiier papie. Fi s .-À gentleman Imom Cohourgsutes tiat the valcabie Taveia bons in the. con- tre of tbat villiage, ovned iy B. Bideelu, Irsqluire, ofthis Town, but occupied by Bir. Carpecter,sad aima th. adjoining boum, Of Ni. Buck, varas ecaued by lir, lait Sa- turday might. l'articulmaisaaateat.d.- W. heleve the. property vwu not isuared. P-98M epore as freety amti sm but few ta spsak: the 1 neihbaolood being smull. Ib t" .Y f t he L " i- tm pouj auci;sd I1veriiybeha vau onee cf li Dils u bave bisnaraiumed h hav. ioM -I s d nuhave el fuse 7-ua 1th.tmh thcoua ans, simple hearted people, hmasppose any suai liiag; ticuglut enter my lisit ai gactau ferwu 1tom repu one of Mr. Eurcol, tbat ct it, une foi auy bhor t hie piesunce nanferruvd, but vasa maifretat ion of gcod reluisU ta ocd feling on h migittiesr a good uader kindiy feeing ietveen il hoh bhuretbes, vhickheb. disturbed. But if 1Iwva tendiug the cbauity vlaickhih bo ant araeruhy abject t wv dis. aud it may mnet.hie As t i net1ilhel t t i la Iis uject again, perm word or tva in explanation v1=sylvtN. Burveli. w hicitgontleman pul Coloniat, bl ockhe iblerty tieus on oui Miusioaries.1 te asmerit, but cas fot bi big ldut the i.,o cu itdreuireMr.1u? v Wh ci olli rondur an ansi ;Y. This did not tate place t vas sllar that reply Mr. 1 ed oui Love Fai, for tIhe paa aiready mentioned. ai that 1 have ince been1 tieman n St. Armand, liat dipleasod ctilMr. Burvi us, which i hah 1 shoul Ilordship's correct sud ionu and flrtiier that Mr. Burvq bo lied gai h.yondbils depi Brother clergyman for amsie genteman w ouli bave nati lth . mate, we.1iin, a mitted bau bhimieli andbi tofihim ta get out ofthiepit hadt tahen a les p n the dank cocaM. Wienhegssoutie terll another Ilg sd tar>'., of the Cburch of Englsnd,q tilities and iDouit mon vioa am thomo are not the days ai nainh, tiu.y muai expoct tua L'von vo vho cisii h tir theu and aIl i>auind, mui fend anreolves vion ve a Wbhbr tdeo.niud rm>' Er CliurcblIna=poprsotan( cmeau sah ho uby esa Raving urs Iîveon c ciththesCl cf .the Char 1 am not a lis meurpisd clamed am ils aosemie. iti ver%=pssble for a W..d of Englai for thegod ah. n cueuca vit the bhuai £ doplores ber isulte.But ti ..coe cf lb. peopie" anp thel na mun rauhave the t tavards 1h. Chuieli 0<Engi poriaitsany morbler, Wvia Chtiur**", toasmail vini çztabilit>', hii rnciples, union ora 1fîthe'iPrtes in lie British Empie basIo rished obje:0<my viiies- grethan eve, 1 have gi id«ehat slaort, as 1osu the i Cnrci ofEngani drivAng caumse DwainAnMy ov ben of other Charriz atar tban over: aidactingtaca loyal soljscts ase umls wure nuvortby cffair sud o ment resoirsi liait nomai nsutial-tbaiovery man an. or apinit liem. The fiie onmty,0ofach an huant myseif, 5 aMt vontby of req un" Who aim ai unviA -Vf ve are t a sdragged viehelirv iiorna, ce e ont armer, sud makheon.eli battle. lut penbape mous i nut inci groat fas-uaters au mma, Winihave the gocinu Wh a veb fermilaln obtain an arti l et tru c viing tiiet levievis Goicisd hSor the. KAug, eh adita neu" fAv lie &Mr* i bothbelligeronts. Onecft ver, zmh alaiei aia Jd is i C, athês.b proesosu insurretion auno that Prpvncu,. or disse"i asoug thfru poplo thare. am vez hinsc.ltqu"hmo mem licwe yu hcuidhoenagm vw"ldei.himesltsomo p pie, me hasen, vers ha ta le ta sisheinon. The. Gave. vil kBOv i.v te mmanage Nmiius evea M9ii., toimw: but viethor blysi ormcet, imioter huscu te cm obuopemm lt moy am hov« etu Imta h" laSliM n api te oe w ~ m mbobud siud tw ave .v mu~ Viii, m r& cAti hMMe,«M lu wiI~ila Asieea6ah.oorse tompuet w pu" bot chAIs tbilt . pul thseum eatlos estMd il fe.le»lte001luu'se aise. am**am = , " of "i Chur*h if 5modo moU. Cthe e.iup q!" Whal vh m m,.m aspposes tint no man rou fbel s ruai par hour--Oxespivir as g rug ALE 0F CROWN LANDS. SaCAst7in tbai alathmuent hutthe Shate, unlieh einsaithe lo"h If 1h te aumy th bchug par- 0.i'ICE ja herelaýieigg uta sportion Nor no I1li"kh troag, a bigoted attachmust ta> the Ciurcia, ticillr ta avoid cavilling. NI .alah,'2-d Lnact aveenili ,srvy- de veo. Auimi- sda ationdidke tu a&U chou ho derme Whatover may ho Uie decimia.of diale- cd hi Mr. LEWIS BURWELL;ulaile «saunccf Ur. 5chsa i 5u-t perlasps b. neyer ashed giature upon tho Prenatapplication, 1ilre ot tige g,ad pai hlrouo th laldigsu vl. ha attii baoulstan anc elige, boy long thie Sat aboitldhope e att ilaItiey vould fDot Laa,lî lrorn ',ihe' nabipefcomlsru.4ga a t N. Brv~il cal stndil t vw oktito the rare ofione autiorize suy expenditue 0ofaalannc y the Township of Rainb..mna n iihe Dincu( ph. liey conli ouly reluionst friend. The page or bis ier n the improvemoen ofti. Et Lwcr'ence NWaime, îVhe inexpoKedi 1» mie iv ae spokon very ccnld teil loi li tat vien if goshop .on ûtunlthle Rideau canalincomplete& #(flic mbibiren u tabat lheStaledaioniy onerligions riend, cark cf improvenieni conaencus next i l" p3 b 0. But lta. Pi- lie sate -vas averthracn, saindt if vas yest, wvMiiAtflot aericnsly intornupt thenas- At tie upeel îurice naio irehiugopet Anrir, did ual appear only by tie union of many religion. fiieaiavigation of tie river b he s.ix liuidrciai fie Selmmil Houa iaentthe. ilvelingue' uer didi aht if t asrestored. 1Tic ases inwoc DularAihasote sud itheon.etaomu bat- WerrNetesLi.nlie Grand IIc'u' liai time. lin Wiseoth rely upon onereligios.friend aloue, teuil Huseinet the i.ltti improveamt on WEDNE7SDAe Y, tht 2id eylaibot De tting the piges- but seres the fiendslîip of ail, by justice, going on h.tweeai tie.Codar anad the Cas- CEMBER ont, nt 1 aack, A.PaM. unstige t vaso ploaw lCourtesv, and kindnei: aidObtreporous cad« ea.en asearirus annoysac. tt ias buste klull»v uadtioncns, via: tit! 1. pposudis nolt triemani via cao ive tii.coneictof smcedingl 1 know ffll voilAisab; oft hait The Pvrc.liuace nuneY 1ta h oiduAi lur trugîng fitsilontrmin.sotier direction. liscao hard-i auy credit As ta ha piared An thinAfonma- ioalatsw illainte 8i4 ; i iainasanenh st@rse, snd of a1>' bave tie ranity ta> îhink fit ho . an do tinen received firogn a respectable forvardig etmt L ue atuk faait ad lie second, ihiai, bis part, wvihno; andl vierefore lien doua io critol Ah muicbaLs He. Ruated furtbsr, tiat ithe and i i innialnents, nt ige nerrai af s etandiri ndoisast «let hi. suspend bis publications until nione>' expeaided iy Lacer Canada, cas yea' hetween tact,. he momiheacf i. buai nprovoalhil style, andal mevlat coinplelely urown ava>'. A Pla xhuliiog fige saia ti Lotm bai lui belore sweetend bs corda andl lemper. Thia ai- Eesides, early neit apiing, the muosm ylie m'en M tigerCa> iimisouer .Ur Croca mastaken uns- vice im gaven liecaaie 1percelvo tiat the of the legislature wiliie b.ale tu judge cf Lna0c' Yc, îeOttic U N. iopettiIallhinga font cf contmoversy as un hnam, but the fruit th. Rideau canal, by s persoalIi§peciou LewnBurwei feputy Surveyor, Bruai- ,ai net ths tientis toc actiat prenant, At vanta liim, ta mal- cf it. TL.y vii liacia knov viueher fiaere rord. teotApa. iiais afrd lim time ta As su>' prolaiahlit>' cf lie dauns giana a- PETER ROBIN9oN. hall evenrmontrle ts,.lie Icainsagain, sni tc relut va>'; or viober, 1 bi almiioslmad, a s ',i bîmimionpr of Cnuggra Lundi Odkw, il me la> sa> s hefere b.e publialic " gond stories" tld b hy Au i te botanis ai pcubilitv; andl i Ytrk21 oebr18. ici ofn>'contra- Clergymen et bis Churcah ti eir owa dis-an>' anc siouid pivses>'a, cliotier i = avuîen 8 - n serun on our. 1 rerain, vonli 'occhpyetIeamt sacwagon An te-con- NOTICE iblîsiioiin ths Youmru opectiaurl, strting it." The eate ai thue Kingston IFS horebv giren flintt he lmaait U lul y hu eai reinec- JAMES KNO WLAN. mille haï heen at ifs fuit heigiltar a côn- kILic To;msliip ofPualinck, CW rku 1 vas r.quesled siierabeflia bock, but thia o n vnp- oa inte Distiic f Got', ronenulysrvo il>' an so ding, Te lige5juin af th Upper Cuggda Hrait. tom of veskneus mect; and il tie.iîby Mr. Gibsintgether viii hsltu- tait hoein ai the Si,-As tie article in tie York Counier dangeroh.eapprebenied atail, (butvwhich ouining unsoldi n lie former suive>', vil ha ail le apologize, upon Ithe subjeci of lhe Amprveinentof thie 1 ieny,) A if i tere. expose t ieua b>'Public Auclion alliheoW6 rer unnecema- St. Lavrence conains s.verai sialem.atstalbserre liaI hi.notice Antiii U. C. Gs- nel price af 15a. Curncc> per Acre, et bIt. *, ad 1repliai. variance vt the fartooaithie rase, 1 deeu smetle la motel>' tel an application viii ber Jama s Fyna 'eTavein, un Lot 18, vest ide Bunveli attend- At neceasry te correct aso ailice.mis- maie for an aofo!incorporao to taeuo- oaitlis milesiimg ltcrugh the tracit t laudabia pur- tatements asulappen ta b. vithin an>' cai i e umpravement ai lie St. Lavrence Gulp,)an Wedn ays'tle 411a day et Jean- 1Ishall moisi>' knovieige. The writerisquiteoof opinion for steam botsandsloop navigation. Nota ory nel, et 10o'clock, A. M. onthe.faliev- tld b>' a Gea- lt ail 1he impravement neceasar', s fittWordaiot £9W,000, aor abioutihenaviga- ng conuditions, vz.-The pumlinme. ~am>'se the. Bishop vas vliicii viii renier thie St. Lawrencerotoertion for Durhama bouts. The truti in,,ifAh l a a uin 10 Instaimens, due firmti imlslme il fon insulingg osy>'of ascent tIan ut in ai promeut. He fouanit I momsains o lcleaicag aairclants of 10 lier ceat, ali e tinie o a sumd lhe te- expect from hbusaeys, 1"ta descend u"onthe St. Lawrence, ai Montrentlmoc toemivantages wn ime he anri n 9 yesng b>' annual inotalmgenta of crable feeing: ne riicAai vork ai lias kidia sholutly Rideau canal posesescicr thie Si. Law- 10 pet cent. willi intereui on ssci lnstalmul re1l feeling tist requir-lite rivet flcvs nataclly, pieéeni- rence, soi liaI lie>' have n conoqaeacesaiiif ecomaeadue, t, applied to a iag a uffcent depth ai valerthIreugicai, pelitions thie legusiture af Lover Cana- A pIan, exhiiting th.esinuaioof lie loba, anmce, bolt ttandsoi i s cl>ou lyi tes«eW auaaoid a foev te- da te incorporaho lhimfer lb. purpose cf mnp ha seei tIhe 'Coumislgneof aiCreva hing ta do vil pis fint rosntinlenisi ho h. mairtuhora- cultiog& aalc, cf lie dimensians of the Lanads Office, Yock, or&& Ni. JamosFlym'm, b. muei havetilficial AmproeenI,'Rideau canal, frioutiheai ftvoaumono- PETER ROBINSON. 1 eroonel con- Thevwrter, nanoioi part of iscoanmu- tains Io the cyaof Jliajreal. 1h cannot lhe Commuenr of CrowuLasa'Ofe, a ciiurcli: o bo nicalion, sys, cf the foct tvie ocanteailci exportai tiiorefore,thiat lb.>' vili tendi oe- York, 24tb Noromber, 1831, tinte vin bo ubat lbe Rideau Canal conli anaver evor>' ae>' te luproeutha Si:Lavrence. TIi.> r, as velI ase iiepurpos. ciien coupletedl, andl flint ne im- air ou>'sharp stgîtod gentlemen, andl EXTENSIVE CREDIT SALIC.- ae vili h. mile ta provomont upo the St. Lawrence wu De-ns-os. plaïiyan ebiclàaside thie aivautago 1Y AUCTI0N IWill bc SOLD ou If Clergymen cumar>', 1rau cal>' se>, teatt Aq wee nea- lies. rmLmy the 154aiof Dsceouhur nid, commennceo- Inaleal b7'selfuu*oua, wvinl cte. is peo- Tie impravoment necesr, foir as aie ureMmi. McKay andl Rcedam umblia- Rreth leir equale, p le ta trie mm navarrantable lengla- na igalion ofithe i. S.Lavrence yl b. ment, ai Joues, Fait, (South "rndby)lRisa lihe mort>' Mo- But n cralen tialohors ma>' natliha Aaduced muein pester iban h aipreent contemnpla- Canal, ihair viole kStokaiToulasinoes, meetrinsistance. ta foliov in thir train, 1 viii stalo a few tt, as viii h. apparensfoithie taclcf a Csrte, Harnis, &ci Employedin t'hee -- 'a n poueo. il faefremin viAn e>'may dise a correct hattean bavAng hmec ta sfiev days ince, rulian cf the vorke et Oiat plce,-cead- ait, and i viide- conclusion."' e Ilion tates fitlthe dis- sitar ifAt ipasseal lirgi the lock a( lie ing of40Hoignes Aoiuiivlci enulabd mo attankea.- tacne item Kingston ta Montres], by the Cteau, anichen if wusuppogied in bout loun soneof Ibth it rmn ua ius la ethren sud uy Rideau Canal i 264 miles; sud fitlthe of dangen. TRUTR. eithirt Province. 50&acta Harnui' cousplate, id vilh suy mec nuth.r oflockhanpou that Canal sud on tle P. 9. The cil la icll.Yotk Canrier part ai tlaom n o sm nii zlkglo ainstion. Ottawa i60.cl caonsa hver analdo san t of public cf lMiner's Tuais. Curuneeva1il i the hm boat R ocextrsordinsiy tif i, thst theu enter justice b>' Aueinig ltieabovean isipaper.t.hot ULne. 4 mos sBitchmla s"ole m ici cf Englafal, bi net vrIas enonghint itstaad liseano- .-. Bellow a ad Aavila complt.Abou0ou l u e .myseli lions cof"asif internat-I i"s hm av m, FW ise Utpu&"asaui. Tan Bat trou, smortua id>0e;Svudem, and Nov, 1knoc eito emac, as clgailv tia. uvAl uenct it Ur. Ediher, Weillcalcnlefor thuegenaiaimeof th cea,- doe'n sud vi>' iouceal on the conduit cf athers. What Sir.-Ona goci flkts An Kingston bave Ir>'. A quatil>' cf tl ienteshCul. Cmvi., ia inte Charcl it l' Sif i-u h le «"unvarrantable oflan deplorti the rircuinslanre af h.ing andal BisterSeel. A large qusutit>' of11B bas dotue, vile ofg "ciadding ne lms. han 12 aiesta unprovioed cati asemotent looaslescaool. andl Tecklrm, lleh, smagIe sud doubla Ehurb o, otie auluaIdistance as »w ralleal betweu sa, n cenv esebilsia upon a nmmtrespect- Blochs cf tie huat qumlity, o fthuace uoer- bas. hat-buaeal ingon and Motrnt, andofading 10Oteosble emyuy i" Leach, a biglly sc- lysMW vîlh Cami lrcu sheoa.A letaof# paue, paris.., lthealualnuuubet o ai cs on lie Rideau coup laill. Vriteorurge c,*isRp.6 rb.nulted stodelg ansd Grenville Canai! Tie«uDynwant- nient appsars o bec oeatl t I f erpri-.cunsolmt, 6 pair Stone Siesus nuaal bal, excuapt ho ahi.eleengh', vouliet h. canaiirei ver>' mointesalbutimnt, alianug iitsl>' lyjus- umolannt o ai nesum 'muaiosle Cnflsr' enIle iuoif s glariog -o r padogail An a mare pravabte ice toaY di.at it pensm, in evir>' va>'cal- toute 80 tomua ut ofIIk7O< é< rfich oconversatiln; but visa a man ielbratmly eulaedtogivestW&1uaon. Iaestiner.- diii Loy Wb"el, g v luaw at miil Cuni.declgarus in a public ec= a tatl l aos - I1 hlaI th.iqvaa'Aable emulation of lut jubsi, 4rc. A ver, eenosive kt or aant Chanches fort, v etha dmes ay>untmue, t 'As KinpltoaiaavWiin ualallov il ta aink for Bies thgitm ais cemibaid, vida _g beu aabsh- lmenet ouI>' tth le toast ofil"self inter- the caî ttsupport. h As atili u h Doiai ooUloaiiaaover -s- on aZ. uno mbt e .saua .huupt alaihru.lon A omke ua a nt 0 éoi - -hait of joie,i- est" ahouli ho tirova hak in bi% leeth, th. raming generation vAUiirmpte hrat in »nsasrieto bl .& vupnvon inura e ou l b b. t u autasgofClaUS tiug, 1)(mas m . uz.:h. Th is cefoi hi o yTown, a aaie--Os 11usd.>' vasag lutbf is .lh finassud ahkiaiofeipster'. andi cois gb>' joituansd cerdiug haMr. Clowa' actulaemmn..urment Areidou. f r.am o s1si 4sFl. 1 iTui, Aiea-A verhavofet ala, atc= a ns h mus. i 132 anles; aid frousita tuMontrentin he cam a.. ora, u ...W--'-' g moful tauims mM i aits, ioo_____ ber trou lieu calleal 120 miles. Ti. distance trou hmeis Is rTown.lu detal.-Sale te Commence ai 10 orlocis, rd@as gond andBy Town ismuai aborenei by mamu Aofaihcoi.uio'otll 's., asif t eti he dams, vbiclu, i b rlrsiia aia"the @W tthelsd*yoiH. OCast" obc ispoed t coarleons truat- lion,.re'ing vay at aIl itums ue, ~Cadiioum-Puirbmio htbe asutof "alibc quiet or lth mditne in K aio amon- Dirab-lislics MaofuiNov. J"taAdubiade M" l£M aind ae, ta puy Cash-Pros£M atlghrtrtheu, trui, b y lie cnl rbbi>245 iïls. tstlrd-r atsIo ieaé j el .0.Niney iays cr.dit-4FrmM lte on&ip,or thi. The tlllowing tensaitemaent oflete- 0&55 Il75atm it £-W*ci 2&.100, F-v mNea-en*M b . .00 Md i individuhal osbucof Iocks an ItoRi ueaunsd GavidIe ~apvsnls, six ManlIas Cm«Al by fvmohn Ipri; but th«-n.. caas, viz:-At B>' Towu 8, Rog'. BcILi the rvilisgrvo noas te ta ente tia . 8Black lapida 1, Long Iblond 8, Oxford P VL RR'.M "ML, ,4 Fuglan as1lau, Lins I# icdoi.on'5le Iide 1, Meovci'. TOiN WATKINS bu reasved île liard.. Kingston, 21st Novemubir 183. ire nt ta h. du- Muas, MitlaadisBoapxi. Edmuaid'i do. w cari ostabliibeunt te lseetesv aMeIg o1.Cutls s lie poimitial ta ,Phtipsh.1 O lsde. 2, "sia presionas luafloreStreot, farmenly ocrrpli Ta etigof*ai.ktof taa b FiPSUpuîlpia iRAmu1 Mi lay Mes. Turpin &kPaîr', andi opposite lA i tmt, 1 u5intot* IgI rvof L~ 1, lilims 1, Ch&&Y'g e t. .une. BaI,.'. Tavmo. ~A.ie nequ, sBldOctif,, 1flm, .mm evun put ou mie1; I>mvlsMils1, Joes» '&Fas4, Vagoton, lii Deconembs, 1554Pa*san, . vue ready for the iseur'. Mils 1, Bmaeua'Lover Mille 1. JOHN IL (LOVER,1 kidgndsot lnatonMitle 4, aI Goonville 6, Total 50. ' PiSsq r « g ueIlnîICàpv, GILflERflEcve Mini than Mr. If tibin hamy minstrhe tri lias iatome,. A'fVV 'OtjaziEliYJOXUB, Md Mmle, t Auhif in1h.liovs, iAu ilfocta. int~iaaed cet u eluJOHN EcDONALD. in ttose Î - o ionsii#a nubur, kmacftebcP«r- PaIs ma 4441 JO *09aapidi ittal t IR wu mi, dtthle Comatis e Ms tu interpose, iectly correctuaraith. Loverend iafina.M1110a110101 « ~m l at»ompuas 'eriste gtifise.ute. inssante s ..he«- m0or puace, pao- Rdeau laits. Aler that, I have taken 11«V011 U 4uqg aasq ette utrv bla-ve um, b the dust <t di ulyte c~tii. nuaneas flist f ted gapin b>' CoL ly. "M goi t J ile09et3VWou inJi 'reàmu asAead enebaitt .1hpeut- Au, liovuve, tle unubor hmasinoneue11146f Fam oje soipeào *ie i ed ait dopil amu sof bsfta ldieelr uamaluiib>' lesnia ed eon lias anadushe Xleau - sud114m panai oqi ut saua ouaspue sntoss f teoas goaf Aguml Tiemeand ile"t- b.~ ~~te peesotsl.damaeislashighan, I baveirenm a tek-1»ieunoi JO «Ssa $Aie as1lse u p ortaytte Closa H. a;gWmlyu ir D e" i"ra terticnm bh aen .Pla s I«Pne mlq 4q paiolme uema q a oiritlalsnrsn ccaem lu lie Weou In. helov lhe RideaLaits, and th.eusase-afqîmà a Uuiwe ff u ndop sqq In paumi1h.Ibostb l;ïCaplmin Ais«MiecDsm outli, 1 suppeige, mcifof thepluaishlered. -a ;Io u euu841 u~aIli nns 041 asnTruewarndusilerctory, h la@i1W y Job aug the dos, o Wiib respect te the. qunlit>'o c ti, a Ppunmap Sqatiaaeal1 uq.rj-BK M CemmltP imate dioiy -d miprotunes uiezftmenUpper te aw* j_,»j q e. Zut i bemian ada,",mandvic, vero, Iase oct puoparofmistaU.Ju Wefu ssmo ahl. epl- tomimy vbe*h5vtle caiter le cre rnet n motM M èaidtocthï !ý l r ý od erM du scd lu thr~e pub n is galutant; but dom b. su ut gJ *ogr M ifetWasrs bava jut s-5 utilo s. aniute* leis ppos.a - in buIMdatSteafsmear Walloanst *0 mai ie PaaMmensat thai ag 1h. angldiesfutheiicoueti> ry i a ehd-c109i4i(O. 1" P. 'uini mifrl.Wummlhadl vr'a 5aved isepimc iii Pm diva thir tlamiietol yvs- sud ii s,>' Wlneiwqt. cisr.'M o Sw@imn n« o agot Isup oseding lihe qmaahty, yen mice thline mmie Thel bae *ah. ireivedal imutr igasomy uétoiy mmr il" ho hue le . ~u to ei ja 6. . L. ai d1 v I ce~y »i of ve«MaT£ is haste sud Bo siltiieul are mogt teho maiéctueil>' hev lu yurI" a ab m gi very hrg lJamamaSUGAI luam, o c-'9;iuýeÈg vsa trus om odu> oat , havg a ce.ved l i'n tee ,- .s otst~vibet>'of t atin Udulo l-T éT Ur a-im .tOntela rikittvo6ê ldu"elousd rmi. of saistei for <hoÙb2men3m.1 ulim *0 . I rda afin bis erAut uane 1 de" ton~ im Z A ote~E h> &, itb i4feuoou oUI .111 c omt. uI' e mé iumeMtu regstre. . wUlaisu irbsouet Sit- t e t osaiée e.14 Ma matr olye bprovmeit lamSamh. Mai.Msale mime s, lieP*util. orn iuséMi huméaiet O Te Wit t 4%PdafUW*ml Ir gCWMu bo te L«W ,amdInac.ehep tifs a M bamObOMP ~ tsa Salm couiliae it.L, vuo aeovtr i. '~ seali oa u d ahslo or à=- su »s m bdon m UIt auii' smSbh. umid ofsi n> I oÇ5seb, a et sua it et meaussuomMd posion e; Ai a ti ercmnsob. s.és.p m !'fl Ow jiý TPOd.OI O Bmi0Ei-0Mll . sutd li1m .rt~.neto i uvmsue sst o1u eiw .a"8 mai seuLmm c Mmm-.0 but Wua at AuiviMalMun"« ita rove e puvi. vis da e. - aile w " ~ vi iu m t l k)i p u stty s.u m 5i5f 4 l ace s i t R s s . ~ i t 21-e111111111, w assmotfo4 tlarouheàsa 4A " et l &- » pomai el Cr.ieslidmifiua gas dma-bthl ukt m uflir du._TIo the y Ibo10 *,t..~am d nS im hstv.a _otiCa biahkaluW i letm ieiag 1U - eofssea oW G bu bhas gomy uttbs.f ai se o n. t... m"- nnle raeinsne t Me, ii . 0 Meseda maspW Md diEc50et - 'nes a. a is« te -sobiyaiai the aest - Nit ài *mu si- pm a l OSt . - cla Wet " <lebga*' ot q«Wt, * Z" o