Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 4 Jan 1832, p. 4

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bolu lm.kt htyemt 1st juisey ~wet umt triciI I thsw nya gM..Wb"vbuOz"te14 lugaimet1we mmuvyl owav voe1 mi lhy bave aetad i d. th *Lui luva .bm mtwety te aoa~ lie puuat"o. But twey v.a na osmuis- met <ebo aha fS la pabs aul parpie. 76 nmale a .e te.eiow dy ut h uuius amlaN se mo rbaveMy -amm iir*de mwy o* lellu#aal- v1eudiw ss% Bt",oemdrelYavecom<d P" a uly vwbmabel spote " .valiol oWaab ouda.. jimeist Oe h " at -mmcd la thll oo rh--Iasush$, bvdautbiaamus.maas- or~ wmdsa ol mth*atpsels lbm tuila ayd*ei.wusii;hotu.s b~«,seas< a»d te Ibat thuisw masumemu am Jeatntr..Th* e»Mam dm <a. s lmui ss, laORin lu hair moudis: butaue1 ;«7i110. heoU wor vtLomahet ntose oth.b*et*ac emxn k St us.fer a"i mmv eahy. v . <Io e ou i hea rusêy t aiuk. -.ve a raptaii om-us bow t4i.av&ain1 appsseas, amiti athemh isas. a wuVe op in ffsmmbus, hruhus ph, a5. ww pm;l . r" rid sa th e th eit I, uig tley s am'anduseaohaeapen 0< viit. ut tii. ha mbca hmmeZd.sw kIs isi uimssita ethrpu.s in g@15*. IpWII .u vli<u Gaspl vaa. cmaa(* omadi li am s naiunieulss.,me <ha lligums oaabs0( ilsu wsparyvuev abu bt th" bimpam mp) WIl as. si% de a ta dakmn<a va a<. uui~.hl, a -mit<8$U se4*0 il i.etg aiIeau u t j"th m.aami lhtrMhd hy a ssas ut "eion t uter5rt Wcelle mm ifytapst- Vert. Wb aul, tiiq wgm40 <hep pu- magesmerN BoM tâtsPuroItor ajomum Of veMiUh Ail uppsar tub sacit b relcie piuit. * ha ma funma- 'ri , n esa' s e * Miem<i asotie ceir vii teeuror <'eroiqit. WhIte M Cas fti.7cgn.1l o WO wseltbgr dcosdaislui hem, tayso Dio dislncmatlm teoobam l in oulw Y Ilmm cmunly acceptable te om n& S1w(IO<U e of Od@Uwe Vile ou- yen f t 17 . Qwd <mon. ia in the voet cf ail vil. (mak d.iseld spîbitO tsted by Ilium villa an bo- coitidiea of Iuity *bd lauWet1s counsd" tghoir repugusas tellea- mm=nsea.Note v",ie1ap4fromt cm aun tb eaumwmueas or teomL ?WNob trat nire*mtb* hhoir rpastesIa t lio e At lsporuit. WL4 a iehely Vm 4p ils mli aip omt ut. l e i s mm, asBoom, mêeu allsr «0bm'Ioomtthl ~81bl.. aguiosttw fa .,u osea iês uhlb âe, ± I I I I. Î. fmo.a gn yqnW dsum ululee, ai ~ma î usd. il ut** kgsloeiyW mi<a mail6 "<bci...q M rupasta» ktL touaauselstheusstsatrmtce oautm sra t iht~se m anal mile, tahujbuent in hah, udpo ie coblum t tepa u baxuO"flme Samea fant aiftm pautustcnregrd bth t. parw- leusm»d bedu#»Ma; aOl0< vich vW94 himba i fl Wrhastyla. Tbiosubbqwiu*gmket Tcvai foe- votai"hu "msaq" i eoi em nii <at lataua te <du O.mart of ihmgestb; Iv ea reu of<bu Mas.m ouse s a lurge ,ard-4 hwb auto lbae hes tea.ve mmi ceameoii* aurege .ofsable-anti vhs,.a UverystbeI. iib.caneltantîr kepi fer <h. semmasodiatla io ftue public. a. CARbmIN. "89-n, MIuS tiOdaer, 1830. e etm b se Io a at du1,0t 1 luaiol ise Mi s M amug. Tue i u bie s ?hmnIlaw mai I Id., hbrd ,u a 2~d iaauqo1m0 sOM e a ,;1,h Na r ou sm- kt amiudsul utkifmgbavr knoarhie u acromu e f taRan ou au oerSluul pugbuisimla u". Nw- <mvmu (Caecticàt) Plladium, siiataul item Oh s toi-Y r en m b. Uetri ef ma". somme AàM ela a pstai ora charci ta "osspe, ne h-Ilcpbure. Mi. Arnold lohi, ibth ilt rn up a E OW.Taile lad.-wuabeutafgg eo eapg. Atub a"ba itti Ms. Ana a shost im, ii namaofbis ,uans g e haw vomnible t. pionuan ths Word vise. vbcn b.ovs talaiby <thmpars, b. ui b. vhpsdmdib did. Ammsdingty lb. aMie vamtlim.n Est.lb.eilimr la <heasiLib ofl VIusîplms, on band u fl <ioua pan, Il ba the aé«. vms d <wa ot, s. Liai hiem ,set iiion tiuui the gvgdamaau thusix otiohsud mra vWo.uup » hilm, ha ba"il haetogbeumiby <b. Ime The bey vos pst mmb goaprees e. Word, vhssomom'ri çgwJ Wuenblé svm te I l fl pa. ha usiasria rM 1Z <la lilie b.caulltusi tbo bet- WUe plyclal b.gev hl# MLehulpimes- <bal Trb.usaal eyil ..h u " . plebd om apb coe miSs ctd la a(mate tw ree bs Ch e is mie ee t.laybi aibe logh% bior et icck i fou" ii hMaci issu uftupe tue iutle y iesdos- ulite rsPM 0 ajelly. Notvitliotau. iuog mli tub.*A% em<es Amual4es- " si<b pashiaat ftblawaitia.bbe Wbam me i<atted. ~ygraî umtthé<b deetr mecesuaviugt b. cdIaide.lf Th. Pmalsm<aes Itiu mpaiticulans bai h... a lm 111*fa esme htae iu <ha New- M-MmiluPMlI*, ai vaev»w aaIW solIba mdsWmailug OntmaAtrucias e pcala aîoeitubuy. itbaîiaim Par aug oisbesa. tabpen] eau.,. ~ mva "domIA .: pmt msmmm hecpi.lmlagi*g.m baaasfieqlmmêThy loat rmebmtal*om supgd l= ,iePur- sulta or thoqulpus tl. A. J. Vrzxx. B mg Isve amost mre.tivaiy ta retui <Iaambe tus <hasup oh.ba lihet medea, sudit. o lo.ie. custeums, <ba ha bo a von hMnagmuari a«Mtmant Of gocis, mitable tu b. pMmai; ami ippoc- îug m.asons ubitiiasLdis,anal Ous<e. uo cns Zalisl and reialiCLOGP. Lailea cork ooleil Bouts, imens, staffajai C«ue Walkiatg Bouts mand iboas, Dremm a hall Drea Blaos, rss. aisudbo, Qalvs em - tlemeti' RIlrg or Mmud Boots, 0-%<ioe. ra- I do f rim tgwii md trls mimaifer Tihe mpis eof<a. above wvil- poiladi h ali, but vr. om a rocofive isbecs auI illaW»a 15v vemmmb Md.ar e just Do no ueha. Aise on bandas n mul- IuLulmami GoesulmSoe. fand u hs aI bI heura anu"e oSle, Upper Lab- er,and CallIlue, 4m. b.ibdeîrm aiub 0a* PuSWUaialy< Itnii e-ps rem t. ailrte cf <li ILa&OI, aerRiva, « flu 4epenoe, sp- 9 îeprt. uNrchUel, 183 iman A« et .melile Zl,<i landin as04utu . CoeaCreai sud N9.-l ceuumni a prii f tute veo f meh C tee iut a'cse. 4. sai.tuation tavn. ZM N T'r ~ Match lut, lm3 ad% te apub. Voit VALK F A"I bur, l4lngLot Nuplier2%1,contaiuiuig0O J" OeCe.-Acic.Laud,81,dvhlcano iu, abigi lmapsl Tibovc FaÏ"i b tuiat. aboit le misa mina weiti- Iran hgsen.oun *0lYorkati asd, à W<buat apkpa f.vpsiaafa Glmsud @av MOI. Thure Si.I eare tgreHousesa *ud àaren toub<a eemls.s etgmbee a" *hudoisaesc»ilemt«Mr T%*belqtitlioe$Wgo laru Minsort % e. L A edlmed PPM4 ~ slme- msus paruasi dupaeal, lis ilsod ki m = aiuaut ami <. todremls ...hoea- *I4S<ab id OLPUPeta bsceoma- tmurtspsciabip as t.w"g lIaWlmfi4msArk-hmpst ~Eth te.c.ay b.s.ad taiboVmer Arcladhacen 14 Elgt.odemaba cecmtp isiua mii walui à<. 0ehaL Tbm~~~~~ 0m m sctyslstm0itahl .E athmor usmcumeudatoô t'lms RE. N4YlcF-.~1ieSubscriber baving re- ble& bmwhe am lubted te bie, ekhber by Note, Bok Arceunt, &c. te ral end setltha amse, as h0 ill, on the fiat Mrc sI4 azi, b e5f .crthusily plareiula ii. bande fau <At - toayfer ceiiuction;asud aU tlbne o boa be Es tdebted, vin pin.. peat <boI clie fer liquidation. lae affflra fat aaOTAI!!WOEKB, in <hoebsn .ofcrier, adje lngi. Garrat'. dlstiléIry, iu the. vicnlty 0< Kticnln- Thereoi Esetracta!a geosisubstantiel Ash Revus. 40 hy 26 set, aima aBoisiezRoMMes. 26by 24 <tet. ith ô gsooti;aches, new snd large KettIas, Coolqu, Futap, Throughs, &c. &. coianpte. Fan. ita prexiuity ta ,vbero 0tbere hala ia"!of the pisnt uipeatlon, it ocrs aide» ual n eut for bey persan vibicg ta emsh a W in ahngPotache.: (thpressait =is. n peaspeci of a rie.le au ojeta) as,< adnt wii itagcd an tbtii ak shcre, Opus vi&lch the. abave buildings, &w. att oreets. The viiole vili hacsoMite- mrable tet for Cash or short approved credît, analau ndiputable titis civen. Ap- Pl te G. 1. VORBffTT. kiogsop. Dctim 183 I . - 1 loiis Cuuo du t presnt occup9rdb; ut. Wilson S.n r, as aHBotel, for terms acm ieftnaapp Lt MrW .coner Coborlntw. ev itl. - FI BAL£-Tb@uo hlvng Lois of WOsouni amtthe.York IRuai, une<b Apty t. 3M"ii, limaeepeî,Ktnagt K l au mafs Ca héga ay e Dnusg *0 . Tme « eLa Lis, W. leegil e tb. <bdomp fga vhmat a mp.alalmotlit t <hace, Win ba çUOuOi vt 1 tlastipgS cet h Ensq.e .,à mid1ts Kfuatura ILpersan cngTiaber ps tb& Ors. Louis, et Ctsrg Rosea Camdavltou aeda raih* Majir. ue. MEER ROINOON. éhematamimad yaahet na Ume uhmmuImtgisyafes *", »« i. Pot um dus essecw me b lduormd loftet ibis 0& fice tha dey bem. JOHN MACAULAY, Injntemuslty te <ho A«tiepý v&m *1ÇsM~ ~eIlea e Ti -I aiïtàfm ici sud anaveh ibu au .1 rg pateth kuw.te. gemmail uima i oe sOm ou mb Csala era m e . f. f ladm Macns iUppor Omaé m bc ah.bu @MsteIapaatifhul on .gly Weg bImabdoae ceimlg aofLa=',pair î.am ZacaR., lutatiao Cas«. . amui..Hella al, miii Csgu namd b. or Laaiv, ail of mupmua qaa amo lare @lyof çoletia" Dubleta R. ieh dall!oZset a armdalgeumi etof Wm"Dy ueds, Cîochcry, Iaril- arvaaimahgeods ase viii ecble hi. te fli any cf <b. MWarctsully rw mstlag <o Mectresl ad miii h vii. ille " ai trurasemtge»eet.dbpe aau aitbam<o gst.npplladbmlo l, ami lb. lnemventeucehkAmi epns lUpon b. arrivai ef ' -nappy. <ha subecriber lateiitr dvarmh- <o thé Upper Canada i4wm, ?blch the Iumitais <l»acffardeil by b. pbilalonet tir Ohroilclu to day pracl *is hk. dmlmg am. A. .ANAR«N. Klogts, Oetebus 151h, 183. 7 ,ýïf ismu~ lit h trust à" lieyspc W-COO&Et (lu execelWUuaMt if s« Ult of ikpeepr, i die i i amts t It à Ite u. M hulasle t £ aste s L G.TUOMPON. aemzn JAS AGAIAN 'y,,. *I ami iiitour~d me - aaof@ p p.Umu. RI4m au AmmU c=1 C. M g~L« .0, dlZ iai fating, »am i lus a h Vb t.- =teaos by isaelrég <b. couesgsah Paeacom4nexstly cousin a fiee a.pe.. mut tUcling En <haeTlisset, via aesl saut Coco Wb" lapsvà= ,lihy tait LiDg eus dose, lidimmailefs; aeu etale luma ei l "adUU iceta cmv. Nunetena cassbave cona.tthb.ep- star% kovieg, vbare ancp he Elooi, c&algradmuai Wss6timeay, Vila c- Ilalgtoci tUrea hatls, hbea ue entirely red. lit Asiias,Chroule Cougbs, icuy of nraathleg, .e bmc eueau dosahe o- dci laibave besa pelessiby <hiesua- vala l Medicine: s.any, vh. <or yaaz bave beau unable talaerdova lui <haIt beda wlthoot sdangereiZelb. ced y the se- cauadton of Plilega, ( h inveriablr sautsa a dicadfol Case) sUes% whe viii dillculty coutil bimatFwe at ia e cua- bent poseuirs, bave, hl tables on dmofe ibis excellent Balissa, baea eabici t. lay alavs cmoitsbly in their beds. Bat tue tionlo f ilioSo bo bave enpukiscmd ils wenisiful elfects, viii de se sta recasa- oudm aud cnsure iEt<ha support of the Pub- Ikletaytbing tha Propr c abcenMy la li avu, am by perticular rcqaes< ha bas puablishai <ha folloving extraordiaery cao.. Eatract of a letter forwardai by Jaum sFair, E., f Luatrulbar, Rizbuigtmbire, te M2R. Snv'ck of Jodburgb. vbo orward- dit att . të1w*slL DaSiLutriathur, ISti Jau. 1M3. -Tac beov tht i1aswuaptical vith reged <th vaWenders juerformed iby tIboas- miuMutrtion uf Pâest Medae t <hano- maous cmpleaite of, icteti patuen<.1-I bava nkov altered may opinion, et liait in se &ri as te tie cffct producot on nme by tve domoaI* PoueRdU*sam f Aniseci.' il tactitw as quit. umfaIc al! ing han for tousme m cle4 sud toruenwal iii wbat le termea 1 &oStmacu Cougb,l 1 toýpk one iea-upoon<ul cf the bottle sent nm., mix- ei vith c viti-laafel of cold wat.î,ltathe maamiug, ami <ha »Mau t heosin gon steppiug loto bei; aktiongi pteventud tm sleepuing <ha vbolq if tIi.proviens nigl, 1 (cond aseif cntlroly conda, not havlng av- ren coghcd Ira. <tbat t<lu eo <iEs, a 1,criod 1 t eti léent a veil ad eue of <ha 1Sers- pie Cboie deacended fies. Hameau and smid h. buey* eale,' tha a&fct paimard cenld not bava beau More immsiete oe ectual. -Teu are et liberty te maita uhat use pou uay thîi prepet ai <is lattai, for ia cen. tente arc n. esm Imm tbaa vouddoso.1 Kiogcto% Upper couads. ltu Ai me,18. Mr. W.. Bougb, nteJ, Sic-Ravin; boem for cavml <u troubli eti a sutuvre cosb,vltb;i u ty of buethhng (p.rtleuislpWb"lyimé; devra) s a hus $, tat ci mes iut. prs dua uffSucmtouian a itr qi .o rommiei o b ofsaeaeut onWtiadea Ussrees, te perche a fetp.vmhi a d u»sofa i seaei, ba*W gb e its ias atianimary prepeith, çni eas s eure ao1 <ttihe cDrctit 1 pe »»M,thartoit 0u eoné or tire dises, Xaua 5149»-ull ita eu s s. mbp" <oe bée<va sa Ya! avù .vmiq eyl 4 mb ;l 1 -thLmez-s.txh. ÎUMOVÂL. TMB uloiber bep have to infuru b fIi mui hvuli hat ho bas te- .ov s ent Walse aim sonamwurs th. Wh* vwdrl OjIOStulat lmi ahS Caatb&..11e 85 doz.. gCiatasmi adling do.- "n9iU5Di8iOI W. TARKER. Klngatn, S% jue, 188. L"TROGERAPRY, PROU CANADIAN STONE. nana of "h WILLIAM I Nusiser wiU be esoreUt ie&udaolvadaapplic<- let* t. <at sumi a% mai e maUPe, Plain, Vueuis, Circulas.,M"se . f Mer- chante.Bl#i, amd i Sean Osaiith thes "ke<h tes I lfflmiid, flauik Ucois &Bd msasiais, aead Notices, oubetlhled v iti ulaN.otlsusEillme Etdbangs, l4w- qe. 4. Paessavraing anyjicinladeqeaiblwauwits "i li iedvith pe.psoaiPapier and ah er i. SIL E Cerleatumi rm ldby I. skatch boisug mpliei.sêh I M M fOVINCUL STATUTES. Proviml aialmesviii . oadWy foreaïoi- veyl oreabout *<lot la 0 eovmhsrnez. It Wini cm"oulastllhe se" lava vhich rabo. pseiemialy tgt**Cameime, ls <hall seusd~aaprelmaea=i.aby foi, 0tae per J]M ho 1831<lwvs, vîtmh suatta 0< rmS a cs soruuua- mapss oreqaiuit, nammcopm CANAL COFFLE-HOUSE, NsSwbsst ouw .uy MMi mm" KrluasIon, uflim aCAKA>Ak. w ILLUAN CAEILL tautms.. h Umotgmw*4 akavhglil.t hie frieads anda, a éens publie.for tua paouage bu ha i hdd ehos b opued e bae o w ami lusd tl- tai,. tbeobIt bu bua»cs ofplitéo of large <stabe am4I lieds, viii a specllui, ecavsian, aaiusuwaYardbhaboise. bi Strict attaution tae<tie coulait of isaa mets, te meritI a couitnuanceocf publipa =rBae daa ta regain <bat reptitatioli Lii bsetinasdqider îte original propritor, <ha laie Mr. Oliver Thibedo. or asuy f l.1. 4 -l -1- il - - 1 -1 e li ý 1 m ILIOM =, r..V-M.M"

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